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>> No.802281 came out recently.
Are they actually updating something besides the version number ?

>> No.802285
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1200, hitormiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They changed the algorithm for filament, now it's less shit but still shit, the change was so small in fact many pc's won't even notice the difference.
Also new loading splash screen, this is because the sex of the previous Artist was wrong for the mission.

>> No.802380

>non-shite OP image
not bad
>all those those irrelevant alternatives listed.

>> No.802598

To break free the poser’s shackles, one must first use inferior software.

>> No.802621

Does anyone know how to disable the telemetry in the studio? Also how to adjust the framerate?

>> No.802626

thank fuck that disgusting inflated pile of shit image is gone from the last thread, thank you op

>> No.802628
File: 306 KB, 1329x1707, Contra_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.802655

>Does anyone know how to disable the telemetry in the studio?
Just don't use the login inside Studio or just block it in your firewall.
But in all the years I'm using DiMM to install my pirated content nothing has ever happend.

>> No.802669

its the same autist from last op

>> No.802751

i know im just glad the image is gone it was disgusting even as a joke

>> No.802752

really good work capturing how weird this dude looks

>> No.802754


>> No.802779

anyone else been making coomer money? I started a deviant art a week or two ago and already did a few comissions, interested to hear from fellow coomer entrepreneurs

>> No.802780

I have considered it but cant' bring myself to do it even after some practice. I have some pin-up style stuff on my site that has gotten odd requests too.

>> No.802788

some of the requests ive gotten are fucking strange, women turning into bugs I didnt know was a fetish for example

>> No.802789

What top is that?

>> No.802814

How do you get commissions? Do you seek them out?
I don't have a deviant art, I have 200+ following on my degenerate twitter tho, no one's asked me to commis

>> No.802815

What's your handle?

>> No.802819

Irrelevant to the question though iv posted with my watermark here before

>> No.802846
File: 2.05 MB, 1439x1396, 4r3a028p2ib51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely abhor that swastikas are now a Nazi thing.

I recently did a decent render and look at that, the legs and tails positioning look like a swastika. Now, now, I can't rework the poses. That's the entire concept! But I can't unsee the swastika. I don't want my porn to be nazi. I have nothing against them, yeah, but that's a dangerous connotation nowadays.

Why didn't nazis use a less symmetrical pose for their flag?

>> No.802847

shut the fuck up you race traitor

>> No.802849
File: 258 KB, 911x1390, swastika-in-bao-quoc-pagoda-buddhist-temple-in-hue-vietnam-far-east-CYC0M6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirror flip it, add some buddhist symbolism

>> No.802860

I just got messages asking, so after that i just put in my bio im open to doing them

>> No.802870

Shut up retard

>> No.802898
File: 919 KB, 2048x2048, 080_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want to retexture this texture do I need to match the curves of the existing hair texture with the donor hair texture?

>> No.802914
File: 941 KB, 2048x2048, 080_07-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to retexture some hair, just change the color to what you want then replace all the maps with the new diffuse texture

>> No.802944

>They changed the algorithm for filament
Where exactly did you read that?
There have been no changes in filament since

>> No.803029

lol kys faggot

>> No.803038

How do you reset the face controls for 8.1

>> No.803039

To add to this, because zero character, zero morphs and zero pose doesn't seem to work.
I'm sure there must be a simple way I'm missing.

>> No.803044

Try to zero the face control rig?

>> No.803170

Alright downloaded Daz Studio and the free essential pack. Mayafag here. Where do I start? Are there any tuts?

>> No.803171

What do you want to do anon?

>> No.803172

The same as anyone else. Make coomerbait models and make a visual novel with ren'py. What else is there to do on DAZ? Sorry I'm new.

>> No.803174

First familiarize yourself with the render settings tab. There's plenty of tuts on it. I'm assuming since your a mayafag and not new to 3d you already have some hdris around. Plug it in with the genesis 8.1 chick and move her around with power pose(another side tab) to get a feel for things.

Everything in daz is done with sliders, get used to that.
Once you are familiar with the ui and understand the render settings which shouldn't be too hard to get a grasp on, get a handle on the daz pose controls which can be clunky at first.
Once you manage that, look more into better lighting using mesh lights as they work best for iray.

