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File: 62 KB, 397x161, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
967162 No.967162 [Reply] [Original]

Just my luck ffs finally have a week of free time to try to learn something and it's gone.
Not saying I'm lost without it but it would help.

>> No.967165

What's your current project, OP, or what are you planning on working on?

>> No.967169

this is the houdini general. you've made it, op. congratulations.

>> No.967171

The thing about Houdini is that it takes a PHD in computer graphics to even get a couple of seconds of usable output out of it as well as buying in to the ecosystem of zbrush, maya, mari, and nuke and then buying expensive motion capture suits.

>> No.967172

That's nonsense, you're just establishing yourself as a retard if you say shit like that.

>> No.967173

no, it's true. I'm not talking your bottom of the barrell drag and drop pyro sim, im talking about actual good FX

>> No.967175

nothing, I'm still looking for a good intro course with no success so far. Although I have only done Houdini isn't scary so I can't say I was trying much.

I found Rebelway's VEX course so I'm going to do that and hope the basic stuff will stick along the way.

But if you can refer me to some source where I can learn what excatly is VOP, DOP, SOP, shop, WHATEVEROP, I'll be very happy.

>> No.967177

>But if you can refer me to some source where I can learn what excatly is VOP, DOP, SOP, shop, WHATEVEROP, I'll be very happy.

give up now

>> No.967178

>doesn't understand contexts
>going through rebelway's vex course
lmao even

>> No.967179

you may laugh but I'm gonna make it... mainly because it's just a hobby.

on another note it seems you had a proper introduction with the software so tell me where can I get to read or something about this stuff

>> No.967182

ironically, its not even worth replying to you

>> No.967194

Anyone using the Houdini 20 cracked version? Had your data stolen or PC bricked yet?

>> No.967195

stop invading a good houdini thread with your poor skid row talk. You are never ever going to make it

>> No.967213
File: 3.46 MB, 362x512, horse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With AI wouldn't it be better to learn Nuke?
Image and asset generation will still have to be composited!!

>> No.967226

Post your work

>> No.967245

the documentation, faggot.

>> No.967251

Oh look a faggot on a small pony calling people faggots. Your advice is like telling people to read a dictionary when they want to learn a language. But if you learned it that way congrats you must be the biggest autist in the room wherever you go.

>> No.967254

Is this for real?

>> No.967256
File: 323 KB, 1080x1920, lolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are unable to find for yourself what different operator abbreviations for Houdini are, then you are mentally retarded simpleton, descended from family with long history of mental retardation. Fucking imbecile

>> No.967257

Anon it's not that deep

>> No.967258
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probably not, and yet I still used less words than he did. trolling skill issue.

>> No.967263

I'm starting to realize that Houdini isn't scary is a really shitty first experiance with the software.

>> No.967265

you need a PHD in computer graphics to get anything out of houdini. I'm Not shitting you.

>> No.967266

it's true, that's why you should pay me 250k base salary just for opening houdini.

>> No.967268

I'm studying computer science at a university right now so vex is quite intriguing for me it's coding with the added reward of visualization so I'm not complaining.

>> No.967269

Indeed on the 'phd' part, I've started learning vector math on the side. Lucky I have a quick mind

>> No.967331

Why is there nobody I can just pay an hourly rate to tutor me in this shit over zoom? I've done and understood all of the getting started tutorial shit and now I have so many specific questions on how to accomplish effects I'm going for and I just need someone to help me connect the dots

>> No.967334

Ask away

>> No.967385

>Why is there nobody I can just pay an hourly rate to tutor me
you can. just make a post in thinkprocedural discord. don't be surprised if you can't afford it though.

>> No.967417

You know that VEX is not as hard as people made it out to be. I'm still far away from being an intermediate as few people pointed out because I was too retarded to read the documentation, but I don't think it was the worst pick for the second course I've ever seen for houdini.

>> No.967565
File: 1.02 MB, 2134x1266, houdini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pay a few shekels for cgwiki patreon or paypal, you'll get access to discord where all the heavyweights of vex are hanging out

post the link here once you're in please

or sign up for proceduralkate's patreon and you'll get once weekly private mentorship over zoom

she's so cute so I can't sign up because I would creep on her and never get a job in the industry ever again


100$ for 60 minutes
good deal, very knowledgable, seems like a good dude

>> No.967569

>100$ for 60 minutes
jesus fucking christ

>> No.967577

i'm gonna write some stuff down about solaris and karma in h20 and would appreciate it if someone could point out if i'm wrong about something:

>to use aces in karma (and solaris in general) just use the new ocio settings panel, rendering space:aces cg, view transform: aces srgb 1.0
>^ need a restart for this to take effect
>color space rules below handle texture conversion
>mtlximage node has file color space dropdown but it doesn't seem to override this rule (?)
>karma ocio color transform node does seem to work in karma xpu (some youtube video suggested it didn't)

>they added spread to lights - still not in the usd spec, but available in the karma tab for lights as an override
>karma light filters now work in xpu
>karma gobo light filter does not play well with the spread light parameter - if you want a pin sharp gobo, disable spread and make the light tiny
>no way to color correct hdri images on the node or in the light shader

>rendertime subdivision is combination of two nodes
>meshedit > subdivision scheme to set type
>karma settings / render geometry settings to set dicing quality to set subdiv quality

>> No.967582

I've started transitioning our team from Maya to Houdini and after looking around to see what resources there were I chose houdini-course to help get our artists up to speed. I don't know about the mentoring, but the structured courses are very very good. He's got a bunch of free videos sprinkled in there so people can check it out. Bonus: he has a normal, tolerable voice. Found that to be pretty important for me personally.

