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752116 No.752116 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make a lot of animations but I don't want to spend assloads of time animating.

What is the cheapest mocap solution?

>> No.752119
File: 952 KB, 856x480, Ariel walks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iPisoft Markless motion capture.
It consumes a lot of space, so you better have some free room to use as 'studio'.
Also, you´ll be fixing the inaccuracies so much that the best you can do is just film yourself on your phone and rotoscope that on your software.

>> No.752123

did you do that walking animation in the software? 200$ its a bit too much for me at this moment, so I might try the free version for now

>> No.752124

Cheers anon, I'll give it a look.

>> No.752131
File: 2.21 MB, 320x240, trolchan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you do that walking animation in the software?
sadly, no. That´s a library movement.
3ds Max Biped system allows you to store and mix full or partial library animations, which is often quite handy for hand made animations. Pic related is all hand animated.

>> No.752137

>when you been drinking early and try to act sober

>> No.752140


>> No.752193


I was able to make basic mocap using an xbox 360, an USB adapter to PC and ipi studio and ipi recorder.

Works good enough if you rig your model using Mixamo and then bring back to blender.

>> No.752194

>xbox 360
Shit I meant a kinect.


There's plenty of tutorials to do mocap using a kinect 360 on PC.

>> No.752206

Unless the model is a flawless 1:1 scan of the actor (and even then I'm not sure), you have to clean up the mocap
I'm pretty sure Mass Effect Andromeda animations look like such shit precisely because they ran out of time (or possibly expertise) to clean up the mocap data (and then compound it with infinite engine bugs)

>> No.752209

Every body wants to be a body builder but no one wants to lift no heavy ass weights

>> No.752210


>> No.752223

>Every body wants to be a body builder

Doubt it, I used to lift a lot of weights back in the day, I sure as hell didn't want to be no body builder.
You're so past what's functional or athletic at that point that it's something that appeal to very very few.

Most dudes really wanna look like a sprinter or a boxer.

>> No.752253

I don't understand how anybody could possibly be pleased with the results in this thread.

Or are you really that bad at animation that this is somehow preferable.

>> No.752495

they are the bunch that DO suck at animating
99% of people SUCK ASS at animation- And will settle for hot garbage rather than accept the 1 and Only Truth:
Animation is nothing but work. Long hours of intense focus, and extreme dedication to the final result. Seeing the creations come to life is thrilling to an animator. But 99.99999999% of people do not possess the discipline to master the craft, and therefore look for shortcuts rather than accepting the hard truth that they are YEARS of practice away from making their forms come to life.

Another message for the retards: A.I. and Motion Crap will never achieve the human touch of a master animator- You will be left waiting in the rain for a bus that never shows up.

Animation is such a massively iterative process, checking, rechecking. Flipping, checking, correcting. This iteration is not with facts, numbers, or interpolated coordinates..... FEELING guides the artist's path. The FEELING of the motion, the action, the sequence,.... The artist must pay intimate attention to each individual frame... But also judge the collection that creates the motion.... Then return to individual frames with his thoughts guiding his corrections or path forward. This process relies heavily on emotion. And I'd be willing to argue with anyone who believes otherwise

>> No.752503

I piss off'd is the name of the software?

>> No.752514

Cope harder. Most steps in animation are getting automatized. All your dedication and hardwork is getting reduced to lines of code any kiddie will get to run eventually in a few years. You're not special, autistically learning how to do stuff the old way and taking extra steps just to prove you can has no tangible effect in the final product, nobody cares about your gay ass "artistic ways", all people care about are results.

>> No.752518

>A.I. and Motion Crap will never achieve the human touch of a master animator- You will be left waiting in the rain for a bus that never shows up.
>Animation is such a massively iterativ>e process, checking, rechecking. Flipping, checking, correcting.

As an animator turned coder I'd be a bit careful with those estimations. My interest in animation is interactive realtime rigs and there is a lot of
stuff that is possible to do once you as an already competent animator set out to solve things algorithmically against simulated forces.

I abandoned handmade animation because the type of movement I became obsessed with was too complex to create manually.
Real creatures are physical chains that balance their center of mass in such a way that if something moves everything moves to compensate.
I've been working on this problem for the last 10 years and I've made progress, the field of robotics, AI research, biomechanics and sportsscience means
if you're a traditional animator your job is indeed in danger going forward.