To speed shit up for yourself some things you should illegally obtain are some basic material packs and emissive material packs.

Then you want to look for coomer body morphs. Best way to find sites with shit to download daz stuff from is to enter the exact product name you find on the daz store into google, you will be presented with multiple sites you can dl shit from.
Don't overwhelm yourself.
I'd suggest to start get victoria 8.1 bundle and some other bundles.
That will give you the latest char, some poses, clothing options, you may want to get one or two more clothing items.

Play dress up a bit still getting a feel for things.
Next I'd suggest watching some dforce tutorials and understanding that. Just a simple sim can really help differentiate your renders from the classic daz shit to something with a bit more effort behind it.

>> No.803177


Another tip for just starting is to understand how content is organised on your daz content tab nd what you can do.
Say you want to make your own choco elf but don't wanna use some stock latino character. What you'd do is make sure you get some elf ear morphs. Then, use your genesis 8.1 lass and model her into the body you want.
Next browse the sites for a skin tone you like that you think fits, download and install. Now in your content library if you go People>Genesis 8 Female>Characters>Latin Bitch you'll see an option to load in that character, but we just want her skin, so you'll open the Materials folder and apply her skin texture to your genesis 8.1 model.
Now you have a cute chocolate elf!

I can't emphasis enough how important it is more than anything else to understand the render settings and how to light your characters. Look up basic 3point lighting and character lighting tutorials, this is universal for all 3d programs. This will separate you from the shitters that give daz the rep it has.

>> No.803179

Hmmmmm got it. Thank you for the extensive reply anon.

>> No.803181

SY Universal Breast helper to fix problems with clothes looking shit with giant tits

>> No.803184
File: 764 KB, 2240x3200, valentines day final wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the kind of stuff that needs to be in the OP.
>how content is organised on your daz content tab
Also one of the most important parts.
dforce sim can produce better results depending on the item.

>> No.803186

Yes, you should use both together. If the fabric is tucked up under boobs and cleavage it won't sim good.

>> No.803198

Is this DAZ?

>> No.803201


>> No.803202


>> No.803215

Character is Tara 8. Gen hair and ribbon are custom assets.

>> No.803218


>> No.803221

I'm looking for a George Floyd morph (G8M)

>> No.803230


>> No.803233
File: 72 KB, 420x692, 0af40c-20200526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but he looked like he belongs into Crysis 1

>> No.803247

how the heck do i find high waisted jeans or do i need to custom something

>> No.803249

Just look for jeans. Plenty of those zoomer jeans on the market. Back in my day we called them mom jeans!

>> No.803292

I have looked but everything is either normal waist height on models or early 2000's style low cut style

>> No.803301

Post real life example

>> No.803355
File: 371 KB, 1219x1830, Screenshot_2021-02-18 nakd_straight_high_waist_jeans_1100-001961-0116_01c-1 webp (WEBP Image, 1340 × 2010 pixels) – Scaled [...].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this maybe

>> No.803370

>early 2000's style low cut style

>> No.803374
File: 298 KB, 1231x1600, Full139213_59a1ccc40759665bc70c0fb28f979bbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JMR has a few high waisted items on renderosity.
You could try using those as a base I suppose.

>> No.803415

thanks ill check them out

>> No.803505
File: 343 KB, 1530x875, 7agi0R4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no viable linux option for daz cooming
There was some older wine staging that supported iray but I don't know about recent options or workarounds. Blender bridge is also sort of meh.

>> No.803551

almost as if linux isnt feasible isn't it
nah that can't be it, its the rest of the world thats wrong

>> No.803557

Can anyone with experience talk over the advantages/disadvantages of doing hair in DAZ vs doing it in Blender?
Both very similar hair tools desu, looking for some basic pro's / con's.

>> No.803560

>To speed shit up for yourself some things you should illegally obtain are some basic material packs and emissive material packs.

Illegal... hmm maybe if you embed it into some patreon tier unlocks or a paid for renpy slideshow

however for the sole use of a hobbyist... not even in the slightest

>> No.803562
File: 194 KB, 638x455, 1234321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add onto this, does anyone have examples of hair that look good "enough" in filament?

