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File: 285 KB, 1440x1093, badlearning vs goodlearning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
749822 No.749822 [Reply] [Original]

Do not poly-model characters unless you are a retard. Blender has sculpting tools, use them.

Welcome to the Blender General, where we discuss Blender, share our Blender-related works and ask for Blender-related help.

>What is Blender?
Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, video editing and 2D animation pipeline.


>Blender Market


>Useful tutorials

>Useful addons

Previous Thread: >>748519

>> No.749825

>Do not poly-model characters unless you are a retard. Blender has sculpting tools, use them.

How does it feel that your General is made by an asshole that starts every instance of this thread with his super hot take on 'sculpting VS modelling' blendlets?

>> No.749828
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Like this.

>> No.749829
File: 172 KB, 435x525, treads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposing from the other thread. need some help here, ive got an issue with making treads on this tank. Im putting the treads at the origin point for the circle like usual. But whenever I apply the curve modifier the following happens

>> No.749830
File: 126 KB, 490x339, treads 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.749835
File: 588 KB, 600x580, 2ec3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still mad you can't sculpt
>still trying to cope with poly modeling characters

>> No.749836

It always gets like this at some point.
First they stuff the OP with supposedly ~uuuseful links~, then they add opinions and later even links to their discord rooms.

>> No.749845

ah i feel very blown out, yeah. dont even mention it

>> No.749846
File: 80 KB, 500x281, bro the fuck am i doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report from last thread.
So I'm new to modeling people and I got to a point where I'm stumped and don't know how to make this shit not look like trash. Any good no bullshit videos on modeling characters?

inb4 "sculpt it 4head"

>> No.749847

Literally sculpt it.

Every single good character tutorial will recommend sculpting for organic modeling.

>> No.749848

hah it's the guy that says 'cope' in every comment
>implying sculpting is some higher art that is superior to poly modeling
Blender favoritism is a red flag for mental disability and every blender thread on this forum demonstrates it.

>> No.749849

Nobody is saying sculpting is always superior to poly-modeling. It's just superior for organic models like characters.

Cope, idiot.

>> No.749854

why are you comparing paid with free?

>> No.749856

Because there are still far too many people saying you don't need paid tutorials, and that stuff on youtube is just as good. That's why so many people make the donut.

cgcookie's courses are exponentially better than anything Andrew Price has put out. If you don't want to pay, you use cgpeers.

>> No.749857

finally, someone speaking sense around here

>> No.749863

how often do they open for registration?

>> No.749864

Used to be twice a month. Now never again, you need someone to give you an invite.

>> No.749865

would you? :d

>> No.749866

or anyone, really

>> No.749868

>CG Cookie Course

Is it that good, lads? My ADHD brain cannot fucking handle Youtube tutorials with no structured learning.

>> No.749870
File: 179 KB, 1440x1280, 543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this problem in the past thread and now I found the solution, for some reason I always found the solution after asking here:

>I have 2 groups of objects: a complex one made of many groups, the other a simple plane. The complex one is in the origin, the plane is 17000 meters away from the complex one, I want to put the complex one above the plane, why the fuck is that simple function so fucking complicated ?!?!

>If I put the exact coordinates of the plane; 17000, -3600, .3620 on the complex group for some retarded reason they don't end up in the same place, even if they have the same ordinates I don't know why.

>I checked the measures of both objects and it should work, a 1m object above a 2m plane.

>I can just use the move tool because the objects are so far away one of the other that I have to zoom out so much that the other become fucking invisible.

>What I'm doing wrong ?


Go to view -> viewpoint -> select the top view
Zoom out the most you can, it's OK if your objects are almost invisible, with next step you can move them anyway
With the move tool selected move all of your selected objects using the red, green or blue arrows to move your objects just in one direction
Repeat the last step while trying other views and different arrow directions until you are able to put your far far away objects together

And that's how you move objects that are Km away from each other together, maybe this could be useful for someone through google or something

>> No.749872
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But I also have some questions about it, why if 2 objects are in almost the same place they can have so diffident coordinates. My objects are one above other but one has the position 17000, -3600 and the other 448, -89. Shouldn't coordinates be global for the model or something ?

And why in this model I lost the ability do use the tweak cursor tool do drag a rectangle and select everything inside it ? Seriously what the fuck ?! Now I drag it and it does nothing. If I open a new file it works normal

>> No.749876

Objects typically have an origin point which isn't always 0,0,0 in global space. The position of your object is based on it's position from the set origin of that specific object.

>> No.749878
File: 954 KB, 1735x894, cgcookie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they have learning flows.

>> No.749880

>Do not poly-model characters unless you are a retard. Blender has sculpting tools, use them

this is the thing that confused me with introduction thead where it says dont learn sculpitng, its beyond retarded if you're making characters you should sculpt instead of box modeling

>> No.749882

>Do not poly-model characters unless you are a retard. Blender has sculpting tools, use them.
I'm gonna poly-model anyway and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.749902

Are cgcookies stuff really better than Andrew price's videos?

>> No.749904

>Introduction thread
Does anyobody read /3/'s introduction thread unironically?

>> No.749909

Yes, really. It's not even a competition. There are good tutorials to be found on youtube (Blender Secrets comes to mind), but none of them beat cgcookie if you're using blender.
Andrew barely knows what he's doing with modeling and he sure as shit doesn't know anything about teaching.

>> No.749910

reposting from old thread:
please share more useful addons in addition to the ones in the OP. category doesnt matter.

some that I found intetesting:
Curves To Mesh 2
Half Knife (https://gumroad.com/l/yaxej))
Rotate Face (https://gumroad.com/l/rotate_face/))
UV Packmaster Pro
HDRI Maker 2.0
Anit-Tile (https://blendermarket.com/products/anti-tile))

>> No.749911

Still think Andrew has some high quality videos. But will check out cgcookie on cgpeers glad i made an account 2 years ago

>> No.749915

It's all relative, I suppose. You'll see soon enough.