Good advice about getting into the cgwiki discord. The thinkprocedural discord is retardville by comparison.

Not 100% sure but sounds pretty accurate overall.
>mtlximage node has file color space dropdown but it doesn't seem to override this rule (?)
The colorspace stuff isn't implemented yet on the MaterialX spec side of things from what I remember.

>> No.967699

is there really no way to drop a karma material builder with python? it's a preconfigured subnet with a bunch of inherited properties and it's a complete pain to recreate (also, why the fuck should i have to?)

there has to be a way to just execute the menu item with python right?

>> No.967781


Thank you that's actually super helpful. I signed up for proceduralkate mentoring and will post updates on how it's going if anyone's interested. Just bookmarking houdini course for now since I'm absurdly poor and would have to be really strategic about what I'd shell out 100$ for

>> No.967795

Please do post your work when you make something in Houdini, anon

>> No.967812
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i have a working solution for this
no i will not be posting it out of spite
maybe i will, later. somewhere else.

also wrote a nice script for quickly soloing/previewing individual nodes

karma is fantastic

>> No.967814

>karma is fantastic

Can you tell me about this, senpai?

>what are the limitations of H20 Karma XPU uniform volume?

>> No.967815

i have no idea, anon i haven't played with it yet.
the fog box is fully supported in xpu now though right?

>> No.967863


>> No.968292
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>mfw materialx compositing node options are actually pretty good
>mfw retarded so like the convenience of a single uber node where i can cycle through different blend modes easily

sigh, here we go again

>> No.968294

How is APEX rigging, people?

>> No.968818
File: 324 KB, 1919x1034, Screenshot 2023-12-30 051156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there no cone node? Why do I need a PhD to make a pyramid with a square base? Why does chatgpt make up nonexistent ways of creating this pyramid instead of just saying it doesn't know? Why is documentation required to make a pyramid with 4 sides and why does said documentation not exist? WHY IS THERE NO CONE NODE

>> No.968819

make a tube and scale the top to 0

>> No.968824

Lel I swear this is a rite of passage

>> No.968866
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Here you go anon

>> No.968869
File: 170 KB, 1596x680, screenshot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want Y divisions
here you go anon
you can change the position and scales of the input tube however you want (not rotation though)


//Get min & max bounds of Y from the incoming geomertry
vector bboxmin = getbbox_min(0);
vector bboxmax = getbbox_max(0);
float bboxYmin = bboxmin.y;
float bboxYmax = bboxmax.y;
//bbox = bouding box

//remap the bound values from whatever they are to 0 and 1 (we want 1 to 0 though (not necessary))
float yBoundsFitted = fit(@P.y, bboxYmin, bboxYmax, 1, 0);

//create a ramp to change how your value transitions from 0 to 1 (unrelated)
float yRamp = chramp('yRamp', yBoundsFitted);

//For ramp visualisation
@Cd = yRamp;

//Multiply your Px and Pz positions by value along the bouding box
@P.x *= yRamp;
@P.z *= yRamp;


There are 1000's off ways to do this both efficiently and inefficiently and that's the beauty of it

>> No.968870

Or you could just do >>968819
lol, lmao

>> No.968871
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Didn't upload the file

>> No.968877


We are in agreement that this is completely absurd right?

>> No.968878

>doing all this manual normalizing when you can just do "relpointbbox(0,v@P)" these days and get a vector

just havin a bit of a laff m8

>> No.968881
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>> No.969125
File: 76 KB, 750x1000, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out how portal lights work in karma/solaris. i've figured it out, but i don't know if i should feel retarded or i should be angry.

what i thought was the way:
1. create dome light
2. create rect light
3. add render geometry settings to rect light and enable 'is portal'
4. optionally add rect light 'portals' parm in dome light
5. optionally add dome light to 'portal dome lights' parm in render geo settings

i spent way too long a/b'ing renders trying to see if any setting changed anything. nope.

turns out CANNOT use a light as portal light
portal lights must be regular old geometry prims
yes. you just make a plane and use render geo settings to mark it as a portal it just werks.

>> No.969126

just use katana

>> No.969993
File: 267 KB, 800x800, IMG_3680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know if you can do looping fluid sims? I want to create a simple looping waterfall like pic rel

>> No.970015

Same principle as looping video. Copy the cache, offset in time, "crossfade" the particles by using a threshold that hides or reveals particles as a function of time.

