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File: 157 KB, 1280x763, illkillmyselfsooniregretmylife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
915753 No.915753 [Reply] [Original]

3 fucking months of trying watching tutorials on how to make low poly characters for a result that others could get in 2 days.

Instead I have this, this took me 2 days.

>> No.915761

You are doing a bit better than cris

>> No.915764

That's a very low bar

>> No.915770
File: 1.68 MB, 609x699, goodshaderunreal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wasting time with 3D models but I need those.
How can I get a downgraded version of pic related

>> No.915771

Have you ever tried contacting the artist? Maybe she will show you the wireframe if you ask politely.
You do know how to ask a question politely, right?

>> No.915772

No one has ever helped me. No one.
She will? Please.

>> No.915773

maybe this hobby isn't for you

>> No.915775

do organic sculpts instead of this shit

>> No.915777

I already tried that. I have to retopologize them for animation and that's impossible.
Definitely but I still need to have models
Why can't I do it? What's the reason? What's the brain reason?

>> No.915778

This is one of the tutorials I have been studying for 3 months now.
3 fucking months

>> No.915779

why do you need the models?

>> No.915780

For a gamedev project

>> No.915781

I think it's time to give up on your gamedev project

>> No.915782

Why can't I do it? I'll kill myself shortly, already quit my job or plan to do so tomorrow.

>> No.915785

Don't quit your day job. Just because you say you want to do something doesn't magically make it happen. There isn't even a guarantee that your game will be any good.

>> No.915786 [DELETED] 

I'm quitting my job because I have planned to kill myself this week. I'll just watch my favorite movies during the week, real art stuff.

>> No.915787

> I have to retopologize them for animation and that's impossible.
you realise what you're doing now is literally retopology?

>> No.915788

Ironically one of the movies is Ikiru, I regret being born. 21 years of bullshit.
I am bad at it, I'm not stupid.
Box model or retopo, same shit.
Even with a special tool I sucked.

>> No.915789

I'd tell the mods to call the cops on you, but I don't know how to do that and I don't think they'd care.

>> No.915791

It doesnt matter man, I am a failure. Look at the fucking model, ill never get the model i want i have no talent.
I am inferior I am convinced, genetically.

>> No.915793

You should go to a mental hospital instead. You're going through shit that everyone else has gone through when they start, but you're just giving up. You have no drive, but you have an obsession. Only way to clear that up is a trip to the loony bin.

>> No.915800

If you want to make this character quickly you probably need 10 years of experience

>> No.915802

How long would it take me?

>> No.915803

10 years - 3 months

>> No.915805

Can't do, need a model in a month at most

>> No.915806

you have to pay your dues

>> No.915807

This thread is not giving me any useful information...

>> No.915808

i could give you how i would go about doing it, but it will go over your head and it will be a waste of time for me explaining it and you wont have the software licenses to do it

>> No.915809

Talk, give it to me, Ill get the programs

>> No.915810

Why don't you just follow the tutorial.

>> No.915811

I have, many times. Nothing works.

>> No.915812

>wacom tablet

sculpt individual pieces and use
use zremesher at low density settings
use zmodeller

>use an autorigger like advanced skeleton
>use animbot

I have zero confidence you will be able to do any of this

>> No.915813

What about the clothing? Yeah I wont be able to do this because my tablet doesnt work
Is there no other way?

>> No.915817

Your clothing is rigid metal plates in >>915770
and the cape isn't realistically simulated, its just rotating statically a little bit side to side.

There is no other way.

You basically either sculpt and retopo in zbrush (and also use zmodeler) or you do it all in a traditional 3d modeler (a better version of zmodeler)

then you auto rig and use animbot to animate. Then you bring into your game engine and script the behavior (movement, attack, etc)

If you dont want to do this you need to go

>> No.915818

Cant it be done without a tablet? How long would it take if possible?

>> No.915819

get a credit card

>> No.915820


>> No.915821


>> No.915822

My tablet refuses to work, getting a new one is useless
Its an electrical issue
So are you telling me to buythe model from someone?

