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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 158 KB, 1280x720, 1586787714641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
790556 No.790556 [Reply] [Original]

How many models did you have to make before you got good enough to get a job in the industry? For me I only have 5 decent ones, and no humans because I know those are senior positions and like Andrew Price says "stay the hell away from human sculpts as a beginner". How many more do I need? 50? 100?

>> No.790564

just make 20 more models and they'll be blowing down your doors on artstation with $100k positions merry christmas bro

>> No.790565

>"How To Learn 3D Faster"
>cannot do even a half-decent 3D piece

>> No.790572

Dozens, but I create environments instead of props. I already got prop modeling jobs based on one environment, but it still worries me a bit that I don't have a proper hero prop in my portfolio that really showcases my skills. Props in full environments usually have a bit lower quality just because of the scope and you can't go full autismo mode on every single thing, otherwise you'll never finish a project. There are only so many old stickers, rust, bird poop and sharpie messages one can put on a prop (for muh storytelling purposes) when so many of them need to be finished, ya know.

And don't put characters and props in one sentence. You either focus on one or the other. There are props, environments, materials, characters, vfx etc. Choose one of those areas.

>> No.790582

It all depends on the complexity of the model, the more complex the more exp.

>> No.790583


>> No.790586

Just do, if you will never try human sculpts, ofc you will never be able to do them. You have to have somethingt to be proud of when you realize you absolutely suck at human sculpts, its all about not giving up.

>> No.790596

I'd say, like 3 or 4 more

>> No.790656

>Andrew Price says "stay the hell away from human sculpts as a beginner".

this is a very personal thing to do with him, go check his twitter media tab and you'll see the dude is just straight up retarded at sculpting, he cannot do it for some reason, my second sculpt I ever did was better than the heads he's been grinding out so don't listen to him on that subject, or with any subject honestly except for perhaps how to build a media cult.

>> No.790657

He can't do anything other than architectural rendering. Take a look at his aircraft modeling tutorial and laugh.

>> No.790673

Even his arch shit is below-average at best.
Good thing he cornered the market of tuts when they were big, and then split off into marketing textures.

>> No.790678

>I only have 5 decent ones, and no humans because I know those are senior positions


>> No.790682 [DELETED] 

How the fuck is that's below average? His stuff are look acceptable to me?

>> No.790684

?how the fuck is that below average?
I mean his stuff look decent to me

>> No.790691
File: 321 KB, 1920x1080, andrew-price-comp249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to practice more then.
Below average might be a bit harsh, but his stuff definitely isn't anything to aspire towards.Aim higher.

It comes off as soulless beginner art. There's plenty of beginner art that has soul, his just doesn't. Like he's making a thing to make a thing in the mechanical sense of going through the motions, and not because he wants that thing to exist and take on a "life" of its own.

He likes to prattle on about art theory and stuff, but it honestly seems like he only understands it on an academic level and not on an artistic one.

>> No.790716

>Andrew Price says "stay the hell away from human sculpts as a beginner"
is that she sort of advice these youtube celebs dispense? "it's not easy so don't try"?

>> No.790728

he says that humans have an innate ability to recognize other humans and any flaws at all in your sculpt down to the millimeter will be picked up and could make your sculpt look all wrong as compared to rendering an alien creature or something from another species or a static object where you could make a lot of mistakes and no one would even notice

>> No.790754

that's an argument FOR practicing on humans, not against it. why would you want to avoid confronting your weaknesses? if you're representing his position accurately then he's actively preaching denial.

>> No.790759

he basically said even practicing humans is like playing in a pro sports league before you've ever even played on your little league team

>> No.790778 [DELETED] 

He's an idiot with an ugly Asian wife his opinion is useless.
Even to know how to make good alien creatures your knowledge of the human form is imperative

>> No.790799

yep based and true
yep based and redpilled

>> No.790803

>hurr humanoid alien good durr

so predictable.

>> No.790806

Andrew must have gotten really pissed at that post.

>> No.790811

Lmao Andrew jannie defense force deleted a post calling his Asian wife ugly.
Which is factually true.
She's so ugly only a white youtube nerd could like her

>> No.790814
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>> No.790823

/3/ doesn't have jannies.
As evident by the countless pepe threads.

>> No.790826

Not true, I got banned together with every other poster because I made a single post in that 4chan football thread. I don't why they delete and ban for stupidest reasons while keeping other troll threads alive though.

>> No.790836

Mods come from other boards, and they are retarded.

