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File: 22 KB, 739x415, 1600971279357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
771668 No.771668 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine how much work and skill it must take to do something like that to end up earning the equivalent of a tradesman monkey.
Not worth it.

>> No.771677

well, you either grind or do what you love

>> No.771678

He actually has a job, animating Zoe is just his hobby

>> No.771680

Goddam furries.

>> No.771716

I fail to see the skill you mentioned - its revolting and ugly.
People make any money with this shit?

>> No.771717

how long have you been on the internet, anon? do you know what furries are?

>> No.771724

>all those tons of furry 3d models
>you chose one made in 2006 as example


>> No.771726

>all those tons of furry 3d models
Where are them? In sketchfab there are rather very few ones

>> No.771728

Mostly Twatter and FA. Most of them publicly only exist in 2D still render form because they're usually done as commissions for individuals instead of uploaded to 3D sites for others to download.

>> No.771732

i am a tradesman. I make $30/hr.
I am desperate to get my game out into the world to maybe make enough money to not have to do it anymore. It's not all about the money,.

>> No.771733
File: 31 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ugly therefore it took no skill to make
How's pic related? really getting your fancy? Are you popping a big chub right now? Is this bad too?

>> No.771758

This is the second time I've seen you shill this shit, fuck off

>> No.771759

Obvious bait but ok
Your pic is not "ugly" it is gore, sure, but it was designed from the beginning to be disturbing, but not "ugly"
This furry shit is revolting because it is, unintentionally, hideous to look at.
Most probably because the """"artist"""" was too focused on his desire to make his fetish a thing instead of actually learning how to do it
So, yes, It's ugly and therefore it took no skill to make.

>> No.771765

To play the devil's advocate, I dare you to make fur as realistic as the one he makes, from scratch just like he did. Your point is as retarded as saying that Beethoven's music is total shit just because you don't like it. Yes I am comparing Cakeinferno to Beethoven.

>> No.771783

>deliberately misquoting me to twist my original argument
There is a different between making furry-shit that looks ugly (unintentionally I guess) and art that is deliberately choosing a revolting/ugly theme.
>I dare you to make fur as realistic as the one he makes, from scratch just like he did.
I dare you to make an counterargument that isn't a stupid fallacy.

>> No.771784

Better approach: Post a 3D furry image that looks significantly better. I'd call the OP above average if >>771724 is the benchmark.

>> No.771789

>from scratch
What are you arbitrary standards for 'from scratch' and why would they be relevant? You can make fur like this easily with tools like xgen.
I knew this board was full of retards but cmon.
OPs image is obviously intended to look sexually appealing, but the pose just looks robotic and boring. The design presumably isn't intended to look fucking retarded, since we know the original character doesn't look fucking retarded, but he's completely butchered the hair, eyes, and facial definition.

>> No.771790

Desinstitutionalization was a mistake.
Mental asylums are needed more than ever.

>> No.771824

Not him but there you go. This dude's creation is an abomination and that's beside the fact that he's both a furry and a vorefag

>> No.771829

I was about to agree with you, but then I saw the head turn. That's still fairly meh.

>> No.771896

>if >>771724 is the benchmark
The point was that it is the same fucking model and OP dug something out that was originally made in 2006.

>> No.771916

>doesn't post his work
Alright, we get it, you can't even make a tuft of fur, now stop talking shit kiddo
Is this guy Tartii?

>> No.771917

I bet he fucks cubs. They all do.

>> No.771919

I know a guy who as a teenager admitted to inserting pencils into his cat's ass, and even wanted to try it in front of me and some other friend. I never visited him again.

>> No.771920

>I know a guy
anon, stop abusing cats

>> No.771933

Why? Are you gay or something?

>> No.772107

Was OP talking about a specific person or what?
I just searched patreon and found:

h0rs3 - $32k to $90k USD a year (he doesn't list the exact figure)
skuddbutt - $134,796 USD a year
redmoa - $12,900 to $129,000 USD a year

Patreon used to let you see who the biggest earners are but they seem to have removed that functionality (as I imagine it was getting them and their patreons ass-slammed by the IRS)

>> No.772109

Addendum to my post, if OP was talking about Zorryn's patreon, the guy hardly makes any smut (mostly "fine art") and it doesn't show up in the usual places, he doesn't distribute any models or any other "free" content (free in quotation marks because getting your stuff out there, even if it means other people are using your models, is how you get exposure, if your models are distinct they'll know you made them), and I'm pretty sure he works in the business (i want to say he's said as much) so yiff is just some side project

Or the guy is indepndently wealthy, because who just travels to Bavaria to take photos just for fun?
I've seen other furfaggots that try to skirt the line on smut, doing risque-ish traditional art of a furry nature; you can't make any money that way.
You have to make smut, you can make tasteful smut, but it has to be smut.
If you want to make the big dollars you either make pure lowest common denominator gay/straight normie smut, or you make ultra degenerate super smut that isn't illegal only because we lack the grammar necessary to describe it

>> No.772113

There's still Graphtreon


>> No.772114

>ultra degenerate super smut that isn't illegal only because we lack the grammar necessary to describe it
my sides

>> No.772134

The "unbirthing" tag is always a good time.

>> No.772168

I refuse to look it up. The word itself is enough.

>> No.772211

>if OP was talking about Zorryn's patreon
Op is talking about cakeinferno, some furfag that does vore with a stolen(free model?) uncanny valley model with xgen fur added on top of it. He makes about 7k on patreon monthly and from what I've seen I doubt he works more than 5 day/month for what he puts out

>> No.772242

>from what I've seen I doubt he works more than 5 day/month for what he puts out
lol he's probably outsourcing to India

>> No.772245

>comparing 3D chads to Trade monkeys
The virgin Trade-slaves have broken bodies and alimony payments on top of child support.

The chad 3D furry makes money from his couch in his undies

>> No.772311

While I find vore abhorrent, at least he's self aware and getting to do what he loves
While I was skimming e621 for paymeons to look up I was surprised to find sort:favcount and sort:score produced really poorly paid artists even though they had a lot of views/favs, guess it shows the way to go is to pander to super fetishes, though I'm guessing there's a diminishing returns on that

>> No.772337

Like I said before, he works a normal day job, animating Zoe is just his hobby

>> No.772420
File: 1.21 MB, 720x720, 1601280919475.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.772442

I feel like coomer 2d art in general is oversaturated, and furry especially. The timeframe required for a semi-talented person to learn what he needs in order to make a smut drawing is significantly less that in 3d and that's why there is a literal deluge of smut artists everywhere. Artists heard that that's where the money is and everyone jumped on that train. 3d is not there yet, at least not in the same way. It is significantly harder/laborious to make quality 3d models/rig them/animate them yourself and the average coomer doesn't have the patience to learn all those skills. That's why you rarely see original 3d coomer art that doesn't involved either DAZ shit or ripped game models.

