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File: 1.08 MB, 2000x2500, 921f121bb0ce91b74a89abf50b2aebb7f94f887b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
720465 No.720465 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>715866

>> No.720466
File: 49 KB, 564x224, 2020-01-15-1579116466_564x224_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inverse kinematics brush is now in 2.82

>> No.720470

At least start with an image that is made with Blender and not with Zbrush and Marvelous.

>> No.720472

Judging by the quality I'm inclined to believe it was made with Blender.

>> No.720475

Agreed. Sometimes I think that blender is at fault but no - blendlets just love to copy each other for no apparent reason. Same fucking cartoon face on every render.

>> No.720476

Judging by the comments made by the actual artist it's made with Zbrush and Marvelous Designer.

>> No.720477
File: 36 KB, 418x465, 1566634931504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess she used it for rendering, no? Doesn't that count?

>> No.720479

Cycles can be used as a separate module completely detached from Blender, so no, it doesn't count as using Blender.

>> No.720480

Why would she use cycles for a shitty cartoon?

>> No.720481

The scene must've been built in Blender, though.

>> No.720482

Not necessarily

>> No.720483


>> No.720484


>> No.720486
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 1569820998957.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was mostly talking about FULLY MODELED HD 8K

>> No.720489

Any other answers for this? >>720320
Other answer was less detailed than I had hoped.

>> No.720490

What game is that and why does she have modeled genitalia?

>> No.720491

what game is that?

>> No.720492

>why does she have modeled genitalia?
The dude was dedicated

It is a Cinematic Mod for HL2

>> No.720494

Don't get me wrong, I love the FULLY MODELED meme. But I feel like the dude just grabbed a model that had all that just because it's what was available. Not because he wanted Alyx to have a FULLY MODELED vagina. The dude seems like some Eastern European fuck that can't model and just steals shit to put in the mod. With the FULLY MODELED being one of them.

Ferns is the better meme anyway.

>> No.720496

>Ferns is the better meme anyway.

>> No.720497

Every square inch of the cinematic mod is covered in ferns.

>> No.720498

I remember. Pretty shitty t b h

>> No.720500

Ah, I see.

Well the point I was making in the reference to the OP image is IMAGINE with that quiality. FULLY TESSELATED VAGINA WALLS

>> No.720507
File: 107 KB, 1456x672, blender-open-data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I get that "Graphics Device" graphics card? It's better than a 2070s!

>> No.720510

didn't notice last thread was about to hit bump limit. what are the recommended tutorials for beginners?

>> No.720513

well yeah it's a fucking daz model

>> No.720514

What the heck is a pose brush

>> No.720519


>> No.720526

What's the best or standard way to retarget animations in Blender? It's so easy with Maya and HumanIK

>> No.720532

somebody tell him to layer regularized kelvinlets/delta mush on top of the deformation

>> No.720534

Didn't you get the memo? You won't get help. Figure that shit out yourself or ngmi.

>> No.720537

pretty sure that's eevee, a zbrush cowboy would never use cycles over something like keyshot.

>> No.720644

Andrew Price

>> No.720645


>> No.720646

about 30 what

>> No.720658

It helps if your question makes sense.

>> No.720663

borncg from 1-30, there is a playlist with everything.
to be honest this is not something you would do in real time.
its a whole machine, not just a card
i don't know much about it but rigify is a free addon so you can mess around with it
30 fps? don't set it manually and use the presents. if you mix two types of framerates into 1 animation it can fuck up your timing

>> No.720686

>to be honest this is not something you would do in real time.
Once again, a pointless answer that does nothing to actually solve the problem, or attempt to explain anything.
Volumes are working just fine. I'm just looking for an explanation as to why I need to have the values so small. I don't need your opinion on why someone would do it in real time or not. Eevee's not even real time.
I don't mean to sound like an ass, but really it's as if you've said nothing at all.

>> No.720687

Don't you see by his answer that he doesn't know shit about 3D lmao.

>> No.720688
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, TbobRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been transitioning from 3Ds Max to Blender. I'm not going to lie, it's a rough ride, but I'm slowly getting the hang of things. Some things, like actual mesh manipulation seems to be much more streamlined in Blender, but I do miss some of the more technical aspects that 3Ds max offered, especially the spline related tools. I would have done pic related's arms with splines. Can't make em look right in Blender yet.

>> No.720694


I'm making about 30 animations, maybe that was a useless detail.

