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File: 65 KB, 500x500, 1605210553592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
786231 No.786231 [Reply] [Original]

>pablo edition
previous thread >>784377

>> No.786243

whats the best tutorial for a noob

>> No.786256


>> No.786259

how can one man be so based.....

>> No.786280

You know, I noticed undo in Blender is always ridiculously slow. Has anybody experienced that as well? It's such a pain that sometimes I'd rather delete it and do it again then having to wait a few seconds in between each undo step. I don't have a shitty PC either.

>> No.786282

Known problem, they keep working on it but it will still take time since it's deeply integrated in the whole system.
There were some improvements though recently. For example they fixed that stupid problem where undo not only undid your action but also some checkbox you ticked or other option you've changed. That was quite annoying but yeah, fixed now.

>> No.786283

The undo buffer works by saving the entire blend in memory and loading it when you hit undo. It's been like this forever and is also why you should turn down the amount of undo possible in the preferences if you're rendering a heavy scene. Afaik the only way to get around this is to use simplify or cut up your scenes into multiple blend files.

>> No.786286

Also, check how many addons you have enabled and if you really need them all since that may also fuck with the undo.
And what >>786283 said. Just make it a habit to save multiple times in increments so you can easily go back to stuff in case you fuck up too many steps for an easy undo.

>> No.786288

>The undo buffer works by saving the entire blend in memory and loading it when you hit undo.
lmao, what a shit software.

>> No.786290

If https://developer.blender.org/T60695 is ever finished, we could see a tremendous boost in speed.

Go back to your buggy 3DS Max undo faggot.

>> No.786311

Autodesk products frequently crash when you undo

>> No.786318

>it's either Blender or Autodesk
Is this the true cost of Blender? You pay nothing in money, but then you can't stop thinking about Autodesk?

>> No.786322
File: 81 KB, 529x1416, NotMine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I speed up imports of FUCKHUGE assets? I have the files stored on nvme's but would a better CPU help? Currently using a quad core Ryzen 3 3100.
Does blender even take advantage of multiple cores?

>> No.786339

No it does not, Importing huge data sets is a shitshow and quite frankly its kinda obvious why nobody of the Blender fanboys talks about it.

>> No.786340
File: 230 KB, 621x619, 1572441143008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I used to use Maya in the early 00's, there any better options? I'll be upgrading as soon as I can find some decent Zen 3's in stock.

>> No.786402
File: 1.02 MB, 522x472, wireframevisi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know if you guys have noticed but you can now show wireframes with opacity settings and it's really fucking smooth. really wanted that feature so badly and now I can finally have wires visible for orientation but without them obstructing the view. really neat.

>> No.786406

Does anybody know a good tutorial for sculpting clothing details in blender?

>> No.786411


>> No.786420

Is this the true cost of Autodesk? You pay money, and then you can't stop thinking about Blender?

>> No.786422

>t. triggered blendlet

>> No.786426

Not triggered at all my autodesk friend :)

>> No.786428

is it possible to unlink hdri image brightness with ambient lighting... it is really annoying that a bright blue sky will give me a stupidly light ambient light its espeicially useless in indoor scenes.

>> No.786430

I don't use Autodesk software. Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.786431

So wtf do you use MODO?

>> No.786438
File: 247 KB, 1800x1013, Base Mesh vs texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have anymore references for base mesh vs texture, like pic related? I'm kind of stuck on the LOD I should be aiming for on my base sculpt.

>> No.786439

if youre not a blendet or autotard your take is irrelevant thank you bye

>> No.786446

Houdini, motherfucker.

>> No.786450

So you are a big deal!

>> No.786451

lol, you wish I were, so you could finally claim to have once interacted with A Real Pro(TM).

>> No.786464

I have never noticed this, ever. undo/redo is instant for me

>> No.786474

You must have global undo turned off.

>> No.786483

Does latest stable version have color coded collections, or was that announced for 2.92?

>> No.786513
File: 43 KB, 603x393, what a shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That ankle/wrist to chest ratio.

>> No.786514
File: 56 KB, 944x590, crawlinginmyskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.786523


>> No.786561
File: 101 KB, 838x553, hdr mix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this. The light path node always helps in these situations

>> No.786572

just look up zbrush cloth sculpting tutorials, it's all the same shit.

>> No.786574

Wtf is wrong with multires in blender, sculpting on highres doesnt automatically propagate to the basemesh like in zbrush and "apply base" deforms the whole shape even though I havent moved anything yet!

>> No.786576

Apply the multires then just unsubdivide it

the new blender has a button to do this soon as nobody else seems to know what the fuck apply base is for either

>> No.786616

>box select a dozen objects
>doesn't want to join, drops an error
>select ONE object
>shift select ANOTHER
>now it suddenly works
>box select everything remaining again
>it works like it should in the first place

I refuse to believe this doesn't happen to everyone else, it was literally always the thing for me for years. I don't know why Blender does it, but joining a bunch of objects together often doesn't want to work until I first join only a couple of them.

>> No.786642

>select a non-box, thus removing them all from the active selection
>box select a dozen objects
>doesn't want to join, drops an error
>select ONE of those boxes
>shift select ANOTHER
>now it suddenly works
>box select everything remaining again
>it works like it should in the first place


>> No.786644

Fuck, I don't know why I put in boxes in that scenario.

Point is, you had no active selection in your box select.

>> No.786648 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 209x205, 1515959909129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, file a bug ticket. I just tested it and get the same behavior.

>> No.786673

what's the error? cause >>786642 could be an explanation but it doesn't throw an error for me, it just does nothing

>> No.786679

Yeah, I figured it happens when I duplicate a group as a backup and then proceed to join the original group together. Since the duplicated objects are still selected, it doesn't allow me to join the original ones, like >>786644 said. I don't know what is the benefit of that, though. It just messes me up and now I need to think about another pointless thing when I select objects.

