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File: 984 KB, 1000x500, PATHETIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
777018 No.777018 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>774647

>> No.777020

Massive sculpting speedups are coming with 2.92

>> No.777028
File: 34 KB, 863x859, hurtingmyselfwithanime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me that there is a better way to make hair with something better than curves that doesn't take hours to make. It seems so simple but it takes forever.

>> No.777029

it's still the best way.
just make yourself a toolbox set of strands that you keep re-using and then just some tweaking.

>> No.777031

Okay so let's say I wanted to convert my 3D printable anime babes to be game ready. Would I retopo the curves too or are they pretty much unusable?

>> No.777037

If you have the curve hulls still intact in your project you could just adjust their mesh density on the fly. breddy ezpz.
If you have everything applied then yeah, you will have to retopo for gaymen. Or retopo in general if you have advanced moving hair in mind.

>> No.777045

As someone who is trying to learn 3d animation, I know blender is a good starting point, I've been using skillshare to learn how to animate, is there any other tools I could use to learn?

>> No.777057
File: 29 KB, 590x188, roughness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(posting reply here too just in case)
>But it doesn't really have anything to do with gloss.
It actually does.
Think about what roughness actually means/does.

IRL, the more rough a surface is, the more "bumpy" (for lack of a better term) it is on a small scale, which means that light rays don't bounce and reflect to the eye, but instead get trapped and disperse in different directions.
This is what the roughness value in 3d represents. The lower the roughness, the more things bounce back, the higher it is, the more things get dispersed.

Now think real good, what does a normal map do? It emulates surface displacement.
The more displaced a surface is, the more rough it is. Which means it's less glossy.
The more you crank up a normal map, the less glossy something will get.

>> No.777104

I've been playing around with the array modifier, is there anyway to keep the spacing uniform?

>> No.777105

i have this game i am modding and i want to do a simple edit to remove horns from a 3d model. I have the texture file and i have the .mesh file. I can't seem to figure out how to open a .mesh file can i use blender for this?

>> No.777107

How do I bend the blend?

>> No.777136
File: 26 KB, 425x440, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move this shit up when searching for it, change my mind.

>> No.777137

Why? Can't you be normal, man?

>> No.777143
File: 28 KB, 109x137, locos adams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.777178

Retard question here, i have a character animated walking in place, and i'd like a ground plane under it moving back with the steps.

Can i place some sort of tracker/constraint/thing on it's feet that like... pushes the ground plane back with the walking motion when the foot is near enough, or do i just have keyframe it and loop the motion?

Also, how do i get not extremely terrible at walk animations?

>> No.777183

This shit angers me to no fucking end. Why can't you just plug the raw normal map into the node on the principled BSDF?

If you want to change the settings because you're retarded and can't make a normal map correctly, why can't you just add that node in between?

>> No.777191

Honestly this. Why the roughness/specular/metallic/fucking everything else is just plug n play while the normal map needs its fucking node, it's a goddamn chore.

>> No.777198
File: 78 KB, 590x720, 1595191896298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im getting sick of pirating 3ds max, do the skills learned in 3ds translate well into Blender, and can Blender be used to make and texture models for Source Engine games?

>> No.777215

As another anon adding to this,
give a little checkbox on the Normal Map node to invert the normal map without having to do a bunch of channel separation and merging and shit.
And no, setting it to -1 doesn't work.

>> No.777222
File: 8 KB, 200x200, pablomon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.777242

Go dreaming.
I use 3ds max forever and in no way another software have a better humanoid animation system than biped - maybe DAZ, but good luck exporting a model to that thing.
Most people use CAT system, but i´m a long biped lover and have too many move libraries that would go to waste.
Blender comes with an array of free animation tools that are universally hated, and anyone who does use the software pays for plugins.
When Blender develops a system that uses mocap with just a kinetik camera or somesuch (that actually works and is not some cheap scam) then i gladly abandon 3dsmax for it.

>> No.777253
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, proyects.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i make the circle thing in front have numbers and lines?

>> No.777254
File: 974 KB, 849x562, dfserr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


like this reference.

>> No.777257

My dude, have you ever heard of UV unwrapping and texturing your object in the later project stages?

>> No.777258
File: 67 KB, 4096x4096, Numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a texture of the numbers and lines that are arranged horizontally.
Unwrap the dial so the area you want the numbers at is straight. Bing bam boom, you got a dial with labels wrapped around it.

>> No.777260



>> No.777288
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, mcgonewrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out here, relatively new to 3d. Found out you can just rip game assets and throw them in Mixamo for some quick fun.


An example is the above master chief asset. When done in eevee there were no issues, but pic related is what happens when I try to render in cycles. What went wrong? White model on the left is the imported .dae, and the transparent one is the imported .obj

>> No.777290

Material might have something going on with the alpha.
Check that the principled shader has the alpha set to 1.
The reason it probably looks fine in Eevee, is because you have to manually set a material to use transparency in the settings for it. For Cycles, "It just works™"

>> No.777293

This solved it, thanks. There's an image texture attached to the alpha channel. Changing it from "single-image" to "movie" seems to fix it, but so does removing it altogether,

>> No.777308

This may sounds like a silly question, but is there a way to move the UV islands around with the corresponding map pieces attached to them? Let's say I changed my mind about something and want to replace a piece of a model, but don't want to waste UV space, but I also don't want to go through baking normals and texturing again for the parts that are already done. Doesn't have to be Blender specific.

>> No.777331

Yeah dunno why swapping to movie would do anything, but you'd be best just removing it.
I'd check to see what it looks like before though, just in case something actually needs alpha.
Also, unless it's a diffuse texture, all textures you're plugging into things should be set to "Non color" instead of sRGB. It doesn't make much of a difference most of the time, but often times where you get weird shit like this, it's worth a quick swap to see if it fixes it.

You can't just map the new part of the model to the old UV map? If you want to keep the same island shape, just use the snapping to get the same UV island shape before you delete that part of the mesh.

>> No.777334

>You can't just map the new part of the model to the old UV map? If you want to keep the same island shape, just use the snapping to get the same UV island shape before you delete that part of the mesh.

The new part is going to be split differently, and I want to move the parts that stay around to make it fit in the tile. I want to just move them, no resizing or remapping, and that's easy. The problem is matching the existing texture to the new UVs without repainting and rebaking from highpolies.
I already discovered I can just bake the old map on the new layout, but maybe there is a simpler, less time consuming way that works by just cutting out the parts of the texture and moving them around with the UVs.

