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758653 No.758653 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.758665

That video has 8k views, a Minecraft LP episode has 100k+, literally who?

>> No.758666

You don't get it. This faggot's channel has 50-100K views in average an most of his followers are 2D artists, he's been telling people for the last 2 months to get into the 3D bandwagon

>> No.758670

What's wrong with that? From what I seen it was just a gimmick for artists to toy around with. A new toy

>> No.758671

Okay? What the guy is show is very easy to do, but not even 5% will try it, 10% of those that do will finish it, and 0.1% of those that finish it will carry on with 3D. It's also doesn't fucking matter, if it did why would I answer or help anyone on this board?

>> No.758672

Why gatekeep?

>> No.758678

He and other idiots are just planting the seeds today for more competition to exist tomorrow, pajeets and south americans will jump into the wagon and 3D will become a job that pays 50 cents an hour

>> No.758681


Blender gatekeeping on top of that. Blendlets don't want other retards to join their retarded fanbase.

>> No.758708
File: 29 KB, 326x316, 13523746258572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gatekeeping is the main life purpose of a handful of crusty underachieving resident fucks on this board who think they can prevent the world from taking their job opportunities by constantly whining about Blender and anyone who's promoting it.

>> No.758709

>Blendlets don't want other retards to join their retarded fanbase.
but that's... retarded

>> No.758713

who gives a fuck? tis but a blender

>> No.758716

Blender is most people's first approach to 3D, once they're in the bandwagon they buy Maya

>> No.758722

Cry more

>> No.758725

Show me one (1) AAA animation or AAA game that was made with Blender.
Yes, that's what I thought.

>> No.758727

AAA just means lots of money. If you have lots of money then you just buy the corporate license for all of the software available. That's a fucking blip in their budgets.

>> No.758728
File: 36 KB, 395x480, 2711ecbb21e3ff7337ca2ccc5f55d944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blender is most people's first approach to 3D
Most children's

>> No.758729

Lots of content gets outsourced to (foreign) studios and I know from a personal experience there are studios where a lot of artists who use Blender. They use whatever they want basically and ofc, some will use Blender. So there has been plenty of AAA games who contain models made in Blender, you're just not aware of it.

>> No.758731

Where the hell did that come from? Why are you baiting software wars, it's not a fun argument they go nowhere. I'm a max user but that's irrelevant.

>> No.758733

Still more soulful than blunder

>> No.758735

nigga AM is soul made to become 3d modelling software.

>> No.758745

>bringing normies into the 3D bandwagon
Woah did I travel back in time to the 90s somehow? 3D has been 'normie' shit for fucking decades lol.

>> No.758750

>starts matte painting with the intent to make a 3D scene
>doesn't just learn to 3d model and texture correctly
>end result is some messy parallax garbage

wow incredible

>> No.758755

Only skill-less retards care about competition. Especially when it comes to competing with people that are brand new to the subject. If you're threatened by literal beginners starting up a program, then you've got to be pretty shit.

If you have "the skills to pay the bills", it doesn't matter how many people do the same shit as you. Since your specific skills and perspective are what you're selling, not your ability to use a program.
If you can't understand that, and you're still complaining about a few people who's better at 2d than you getting into 3d and calling it "competition", then you're still as much a beginner as they are.

>> No.758762

Give them a month of "beginners blender tutorials?" and "how do I do this exact precise thing that is probably not even a real workflow" and they quit

>> No.758763

if hes just projecting pictures it still looks 2d for the most part. Whats the point he could do that in aftereffects

>> No.758789

>everyone else are normies how dare people find genuine interest in the same hobby as I!!!!!!

imagine being such a sweaty fucking gatekeeping faggot

>> No.758792

Sometime I consider myself lucky for living in the third world, even at that rate I can still live a fairly comfortable life since everything is dirt cheap

>> No.758800

It must suck to always have people joining your hobby who get further than you do.

>> No.758817

I remember seeing a screenshot on LAS of Disney employees using Blender on RHEL to work on what appeared to be Frozen 2. Chris kind of glossed over the Blender part to acknowledge the fact they were using Gnome, though.

>> No.758821


>> No.758842

He's a pajeet, it's not a hobby for him

>> No.758864

Poor amerimutt.

>> No.758866

>shitty png from google
>a retard
Checks out, go back

>> No.758904

if you don't suck ass at what you do, then you shouldn't worry about potential competition

but by the sounds of it I guess you do suck kek

>> No.758906

Could do things like rendering lighting? Also generate other objects into the scene?

>> No.758944

Blender is becoming the goto software for pooskins and third worlders, lmao. Soon you will be flooded with "how make cube" and the Blender community will become even more awful. :)

>> No.758952

Should have picked a real career path then and not one that can be replaced with a mediocre AI.

>> No.758957

so what, op? why dont you make yourself irreplaceable instead of creating threads and cry?
imho i only know a handful of artists (worldwide) better than myself, so I dont give a shit

>> No.758965

This method is pretty cool, seems pretty in efficient though

>> No.758968

Almost everything will be replaced by an AI one day.