>> No.790842

>It comes off as soulless beginner art.
He openly admits hes a technical modeler, not an artist.

>> No.790854

Yet he constantly goes on and on about being an artist, and good practices for artists. He even does an hour long lecture about being an artist at one of those cons.

You can't drink the kool-aid and then pretend to not be part of the cabal.

>> No.790867

complete nonsense. sounds like your youtube idol is just covering up for his personal failings and actively sabotaging his audience in the process.

>> No.790873

actual practice:
>sculpt a human face that looks bad
>sculpt a human face that looks less bad
>sculpt a human face that looks less bad
>sculpt a human face that looks less bad
>sculpt a human face that looks good

the youtube idiot patented "just don't try" strategy:
>sculpt something that doesn't exist so people can't tell you suck
>sculpt something that doesn't exist so people can't tell you suck
>sculpt something that doesn't exist so people can't tell you suck
>sculpt something that doesn't exist so people can't tell you suck
>make a youtube channel

>> No.790886
File: 2.47 MB, 480x270, 1593621836574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zip it. Andrew "BlenderGuru" Price, Modeler of Donuts -- whether he knows it or not -- is an ally in our fight against salary depreciation.

>> No.790891

I realized pretty quick he's a shill for his own asset site. I've already moved on to tutorials by professionals in the industry.

>> No.790924
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>> No.790926 [DELETED] 

Blame indians they poo everything up.

>> No.790941

Yeah I don't watch him, his shit just pops up constantly due to algorithm shit.
Honestly haven't needed a tutorial in years. Nowadays I just look up theoretical shit and workflow stuff. Though that's hard to find since beginner shit is where the money is and YT always goes for low hanging fruit.

>> No.790949


Well he's not technical at all, his topology sucks dicks.

>> No.790951

If he's not technical, nor an artist, then what is he?

>> No.790952

a quack?

>> No.790954
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1594150180166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this through your little head - you DONT have to be good at something to be GOOD at teaching it. Case in point - professional sports coaches that are far too small or weak or old to compete yet can train and coach their players to victory. Andrew is a guru. He knows his shit. You otoh are literally a nobody who cant coach literal millions

>> No.790956

since you posted this to get guidance, you need artistic training and a lot of practice, which is probably not going to be enough as long as you can count the number of models you've done.
if you're serious about it leave /3/ and get active in a serious community, where you can get actual guidance without all the negativity

>> No.790958
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x1080, donut 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm following the donut meme just so I can learn the basic shit. I'll probably also do his lighting one

>> No.790970

>Andrew is a guru. He knows his shit.
Lol, is this satire?

>> No.790985

Okay? Good for you.

>> No.790987

your donut is looking good, anon

>> No.791003

why would this be satire? read the post again. are you disagreeing with the fact that some 70 year old obese man can coach a pro sports team to a championship even if he himself cannot play the sport? Because thats what it comes down to

>> No.791004

If you don't like Andrew Price, can you really call yourself a true 3D artist?

>> No.791034

2~3 years daily sculpting or 3d modeling

>> No.791043

+10 and expensive schools

>> No.791050


based response

>> No.791052


can you recommend a good community?

>> No.791075

Does 3d modeling pay well?
Easy to be a freelancer?

>> No.791082


>> No.791085

Yea, going freelance was my best decision in life. Inbox filled to the brim with offers to work for filthy rich clients with exciting projects. Also, the deadlines are reasonable and my work-life boundaries are always respected.

>> No.791089

as a person who has friends and people i can talk to who work on AAA, i can say these things
- andrew price is a public speaker \ e-celeb, not an actual industry artist. his technical & artistic skill is way below average if you consider anything: both vfx modeling, realtime or arch viz. in short, he just sucks and spends all his time fucking talking.
- it's not about just doing models, it's about getting good at it. one person can reach point Y of skill in 2 years, the other person will spend 6 years. because first person grinded 4-6 hours per day meanwhile the latter person 4-6 hours on weekends.
- your "getting good" speed will be way faster if you ask for feedback from actually good artist who have a job. a lot of things in 3d were figured out and optimized. youtube is okay, but most of the time it's surface level shit. you need to see and mimic good habits of strong 3d artists so you can work more faster and efficient.
- you don't do everything, usually. you either character art or hard surface. you get good at one thing, then maybe in 5 years when you are senior you may wanna do another thing, but most likely you don't. being a "generalist" in 3d isn't good. don't listen to anyone saying you otherwise. (it's not 2005 anymore grandpa, fuck off)
- if you think you can just do 100 models and some fag will hire you right away, you are wrong. you need to be very good at 3d to get a job. there are thousands of hobbyists who fuck around and may produce good looking models, but on technical level or speed-wise it's absolute disaster and no one will hire them. 3d is a factory of making digital goods, not an art studio.

in genera, just choose one thing like props and do it for a year at least 4 hours a day and try to find a mentor from industry.