>> No.777337

All of my experience is with 3ds Max. About to start playing with Blender. What am I in for, bros?

>> No.777339

No smoothing groups or edit poly.

Rest should be familiar enough.

>> No.777341

comfy keyboard shortcuts and good looking viewport, but also >>777339 this gayness

>> No.777342

Also, bad editing performance, especially with subdivided geometry.

>> No.777370

It has it's pros and cons, i like the shortcuts and how the windows work, but like others have already said performance is a bit shit at times and such.

Good thing is blender is at least currently developing very quickly, i haven't tried it but 2.91 is supposed to have noticeably better performance for example.

>> No.777373
File: 12 KB, 623x82, anime .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i setup a shortcut that switches between rest and pose position. when i try adding a shortcut to one of them it pops up a menu instead

>> No.777388
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, proyects.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not exactly like the reference but I think it works.

>> No.777389
File: 695 KB, 752x686, NTtrmLD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have an armature
>trying to fix the weights
>one bone has red weight on the wrong side of the mesh
>select brush, weight 0, size 1 and paint over the red area to turn it black
>it makes everything red instead
The fuck...

>> No.777390

You'll get there. I'm proud of you, Anon.

>> No.777409

>3 imp lobby

>> No.777425

I can't believe there are some actual fat fucking BARE tiddies in the last Blender Guru video.
This timeline gets weirder by the day.

>> No.777431

You got some stretching going on, I'd scale the UV down a bit to fix that.
But yeah, like the other anon said, you'll get there.

Besides, it doesn't have to look exactly like the reference. No one is intimately familiar with a meat slicer except the people that slice meat. Even then there's probably a bunch of variations and brands of slicers.

>> No.777436
File: 993 KB, 1080x1080, test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First sculpt. I had to stop because don't quite understand how dynotopo works since I can't smooth out the calves for some reason.

>> No.777462
File: 285 KB, 964x509, 1571840386468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to accomplish pic related with a displacement map / material in blender? I want high displacement on part of my object and then to have it taper off to nothing on the other side.

>> No.777463

Just mix them together with a color mix set to add.
Put your texture on the top input, gradient texture/node on the bottom.

ez pz.

>> No.777467

Thanks a ton, Anon.

>> No.777471

Her ribcage is basically crushed

>> No.777485
File: 15 KB, 474x163, poggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind i did it

>> No.777505
File: 96 KB, 528x569, empty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know why using object offset around an empty causes this?

>> No.777567
File: 94 KB, 700x714, 15367057808210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frens, where can i find sexy models for free?
I mean really hot girl, not a lowpoly from blendswap

>> No.777574

Daz is that way, scum

>> No.777575

Oh c'mon
I want to redesigned them a little

>> No.777599

What do think about this dude?
I think he did pretty good for what it is. Really nice animation, i bet no one here can do the same

>> No.777607
File: 1.76 MB, 3840x1001, 1603366360571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relatively new to 3D, and even newer to animation.
Can someone help me out with a small problem? I'm trying to make a walk cycle animation, for a video game character, and have been trying to fix this jerking motion in the knees. And whilst manually scrolling through the frames, I noticed that I have these two frames (frames 2 and 14, 3 and 15 respectively) that are without keyframes and should be identical, but for some reason differ from one another. Keyframes C_01 and C_02 are completely identical in both leg bones and upper body bones, just mirrored from one side to the other. Same goes for D_01 and D_02. The frames in between them should be identical, but they're not for some reason.
I've gone through the skeleton to check for inconsistencies but I can't find any.
Here's a link to the blend file with the skeleton and animation, https://mega.nz/file/ths0xJDT#iyaV9qDnOvlMzJjnOL1OhF9wDMJl0x185mLuOiEEU38
Would really appreciate it if an anon could take a look at this and point out my mistake that's causing this kind of behaviour in the rig.

>> No.777610

I'm animating hands along with separate object in the hands, separating each clip in action editor. I noticed that the animations on both hands and object are doubled and aren't the same, like some keyframes are missing from the other one. How to assure correct animation for two separate objects?

>> No.777613
File: 227 KB, 458x357, 59d80c8e8e4a2b7d6b0f20411e882f96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the benefits of using blender over zbrush why is blender free and zbrush expensive I wanna get into 3d I came from /ic/ by the way

>> No.777615

ok nvm, just got it. You have to separately chose the same action clip on both objects, otherwise they play different clips at the same time. It's not really obvious with the new gui

>> No.777617

The advantage of using anything over Zbrush is that you don't wanna pour gasoline all over your person and strike a match because the UI is holly shit amazingly evil, like we're talking Klaatu Verata Necto tier here.

The downside is Blender grinds to a halt at a few million polygons, Zbrush is still rendering at interactive framerates at 10x that.

And Zbrush also has way more refined tools for just about anything. It's an industrial diamond that can cut anything to perfection, but it rest under a interface that is like million ton of pure German Scheiße fresh out of Satans ass.

>> No.777618

You answered half of your question yourself.
Benefit of Blender is the fact that its free.
Zbrush cost money, but its also the best sculpting program available.

>> No.777622

Zbrush utilizes completely different technology where you can work on fuckton of virtual vertices at the same time without a major hiccup, it's main focus is sculpting and over the years of development it has very handy options that support it. Besides that it's an ordinary commercial software, like CAD stuff.

Blender, on the other hand, is an exclusive suite of tools ranging from hard surface modeling through sculpting, rigging, animating, simulating and others to video editing. It's exclusive but it doesn't exclude on the terms of monetary status - it filters it's userbase by intelligence factor. Wise people don't pay idiot tax - instead, they get straight into action with competent free software. It's free because it's good enough to make people voluntarily donate to the dev team, while programs like maya are bought only in form of paying a bribe so the legal teams fucks off

>> No.777624

Oh yeah if you're from /ic/ you may not know. As >>777622 points out.

Zbrush is a dedicated tool for digital sculpting, not a complete digital creation studio where you can create finished gameready assets or make CGI film.

Blender is an equivalent to suites like Maya and 3Dsmax in this regard. But blender still have somewhat nice sculpting tools albeit a lot more limited in scope than what's offer in Zbrush.