>> No.749916 [DELETED] 

pls invite me fren

>> No.749919

Almost anything is better than Andrew unless you're a complete beginner. It's also annoying how half his shit is shilling for extremely overpriced extensions or packs
I've been dabbling in displacement nodes and it's fun but i'm not sure how the workflow is supposed to be. Lets say i made a landscape using displacement nodes - how would i go about placing buildings for example? Just using rendered viewport? or is there a better way

>> No.749927

>Still think Andrew has some high quality videos.
You mean the 1080p ones?

>> No.749929

They have a youtube channel, check it out:


The full courses are on their website. They still upload some great tutorials to youtube though, like this:



>> No.749931

Poly-modeling characters in the current year is stupid. Listen to the professionals:


>> No.749939

Most cgcookie tutorials like thread pic are on really old versions of blender it's like a following a tutorial for a different program. Also their logo looks like it was made by a 10 years old

>> No.749943

Can blender do mesh deformation/destruction simulations?

>> No.749944


there's a fork called "fracture modifier"

it's 2.79 only right now though and requires some weird workaround to integrate with 2.8+

>> No.749946

Sorry, I meant more like softbody deformation. There was a research paper on it a few years ago with a good demo but I can't find it. It was basically like cloth deformation and tearing, except applicable to solid meshes that act like a gel I guess.

>> No.749947

sadly i did

>> No.749948

Ah, I found the demo. Elastoplastic simulation using FEA and remeshing.


>> No.749950

Is it too late for me to learn /3d/? I want to make video games. I'm 24 with no experience and an inability to learn new things. I find I have already stagnated as a person and it depresses me

>> No.749952

I'm 34 and I got back to it last month. I made last attempts at modeling when I was 18 with no great success. I now understand things much better and find the learning process much easier. Not claiming I'm gonna accomplish any kind of tangible success with it, but I'm already starting to like what little I am able to create and I learn a lot with every session I spend on it. I really enjoy this, so I don't feel this time is wasted at all. Using age as an excuse not to try something is counterproductive and actually the reason you will never be good at anything.

>> No.749953

how do you export photoshop brushes into blender for texture painting?

>> No.749957
File: 2.08 MB, 960x540, 1592260054065.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what particular animations got you interested in Blender?

>> No.749960

god I'll never get feetfags

>> No.749961

anyone has magnet links to cg course classes?

>> No.749962

was this made in blender? is there a way to tell? t. newb

>> No.749965

>no bullshit videos
Your entire problem is the result of this line of thinking.
You must plow through every video you can, assimilating new information as you go and comparing one person's method for doing something versus another person's method and then selecting the "better" method
Finally you'll have in your mind a patch-work quilt of "best" practices and methods to achieve the result you want, with that quilt improving iteratively as you watch more and different videos.

Sorry, there's no shortcut, some teachers are better but there's no best and the time spent looking for the best is a waste.
Just do a tutorial as far as you can, if you get stuck or can't understand the guy or whatever, move on to another tutorial then revisit that old tutorial now that you can fill in the gaps that teacher left open and/or have the experience to be able to understand by sight what is happening.

>> No.749966

just fuckin extrude and loop cut some shit and move dots around until you got a crotch. it's not rocket science, just make mesh that looks like thing brah. then when it all animates terribly you can start thinking about how other people do crotches and shoulders and why it might be good or shit.

>> No.749970

I got past that part now and was looking at some reference. Currently on the upper torso. But yeah that's generally what I do. even if its wrong I wanna know why it's wrong. Then I'll know for the next time not to make stupid fuckin mistakes.

But yeah thanks for the tip. I love playing connect the dots.

>> No.749977

luv me bulges
luv me protruding nipples
luv simulated liquids
'ate sliders
'ate coomer games with half an hour loading time and awful import/export, no clothes interaction, no pose templates, etc
simple as

>> No.749979
File: 729 KB, 1178x823, Screenshot (16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i noticed this really weird seam with wonky shading on this object and upon closer inspection, all the normals are skewed to the side. i tried recalculating the normals but it doesn't do anything, just keeps them skewed.
what the hell is going on? anyone know how to fix? it's not a complicated object at all. entirely quads, just a cube with loop cuts

>> No.749983

newb here again, should i right click select? people talk about it online but dont really mention any pros or cons

>> No.749990

Left click is the default now, so use that.

>> No.749991
File: 971 KB, 512x512, big boi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't made in blender it's unreal and probably maya for the animation but then I saw that tiger daniel bystedt rendered in eevee and it's like "yep, let's do blender"

Fast rendering that looks "Good enough" is what I was after.

>> No.749994

I know that it is a better model, but holy hell do I hate character design like this.

>> No.749998

thanks for sharing

>> No.750002

I couldn't find OP's cgcookie tutorial on cgpersia so here it is on a streaming website
(make sure your adblock and noscript are up to date faggot):

bilibili com/video /BV1Ts411a7Ax?p=1

>> No.750003

It doesn't matter, what matters is that you understand that the 3d cursor (the widget that shows up where you click) is incredibly powerful
Objects you create will spawn there, you can snap things to that spot (origin, verts, geometry, etc), you can also rotate things via that point

>> No.750005

You gotta admit, it looks like shit.

>> No.750014
File: 6 KB, 143x137, Screenshot_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a hotkey for this fucker? this is scale tool

>> No.750015

did blender use to be more stable before 2.8? i can't seem to make any progress without constantly reminding myself to save everything because it can simply shut down at any second. i just had it ate up all my memory to the point of freezing the os and i had to reboot lol

>> No.750016

>i just had it ate up all my memory to the point of freezing the os and i had to reboot lol
This happens to me if the remesher spazzes out.
Otherwise 2.8 has been rock solid for me, more so than 2.79.
But yeah, the remesher can completely fuck up your session faster than you can stop the process so you will have to actually reboot.

>> No.750017

hotkey for what? Scale on only two axis? while scaling, shift+x z or y

>> No.750018

i was using the remesher as well. i guess its partially on me since i was experimenting with it without really knowing what i was doing. when i enabled it on edit mode the pc simply gave up

that's it, thank you very much!

>> No.750022

Are there any good tutorials for those who knew how to use 2.7x versions but feel like 2.8x is too different to work with now?

>> No.750025

did you change the controls for 2.8 to 2.7?

>> No.750031


In case you're wondering, yes it's free.