>> No.970022
File: 46 KB, 573x476, schiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore >>970015 anon
Just simulate FOREVER

>> No.971288

so are we eating good or what?
everyone happy with houdini 20?

>> No.972147


>> No.972637

Intro to Karma Materials for Beginners in Houdini


>> No.973471

who here tried Stable Houdini and/or MLOPS?

>> No.976014
File: 176 KB, 1094x656, pyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The most straight forward way to make a pyramid or cone shape in Houdini is just to place down a attributewrangle write a few lines of expression code like this.

int sides = chi("num_sides");
float height = chf("height");
float radius = chf("radius");

matrix trans = ident();
vector pos = set(radius,0,radius);
int pts[];


int bottom = addprim(0,"poly");
int top = addpoint(0,set(0,height,0));

for(int i = 0; i < sides; i++){
int pt = addpoint(0,pos);
pos *= trans;

for(int j = 0; j < len(pts); j++){
int side = addprim(0,"poly");

>It's literally that simple.

>> No.976017

Houdini failed to adapt to AI over the past couple of years and is stuck firmly in the past with this type of stuff. It's only a matter of time now before they file for Canadian bankruptcy

>> No.976036

Isn't Houdini like the only 3D package that is adapting to AI? They added some features for support of AI models.

>> No.976039

no, they didn't add anything, look at the H20 release notes

>> No.976042

Yes, they added MLOPS

>> No.976044

mlops is not what anyone means by adding ai to the program

>> No.976045

Ok, so now you push the goalpost.
MLOPS literally stands for machine learning operators. Which supports AI models.

>> No.976046

machine learning is not the same as ai. You should know that.

People want something that can compete with sora and sora 2/3/4 etc (it wont)

>> No.976048

You just exposed yourself as a retard.

>> No.976051
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>> No.976055

They're both useless scams, Cris.

>> No.976057

I'm not him.

I've been to art school, been trained by an academy award winner, have gotten professional work, and dont live in venezuela.

Ai is not a scam.

>> No.976065

MLOPS support AI models and all of modern AI breakthroughs are in machine learning.
You are trying to argue semantics because you know you are wrong. I wouldn't have called you retarded if you weren't so confident while having absolutely no clue about anything.

>> No.976084

>You are trying to argue semantics because you know you are wrong.

>Can there be AI without ML?
>Historically, AI preceded ML. When researchers first created AI, they didn't even have ML in their minds. An example for the use of AI without ML are rule-based systems like chatbots.

>> No.976151
File: 506 KB, 2560x1440, mardini_node_prompts_2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's hyped for Mardini?

>> No.976201

Mardini 2024 | Day | Topobuild Node

>> No.979039
File: 957 KB, 3839x2044, 23525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How TF do I bring this into maya to render in arnold?

>> No.980938

Free Houdini Tutorial: Machine Learning with ONNX in Houdini 20


>> No.980951

that result is horrible

>> No.981039


>> No.981082

I'm literally being forced to switch to houdini to get ANY type of 3d work now, lads

>> No.981282



>> No.981313


>> No.982081

just doing a full dress vellum sim on a walking character and by default the velocity coming from the translation is pretty out of control.
had to do extract the transform and move the character to the origin for a psuedo walk-in-place to get a decent result.
is this standard practise?

>> No.982090

The way I do it is the follo

>> No.982097

That's not slop, are you cra

>> No.982120

why not render directly in houdini with arnold or karma?

>> No.982401
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big coomer energy on this talk:

>> No.982404

still far far far too complicated and they never discuss setting up the face or integration with mocap. Its like they don't actually want anyone to use it

>> No.982429

All he does in that presentation is to use Machine Learning to compress simulation data. You still have to do the simulations.

>> No.982436

It's pretty useful if you have to use a model a lot during a production.
Also he says that male model training data has generalised to a female shape, which would make the training worth the upfront training cost. Performant enough for realtime as well (mostly next gen I'm assuming)

>> No.982438

>Performant enough for realtime as well (mostly next gen I'm assuming)

you lose over 100fps per character even with heavy optimizations

>> No.982440

Solved by adding more machine learning to generate frames

>> No.982442

>useful during a production
Nobody here works and/or will ever work in a production.

>> No.982443

its better to work on your own productions in your basement in this day and age, really

>> No.982760

spotted the rapey pajeet do not redeem sirs bloody bitch rape
same guy from the comments right?

>> No.982780

the people in here complaining about how complicated it is are either genuinely stupid, or too lazy to learn anything that requires any sort of discipline, and probably wouldn't stick with it if it was 5x as easy. I'm retarded at math and within a month of spending 1-2 hours a day 4-5 days a week im starting to get a general understanding of the program. Buy a course and do the lessons. not that hard. unless you're a broke dumb nigger.

The program is beautiful once it starts to click for you. Force yourself Anons.

>> No.982819

This unironically. potential to make way more money for way less work

>> No.982874

which course did you study?
what kind of notes did you take?
how do you make money?

>> No.982899

don't worry about the moolah, bro