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773076 No.773076 [Reply] [Original]

>Actually got a job as 3D artist.
>doing mobile shit, project's deadline approaching, so they needed more workforce.
>all the other assets were done by younger kids with Blender.
>really no time to try to learn a new tool at the moment (kinda want to tho').
How would a 3Ds Max boomer like me make my life easier for these next few weeks?
The project really needs low-poly stuff, but many items seem sculpted too.
At the moment I can fairly easily export the done Blender assets into Max as an .OBJ and replicate their style / outright rip parts to save some time, but it feels a bit brutish.

>> No.773082

get fucked Lol your ancient programs are dying off. Good.no one here will help you

>> No.773084

Maybe at least look at the controls for Blender. As you know, it's hotkey-based, but you already know how to 3d model well so learning Blender shouldn't be too hard. If you really have no time, yeah rip it in 3ds max, replicate the style, then import it back to Blender to convert it into any file type they want. Then after the job is done, make a blender donut and you should be good to go.

>> No.773085

If conversion causes problems, just learn blender.

Since all you have to learn is the interface, It won't take you more than a few days of googling every problem you have.

If you are really struggling, go to edit > preferences > keymap and in the dropdown at the top of the window, choose 'industry compatible'.

Be aware, however that most tutorial/q&a content will assume you are using the default blender keys, and older content will assume the default 2.7xx keys.

>> No.773100

is blender really so bad it cant export correctly into other programs?
If no whats the problem, just export it, do stuff in max and then export it into file they need

>> No.773113
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OP here again.
>As you know, it's hotkey-based,
Yeah, this is something I have a bit of a problem with too.
I'm very visual-minded, it seems. It took me ages to learn even the basic hotkeys in Max and Photoshop, and even now I tend to just clicking things. Something which Blender makes quite challenging with its plethora of outright hidden menus and functions.

I really don't have trouble with the modeling practices themselves. It took me roughly 2 weeks to get confidently familiar with 3DS Max many years ago. At the moment, I just cannot sit down and play around with another app in a similar manner, as the programmers and designers need their assets, fast.

>is blender really so bad it cant export correctly into other programs?
3Ds Max seems to only co-operate with the .OBJ format, and you need to have some specific settings enabled while exporting from Blender, in order to avoid corrupting the entire model.
Blender cannot import .max, only .x3d and .obj.

>If no whats the problem
It's a bit of personal dilemma, choosing between the two poisons;
Trying to get my head around the team's tool of choice, while trying maximize my own productivity within a the limited time frame.

There's no real restrictions for tools I should use and such, but I'm uncertain if sticking with Max is the fastest way, or how well my own stuff would mesh with existing assets.
For example, most of the static / hard surface objects have mostly procedural textures generated with nodes, while organic characters appear to have been partially sculpted, with some texture paint applied on top.

It's a major departure from box modeling + manual unwrapping followed by Photoshopping that's been my go-to solution for low poly stuff for over a decade.
Editing round and squishy shapes in Max is quite challenging, even w/ soft selection (though model optimization could help). The lack of "smoothing groups" in Blender is kinda big deal too, and requires a new way of thinking.

>> No.773125

3ds is still far more prominently used than blender.

>> No.773152

>Trying to get my head around the team's tool of choice, while trying maximize my own productivity within a the limited time frame.
That's not really a dilemma, you are looking at the wrong thing. You should ONLY focussing on the art side of things and how to match the style. Changing the tools in the middle of production with a looming deadline is fucking retarded if you ask me. This is not a tech problem, its an art problem. Max your productivity by doing what you know as fast and as effective as a you can. You've got no time to make experiments with unknown outcomes.
>It took me ages to learn even the basic hotkeys in Max and Photoshop, and even now I tend to just clicking things.
You see this is the core problem here...you play 3D as if its a turn based RPG, the real pro's play it as an fast paced action game.
I don't know if you are a gamer, but that is the mentality that you should bring to the table when it comes to interfacing with an 3D program.
You can only get better if you consciously push yourself towards it.

>> No.773198

not in 2 years after all you old fucking geezers croak LOL

>> No.773201

OP, watch this; you can turn on lots of visual helper stuff in the form of Pie Menus and the search bar (mine is set to Spacebar, not sure the default in 2.9x) will show you all hotkeys
You can (and should) remap every key, for some somewhat esoteric things (or things the program decides are esoteric) that might not be in the options menu you may have to edit a text file but literally you CAN change every single keybind
There's also a "set keybinds to resemble [max / maya / 2.7x version of blender]" but that's not flawless (but also might be good enough for your use case right now)


As for formats, besides .obj it also supports alembic (although I've never personally had occasion to make use of it), it also supports other intermediate formats via plugins so it may be easiest (as easy as porting anything to anything ever is) to say load your assets into unity then export them to Blender

>> No.773203

This is the level Blender is at.

>> No.773204

The functionality exists in Blender it's just named differently.

My advice: do whatever you have to do to keep pace, if needed explain you're interested in migrating over to blender (even if that's not true, whatever) but in the interests of meeting their deadline you're going to do work in you preferred software and pipe it over to blender for others to work on as needed
Then say you'd like time with whoever put together their workflow / pipeline (assuming they're even that organized) after this project is done so you can get caught up
Mind you, if they're a small team of idiots (which is what it sounds like) then possibly keep your mouth shut while you polish your resume and add "shipped game [shitbag mobile trash, available for iOS and Android] on 10/20/20", because if they're inept you probably don't want to stick around longer than you have to (but you also don't want to quit you get a better job offer)

Mind you, I'm not saying give up on blender, I'm saying sounds like a shit studio making crazy demands being run by idiots that employs exploitable young people (so basically an AAA studio) and the demands of the current project (and I guarantee the next project will be straight after this one) and they aren't giving you the time to get caught up on their somewhat novel / non-standard practice

>> No.773215

This is what blendlets actually believe

>> No.773226

>l your ancient programs
fun fact : Blunder (1994) is even older than 3DS Max (1996)
not get fucked 3D wannabes