>> No.750032

>man who clearly sucks at poly modelling tries to tell us why poly modelling is bad

Oh I am laffin

>'when people started using zbrush, characters just got better'

>proceeds to show one wrinkly monster after another


If you switch the keybinds to 2.7 mode (as I have done), the only thing you really have to learn is basic material node setup, and the changes to the texture painting system.

There's also the annoyance of all the button now icons looking the fucking same just look 'clean' and 'new', but you'll get used to that.

>> No.750033

Noob questions:
Is there a hotkey for quickly snapping a vertex to another and then merging them?
Also, is there a way to "reverse subdivide"? Remove a vertex between two vertices and still keep the edge intact.

>> No.750035
File: 26 KB, 1024x224, release_cadence_4th_wall-1-1024x224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is the Nvidia Ampere GeForce RTX 3080 Ti/RTX 3080 enough for Blender and future releases?

>> No.750037

>Remove a vertex between two vertices and still keep the edge intact.
context menu -> dissolve
don't remember the shortcut

>> No.750047

thanks for the answers
indeed I just needed good old 2.7 keybinds and probably some time to get use to other changes

>> No.750052

Right now I can't afford Maya, is it wise to start learning Blender and then make the big switch sometime in the future? Will it feel like learning anew program from zero or do the two share similar workflows?

>> No.750054

The main thing you learn is not the tool but 3D modeling.
Once you know 3D modeling concepts, theory and workflows then you can translate that to any tool.

>> No.750055

That's what I saw in a video, that it is more important to learn how to sculpt than the functionalities of each software, i hope what you say is true to this case too. Thanks.

>> No.750057

Those guys are far better and more accomplished character modelers than you, idiot. Everything they say makes logical sense too.

>> No.750060

>muh yt masters
Into the trash

>> No.750061


>> No.750062

You first, shitposter

>> No.750063

Ask again when actual benchmarks are out. But probably, yes.

>> No.750064
File: 61 KB, 1197x462, based_retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.750089
File: 429 KB, 1280x836, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the emission so pixelated?
I remember figuring this out before but its been a while since I've done blender and its a new version.

>> No.750090
File: 67 KB, 794x626, freeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal that my PC:
AMD Phenom II x4 965 3,4Hz 4 cores
GTX 1050Ti
1333 mhz ram

freezes everytime I use brush with:
- dyntopo
- constant 20 detail

What the fuck it's not even that much and CPU usage is at 30% max, when I'm applying brush strokes.
Yes, it's a huge sculpt of a human body, but I'm just laying small strokes like here for example, and not huge strokes with a brush with full body size.

When I'm doing fingers with 60 constant detail, it's all fine. Why? And how can I fix this?

>> No.750093

By the way the problem disappears and appears periodically with no logical reason o_O
I'm painting without any freeze right now

>> No.750094

Do we have to sculpt environments and objects too?

>> No.750097

I just watched timelapse videos. Slow it down for the tricky parts.

>> No.750101

Yeah I'm way past that now but I did the same but watched vods on twitch since they explain stuff sometimes.

>> No.750124

How many total tris on your mesh?

>> No.750125

Oh god, the comments are cancer. Nothing but perverts.

>> No.750126

Feetfags are the worst

>> No.750127

>adaptive sampling
oh god damn thank you finally

>> No.750129

>said the vorefag to the crushporn from the darkweb.

>> No.750137

hahhaaha yea

>> No.750139

I'm using the simplify brush where I can, but it seems this is not enough.

>> No.750140

Cut up the mesh to separate bodyparts. Sculpting a single mesh of 1,2 million tris is very intensive work for your poor computer.

>> No.750141
File: 43 KB, 1309x619, 234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this not a normals problem? flipped them but nothings changes. I don't understand what this is, just extruded a cube bunch of times

>> No.750142

Wow, turns out, whole mesh turned to high detail somehow. Maybe it's the boolean modifier, i think it has equalized detail level of the body with the 60 detail level of a finger, when i applied union.

>> No.750144

what the fuck
looks like there are two meshes on top of each other

>> No.750150

Looks like 2 faces at the same location.

>> No.750152

nope. 18 faces, 20 verts.36 edges

>> No.750153

I found the problem. It was because I set my "Clip Start" in the view settings too low. Why would that even cause such an issue is beyond me. Glad I fixed it though, "only" 20 minutes wasted.

>> No.750156

>render with blender
>video card dies

>> No.750161


Hey /blend/, can this run Blender with decent performance?

>> No.750163

560/560Ti dying in 2020 isn't newsworthy. These cards are well known for their easily overheated chips

>> No.750177
File: 300 KB, 2560x1400, HgaMJ0G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys Im having trouble with pacman again lol
So im trying to rig his face (2d textures) by using a UV wrap modifier but when I try to make a control panel I cant get the plane to line up with the bone movement, Its hard to explain.
Here in the pic I show how the eye texture has already moved to the next set while in my control panel It hasnt even reached the corresponding part of the texture. Does anyone know what I am missing? I was following this tutorial step by step but it doesnt do what its supposed to for whatever reason

>> No.750183

To be fair, that's not an issue exclusive to Eevee. It can also happen with Cycles.

>> No.750195

It can also happen when you are posting on /3/.

>> No.750198

Pretty sure you could unironically run Blender on a raspberry Pi, maybe not 2.83 I dunno (it had some problems with certain integrated graphics cards) but I ran 2.7x on a netbook

The ideal super setup would be whatever display + kb & m + pen tablet and a render farm (aka a bunch of old graphics cards and cpus slaved together)
You can even have your renderfarm generating credit for you on sheepit during the times you aren't rendering a big thing

>> No.750199

Are their any addons that give Blender better painting tools?

>> No.750200

>not linking the tutorial
You probably missed a step, or possibly even the author screwed up and then revised it somewhere shortly after
in fact if you literally paused the tutorial after hitting this bug because the author moved on to another point, there's a decent chance they realize their error and fix it after finishing with whatever topic they're talking about next

>> No.750203

Fuck I dont know why I didnt link it here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NlvgMYZgaY
Its for 2.7 but I figure this should be pretty much the same for 2.8. I see some dude that had the same problem as me in the comments but no one really answered

>> No.750208

I was saying the dragon wasn't made in blender homo

>> No.750209

my 560ti melted to death in like 2015

>> No.750230
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, Chunk puller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to blemmmmmmdr and I made this using polymodel that you hate... plus a but of sculptor to smoooth it down. It turned out as planned.