I mean, I know that maybe it's because it keeps track of the last selected so you can perform linking operations, but it still doesn't make sense to not allow me to join a specific group I selected, just because something else was selected before.

>> No.786797

is it a valid experience to use somebody else's textures and only do the modeling?

>> No.786834

>is it a valid experience
what the fuck are you even trying to say here

>> No.786846

do i need anything special in my pc for blender? i should be getting a pretty decent gaymen rig by march, will that do?

>> No.786850

average 2020s specs will do just fine but you should probably also make sure you get some nvidia gpu in it since cuda still works a bit better than the opencl alternative

>> No.786853

amd works just fine now, look at the benchmarks.

>> No.786854

as in do I actually learn from doing this or do you think I'd be fooling myself

>> No.786938
File: 6 KB, 910x380, git.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Git a good way to backup and collaborate with others on projects?

>> No.786940

It's clunky for binary files. Look into Perforce instead.

>> No.786973

is library override usable yet?
last time i tried it with a character, i couldn't modify the source collection without irreparably breaking the "client" file

>> No.786994

Thoughts on Quad Remesher + Hard Ops? I'll be playing with it now, just trying out the remesher. Currently it seems godlike. It has been out for a while, so I don't understand why I don't see more discussion about it. It seems like you can create a subdiv ready geo with bools in no time with this. Just use symmetry, model a bit, remesh, repeat. Add bevel with hard ops, add a subdiv modifier and everything is clean.

It will probably fuck up in certain situations because this just looks too perfect. Why even bother carefully doing topo manually?


>> No.787007

If it's literally the quad remesher by exoside, I think I don't care to rent an addon

>> No.787008
File: 374 KB, 736x436, 75988-texture-painted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a good read/few videos on creating textures? I already know how to to make proper seams and UV unwrap, I'm not talking about texture painter either. Shit like pic related. (random image I found)

>> No.787017

Are you asking how to do "hand painted textures" as opposed to something generated by Substance Painter / Mari / Armor Painter / etc?
If so, that's the phrase you want; I don't have a particular tutorial or tutorial series to recommend, and also you can absolutely achieve a hand painted look via those tools

>> No.787018

That's not how it works, 3DCG is broken up into a ton of different disciplines that all go together to form the finished product.
In a production environment (a studio) there are literally different people doing each job all coordinating together in a pipeline or workflow, so in a professional setting you'll always be using someone else's [model / texture / rig / lights / background / whatever] while you do your step in the process.

So if you want to learn textures and you use someone else's texture then you haven't learned textures. If you want to do archviz and you use someone else's texture, you didn't learn how to make your own texture but you learned the other parts of archviz.

Something like video related takes months to do solo, getting exposure to each and everything is something you'll want to do but learning all of them to the same level of competency is kind of impossible, those people are called "generalists" and while there's usually one on a team (to sort of fill in the gaps) most of the people on the team are "specialists" that only do one thing.


>> No.787038
File: 7 KB, 250x161, 1598384356946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.787072

etc .....

>> No.787135
File: 175 KB, 683x797, 1374767899151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I sculpt existing models I appended?
I click but nothing happens.

>> No.787138

does anyone have good advice/tuts for rigging shoulders? The default rigify rig is fuck-awful with them and always deforms weird and ARP is not much better (haven't tried it with x-muscle tho)

>> No.787141

fix the deformations with the clavicle, you have shape keys too.

>> No.787159

How do I delete the default cube?

>> No.787161

By deleting it?
Just use the shortcut.

>> No.787168
File: 616 KB, 498x309, 1605239736562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an efficient way to sculpt meshes without turning the geometry into big ass ugly polygons? I've seen people use the "grab" tool on spheres to create long wormy shapes but when i try it gets all pointy and ugly.

>> No.787172

I think he means that youtube channel

>> No.787177
File: 60 KB, 220x122, help.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep running into roadblocks when I try to use particles and physics in blender. Why can't things
>just werk™
I can never get hair to fall with dynamic Hair Dynamics when I'm make models of sexy women. It falls for a little than just explodes
Right now I can't get fire to come out of the text in the lyrics of the song "Sex On Fire" without totally covering the text or randomly vanishing.
Looking into alternatives I see my only option costs $200+ a month (lolno)
((Help me (4channel.org/3/), you're my only hope))

>> No.787179

>It falls for a little than
D: all blender meshes must originate from the default cube.

>> No.787180

Please can someone explain why I can't use sculpting on models I downloaded.
I click and nothing happens. I'm a beginner so it's probably something stupid.

>> No.787211

But he's part of the Zbrush team, idiots

>> No.787216

thanks anon this is gold

>> No.787244

>I try to use particles and physics in blender.
There is your mistake.

>> No.787259

People seem to mix up those two Pablos.
The one in the OP isn't pablomon, it's the propaganda minister Pablo.

>> No.787297

What's the best way to use blender to render low quality, stylized animations fast? I have some experience with Unity3D and it's easy to achieve 120+ fps as long as you keep it simple. But in Blender even a simple scene can take several seconds for 1 frame.
I understand Unity is far less performant and this is due to Blender trying to render things much more accurately, but if I basically don't want things to look better than they would in Unity3d... what should I do?
Or should I just port stuff to Unity?
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.
I googled and found information on how to render stuff faster (example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gSyEpt4-60)) but what i'm looking for is low quality real time rendering

>> No.787298

Retard here. I should have looked for "real time rendering" I think, I found lots of stuff with that

>> No.787301

Realtime rendering can even achieve a high quality stuff if you know what you're doing, so yeah, Unity or Unreal should be more than good enough for your animations.