>> No.803664

why are you even using filament? not trying to be rude i just dont understand what its useful for

>> No.803740

Wanted to see if it was worth it for quick silly animations
It would be if I could get any hair that didn't look like absolute garbage in it

Strand based looks bad
Strips look bad because transparency looks shit

>> No.804180

What's the name of the ponytail hair that everyone uses?

>> No.804200
File: 1.13 MB, 2033x4319, 1613854221800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Daz add proper physics? At this rate the only thing stopping coomers from switching to VAM is the shit UI.

>> No.804269

why did you make hermione a grandma

>> No.804271

Honestly a decent base but obvious face photoshop

>> No.804293

>only thing stopping coomers from switching to VAM is the shit UI.
and the atrocious ugly bare bones rendering

>> No.804390

what is VAM

>> No.804396

Still better than Filament.

Virt-A-Mate. VR porn "game" that's basically VR DAZ with physics.

>> No.804402
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, gym-wear-poses-for-g8f-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I muscles without it looking retarded?

Something like that. Well defined muscles, without it looking like a drugged-up bodybuilder. I've tried any combinations of muscle morphs, and yet they always end up looking wrong. How does /dazg/ do it?

>> No.804408

Oh interesting first Iv heard
First google result was the reddit page with what seemed like several familiar daz assets, wont they come after them?
Or is everything on the user

I wanna look into this for selling clothing to coomers and getting in early, what are some virtamate marketplaces atm, i dont have much interest in VR personally but wouldnt mind designing for it

>> No.804409

Oh looking more they actually use genesis characters, how wont they get fucked for this?

>> No.804410

The thing that will make muscle morphs look 'wrong' is when you have them all set to the same settings when posed in different poses. Thats not how real muscles work, your best bet is to find ref of different poses you want, see which muscles will actually be active and visible, then save morph preset for various positions as if you were using shapekeys in another software

>> No.804415

Why would they if the dev has bought interactive licenses?

>> No.804420
File: 530 KB, 1400x1600, product_image_full_448918_2d44997cd4e84da39a5350c37cccf801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not use this instead?

>> No.804421

this >>804410. Setting something like that up is a pretty major undertaking tho both artistically and technically, a simplified venue to take is to model all your muscles half tense and just boost and lessen the normal output with an alpha blend as the joints articulate.

It will never look fully correct but it will never look too far off to be completely unreasonable either.

>> No.804422

How long until she turns into another Eliot Padge?

>> No.804423

>no kids
>openly hates straight men
We'll always have the first four movies anon

>> No.804444

actually vam is just a community for pedos - coomers 4 lyfe on daz tho. tits out for da buoyz

>> No.804452
File: 3.77 MB, 2800x2000, BVLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my BVLL for my cuck scenes

>> No.804480

which emma model is this?

>> No.804496

>triceps longhead almost non existant
>chest caved in
>forearm: brachioradialis kind of weird
>musculature too defined or undefined in certain places, depends on how you see it
>is black
>not a horse
>cuck trend goes towards horses now
>shorts have UV problems at the asscrack

>> No.804513

So is VAM easy to get into, I don't have any VR, is it usable without?

>> No.804516


>> No.804519

any guide for taking animations from somerthing like mixamo and putting them into daz as aniblocks?

>> No.804522

You don't need VR. VAM is just a genesis 2 DAZ model with realtime physics in Unity. The skinning of the clothes is terrible as it's not real skinning just a wrap function. You can't get exact poses of hands, feet etc. I'd wait for the next version before getting into it as that will use Gen8 and I think will have JCMs and proper skinning.

>> No.804529

I see thanks
I'll probably dabble a bit then wait
What do you get from paypigging for it?

>> No.804537

Linda from outoftouch

>> No.804539
File: 23 KB, 400x266, 1613778677137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd wait for the next version before getting into it

>> No.804540

Why do so many DAZ models look like they're made of rubber? Is it something to do with subsurface shit? Feels like no light is going beyond the skin.