>> No.791091

>one person can reach point Y of skill in 2 years
all you have to do is move verts around in x,y, or z. No way this takes years to learn.

>> No.791092

you need a lot of time to master the transform tool. these red-green-blue arrows are way too tricky.

>> No.791093

>work more faster and efficient
Why? You get paid more?

>> No.791095

>you need to be very good at 3d to get a job
all you really need to do is know pbr worflow, and they will train you if you pass the interview. Labor is labor

>> No.791096

This is what my lecturer unironically told everyone in class. You were not allowed to go into perspective mode because it is too complex to handle for a beginner. It obviously wasn't, and he was still insisting to stick to front/top/side views, even though nobody listened.

>> No.791097

>as a person who has friends and people i can talk to who work on AAA, i can say these things

Just lol. Typical /3/ poster.

>> No.791099

you won't get hired if you are slow or you won't get promoted to middle.
>they will train you if you pass the interview
this is hilariously wrong. first you make a test asset, THEN you are interviewed. things can go in reverse only if you are headhunted from your current studio. you are only trained about specifics of the project or studio pipeline. when you interview for junior position, you are excepted to already know basic AAA pipeline and being able to optimize the shit out of everything, know what is trim texturing and such. basically, in 2020, for junior position you are excepted to be at least 2017 middle artist and be ready to pump out assets in a week after hiring. i understand this sound fucking hardcore, but that's the reality of 3d. in 2012 you could get hired for ability of making simple subd models like a simple truck and knowing what is uv (just knowing), but right here right now it's totally different story. all this is first hand experience from (failed) interviews, tests, mentor feedback and such.

>> No.791100

why would i post here if i had a job in the industry? i'd come here just for laughs

>> No.791101

i had these retarded rose tainted glasses about "bro u just need to pass interview and they ll do the rest bro", but it's not like that. there's about 50> cvs for every junior position and junior actually means fucking MIDDLE. game dev sucks dick big time, but it's too late for me to quit now. i gotta make it

>> No.791103

Why not? I come here for laughs as well.

>> No.791104

>this is hilariously wrong. first you make a test asset, THEN you are interviewed.
Funny then that i got in person interviews right after art school and immediate indy jobs right from polycount job board. Maybe you live in a shit area or your resume is shit

>> No.791105

year of hire?

>> No.791106

Just be funny, friendly and visible to upper management. No need to break your back over it.

>> No.791107

> live in a shit area
probably this. i am aware of comically low standards in many US studios.

>> No.791109


If you're not good then you're going to teach shit techniques. Sport coaches in most cases had a carreer or were playing sport a lot when they were young. They know what they're teaching even if they're too old.

>> No.791110

tons of sports coaches that never played, even winning ones. Tons that played that were losers as coaches as well. Some that played but were marginal role players in their playing days

>> No.791111

this is horrible
comparing something technical and specific like 3d to fucking sports is retarded
andrew fag is a bad teacher because there's nothing of value he can teach you because he has no valuable work experience
he is a great motivator and pop figure, but not someone you'd ask feedback from. he knows shit.

>> No.791112

you are the retarded one. Sports are technical as fuck. Are you done?

>> No.791113

what's next. food analogy? stupid mutt

>> No.791114

get this through your head : sports are among the most technical thing you can possibly do. If you think otherwise you have obviously never played anything beyond wiffleball in your backyard you fucking dumbass

>> No.791115

>sports are among the most technical thing you can possibly do
do americans really

>> No.791117

Pyw faggot

>> No.791119

He's right, though. All top nuclear physicists have a strong foundation in sports. They are second only to mathematicians, who easily become elite at regional, or even higher levels. This is because all knowledge begins with experience: only after developing a strong bodily experience of matter can one push their skill for abstraction further -- and the best way to experience matter in all its complexity is through sports. Furthermore, mental representations can never be as detailed and complex as that which they represent, and so abstraction is necessarily lighter and simpler than immediate experiences of the world. This is what makes sports not only the best way to prepare oneself for abstract thought, but also what enshrines sports as a higher activity than any production of the mind.