What do I do to make more than 1 animation?
Is there a 'new animation' button?

>> No.720701

Animations in Blender are stored as actions. Just change the action or make a new one to make a new animation. But don't forget to give your actions a fake user before quitting or else they will be purged on saving and reloading the file...

...Though the above assumes you are only animating one object/armature. If you are animating multiple objects/armatures together for different animations, you may want to look into linking from another file and using different scenes for each animation. This also allows you to have separate NLA editors for animation blending. Otherwise you can just use different blend files for each animation.

>> No.720703

I didn't want to be mean since he "tried" to help ._.

>> No.720706

The action editor/NLA Editor is the biggest mess I've ever had to use in Blender. Seriously. It's fucking broken. There's no real indication of what you're editing, fucking around with keyframes of an action makes a brand new one, placing multiple clips of the same kind back to back makes copies of it with the ".001,.002,.003" naming structure, there's no organization to it. It's god awful. Trying to make any animation using it is a lesson in patience because it's frustrating as all hell.

I really wish that they'd get their act together and completely re-work it. I should just be able to animate a clip, save the clip somewhere in the file, and drag and drop them from a library onto a timeline. That's what's "there" but it's so ass backwards and goes through such a weird process that it's unusable. There should be a separate timeline or something for animating clips specifically. It's fucking weird to use the timeline as a global timeline, AND for the clip at the same time.

>> No.720713

Thanks, I guess I should read on how to make new animations, because even though I know how to animate, I don't know how to navigate this ui.

>> No.720714

i have the feeling your'e missing alot of options in the right panel. you can loop certain things to infinity, there is no need to copy anything

>> No.720716

I'm not. I know you can do that. Sometimes you need to sandwich clips between other clips, which means duplicates which means another retarded copy. So you get |Walk1| |Wave| |Walk1.001| for example.
You're still fighting with the system at any given time.

>> No.720719
File: 14 KB, 909x77, Capture11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I in the right place?

>> No.720740
File: 11 KB, 343x345, 1497381151262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The action editor/NLA Editor is the biggest mess I've ever had to use in Blender. Seriously. It's fucking broken.

I absolutely LOVE the idea of non-linear animation work and oh boy do I wish wit wasn't completely fucked up in Blender. Sometimes they babble about Animation 2020 shit but then seem to forget about it and maybe even abandon the idea like they did with the interactive mode that was supposed to be somewhat of a replacement for the Blender game engine.

>> No.720742

Guys, I have a model and I made armature to it. Next step should have been attaching model to armature, but I can't get it work. Tutorial says to first select model, then select armature and press Ctrl + P while in object mode. No menu pops up for me, what could I be doing wrong? Usually people asking same question get answer: "make sure you are doing everything in right order". Any useful advice?

>> No.720748

Well I'll assume you're retarded and didn't hold shift while selecting the other object.

>> No.720749

I did.

>> No.720753

No idea then. If all else fails, delete the armature and start all over.

>> No.720755

Got it working, had to change input in preferences. Looks like shortcut was conflicting with some other shortcut on pc or smth.

>> No.720756

Oh fuck I actually had this problem with the Radeon software. No idea why blender doesn't get a priority on this. My bad. Also could always press F3 and just type out whatever you need, like "parent" in this case.

>> No.720758

Oh damn, it was radeon software indeed. Thanks for advice.

>> No.720790
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been learning from Youtube. This is my first time modeling+rendering anything ever.

>> No.720791
File: 760 KB, 1280x720, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was at the end of the same day.

>> No.720810

Use a better colour palatte, nigga. Ditch violent and dark navy blue pinkish red etc.
Holy maya, is that a square model? Why?

>> No.720814

Yes, listen too this guy an drown everything in blue and pink meme lighting, then add a fuckton of post processing to make it look like a degraded VHS tape. Voila, more vaporshit for the vapor god.

Bonus points for wireframe terrain.

>> No.720823
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x1754, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Array Modifier and Curve Modifier

>> No.720825
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, MASK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome. I'll check it out. I've left the modeling part for a bit to check out the shader side of things. I'm starting to really like Blender. Will try to fix those arms with the modifiers you suggested.

>> No.720826

>Ditch violent and dark navy blue pinkish red etc.
Those colors are cool tho

>> No.720841

The new animation shit they've always been going on about will only be as strong as its weakest link, which will be the NLA editor.
If they do revamp the animation system, and it's not revamped as well, it's useless.