>> No.804542

>What do you get from paypigging for it?
Different feature tiers. The highest lets you create scenes. The lowest, I think, only view them.

>> No.804604

i've been following this dame for years and she makes the best hairs

>> No.804605


Just install blender already, you dazlet cuck.

>> No.804606 [DELETED] 


>> No.804607

I use blender downy. I was just curious.

>> No.804608

hello newfag

>> No.804643

In short, yes.
I think one cause is the free gen8 skin that comes with gen8. Many poor coomers who are poor and choose not to pirate use her.
Many even use her to show off products.

>> No.804678

If you had to choose one alternative skin, what would it be?

>> No.804697 [DELETED] 


>> No.804720

>being this new

>> No.804724 [DELETED] 


>> No.804728
File: 199 KB, 1000x1300, 1587575878667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.804729
File: 1.75 MB, 1236x2000, butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would choose a lighter one, so its easier to adjust the tan/brownness of it in photoshop.
Personally I find myself using the teen josie 8 skin a lot for quick stuff.

>> No.804731

The stock model with the stock hdri, literal rubber.

>> No.804762

>being this new

>> No.804768


Looks like they finally updated the Octane plugin, but Free tier cannot download it. Plus it seems there is something broken with it. Back to waiting. Maybe some day I will be able to render noiseless animations...

>> No.804774

But did they add the MDL support they promised back in 2018?

>> No.804775


> not getting cucked by a bbc tranny


>> No.804879
File: 1.52 MB, 3840x2160, EmmaFinish10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been trying to make a Hermione model but I just cant get the face right. Did you make that Emma model?

>> No.804902

>just cant get the face right
Eh, looks okay for a fap or two.

>> No.804906

I looked it up the other day. It's their own mod of Bamair's EnnaW model for VAM.
You can obtain the model it's based on here:
>anon files
Vam uses gen2 models and textures.

Where can I get that uniform?

>> No.804907
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, EmmaFace009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what I am missing but its like 75% there.

>> No.804908 [DELETED] 

missed the aco link

>> No.804909

missed the aco link

>> No.804914

>Where can I get that uniform?
Its something I threw together. Tried getting a uniform but all the stuff I found did not fit well.
Also I wanted cloth physics on everything so it was easier to do most of the work myself.
I just SUCK at creating faces so I struggle getting a good likeness.
Also thanks for info mate!

>> No.804922

here is the base I started from:

>> No.804942

Looks pretty good anon, nice job on it.

>> No.804955
File: 2.10 MB, 2560x1440, EmmaNew02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my final face. Anything you would change? Always hard to be your own critic so anything that looks bad or off to you?

>> No.804959

Share alterations? Looks A+ to me. That's more than just the base emmaline I take it?

>> No.804962

yes I saw that product but I didnt like the look of it. I got the blender -> blender bridge and did some sculpting.
Then I did some texture work based on photos to get that detail (its aint perfect but hey).
Lastly I just dialed a lot of stuff in DAZ to get as close as possible.
Using Emmaline is a good base and give a very good starting point so I would 100% recommend.
>Share alterations?
I dont mind sharing at all when I am done with the model but right now its a bit rough around the edges (seams, blur and I still need to work on the nose a little more).

>> No.804964

Well, keep up the good work anon. I look forward to what you come up with.

>> No.804984
File: 486 KB, 607x786, image_2021-02-23_193452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks good considering the process you, for me i just use facegen then skinbuilder and just call it a day.

>> No.804988
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, EmmaNew04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks but I am relative new to doing 3D models and stuff so I might do it a bit wrong / hard way.
>i just use facegen
ive seen facegen. I just didnt like the lack of control and the results that much. You have had much success with it?
Dont know what this is. You got a link because "skinbuilder" on google gives a load of random stuff.

>> No.804990

It's specifically for Daz Studio. Allows you to mix and match a bunch of preset layers to make a custom material for your characters. Freckles, tanlines, etc.

>> No.804991

You've made a fine Brooke Marie.

>> No.804992

Whatever you're doing though, keep it up. Have a site with other artwork?