>> No.791124

The way people on /3/ talk about this field would totally turn me off if I was a beginner and started reading your posts. Everything is about technicality here, being the "most efficient", using "the right tools", "3d is a factory of making digital goods, not an art studio"...

While I agree this plays an important role as well, there are almost never any interesting art discussions going on here, unlike in serious 3D communities, with ACTUAL professionals working in this industry. You just paint a weird and depressing picture with your posts.

>> No.791125

there's like one guy in here who's overwhelmed at the concept of having multiple objects sharing the same texture but with different uvs - aka trim sheets

>> No.791141

Good. Shitters can poo in the streets. Indoor plumbing is only for humans.

>> No.791159

Is this sarcasm?

>> No.791162

This. That's why most noble prize winners are also olympic gold medalists.

>> No.791163
File: 94 KB, 343x343, 1602420005929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>known as the "blenderguru"
>millions of subs
>millions of views
>gets to speak at big conferences
>beautiful wife
>2 kids
>in his 20s, not even at his peak
>successful texturing company
>insightful emails about industry news
>blender sponsor

Is that jealousy or insecurity im reading ?

>> No.791188

I don't know, Mr. Shake. But shouldn't you be working and not playing Clam Digger all day?

>> No.791206

Who are these white niggas wasting brain cells talking about sports?

>> No.791213

Erm have you seen his wife?

>> No.791239

Hahaha, I don't do modeling in the other sideviews at least is for selection of especific things, same with orthographic view

>> No.791242

>almost never any interesting art discussions going on here
because there's no art in paid 3d work for 90% of positions out there
you just do shit up to current standards and that's it. and i, personally, have zero fucking issues with this. i don't understand you fags being so upset about this.
>unlike in serious 3D communities
where people talk about their hobby-passion projects. open any serious pipeline / method / optimization discussion and it will be boring pixel counters for the entire thread. THAT is what 3d actually is.

>> No.791291

>He openly admits hes a technical modeler
That would imply he's skilled at modeling, which he isn't. The most complex model he's ever done is a chair.

>> No.791293

get this through your little head - you HAVE to be good at something to be good at teaching MORE THAN THE BASICS.

>> No.791295
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>> No.791300

I assume concepting, lighting, level design and level art all have a decent amount of creativity + game design, writing, sound design, music etc. Prop creation is probably the least artistic because you mostly have to just create an asset based on a reference. If a reference is vague only then is there a bit of creativity and freedom involved.

>> No.791324

you are right, but boring props is 80-90% of game art.

>> No.791362
File: 1.02 MB, 1100x618, 1579217069295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy. From that video: Blender """Guru""" thinks that this is bad topology, and that Pixar using "bad topology" just shows that it sometimes is fine to use.


>> No.791366

You guys sure do love Andrew Price, /3/ is basically his personal fanclub and advertising platform; it's incredible really.

>> No.791372

Wtf are you talking about, most people are shitting on him here.

>> No.791373

>a technical modeler
WTF does that even mean, first time I heard that description.
But hey, I am just a stupid German who knows jackshit about good topology - I am doing concept designs, not production modelling, but on the other hand I am pretty sure I can run circles around our Guru here.

>> No.791407

If people are spamming donuts every day in their own threads, I think we've earned 1 thread to shit talk the dude.

>> No.791408

Technical modelling is just the process of just modelling. Like someone pointed at a photo and said "model this".
It's like the difference between an attorney that does showy courtroom performances, and something like a paralegal. They're both "lawyers" in a sense, but one's more focused on technical shit (the paralegal), and the other is focused on performance and aesthetics (the attorney).
It's a bad analogy I think, but yeah.

>> No.791420

a paralegal doesnt even have to go to law school. all they do is research and pass on suggestive notes

>> No.791447

unironically the most dreamy guy in 3d

>> No.791450

>don't know the guy
>clic on video
>he litterally says it's fine and causes no problem in that exemple

>> No.791456

wasn't he responding to some twitter thread where some other guy claimed it was bad topology, and he defended it?

