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File: 478 KB, 720x720, #b3d #ピギーワン (2).mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1006243 No.1006243 [Reply] [Original]

I'm noob, can someone help and explain how to make animatons like that in blender? Just manually move every single bone frame by frame?

>> No.1006250

>Just manually move every single bone frame by frame?

>> No.1006251

Isn't it insanely time consuming? How to learn it?

>> No.1006254

That looks like shit and you will never ever be a woman, not in a billion trillion years you fucking autistic animetranny, go back to discord.

But to answer your question, no. You do the base animation without the squash and stretch in the minimal number of keyframes and then either
>A: Use some plugin to do the heavy lifting for you
>B: Add more keyframes manually

If you opt for A, you're a retarded faggot ngmi. If you opt for B, you're gonna have to learn the fundamentals of animation. They're not hard but only because you'll have learn how to apply them along the way. You have to rewire your brain to think about objects of varying hardness following along other objects that you've animated in the base animation.

>> No.1006256

>Just manually move every single bone frame by frame?
no, you want to use a rig, you don't want to manually move the deform bones one by one

>> No.1006258

If you have an armature and IK set up then yeah pretty much. Theres more to it but moving bones is the legwork. Obviously not frame by frame though, you use keyframes and let the machine interpolate between them

>> No.1006261

The gif is not a good example of animation, the speed is not timed well. Unnecessary morph in many places and hair is unacceptable way to move. You can clearly see it’s made from Vroid. Learning animation will take some time and effort, there’s no plugin to cheat it.

>> No.1006307

Why are people so disabled?
a) tutorial about the blender animation tools
b) basic tutorial for first animation for some experience
c) tutorial about basics in animation in general, what is true in 2d is also true in 3d
d) walk cycle tutorial
e) one week to work through everything you have learned
f) sketch the animation you want or have it sketched
g) animate

if you are only half as handicapped as i suspect you can animate in two weeks just as well or better
whoever says animating is hard is a faggot

>> No.1006308

Faggot, don't pretend you have a clue

>> No.1006529

there is also motion capture but you'll need to dance it yourself.
also look into keyframes which will interpolate between frames so you don't have to do every frame

>> No.1006673

It's time consuming either way, but it's all about shortcuts and labor saving devices.
Like, you're doing computer animation, with a computer, the programmable thing that can do things on its own.

>> No.1007256

does anyone have a good workflow for using open source video mocap tools like openpose or whatever and then retargeting that to a rigify rig?

i googled some and it seems like everyone just uses rokoko or whatever, wondering if there's something that's specifically made for rigify rigs

>> No.1007279

No, Blender lacks Mocap tools and must be paid or custom built in python.

>> No.1007387

There an entire world of animation, it can't be explained in a simple post. People go to college for 4 years to learn this.

To get you started, learn all you can about these keywords:
- The 12 Disney animation principles.
- Pose-to-pose vs Straight-ahead.
- Easing curves.
- Keyframes and interpolation.
- Onion skinning for animation.
- Recording and using video reference for animation.
- Bouncing ball animation exercise.
- Flour sack animation exercise.

If you have a low IQ (or your natural IQ is lowered on account of being tired from work/school), then it'll be tough.

>> No.1007415 [DELETED] 

God so love world that He gave His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins on a cross then three days later rose Him from the dead, that we receive the free gift of eternal life. Just look up and ask Him.