>> No.804993
File: 288 KB, 1920x1080, Old031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok that sounds pretty awesome.
hahaha not on purpose. I dont even know who that is.
nah just started out here about a month ago. Got a bunch of free time with covid and tired of playing videogames.

>> No.804998


>> No.805003

i've had pretty good success with high quality photos with side profiles, my goal isn't for a recreation of the person but as a reference. I like how unique they look some times. any advice for adding eye bags to face models?

>> No.805004
File: 718 KB, 1000x750, examples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.805006

ah sure then its a great tool. Also too use as a base.
As for creating eyebags I go around that by either A: sculpt in blender and save as a morph or B: good old fashion Normal maps.
If you just want some minor definitions like wrinkles or such then normal maps are you friend. Just boot up any image editing program that lets you separate the layers and then just draw in the details. If you have real life photos just use them for reference.
Its what I did for the most part.
If you got a good diffuse texture (from facegen) then download some free normal map maker like CrazyBump and use that. It will give you are good working base to continue to work with.

>> No.805014

Is that venti

>> No.805015

I see it now, I thought they were just making ayy lmaos

>> No.805018

Don't forget her saggy tits and catshit stained blankets!

>> No.805021
File: 20 KB, 200x141, Tiger_Talisman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who used the tiger talisman on Venti?

>> No.805025
File: 548 KB, 1000x1000, bunni 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again I'm not going for an exact copy of people (and there's nothing wrong with anons that do that), i just want some cool looking characters.

Thanks for the advice anon, i've been on and off with blender for years so ill give it a try with sculpting eye bags. I'll also experiment with creating normal maps too to see which one will have better results.

>> No.805089

Nah I think you got the likeness pretty good. What's your workflow to get the face, I have tried facegen but maybe I'm just too dumb.
Could you show me the ref photo you used to get the look?

>> No.805096
File: 864 KB, 1200x975, image_2021-02-24_052841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, my workflow for the face is just facegen then skin builder, its all about the texturing to see if the face is good enough because base daz skin most likely won't match your character enough. Also, this the what i put through facegen, it was surprisingly hard to find a her at an angle the has both a neutral face that didn't have bangs on her forehead, again TEXTURING is the key when doing this.

that brought back memories of jackie chan adventures

>> No.805215

Daz's staff are two goats fighting over who gets to eat the soup can, if they could expand dforce into a real physics engine they would have done so years ago.

>> No.805223
File: 163 KB, 1758x900, Daz Gobbo Blender Eevee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet newfag here, how to deal with shader nodes?

>> No.805228

keep them simple. I always disable everything and just take it from there.
Always start with a clean shader and dont use random shaders made by other people.

>> No.805247

Thx, dual lobe node, SSS node sounds and Bump Map, pic related, sounds alien to me.

>> No.805248

Good advice in general.

>> No.805356

based blenderbros, fuck dazlet cucks

>> No.805452
File: 1.55 MB, 790x791, 4chancuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why y'all hate on daz desu, made this in daz im pretty pleased with the result

>> No.805456

Now add a black guy with 20 inch dong and your journey to the dark side is complete.

>> No.805463

Is there a way with dforce and weight painting to make the straps under the boob tighter down properly?

>> No.805465

>t. Canadian

>> No.805475
File: 1.80 MB, 1357x1920, decwlu1-ecc84717-c8de-42c3-81dd-7defc390be61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As previously mentioned, a combo of "fit control", sickleyield's breast helper and dforce. https://youtu.be/kk8GpirVVLw

>> No.805479

pretty fucking nice blood effect.

>> No.805480
File: 469 KB, 1740x1080, quietDazlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People in art communities hate on daz because people such as yourself keep posting things "you made" in daz there.

It's a lot like I post a screenshot from a videogame of the character I made to a community of actual artists.
Posting dirty pictures using other peoples artwork is a type of fandom, not art.

>herpa derp I made this

>> No.805481

Or you could just do it properly in real 3D software

>> No.805482

Very true. Also now ive been playing around with DAZ for a month and starting to just do everything myself. Then you realize that DAZ really isnt a full 3D suit but just a decent free program.
I mostly use it since I havent bothered to really get into blender and cant be bothered to "liberate" Maya and 3DMax that I used to work with close to a decade ago.
That said Daz is fine for rendering stuff and doing small tweaks and changes. Also decent for building large scenery.