>> No.791464

"Here's a thing. Whenever you talk about topology, uh [mumbles and laughs] really deep and like everything has to be like technically proficient, and then you look at like a Pixar breakdown of, like, huh... there was that Incredibles, the, the uh-last to go and they showed like, the, that, one of the rare moments they've showed a wireframe of the last to go on, and they had this _bad_ topology in the cheek, and all of the 3D artists online were like "UUUUUH -- Pixah Using Bad Topology!" But it kind of showed like, the point, like, like [shrugs] bad topology is fine sometime; you just have to use it like it-it's a trade-off of time, right?, and the more [*tsh*] time you spend fixing something, the more money it costs the studio to do it, so sometimes, if it is not causing a problem, why worry about doing it this, this perfect way? So, anyways: this is _good enough_ for, for what we want." -- Andrew Price on "good enough" topology (https://youtu.be/px0sJElIUGc?t=666))

>> No.791465

now i know there's this "muh quads" shit comes from

>> No.791466

wouldnt your time have been better spent doing anything else than transcribing this for an anonymous board

>> No.791469

I feel sorry for you, anon...

>> No.791470

based? based.

>> No.791505

Every time he makes a new video you people make a thread about him, then you bump that thread over and over making sure all of /3/ gets to see it.
Then you even go so far as to trick people making tutorials in other software to make donut tutorials, thereby sending MORE people to Andrew "Donut Guy" Price.

>> No.791513

Yeah I was struggling to find the term, guess it was wrong.
Like there's a batch of lawyers who go through the whole process of going to law school and doing all the shit normal lawyers do, but they all just sit in a room like a sweatshop looking up old cases and shit for the "real" lawyers.

>> No.791535

Isn't it obvious to you that most of the replies are sarcastic and people shitpost on purpose to bump it to top?

>> No.791539

no, his advice is right on point and you should heed them or ignore at your folly

>> No.791540

a sports coach has to have an ounce of experience to know what hes talking about or has played sports himself to give the best advice or he shouldnt be in a position of authortity like that in the first place, the same can be applied to some guru mfker.

>> No.791554

The point is he thinks that it's "bad topology" and no one at Pixar could be bothered to spend 5 minutes on "fixing" it.
That topology is there for a reason, it produces wrinkles around the mouth when the character is smiling. It's not bad topology or a mistake, and he'd know that if he was decent at modeling.

Pixar also does this to other areas, like knees or elbows:

>> No.791555

who gaf about pixar really

>> No.791597

>no, his advice is right on point and you should heed them or ignore at your folly

No his advice is brainlett tier the advice of someone whod marry an ugly asian.

>> No.791625

even now they have women coaching / managing mens professional sports teams and vice versa, in multiple sports this is happening. They coach or manage

>> No.791628

This must have been ass to weight

>> No.791633

>That topology is there for a reason, it produces wrinkles around the mouth when the character is smiling.
Christ I knew it, I figured that shit literally in 30 seconds looking at that pic. What an absolute fucking retard someone has to be to claim to be a proficient 3d artist and not understand what the topology in that pixar wireframe is doing.

>> No.791669

a human and a tree are two different sports entirely. Even if you get extremely good at making trees you are never going to model a good human until you make 100 shitty ones.
Being shitty at first is part of the process, embrace it.

>> No.793180

Just found out today Blender Guu got "canceled" for wanting to say fag, Jordan Peterson support and DC riot defender.

>> No.793186


>> No.793201

One can dream.

>> No.793206

is it over for him?

>> No.793221

nah he's done for
they are pilling it on
white people should learn to keep their fucking mouth shut and sit the fuck down
fucking white clowns

>> No.793225


oh shit donut boy always gave off that gamma vibe, good riddance straya cunt

>> No.793229


damn it, andrew

>> No.793231

wtf I love the Blender Guru now?

>> No.793236

The accusations misrepresent his views, which sometimes are even aligned with "woke" positions.

In trying to suppress a person for views slightly different from their own, also falsely accusing him, and trying to mount a public persecution, @devonko_ is basically acting in a fascist manner.

I don't like Andrew Price, but I abhor fascists like Devon Ko much more.

>> No.793237

incredibly based donutman

>> No.793239

Yep, the fact that these people think it's just to condemn somebody to social death because they have expressed views which aren't perfectly aligned to theirs is absurd. Had these people lived 50 years ago in East Germany they would have been stasi collaborationists.

>> No.793249

I hope he sends her a warning of legal action for defamation. It's the only way proven to stop these attempts before it's too late.

>> No.793255

are you kidding?
he's a gamma squirt, he won't do shit, other than kneeling
he's a fucking white male, no spine, quick to kneel
you know this

>> No.793266

it's... a series of screenshots of his own tweets. where's the defamation?