If you are producing stuff you are using zbrush in conjunction with other suites like the ones mentioned. Not as a stand alone program.

>> No.777626
File: 98 KB, 700x700, 3D-female-character-girl-blender-model_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frens, i need to find something like this, but free
can you help me out?

>> No.777630

Since you came asking this to a blender thread the only reasonable response you should get is to make it in blender

>> No.777633
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x1080, done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i can't.
pic related is all i can right now.

>> No.777635

git gud then

>> No.777637

So you'd suggest that I scale it on the y-axis?

>> No.777640
File: 315 KB, 1388x1971, rafa-knight-mario-v1-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the responses I wanted to get into making 3d renders for video games I'm pretty sure blender can model this with no problem as well as zbrush

>> No.777641

Why can't you be nice to noobs like me

i just want to realize how does it look without render, i need to understand this kind of models from the bottom

>> No.777644

Just start from Blender and get a basic grip on making anything 3d. If you'll find yourself enjoying sculpting a lot you probably should switch to zbrush

>> No.777655

>get free rigged model
>redesigned some features
>now it doesn't work properly

>> No.777660

Ahh, the same old story of a third party asset. Some things never change.

>> No.777679

You're horny anon. Don't waste your time with cg porn

>> No.777686
File: 474 KB, 754x750, 99tWDvq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make money.

>> No.777687

Non uniform scale, and rotation.
Make sure to apply rotation and scale (on the offset object) before you do anything with object offset.
Or don't, both have their uses. Like rotating the empty by a few degrees, making an array that goes around in a circle rather than straight. Then also scaling the empty so the object gets bigger/smaller along the array.

But if you don't want to do all that, just make sure things like rotation and scale are applied and you'll be fine.

>> No.777689

Meakrob made all his waifus from scratch, and you should too.

>> No.777729
File: 275 KB, 1700x1132, katera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.777733

Why did nobody tell me what a pain in the ass retopology is?
Feels like my brain is melting.

>> No.777736

that's looking pretty cute. can you show the wireframe?

my problem with curves is how high the polycount is even when you set it to lowest

>> No.777759

But Guru doesn't have a tutorial for this.
And i can't find good references

>> No.777762

What do you mean? It's as low poly as it gets, you're probably using too many segments. You can also use the decimate modifier if you can't reduce the amount of segments

>> No.777765

Best git to drawin son.
If you can draw the forms, you can sculpt them no problem.
Or just watch shitty speedsculpters on youtube.

>> No.777795

I don't think drawing and sculpting the forms are at all related.
Trying to learn to draw actually made my sculpts worse.
Better forget that shit it's ancient garbage, learn anatomy and study hot bitches.

>> No.777797
File: 35 KB, 1000x500, digitale-Wasserwaage-100cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.777799

No, you're just retarded.
Forms is forms. A sphere is a sphere in 3d or 2d.
Understanding how something is constructed in 2d will be instantly applicable to when you do it in 3d. A shape doesn't suddenly turn into an amorphous blob once you transition to 3d.

>> No.777805

You get used to it. Honestly the more you do it the more it can sink into the background and you stop having to think of it as a brain melting puzzle and more of just a "time to sit down and do work" type thing where you can zone out a little.

I dunno why nobody told you it sucks though it's one of the least fun CG activities alongside baking and skin weights.

>> No.777807

No, 2d form is not 3d form, what you learn when you draw is interpolating light and shadow as shape, it is not the same thing as learning the shape.

Basically you are asking people to learn how to interpolate shapes instead of actually making them, it's a huge waste of time and brainpower.

There are resources in the drawing world such as anatomical books etc; those have value.
But learning how to draw is dumb af if you can sculpt instead.

>> No.777812

Yet you're still here asking for people to make you big-titted waifus instead of doing it yourself.
If you have all the necessary experience and knowledge, like you're trying to make it seem, then making waifus should be a cinch for you. You wouldn't need Guru to hold your hand.
Unless you're talking out of your ass....

>> No.777827

wtf are you talking about I haven't asked anyone for anything

>> No.777831
File: 466 KB, 1920x3072, iu[3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an easy way to handle texture painting a two-tone Bugs Bunny type character?

The only way that I'm comfortable modeling a furry character like this is to make the white chest and muzzle into their own separate objects. Because every single time that I've ever attempted to texture paint the white chest it looks absolutely fucking terrible. Even when I use symmetry and try to have a ready steady hand it always ends up looking bad. The only way I can make such a model look good is by modeling chest tuft on top of the body.

>> No.777845

I don't really get your problem.
My guess is that your UV mapping sucks ass, or even worse, you try to paint some messy ass sculpt instead of texturing a clean mesh.
If you do this, it's no wonder your paintjob looks like shit, no matter how "clean" you handle your brush.

>> No.777886

But i can draw.

Oh fck
>be me
>learn how to draw very hard for a year
>now i can have commissios
>decided i like 3d girls more
>can only make a donut

>> No.777891

Btw i found a great 3d-wifu on blendswap, but still i can draw better than that. Visible polygons, broken bones, strange shapes etc. She's not perfect, like the other girls you see on twitter and ponhub

>> No.777897

you can literally texture paint using a bezier curve in blender if you want I think you're just too retarded to live.

>> No.777905

I need to do fluid sims and I have a shitty cpu.

What software lets me do it on gpu and export as alembic?

>> No.777907

Besides using strokes (or curves as brushes), they make it so you don't have to freehand; you can also create masks to be used as mix factors for shaders.

So you do a flood-fill white texture (or black) and then the parts you want to be colored you do the opposite, you can either blend the edges yourself (using blur) or do it procedurally using nodes

>> No.777925

>I haven't asked anyone for anything

>> No.777926

I could be completely fucking wrong and retarded,
but I thought GPU computation of fluid/physics/particle sims was actually a rather new field, and that it's not widely applied and adopted across the board just yet.
At least, that's what 2-minute Papers leads me to believe. So I could just be wrong as shit, and it's just Blender still stuck in the boonies for GPU support.

>> No.777933 [DELETED] 

is there a place to find some of the tutorials that blender has on their blender cloud site?

>> No.777940

Its both(Blender is always stuck in the boonies, but using the gpu to bake fluid simulations isn't that common either)

>> No.777949
File: 54 KB, 818x816, wireframe black as my 3D future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't retopologized the head yet since I am working on making something worth retopoing first (I think I'm about at the point where I should retopo already). For now I don't really have any concept of what's a decent poly count but I'll get there when I eventually animate them.

