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758323 No.758323 [Reply] [Original]

okay /3/, what is the ABSOLUTE easiest software you can think of that I could hop into right now and make something easy. Or at the very least, the most beginner friendly. You can make nice looking things in blender but it's such a fucking storm to a newcomer. Can't tell what the fuck anything is.
Everything else I've used is relatively simple or laid straight out with no confusion.

>> No.758325
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>> No.758326
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>> No.758328


I dunno man Blender looks like shit from the get go, 3ds max and pretty much everything else look a lot nicer to get started with.

>> No.758330

sketchup maybe

>> No.758331
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MagicaVoxel is basically "if minecraft had real tools for 3D"

or "pixel art in 3D" is probably closer

there's a gallery on the home page, but i attached pic related

you're going to have to learn the basics regardless of what software you choose

if you eventually decide to pick up blender or one of the commercial packages, you actually need to learn much less than you think, as proven by MagicaVoxel

you can build entire worlds with nothing but some cubes and cylinders extruded in interesting ways, and it will look a lot less minecraft-y and voxel-y, in fact, you can make images that look like they're the result of extreme hard surface modelling sessions, when in reality it's just cubes that are floating and intersecting.

extrusion, inset, bevel, spin...just a few tools that take a couple hours of experimenting to figure out and become comfortable with, and you are basically unstoppable.

this is probably as good as it gets in the "i want to learn as little as possible department" which, when it comes to things like automobiles, i completely understand. i just need something that is safe and reliable, i don't give a fuck about horsepower or anything else. normie bullshit

>> No.758334

Blender actually has the best looking UI. Max has been looking the same forever.

>> No.758342

I like the max userface... and the fact that it barely changes. It gets the job done and no matter in which part of the industry you work in max most users even professionals me including won't even grasp a fraction of it's capabilities.

>> No.758345

Modo by a fucking mile

It lacks a lot of tools and is generally lackluster in most fields but thats for the better if you starting. Also dosnt rely on nodes like fucking everything those days, since fuck nodes.

Maybe 3d Coat if you want to sculpt stuff, it can do texturing and other stuff that zbrush is shit all.

Blender is another good entry software, despite its piece of shit UI it has a lot of resources online so you can brute force your way through.
But personally despite sing beldnder for 5 years i still cant use it without google open in a tab, the UI is practically unworkable without a fucking manual in hand and it never gets any easier, if anything the more shortcuts you memorize the more you will start mixing them up.

The worst entry software would be Zbrush and Maya, fucking 30 year old turds that never saw an UI redesign.
But if you want to make it in the industry today you need to learn both which pisses me off.

>> No.758346

it makes things unnecessarily complicated at times. And addition of new tools isn't always well thought out and integrated into the existing interface (looking at you graphite tools), which makes parts of the UI redundant, but also necessary to still have around, which leads to wasted screen space and button diarrhea.
Not grasping the capabilities is not really a good thing, and half of it comes from the convoluted UI.

>> No.758351

Fucking hate this style.

>> No.758352
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>> No.758353

The best complaint you can make about Blender's interface is that it's modal, and that's not a complaint that will earn anyone's respect or agreement except other smooth brains.

I'm old enough to remember the amount of frustration people had with graphical user interfaces and the mouse. You probably don't put much thought into it, but if your mouse speed is too low, you have to lift the mouse when you get to the edge of the pad and return it back to the center. You end up doing this kind of shaving/slicing motion and it really confused the hell out of some people. My step dad wanted a mouse pad that had the exact same dimensions as the monitor, so that it was 1:1 like how a Wacom is typically configured.

The best tool is the one that you like and makes you productive. This requires no further discussion.

>> No.758355

>3DMAX in 2020

>> No.758356

Give Blender the non destructible stack of Max and I'm converted 100%

>> No.758357

Holy shit, I'm in love with that path tracer.

>> No.758359

Look up ZbrushCoreMini.

>> No.758360

Much better of just getting Blender

>> No.758363

yeah it's pretty neat to play with

>> No.758369

>what is the ABSOLUTE easiest software you can think of that I could hop into right now and make something easy.
Cinema 4D is the easiest to learn 3D DCC of all of them.

>> No.758373

Sorry but the "retro" pixels plus modern lighting looks like shit. Zoomer-tier shit.

>> No.758374

I want it as an add-on for Blender really badly now.

>> No.758375

take your complaints up with the artist

>> No.758382

I just want you to know that your post triggered me hard. Don't know if this was its purpose, but saying Modo is easier to get into and not figuring out Blender's UI in 5 years seems like a shitpost or you're really something else...

>> No.758384

What exactly does it do that Cycles or any other renderer can't do? Seems to me you're just in love with a well lit scene.

>> No.758386

So, is this usable in a practical, productive sense or just some child's toy to play around with?

>> No.758388

Or maybe im not a blendlet?
I work in industry for many years now and i used most market packages and use half of them in my studio pipeline and no matter how many more years i do i know i will never fucking not get angry an blender reliance on 5 button press shortcuts you need 3 hands to press.

And if you cant apereatiate Modo for what it does you still got lots to learn before you can speak on what package is good.

But mostly what makes modo so easy to get into is full reliance on easy readable icons sorted into logical categories and its selection tools. There is a reason everybody copied its solutions.

Unless you making a commercial product everything you make in anything is just play and practice or flexing on other artists.

>> No.758389

If your workflow has a place where you can incorporate voxels, then yes, it's a mature tool that you can use for all kinds of things.