>> No.793275

Devon Ko accuses Andrew Price of homophobia: https://mobile.twitter.com/devonko_/status/1347322076340703233

Devon Ko accuses Andrew Price of sexism when hiring for Poliigon: https://mobile.twitter.com/devonko_/status/1347630847797592064

Devon Ko accuses Andrew Price of willing to silence non-White people: https://mobile.twitter.com/devonko_/status/1347630855460569088

Devon Ko accuses Andrew Price of trying to gaslight victims of bigotry: https://mobile.twitter.com/devonko_/status/1347630860225298432

Devon Ko accuses Andrew Price of being a misogynist: https://mobile.twitter.com/devonko_/status/1347630860225298432

>> No.793277

its all satire is the thing

>> No.793278

Satire? It's shown as a list of "wrong-think" on which Price has incurred, besides even illegal acts like sexist hiring, and its goal is to ostracize him, regardless of whether it's an accurate depiction of his beliefs or actions.

Has Devon Ko even attempted to dialogue with him before parading him like this?

>> No.793280

"i interpret your statement to be sexist" etc is not "defamation" lol or else a billion tweets would be the subject of lawsuits. you're allowed to have opinions on other people's opinions in a free country. she'd have to make a concrete false statement about him like "he mistreated female employees X, Y and Z", which she never does. you're literally interpreting her statements to the same extent she interprets his, should she sue you for defamation because your post "accuses her of accusing andrew price..." and so on? try to get some grasp on reality here.

>> No.793286

So what if he blunders into offensive conveniences of a male perspective?
I've done much worse.
He also practices objectionable 3D modelling techniques. Isn't he aussie? They're all a lot of criminally minded bigots if you ask me, a criminally minded bigot.

>> No.793305
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...wtf is wrong with this people? especialy with her? she sells a cinema 4d course for noobs? is she retarded? who the fuck starts with 3d and buys cinama 4d ... no wonder she needs such fascists tactics to get attention. i hope she get woked by one of her "students" too.

>> No.793377
File: 30 KB, 835x395, 1583834915859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too bad you were raped, you should've put more of a fight, girl.

>> No.793378
File: 26 KB, 835x353, 1600322513496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It sucks that you are poor. Just work harder, scrub.

>> No.793389

Megalomania is a hell of a thing.

>> No.793440

commission shit to freelancers on twitter and find out. i have to wait a month for my coomer project to get in line.
(but i also commissioned from a high quality dude)

>> No.793473

daily reminder Andrew never worked on a commercial 3D project and has no professional experience. after all these years he still models using bevel modifiers and doesn't understand UV Mapping beyond what someone else teaches him before recording a video

>> No.793475

>has no professional experience
he literally owns a very successful commercial 3d texture company

>> No.793495

>he still models using bevel modifiers
And that's bad because...?

>> No.793510

nah you don't get it
he's not a wageslave like me so clearly he's an idiot or something

>> No.793519

its not

>> No.793524

so he's a manager, not an artist

>> No.793527

he's a business owner, literally the highest you can get in the food chain and textures are art

>> No.793570

if you model using bevel modifier (besides some basic shapes) you don’t understand subdiv modeling

>> No.793575

>stay the hell away from human sculpts as a beginner
What a retard would say that? How are you supposed to improve your human sculpts if you dont do human scults "because you are a beginner".
This guy just sounds like he doesnt want competition on his job and gives idiot advice so people stay away from it.

>> No.793582

Absolute retard.

>> No.793593


>How to tell if someone has never done hard surface modeling

>> No.793596

subdiv modelling with creasing is only for film. Most people here model for games, with hopscutter (bevels)

>> No.793622

it’s not only for film, it’s a golden standard for making 3d assets that works regardless of the software

>> No.793625

learn to edge loop modeling you retarded Blender Guru faggots

>> No.793626

you dont use subdivs in games because its far too slow as well as not being supported in substance painter. You will have to freeze geometry, giving you far too many verts and then they are not easy editable as they are then baked in and you cant go back

>> No.793628

are you fucking retarded or what?
subd is your normal, lp is just your texture cage for subd shading
lmao fucking blendets, learn to loop

>> No.793635

>subdiv modelling with creasing is only for film
really makes you wonder how many people here have at least the slightest professional 3D experience

>> No.793639


>> No.793681

>subdiv modelling with creasing is only for film.
Edge loops or bust. Creases get treated differently in every single software and you can never guarantee a proper model.

>> No.793876

I find creases very useful when modeling to add resolution to a model but not ruin the corners to which I'll later add edge loops.

>> No.793886

This is the way.

>> No.793931

learn how not to ruin the corners without creases you pleb

>> No.793932

>t. destructive modeler

>> No.793934

why would yo want to model with creasing when game engines dont support it?