>> No.805531

Funny how all the Blendturds pretend they could make anything remotely resembling Genesis.

>> No.805547

You don't get it anon, it's not about getting end results by any means. An art community is about the betterment of it's members actual skills where ever those happen to be.

>Imagine someone fancying themselves a director shooting a video inside a cinema by filming the movie playing in the screen and going
>"Funny how all them Filmturds think they can make anything remotely resembling this!"

>> No.805549

>Imagine someone fancying themselves a director shooting a video inside a cinema by filming the movie playing in the screen and going
False analogy, a movie director too is working with 'premade' assets like people and props, just like a DAZlet.
That said, I still get what you mean, it's better to learn 3D from the vertex on upward.

>> No.805550

Blessed are the coomers that move on from Daz to create their own content.

>> No.805560
File: 665 KB, 1920x1043, DeleteSceneCut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An art community is about the betterment of it's members actual skills where ever those happen to be.
sure but playing around in Daz is just for fun.

>> No.805562

Looks interesting. Post the whole clip?

>> No.805563

I'm gonna need to see a bit more of that, my good sir.

>> No.805564

Spoiler: she escapes

>> No.805565
File: 179 KB, 601x627, la luz extinguido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that using DAZ is a glorified way of playing with puppets

>> No.805567

so what?

>> No.805569

You are no 3D artists

>> No.805570

I use Daz in addition to other software, and only for shitrendering on my free time. What do you have to say to that?

>> No.805573

I like where this is going.

>> No.805575
File: 46 KB, 454x898, Small Angry Man Yells at Trumpet Player in New York City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are still no artist, sucka

>> No.805579
File: 2.69 MB, 3030x2280, 2zh7dfx4na961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to obvious bait
Lets pose and render stuff anons!

>> No.805580

good lighting anon

>> No.805582

not mine, found on the subreddit.

>> No.805583

>good lighting

>> No.805584


>> No.805591

Unfortunately for you, I am. That I use Daz outside of my job in the industry doesn't change that.

>> No.805592

It's just a headlamp. Not even a flash.

>> No.805594
File: 226 KB, 511x474, uh sweaty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my job in the industry
Right anon...

>> No.805597

was just trying to be nice but he didnt even make that render....

>> No.805635

>is such a complete loser he cant fathom people getting paid for being good at something

funnily enough some of us who visist the 3d board actually get paid to produce 3d content

>> No.805639

Where can I find Overwatch models for DAZ? Tried googling but didn't find anything good.

>> No.805640

Google harder. They wont be from first party sites. Else, you can edit materials yourself and create custom morphs.

>> No.805652

Tell me you'll be uploading this somewhere.

>> No.805653

If i set up lighting, composition, create the clothing, do my own post work, but use a daz 8 model with thicc pirated morphs and hair, the final render is still my artistic creation and is art. If you don't like it you should try dilating.
I am a proud coomer artisan.

>> No.805654

>proud coomer artisan.
kek and basedpilled

>> No.805681

Such as Blender

>> No.805682

nevermind then, you're a faggot

>> No.805697

ofc she does not escape faggot but this is a SFW board.

>> No.805698

Shut up DAZlet. You are the lowest of the low. Even blender users look rightfully down on your kind.

>> No.805742

ladies stop bickering.

>> No.805745
File: 832 KB, 960x530, daz_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys stfu and start making renders

>> No.805749

kill yourself faggot

>> No.805758

you realise you can use multiple programs and do whatever you want in your free time? In a professional capacity Daz does certain things other programs don't, meanwhile literally no one uses blender in the industry lol

>> No.805759

Same goes for DAZ

>> No.805762

Nice, you got a site?

>> No.805803

what was this cheap trick with Photoshop filter again that makes everything look more real ?

>> No.805814

Gaussian color noise, a tiny bit of chromatic aberration, vignette, lens distortion, pixel filtering... Just make it suck very slightly.