>> No.787305
File: 201 KB, 1913x536, FAJ6Kkh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob here.
I'm trying to replicate this shader in the shader editor but several of the nodes (normalize, add, multiply, etc) seem to be missing.
I tried to find the answer online and the closest thing to an answer seems to be to switch from the compositor editor to the material editor. But I think I'm already in the right place?
Halp plz

>> No.787306

math node

>> No.787307

Perfect. Thanks a lot

>> No.787316
File: 281 KB, 400x280, 582762e76aa99cc2eeb6da35add692ea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how this lighting/shading is called?

>> No.787324

I'm using a heavy subdiv modifier with a lowpoly mesh

is this normal or am I a retard

>> No.787333
File: 38 KB, 640x475, 1530659506510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 years of working in blender
>still haven't made anything eye catching or impressive that doesn't look like something from a 80s amiga pc render
I guess some people were never made for it.

>> No.787336

same here, crossing that line from newbie into actually being able to make something decent is impossible

>> No.787340

If you're not using smooth shading, then yes. You're restard

>> No.787341

you don't need smooth shading if you crank the subdiv high enough

>> No.787342

You need to experiment with your approach, explore as much as you can, have projects. Challenge yourself. I've been doing little animations and mixed media stuff, and even though I'm nowhere near an expert, keeping focus and having a vision really helps overcome obstacles. You can't improve if you don't know what you want, and if you don't want something that fully makes use of the software's capabilities, you'll never learn much.

>> No.787343

>You can't improve if you don't know what you want
what if i just want to 3d, not making any one thing specifically?

>> No.787344

>update from 2.83 to 2.91
>can no longer fast switch between modes and objects in the outliner

>> No.787345

3d is a tool like drawing or an instrument. Once you get the basic gist, you need to put it to some use. Use your imagination, think of something you want to see done and make it. The beauty comes from hitting roadblocks, learning how to overcome them, and finishing your project having learned something new.

>> No.787346

Based nasa computer owner. Fuck poorfags

>> No.787355

oh cmon now, i know you guys know this one. pleaaaaaaaaase.

>> No.787357
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1576638684076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.787359
File: 772 KB, 1590x1244, shading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an unlit scene which has baked-in lighting. It's only affected by character- or object vignette shadows.
The Character itself doesn't self-shadow but rather only tests if its surface points towards a light source.
But i have no idea if there is a specific name for it

>> No.787360

gouraud shading

>> No.787369

ah yeah I'm not sure if this is some sort of industry standard but I think I watched a vid about a Zelda game that did something similar. thanks a bunch, i wonder how you could tell so much of the behavior just by looking at it

u sure? I'm not a specialist by any means but it looks too flat to be gouramis, at least from looking at google images.

>> No.787370

gouraud* either way, thank you anon!

>> No.787405

Problem is when you have absolutely zero artistic skills. You can't sculpt, texture, model something in an artistic way if you lack the vision, hell even lighting is an art itself. The only stuff I'm capable of doing is architecture with a simple sun lamp.

>> No.787447

You won't develop any new skills with that attitude, pal. If you want to make something worth showing then try to make something worth showing. Be more ambitious, play around with the lighting, at least use some stock textures to give your scenes more life. Unless you want to become an architect, you won't get anywhere without evolving your craft. Blender is infinitely useful and free. The only thing stopping you is your own motivation.

>> No.787455

>The only thing stopping you is your own motivation.
...and subpar tools.

>> No.787459

>He literally pays for software

>> No.787487

>The only thing stopping you is your own motivation.
then what do you do when you don't know what to do

>> No.787491

Only you know what inspires you, what interests you. If architecture is all you're aiming for, then consume more of it.

>> No.787505

sounds like you have brain problems

>> No.787531
File: 307 KB, 1137x856, 2020-12-10-042944_4480x2520_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got an unsolvable issue
blender just crashes when I'm trying to move the vertices back to their place

>> No.787532

ok I got it for some reason they're merged with the upper mesh, the crashes got me worried a bit tho

>> No.787533

I cleaned up the mesh and discovered it goes back to the >>787531 pic state after I move it

>> No.787535

>blender just crashes when I'm trying to move the vertices back to their place
Uninstall blender. That's the only solution.

>> No.787730

Select vertices or faces and press y to separate then move it to where u want fix the shit afterwards then merge the vertex by distance.

>> No.787754

>blender just crashes when I'm trying to move the vertices

>> No.787786

How can I change default bevel settings in Hard Ops? I find myself constantly having to refine the profile from to 0.5 because 0.7 is default for some reason. I wish I don't have to do it all the time.

>> No.787802

found out it was some topology mirror bug. after disabling it blender doesn't crash anymore

>> No.787811

Can't believe you can't select hidden faces and vertices without going into a wireframe view. I just "fixed" it by putting xray opacity to 1 and always having it active. I also can't believe I didn't do that eariler. That's a few less clicks every time I have to tweak something, I just have to get used to it.

>> No.787867

Yeah that's blender for you. Years and years and we still don't have fucking VERTEX LOCKING.

>> No.787872
File: 394 KB, 600x720, 1607482373968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth learning or should I just pirate one of the paid-only softwares? My friends want to make a game in Unreal Engine and I'm gonna make the 3d models.

>> No.787898

Does the first prompt for importing old settings when you update just not bring in your old quick favorites? Or do I just need to do them all over every time theres an update?

>> No.787917

Honestly doesn't matter, at least not at a beginner level. The software you use isn't going to make you better by itself. Just pick something and start practising,

>> No.788065

So I made a mesh using subdiv modeling for a project and I now I need to export the low poly base, but it looks like aids if I remove the subdiv modifier. Is there anyway to "fit" the low poly mesh to look more like the subdivided if that makes any sense?

>> No.788069

You should be using a multires modifier if you want to do stuff like that

>> No.788071

blender is fine for modelling.