All that being said though, I do wish there was some replacement to the BGE. It'd be useful for animating shit like cars.

>> No.720846
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll look into palettes. These are my first tries and I barely know what I'm doing

>> No.720863

you've demonstrated you know how to shove together the startup cube with new cubes.
now show us you can actually modify a mesh in edit mode.

>> No.720898

Why does this 13 year old gets any attention.

>> No.720929
File: 32 KB, 321x245, curtis_holt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what is his endgame?

>> No.720932
File: 405 KB, 993x563, 1579335514842[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a travesty

>> No.720933


>> No.720935

Same problem as with every other application over-reliant on icons.

>> No.720938

>mfw it is all binary
>no color-highlighted context state of the things like red or grayed out for unavailable/error, it is all white
Fuck this

>> No.720939

Maybe i'm misunderstanding something but i'm pretty sure they added colors pretty quickly after people started complaining about it, but maybe not in the way you wanted it(?).

>> No.720940

This is pretty much the standard nowadays.
Everything is flat and in shades of grey.
I'll fucking laugh my ass off and into the "designers" faces if at some point the pendulum swings back with them suddenly babbling about making icons more colorful again to improve visibility. I can totally see this happening since history shows that faggy designers always need to change shit even if it's objectively bullshit together with their stupid ass marketing drivel.

>> No.720941

The colors yes not contextual color scheme
You can have them red, white, green, blue but it is all binary, all same color

>> No.720942

I guess it depends on what you mean by contextual, the fact that they color coded, object, modify, edit and material related things was a huge help and is arguably contextual.

>> No.720945

it is a flat desing, you can put the color that you want, and looks better

>> No.720982

What does the workflow of creating a character with clothing for animation look like? Should I create the clothing from the very beginning or only after rigging when I am ready to begin animating?

>> No.720986

In all fairness though, how many of you actually even look at the icons for more than a fraction of a second? I prefer the colored ones and would prefer the option to have either, but honestly as long as they're all in the same relative place it makes no difference to me. Using shortcuts, I'm hardly pressing most of them anyway. Only ones that I really use are the ones that switch panels.

It's got no real impact on usability. Things aren't suddenly slower because I can't find the icon I'm looking for because it's not colored.
Again, I'd prefer them colored, but it's honestly not a big deal. Compared to the other things that are really lacking in 2.8.

>> No.720991

Icons are a travesty no matter how they look. Why have a physics icon you need to learn for the physics tab when it can just say "physics".

>> No.721009

Does Blender have an equivalent to Maya's Wrap or ShrinkWrap?

>> No.721011

Yeah it's called shrinkwrap. It's in the modifiers.

>> No.721012

Sorry. And thanks.

>> No.721014
File: 36 KB, 800x600, 1547352895202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you finally learn how to do something

>> No.721018

I hope you're joking, because spending 2 hours on installing mods for Honey Select will give you content for years and you won't even have to learn shit like UV and rigging.

>> No.721019

No self-respecting artist would use Honey Select. It's the Daz of 3D lewds. Proper artists will approach the wank just like any other work, being involved to the limit of their abilities from conception to final execution -- even if it takes them months.

>> No.721020

That's pretty inspiring, to be honest. Based.

>> No.721021

Coming from Maya, I have only a few questions.

1. Is there a replacement for the F for focus key?

2. How do I change the center pivot?

Most everything else I've just been using Maya Config. It's a solid start at attempting to replicate Maya.


>> No.721022
File: 52 KB, 438x245, pp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a replacement for the F for focus key?
. (dot) on a numpad.
>How do I change the center pivot?
right click - set origin - origin to geometry / 3d cursor (you set it with shift + left click)
Make sure you have proper settings.

>> No.721023

>shift + left click
right click*

>> No.721027

Ok Coomer, it wasn't lewd in the slightest.

>> No.721028

>it wasn't lewd
oh well then, who cares

>> No.721029

>a picture of a guy with his hand literally in his pants
>it wasn't lewd in the slightest
How hard is it to make 3d with a room temp iq?

>> No.721031

Reread my post, then understand it with your head out the gutter.
Don't (you) me.

>> No.721033

Thanks for that maya config link. I installed it and tried out Blender, and this time I didn't want to kill myself (I last tried 2.73 a long time ago).