>> No.805847

Any sites for pirating models I know only of 2

>> No.805853

That isn't mine but the artist is Katie3DX
At this point I don't think most stuff posted in these generals is "OC" (inb4 YOU DIDNT CREATE ANYTHING DAZLET REEEEEEEEEEEEE NOT AN ARTIST REEEEEEEEEEEEEE)

>> No.805896

I was talking about daz

>> No.805921
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x1080, HermioneCollisionTest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not done yet. Still struggling with physics in DAZ.
Here is a test render of my Hermione models collision setup. Needs improvement but I am getting there.

>> No.805922

pls to includ cumflation thanksing you much

>> No.805924

would that make me less of a faggot? Anything to please anons on this Taiwanese basket-weaving forum

>> No.805926

>would that make me less of a faggot?
yes. and include a scene where she's clutching her swollen belly gasping for air because her grossly distended womb is crushing her lungs

>> No.805927

>she's clutching her swollen belly gasping for air because her grossly distended womb is crushing her lungs
that is some weird shit right there.

>> No.806003
File: 10 KB, 128x128, 1611063625409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

release your assets and scene files

>> No.806011

you ain't create shit you dumb daznigger

>> No.806024

its still very buggy and unfinished

>> No.806025


was this made in daz3d or using daz3d assets? looks so daz to me

>> No.806026

guys how do you open 2 or more DAZ applications?

>> No.806044
File: 1002 KB, 1920x1080, DforceDaz15.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figured out the collision pretty well now. The whole figure and all the clothes are now driven by dforce. Its pretty funny to play around with now and it does not even take long to simulate (but a shit ton of time to setup).
Maybe it would have been easier and simpler in Blender but it was fun to make it work.

>> No.806045

Feels like jaw/chin is off

>> No.806046

lol my god bro that's such a daz thing to say, i bet you use daz

>> No.806048

too wide? Too pointy?

>> No.806049

A little of both I think

>> No.806050


How long was the Sim? And with what hardware

>> No.806051

>implying Daz Studio animation is capable of that

>> No.806053

>False analogy, a movie director too is working with 'premade' assets like people and props, just like a DAZlet.

A better analogy would have been if people who take existing movie footage and edit/redub it were to sneer at people trying to make their own films from the ground up.

>> No.806062

Scene building and rendering is the same as photography or movie making.
You can take a picture or shoot a video, but it won't be art unless you put creative effort into it.
And what it has to do with modeling?
It's two different things.

>> No.806065

Sim was around 2 mins. Running on an 2060S (homemade cooler so running at 2100mhz core and 8000mhz memory stable for 10+hours).
Its really about making sure the mesh is well constructed for sims and no silly tris or ngons are there to mess it up.
Really the setup and surface editing takes super long but the sims take nearly no time.
that is my updated face. Might be a little too wide still but I think the chin is much better.

>> No.806097

>so long ribcage

>> No.806106

the characters looks like straight out of the daz store

>> No.806115

Newfag here, how can i get into cgpeers? I want the Ultimate Zbrush Guide course

>> No.806118

uuhm it's just the breasts that are supposed to be dforce not the whole body.
i once dowloaded the dforce breast figure but could never get it to work.

>> No.806120

>it's just the breasts that are supposed to be dforce not the whole body
>i once dowloaded the dforce breast figure but could never get it to work
I made this from scratch in Daz. Making dforce breast only does not need a new figure though.

>> No.806228

might find em here


but you will have to look for them yourself.

>> No.806248


>> No.806285

ahh yes pedo shinteo

>> No.806287


literally kill yourself

>> No.806288

he asked and I gave him an answer faggot. Really DAZ sucks for sims.

>> No.806293

dumb daznigger

>> No.806303
File: 957 KB, 2000x2667, 003-women-emma-watson-harry-potter-and-the-half-blood-prince-starwiki.org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then I did some texture work based on photos to get that detail
You need freckles if you're going for accuracy. especially the freckles on her chin and above her lip. Use a bumpmap for the chin blemish.

>> No.806402

thanks anon and that is a good reference photo.

>> No.806442


>> No.806584
File: 330 KB, 299x793, FatJillDoesntExist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>open daz
>load gen8
>move some sliders
>load some clothes
>press iray preview

Am I a 3D artist now?