Pirate substance painter for texturing.

Pirate marmoset toolbag for baking (or just use substance for it)

>> No.788079

dont ever model with subdiv on

>> No.788080

Yeah, because Blender's performance is so bad you actually can't.

>> No.788098

Im having the weirdest problem with weight painting. The blur brush isnt doing what is supposed to and it just behaves like a paint brush with 100% weight no matter what amount I set it to. What the fuck is going on? Tried everything I could think of

>> No.788103

I just want an animation to test my rigify model, where the fuck do I find animations ready to import into blender? I don't want to learn mocap retargeting or whatever just to see if my rig works

>> No.788122
File: 108 KB, 1920x1080, columns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make a scene with realistic outdoor lighting? With this one I changed the world background color to sky blue but it looks really weird.
Do you have to use a special skybox or something?

>> No.788126

Adding an HDRi would be the first step.

>> No.788128

using an hdri is the easiest way. If you already have some environment and just need the sky itself, use the node for it

>> No.788238
File: 767 KB, 1920x1027, blender_7j0tZKbNFx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is a bug or not but the origin menu for the bones are missing and the only way to access it is trough the space bar search. Just had a frustrating hour of my collision mess misalignment because the bone origin was wrong.

>> No.788249

There was this addon for uv packing that looked a bit like tetris with uv's falling from the top, how was it called?

>> No.788250

blender uv pack physics

First result. God I hate you.

>> No.788251

thanks man I'm a certified retard

>> No.788257
File: 944 KB, 2027x1252, Screenshot 2020-12-14 182303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has something happened to my shaders?
How do I fix this?

>> No.788266

Click the arrow to the right of the icons and make sure you have scene lights and scene world set as desired.

>> No.788269

Dumb question. In sculpt mode, it would be much easier for me to select a part of the mesh in Edit Mode, then use that selection as a mask as to not affect the area. How do I do that?

>> No.788283

Did they change controls in 2.9.1? When I select second object with shift+left click it selects one of them as parented object (red outline) and I can't move both. How do I do it now?

>> No.788294

no, I use the latest version and works for me just fine, both moving

>> No.788305

It's actually does the same thing if I select objects with a rectangle.

>> No.788312

Im going to start learning 3D with Blender as a complete beginner. I'm going to use the Udemy course that is really popular for it. Is this a good strategy? I want to get good enough at 3D to make top quality assets for Second Life. I will make a shop for clothes/hair but Im not doing it for the money, I just want to create better items than are currently available there for my own use

>> No.788357

why are you lying anon? what do you get from shilling for Blender? if you knew anything and were honest you'd know autodesk products do not crash from undoing

>> No.788360

Should I upgrade from 16gb RAM to 32 for Blender?

>> No.788369

what do you get from shilling for autodesk?

>> No.788370

have you run into low ram issues?
if not, then stay with 16gb.
on the other hand ram can be quite cheap sometimes and if you intent to keep doing 3D you should definitely install 32 sooner or later.

>> No.788371

I can't tell. Sometimes I'd launch an 8K image render and it'll hang. Sometimes when the scene is heavy things get really slow. Also, restoring back several steps can often take an eternity.

>> No.788375

>I can't tell.
Just keep an eye on your ram usage. If shit spikes using Blender then go get an upgrade.

>> No.788391

why the fuck is the ambient light in EEVEE so fucking bright, why can't I adjust this shit? no, changing the background doesn't help, I WANT a bright background, but I don't want it casting bright ass ambient light inside buildings.

>> No.788427

>I WANT a bright background, but I don't want it casting bright ass ambient light
you could use the "is camera ray" input as a mix factor to separate the displayed background from the light it casts and adjust them independently

>> No.788432

Hair to unreal. Alembic export is glitching the fuck out
anyone here doing it care to give me quick greentext

>> No.788501
File: 2.44 MB, 5407x5666, BlenderTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked the shaders and scene lights, it seems fine.

Left of image is how it usually looks, right is what I'm getting now.
I tried Blender 2.81 on the main pc as well, but it had similar issues.

>> No.788504

Did you try to load factory settings to see if it helped?

If that doesn't work and if this was not an issue previously on your computer, this is probably not a settings problem but something with your hardware setup. Try updating your graphics card drivers or reverting to an older version if you have updated them recently. If you still can't figure anything out, make a bug report, if the devs can reproduce the problem they can fix it eventually.

>> No.788505

I'll try to revert the gpu drivers, thanks.

>> No.788506

Awesome, that worked, thanks

>> No.788563
File: 78 KB, 498x238, whatthefuckisgoingon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since they updated Blender it's started automatically deleting .png files I use in textures. You can search my entire PC, recycling bin, use recovery programs and so on and it's like they never existed. What the fuck is going on?

And also, why only .png files? .jpegs and anything else are fine and stay but .png is always gone when I check back after a few days

I can't find anyone else online having this issue and when I google it all I find is my own posts on other places about this same bug, wtf do I do?

It's not a virus either as I've scanned with multiple programs and nothing, and who the fuck would code a virus to delete .png files used in blender and nothing else?

>> No.788570

>who the fuck would code a virus to delete .png files used in blender and nothing else?
kek'd, someone with a very specific grudge

>> No.788579

they're actually getting deleted? I haven't updated to 2.8, but my textures sometimes disappear, but a save and reload shows them again.

>> No.788649

has anyone tested the redshift plugin for blender?
also, has anyone done a speed comparison with cycles or e-cycles?

>> No.788687

How long until pablo starts working on retopology tools?

>> No.788688

e-cycles is a scam

>> No.788837

does anyone here use auto rig pro? im trying to add armature but all the options(human, dog, etc) are grayed out

>> No.788848

has anyone got a t*rrent link for flip fluids?