The problems associated with synthesizing and interpolating athletic bipedal motion is on the verge of being solved.
Within the next 10 years expect to see machine learning algorithms can animate a skeleton for you based on simply watching video depicting of source material.


>> No.752520

This dude pretty much just confirmed what I said here >>752514 lol

>> No.752530

Buy a used HTC Vive VR system on ebay and then get a few Vive Trackers.

Here is an example of vive trackers:
It uses 7 trackers which can be expensive since each tracker is $99 at retail and they are scarce right now because of COVID. I was able to order 4 a couple days ago from the HTC Vive website at retail which was a miracle.

Here is another video with 6 trackers and a program that used to cost $500 a year which is no longer available because apple bought the company which sucks. Same thing happened to Face Shift a few years back but at least it produced that facial tracking the iphone X is doing so it went to a good cause.

It's not too expensive to get good results and it doesn't require too much clean up which is great. Here is a program called Animation Prep Studio that lets you make motion capture animations with the HTC Vive VR system.

Motion capture is slowly getting cheaper.

>> No.752533


>> No.752638

A real mocap suit is 6,300 bucks + 1200 extra for the software to use them https://www.nansense.com/pricing/?gclid=CjwKCAjwxev3BRBBEiwAiB_PWN14pUbeTRvmjkkUU_fbKxh2xuj8UhKYTP1H0wQi5JaV-lY_TPG8zBoC4v8QAvD_BwE

>> No.752640

There is a reason you normally rent time on a mocap facility. We are just a studio with 40 ppl and do this too.

>> No.752663

B-but that amazing furry porn animation will give more than U$10.000 and they they will be able to pay for... uh, maybe he´s better off animating by hand?

>> No.752760

You will get fucked by technology soon

>> No.752962


>> No.753011
File: 3 KB, 99x56, dw9mxy-ea19a74e-e593-43b7-a733-6f110725298b - Copy - Copy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will die with honor - you will be left waiting for a train that never arrives

I built my own locomotive. 1 frame at a time

>> No.753034

Speaking of Rokoko, Chordata is on Kickstarter now:

>> No.754245

The OG Kinect its enough to get some basic animations?
I have an Acer WMR, but its not enough because the controller only track if they are visible by the HMD.
I already animate but wanna try some real time animations, and i found a pretty cheap price at my country.

>> No.754253
File: 43 KB, 470x521, BakaAssMofo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's somewhat true but u described it really gay bro.
also all the ai cucks in here saying it will be automated: Yeah, sure, but it's not as of right now. Often the point of animation is showing movement that is not possible in real life. Like the emphasis, poses and timing. Can't wait until automation catches up with all that, until then you just underpay crunchtime friends.
I have no shortcuts for you jus get good and think of projects that are under 10 minutes if you go solo at a project, it will still take you couple of months to complete.

>> No.754271

/3/ is just obsessed with the idea that they won't ever have to actually learn any skills to make their coomer animations.

They beg for model rips and now are hoping for AI to develop around them so in a few years they will be able to complete their magnum opus by letting the computer do the 2nd part.

>> No.755084

Does it have to be HTC or would a Valve Index work for this

>> No.755095

>They beg for model rips
People constantly coming in and leaving when they realise nobody here cares about their begging is different from /3/'s long term users.

Forums had these people, too. The 2-3 post usernames with nothing but requests, last online when their request went unfulfilled.

>> No.755105


I agree with both of you because both of you are correct.

It's not a zero sum game. You can let a computer do the movement then have an animator add that extra touch.

Western animators are obsessed with the 12 rules of animation. But they're not rules, they're guidelines. This is why every single animated cartoon or cgi-movie looks the same: stylized wavy characters with no weight to them.

Anime has its own problems mainly revolving around budgetary constraints. It's easier and quicker for an animator to create some DBZ fight scene with lots of explosions than it is to create a realistic mma-style fight scene.

So again, it's not either/or. Mocap can be used to create a base-line for the movement, then the animator can come in and push everything to the limit.

>> No.756477