>> No.806591


>> No.806613

More than any Blendlet

>> No.806620

The people who created these assets are, not DAZlets

>> No.806623

Corollary: Only God is an artist. All of us are mere dazlets.

However, God doesn't exist, so artists are an impossibility. Yet artists clearly exist, so it must be that not only God is an artist. Since the reason to say that only God is an artist is that art involves creation, this premise must be false. Therefore, art can exist without creation.

I call this the theological argument for the artistry of using Daz.

>> No.806624


>> No.806649

kys yourself daznigger

>> No.806672

um no, there is a 'little' more to it than that.
think digital photographer, not digital artist.

>> No.806689
File: 209 KB, 1631x1280, Lt. Linn Kurosawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breed yourself daz chad


>> No.806757

you will never be a woman, daz tranny

>> No.806758

drink bleach

>> No.806831

big yikes

>> No.806839

what is the target audience?

>> No.806840


How many years does it take to reach this level of skill?

>> No.806843

could take ten or even 15 years to get close to being this retarded

>> No.806849
File: 895 KB, 2000x2600, BcSVAL4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this Dazlets

>> No.806855

Man I wish I had such a lush beard, but sadly I'm not female.

>> No.806870

You will never have foreskin, Blendlet

>> No.806901

your mom has foreskin, daznigger

>> No.806935

Any of y'all into scripting? I need a script that will open a Genesis figure, frame them, apply lip sync, and then render. I can find code for everything except the lip sync. It is a DzAction (I'm using the 32-bit built-in plugin), but I can't find any documentation on how you select the file and click the Analyze button from the script.

>> No.806955

way to contribute, faggot.

>> No.807059

Opinions on the metahuman creator from unreal?

>> No.807094
File: 79 KB, 600x800, penn_jillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MetaHuman Creator is a cloud-streamed app--

>> No.807096

Who are you quoting?

>> No.807119

The official video

>> No.807151

I think a large part of that is jealousy. Or envy. Or any other sins under the sun. Sloth, or wrath.

Look, Daz make it easy to pose characters for a paizuri. That's kind of the point. The software is grating for the ones that spend $40,000 in cash and 4 years for their '3d school' only to learn they're barely above the barrel concerning state-of-the-art models. That breeds resentment. Especially when newbies use Daz models and they're better than everyone else.

No, most Daz user don't really consider themselves artists. Most do it for fun or coom. It's still an integral part of the landscape, if only because it is still the best, used in video game and movie shows. Yeah. We noobized the $40,0000 school, and that grates a fierce one.

Not our fault. We just wanted to coom.

>> No.807178

Daz is here to stay no matter how much you care about the definition of "artist".

The benefit of setting up a scene, poses, and assets in under a day with minimum knowledge is why Daz is used by industry artists everywhere. AAA studios don't care how much of a 3D artist you are, they care whether or not you can produce something by the end of the day.

Products like MetaHuman is not a competitor by any means because it's designed for post-production, a process which can take weeks or months. Daz Studio is for pre-production. It will be hilarious to watch all the dazlets struggle with Unreal Engine to do something in 5 days they could have otherwise done in 5 minutes in Daz.

>> No.807197
File: 288 KB, 1280x1280, Shaggy_blanco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a cycles.

>> No.807198

mild to major yikes

>> No.807203

You will never know what a real woman looks like

>> No.807213

It's back!

>> No.807216

do dazlets really? cringe

>> No.807224

wth is wrong with you

>> No.807561

>want to learn Daz
>end up downloading lots of models and shit
>have ton of shit that I don't use
>makes everything unconfortable to navigate by
Is there a way to better organize the content of your Library? Or a plugin/add-on?
I guess a clean reinstall would be the best for now.

>> No.807566

Use Daz Install Manager for installing all content from Daz3d.com
Create new libraries for every site that you would download stuff from. Renderotica, Renderosity, forender, etc.

>> No.807574

I know about the usual places to get pirated content but is there any place where I can download content mainly from forender or renderhub? Can't really find anything from those sites

>> No.807757

Search the exact title of the thing you are trying to download in google

>> No.807760
