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File: 47 KB, 686x386, le bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1006824 No.1006824 [Reply] [Original]

They made bloom a bit less easy to access because it became the telltale sign Blender was used and most importantly because every SFM quality level porn was using copious amounts of it. It became the HDR or pissfilter meme of 3d porn.

>> No.1006825

this and idiotic camera movements with motion blur on full tilt to the point where you can't even make the fuck out WHAT you're actually seeing on screen because of all the smeared motion blur

>> No.1006826


>> No.1006838
File: 74 KB, 325x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not as angry at the checkbox removal as i am angry about the settings
I liked having the ability to tweak them so that shit does not actually get smeared and also to help set the scene with stuff like color. O used that regularly, and they just removed it because ????.
I tried recreating the settings with the compositor but the effect of it is still lacking compared to 4.1, not to mention that the viewport compositor bloom scales the bloom value based on your window size, caking the preview in it even if the render is looking alright.

>> No.1006839

It made sense that they removed it because bloom belongs in post-processing, meaning in the compositor
But you don't have to like it