I'm just worried that it's going to interfere when I'm watching tuts and the interface + keymaps don't match

>> No.721038

get laid degen

>> No.721085

When I use the transfer weights option using nearest face it transfers the weights and vertex groups names but it doesn't transfer the actual boundaries of the vertex group. Every transferred vertex group selects the entire mesh in edit mode. Am I doing it wrong or is this a feature?

>> No.721089

apparently I have to press clean in the weight paint tools to get rid of 0 weights. Crisis averted. Why not put that option on the transfer weights panel too?

>> No.721114
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, untitled5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some examples.

>> No.721116
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, untitled4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this was my first time editing meshes. I'll post my first render later, it's been an interesting ride!

>> No.721125
File: 469 KB, 956x742, 2020-01-19-221917_4480x2520_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck i'm gonna merge this shit without destroying geometry

>> No.721129

subdivide on the larger mesh?

>> No.721130
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, blurgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasted half an hour trying to make a bump map with nodes even though it was exactly like the tutorial
>remove the node and add it again
>it works
nice software blendlets

>> No.721140

big brains intent on developing a unique new universal language rather than using the one they're speaking.

>> No.721145

breddy cool, anon. keep having fun and you'll make progress!

>> No.721152

Icons scale better on smaller pajeet screens.

>> No.721173

This. Just give me descriptive text.

>> No.721176

You ether: a) stole the head or b) stole the body, so it's all your fault for being stupid and lazy. Make yourself a favor and make the skipped part yourself.

>> No.721202

i've recently moved from a certain software and so far enjoying using Blender.
but i'm disappointed at the lack of construction history when you make an object tbqh

>> No.721212

Autist-kun, what jeans poster was trying to say is "Learning feels good." That's it.

>> No.721213

Don't get carried away with trying to figure out everything on your own. You could spend a week to learn via fooling around what you could have learned doing a proper tutorial in a day.

>> No.721214

If you want a non-destructive sort of modeling process where you can change any thing at any time (but without pushing verts around), you want procedural modeling

This guy's voice is extremely annoying but he gets the point across:


There's talk of making "everything" node based in Blender (an attempt to be more like Houdini) which in theory means a move towards non-destructive modeling, but for now you have to jump through hoops and sort of design your own workflow.
Don't forget you can save your shit into library files and either add them to your startup file or append them as needed, so you aren't redoing the same work of setting up these procedurally generated objects every time

>> No.721215

Not sure why would you start speaking about yourself in third person but okay.

>> No.721218
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, Shape 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! I've been learning a lot. Picture related is something I did today messing around with colors and nodes. Tried to make something delicious.

I've been using tutorials mainly. Grant Abbitt and then I'm moving to others.

>> No.721219
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, untitled18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also did this yesterday.

>> No.721229
File: 1.17 MB, 2080x2080, spider_guy_sculpt_fog_2_glow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my alien guy. First time sculpting.

>> No.721233

I'm trying to use the original Blender 2.8 portable with both HairTool and that Maya plug-in.

>> No.721258
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, render time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, I expected Eevee to be faster at tasks like this, but Cycles with default settings renders up to almost 2 times faster depending on the frame.

>> No.721259

Anyone know a reliable way to convert PBR materials to your standard diff, normal, spec for older game engines?

I'm making stuff for source and have a bunch of PBR materials i want to use.

>> No.721260

I changed some textures and its all working fine except if I go into textured view it still uses the old textues, how can I fix this? thnx bb

>> No.721272
File: 13 KB, 480x475, 77101902_1412264815598641_8524108364148375552_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running out of ideas. I was doing so good for a while making stuff but for some reason I feel like I have run out of steam and everything I make looks like shit. I just want to make cool aesthetically pleasing environments but I feel like the more I learn the less inspired and creative I become

>> No.721274

why not post something you've made?

>> No.721278
File: 495 KB, 735x830, Screenshot_20200120_130628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time sculpting anything. I'm happy that it doesn't look like total crap too. I'm going to do the eyelids and ears next. Hopefully I won't ruin what I've already done.

>> No.721309

It really depends on the scene. Eevee seems to have a longer "bootup" before it starts rendering based on image size and samples. Which I've found is pretty independent of what's in the scene. Cycles though, it has a bootup, but if your scene is relatively simple, it's pretty quick to start rendering. At the actual rendering stage, eevee has cycles beat (most of the time).

Eevee's real benefits are when you start doing animations and large sizes. I'm able to render a complex scene at 4k at about 8-10s a frame with Eevee, where the same animation would take 20m per frame with Cycles.
Besides, I wouldn't call the difference between 1.04s and 1.39s "almost double".