>> No.772460

Cool nature shot.

>> No.772463

Wtf, a couple of days ago there was a faggot arguing for the exact opposite, that 2d is much harder to get to a good level at than 3d. Which one is right, /3/?

>> No.772473

>2d is much harder to get to a good level at than 3d
Why would that be exactly? 3d needs basically the same skills as 2d + a few more
Anatomy, proportions, composition, color theory, understanding materials all that stuff you need in 3d as well as in 2d
On top of that in 3d you need to know at least 4 softwares(plus subprograms such as what xgen is to Maya), to understand topology, know skinning and rigging, know pbr principles, understand camera setting with focal length, iso etc, understand texel density, understand baking, understand how to set up lighting, understand form and proportions in 3d space, understand post processing and compositing, understand somewhat scripting, etc
The only thing that is easier in 3d when compared to 2d is perspective, all the rest is significantly more complex
On what planet is 2d harder than 3d? The only way you would reach that conclusion is if you count playing with dolls in daz without actually doing anything yourself as 3d

>> No.772491

I see it like this:
2D is just the pure artistic skill
while 3D is about the translation of an existing picture or form into a 3D model on the computer
Buy some clay and form something out of it, if you can't, then adding the computer to the calculation will not help, it's just triangles, and tools and functions to manipulate those triangle

Videogames have concept art,
and then it has the people who translate it to 3d

it may be the same person who is doing both, but it's two different tasks, if you ask me

>> No.772504
File: 1.86 MB, 2833x5114, andrea-chiampo-stail-woman-de-r-firma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2D is just the pure artistic skill
>while 3D is about the translation of an existing picture or form into a 3D model on the computer
you know there are plenty of concept artists that work directly in 3d(especially in vfx where directors want to see everything in 3d to get a better feel for the scene/characters)? and plenty of drawfags that just ""translate"" reality or other drawings into 2d drawing without much artist input from their part?
Also it's not like 2d artist work solely from imagination to make it a "pure artistic" endeavor, they use references just like anyone else.

>> No.772505
File: 50 KB, 760x726, 1579489412820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you know what furries are?

Furries are deeply perverse homosexual men who are physically repulsive so they resort to fetishized costumes to find homosexual partners for their unspeakably vile fornications. I have heard it convincingly rumored on the chans that they deliberately urinate in their suits to cultivate a funky nasty smell that they find to be sexually arousing in an animalistic way.

>> No.772525

what trade and what game? your post reminds me of those janitors who make kingdoms of the dump

>> No.772527

This. AAA projects I worked on mostly had """concepts""" that consisted of either a low res photo downloaded from the internet where sometimes you can't even see what's happening because a part of it is covered by something, or I was given some quickly photobashed concept. The rest was in my hands so I had some creative freedom as well and refined the concepts. Only a few very specific things were carefully drawn and those had to be replicated perfectly.

>> No.772531 [DELETED] 

>y. It is significantly harder/laborious to make quality 3d models/rig them/animate them yourself and the average coomer doesn't have the patience to learn all those skills
Then I must be some sort of weirdo among weirdos because I jumped into the 3d bandwagon because I couldn't do 2D for fuck. Maybe having studied perspective and anatomy for years made my learning curve easier, maybe I had a secret talent for 3D all my life, all I know now is that Zbrush and Maya saved my life

>> No.772536

I've already written this several times but you faggots never listen to me. Every person has a different distribution of the eight intelligences. Both 3D and 2D artists need an above the average visual-spatial intelligence. But. People who score high in kinesthetic are much more likely to develop the fine hand movements and hand-eye coordination required for complex paining, while the ones with higher logical intelligence will be able to more easily break down the process in a series of logical procedures thus are more qualified to manage all the complex stuff required for 3D. Different people, different skills.

>> No.772550
File: 667 KB, 1370x1537, Faganon the furry catgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine how much work and skill it must take to do something like that
Now i´m curious too!
So let´s find out, shall we?
First, you make a drawing of the furry.
I made up her name in homage to OP.

>> No.772553
File: 50 KB, 727x727, Faganon_step0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first, you make a ball.

>> No.772554


>> No.772559

Everyone can sculpt. Cakeinferno's merit is being able to animate and render ultra-realistic stuff with very highly dense polygon counts and buttloads of fur and water effects

>> No.772562

Fur, volumetrics and dynamics are separate processes your retard

>> No.772570
File: 64 KB, 737x795, Faganon_step1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow her limbs slowly, paying attention to scale.
This is the only time we´ll grow the appendages.

>> No.772573
File: 14 KB, 454x361, stop-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.772575

>ultra-realistic stuff
yeah, about that....
Great, another abomination from the dude that doesn't learn and never grows.

>> No.772584
File: 88 KB, 1032x784, Faganon_step2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the fur system needs to be realistic, we´ll add it later in the animation package.
Because of it, we´ll basically model her hairless for now, so do the tail and appendages thin.
Like a wet cat.

>> No.772591

Are your finished works available somewhere?

>> No.772593

In Purgatory.

>> No.772597
File: 97 KB, 1119x786, Faganon_step3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don´t be in a hurry to do the fingers, as they´re only sculptable beyond 64 points of resolution in this scale, and we´re still on 32.

>> No.772601


>> No.772605

Unironically yes. I am a vorefag

>> No.772608
File: 109 KB, 1403x776, Faganon_step4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A curiosity: in a Dynamesh resolution of 64, she´s still too rough to have fine definitions on the fingers, but already have 38000 polys, which is usually the final polycount to the fixed mesh.
Now, for the eyes, i´ll do something new.

>> No.772610

Your drawing was kinda cute but your sculpture is an abomination

>> No.772614
File: 614 KB, 518x680, vore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.772626
File: 80 KB, 849x851, Faganon_step5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyelashes and eyes for reference in the face.
...and at 256 it ends up with 618.000.
No need to increase it, as we already have the details figured out.
Now to paint the skin - although she will be covered in fur, those will follow a bitmap pattern.

>> No.772634
File: 175 KB, 1456x863, Faganon_step6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, colors, hair and censorship, just so to have a sculpt reference of how the final model should look like.
...because this is NOT the final model - you can´t animate and render a model with 900000 polys when you get the same result from a 50.000 poly one.

>> No.772638

My eyes are bleeding

>> No.772684


>> No.772689

Learn some anatomy, ffs.

>> No.772693
File: 204 KB, 440x440, 1583016334628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3DGuy delivers as always. Butthurt in progress.