>> No.788851


>> No.788856

>How long until pablo starts working on retopology tools?
You have polybuild, retopoflow (on github if you don't want to pay) and retopomt, polypaint and texturing are next I think, they should include something like this to me ....

>> No.788858


...flip fluids. the 75 dollar blender addon.

>> No.788860
File: 4 KB, 217x72, flipp_off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just using the one that comes with blender?

>> No.788864


the flip method of simulation is not the same thing as the addon

>> No.788866

ah alright. good luck then, anon.

>> No.788867
File: 183 KB, 640x640, the mystique of the forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My latest render :)
Any critiques?

>> No.788868
File: 8 KB, 200x200, pablomon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.788876

What's the point of striving for realism?

>> No.788888

I think the donut man has a video or two where he talks about this, but basically there's 2 main reasons.

1. it's what 90% of the cg industry wants. 2. you need to know realism before you can get good at making stylised stuff, aka know the rules before you break them. it's the same reason an art teacher won't allow you to draw your anime OCs before you know how to draw a real human. look up anyone serious about making art 2d or 3d and they all say the same thing, you need to know your anatomy if you want people to look good. same thing applies to hard surface modelling as well.

>> No.788910
File: 196 KB, 580x580, 1584558002361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't modify the topology

>> No.788923
File: 48 KB, 810x520, screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I install retopoflow?

>> No.788927
File: 192 KB, 640x640, 1608155146139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these vines? i don't like them, the tip of the roof looks weird for some reason and the roof... texture looks weird too, all the other things look really good, nice job.

>> No.788928

it is working to me, you have to download and use the .zip, don't extract it or download the other thing

>> No.788929

well, that's what I did, dunno what I am doing wrong.

>> No.788930

it works on my machine

>> No.788931

are there any alternative for retopo?

>> No.788934

Are you using linux? NumPy should come with the Linux build, but sometimes Blender will try to use your system's Python if it is installed.

>> No.788935

quaddraw in maya, flippednormals did a video on it

>> No.788937

I'm using lubuntu with a portable 2.79 download.

>> No.788938

retopomt works but the interface is shit

>> No.788939

I have no idea if it will work in Lubuntu, you could try to run it, it is free too but you need an email.

>> No.788940

I suppose you could purge Python too but it could fuck other things so better don't do that.

>> No.788944

Are you downloading the 2.79 or th 2.8? if you are in blender 2.79 you need the 2.0 or the 1.3 releases can't remember, if you are in >2.8 the 3

>> No.788945

It crashes if I enable 3.1 (on blender 2.91)

>> No.788946

1.3 and 2.0 doesn't appear after installed the zip.

>> No.788948

this has happened to me within the last serveral days. I recommend the search program "Everything" to find things, rather than the win10 search (almost completely useless for anything, takes ages, gets fuckey with library caches very frequently)

'Everything' is extremely fast and will find anything you need on your drives. My usual habit is to take the texture file name from blender, copy paste it into 'everything', then delete and update the image file in blender. Its a bug for sure but this is the fastest work-around other than saving and reloading (and praying, because this may not work 100% of the time)

>> No.788980

Two things. First I'm looking for Ian Hubert's Patreon stuff.

Second, is there a good place to get just a solid HDRI sky? I have a few cool HDRIs that are great for lighting but they fuck up reflections and all that.

>> No.788982

Solid hdri? You mean like pure colour? Why not just use an rgb node for the background?

>> No.788984

>want to add multiple eye variations like stars or frightened eyes to my model
>already textured and there's no more place for the new uv's

>> No.788985

I meant solid as in "good." My bad.

A lot of HDRIs do sky + ground. My model is currently sitting in a city street and reflecting a farm field when I want it to just be reflecting either what's around it or the sky

>> No.788988

There's this procedural HDRi sky shader that can be tweaked to your needs. Follow the readme file inside the .blender to know how to import it into your scenes.

>> No.788989

Holy shit, awesome. Thanks a lot!

>> No.788992

Any good free add-ons for adding a IK armature to a already rigged model? I'm Importing stuff from SFM.

>> No.789044
File: 842 KB, 1680x984, <<FOX 2, FOX 2>>.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox in Progress. Almost finished with the CGCookie sculpting tutorial, so I decided to get distracted and try to model a realistic fox. Body proportions still need work, but that's not really shown in pic related.

>> No.789065
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, logitech k120 yellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making my keyboard Logitech K120

>> No.789069

I had the same problem, it was my amd drivers, installed radeon pro drivers and it fixed, I only render with my cpu though.

>> No.789087
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, logitech k120 pink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.789089

lol everyone look at anon's gay keyboard.

>> No.789090

vaporwave inspired, not gay

>> No.789092

Pink = Mega-gay.
I'm kidding anon. The model looks nice.

>> No.789174

keys in different rows have a different slant and a bit different profile, you should take it into account.
Maybe take out a few of them and examine how they differ

>> No.789185
File: 92 KB, 1080x1350, fox cute mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cute!

>> No.789196
File: 883 KB, 259x261, GIF 12-18-2020 4-44-45 AM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are comfy motion graphics physics sims like this doable with blender or is c4d or houdini necessitous

>> No.789203
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, Logitech k120 blue yellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with slanted keys

>> No.789206
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1040, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to 4week meme course
I tried to make same texture as ref but couldn't
Furthermore i still can't have clear grasp on shader

>> No.789235

Yeh animation nodes.

If you wanna be a part of the Instagram c4d wankfest just pirate it and go tho

>> No.789238
File: 871 KB, 500x269, fox looks at camera.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon. Going to resume working on it soon. Nice fox picture. have another.
Take it to the next level, anon. Add some letters and symbols to the keys. You won't be disappointed with the result.

>> No.789240

Anyone try out Oney's grease pencil tutorial?