>> No.750231

looks like z-fighting to me

>> No.750239

There is nothing wrong with using polymodeling for this. Even the most tryhard sculptfags would agree that poly is better for weapons

>> No.750242

I had a scene with like 17 or so cameras and all of them, somehow, wound up that way. Strange to see someone else run into that problem. It drove me mad, but I didn't bother asking for help so it took me a lot longer than 20 minutes. I fucking hate when software does this shit.

>> No.750243

but everyone assumed you meant the girl so you're the fucking homo, homo

>> No.750250

I'm answering the question in the post I replied to, ur the only homo that misunderstood.

>> No.750261

I'm not the guy who originally called you a homo, so no, I can't be the only person who thought that, homo.

>> No.750262

I was using D-NOISE in 2.81 (I think that was the version) and according to the 2.82 release notes and the D-NOISE website, this feature has been merged into Blender and D-NOISE is now deprecated.

I didn't need RTX to use it before, but now it's saying I do, wtf?

>> No.750270
File: 151 KB, 630x710, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit keeps happening when I'm sculpting, a lot of visual artifacts apear and I can't undo them, so I assume they are something to do with the rendering. Anyone knows the fuck this is?

>> No.750276

Use simplify brush

>> No.750277

Can you link a good character sculpting tutorial? I am stuck with poly modeling because i havent found a good tutorial

>> No.750283


blender cloud has a brilliant one, the lengths he explains topology in the retopo bit of the tutorial are fantastic too

>> No.750286

is blender good for sculpting?

>> No.750298

It's perfectly fine if you're happy sculpting sub-2 million poly.
If you want to get into high frequency detail, you use ZBrush. Simple as that.

>> No.750306
File: 212 KB, 654x725, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just loaded a backup I had.

Been working on this on and off for about three days now. This is my second time using blender so pardon the lack of knowledge in regards to the tools, last time was in April and I think I posted here about it. Anyhow, just an anatomy study I've been doing, still trying to figure out how to use layers (?) and masks and all that jazz.

>> No.750309

No layers for you in blender unfortunately. Kinda where blenders sculpting falls apart compared to the alternatives, that and it's lack of performance once you start putting in more detail.

>> No.750315

how can i add mirror modifier only to selected vertices? do i really need to split the object into two and join the parts after i'm done or can i do it to only selected vertices within a mesh?

>> No.750316
File: 216 KB, 1000x1000, prs416-_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to model pic related. Got the basic mesh done but how would I go about creating details like the engraving?

>> No.750321

newbie here, just in case you dont get the replies youre expecting: the string on the handle i believe can be done similar to how this dude makes the rope to his well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7m3QkwRcGE

and maybe you can use knife tool to make the details on the ends of the handle? or you could just use a texture which would be easier if you dont mind it looking not so realistic

but take this with a grain of salt since, as i said, ive not done much and shouldnt really be giving advice lol

>> No.750324

thank you

>> No.750326

Textures with normal maps work splendidly.

But I think you're talking about something more detailed, so the Sharp Tool has worked for me with that

>> No.750327

>this is scale tool
That's transform... all of Move, Scale, and rotate in one.

>> No.750328


>> No.750339

>the Sharp Tool
The what now?

>> No.750347

I would sculpt it and then bake a normal map.

>> No.750354


Blender isn't a serious 3D modeler.

>> No.750355

basic af celtic textures like that are easy to find thanks to tattoo nonces. Should make for easy 2d alpha sculpting, providing your UVs aren't cancerous

>> No.750356
File: 568 KB, 1387x916, lowpolytexturenodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally managed to figure out a way to display low poly models with opacity maps with just diffuse and no lights. I used solid mode set to textured at first but it can't display transparency it seems. Here I'm using eevee. The trick was to plug the diffuse into emission and set blend mode to alpha clip. Thoughts on my set up? The model is from Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis btw.

>> No.750357
File: 23 KB, 251x95, sharptool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.750358

Absolutely cringeworthy

>> No.750359

my dumbass forgot one thing, all the values in the principled shader should probably be set to 0.

>> No.750360
File: 408 KB, 500x345, 1553758344441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PBR shader
>no lights

>> No.750361

Do you have any suggestions to improve it?

>> No.750367
File: 366 KB, 600x726, 1554649084013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok, i made the whole 3d mesh thingy! good, now all i need is to unwrap and paint it, right! right? haha... wait, what? seams, what are those? wait a sec anon... so you're telling me... that i have to mark seams... for uv mapping... on this 1k tris mesh... anon...
im a retard

>> No.750372


Almost as cringeworthy as blender users.

>> No.750373

Important information.


>> No.750377

Is this ze final solution to the cewbs?

>> No.750383

What do you use then huh. Adobe?

>> No.750385
File: 680 KB, 1227x795, NIGHTMARE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knife guy here, made a new model using sculpt tools, hope you like :)

>> No.750389
File: 295 KB, 539x551, cubeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to show the final tris/ vertex count of your scene during render?
Im trying to convert the subdivision modifier to its adaptive version while keeping roughly the same polycount, but even on a perfect smooth subdivided cube i just get
>faces: 8

>> No.750392

you could literally just use the emission node is what he's telling you

>> No.750394

Question on the paint stuff. Is there a way to set a brush to only effect the color values and not the alpha?

>> No.750402
File: 41 KB, 165x98, 1262318788714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blender roadmap publicized
>goes well into 2021
>no texture painting changes to be found, only vertex paint

and there I hoped we'd finally see common graphics editor style layers per texture in Blender...

>> No.750410

You can kinda do that with multiple images mixed by their alphas in a shader but I think it's limited. Other paint tools like selections would be nice too.

>> No.750411
File: 538 KB, 1500x1220, 1590593922494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does 3DCoat have layers?

>> No.750415

Is coping all you can do all day?
Blender's getting more and more popular and there's nothing you can do about it, idiot. More and more great works on Artstation with Blender incorporated into the workflow.