>> No.772724

this inner ears look like cervix.

>> No.772740
File: 132 KB, 1081x804, Faganon_step7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like UVMaster decided to either not work or mess the UVs completely.
Well, when that happens, do separate in a different polygroup the most important parts - like face, hands and censoreds - who might be causing issues and tick 'polygroup' on UVMaster.
Worked for me.

>> No.772742
File: 1.74 MB, 856x480, Quality hands.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the rigging, i got decent results mostly by reescaling or moving the envelopes, almost no vertex blending was necessary (except for armpits. Those are always fucking annoying).

>> No.772753

Why are you polishing this turd? The face looks horrible, especially the mouth

>> No.772773
File: 89 KB, 638x640, 1598942573861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang. Body anatomy is good, just wish the face didn't look like a barbie doll. If only the head stayed more aligned with the 2D ref. Better than me either way.

>> No.772797
File: 27 KB, 244x272, 1600161889501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Body anatomy is good
> is good

>> No.772800

just coom to it already.

>> No.772809

>i got decent results
No, you don't even know what that means.

>> No.773916

You kinda went off-course quite a bit when looking at your 2D concepts

>> No.773929

Tfw working on vore animations right now and will probably be the subject of one of OPs schizo posts one day

>> No.773933
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1594570679220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Body anatomy is good

>> No.773991

At this point, you might as well be just 3D modelling using the game Spore. It will look exactly the same.

>> No.774015
File: 72 KB, 500x407, 1577439598789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.774039

shit taste

>> No.774285

>People make any money with this shit?
He doesn't just make money, he makes an obscene amount of money
>Art representing a classical mythology scene with nothing but a bunch of brushes and paints is the same in effort as half assed scene with premade assets showing totally not Krystal swallowing a person alive and making lewd noises to justify a shit fetish
Yeah ok buddy

>> No.774287

Look at the demo reel of any decent animator or modeller and you'll see better renders than him. Even in fucking Blender artists you can find better quality than CakeInferno's. His only merit is that he might be the best at doing this vore shit and the fact that for some reason this shit pays off.
>with very highly dense polygon counts
This is less his merit and more his computer's which he can easily turn into an overpowered pocket render farm with just a month's pay.
>buttloads of fur and water effects
Same as above, and that is mostly knowing how to work with shaders and shit

>> No.774320
File: 73 KB, 787x730, WE DEMOCRACY NOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving Pepe shit space

>> No.774380
File: 12 KB, 215x322, 1602017470688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That faggot is so laughably desperate. Sorry, Pepe is ours now, not getting him back you simp.

>> No.774420

I wish he'd use a model that's not that age-old edit of Krystal.
Like, fuck, man, surely the skill the guy has would be better spent on a better fucking character.

>> No.774619

You still have to do the hair and fur

>> No.774994
File: 761 KB, 856x480, Too Much FUR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better not.
She´ll end up looking like cousin IT lost sister.

>> No.775007

>Look at the demo reel of any decent animator or modeller and you'll see better renders than him
This isn't true and you know it. Most "professional 3D artists" shit out overly stylized garbage in Disney style cuz "muh style". Cake's fur is simply amazing. The fur he made for Zoe is legitimately better than any fur seen in Zootopia. As a modeller myself I can tell that the base mesh is pretty deficient anatomy wise but the fur effects are amazing. It is true that they look like that because he, in all likeness, possess a super computer himself to churn out highly dense ray tracing effects but there is talent in doing so

>> No.775035

>2d is much harder to get to a good level at than 3d
True. No perspective and no shading

>> No.775115
File: 36 KB, 600x500, 1558442018451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has to be joke.

>> No.775118
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, GAAAAAAAAaahhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that´s the fixed version

>> No.775120
File: 1.18 MB, 856x480, Catgirl_less_furry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe that´s better?

>> No.775180

Please stop encouraging OP to post more with your incompetence

>> No.775242
File: 1.85 MB, 3840x2160, dilophosaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't true and you know it.
> Most "professional 3D artists" shit out overly stylized garbage in Disney style cuz "muh style".
You might be looking at the wrong ones then
Look at these and tell me with a straight face that they are worse than anything CakeInferno has ever rendered.
Even pic related was made by a fucking student in Blender, granted the sculpted details were in Zbrush, who doesn't make even half the ludicrous amount of money and yet looks several times better than the average fotogram with that man-eating vixen.
I commend CakeInferno for tapping into what is essentially a goldmine and exploiting it in a very cost efficient way but there is no need to kiss his ass
>.I can tell that the base mesh is pretty deficient anatomy wise
Of course it is, iirc is not even his model but a modded Krystal model.

>> No.775314

A good artist should be able to make anything they want, be it a disgusting furry or artistic gore
The fur doesn’t look high or even mid quality, stop sucking the artists cock

>> No.775316
File: 1 KB, 141x66, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.775318

Based on what?

>> No.775333

>The fur doesn’t look high or even mid quality
Dare you to post an actual CG that actually is?
Doesn´t need to be your´s, of course.

>> No.775335
File: 297 KB, 1920x1080, 1590084590644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine.

>> No.775350

Nigga, the blender reel was a collaboration between several people, and the pic of the sutdent you posted has WAY less polygons and fur than Cake's model. Cake didn't find a goldmine, vore+furries has been a niche for the last 30 years. The reason he makes more money is because his animation skills are legitimately genius-tier

>> No.775355

>WAY less polygons and fur than Cake's model
NOt him but you're under some kind of impresion that "more fur and polygons"=better model, which is false on many levels. The amount of fur, for example, is predicated only on how powerful you machine is, is has nothing to do with either skill, nor ability.

>> No.775384

Any Weta creature

>> No.775391

>because his animation skills are legitimately genius-tier

>> No.775396

> the blender reel was a collaboration between several people
It's all shit made by the user that posted it ,not an official Blender foundation demo reel my boy. At worst it's a small studio which again wouldn't be the case
>, and the pic of the sutdent you posted has WAY less polygons and fur than Cake's model
Anon you do realise that bump maps/normal maps/etc exist for a reason right? And that is assuming that the totally not Krystal model has even that many polygons and is not just some separated models acting as tongue throat and so on.
>Cake didn't find a goldmine, vore+furries has been a niche for the last 30 years. The reason he makes more money is because his animation skills are legitimately genius-tier
>Implying this guy is the next Pixar and not just some dude making weird fetish porn
Yes, furry vore is niche but furries are allegedly rich as fuck, let's look at some numbers.
Ian Hubert, who has thousands of views in his videos specially his tutorials, has around 3k patrons, the guy behind the Astartes mini series >8k patrons.
CakeInferno has a fraction of those followers roughly 1k and still earns an amount of money that is comparable to the lowest estimations of other two artists whose skills are WAY beyond his level. If what he found isn't a goldmine I don't know what it is

>> No.775487

You haven't seen Cake's new animation, don't you?

