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File: 516 KB, 1239x622, Furry_NoRetopo_NoMouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1005829 No.1005829 [Reply] [Original]

I don't like the way I do my face. Can someone tell me how I can improve it.
Also I will not mind criticism, it will help me to understand what I do wrong.

>> No.1005853

Find, make, buy, steal some really accurate front and side image planes of a face design you like. Set them up in your scene, and trace them in 3d.

>> No.1005873

First off
>posts a scalie
Also your anatomy is still horrible, especially the hands (do you have hands? look at them and model them until they kinda look like yours) and what kinda head is that supposed to be? Dragon? Dog? Use references.

>> No.1006128
File: 422 KB, 1280x720, Furry_NoRetopo_Mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of the mouth?
There's just something bothering me and I can't figure it out.

>> No.1006141

well it's not finished. That's what's "off" about it. I can kind of see nice looking proportions creep out, but it lacks the final shape. Are you sculpting the mouth partway open so you can have blends that open and close it all the way?

>> No.1006172

what this anon >>1005873 said use references. either of similar designs or of the animal you are trying to model (some kind of lizard or w/e)