>> No.789241


i appreciate this

>> No.789242


its a little basic for the price but he's straight to the point as usual. i recommend it if you aren't familiar with 2d in blender and want to learn a replacement for flash

>> No.789252

How do I go about making lewd animations? Any tuts or guides you guys would recommend? It's really confusing and is the opposite of normal animations.

>> No.789257
File: 572 KB, 1122x882, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm testing out skin shaders on Eevee. How do I paint my character's nipples or lips if there are no texture maps involved? All of it is node based and I can't figure out a way to change the color around the nipples and lips. I can't bake the textures either since Cycles messes up the shader. Anyway to pull this off without doing this outside blender?
Sorry if the question is dumb I'm new.

>> No.789259

is the funny man actually making good tutorials?

>> No.789260

there are definitely texture maps involved. and that "skin shader" looks like literal canned spam

>> No.789263


oh, dude, his tutorials have always been great. they're always absolutely entry level but the amount you learn in a few minutes is intense. the blender clay priest livestream and the oneymusic tutorials on fl and music theory are fantastic. funny man got me seriously into piano.

>> No.789269

Dyntopo is what you're looking for, below brush settings

>> No.789270

Blender's current particle system is notoriously shitty, but I heard they've been working on completely replacing it, so there's hope yet

>> No.789271

yeah you wanna use the Eevee engine

>> No.789272
File: 104 KB, 444x479, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not good but i feel like im getting there

>> No.789273

Blender is just a tool, you can't just keep pounding away with it and count on it to fill in the gaps in your artistic vision. Maybe step back from the program entirely and focus on developing an eye for art in general that gets you inspired. Consume as much as you can and really take not of the features that make the good stuff pop out to you, like REALLY try to pin down the little nuances that evoke a response. A developed visual vocabulary will take you infinitely farther than knowing your way around menus and jargon

>> No.789274

please go outside

>> No.789275

you mean pines?

>> No.789281

where can you get them? the only one on his gumroad is the 2d one.

>> No.789293
File: 111 KB, 512x341, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope I mean this , is that what you did there? atach a climber plant to these 2 trees? it is weird to see that and looks bad to me, if these are just small branches looks bad to me too

>> No.789294
File: 767 KB, 1200x675, pines.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.789306

Use dyntopo (dynamic topology). I'd recommend using "constant detail" with 20 px for the resolution.

>> No.789380

not bad. Also look up YouTube tutorials. They are some great ones

>> No.789383

Requesting help bros. How do I paint the nipple area? I can't paint over this because the color comes from a diffuse shader. How do I apply a diffuse shader to just the area around her nipples and lips?

>> No.789387
File: 63 KB, 737x786, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can add a vertex color layer, paint a mask in vertex paint mode, then use it to control the factor in a mix shader node.
There's also a freaky way of using dynamic paint to add vertex color "decals" based on object proximity (used here for the dot on the head, brush object hidden), which has the benefit of allowing you to mess with the topology without destroying your mask. For something like a nipple, you can just use a sphere as the dynamic paint brush object with source->paint set to "Mesh volume + Proximity". You can also use shrinkwrapped meshes or geometry duplicated from your character mesh as the brush object.
The downside of using vertex colors is that the edge looks rough unless it's high poly.

If there's a better way, feel free to call me a retard.

>> No.789392

omg it worked. And I'll look into the second method btw thank you. What about more than two vertex groups how would that work? If I wanted a third vertex group, would i have make a third vertex color hook it to another mix shader? Can you please show me how that's done?

>> No.789394
File: 89 KB, 1089x749, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try not to confuse vertex groups and vertex colors. If something stops working, it's probably cause you're painting vertex weights (ie vertex groups) instead of vertex colors by accident.

You can mix shaders as many times as you want, using as many vertex color layers (or other masks, such as a musgrave texture for example) as you want.

>> No.789396

Thank you very much !!! I got it now.

>> No.789410

Anyone else make VRChat models here? I have no idea what you're supposed to do, should I make a model and rig it like you do for normal games? Do I even have to rig animations for VR models? How does it work?

>> No.789416

look up mixamo and vrchat on youtube, download vrchat sdk for unity, edit your model and armature in blender, login to your vrchat sdk in unity and upload it via vrchat sdk in unity

>> No.789417

then login to vrchat with the same login

>> No.789427

Ok got it.So here's the workflow
1)Make the model
2)Rig the model
3)Upload the model

That's it right? I don't need to work on animations and stuff?

>> No.789429

yes, you only need an armature for your model, mixamo will generate an armature for you, then upload it with your vrchat account (separate from steam id)

>> No.789430

Neat thank you

>> No.789436 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 1917x951, screenieHelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transformation gizmos not appearing on rig bones. Opened a separate file and they work fine when I click the respective gizmo in the T bar.
How do I fix this?

>> No.789444

How do I get started with animations lads? Do I really have to move around parts of my character frame by frame? Is that how studios make smooth animations?

>> No.789449
File: 1.28 MB, 810x540, burpeevid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a soiBoy but the tutorial is a good start. Many other videos on Blender animation techniques, and the 2D principles seem to hold well to 3D
I started animating literally yesterday after a 6 year break since I last touched Blender, and I made pic related. It's not super great, but it's a start.

>> No.789450

For 3D it allows interpolation where the software will calculate parameters between two points, and the interpolation is how fast is makes this transition. Frame by frame is typical for traditional 2d animation, 3D is slightly more forgiving in this aspect.

>> No.789479
File: 1.01 MB, 3423x1232, Screenshot (146).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't figure how to attach the hair to the head.
Tried parenting. Now I've tried by adding the armature modifier but this is the result I get.
Is because the unit scale is large?