>> No.777950
File: 126 KB, 889x1082, hair wireframe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure you asked for specifically the hair curves though so here's the hair curves isolated. Let me know if you want to see other angles, but I'm still learning how to 3D so it's a fun journey and I'd be happy to oblige.

>> No.777954
File: 98 KB, 1000x735, hair strands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On another note, if I am going to be working with curves I am wondering about the best way to reproduce this kind of fraying hair effect that I normally see in anime. At the root a tuft of hair starts as something much bigger, but by the tip it has tapered and breaks off into smaller forms.

Would would it be better for me to convert a curve into a mesh and then extrude a face? Or would messing around with curves coming out of other curves be better in this case?

>> No.777966

jesus christ nigger

>> No.777967

To be fair the head is a raw sculpt its not retopo'd yet

>> No.777969

he also hasn't made any money

>> No.777970

very cute! I actually meant the entire wireframe, so thank you for sharing. I'd love to see the final result once you're done with it

>> No.777971
File: 42 KB, 886x927, speedsculpt 47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but that's one of my speed sculpts so I won't be "finishing" it any time soon, but for consolation take a WIP im working on for today's daily speed sculpt.

>> No.777976
File: 183 KB, 845x762, retopo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took me way longer than I thought it would.
Retopology is hard

>> No.777978
File: 324 KB, 520x960, 30440645_1072948902846484_8640925487415164928_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys got any tips on rigging ass and deformations i want to to start getting into 3d printing figures

>> No.777981

So I had a problem for a while and i keep ending with it

for some reason a set of vertex cant be seen nor interacted with and i have to unhide them to work with them. they hide again when i change into a different mode

am I causing it or is it spooky?

>> No.777987

that's pretty good also! I'm curious as to what they look like when textured. do you have a Twitter or sketchfab account I could use to follow your work?

>> No.777988

Not yet. I plan on making a twitter when I finish making a 3D printable base body that works as substitute for figmas or when I can make some fun 3D animated shitposts. Whichever comes first. I'm new to art in general but I draw and do 3D every day to catch up to my art friends. I'm the only one insane enough to actually like 3D. Although now that I have found that the blender general isn't as bad as I thought it would be you might see my slow progression into learning the 3D character pipeline.

>> No.778002

I see. godspeed anon, your work is very promising

>> No.778010

Highpoly = sexy but slow
lowpoly = ugly but fast
And i don't know where is the balance in between

>> No.778012

You have some pretty good loops anon if you want to save time in the future you might want to start with bigger polys so it takes less time and you can just go in afterwards and subd it or add loops where you want them. I dunno if you already did that or not just letting you know, start big then go small.

>> No.778015

low with good baking

>> No.778016

Adding only the details you find sexy

>> No.778021

That just means he's a bad businessman/marketer, not a bad artist.

>> No.778025

2.9 is buggy as hell also prorender doesnt support it yet

>> No.778027

is it true blender struggles with high poly compared to 3DS?
i might switch to max then

>> No.778028

bump curious

>> No.778038


So backups and auto-save happen all the time to the point where you basically can't lose your models, but if you spend an hour painting a texture in Texture Painting mode and something happens then LOL! It's gone forever! No backups or buffer of those changes you made can be retrieved.

Are you fucking kidding me right now? Please tell me that this is a joke. Where can I find the texture I spent so much time working on.

>> No.778039

power backup is your best friend

>> No.778040

>haha blender 2.91 go brrrrr

>> No.778041

what are you trying to do exactly? I understand your frustration with booleans, believe me I've cursed it a bunch of times because it doesn't always "just work," but there's just a few things you gotta look out for and it should work for you.

1) you don't want vertexes directly on top of other vertexes or faces directly on other faces.
2) if you're doing it with a curve/Text object, make sure to crank up the resolution of the curve object in the curve settings before converting it into a mesh object.

just following those two rules will snuff out 90% of your boolean problems.

>> No.778042

I think you misunderstood me, i was talking about retards who go
when booleans really arent that scary, even less now with 2.91.

>> No.778043


There are definitely times when you shouldn't use booleans because they can royally screw with the topology of your object and you get all sorts of ugly shading problems, but if you know what you're doing then it's an excellent tool for carving out pieces of a model to the exact shape of the secondary boolean object or combining two things together.

I totally understand the advice to steer clear of booleans, because it is easily to fuck things up or do it wrong because you don't understand all the unwritten rules of boolean operations.

>> No.778044

If you haven't noticed any slowdowns yet then why does it matter to you?

>> No.778045

I actually noticed some lag when editing vertices, though i heard 2.8 has some issues with subdivision causing lag, might switch to 2.9 to see if that's the case.

>> No.778050

Try to stay under 100k verts, for goodness sake.

>> No.778053
File: 334 KB, 393x393, dayum shame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love blender as much as the next guy but there is a very minimal amount of painting you should be doing in blender.

Pirate substance painter if you have to.

>> No.778054

Modo, Blender and Cinema4D struggle with Highpoly or large amount of objects.
Max, Maya and Houdini can take much more.

>> No.778055

>every option for highpoly is garbage aside from houdine
>houdine is too big brain
i could pirate it but i doubt i'd be able to use it.

>> No.778056
File: 3.67 MB, 4096x4096, 1602004466149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i want to upgrade to 2.9 but radeon pro render still doesnt support it

>> No.778063

That's wrong. Max is as powerful as Houdini when it comes to mesh manipulation.
And you don't even know how to write Houdini properly - how can anybody take your comments seriously?

>> No.778064

Got a commission from a furfag and this is my first commission (yay). Anyways making eyes is fucking torture. He's looking to use it in VRChat and wants it to look like the eyes seen here
I genuinely have zero clue how to do this. Please fucking help me because I've put so much work into this model that I'm not gonna trash it. Hell im gonna probably use it as a base for other models too.

>> No.778081

Welcome to Blender, punk.

>> No.778083

Lol I think every Blender user will have that experience at least once before learning to constantly save. I feel you anon, many of my textures were lost, like tears in the rain

>> No.778084

This is just dumbfounding. I feel like everything should be auto-saved in case of a crash. There should totally be "texture_buffer_backup1, texture_buffer_backup2, texture_buffer_backup3, 4.. so on" What reason could they possibly have to exclude such a backup system for painted textures? This is a huge oversight and I am totally tempted to write an add-on that does just this because it seriously would be stupidly easy to implement.