>> No.793948

yh his stuff isn't creative at all, super boring

>> No.793964

creasetards, be gone
it's just a drafting tool

>> No.793984


>> No.793987
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I use creasing at early stages of modeling in place of support loops, to hold the form while the mesh is subdivided. Saves me time.

>> No.794005

but again, you cant bring this into game!

>> No.794017
File: 106 KB, 917x449, gez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take meds

why even bother with creases, learn to create good base meshes and you'll never need creases again

>> No.794023

But I'm not modeling for games. And even if I were, it doesn't matter. At the end I replace the creases with proper bevels. I prefer that to wasting time fiddling with bevels that I may not even preserve in the end mesh.

>> No.794037

have you heard of this little thing called normal map baking?

>> No.794042

what does that have to do with the bevels and silhouette?

>> No.794145


>"stay the hell away from human sculpts as a beginner"

He got a point. Some people want good results fast, and that's unlikely to happen with organic (human or non-human) figures. It turns into a multi-discipline expert-hell the more you get into it. I love it but that's because I'm a masochist

>> No.794147

he didnt say anything about all organics

>> No.794151

>crease hi poly
>don't on the lo poly


You'd think you people would try modelling like at least something before coming to /3/ and talking out your arse.

>> No.794166

crease is unreliable desu
it always does something fucky and retarded and there's no way you can consistently use it for complex shapes where subd works just fine if you have enough brain

>> No.794168

>>don't on the lo poly
i take it english isn't your first language.

>> No.794177


So fucking what? Avoiding organic models altogether isnt going to make you better at it. Echoing the other anon, avoid that advice. Study the figure, practice sculpting, do warm ups, post your work on productive community forums and Discords (NOT this place.) Slowly but surely, you'll get better. Andrew is talking quitter bs. Let him handle tutorials.

>> No.794178

he never said not to do organics, just not to do humans

>> No.796464

>like Andrew Price
bro maybe you shouldn't be listening to someone who runs a youtube channel and sells textures on how exactly to make it in jobs he's never had. Make what you want. Apply for what you want. Get lucky.

>> No.797143
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 1606878158929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows about this very thread and vlogged about it. We made it guys.


>> No.797359

She must be seething by now. Will Devon Ko become Andrew Price's archnemesis?

BlenderGuru vs Madam Cancel4D: The Fight For The Last Renderbucket

>> No.797380

>Devon Ko
Implying that she could even compete at all. The type of artists that have to bring other artists down for twitter efame are the worst type of artists.

Not only are her tutorials bad, paid, and useless, it's reflected in her art as well.

Blender Guru on the other hand is talented and benevolent.

>> No.797396 [DELETED] 

>Devon Ko
>not even an ArtStation account
Irrelevant literally who

>> No.797434

>Blender Guru on the other hand is talented and benevolent
it's just as much shit as the other one you described, you just can't tell

>> No.797437

nothing says "talent" like giving up actually succeeding in your field and settling for being an instructor, right? all that athletic talent expressed via the medium of teaching middle school pe, for example.

>> No.797438

Andrew. Stop. It's embarrassing.

>> No.797439

He probably earns more than even top tier 3D artists, unfortunately. So I'd say he is smart for realizing that and going into what he is doing right now. He has a business degree, after all. Me and you are the ones who are stupid and fighting for the bread crumbs. I'd rather have autists on /3/ calling me a bad artist and earn $$$ than stressing myself right now over not having any work and grinding on a portfolio day and night. And the worst thing is, it's never enough, you constantly have to grind and keep updating the portfolio. Because nobody cares about you anyway, we're all just a replaceable workforce.

>> No.797441

this. a talking head and working with people always the best.

>> No.797442

>all just a replaceable workforce.
Delet this

>> No.797445

Andrew pls

>> No.797483

I love how he made a point to put dust, scratches and smudges over the wood the wood floor texture, and not anywhere else at all.

>> No.797606

>his reputation in shambles
>proceeds to keep all his videos up, defending them

He'll never lecture in front of a live audience again. Blender institute is ashamed of him.

>> No.797612

okay devon

>> No.797614
File: 16 KB, 835x600, 1592663015434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the power of Blender Guru has only been partially revealed.

>> No.797615
File: 46 KB, 945x542, 1585064484170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.798750

That's a really cool video

>> No.798762

I know for sure that Andrew has posted himself in this place. He asked for opinions about a render of his little forest house.