>b-but muh jobs!
The absolute cope.

>> No.750416

part of the issue with FOSS.

Vertex paint is getting updated because well, that's what pablo dobarro uses, he uses vertex paint on his sculpts and not any texture painting.

People just make what they want for it, if you really want it to be a priority you gotta request it and post about it on blender chat.

>> No.750420
File: 141 KB, 657x901, girl_censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you criticize my first sculpt in terms of anatomy fidelity before I start polymodeling over it? I mean, if anything major stands out.

NSFW .blend file in the link below

Ignore the spread apart vagene because it's easier to animate from this position i think. And ignore eyelids, ears and other small details, my pc can't handle more than million faces. And also hair

>> No.750421

>Vertex paint is getting updated because well, that's what pablo dobarro uses
Is it out yet? It's been over a year now.

>> No.750423
File: 5 KB, 262x86, animation2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.750433

Holy shit


>> No.750434
File: 386 KB, 538x832, ton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, oh no no no! Hahaha

How will Blenderbros defend this?

>> No.750435

Fucking YIKES

>> No.750436

I got it done but am having problems with making the texture and shaders look good. I thought it would be easier but even a simple toon shader is a lot of work to set up. I'm gonna continue it tomorrow

>> No.750438

Her skull looks caked in, anon. Eyes are kinda bulging. Her face muscles look as if she is tensing her face.

>> No.750439

as to the arms, try to think of what their outline looks like rn and how to reshape them into something more easily readable

>> No.750440
File: 219 KB, 282x330, gays welcome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gay and use blender to make gay things

>> No.750442

would this be considered low-poly, I phisically pain from this

>> No.750452

If your intention is to jerk off to it, then the question needs to be, "does this make my dick hard?" If the answer is yes, then it's perfect.

>> No.750460

I could give you a laundry list of things to fix, but the main issue is that you simply lack fundamentals. Basically everything is off. Study anatomy and keep sculpting.

>> No.750463

Just practice, bro. You'll get there.

It's obviously amateur work and just about everything is slightly wrong, but you're on the right path.

Study photos of real people, study the best 3d models you can find, and make new models regularly. Just make sure you don't fall into the trap of doing things the same every time.

>> No.750464

What are the broad details/steps for taking 3-4 models and using them in a particle system to fill a glass?

Do I put them into a group? Do I use a particle system for the models, and then make the glass a rigid body? Is it going to create animation frames that I'll need to convert to a mesh?

>> No.750468

Thanks, I tried to follow muscle corsets from anatomy books, hoping defined muscles would be the easiest to sculpt, but it seems all muscles strained are not only off-putting to people with actual experience, but aren't enough in general, when trying to cover whole body with simple shapes effortlessly. If we omit the general poor comprehension of these shapes.

Photos are all almost confusing by the way. Not in the neutral pose, poor shading, poor muscle definition, but there are a few decent ones. 3d models on the other hand, could you suggest where to find sculpts of great artists to learn from them? "Scupt gallery blender" in google doesn't help.

>> No.750519

>Not in the neutral pose, poor shading, poor muscle definition, but there are a few decent ones.

Don't treat them like drawn orthgraphic references where you are basically just tracing them with vertex points. Look at them closely and from multiple angles so that you can get a feel for the 3 dimensional shapes.


For existing models, check out xnalara rips of capcom girls.

There's also all of this https://www.pinterest.co.uk/search/pins/?q=muscle%20anatomy%20reference&rs=typed&term_meta[]=muscle%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=anatomy%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=reference%7Ctyped

>> No.750521
File: 2.00 MB, 4608x3456, cows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I make mist like this in Cycles? Mist that gets thicker the closer to the ground it is.

I know how to do it in the Z axis (using the geometry node), but in this case I need the mist to follow the normal axis of the ground.

>> No.750523

Make a mesh in the approximate shape of the fog and give a volume material.

>> No.750525

Bestiality animations on e621

>> No.750528

Yes, that's exactly what I was going to do, but simply plugging a volume material will make the fog have harsh edges and homogeneous thickness. It's supposed to get progressively thicker towards the ground

>> No.750532

That animation is really good.

>> No.750540
File: 3.72 MB, 1920x1080, vfog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, it seems to work.

>> No.750542
File: 3.63 MB, 1920x1080, cows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look closely you'll see the edges where the grass meets the sky. I'm sure there's a way to control the fog thickness, I just haven't found it

>> No.750543
File: 199 KB, 355x932, spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol why the fuck would you spam the BlenderToday stream of all places with this?
multiple accounts did it persistently throughout the whole stream time so it kinda looked coordinated

>> No.750544
File: 5 KB, 330x41, 2020-06-19-1592598533_330x41_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Sculptris

>> No.750556

That's art and i'm envious.

>> No.750566

You're abosultely right, i need to stop treating photos this way and grow my spatial iq instead.

And thank you very much, these references are godlike.

>> No.750569

isnt that what Pokemon set to achieve and doing successfully so far?

>> No.750598

Holy shit can't remember how a thing is called
When you're adding an edge loop, but not CTRL+R, and your selected edge loop becomes two.

>> No.750599

Is Grant Abbit stuff good for total beginners?

>> No.750600


>> No.750601

use a noise texture on it then

>> No.750602

don't use particle system, just duplicate them all and do a rigid body simulation.

>> No.750607

Yes, this video helped me very much

>> No.750612

>no light linking all the way up to 2.92

>> No.750618
File: 334 KB, 793x875, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say this is a good base mesh sculpt ready for retopo.
I poly-model over it, then add some more details to the sculpt, then search a tutorial on how to get a normal map from my both low and high poly meshes. This is how i get normal maps, right?

>> No.750619

If you want a clean normal map with crisp smaller details, you have to do some multires sculpting to the retopologized model.

>> No.750626

Hire a developer to work on it

>> No.750629
File: 16 KB, 378x699, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to unwrap stuff with tris without it getting crooked and slanted?