Every "x" amount of minutes, if unsaved modified texture exists, filename = texturename + current time

Who wouldn't want that? There is no reason why that shouldn't exist right now

>> No.778087

alright boyz, we need a new blender guru but with the sexy hot wifu, not a dougnut tutorial
we need a hero

>> No.778089

>we need a new blender guru
the old one is turning based and you want to get rid of him now? the fuck

>> No.778093

what's based about him?

>> No.778097
File: 75 KB, 597x643, 1602644724125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twattermob got mad at him for drawing attractive ladies so he made a whole video about giving them a middle finger, telling them to fuck off and telling artists to just create whatever art they want and not to care about what crybabbies say about it

>> No.778116
File: 34 KB, 363x117, dumbposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a brain moran

>> No.778123
File: 484 KB, 1080x1920, dont_eat_shampoo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to make fluids sticky?
I can't figure it out but I'm a dumb.
You do basic planes with alpha, that's what they do with games etc.

If you're using it just for 3D use hair physics it works pretty good.

>> No.778135
File: 590 KB, 693x650, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778136

Is this yours?
Teach me master

>> No.778139

Shampoo fiends are not to be trusted.

yes it's mine, teach you what my fluid sim sucks dick (not literally also it may or may not be something wrong with that depending on you level of hotness etc).

>> No.778144

And what about the model itself, you made it, right?
How many years it takes to reach this lvl in 3d?

>> No.778146

No I didn't make the model, I made the shampoo bottle though

>> No.778147
File: 81 KB, 574x445, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what could be causing this weird weight distribution?

I'm using a standard rig, all bones are in the right place and i've double checked the scaling and origin points.

>> No.778148

what does the resting pose look like?

>> No.778150

It helps more if you take a small recording and make a webm of what you do to cause it.
But try this;
Go into weight paint mode and select different bones (in this case probably right food/leg bones) and see if you have any weight spill from the right leg onto the left leg.

That's what it looks like to me anyway.

>> No.778151

Then where did you get that model, was it free?

>> No.778152
File: 94 KB, 575x515, 2020-10-24 20_28_59-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy of mine told me i could just use a rigify rig for a scaffolding if i just wanted a basic FK rig, but i think that's lead to some pretty fucked bone envelope values.

Is there any quick way to automatically recalculate what they should be / reset them to default?

>> No.778154
File: 9 KB, 212x149, 4chanfiximg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778164
File: 7 KB, 625x626, b8m8 8 outta 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778165

I think there's an addon or something that handles it. Cat eyes or something gay like that.

>> No.778187
File: 55 KB, 705x967, hair as planes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic planes with alpha
So you mean something like pic related?

>> No.778188

Built for SDP (sub divided phalloid)

>> No.778192


>> No.778195
File: 1.71 MB, 1080x1080, bottle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the shader for the shampoo looks pretty good in cycles at least.
I think I figured out a way to make shampoo more sticky too with forcefields it's very tricky though.

>> No.778198

No idea how shit in blender works, but increase the resolution of your sim.

>> No.778199

I can't find anything besides the Autoeye which is more realistic. If you can remember the name please tell me

>> No.778207


Increase resolution and add substeps

>> No.778209
File: 64 KB, 482x437, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I've asked everywhere and no one was able to help. This should be simple, I think, and I'll upload the model if that's what it takes to get an answer.

Long story short, I followed two tutorials. One on making a low poly dude and a separate one on rigging and animation. The low poly dude tutorial had me link each piece of the model to specific bones while the animation tutorial was for IK and double joints. This tutorial worked fine on the arms but for some reason I'm getting this issue on the leg. It's bending the wrong way.

I've pulled the knee forward, I've completely rebuilt the rig with and without the knee. Nothing seems to be working.

In the other thread, someone said "Use the IK guide bones" but I'm not sure exactly what that meant.

I've tinkered with them, the kneed, the linkage so much. I don't know if that's the problem

>> No.778212
File: 25 KB, 248x370, ik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay, so first of all I wouldnt make the knee cap a seperate bone and instead attach it to either leg bone.

The way to fix this issue regardless of what you do is to select the bone above the IK (yellow) bone and go into the "Bone" properties. There under "inverse kinematics" you can find different options on how to limit the way its affected by the IK bone chain.

That way you can tell the bones to only bend on the X axis for example which would stop your leg from bending to the side. Turning of X Y and Z would completely stop the IK from bending it which would be required to make your kneecap stop moving at all. hope this helps

>> No.778213

Shampoo, huh?

>> No.778214

yes that why everyone is dropping 3ds for blender when not in professional environments(and even then it's because companies)

>> No.778230

show me some details of your model, how good it has to be? especially i would like to see legs and maybe a tail

>> No.778231

2.79 PepeLaugh

>> No.778233

ok blendlet

>> No.778244
File: 308 KB, 709x839, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70k polys max. This is my first model. Textures hidden to try hiding the identity of my client. It's based off of an SFM model That I took orthographic pics of for references. Hands were taken from a downloadable file. Hair's from path curving.

>> No.778245

here's another look at the face. I just want live2d style eyes that do eyetracking but is making me want to kill myself

>> No.778246
File: 398 KB, 810x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to fucking add the face in the post

>> No.778247

A little more. They want the eyes to look somewhat like these models. https://twitter.com/Cally3D/status/1318108430247337985?s=20
https://twitter.com/Cally3D/status/1317017910179659777?s=20.. They track targets in game.

>> No.778250

goddamn anon i am going to have nightmares now

>> No.778252

i hate it too. genuinely considering refunding this shit and trashing it.

>> No.778257
File: 3.05 MB, 253x253, FM eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could just say you couldn't do it, but do the "follow me" eyes that the faggot fursuit eyes sometimes do.
Where it just works off of parallax naturally.

Excuse the cringe, but here's an example. Since it works off parallax, it works naturally based on the viewer angle. Essentially it's just the eye, but inside out, like that statue bust illusion that makes it look like the head is following you.

That should be a decent compromise if you let the dude know that you couldn't figure out/find the script eyes.

