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1004951 No.1004951 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to get a job at a studio if you write a good cpu renderer? I've been working on one for weeks but its hundreds if not thousands of times slower than gpu.

>> No.1004964
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Would you like to show a demo of your own renderer? Pic related is mine.

>> No.1004968

I cant, i have a specific function that I have been developing that I havent seen anywhere else in this specific form and I'm trying to put it on a social.

Here's what I mean by cpu renderer : I just used a dcc and numpy and wrote to ambient.

This way I can still use all the convenience functions of the program which is very established and its ui as well as script very very hard as well as being able to debug nicely.

>> No.1004969

Why can't you post a demo picture?

>> No.1004970

easily yes because it shows off coding prowess that most people dont really give a fuck about

>> No.1004972

Can you post a demo picture produced by your own renderer?