>> No.798791

Not him but I was tutored for a bit by some oculus dev who worked on models when I was on a project for some indie VR game, that guy posted on chans all the time.

>> No.798856

Wut? When? That was recent and I would have noticed it for sure.

>> No.798858

Nah that was me trying to troll you blendlets, it wasn't Andrew.

>> No.800294

I've been feeling horrible lately. I almost regret I ever put so much effort into getting JUST good enough to taste the AAA industry with this. Now I'm jobless again and working on a portfolio, but thinking about where would have I been if I just grinded Angular.js 4-5 years ago. Jesus Christ, time flies, I already invested like 3 years of my life into this, at this point I don't know if it would be even worth it to give this up as well and go back to webdev or some other shit where I don't have to compete with 15 year old koreans who can do this for 20 hours a day without breaking a sweat.

Feels even worse when I see some people get recognized throughout the industry after only 1 year of self learning. I think I'm quite good as well and got some recognition, too, but my productivity is whack. I've been trying to finish 2 portfolio projects for half a year now. I barely did anything else with my life during that period, but the fucking depression stopped me from getting more than a few quality productive hours a day.

Thanks for reading my blogpost. Damn, does it suck when a person is indecisive and dabbles in too many different things.

>> No.800324

>I've been trying to finish 2 portfolio projects for half a year now
portfolio projects should take a week at most. wtf are you even doing?

>> No.800328

>portfolio projects should take a week at most

>> No.800333

>doesn't build the whole portfolio in a single afternoon with megascans
2021 and still modeling like a loser? never gonna make it.

>> No.800380

>Muh depression

Stop being a faggot and get your shit together. No meds will work and nobody gives a flying FUCK about you. The ONLY WAY to get out of this MIND SET is to get a GRIP and stop SELF LOATHING.

Finish the projects and start a new 1. Nobody GIVES you a chance.... You need to fucking make it happen.

>> No.800382

you need a mentor. i have a friend to hooked me up with a guy who wants to teach people and he's actually kinda good. turns out, the way i used to do everything is just fucking retarded, slow and often pointless. we gonna ngmi on our own, anon. everything is already figured out.

>> No.800386

You make work showing your skill in a reasonable time frame (1 week), not spend half a year making the next Bollywood blockbuster

>> No.800389

If you're doing environments, that ain't gonna happen. I've seen plenty of people spend 3-4-5 months per an environment. But if the quality is good and it showcases all kinds of things, 1-3 environments could be enough. For prop, sure, a week might be enough if it isn't super complex.

>> No.800391

What about characters?

>> No.800393

an environment is a collection of props. No one is looking for you to design an entire level. One week.

>> No.800395

Environment is NOT just a collection of props, there's a lot more to it. And if that were true, environment artists wouldn't exist. If you want to be an environment artist, you should make entire environments, not just props.

Not a character artist, but afaik, they take quite a while to make as well.

>> No.800397

>Environment is NOT just a collection of props, there's a lot more to it. And if that were true, environment artists wouldn't exist.
its practically synonymous. You just use a trim sheet for games, thats it

>> No.800400

Please tell me you're trolling or have never actually made an environment before. Can't believe what I have to read on this board...

>> No.800403

i recreated several levels from vidya and yes it was just a collection of props. the fact that you have no arguments besides "you're wrong bro" just goes to show

>> No.800411

>tileable materials, trimsheets, decals, material blending, vfx, lighting, baking, composition, camera settings, postprocessing... To name a few. Just placement of everything, adding details and polishing takes a bunch of time.

>> No.800451

I hate twitter so fuckin much. The only place that manages to be more toxic than this place.

>> No.800610

>tileable materials, trimsheets, decals, material blending, vfx, lighting, baking, composition, camera settings, postprocessing... To name a few. Just placement of everything, adding details and polishing takes a bunch of time
the only thing unique to environments is trim sheets.

>> No.800670

Just lol. Studios looking for environment artists want to see full environments in your portfolio. End of discussion.

>> No.800680

again, i made a few levels from vidya and its just a collection of props. Why are you labeling x as y?

>> No.803103

At least 350

>> No.803206

Did any of you guys ever participate in some of the ArtStation challenges (or similar)? I feel like I'm missing out if I don't participate as it can get you so much exposure if you get to top 3 places. At the same time I really hate any kind of art competitions, I hated it when I was active in music and I hate these 3DCG ones as well.

>> No.803309
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>> No.803312

Such as? I'm a complete beginner and find his tutorials very helpful.

>> No.803314

4chan is unironically one of the best websites on the current day Internet though