>> No.778258

tysm im gonna try this later cause blender has made me consider deepthroating my shotgun for the night,

>> No.778259
File: 2.75 MB, 500x500, hollow face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the hollow-face illusion (apparently that's what it's called), is one of my favorites. Definitely one to keep under your belt, especially when doing 3d models that look like 2d characters.

Here's a less cringe example of it in action. There were other gifs that didn't have the text, but they were too big to upload, unfortunately.

Best of luck anon.

>> No.778273

noob here
i've been trying to model a sword as a exercise but i've been having problem with the edges, i either only get them to be so thin it looks like paper, or they are too blocky, any tips?

>> No.778274

Show me the model.

>> No.778277

bevel the edges and scale them up.

>> No.778278

Wasting ur time doing render shit lmao.

>> No.778290
File: 454 KB, 1080x1920, shampoo_fiend.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did and it took forever to bake with lots of crashes.
Got lucky it actually baked over night.

I think it looks worse somehow.

>> No.778291

Up the timescale and whatever the parameter for updates per frame.

>> No.778293

thx anon

>> No.778294

Even completely ignoring the shampoo drinking antics this is the most autistic animation I have seen in a very long time.
And I mean actual autism as in not being able to understand a single thing about other people and how they move their bodies.

>> No.778295

Yeah because I spendt any time at all on the animation other than to add movement to see the interaction with the shampoo

>> No.778297

daaam boy, but since some furfag likes it - keep it up

>> No.778298

why are you so mad at me, show me your first work tough guy, was it better?
c'mon now, blender community is about to be friendly, so you'd better be friendly and helpful

>> No.778299
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_0754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now srsly, how can i make it better? much more polys to the face?

>> No.778305

Subdivide and check references

>> No.778310

hi guys, i have a question for the more technical of you. i recently got a pc with a pretty old pc and i'm planning to put a pretty decent graphic card in it and use it only for rendering. my question is: can this work decently? how important is having a good cpu for rendering if i use the gpu for it?

>> No.778311

You can't.
It's furry shit.
No amount of polygons will make it "better" or good.

>> No.778312

pretty old cpu*

>> No.778323
File: 45 KB, 210x168, 2020-09-08-1599575390_210x168_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.778326

I'm going to make a cube tutorial and make lots of money

>> No.778329

I'm gonna make a pasta tutorial and make LOTSA SPAGHETTI

>> No.778330
File: 110 KB, 566x524, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit thank you so much.

As I said, I had the same issue both with and without the knee bone. The main reason I included it was because of the rigging tutorial I was following.

I know that in a low poly model like the one I made, it's not a necessity. I did it mostly for the experience. When the problem continued without the knee, I just left it in cause I figured it was something else.

You solved a problem that has been driving me crazy. I owe you one.

>> No.778331


no bully plz its a good version

>> No.778338

yes it was free, I don't remember where sorry it was in my folder.

It seems to have a lot of similarities with Buildabod, it seems to have been retopoed though.

Anyway look for Buildabod you'll be able to make whatever you want.

Also sorry for slow response I was trying to remember where I got it and forgot to reply.

>> No.778359
File: 315 KB, 160x160, 1512107280195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do you quickly boxhide in sculptmode of the latest blender?

>> No.778375

Good job on completing a project, don't be discouraged by my honesty: don't use it as a feature base; scrap it (save the renders so you can track your progress) use the lessons you learned along the way to make it better from the ground up

It's clear you haphazardly copied forms and techniques without understanding or mastery, you bit off more than you could chew and had to slap stuff together to meet a deadline.
That's okay, just don't make it a habit or you'll end up like those people that have been using that one tormented Krystal model for a decade
Go back and do more tutorials, you need to improve your fundamentals. On the bright side you have the ability to do it, you just need to actually spend the time

>> No.778376

Do tutorials, it'll take your whole life to reinvent a wheel that's already obsolete
There's no shortcut, or if you prefer the tutorials ARE the shortcut

>> No.778377

At the risk of setting you on a unproductive path of coomerism:
smutba.se, sfmllab, models-resource, deviantart (mmd, xnalara / xps, fbx, dae, #model_release)

Learn to make them yourself, sculpting is fun, just remember you have to make a million frustratingly ugly lumps until you start getting nice results

>> No.778379

You can compensate with techniques like breaking your high poly into pieces then hiding the pieces
Or with better hardware, or other optimizations

Zbrush uses some secret technique that no other software does

>> No.778380

Save the texture before you even start, click include textures in blendfile (makes it so you can distribute the .blend with textures stored IN the file), the caveat is each backup is now has its own texture copy (which is a pro and a con), you can always unpack the assets too

>> No.778385

>You can compensate
No you can't if you ever have the ambition to have all the shit in one big scene.
Try opening a 20+ GB scene in Blender and tell me how that is going.
>Or with better hardware
Why invest in hardware if you can get more out of your current hardware by using a better program?
>or other optimizations
Which Blender doesn't have, that's why it runs like shit as soon as scenes get complex.
>Zbrush uses some secret technique that no other software does
Completely irrelevant since you can't build your final scenes in ZBrush.

>> No.778398 [DELETED] 

>Lazy workflow is 'amibition'

>> No.778399

>My workflow isn't lazy! It's AMBITIOUS!

>> No.778402
File: 259 KB, 1122x920, retopo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing at this point.
I'm just winging the ear, hoping it's not too fucked.

Yeah, I started this detailed but I'll definitely start simpler next time around.

>> No.778405

Unless you plan on taking close up shots of an ear where the ridges need to be modeled to allow for parallax movement, then this is fine. Let a normal map do the work.

>> No.778407

>Learn to make them yourself
I can only make a sphere or two and then I’m lost. I have no idea what to do next. I mean maybe I know, but I’m paralysed

>> No.778408
File: 24 KB, 638x717, gigachad_cunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes i sculpt with a 10 dollar mouse how could you tell?

>> No.778420
File: 32 KB, 572x949, leg topology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to know if this leg topology is ok or not. I was trying to connect the thigh and calf but the thigh was 12 edges while the calf was 10 and I tried to reduce the edge count but ended up with these weird triangle things after trying to merge and knife a bunch of verts.

>> No.778421
File: 26 KB, 518x877, without triangles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the thigh and calf as separate pieces

>> No.778428
File: 19 KB, 299x274, 14623568257257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you add an armature to your constraints target and pick a bone like always before? So any kind of IK rig can't be done with Blender anymore? This software keeps getting shittier and shittier I hope faggot Pablo gets corona and dies.

