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355878 No.355878 [Reply] [Original]

> browsing Blender Nation
> see this
> wtf

So, did someone finally understood that Blender is capable of competing Max/SketchUp/V-ray in the field of architectural renderings?

>iz happeneing

>> No.355887

thx anon I've downloaded free models they look pretty cool

also bumping for some butthurt discussion

>> No.355888

I don't know about architectural renderings specifically, but there are tons of professionals and studios in poorer countries around the world that are relying on Blender these days. That isn't a jab at Blender, mind you.

>> No.355943

Bad models, bad textures, bad render.

Very bad example to compare this with max/Vray.

I do love Blender and use it in a professional capacity though.

>> No.355947
File: 1.59 MB, 2048x1536, Livingroom3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'm just started using vray/max... it's just amazing...

>> No.356051
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, cage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Bad models, bad textures, bad render.
> bad example to compare this with max/Vray
and then

I smell butthurt

>> No.356055

Blender has been used for archviz for a long time now
Especially since it had a lot of good renderers available before cycles (Octane, VRay, LuxRender, Yafaray, Indigo)
Cycles is just making it even more accessible


>> No.356058


Ok but how many Blender resources you have, to make arch-viz as fast and painless as it is currently in Max + V-ray or even SketchUp? I say - almost no resources...

With Max you just download a few Evermotion Archmodels, few tuts and after 3 weeks you're ready to go with some medium quality renderings. I'm saying it from an architecture student perspective. You don't want to waste time on testing 8 different rendering engines and checking if they crash or no, or if Blender supports them etc. You just want to install it, download stuff and start working. And Blender still sucks at these.

Hopefully this project develops and maybe other would follow.

>> No.356059

>With Max you just download a few Evermotion Archmodels, few tuts and after 3 weeks you're ready to go with some medium quality renderings.

Welp, you just admitted what i thought, that archviz takes no skill at all.

>> No.356061

>archviz takes no skill at all.
Modeling skill? it requires enough skill, not a lot.
Lighting skill? Lots
Texturing skill? Lots
Photography skill? Lots
Compositing skill? Lots
Post production skill? Lots
Animation skill? Nah
Rigging skilll? Nah
Don't you dare generalize anything if you don't know.

>> No.356065

>Don't you dare generalize anything if you don't know.

you just admitted that you just download evermotion models, hit render on your raytracer, and check in the morning. Archviz takes no skill: fact.

>> No.356069

Things we usually borrow:
>Plants and trees
What archviz is about:
>Data depuration from a fully planned idea in 2D
>Building modeling
>Environment creation (this is where we use the borrowed models)
>Test renderings all over the place
>Final rendering
>Idea presentation to the client whose money is what we're aiming
What gaming industry is about, according to most of the threads on /3/:
>10% of the times, texturing
>1% of the times, rendering
What's your point, my friend?

>> No.356070

>What's your point, my friend?

that archivz takes no skill, and you just proved it.

>> No.356081

? The models and light and render are good enough. They look decently realistic.

What is bad is the furniture design. It's like some apprentice carpenter shit.

>> No.356097


U don't need half of these to create AVERAGE looking viz. Of course U need skill and time to go above that, but for general working it's 3 - 4 weeks of downloading models/scenes and tutorials (if you have some architectural background like studies etc. at least to know how to read cad drawings).

This is where Blender sucks atm. You don't have any consistent knowledge. There are lots of useful tutorials, links, scripts etc. but spread all over the internet. With Max you just vistit Digital Tutors, Evermotion, CG Persia, whatever - you get all resources within a few days.

And btw. these seem to be first professionally made Blender models. 90% of what you get from Blendswap or other websites is a piece of shit when it comes to commercial use.


I don't like some models either (most of steel), but on the other hand I haven't seen most of them in 3d till now.

Personally I really hope this project would be continued.

>> No.356098


top tier archviz takes as much skill as top tier gameart [ zbrush shit etc]. But the first one is paid 50 times better than the second.

>> No.356101

I know it's "cool" around here to dis people's work, and I don't want to do that.

I just want to point out that there is nothing in your scene that can't be rendered using Blender Internal.

Vray is too much power for you at this stage. Think of your brain as software. Learn the basic features and upgrade to the new ones when you learn to use them.

>> No.356109

>top tier archviz

Now theres an oxymoron.

>> No.356116

>U don't need half of these to create AVERAGE looking viz. Of course U need skill and time to go above that

Damn, seriously. I wanted to be diplomatic about these topics but you guys aren't professional, at all. Tell me one thing that can't be done by copying others, man. Now tell me you NEVER learned anything from a tutorial, or by watching somebody else. It's obvious that anyone can make anything by just copying another person step by step, with a little bit of time and patience. EVERYONE. Don't be hypocritical, don't go around saying "I was so great that after 3, 4 weeks I could handle EVERY single problem I had with 3D, I never had a doubt because I'm so talented, smart and I have never copied someone else's techniques". God damn shit.