I've tried adding the hair on the same model but with the unposed model, it already had armature modifier added, it worked... but I don't want to start over work

>> No.789483
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, blender stencil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just learned how to texture paint with stencils, I will be doing letters next

>> No.789591
File: 74 KB, 305x622, BlenderIsaMeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get backface to show with alpha blend? Top is Substance painter, bottom is Blender Eevee. I dont want to user alpha hashed it looks like complete shit.

>> No.789594

Head-bone weight-paint

>> No.789610

nooooooo certainly not.
You use keyframes and move pose by pose, basically. Not Frame by frame.
Make sure to look up how to rig IK bones for legs. It's easy and is helps a ton for walking or running animations

>> No.789611

Actually, I'm just going to give you my best video for IK bone set up. It's super easy.

I don't know the topology you're working with, but setting up a basic armature and using automatic weights should be enough to get you started.

>> No.789629

Are you sure you don't have backface culling enabled on the object? I could see the backfaces just fine with alpha blend in my testing, though the results were undesirable.

Also, alpha hashed will look better if you turn up the viewport/render samples. It should be no different than alpha blend, it will just be more accurate though it'll take a second or so to clean up.

>> No.789636

that render was made by the donut guy

>> No.789679

>Head-bone weight-paint
I select the head rig/circle but there s no weight paint option available

>> No.789693
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, Logitech K120 US layout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not finished yet, I will readjust some letters

>> No.789714
File: 1.02 MB, 800x276, ezgif.com-gif-maker (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.789740

bump for attention

>> No.789745

I've got the basics of 3D down, now comes the part where I grind my skills
what's the best way to use video based learning material? outside of watching it at times two speed
should I give it 110% attention and ONLY watch it, or should I pause, follow along and copy what the guy is doing in the video? what works best?
also, how much "guided learning" should I do, compared to original, on my own practice?

>> No.789755

In the time you have been stuck on this same issue asking and waiting for help you could have helped yourself by simply watching basic beginner youtube tutorials.

>> No.789759

your dedication to recreate some random cheap logitech keyboard for whatever reason is actually kinda cute, anon

>> No.789762

which one?

>> No.789793

For some time now, I've been using DAZ Studio to create references to use in my various artworks. However, I decided to switch to Linux Mint a few months ago and, unfortunately, I can't run Daz on it. Since I don't want to use Wine to run that program, I was thinking about using Blender instead. From what I've read, my best option is to create a character with Makehuman and then pose it with Blender. I tried that and it works well, but I'd like to know if there's a better way to do this.

>> No.789794

Blender cant replace DaZ. What pro's do is pose the figuresi n Daz Export them to blender and then build the scene in Eevee to then paint over it.

>> No.789800
File: 957 KB, 961x627, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try out HDRIs
>change the color of the plane
>stays exactly the same in the render

>> No.789801
File: 88 KB, 1440x810, baby steps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured out what I did wrong.
I hit the "animate property button" without knowing what it did and keyframed the color

>> No.789846
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, Logitech k120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.789849

>What pro's do is pose the figuresi n Daz Export them to blender and then build the scene in Eevee to then paint over it.

>> No.789890

Hello, blendlets. How does one go about rigging models for lewd purposes? I can do basic rigs and animations but how does one animate the peepee going into the vagene?

>> No.789891


>> No.789899

Josh Gambrell on sudoku watch.


What do you think about this? I noticed it as well, all the self proclaimed "pros" in Blender use the shit out of hardops and boxcutter, just booleaning everything they can. I can't find a single advanced modeler using Blender that can showcase how to do things properly in it - except for Arrimus now that he started including Blender in his tutorials as well.

Not that I care much as the concepts are shared across software and there are good tutorials for Maya and Max, but still.

>> No.789907

Arrimus is pretty cool I've learned a lot from his videos

>> No.789918


>> No.789926
File: 194 KB, 2250x1003, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the proper way to add transparent image on top of material? I made shading so that I can pain on top already. But I want to add sun and maybe some stylized text on a bottle.

>> No.789931

try texture paint with stencils

>> No.789979
File: 202 KB, 1503x2000, 1608557659446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any idea how to get a skin material similar to pic related?

>> No.789981

Pedo alert.

>> No.789989

I need this.

>> No.789990

>all the self proclaimed "pros" in Blender use the shit out of hardops and boxcutter

I believe this is due to the fact that Blender has the most incompetent fucking morons in the industry working on the UI.

>> No.790017

It's just skin-colored rough-ish plastic. You can figure this out on your own.

>> No.790049

>I'm a colossal retard, please spoon-feed me

>> No.790055

What the fuck does UI have to do with it? Worst argument ever. Zbrush has a fucking disgusting UI yet it's the best 3D program in the existence (maybe after Houdini).

>> No.790057
File: 135 KB, 580x331, 2020-12-22-1608651053_580x331_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play some video game
>acquire new waifu and INSTANTLY having to sculpt her
>making a new feature for Blender in the process of making your waifu

classic pablomon

>> No.790059

Westerners can't into Anime

>> No.790060

She'd look a lot more animu if it was a drawing or at least manually shaded instead of using a fucking physically based render process.
Animu style with pbr looks always wrong.

>> No.790069

Okay, I'll accept it if your work consists of 70% of female characters - they are nicer looking. But to exclusively sculpt underage anime females in degenerate outfits has be to some kind of mental issue, and too many 3D """artists""" do it.

>> No.790070

does he ever share his blend files?

>> No.790071

You're on the perfect website for you then

>> No.790093

Where do you guys pirate your courses? I'm trying to find torrents for mine but all I get are those file sharing sites that want you to sign up for premium.
For example, I've been searching a good torrent for this FlippedNormals – Crimson Ronin – PBR Character Creation for Games course but I can't find it :(

>> No.790094

omg I found it praise the lord

>> No.790095


>> No.790096


>> No.790097

And I suggest getting the other crimson ronin tutorial too, about the rigging one. Just search for cimson ronin on there.

