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1004981 No.1004981 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 22 is my portfolio I made. I know this is really embarrassing, that it is not appropriate at all for this job. I wanted to try to make things inspired by fortnite, but I hope this tells more of the actual issues I have now whether i know them or not. I don’t have a good enough idea of what I am supposed to do, and at the time of making them I thought that these artworks were supposed to be appropriate with what I was supposed to learn before, I didn’t use any references for them because I thought I was supposed to to know how things looked with a good visual library, but it’s not how it works and I’m not sure when I’m supposed to make things up or take from a reference. In general I’m not sure of where I use a reference and where do I have to not use one. It’s just confusing because I really don’t have anyone in my area that I could talk to about this. I don’t really have social medias and it’s really difficult trying to think of what I’m supposed to learn and how am I and how I’m supposed to use it at the work environment. Is the reference I need supposed to be blender? Can I just download any human body model to draw over, and environments too?Because I can navigate through it to do it.
I want to learn the right way to do this so I can be a reliable and professional person for this job.

>> No.1004983


>> No.1004984

No to what?

>> No.1004985

All of the above.

>> No.1004986

It's not at all appropriate then, right

>> No.1004988

Wrong board to ask. Go to/ic/.

And no, drawing over 3D models is not the "right" way to learn. Go ask /ic/, and they will tell you the same. They will also recommend drawing programs that have built-in 3D models. So you don't need blender, even if you wanted to draw over 3D.

>> No.1004992

Looks pretty decent, keep it up. /3/ is mostly an chud board occupied by miserable people.

>> No.1005002

Looks really nice anon, for a beginner you have good ones, concept art nowadays is more homogeneous and boring, I'm an old fag so I appreciate more this type of characters than an ugly black lesbo with half shaved hair and dreads
You are half wrong, learning to photobash it's necessary for concept art.
Go to /ic/ if you want to learn to draw,
And drawing is only a part of being a good concept artists

>> No.1005124
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I have to actually learn this the right way at this point because if I need to be pro I need to use a reference for everything. but it’s really fun in my free time to just make up things to test all of this in my head. I think it would be s good idea to do that for fun in free time.

is a lot of concept art I see for example fallout 4 more from a photograph than I think it is? Like heavily referenced from one then? When it’s said to use a reference for concept art it means to use a photograph for the entire thing? I’m sorry if this is s confusing question. But I’m trying to make mistakes now so that later on I won’t make the same ones from misunderstandings

>> No.1005785

None of these were traced over or had models used, i didnt use any pictures either, it was for fun very late at night. I did this before i learned that not all concept art is made from scratch. The past year i tried learning anatomy, learning how different clothing/armor/etc are based on anatomy, trying to make them shapes, and make nice colors ETC
but i dont think i approached it the right way at the very least not the way of someone who is supposed to be learning to get a job like this
I think alot of confusion was also from drawing in school from the top of my head during class and assuming every piece of art was like that, until recently. Very embarrassing assumption but i have to learn from these mistakes

>> No.1005814

>None of these were traced over or had models used
I didn't think they were. I just meant that *if* you were to draw over 3D, you don't have to use Blender, since some drawing programs have 3D support too. You can get software that's actually meant for drawing with the benefit of 3D, without having to go through all the bullshit of learning Blender.

Sure, concept artists use a lot of shortcuts to get their work done. Photobashing and 3D being two of them. But neither techniques are necessary. And in fact, if you try to integrate those techniques before you're ready, you will end up not learning the fundamentals of drawing that are required to actually create interesting shape and form.

You say you draw straight from imagination. You say that you didn't use references before. Well you should know that there's a difference between reference and tracing. Drawing from reference, trains you to use your mind's eye to get the shapes you actually want to get. It may not seem like the case at first, because you're copying from real life. But what you're actually doing, is a constant reality check. You look at the object, you imagine how it's suppose to look, you place your strokes, you compare, you see where you're wrong, you correct. Repeating that process gets you practiced at translating what you see onto canvas. Which is a valuable skill, even for people who want to make cartoons and anime and other non-realistic works.

Tracing doesn't accomplish the same thing. Tracing is more for line control practice. You build sort of mechanical skill, but then all you know, is how to make those specific shapes. It's like calligraphy.

What I see from your work, is a lack of fundamental skill. Which you can rectify by starting to practice drawing from reference. *after* your referenced work starts to look decent, then you can modify photographs and 3D.

>> No.1005818

First, don't try to be a concept artist. Its a dead end and most CEOs have already replaced that job. Maybe focus on being an illustrator with an internet following instead. But looking @ your art you are early in your journey, don't be discouraged and take pleasure in the small improvements over time.


Also reference is fine. Even if your visual library is fantastic, it is still limited compared to the infinite possibilities of nature. So you are bound to be repetitive in your anatomy if you draw from memory.

>> No.1005885

>I want to learn the right way to do this so I can be a reliable and professional person for this job.
quit now because concept artists are 100% replaceable by AI today, don't try to make this your living