>> No.915823

if you refuse to get a tablet you should give up the hobby

>> No.915824

it doesnt work
electrical issue

>> No.915826

buy another one

>> No.915827

i got two, voltage issue on my pc i think? I dont know, replacing the pc would be too costly
I literally just finally got mad and broke the tablet apart, i feel a huge relief fuck been waiting all year to do that
Look please help me find a way ineed this
next spergout is going to be burning myself alive i know

>> No.915828

you do know that current tablets are completely wireless and not connected right? Buy a recent wacom bluetooth tablet

>> No.915831

This one refused to work
I just smashed it against the wall, over and over and over and threw it everywhere
God its like a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders
expectations, aspirations, GONE
Just complete inner peace and nothingness

>> No.915832

buy another one or give up right now and stop polluting this board

>> No.915833

Another one? No I snapped this plastic piece of shit in two after enough, closed the door on it over and over, DEAD
Its fucking dead
Tell me how to get it now

>> No.915834

Yeah, buy another one. You couldnt get it to work and instead of contacting official support like an adult you handled it like a child.

You have to pay again for a new one or give up on this and stop trolling us.

>> No.915835

I already did in january, two fucking tablets that didnt work.
This has a name, fate. Now I tore it open and in half, its dead

>> No.915836

Sounds like a You problem. Everyone else can do it. You dont have the computer skills to install drivers and stuff that you need to operate in this field. You're not going to make it. Have a great day.

>> No.915837

Its electrical between mypc and the tablet

>> No.915839

Because you are following tutorials.

>> No.915883

try mofo, what do you have to lose?

>> No.916039

This is a bad tutorial
You need to learn the fundies
Understand the tools before you jump in and try to model something.

>> No.916040
File: 25 KB, 632x188, smooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His dignity maybe?
Enable smooth meshes and *boom* best model you've ever made.

>> No.916086

This is Maya, got Blender?

>> No.916095

They are the same program. You'll learn more working out how to replicate the steps in Blender.

>> No.916099

every minute u spend on 3 is time you could have used to improve. ur priorities are going towards ur emotions.. visit a doctor.

>> No.916100

Its... its perfect

>> No.916305

>3 fucking months

how is this 3 months of work its literally minutes of work, I can only assume that you dont understand the basics of the software and are flying blind

dude, google Grant Abbit and look up his tutorials.

>> No.916444

Thats the best I can do, took me 2 hours
Help me please, just tutor me on discord i dont ask for a lot

>> No.916471

fuck off

>> No.916481

>took me 2 hours
So even you admit it's not 3 months of work.

>> No.916545

3 months of learning anon

>> No.916546 [DELETED] 


>> No.916547


>> No.916557

No it isn't. List all learning sources you went through and don't you even try to link only that one YT video you keep mentioning.

Besides that, why did you stop after 2 hours instead of finishing it? Don't lie you hit the wall there as it's the same process for the rest of the model.

You have a mental block and you don't actually want to learn this, nobody can help you.

>> No.916561

Many other youtube tutorials about low poly characters and basic blender stuff
I just can't do it, and yeah it's a mental block I'm too ashamed to continue

>> No.916562

Look at the shoulders, same shit happens to me every single time. why continue?

>> No.916563

You have an obsession, but no drive. You have to think for yourself sometimes. It sounds like you're giving up too early when you're making your models. Stay on that one model longer until it looks like the one you want. "Trace" it if you have to.

>> No.916572

2 days? my nigga I could have modelled that in 2 hours

>> No.916607

Show us your prototype. You do have a playable prototype, right? You did use blockouts and placeholder models before trying to do 3d art, right?

>> No.916608

2 days? my whitey I could have modelled that in 2 minutes

>> No.916686

>His dignity maybe?
Dignity? From a mentally ill loser who's been spamming for months and crying when something doesn't work?

>> No.917065

almost done...

>> No.917232

what tutorials did you watch? can you post them?

>> No.917626
File: 469 KB, 200x200, 1662692749924203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some type of troll thread, this guy or girl has been posting the same thread as mentioned for three months maybe longer for a stupid model. You've not only wasted your time here but ours as well. There have plenty of good advice you were given, you keep saying no one is helping you, you're wrong. No,what you meant to say is no one wants to do the work for you. The tutorial is very clear you basically have to trace a 2d drawing reference.
You don't know how the tools of the program work, what you should be doing is learning that and making simple things first to know how it works. But what bothers me is how you refuse to do any work and whine, then break your stuff and complain about it not working. You don't want to buy replacements, but you keep breaking things like a toddler who doesn't gets their way. Saying your suicidal on this site where gather you no sympathy here. If you die because it was too hard and quit, it was not meant for you. I will give you two options either follow through on kys or figure how to follow tutorials, don't fucking post anything until you see progress that's how it's supposed to work. If you can't buy a new pc find a fucking job and get over yourself. If you post this shit again with no progress it will be considered spam and you will be reported immediately.