>> No.775495

t. retarded boomer whose only knowledge of furries comes from the 2003 episode of CSI

>> No.775496


>> No.775498

Furries were a fucking menace as far back as the late 80s and early 90s but of course some zoomer kiddie wouldn't know.

>> No.775504

Encounter? Unfortunately I have and in the grand scheme of things is nothing to write home about when pitted against other people that earn roughly the same.

>> No.775592

Are you really sure his stuff has lower quality or is it just you being biased because of your disdain for furry content?

>> No.775615

>so much low-effort effort just to piss off /3/
>everybody goes yamero but he keeps doing his unholy work

I like you

>> No.775644

>Are you really sure his stuff has lower quality
Idk have you seen fucking Astartes? Saying CakeInferno's vids are decent to good quality (at least for this shit fetish standards) is accurate but outright praising it as the best thing since sliced bread is a huge stretch.

>> No.775652

Alright. Would you mind posting a link to any animation done recently by Astartes?

>> No.775658

It's a fanmade 40K short film, not particularly mindblowing or technologically impressive besides the fact that it was made by one guy.


Also I have no idea why you guys are praising Cakeinferno's work, it's mediocre at best. Nowhere near Zootopia levels of quality, whether in terms of fur or facial animation (no shit).

>> No.775659

Why don't you search it yourself? Are you the same who asked before for a link to modern groom work? Lazy fuck, no wonder you're oblivious to current state of the art CGI. Go delete Blender's default cube.

>> No.775673

But that cube is my best friend

>> No.775677

based vorechad

>> No.775690

Not the same one. But Astarte is pretty gay compared to Cake. Its fucking easy to animate hard surfaces in comparison to fur and fluids. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.775775
File: 3.04 MB, 498x225, PURGE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not particularly mindblowing or technologically impressive
It looks very good specially for a one man project, at least way better than that one Ultramarines movie made by a proffesional team or CakeInferno's work. Dunno if its really mindblowing for industry standards but for fanmade standards it is.
> But Astarte is pretty gay compared to Cake.
Getting off to vore is the ultimate form of cuckoldry due to the nature of said fetish and cuckoldry is gay, so Cake vore animations are gayer.
> Its fucking easy to animate hard surfaces in comparison to fur and fluids.
What about hard surfaces+particles+smoke+cloth like in the video quoted or in this gif, faggot?

>> No.775789

The project as a whole sure, but I was talking about animation, specifically humanoid character animation. Astartes has very little of it because of its short length and the hard surface armored characters, most of its "wow factor" comes from the timing, editing, directing, effects, sound design, camera work and so on.

No one specific component of it struck me as something which requires ten years of experience and five months of grueling work, is the point. A Snappers facial rig, or the black hole simulation from Interstellar, or a 20 minute long hand animated sequence that looks like something out of Cuphead would be what makes me stop and say "holy fucking shit I can't believe they did that", especially if it was all done by a single person. Astartes is a bunch of 7/10 "yeah that looks nice" Artstation pieces assembled competently, above the standard you'd normally expect from coomer SFM animations and fan films. It's an example of fantastic directing and what you can achieve with limited resources, I'd argue, rather than godlike animation, modeling or simulation. Repositioning the camera isn't hard, it's about having good instincts for where you should place it, for how long, and in what order (which you could even argue requires more "talent" or artistry than raw experience or knowledge).

Fur sim/grooming and humanoid facial animations are harder to achieve and require more technical skill/effort/labor in a specific department, though once again I don't think the vore animation quoted earlier is noteworthy for that. If Zootopia is our bar for a 10/10, the animation is maybe a 6 and the character itself is a 4-5. The vore component and the internal shots possibly higher, though I'm not the person to ask for that. If we're judging the skill of editing and directing alone then Astartes, despite its short length, is a good contender for a 7 or an 8 (more competent than a movie/cinematic with mediocre direction).

>> No.775798
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x582, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After rewatching parts four and five, I'd also add that it's very competent at what you could call "camera animation" or something, like webm related. The entire scene practically uses static models with no joint movement, but the motion and the timing creates a memorable scene regardless, using the same principles.

>> No.775829

Great, more violent pop culture trash for soi consumerists and manchildren.

>> No.775831

Jell-O! My favorite snack!

>> No.775883
File: 579 KB, 403x498, laf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post legit impressive and good solo project
>crabs and furfags instantly seething

good job anon

>> No.775885

The one furry in the thread hasn't even respo-

>smug anime girl reaction gif
Oh, nevermind.

>> No.775887

I thought this >>775829 >>775690
ones were the furry

>> No.775889

I don't think they're even the same person, vore fetishists aren't exactly known for their tradcon basedbro views. In either case, this thread has run its course weeks ago and should be nuked from orbit.

>> No.775895

this thread had run it's course when 3DGuy started posting

>> No.775898

That's one sexy ball m8.

>> No.775899

Vagina ears?
No wonder furries are a fukt lot.

>> No.775904

I, um... err...
Nevermind. Carry on.

>> No.775906

Looks like a fucking chia pet.

>> No.775936 [DELETED] 

>What about hard surfaces+particles+smoke+cloth like in the video quoted or in this gif, faggot?
Fluids and fur take way more computational and technical skill you faggot. Hard surfaces are easier because they have WAY less polygons. You think Astarte's work is better because there's a lot of shiny effects and the characters move a lot; you fail to see that the grace of Cake's work is that every move Zoe makes is extremely smooth. Thing of God of War and how those giants move slowly but there's a lot of detail in the way they do. Moving all those particles is easier than moving a stickman with hard surfaces and textures loaded on.
As for vore being cucked, lol, Astarte is even more cucked because he is sucking a company's dick whereas Cake is using an OC.

>> No.775937 [DELETED] 

think of*

>> No.775938 [DELETED] 

>What about hard surfaces+particles+smoke+cloth like in the video quoted or in this gif, faggot?
Fluids and fur take way more computational and technical skill you faggot. Hard surfaces are easier because they have WAY less polygons. You think Astarte's work is better because there's a lot of shiny effects and the characters move a lot; you fail to see that the grace of Cake's work is that every move Zoe makes is extremely smooth. Think of God of War and how those giants move slowly but there's a lot of detail in the way they do. Moving all those particles is harder than moving a stickman with hard surfaces and textures loaded on.
As for vore being cucked, lol, Astarte is even more cucked because he is sucking a company's dick whereas Cake is using an OC.