>> No.790098


>> No.790099

Best way to make hair meshes in Blender other than curves?

>> No.790128
File: 1.03 MB, 1339x762, 1606360225789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing around with blender for the first time in a while and I have to ask why are some of the tiles not rendered? for example the image is supposedly completed rendering yet you can see it missed a tile

another time it missed a few tiles except they had something in them but were half transparent

tldr why blender missing tiles

>> No.790155
File: 504 KB, 881x600, fuckingtoiletseatphone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop this part of the top of a phone (not finished yet, going to be extruded and have the sides curve upwards to it but it still does that then too) not have this fucking toilet seat shading? The bottom side looks perfectly okay but the top side gets this weird bit that doesnt shade like the rest and sticks out

>> No.790177

put some roughness texture

>> No.790201

The normals on your model are very obviously fucked up. Google how to unfuck bad normals.

>> No.790215

I have no idea what's that.

Why is it so hard, I'm trying to 3 days now wtf.

>> No.790216
File: 44 KB, 963x1127, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thing I could do is to make a plane and attach it as close as possible and parent. It's not perfect, because I can't match the geometry of two objects and sun have shadows as a result. But nothing else works.

>> No.790229

have you tried auto smoothing? if not its under Object Data Properties->Normals->Auto smoothing

>> No.790233

Can I stop undo from removing modifiers in edit mode? really annoying

>> No.790236

it's casting a shadow, put the texture on the itself like normal people

>> No.790242

how? I've tried everything.

>> No.790247

undo is pretty messed up in blender, redo doesn't always work either, I try not to spam it too much

>> No.790265
File: 44 KB, 648x649, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I repeat material on the back of the plane? Or lock the result of a cloth collision and manually snap is closer to surface? This doesn't look good. Maybe there's a way to make it fall closer to surface?

>> No.790267


>> No.790272
File: 181 KB, 1696x960, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't work. I tried doing the same way (sort of) but I don't understand why would the second time he adds a texture it would project on backside. And neither does Blender in my case. It's just mixing same shit twice on same face.

>> No.790277
File: 116 KB, 846x379, 41d8bc04282f7bb6babbd14a69ea32c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it simple

>> No.790278

Is hair particles broken in cycles 2.9.1 or something? Doesn't render.

>> No.790282

It makes it look different. And doesn't fix backside.

>> No.790287
File: 667 KB, 576x532, 5697078.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.790292

Is this an addon or an upcoming feature?

>> No.790293

Paid addon AFAIK.

>> No.790296

Looks pretty fucking based t b h

>> No.790300

Is there anything like this for facial retopolgy

>> No.790304 [DELETED] 

sorry, video in Mexican

>> No.790307


>> No.790313

thanks that license kinda sucks balls though. crazy that thats from 2015.

Is there any kind of facial retopology tool where you can choose your target high poly, import a low poly you did in instant meshes or whatever, and then do manual adjustments from there on top of it? that would be perfect because i have some slightly asymmetrical models that zremesher or whatever gets me 90% of the way there and I just have to do some manual adjustments

>> No.790317

You could import a low poly model with good topology, adjust it with the proportional edit and grab and porject it to the high poly with the shrinkwrap modifier after

>> No.790332

good idea thanks anon. do you think I'd be good if I just make it so my adjustments snap to faces so they dont get too far offset from the rest o the mesh? would shrinkwrap distort the mesh at all? i have not used that modifier much
i am not making serious animations or anything just personal projects by myself and zremesher seems to get me 90% of the way there

>> No.790396
File: 598 KB, 192x192, shit4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this? I did not know it was even possible for this type of fuckery to exist. it's just a an armature modifier with rigify, but I'm getting this bullshit deformation from a single bone group

>> No.790403

nevermind, it's a fucking bendy bone, and there's no rigify option to turn off bendy shit for the spine so now I have to make non-bendy bone and parent it to this shit

>> No.790461

Is there somewhere I can go to get free kit bashes or torrent paid kit bashes?

>> No.790576
File: 257 KB, 893x649, xbox 360 controller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making an xbox 360 controller

>> No.790647
File: 311 KB, 589x562, Screenshot 2020-12-26 064237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.790658
File: 82 KB, 685x960, 1534266492303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To git gud at animation, is it better to follow tutorials or read the official docs? Is it super simple if you already understand the concept of keyframes and curves from something like Premiere?

>> No.790694

are there any sets for custom texture painting brushes out there? painting brushes that follow your stroke like in photoshop or a digital painting program?

>> No.790719

>create just any rig with rigify
>generate rig
>Generation has thrown an exception: 'Bone' object has no attribute 'custom_shape'
wtf is this shit I haven't even done any change to a rig

>> No.790749

It turns out rigify fucks up in experimental build

>> No.790931
File: 377 KB, 1125x639, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>following the arrimus first character tutorials
>Mirror Axis X and Y have the exact same result
Do I need to define a mirror object or can I fix this with a setting?

>> No.790932

I got it to work by using an Empty at the origin as a mirror object.

>> No.790999

did you go into "sculpt" mode? Maybe you need to turn up the strength of the tools you use.

>> No.791280
File: 458 KB, 958x587, hideareasofmeshmaskstyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... does someone knows a fast method to hide parts of a surface in blender with an other object, like a temporary cutout, (pic 2), not a boolean operation or so(needs a closed surface, and slow when you move the (pic 1) around)

i try to reconstruct this meshmachine workflow ...


...thx for any hint o/

>> No.791292
File: 292 KB, 903x802, hideareasofmeshsomewhatsolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... i found a, somewhat satifiying solution by myself, a simple alphamask, a transparent shader, mixshader and the color shader.

in texturepaintmode, paint averything white that should be solid and everything black that should be cutout ...