Why are you all so butthurt about architects making more money with less 3D knowledge? guys, our work doesn't rely purely on 3D, there's technical information inside an architectural project, stuff that takes you years of intense study and practice that you can't accomplish on tutorials from youtube, but from books, and actual analysis. The visualization is just for the client to better understand what the hell we want him to buy. We can't spend so much time on it, we're making technical drawings for a bunch of retards in a suit and at the same time, the other bunch of uneducated retards (the ones who actually build the damn thing); we are not learning topology or why we should take care of the normals at school, that's not our field. And even so, we still handle a wider variety of concepts and techniques than just subdividing a box and make a penis from it by moving vertices. You even make anatomy stuff but you fail to realize all these?

>> No.356167


Mate, but you're saying exact same thing I've meant. You need architectural related background to do average quality viz after 3-4 weeks of learning 3d cg. Without it you don't have any technical / aesthetic knowledge to create anything meaningful.

And still you support my thoughts on Blender sucking at this point. Even SketchUp which is much more primitive and limited tool is used more widely and received full Chaosgroup support for V-ray. And what does ShetchUp have which Blender lacks, especially after the last release with freestyle rendering system?

>> No.356173

if archviz is that easy then why don't you go and make shitload of money with it now?

>> No.356182

you know you art fags are just as annoying as the computer fags who love to spew the word "technical" as if they are the only ones that get it. they fucking ignore they got to work in a car (technology) fiddle fucking with their cell phone (technology) listening to their radio (technology) sitting in a building that hasn't fucking collapsed on their flat empty fucking head because you know why? yup technology. banal, ignorant, and inane doesn't begin to describe just how fucktarded you sound every time you spew your bullshit.

>> No.356203

> if archviz is that easy then why don't you go and make shitload of money with it now?

rendering cubes, stolen models, and building after building and letting them cook overnight is beneath me. Only someone truly desperate and talentless could sink that low

>> No.356210

pathetic response. I dont hate the "artsy fartsy" side of 3dcg or whatever you want to call your "pure elite" blob monster bullshit you tout as "real". Fact is architecture is art. Nobody look at your poygonal turd with is shit smears added for realism and says oh, you know what lets employ a few hundred people, gather up some materials, and spend a few million bucks and make this dream a reality. No they look at it and think "isn't that cute" what good is it. You are just butt hurt and jelly that some artists can actually produce on demand and can create content, designs, and objects that have real world relevance and value. Is it fine art? well maybe yes, maybe no. It does actually generate a net positive gain to the society as a whole. Yes i consider myself an artist. When i look at someone elses' art I dont shit on it I admire and enjoy it. Now sure there is stuff I don't get Jackson Pollock instantly comes to mind. I can't argue with what people are willing to pay to possess it. I certainly wouldn't be so ignorant as to stand on a soap box and claim he is shit and his art is shit too. The difference between a true artist and a frustrated emotionally stunted child like yourself is I appreciate the beauty in all things not just anatomically correct blob monsters created from imaginary vertices.

>> No.356213

your butthurt is showing.

>bringing jackson pollock into this
everyone knows he was a hack alcoholic who just threw paint on the canvas

>> No.356215

im not butthurt in the least. actually im chuckling to myself at just how easy it is to troll trolls here. there are only about 5 different tired arguments they come up with. its great mental floss to be able to shit on them.

>> No.356218

>there are only about 5 different tired arguments they come up with. its great mental floss to be able to shit on them.

>still thinking archviz takes any skill
>still butthurt

>> No.356220

don't think i even mentioned arch viz. hell i dont use it what would i know....

>> No.356221

this is a thread about architectural visualizations. Time for sleep.

>> No.356222

crawl back under your bridge and dream of blobs....

>> No.356223

>brb, butthurt

>> No.356228

finally you admit it. its ok mcdonalds needs fry cooks and you are prolly well suited for it

>> No.356241

dude... I'm not an architect but I'm aware architectural visualization is not about making an Avatar film.
They're more concerned about the design and the fact the building doesn't crash.
The film is just for the client, not for fucking hollywood.

Dude, I want to be a character modeller and yet, I see you're retarded.

>> No.356245

to sum up, you are a wanna be. yet you are eager to shit on others. You will get nowhere with that mindset. nobody not even anon gives a shit about what you wanna be. some of actually are. we have achieved our goals we have our positions, we have our careers. I don't waste my time shitting on what other people want to achieve, in fact we encourage their ambitions, after all maybe we wouldn't have gotten to where we are, where we wanted to go without the encouragement and aid of other "winners" who may not have understood the why but, saw motivation and drive. wasting time cross posting trollish shit does nothing to elevate your position is just shows you are a non worthy wanna be hack with no real talent other than spewing shit.

>> No.356266

Please tell me this is pasta and u didnt actually type this. Also, type three periods(...) if you are that cerebral palsy autistic kid