>> No.778430


how the fuck do i make a mesh "shrink wrap" around another like he does in this video? if not in blender, then is there any software that works well for this?

>> No.778433
File: 470 KB, 707x954, geom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aim for something like this maybe.
I wouldn't worry too much about it but try to keep it "smooth" I've seen almost literal cylinders look fine once rigged properly.

Do keep in mind having very even geometry so the faces are approximately the same size.
You have some faces under the knee which will deform quite badly I think.

If you shrinkwrap a cylinder with loopcuts onto it, it would probably deform better, sad but true.
Cartoon style characters should definitely have very even geometry.

>> No.778434
File: 192 KB, 920x592, riggingfailed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf did i do wrong

>> No.778437 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, 2020-10-26 11-21-42.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't tell

>> No.778441
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, shrinkwrap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

can't tell whats going on

>> No.778442

i just tried to do simple rig and thats what happens when i try to pose

>> No.778446

Edit -> Preferences
There go to Addons, search for rig
Enable Rigify and use that

>> No.778450

I did this is the result

>> No.778451

Uhm.. Make a video of you trying to pose it.

>> No.778458

how to make spaceship assets

>> No.778466
File: 2.43 MB, 2556x1382, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if what I'm asking here is fucking retarded or not since I can't find anything on Google.

I want to have the normal map of this model automatically "sculpt out" part of the mesh I guess? I saw that you can do that with displace modifiers but it turns my head into a balloon if I do that even at 0.05 scale and doesn't seem to really effect the mesh in any meaningful way.

I basically want to have those holes actually be dug into the mesh and same with the lines etc. without having to manually sculpt it out. Is this possible or am I asking for a lot here? I am a total noob if it wasn't super obvious already.

>> No.778470
File: 250 KB, 608x732, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.778471
File: 124 KB, 305x334, INSTANT_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still use my Logitech mouse I bought in 2003 for 15 bucks and use it for everything, even sculpting. Those glide pads were rubbed off like 15 years ago and those embossed "sockets" or something where they were put in are not even visible anymore, 100% polished off and planar with the mouse bottom surface. Keys have the silver rubbed off as well all logos are gone. Switches got cleaned about 7x (every time it started double clicking or having problems with clicking in general). Cable broke too about 5 times (literally broke near the mouse due to metal fatigue) but up until recently instead of replacing it I either bundled the cable a bit until it "worked again" and stuffed that bundle inside the mouse or I cut out the broken part and reconnected the cable again. Did this until the cable started to get a bit too short. Then at some point I just took the mouse cable of some shitty other mouse I had laying around and soldered that on. I also keep it clean but it is all shiny and rubbed off as I said and normies would have thrown it away after like 2 years of use while I don't see any reason to switch. I just keep repairing it.

If you have found the perfect mouse for you, you just stick with it, no matter what.

>> No.778472

>Switches got cleaned about 7x (every time it started double clicking or having problems with clicking in general)
Not him but redpill me. My current mouse is having a
>click on right but end up getting left click input
sometimes, can i fix it by "cleaning switches" how do i do that?

>> No.778473

Pretty much every mouse has microswitches (pic related) in them, which have that clicky, tactile feeling.
You open up your mouse and if you're careful, you can also open the casing of those witches and then clean the contacts with IPA applied on q-tips. Once you've done this one or two times without breaking plastic clips it's an ezpz job.

>> No.778477
File: 10 KB, 342x247, 41waPA7qM0L._AC_SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image, those switches kinda look like this usually. Of course you could also just replace them but why spending money and doing solder jobs if cleaning them usually does the trick.

>> No.778478

>pic related
damn they must be small as fuck

>> No.778479

Well yeah, but it's absolutely doable

>> No.778480

gonna have a look at it them, it's nothing too important but is still annoying from time to time

>> No.778481

Yeah I'd absolutely tackle that. Small annoyances like this just add up and if you don't take care of them you'll just have constantly ruined days.

>> No.778486

You can do this.
I'll make a video in a moment.

>> No.778487

Nevermind I misunderstood the question.

So you can't do it with a normalmap but you can do it with a displace map, sorta mostly.
What you want to do is make a new texture for the displacement, set the color of the displacement map to 50% gray, it has to be 50% gray otherwise it will deform the mesh in it's entirety.
Then you make black circles where you want the holes.

>> No.778488

I actually have a pertinent question though, why do you want non-physical holes in the mesh instead of actually making holes?

>> No.778489

and also what is it for

>> No.778494

is it really impossible to make good looking shit with sub 100k vertices?

>> No.778498

No it's not.

Also please someone help I'm trying to scult the inside of a cave and the view rotation is making me fucking nuts is it possible to rotate around "me"?

>> No.778512

Can't help yu but post the WIP

>> No.778516
File: 129 KB, 1920x1080, wipcave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778522
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, wipcave-sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out that new sky node looks great, pretty agressive denoiser looks like.

>> No.778543

Switch the view rotation to trackball from orbit in the settings.
Or you can go into "fly mode", I think it's shift+f (or it used to be), which basically works like a videogame "noclip" camera. Move with WSAD, and look with the mouse. I find it useful for times like those.

Or just get a 3d mouse. It makes shit like that a fucking breeze.

>> No.778550

that looks like it's painted

>> No.778566
File: 2.25 MB, 1500x1500, ghost 1st render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried doing a ghost and got this, there's a face there and I like it, but it wasn't on purpose. How would you go as to add this face purposefully? If I mess with anything it'll probably disappear

>> No.778567
File: 261 KB, 990x752, miUY086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how true is this?

>> No.778568

>there's a face there and I like it, but it wasn't on purpose
Seems like you got one ghost already. DON'T DISTURB IT.

>> No.778570

A tremendous lie. Being good at sculpting will take years,

>> No.778581

It looks like at the knee there is what I think is called a double diamond back loop or something like that. Would you keep the faces even there too or would you smoothen out all of the vertices more?

>> No.778584
File: 167 KB, 1920x1080, wipcave-water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.778593

Fuck you

If you're doing hard-surface modeling and your model has more than 50k you're a shit modeler

>> No.778596

wtf is this stupid rule, lmao

>> No.778600

Yes, but I'm too lazy to repost the low poly super baked models that get reposted often
If you do a good enough job with planning and baking you can get incredible detail largely with textues

>> No.778602

polycount is borderline irrelevant to hard surface within reason. 50k tris is nothing for an organic mesh with deformation let alone a hard surface model.