>> No.775939

>What about hard surfaces+particles+smoke+cloth like in the video quoted or in this gif, faggot?
Fluids and fur take way more computational and technical skill you faggot. Hard surfaces are easier because they have WAY less polygons. You think Astarte's work is better because there's a lot of shiny effects and the characters move a lot; you fail to see that the grace of Cake's work is that every move Zoe makes is extremely smooth. Think of God of War and how those giants move slowly but there's a lot of detail in the way they do. Moving all those particles is harder than moving a stickman with hard surfaces and textures loaded on.
As for vore being cucked, lol, Astarte is even more cucked because he is sucking a company's dick whereas Cake is using an OC.

>> No.775941
File: 51 KB, 600x467, 1579800855772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fluids and fur take way more computational and technical skill you faggot. Hard surfaces are easier because they have WAY less polygons.
kek no. 1
This anon genuinely believes that denser geometry is always harder to animate.

kek no. 2
This anon actually thinks that the weightless, laggy, robotic animations made by CakeInferno are good.

definitive kek
This fucking anon, man.

>> No.775945

>This anon genuinely believes that denser geometry is always harder to animate.
Implying it is not
>This anon actually thinks that the weightless, laggy, robotic animations made by CakeInferno are good.
I dare you to show me better tongue/mouth animations that are not AAA movie productions

>> No.775969

>you fail to see that the grace of Cake's work is that every move Zoe makes is extremely smooth
At this point you are just shitposting about this crap so I'm not going to even humour you repeating how this shit is as it was said mediocre at best
>As for vore being cucked, lol, Astarte is even more cucked because he is sucking a company's dick whereas Cake is using an OC.
OC =/= good, otherwise the Sonic fanbase would be a breeding ground of artpieces that could make the Reinassaince artists jelly, but the reason why I say it's cucked is because of vore itself.
The intrisic nature of that fetish is getting off to the scenario of a creature, in this case a furry giant woman, swallowing you and then throwing you into a dark fleshy sack filled with acid. In most cases her only interest is bulking or outright sadism.
Instead of giving out your wife to another man willingly so he can fuck her and rob her fidelity even her arousal for you, you are giving out your life to a monster letting her rob you of everything you got and everything you were going to be so she can turn you into protein juice.
The most similar yet watered down experience you could get IRL to simulate the overall feeling is getting findommed.

>> No.775973

Submission =/= cuckoldry, and femdom is a giant field on its own. No idea what the fuck you two are arguing about or why, but let's not start redefining words here.

>> No.775977

>I dare you to show me better tongue/mouth animations that are not AAA movie productions
I dare you to show me one (1) good animation from CakeInferno

>> No.775988

>At this point you are just shitposting about this crap so I'm not going to even humour you repeating how this shit is as it was said mediocre at best
No (You) are shitposting
>but the reason why I say it's cucked is because of vore itself.
In other words, you thnk its bad just because its a furry thing. But someow an edgy animation of a gay-ass game for kids is better, right? Just how old are you? 15?
As for your psychological interpretation of vore, you just don't get fetishes in general, kiddo

>> No.775989

All of his animations are better than anything you will ever come up with. And Cake has a job irl, animation Zoe is just his secondary source of income, how does that make you feel?

>> No.775993

furfags can burn for all I care.

>> No.776035

Underaged response

>> No.776043

Do they even need to be in hell? Doesn't furries take like double damage from fire under most rules.

>> No.776044

Not if they are covered in fluids, which they often are

>> No.776049

Didn't say fendom, I said findom, the one with the paypiggies.
>because its a furry thing
y'know there is vore shit beyond furshit right? Take a little trip to /d/ and see for yourself
> But someow an edgy animation of a gay-ass game for kids is better, right?
Because its better done you cunt, which is the whole point of this. You keep praising this shmuck like a Messiah of CG when the sole reason of his success is that he struck oil when finding a niche to exploit and that his shit is above shitty deviantart quality.
Meanwhile people with better stuff and more known get less pay. And why was that, again? because furries got dosh
> you just don't get fetishes in general, kiddo
Yeah my bad, I'm kind of a dummy for not getting why any functional person would want to be turned into a mush

>> No.776053

No need for that. Those people created their own personal hell long ago.

>> No.776138

>Yeah my bad, I'm kind of a dummy for not getting why any functional person would want to be turned into a mush
Ok kid, we get it, edgy videogame content is better because it has explosions and epic moves, you must be really excited for the new call of duty, its going to have TEH BEST GRAPHIS EVER!!!111

>> No.776193

It's only you, retard. Find the nearest zoo and throw yourself into the lion's cage.

>> No.776199

Nah, I agree with him.

>> No.776204

See? Everyone laughs at you.

>> No.776223


>> No.776228

>edgy videogame content is better because it has explosions and epic moves
CGMatter's short about the fucking default cube is better, get your head out of your ass because you seem to start liking it
I won't even give you a (You) for this shit

>> No.776229
File: 10 KB, 377x126, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh samefag
Not sure what you mean but Cakeinferno>>>>>>Astarte

>> No.776240

Fuck off, CakeInferno.

>> No.776245

Cakeinferno is german, he can't speak english you imbecile

>> No.776262
File: 24 KB, 384x395, yfw you hear claps on the cinema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germans can't speak english

>> No.776265

Why else do you think he hired a male voice actor to do the male lines in his latest animations?

>> No.776269

Gee idk, maybe because he can't voice act but can afford a better voice actor?
Are 99% of the anglos in the world not real English speakers because they don't step up to a mic and record lines?

>> No.776285
File: 199 KB, 1600x1200, zooptopia-film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you faggots actually debating whether this is actually top tie animation and grooming skills?
It's mediocre at best in both of those fields. Look how crappy that fur looks at 0:21. How can any normal person even argue that shit is better than Zootopia, like a retard in this thread said?
Y'all need to get your head examined twice, once for being into vore/furry shit and once for thinking this is good 3d

>> No.776288

>Not sure what you mean
I mean that even a fucking short about a blender maymay is better than the voreshit

>> No.776359

The version in youube is not in 4k, it obviously looks like crap
>hurr it wrong cuz furries

>> No.776361
File: 43 KB, 720x732, 96026008_845542502609052_5483542908973875200_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The version in youube is not in 4k
sure, that's why it looks like crap, because it's not 4k

>> No.776372

Its like watching Zootopia in 240p and complain about it being shit

>> No.776376

You are an idiot if you think the issue is due to resolution. If anything, higher resolution would make the problems with the fur even more evident.

Give me a link to a 8K version so I can laugh at your aesthetic incompetence.