>> No.750646

>blender being used 100% in a major indie webseries with a killer aesthetic
We did it, blendchads

>> No.750650

probably not many people ITT care, but CAD GANG is rapidly shifting towards blender. some great precise hard surface modeling addons are being released, and a good chunk of them are even free (which only matters to pajeets I guess). either way, feels great doing CAD in blender while simultaneously learning an app that can do much more than modeling and some shitty limited renders/animation.

>> No.750651

Oh no no no

>> No.750672
File: 43 KB, 495x678, keke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to fucking model. Sculpting is so overrated.
Instead of wasting your time jerking off on some 6 gorillion poly mesh sculpting some goofy looking shit, and then having to retopy, etc... MODEL IT ONCE.

>> No.750676

Good luck animating those 1 edge loop high eyelids

>> No.750683

how the hell do i view a material or texture without it wanting to change it for the active object?

>> No.750684

CTRL + LMB on a node

>> No.750686

what are shapekeys for 100$ Alex?

>> No.750687

Perhaps I misunderstand what you mean, but that doesn't appear to do anything.

>> No.750692

My bad, it's actually CTRL+SHIFT+LMB, and you have to activate Node Wrangler addon

>> No.750699

>he has to make a frog with human-like eyes, instead of round protruding reptile eyes, so he can shape key them closed with a single edge loop
Woah, so this is the power of poly-modeling

>> No.750702

>adding one loop cut is hard work

>> No.750707

So I'm working on some visualizer type stuff, does anyone know how to edit the f-curve after baking a sound to it? Specifically I want to scale it and move it, but none of the modifiers do that.

If it's an action you can you can bake that and then edit it and, and anything in the nodes you can just use a math node to get it where you need it, but I can't find any way to do it on other stuff like particle properties.

>> No.750709
File: 10 KB, 221x228, 152376429824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Sculptris had some really neat fuckery running in the background that relaxed triangles after each brush stroke. I think you can even see some slight movements right after you did a stroke and all that I guess leads to that smooth sculpting feeling you get from that application.
Blender has model relaxing only on demand and not automatically. Not sure if achieving smooth feel is ever on their mind but I guess not since there are way bigger issues to tackle.
I really really do miss that feeling though.

>> No.750712

Oh shit, he uses Blender? Didn't know that. Also, that guy is an old internet meme machine. Used to love his idiotic shit around 2004 or so but his voice work is really cool and his animation shit too.

>> No.750717

>a killer aesthetic
It's furry shit.
>We did it, blendchads
you really wanna associate yourself with that?

>> No.750720

Not him but i know i don't wanna associate myself with you that's for sure.

>> No.750723

>Oh shit, he uses Blender? Didn't know that.
Yeah. To cut down on costs he became a freetard and uses Blender for the majority of his workflow now.

>> No.750753


>> No.750772
File: 62 KB, 1013x597, 1to2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESL fag here
How do i google this geometrical problem? "Connect two edges to one edge", "edge adapter", etc don't help.
I know how to get from 4 to 2 but this situation is impossible without triangles and adding a useless edge loop to the bottom

>> No.750777

You just select the verteces you want to unite press Right mouse button and go to merge, and select what type of merging
>To last, means merge vertices to the last you selected
>to first, is vice versa
>To center it gets the middle point between the 2 verticees and it unites them both there.

>> No.750779

Yeah i know but then I'll have a pentagon and everything except for quads is bad. Or not?

>> No.750780

ideally your workflow doesnt run into these issues. Adding details means adding edge loops, not using the knife tool, and you want to be extruding from loops too.

You can try to salvage this with the knife tool, is that a triangle down at the bottom? You can use that to complete the loop

>> No.750781

No it's and ugly quad.
Alright, if I shouldn't have run into this, then there's no fixing this, I'll just go with a couple of crutch triangles to connect the mesh. And I'll see why are they bad exactly when trying to unwrap or animate.

>> No.750782
File: 5 KB, 471x369, 2to3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god damn >>750777 even i understood what they meant, they want to bridge the gap between them not merge verts. You want to look into topology, esl anon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGL6QpVRyXk

>> No.750783

Holy shit thank you very much, that's exactly what i needed

>> No.750793

what texture painter do u use? photoshop seems to be 2 heavy for my setup

>> No.750794

as of now im considering 3dcoat and mudbox. i dont want to make pbr textures so theres that. plus points if its free because i dont have a job lol

>> No.750796


>> No.750816
File: 139 KB, 1365x710, sara bellum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to unite intersection geometry if it is all in the same object, like you would with the boolean tool if you have multiple objects?
I wanted to model the hair of ms bellum but don't know how to sculpt so I said whatever, I'll just add a ton of spheres and go from there. I'd like to keep only the outer, non-intersecting part of the spheres, but I'm not sure how to do it since it is all in the same object. Should I separate all of the spheres into separate objects in order to apply the bool or is there a better way?
Also, yes, cringe, I'm a newbie so my methods are not that good.

>> No.750819

Me again.
Apparently you can.
F3 -> intersect (boolean) -> union
Unfortunately the tool doesn't work.

>> No.750820

youre better off leaving it the way it is

>> No.750821

google "metaballs blender"

>> No.750823
File: 97 KB, 641x777, bellum 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can keep the balls as a single object, as a "high poly", and bake them into a normal map or even height map, yes?
It's what I'm trying here.
White: balls.
Orange: new lowpoly mesh.
Question: will the normal map bake well if the low poly mesh intersects with the high poly, sometimes being over it and sometimes under, like in pic related (at the top height of the balls the low poly is under, and the valleys it is over)?
Thanks a lot, guys.

>> No.750825

I should have used this from the start...

>> No.750826

use the "cage" option to offset the bake to be above the peaks of the baubles.

>> No.750828

you sure are one desperate little idiot

>> No.750829

Thanks a lot

>> No.750842

Lol today i found out Blender was firstly developed in my home town.

>> No.750865

Just curious, is there such a thing as a concept design site that you are free to use for your shit without getting in trouble for straight up ripping it off in your models?

>> No.750867
File: 479 KB, 2560x1400, 0eWqkKH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the viewport denoise option dissapear for me? I have a 2070 Super and It was working just fine but today I fired up blender to find that the viewport denoising is off and I cant find the option anywhere now

>> No.750879

Chose OptiX rendering in your system preferences

>> No.750944

How do I convert particles rendering as objects into actual objects that I can apply rigid body physics to? I tried using the particle instance modifier and Blender just crashes.