>> No.758969


>> No.759148 [DELETED] 

So what? 3D art, hell, art in general, is a career that you should being do for passion, not just money. If you want money get a trade that people actually need instead of modeling evangelion characters

>> No.759343

this is already happening not sure why ur seething

>> No.759399


>> No.759583

I just do it for fun lol. more content for me

>> No.762448


>> No.762471

imagine being such a mediocre white guy that third world labor scares you.

>> No.762485
File: 55 KB, 790x745, AAAAAHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>340k subscribers
>120k views on that video

>> No.762586

it amuses me that people like you support slave labor now. humans are so fucking crazy lol

>> No.762982

>t. someone whose never had their job outsourced

>> No.762998


>> No.763004

What is better than Blender?

>> No.763009

You'll get an answer faster if you instead ask what software is worse than Blender.

>> No.763011

>>I have no voice
That's why you're scared of competition.
Develop your voice and you're good.
Also stop being a despair faggot.

>> No.763014

What software is worse than Blender?

>> No.763332

3ds max

>> No.763864

saying that is just a meme by now

>> No.763867

Not really. Blender still can't hold a candle to 3ds Max.

>> No.763870

I'm sure it surpasses 3ds max in many ways, and lags behind in other areas.

The main difference is Blender is open source, and has a vastly larger user base, some of which are simply coders having fun. I think fun is the key factor here.

>> No.763922

Do you live in 1985 ? Because the majority of CG artists are normies in pretty much all respect

>> No.763937

Maya (excluding rigging and animation)

>> No.763975

that's.....what the software is predominantly for though.....

>> No.764165

some claim it's the best modeling package out there

>> No.765599

>A clever way to create a beautiful looking animation.
>OP is angered by this.
OP is a faggot, as usual.

>> No.766211

>implying 3D isn't already a job that pays 50 cents an hour
3D is already being outsourced constantly to chinks and pajeets, while any jobs that are left are being fought over by desperate artists that want to join the glamour of the film/game industry. Git gud or get outsourced fag

>> No.766478

What are you afraid of? No amount of retards can drive down the worth of someone that actually has talent and dedication.

>> No.766503

You answered your own question.
>Talent and dedication

>> No.766795

Everyone here is in a constant fear of losing their job while perpetually shitting on each other's program of choice and not getting actual work done

>> No.766850

We should be applauding this tech.

Making things more accessible wins us more friends than enemies.

>> No.766851

a bunch of friends with a skill that now earns no money. yay!

>> No.766855

You're overestimating the the functionality of most artists. I've seen too many drawings that wouldn't transition well to 3D and very few that do.

>> No.766858

>a bunch of friends with a skill
>seeing them as competition rather than opportunities for collaboration and different perspectives
This is why you have such a shit view on things. You're not a real artist, therefore actual artists threaten you.

>> No.766862

id have killed to have had friends with skills. I was begging my friends to learn flash or programming or anything when i was a teen. they didnt wanna do shit. And i didnt do shit either cuz i was hanging out with them.

>> No.766870

>caring about making money means you aren't a real artist
that is a really demented mentality

>> No.766878

The competition scars the Amerimutt.

>> No.766881

>join forces with skilled friends
>make more money because you can take on bigger jobs and increase the scope of your projects
Pretty sure you might be the one with mental problems anon.

>> No.766899

Are you fucking retarded. 3D has been getting a constantly increasing amount of normies, 99% of which give up after a week anyways.

Even if the learning curve goes down, people's attention spans don't--That filter alone is enough to make your clickbait YouTuber completely irrelevant and meaningless to the "bandwagon".

>> No.766903

It’s kind of a simple concept that I think most people who are interested in doing 2.5D art might already know how to do anyway.

>> No.766910

But he's such a nice youtube art guy, not sure why you're practicing now when that vid was released a while back.

>> No.766914

The thread is over a month old ya dingus.
It was posted around the same time the video came out. If anything, OP fucking left and everyone's still here squabbling like usual.

>> No.767677

Seems fine to me

>> No.767694

"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"

>> No.767696

It's gunna happen man, especially with everyone spending so much time indoors. This shit is gunna become mainstream. You can't stop it, nor should you want to. You just gotta get ahead and work on your skills so you stand out from the pool as the pool gets bigger.

>> No.768527

It's only a matter of time until places like f95 flood with normie outbreaks

>> No.768533

to you, yes

>> No.768534

This is a good video, anon. Thanks for sharing it.

>> No.768537

what a pity

>> No.768544


>> No.768546
File: 60 KB, 630x445, 3ik9lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this picture is actually real shit. OP is fucking whore.

>> No.769514

Also with the rise of Vtubers and VRchat more people are gonna wanna learn how to 3D model their own characters. Our hobby is now infested with normalfags bros... well guess I’ll browse /po/

>> No.769552


>> No.769554

If it's a hobby to you then literally why would it matter if more people got into it?

>> No.769576

I hate people.

>> No.770398


>> No.770401

OP here. Sup fag

>> No.770412

The guy's name is bucci...

>> No.770424

Nice of you to drop by 15 days later, bitch. You sure showed me.