>> No.776382

>Give me a link to a 8K version so I can laugh at your aesthetic incompetence.
You don't know two shits about aesthetics

>> No.776392

If zootopia's fur in 1080p looks significantly better than cake's 1080p fur, don't you think the gap will be maintained with upscaling? As in, zootopia in 4k will still look significantly better than cake in 4k?

>> No.776409

The video in youtube is a bad rip, watch the original 4K one from Cake, its like grabbing a song in 128 kbps and then doubling the bitrate when the original sample was already diminished. Idiot.

>> No.776411
File: 233 KB, 1657x932, 1599521854872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're seriously deluded if you think this is a good quality groom. 1080p or 4K won't change the fact that we can see the flat hair strands, lmao. I'm starting to think you might even be CakeInferno himself or somebody close to him. Whatever the case, you should stop.

>> No.776428

>>hurr it wrong cuz furries
>implying vore is a fetish exclusive of furries

>> No.776433

It is obvious he saved fur from less important areas such as the hands in order to make his scene rendereable. I remind you, he takes 6 to 10 months to render each of his animations.

>> No.776437

>he takes 6 to 10 months to render each of his animations.
What a lazy cunt...or in case it's the hardware: get a new rig or two with all that money from vorefags

>> No.776440

those hands - those eyes - that shitty retarded furry look.
None of this is anywhere close to good looking.
This guy simping for this furry shit is really irritating and cringy.

>> No.776441

Something that appears close-up is never "less important". He's clearly a lazy fuck who couldn't care less. It shows in the groom, the bad modeling, and the terrible animation job he's done.

>> No.776447 [DELETED] 

He's the 35th better paid animator in Patreon worldwide, while you fuckers barely make 1/10th of what he makes a month. You are the cringy ones.

>> No.776448

He's the 35th bestr paid animator in Patreon worldwide, while you larpers barely make 1/10th of what he makes a month. You are the cringy ones.

>> No.776453

You are confusing his ability to acquire coomers' money with technical and artistic skill. As expected of a true brainlet.

>> No.776455

And what has this to do with the quality of his "art"?
I don't really give a fuck about your bandwagon effect.
Shit is tasty, right? A trillion flies can't be wrong?

>> No.776463

>its furry therefore is wrong, its coomer stuff therefore it requires 0 ability and -99 technical skill

>> No.776464

That's not implied anywhere in the post you quote, but whatever.

>> No.776479

you haven't met many of the women, they are big spenders

>> No.776565

Tell me, how high does he rank in amount of followers? Being paid a lot means jackshit in terms of popularity if you have people that give you >8 bucks instead of the usual dollar or two. Good for his wallet but this is not an argument.
>I don't really give a fuck about your bandwagon effect.
Again this is not even a bandwagon, is just that his followers pay more on average. Which is common in furries.

>> No.776573

>this is not even a bandwagon
Why bring up money if we are talking about art quality?
How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.776670

I am not the one equating money with quality or even popularity, see:
>He's the 35th bestr paid animator in Patreon worldwide, while you larpers barely make 1/10th of what he makes a month. You are the cringy ones.

>> No.779098

Alright guys, gimme advice.

I'm a student/trainee artist atm, mostly doing props. Looking to get into characters simply for practice purposes.

That said, should I make furry characters to take advantage of the furfags out there? If so, how do I get noticed and how do I rake in the cash? Cheers.

>> No.779113

>Alright guys, gimme advice.
>should I make furry characters
You should kill yourself for having this thought.
Preferable with fire.

>> No.779116

money is money, bro

>> No.779118

>should I make furry characters to take advantage of the furfags out there?
>If so, how do I get noticed and how do I rake in the cash?
Appeal to a niche fetish, lean towards gay since there's currently a total lack of gay furfag artists that don't use SFM. You could probably be twice as profitable as Cakeinferno by doing exactly what he does but with a new model that isn't a decade-and-a-half old edit of a Gamecube character.

>> No.779119

but you wont get any. The ROI isn't worth it - especially if you are a noob and don't know what you are doing.
But go ahead, invest (waste) your time - I love to see idiots fail.

>> No.779124

It's not a waste of my time at all, lmao. I'm learning anatomy at the same time, so either way, I'm progressing.

>> No.779143

>I'm learning anatomy at the same time
by doing furry shit?

>> No.779146

Once for all you imbeciles, unless you are an actual furry you are not going to be able to visualize the aesthetics those sick fucks want. You always are all like "oh ho ho hehehe its just about putting a wolf's head over a waifu's body and pasting a fur texture over it then charge 1K dollars per model" and then six months later you realize you have less than 100 followers in jewtter and ask yourselves why you are not getting any cash flowing in. Everyone in the furry community can spot an outsider, IMVU for years has been trying to woo furries in and all what they have managed to do is to cause cringe and hate.
Asthetics kids, aesthetics. You don't have them. You are better doing Overwatch or Fortnite porn.
Hell, I should open a thread about this because you fucking newfags make me post this every single time

>> No.779288

..You do know that humanoids have, mostly, the same muscle structure as a human, right?

>> No.779293

Its evident if you look at OP's picture.
Its totally the same...mostly.

>> No.779476

>new lvl of cringe - the video

>> No.779489

Stop shilling your work there is nothing esoteric about it. Furries fap to humanoid features. And nothing I saw was any more strange than ovids metamorphoses written 2000 years ago

>> No.779490

And a shit ton of cheats to bend reality and make your imagery more appealing. Good luck doing it in 3d.

>> No.779494

lmao those thumbs

>> No.779501

you don't even need photo reference for those, just stop fapping for a second and look at your hand

>> No.779502
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.779627

>Stop shilling your work there is nothing esoteric about it
Then go make 11K a month like he does if its that easy

>> No.779653

I bet there are people doing much better work than CakeInferno, but still earning way less, or even nothing at all.

>> No.779655

If you ain't earning then it means your work is shit

>> No.779730

you're having a nightmare

>> No.779735

Explain why normal 3d porn looks sick and realistic, and furfags only got this trash?

>> No.779739

Rendering fur will melt your PC.
Even janky stuff like shell shaders which can create an approximation of the look with rougher polys take a lot of resources to render.

>> No.779741

Use something different than blunder

>> No.779768


>> No.779770

maybe they are bad at marketing, maybe the market is saturated and hard to enter, or many other things. try econ 101 before you spout nonsense
how are you doing CakeInferno? that is the famous potato knishes meme. your hand model reminded me of it

>> No.779797

Xgen fur in maya also melts graphic cards you retard
Its more about furries being, like in any other fucking niche, attracted to quality, most people can't produce quality, therefore only a few ones amass a lot of audience; although it is true that playing the e-thot card sure helps you lift some following among furries

>> No.779821
File: 180 KB, 600x563, xxxpornosex.blogspot.com - Папа ебет дочь на кухне ххх 3d porn – порно картинки 3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even without a fur you can't find anything as good as even this. This one actually looks old, like it was made in the past decades. And still, furries can't compete.