>> No.750946
File: 688 KB, 2052x1566, meowikusama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

I think I sorta figured it out but now they're exploding away from each other when I try to run the sim.

>> No.750950
File: 979 KB, 1224x781, triangles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yennefer from smutbase
So triangles aren't that bad as people claim it to be?

>> No.750951

Is rigify busted or what? It keeps telling me that a a spine bone is disjoint even when I connect it.

>> No.750955

Allow me to fill in the gap in your fundamental knowledge regarding tris, quads, and edgeflow.

1) all models are made of tris, quads are also tris (two tris together)
2) all engines that manipulate or display models are doing so on a triangulated mesh, even if the viewport (or equivalent) is displaying a quad view, the underlying math is on tris
3) there are several reason we favor quads over other arrangements of tris (triangles, poles, stars, n-gons)
3a) there are never any "edge case" situations with quads, an edge case is where mathematically a geometric state exists on paper but in practice displaying it is wonky as the engine attempts to recalculate / round at n frames a second causing gittering, or pinching, or weird artifacts
3b) when animating a mesh quads deform in a uniform controllable way
3c) quads can be subdivided uniformly and create an easy controllable effect; tris can also be subdiv'd into nice quads but it takes careful planning
4) quads allow for "edge flow" wherein we can use tools that divide or add edges, whereas with non-quad geometry the engine cannot solve a division operation because it's dividing by an uneven number
5) subdividing tris, again an uneven number, will produce an even number ( n * 2 approximately) at the edges but the surrounding edges may have uneven (triangles, ngons) numbers of verts

Hope you're seeing a pattern here, it applies to everything from geometry modifiers, to deformation, to lighting
As for why there might be triangles on a video game model: if it's static, if the parts are static (eyeballs don't bend), if it's going to be subdvided and the geometry is planned, if you're placing triangles to force a certain kind of deformation (knee joints), if it's an optimization, or if it's a clumsy head hack of two different models (a head and a body); you see this on deviantart all the time where a game character has a choker or some other piece of cloth around their neck to hide their frankenstein geometry

>> No.750962

What the fuck is that shit topology lmao
Nothing wrong with tris per say, they just gonna give your animator a stroke
Also as we go over 100k in low poly models its impossible to retopo without subdividing, forcing you to use quads wherever you can for predictible results.

>> No.750986

Thank you for your elaborate input. I had a subconscious understanding on the topic of why are triangles bad for topology, but now I truly get it.

I asked only because my thought process went: there aren't many models on smutbase = they're hard to make = only experienced guys make them.

Yeah now I see, thanks. Well I've been playing around with the model and she was rotating her neck quite nice. But now I remember there were some shadow glitches right there or something

>> No.750988

I don't think a human being came up with this, whatever this is appears to be result of automatic creation because there is shit that is just confusing.

>> No.750991
File: 730 KB, 1920x1080, Blade Runner 2049 - VFX Breakdown by MPC (2017) 1-1 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can aim higher for your topology references than weirdo coomers

quads are for gods

>> No.750992

Looking for a blender mentor Attidd#3354

>> No.751007

you suck cocks?

>> No.751012

so do you guys know any good site to pirate 3d models and environments? most free shit sucks

>> No.751015
File: 48 KB, 566x627, he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bad? I can't tell. Just trying to make some low poly mans here.

>> No.751017

could use more smoother edges on the top of the head

>> No.751020

you generally want the eyes to be different objcts inside.

your loops are acceptable, you have a 5-pole connecting to 5-pole around the mouth which I wouldn't necessarily recommend you might get a lot of pinching around there, there's no reason to not continue the loop from above the brow there.

The general proprtion and shape of the head is the big killer though, add some loops in the back, go into sculpt mode and start moving it around with the move brush.

>> No.751022

>he doesn't know about pixar
who is gonna tell him?

>> No.751023

>Do not poly-model characters unless you are a retard. Blender has sculpting tools, use them.
This is wrong. I know people from the animation industry who poly-model characters.

>> No.751033
File: 111 KB, 752x308, birdpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to join all parts so they are on the same UV unwrap thing, but still individually selectable

>> No.751035

You could join the objects with Ctrl+J while in Object mode, select the object, enter edit mode, and then use L while hovering over a vertex to select all of the Linked vertices. Then go into Object Data Properties in the Properties windows (the tab is an upside down green triangle) and then add a new Vertex Group. Click assign to add the selected vertices to that group. Repeat for the other "floating" parts of your mesh.

>> No.751037

And if it wasn't obvious, you will need to have a Vertex Group for every object. You have three objects that you want to join, so you will need three Vertex Groups.

>> No.751039

I'm not going to make it, time to kill myself

>> No.751043

You don't have to compete with other people who have "made it"
You just have to compete with people who gave up
Keep trying and you WILL get there

>> No.751048

What a beta mindset.
I'm going to make awful coom models with bad topology, with shit hand painted textures made with a mouse by following references, with enormous hips and lewd bodyparts. I will animate them having horrible inhuman intercourse and posing in uncofortable positions just so I can better see the insertion. And I'll feel proud about myself.

>> No.751096

All 3 of you suck.

>> No.751099

>want to make a 30 second animation in 4k and 60fps
>cut render time down to 2.5m each frame using adaptive sampling and denoising
>would still take 75 hours to render

Looks like the math isn't on my side.

>> No.751100

just don’t make it 4k?

>> No.751108

that doesnt sound like much at all lmao do you need your computer for something else?

>> No.751109

>Keep trying and you WILL get there
Not even true lmao

>> No.751124

Ah well, you're right. Regarding the time i put into that animation i should be able to afford some time to render it.

>> No.751130

What the fuck is this and how do I find more?
>t. lifelong feetfag about to fall into a new rabbithole

>> No.751135

Go dumpster diving and get yourself a ghetto render farm.

