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1005817 No.1005817 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, I’m making a computer game called Hypercoven. [www.hypercoven.rodeo - a demo is also on Steam]
The dream from the beginning was to achieve "2.5D" graphics like they were common around 2000, in SC:BW, RA2, Infinity Engine and such. I’m just a programmer.
I’ve come a surprisingly long way now using cheap assets from itch.io, to the point that many units are at least isometric.
But for some of the remaining units, which are vital to the gameplay, it’s quite unlikely to ever find fitting ready-made spritesheets. So my next best idea would be rendering spritesheets from existing 3D models, as I understand there’s a lot more variety and flexibility in that space.
Throw any guidance and advice my way?
Actually I’m wondering if any Anon would be interested in doing this rendering for me. for money.

>> No.1005824

you can set up your scene with cameras positioned at the discrete points of view youll view the characters from and render every angle for every animation at the same time.

>> No.1005927

Go to meshy.com// proompt your characters // upload them to mixamo and rig them // ??? /// profit??

>> No.1005933

meshy.com seems to be defunct?
I understand mixamo can rig/animate 3D characters. But the rendering (in Blender or similar) still needs to be done, no?
I for the moment don’t really mind using completely pre-made 3D assets, at least I tell myself that I would find fitting stuff on the marketplace if I looked. My concern is the generation of the spritesheets.

>> No.1005938
File: 387 KB, 500x500, SPIIIN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh i was also trying to do something like that.
If i understand correctly the basics are like:

Set the camera on blender to point directly at the center from a certain angle, this helps i guess

Mess around with a cube until it has the angles and proportions of a proper iso cube.

Then put actual model here.

Set the background to transparent and output them as images in a format that supports transparency, you're gonna need the same animation in 8 directions like this https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Tesla_trooper_(Red_Alert_2)?file=Tesla_Trooper_animation.gif

You can do this manually and then develop severe suicidal urges like me, or i think you can automatize it with imageMagick.

As for the "retro look" you can mess around with the lighting/mats/shaders in cycles/Eevee or try to use an older engine, here i tried with povray, but it's utterly painful since you can't assign multiple materials to the same model so you need to do shit like parenting separated parts or use image textures.

As you can see i failed miserably but maybe this can help.

See if these links are of any use.



>> No.1005941

MESHY.AI sorry. Dude do you even know how to use a computer?

>> No.1005942


>> No.1005998
File: 582 KB, 1024x2048, sprite-sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude do you even know how to use a computer?
Not really :/
Sick, thanks a lot. It seems not everyone is producing the file format this tool requires (FBX with embedded textures), but I am able to at least generate something. Now to hunt for models.
Thank you, this is very interesting. The tank is looking formidable.