>> No.779822
File: 20 KB, 600x600, 12.jpg057F4215-93A8-4C03-81F6-FC45C28AD0C7Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean really

>> No.779823
File: 27 KB, 1024x576, 1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.779836

>attracted to quality
Then how do you explain CakeInferno?

>> No.779845

Post something you can do that is better than Cakeinferno
Yeah, that's what I thought

>> No.779874

Oh, look, it's this non-argument/fallacy again.
You are such a smoothbrain, you didn't realize the last 5 times that this wont work and everybody laughs at you?

>> No.779880

One was made by a grown man, and the other by mentality ill

>> No.779893

sorry i already flushed

>> No.779897

>furries being, like in any other fucking niche, attracted to quality

>> No.779898

film critics are great at making movies too!

>> No.779913

Go be a CG critic on your moms funeral.
This boards is for CG ARTISTS and if you ain´t one, shut up and get out.

>> No.779916

>someone was proud enought to post it.
>someone fapped to this.

>> No.779920

no. what now?

>> No.779922

kys tranny

>> No.779923

>This boards is for CG ARTISTS and if you ain´t one, shut up and get out.
you go first then, inferno

>> No.779924
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, weights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at those weights on finger joints, spaghetti boneless fingers... my god I think I did a better job when I first started up maya. this is basic shit

>> No.779928

lmao, that is so cringe. And yet, the fag that's been swallowing FakeInferno's crap will come to defend it.

>> No.779934

How can one be this talented and incompetent at the same time?

>> No.779935

Honestly, even as far as furfag vore animators go, CakeInferno's not that great. He's just carried by being the only one who has a model with actual fur— Ante's a little better even if he can't animate or model hands worth shit. There was also that poor Howe guy who did some pretty well made animations but he had to nuke it all because his uberchristian parents found his account.

>> No.779941
File: 1.93 MB, 480x270, 1554870497511.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as I imagine it was getting them and their patreons ass-slammed by the IRS
got me good

>> No.779942
File: 96 KB, 803x1300, funny-porter-baggage-handler-doorman-hotel-employee-isolated-image-nice-friendly-man-wearing-red-jacket-41596594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post model
>receive feedback
well played

>> No.779944


>> No.779956

Don't google it bros

Why it's so awful

>> No.779984

Sorry kids, its easy to criticize, I myself can say that wrestling is easy, all one needs after all is a mask and throw oneself against other dudes right?
>muh fingers
Too bad he isn't there for hand/paw porn, he's in there for the vore and his maws are the best
Nigga, Ante's Patreon only gives him like 200 dollars a month lol, probably it has something to do with the fact that he uses Blender for his shit

>> No.779986

>his maws are the best
Hahahahaha fuck no
Sprucedeer, SalirethS, Dragonfood, Tasauric, ZefiroTreddi, WhiteShadowHaree, and Shiden are all at least equal with CakeInferno both in terms of modeling and animating vore shit, and almost all of them are better in one if not both of those categories. CakeInferno is largely popular just because he's been around for a long-ass time and because his model is a shitty edit of a character that has an absolutely rabid fanbase of furfags.

>> No.779991

Sprucedeer doesn't even put saliva in his voreshit models lmao.
>CakeInferno is largely popular just because he's been around for a long-ass time
Cake has only been around since 2014 at best

>> No.779994

>Sprucedeer doesn't even put saliva in his voreshit models lmao.
Yeah, and they're still better than CakeInferno's shit.
>Cake has only been around since 2014 at best
2013, actually. You know, Seven straight years ago, much less time then any of the others I listed besides maybe SalirethS, who's been mostly inactive for a while. Once again, CI's popularity is largely because of how long he's been around and how his model is a Krystal edit.

>> No.779995

>much less time
Meant to say much more time, obviously.

>> No.779998

>Yeah, and they're still better than CakeInferno's shit.
This is why you don't get it. Saliva and viscous innards is what makes Cake's stuff be 1000% more fapworthy, besides it is harder to animate therefore its a testament of Cake's skill and/or powerful equipment
Being around for 7 years isn't a lot. Ifus has been around for at least 15 years

>> No.780003

>This is why you don't get it. Saliva and viscous innards is what makes Cake's stuff be 1000% more fapworthy
If some shiny liquid materials are all you need to make a fugly gamecube model edit fapworthy, then that's your deal. You've also ignored Shiden, Tasuric, SalirethS, and (though I neglected to mention him in my other post) PWRof3D, all of whom make very wet-looking internals.
>Ifus has been around for at least 15 years
Most of Ifus's money comes from commissions rather than Patreon. On top of that, Ifus isn't even a 3D artist.

>> No.780005

>a fugly gamecube model edit fapworthy
Its not an edit you dumb nigger, Zoe is millions of polygons in size, the Krystal from the gamecube is barely 30K polygons if less. PWRof3D is pure cringe, along with the other guys, why do you have to lie so hard? lmao
>Most of Ifus's money comes from commissions rather than Patreon. On top of that, Ifus isn't even a 3D artist.
I only mentioned her as a reference you dumb nigger. There's people like Cougr who have even been around for 20+years. Cake isn't old, get it into your thick skull

>> No.780006

>Zoe is millions of polygons in size
Are you the retard who thinks quantity equals quality?

>> No.780007

>Zoe is millions of polygons in size, the Krystal from the gamecube is barely 30K polygons if less.
Do you have the model, retard? Also, Zoe is very, very clearly an edit of Krystal, you'd have to be a fucking retard to think otherwise. He's almost certainly upgraded it, maybe swapped the head to a new body, but it's still ultimately an edit of Krystal.
>PWRof3D is pure cringe, along with the other guys
We're talking about fucking VORE. It's ALL cringe. Try again without deflecting from the fact that all the people I listed are better at this than CakeInferno.
>There's people like Cougr who have even been around for 20+years.
Not a 3D artist, and on top of that, his art's fairly mediocre, so no shit a mediocre artist in a more populated field (2D Macro Furry) is going to be making less money no matter how long he's been around. CakeInferno is in a smaller field (3D Vore Furry (that isn't SFMshit)) with decent-ish skills, and has been doing what he does for a longer time than most of his competitors with a far more popular character.