>> No.751170

How can I copy the weights from the right bones to the left? Every part of his body is a different mesh so I cant copy the vertex groups and rename them like some tutorials told me to do

>> No.751171
File: 219 KB, 2560x1400, 8DQQdWf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im retarded here is the pic. Im really tired of seeing pacman's face lol

>> No.751174
File: 1.33 MB, 2560x1400, blender_SO3xaWUBeV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally figured something out by myself! I selected first the one with the fucked up weights and then the one I wanted to copy the weights from. Then I used this option in the vertex group options.
Is this OK? I really want to know the proper way to do shit

>> No.751176

Oh and after all that I renamed the copied groups to the name of the bone on the other side (.L to .R in this case)

>> No.751182
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the same settings for both of them but for some reason the other one is not textured . Can somebody tell me why?

>> No.751193

That's a head hack, Anon.

The loop of quads at the base of the neck mark where the head of a Genesis nude model was taken off. Above that is a head extracted from the game, with automatic tris to quads to make it look nicer. The mess above the line of quads is the "modeller's" attempt to match the two by adding verts to the head's neck line along with edges to keep everything as tris or quads.

>> No.751197

if only this was pov

>> No.751201

man I wish I could 3d model for the rest of my life. it's so fun to feel like I'm improving. I kinda regret not starting this soon enough to do it for a living

>> No.751202

good luck friend

>> No.751247

>i want to learn good topology!
>let's study a porno headhack for sfm

>> No.751251

>Is this OK? I really want to know the proper way to do shit
Then stop asking to be handheld by /3/ through everything you do you worthless moron. Take some time to actually complete some courses and learn.

>> No.751252

>you worthless moron
You're a real cunt aren't you?

>> No.751263

Yeah my bad I should've rather downloaded from a more sophisticated gallery where good artists share their models of naked women such as: ???.com, ?????.net and the most beloved by 3d community - ??????????.org

>> No.751272

Think whatever you like dumbfuck, stop asking for /3/ to hold your hand through everything.

>> No.751276

I haven't asked /3/ anything in months cunt.

>> No.751281
File: 7 KB, 283x178, br.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the Blender Cloud for only $10/month

>> No.751282

That's pretty alright considering what you get, if it helps develop Blender then all the better.

>> No.751286 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 231x590, 1573930113221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you cunt!

>> No.751288

Seethe more cunt, i'm not the guy you were insulting.

>> No.751290 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 406x431, 1571224875115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seethe more cunt

>> No.751291

Sure whatever, i'm done shitting up the thread, sorry about that.

>> No.751295
File: 64 KB, 533x415, albedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any idea how these horns were done? It has a box shape but I don't know how it managed to curve that smoothly.


>> No.751299
File: 118 KB, 1039x679, screen_2020-06-23_at_19-09-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.751302


Oh you just set the resolution to 0 with the bezier curve. Was wondering how it became a box. Thanks, Anon. I assume you get the nice curve, dissolve unnecessary edges then merge the vertices at the tip of the horn?

>> No.751307

>dissolve unnecessary edges then merge the vertices at the tip of the horn?
No, just set the radius of the end point to 0.

>> No.751311
File: 133 KB, 500x900, nanachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>curve context menu
I didn't even realize this existed lmao. Thanks f am.

>> No.751314

Is there a reason 2.8 removed the Lamp Data shader node?
I can't replicate my Unity toon shader without it...

>> No.751323

to the anon that told me to learn sculpting for my anime characters: Sorry for telling you it was shit.

>> No.751340

Well fuck you too, I dont know the proper terms so googling gets really hard and the tutorials I see dont completely answer all my questions. This thread is supposed to be about blender and blender related issues so me asking for help here is not something THAT out of left field

>> No.751341

How the hell am I supposed to know if there isnt a better way to do shit if I dont ask?

>> No.751344

Topology looks good, but it's fucking hard really see it with this subdiv, especially for me who didn't really finish any model

>> No.751346

Asking for help is one thing, asking for help at every single pitfall is another. This thread is not for handholding.

>> No.751349

I'm really struggling with trying to add shoulders/arms to this torso/legs thing I made and not have it be a complete nightmare. Any good inspiration videos to maybe observe and steal technique? The task seems daunting.

>> No.751351

You have a point there. What do you do when stuck? Any tutorial series you recommend?

>> No.751368

Metaballs+sculpt+boolean modifier
Just lay out your deltoid, upper arm, elbow, lower arm. Palm with fingers separately, but do it right away to ensure right proportions. And start sculpting until it resembles an arm

>> No.751384

Yeah that's the hardest part of the anatomy in my opinion. My advice is to just look at tons of references and keep trying until you get something that works. Watching how other artists do it is a big help as well.

>> No.751390
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x1080, Cracky111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get rid of the weird black shading on the end of the pipe? I've tried a glass shader and a principled BSDF set to full transmission and they both do the same thing. Tried fucking with the lighting too but it doesn't help at all.

Best I could come up with is to mix it with a transparency shader but that just makes it fade a little, and obviously that fades the rest of the model too which isn't ideal. Is there some way around this or is it just an untreatable artifact of glass in blender?

>> No.751395
File: 250 KB, 602x348, pipe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK it was something to do with the shade smooth. I shaded it flat and it mostly went away so I put a loop cut right up near the end and it got rid of most of it on shade smooth, but it's still all weird looking around the rim. Is there any way to fix this?

>> No.751400

Did you check the normals?

>> No.751406

Yeah checked the normals. Applied all modifiers just to make sure that wasn't causing any fuckery. Some people were saying increasing the number of light bounces will fix it but it dindu nuffin for me.

>> No.751424

New thread


>> No.751581

>make foot focused animation with a cute girl character
I don't know what you were expecting

>> No.751626

Isn't that the new face coloring thing for 2.83?

>> No.751791

Don't shit on Darren lile. His tutorials may be awful, but he seems like a nice old man.

>> No.752040

Can anyone post a good resource for finishing a (short) animation from start to finish? I am working on run/walk cycles and I'm trying to integrate other motions, but it always has the "unfinished" look to it when I export

>> No.752627

16:00 and on gets into your issue.
TLDW it's related to light bounces but more bounces won't fix it because the ray's trapped so to speak, instead you'll have to cheat by making the material pretend it's transparent past a certain amount of bounces to free the ray.

>> No.753598

You gizmos are showing.