>> No.758390

>blender reliance on 5 button press shortcuts
>most used shortcuts are actually 1 button

>> No.758394

Im joking you tard, but there are plenty of idiotic 3 button ones.
And any one that uses both my right and left side of keyboard can go fuck them self, i fucking use a mouse and a keyboard, not a keyboard only, the idea i need to lift my fucking other hand and put it on the keyboard to do basic shit is just insane.

>> No.758395

>blender reliance on 5 button press shortcuts you need 3 hands to press
please list 5 examples of this

>> No.758398

>i need to lift my fucking other hand and put it on the keyboard to do basic shit

>> No.758399


>> No.758402

Hah, ok dude, I work in AAA as well. Blender is pretty easy to learn, or at least about the same as any other software, and what you're saying is not true. I never have to let my hand go off the mouse when I'm using shortcuts. Pretty pathetic name-calling as well, btw. Maybe stop exaggerating and just accept you were too lazy to learn another piece of software properly.

>> No.758407

May as well ask why people prefer Arnold, Octane, etc. over Cycles when 95% of their nominal functionality is the same.
Export a model, load it and one of the included HDRIs in Blender, recreate material properties and render settings, make some renders. See and feel the difference.
Without even going into the visual side of things, which some might say is entirely subjective, it's faster and all but noise free in comparison to Cycles. Of course, overall it's very basic and by no means a full-fledged production renderer, but it never was meant to be one, and for me personally the simplicity is also a part of its appeal (I like C4D's default renderer for that reason, even though it's just kinda bad).

>> No.758410

i think the truth is somewhere in the middle
magicavoxel has some very, very nice defaults that blender completely lacks
blender should have a few built-in scenes and hdris, it's open fucking source, why isn't that shit in there yet
but i don't think this pathtracer is doing anything that cycles can't already do, most of the advantages would be in optimization since this is a likely a newer and smaller codebase. it also has a much smaller problem domain
you can render out turntables in just a click of a button, i mean c'mon, magicavoxel is fucking great when it comes to polish

>> No.758412

Can it export these models with the proper UVs or is it meme shit?

>> No.758416

IIRC, it can export the material but no UVs, but that is easily remedied

>> No.758423

>why isn't that shit in there yet
It seems to be regarded as a low priority thing and probably some kind of deliberate barrier to entry to noobs (aka elitism) even though polish is absolutely essential
Blender's #1 problem is its bad presets and defaults; all of its defaults are terrible for everything, the only way you get good results are by tearing apart everything and doing (or copying) custom setups

>> No.758424

>kind of deliberate barrier to entry to noobs (aka elitism)
if the software were easier, andrew price, cg cookie, etc. would probably feel their wallets tighten (although they seem to have side projects as safety nets, kudos to them)

it really makes you think

>> No.758437
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Why the fuck does everything have to be super easy for you retards to get into ?
When I first started doing 3D I just downloaded Maya and started trying to make shit that I had on mind. It was difficult at first but eventually I learned my way around. Every time I couldn't figure something out I looked it up online, read the documentation and found a solution or asked for help on forums.
Eventually, layer upon layer of knowledge adds up and you end up being comfortable using your tools.
The same applies to all 3D software. Do you morons have some sort of learning disability that prevents you from doing the same or do you just need that quick dopamine fix from instant gratification without having to put in the work ?

>> No.758438

seethe more faggot

>> No.758444

Daz3D, then import to Blender and render your coomer fantasies with EEVEE. Gobbos are the future.

>> No.758450

He has a point. You never get anywhere if you don't venture out into the wild.

>> No.758458


>i want the thing i do for fun to be as simple as possible
like, bro, maybe you don't want to do that thing for fun after all

if you enjoy it, why would you want to spend as little time doing it? i get that sometimes you want the tools to "melt away", but working with software is fun and why i like this hobby. if all you want to do is 3D, then learn to model clay or make miniatures or something

>> No.758472
File: 43 KB, 565x600, 1 (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blender actually has the best looking UI

>> No.758480

I don't get it, seriously though. It's pretty minimal compared to let's say Max or Modo. Without being a fanboy I'd also say Blender's UI is pretty clean, it's comfy as fuck to work with for me.

I also like Maya's UI even though it's bloated. But I kinda enjoy it as well, it's the opposite but it's still kinda comfy to me. Max however can go fuck itself.

>> No.758481

>It's pretty minimal
Thats not a positive.

>> No.758483

50% of your post is BS

>> No.758528

Oh fuck you and your software wars. Why do I even get baited into these discussions...

>> No.759972

Because that's how some people cope with spending so much time learning a software but being shit. Software war keeps them from having to improve. It's like poor white trash trying to be a "the glass is half full" kinda guy by saying "at least I'm not black".

>> No.759982

Well, at least I'm not black and I have a job, lol. More than blendlets could say.

>> No.759986

See how I didn't even mention jobs and the software war kid jumped for the throat.

If your job was anything else than fixing bad caches from the animation department, you'd notice that the industry rarely discriminates against people using a software or the other.

>> No.760060

get fucking good

>> No.760194

Zbrush, especially if you've never used 3D software before because the interface is easier to go into raw than it is to try using after you've learned how other 3D packages work. Sculpting is as straightforward as possible for 3D. Mudbox is even easier to pick up but it's far less useful by comparison.

>> No.760198


>> No.760269

Headshot and Facebuilder

>> No.760312


blender does NOT have the best UI but by god its better than max / maya /mobu ...

>> No.760417
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>i work in industry

>> No.760419
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>Imagine having to actually move your fingers a little more
Holy fucking shit how fucking far are you?

>> No.760448
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God you're pathetic

>> No.760454
File: 3.38 MB, 2000x1414, 1594621206698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blender or c4d for a complete beginner?

>> No.760463

Stop spamming, this is a slow board

>> No.760656

blender has shit ui