>> No.780009

Yes, got any problem with me?
>Do you have the model, retard?
Think about it homo, Kratos from God of War barely had 20K polygons in size, I'm actually being pretty generous with the gamecube Krystal
>We're talking about fucking VORE. It's ALL cringe
Ok incel
>his art's fairly mediocre
Nope. Way before Acidic arrived, way before any X giantess artist arrived, he was one of the first artists who made art with adequate perspective on the subject
>with a far more popular character.
Again, nope. You seem to think furries love Zoe just because she looks like Krystal, and that's a big mistake. People who don't even like nintendo -just as me- enjoyed his stuff because he uses cinematic production and the important details (fur, saliva) are carried out excellently

>> No.780012

>he uses cinematic production and the important details (fur, saliva) are carried out excellently
fucking kek

>> No.780023

>fucking kek
That's the reason he makes 11k a month while you make shitty blender animations in your mom's basement

>> No.780028

Whatever you say, coombrain.

>> No.780029

I'm not materialistic enough to sacrifice my dignity for money.

>> No.780032

This is the age of coom, kid. And it came to stay, unless someone reverts mankind back to the age when internet didn't exist
>I'm not materialistic enough to sacrifice my dignity for money.
Lemme guess, you've never worked a single work in your life, don't you?

>> No.780052

>probably it has something to do with the fact that he uses Blender for his shit
Damit what's wrong with blender? What should i use instead?

>> No.780053

>last post 2 years ago

Is he dead?

>> No.780057
File: 121 KB, 754x459, _D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok you got me, i want to be like him. What to do?

>> No.780061

>implying there are no honorable jobs

>> No.780063

why does she have so few hairs, is she balding?
imagine that, a balding furry

>> No.780067

Society is anti-honor.
It's all exploitation(giving or receiving) to make ends meet and scams.

Furry porn on Patreon is the only honorable trade left.
A man makes a stand and chooses to make it his own love for it and shares it to bring joy to the minds and hearts of the tired and weary, who then pay only whatever value they see fair and fit.

Furry porn sets a man free.

>> No.780076

White collar jobs.

>> No.780091

>Too bad he isn't there for hand/paw porn
so you ignore everything but shit that gets you to ejaculate? sorry but that is very subjective then. objectively that model is shit

>> No.780092

the same guy who made op is the same guy defending him in the thread. he is a sick individual who is either cakes paypig or cake himself

>> No.780226

>so you ignore everything but shit that gets you to ejaculate?
That's how coom psychology works, lurk more
>the same guy who made op is the same guy defending him in the thread.
No. I didn't start this thread. And I am not defending him, I actually hate Cakeinferno but for the correct reasons, not your /b/-tier shitposting

>> No.780418

Dangerously based

>> No.780451

Dangerously gay

>> No.780696

Imagine getting this many bumps on a two month old thread

>> No.780782

The mouth disturbs me.

>> No.780793 [DELETED] 

Tradesmen get paid well now. Don't look it up and take the median wage as any sort of accurate number; that factors in apprentice wages and shit

>> No.783435

If you don't mind i'll steal this reference for practice. Cute fox girl anon...or wolf girl or whatever

>> No.783444

Ok, this doesn't look anything like the reference, apart from the big tiddies.

>> No.783523
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, Easter HD8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna make cool furry models too

>> No.785704

Fuck me. How much do the top industry animators make? This has to exceed them.

>> No.785716

Oh no this fucking thread got back from the dead

>> No.785791

Furrys and bronies 3d modeling is shit i can show you how to do a cool 3d anthro

>> No.787558
File: 78 KB, 640x635, 2512325055538ebaa59ebcd59970ab13-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.787794

You do what you love, I guess. Im getting a degree in 3d rn and I plan to do shit as cringe as this on the side because it's something I enjoy.

>> No.787797

Please be real, please be real, please be real

>> No.787856

>It's been almost 4 months and this thread keeps popping up
Please just let it die, even the constant Blender vs Maya bullshit is better than have this shit as one if not the oldest thread in the board right now

>> No.788949

I don't know for furries, but some bronies do a good job.
Better than official content anyway...

>> No.789064

oh shit here we go again

>> No.789091

>Better than official content anyway
Money says they're using fan-made assets from Deviantart to lower the curry bill.

>> No.789102

Woot!? Really?
You know what it implies?
What? That they are piece of shit for spoiling fan after C&D them? Naa, that's standard Hajew...
It means that we can find back the model and create episode of the same quality but with fuck up morale just to piss them off!
Why? Because I could.

>> No.789122

>It means that we can find back the model and create episode of the same quality but with fuck up morale just to piss them off!

You know, it could actually work since /mlp/ already has those AI voices of the main cast so not only you could make official like videos with at best questionable shit but also get their actual voices to say fuck trannies and fuck kikes
Based and devilish, we should get them on board

>> No.789124

Show your fucking work or shut your fucking mouth

>> No.789132

imagine whiteknighting this hard for some talentless degenerate

>> No.789499
File: 265 KB, 1920x1080, 'grinning'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder: She´s mine. She´s all mine. :)

>> No.789507
File: 55 KB, 700x700, d94c1b31425cc1814aee3dd7ab4ccaf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's to you, one of the finest trolls on /3/

>> No.789561

Did you use Blender?

>> No.789565


>> No.790780

keep her

>> No.790795
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, remember to survive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.790834

can you make sneed?

>> No.791216

Fapping to someting is not an indication of it being successful. I just fapped to your post.

>> No.792707


>> No.792714
File: 113 KB, 1484x923, ...and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don´t bump this.

>> No.793566

if you drew this please stick to 2d, it looks infinitely better than >>789499

>> No.795127

my guy went straight to sculpt without a plan wtf!?

>> No.795701

Genius tier?
The motherfucker can't animate a head tilt without it looking like a beep boop.
He and H0rs3 are typical overrated furry coomer scum.

>> No.795913

I wish I one one-millionth of that level of skill :(
Where was that knowledge obtained from?

>> No.796677

who needs accurate fur if something simple can look good too

>> No.796789

>it's so hard work on my computer with AC and stopping when I want
Fuck off, any manual job is much harder

>> No.797821

how can you tell?

>> No.797857
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, mrstark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mr blendlet I don't feel so good

>> No.797889

>look good
mate, it looks like it's balding...

>> No.799545

>he learned 3D thinking he's going to make money

>> No.799627

>webbed tits

>> No.802108

Petition for those who hate furry

>> No.802777

Can we agree this is the best thread /3/ has had in years?

>> No.803119

And then what?

>> No.803124

I'm glad it's over

>> No.803283
File: 460 KB, 1043x898, Screenshot_401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>771668 can i make furry bank /3/

>> No.803285

Is that one of those NPR filters in Zbrush?

>> No.803287

ez eevee toon shader

>> No.803289

Your snow tiger/sabertooth looks cute :3

>> No.803536

Now get him to vore something

>> No.803657

no fuck off

>> No.806212


The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER.

I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body!

Thank you!