>> No.778624

Is there any way to make a ball of fire where the flames move on their own when I move the ball?

>> No.778627


>> No.778634
File: 194 KB, 720x918, 1598072108707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778637

too much wrong to even begin.
You can start by recalculating the normals and removing doubles at least.

>> No.778641

you must SCOOOLPT

>> No.778643

sculpters are low test
true chads do everything with polygons

>> No.778644


>> No.778645
File: 167 KB, 720x918, 1598072108707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard
now the subdivision at 1, but there's still something wrong

>> No.778647
File: 57 KB, 490x641, f6ff947943e8c2b305edae4c17b5cd96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there's still something wrong
yeah, furry-shit is wrong.
kys and yiff in hell

>> No.778650

can i model a astartes without sculpting?

>> No.778652
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 1501236687151468764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i couldn't agree more

>> No.778659

I don't know if you can but I could do that.

>> No.778667

For starters compared to your "expectations" your snout has a very sharp turn.

>> No.778675

I wish that subsurf modifiers, and the like, could be applied while a model has shapekeys. I don't understand why this hasn't been solved yet. Would it be so difficult to take into account the location of extra vertexes while it's in the subsurf viewport preview state and then carry it over to the shapekey afterwards?

I find it much easier to create good looking shapekeys with less geometry.

>> No.778679
File: 181 KB, 533x688, Legos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still like baby, doing tutorials but I'm working on some LEGOs. I even figured by myself how to put a texture onto part of a mesh.
Modelling is fun. I wish I had more time to learn to do it.

>> No.778680
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x1080, lego2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it up

>> No.778687
File: 43 KB, 604x537, DhCljdmWsAAqkIr.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 2021
>still no proportional editing in pose mode

>> No.778690

Does anyone else besides you request this?
If not, then you have a problem.

>> No.778692

How tho?

>> No.778694


>> No.778695
File: 1.05 MB, 2797x1649, mech wip showcase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making mechs is so fun

>> No.778701
File: 482 KB, 2797x1649, 1603821156000-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778703
File: 381 KB, 3514x1853, MVZTCWr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:'( i- its just supposed to look cool

>> No.778710

but seriously thx for critique, im working on it now.

>> No.778711

The red things on the legs is for inserting into human females.

>> No.778725

but why does your mech have sub-surface scattering?

>> No.778726

smoke sim.
Good luck.

>> No.778727


>> No.778730

Wish you were permabanned for posting CGMatter spam every day, multiple times a day.

>> No.778739

this board barely gets multiple posts a day

>> No.778740

i use delete

>> No.778746
File: 2.94 MB, 2759x1145, Screenshot (91).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I make her eyes show up?
selected the eyes and tried going to shading-materials proprities and changed blend and shadow mode to alpha hashed but no result

>> No.778754

are there alpha channel-less bitmaps involved for transparency? (for example using jpg textures to define alpha parts).
last couple blender versions permanently pick alpha out on the texture node instead of choosing between alpha and color depending of if the file has an alpha channel or not.
so if you want to define alpha parts with an jpg or similar, you have to switch that image texture node from alpha out to color out.

>> No.778755

>permanently pick alpha out
*whenever I import stuff that is using transparency textures

>> No.778758

>accidentally tap the "pose" brush
>blender freezes for 4 mins

>> No.778761

remember there is two eye objects, inner and outer.

>> No.778777

I have a model that I would like to change the dimensions of along the Z axis to an exact size while having the X and Y axis scale accordingly so it doesn't get squished, how do I do this?

>> No.778784

Can't you just calculate the factor you need to go from the current z height to your desired one and then scale the whole model with that factor?

>> No.778786

How though?
Is there a video of this anywhere?

>> No.778792
File: 10 KB, 281x118, Screenshot from 2020-10-28 03-00-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just go into object mode, hit s, immediately click the left mouse button to not change anything and then you have a little window you can enter precise numbers in or even math operations.
Click and drag over all three parts so you edit x y and z at the same time and then write your target height divided by the current height, so for example 3 / 2.7 and hit enter, afterwards apply the scale.
There might be nicer ways to do this but it's the first that comes to mind.

>> No.778793
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, dough-not laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halp my doughnut translucent, what do?

>> No.778794

CGMatter makes me ANGRY because he's an insufferable pretentious cunt, but his videos do teach a lot of useful stuff. It forces me to power through his videos trying to ignore the cringe stuff

>> No.778797

If you even are swayed by something like this, your thinking is fundamentally fucked and you're a child.

>> No.778801
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm problem solved

>> No.778849

goddamn it, this
i remember aligorith was working on something like this back in 2.7 era

>> No.778853
File: 300 KB, 1745x972, how_to_heel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey frens can someone help me figure out how to un-heelify the rig, then heel it to higher heels?
I've tried changing a few of the bones but I just end up with messy deformation.
Surely there's a method to this that I'm not aware of.

>> No.778862
File: 58 KB, 333x500, 51uo8irlvwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sculpt mode
>show overlays
>see this
what's wrong with these faces and how to fix it?

>> No.778889

bros i use a rx570 recommend a renderfarm

>> No.778905

Me too. What's wrong? Are you making videos?

>> No.778909

Yeah, stills are ok, for videos however it tends to take too long.

>> No.778912

umm this is quite advanced, how do I do it?

>> No.778913

I recommend waiting until AMD drops their new Ryzen 5000s
or Nvidia drops more budget friendly cards in January


>> No.778944

new thread >>778942
new thread >>778942
new thread >>778942

>> No.778947


>> No.778963

How's that forcefield method working? Doing my first fluid sims lately and this is relevant to my interests

>> No.778985

Man, this is some abstract emoji shitposting.

Kind of a meme, but I recently used SheepIt to render out 8000 frames at 4k. Would have taken me a month at minimum (even with a GTX 1080), but ended up taking around 4 days total. There's a few bad frames here and there, but that's to be expected with differing hardware. It's free, you just have to gain points by rendering other people's stuff. So it's kind of like a bank for your rendering power. Where you can save it up incrementally, and then use it all at once when you need it.

At this point, I'm probably just going to get a better graphics card (3080 when it's in stock), and farm points, but when it comes time to render, have them handle it.

>> No.779252