>> No.721322

bridge the vertices with the built in command or the looptools addon or merge verts after subdividing to get equal verts

>> No.721341

Is this one of those "faced" pots?

>> No.721400

Is there a way to change ANT landscape back to not needing to press regenerate every time i change a param, to see the changes?

it massively has slowed me down when finding the right settings for an environment

sorry if stupid question. havent used blender really in like a year so alot or 2.8 stuff is taking a while to adjust to

>> No.721401

>I'm happy that it doesn't look like total crap too.
are you sure about that?

>> No.721410

Should be a little car icon you can press. You can't miss it.

>> No.721415

I guess not then, isn't the first time i've asked either, i suppose it's an uncommon problem to have since google is littered with converting to PBR rather than from.

The issue is that there's no easy way to get roughness to translate as far as i know and it just doesn't look right without it.

>> No.721416

Diffuse is pretty much albedo multiplied by ambient occlusion. Normal maps are the same (but they're different for opengl and direct3d, depends on the engine you're using). Roughness map is just inverted glossiness. Metalness can't really be converted to specular because metalness is greyscale and spec is RGB, you'd need color information from albedo I guess.

>> No.721417

Thanks, trying to look up what shaders and texture maps Source supports just now i found a guide for this, seems pretty complicated but i guess there's no easy way around this.


>> No.721429
File: 39 KB, 873x228, pbr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this, and the source engine discord if you need help for anything

>> No.721431

>1000 years of 2.8 development
>UI still a disaster

>> No.721434

t. zbrush cowboy

>> No.721437

i only use blender

>> No.721439

Then that's the weirdest thing I've read on this board, after a "white golem" rant. Never did anything 3D related in my life, took me 3 days to memorize all the hotkeys and start doing shit in blender without getting stuck because I don't know whre to click (magic F3 button helped a lot, ngl). So I'm not sure what are you talking about, especially considering that UI is highly customizable... I even have a custom workspace where 95% of panels are hidden. You don't really need them for trivial tasks like sculpting or blocking. Unless you're a maxlet of course and physically can't memorize 20 hotkeys because of old age.

>> No.721440

yeah i'm sure you've never heard people complaining that blender's UI is scatterbrained dogshit with zero discoverability before

>> No.721441

Pretty sure I didn't. People always complain about zbrush, and I can see why, but I've yet to see anyone bashing blender UI post 2.8 update.

>> No.721442

I'm looking for a way to automatically render the same object twice with two diffrent materials. Is this possible somehow?

>> No.721444

nothing has fundamentally changed with the 2.8 UI. it looks slightly different and some things have changed location, yet everything's still fucked as before. as usual, you must watch a video tutorial to find things that should be front and center for convenience, or well named and easily discoverable.

>> No.721446

Just press F3 and memorize the shortcut

>> No.721450

>create a NURBS
>this isn't usable - can't blender really do NURBS?
>ah of course you have to magically know to enable Object Data Properties -> Active Spline -> Endpoint U & V to get it into a usable state
>but now, how do I add more points? E only moves selected points, and clicking the Extrude and Move button does the same. Control Points -> Split doesn't work. nothing works
>give up

>switch to texture paint mode
>not so fast. you have to magically know that you need to create a texture slot (but what is a texture slot and how does it differ from a texture, image, or brush texture? why can't i just select any of the others? the delineation is unclear)
>if you want to paint textures onto the model you must first go to the image tab rather than enabling texture paint
>enable mask
>actually that's not what i want
>can't undo because it's not written to the undo buffer

>create image
>you have to manually pack it or it's lost forever

>try to rig something
>give up

ad fucking nauseam. using the blender UI is like defusing a bomb and has been forever

>> No.721451


>> No.721452

what's the best introductory tutorial for blender I can find on cgpeers? I'm considering moving from maya since I won't be able to sell assets using my student license right? I mean idk if there's an alternative, what if I pirate maya would that work or would autodesk find out?

I'm guessing I can sell assets made with blender without any problems right?

>> No.721453

Thanks, that is very helpful, guess i'll check out the discord too.

>> No.721457

>I'm guessing I can sell assets made with blender without any problems right?
Yes, you can.

Now legally you shouldn't use "student assets" commercially, but nothing really stops you from importing/exporting them through Blender. There shouldn't be any trace of Maya, although this may not work 100 % if you use FBX, because of Blender's limited support.

Another option you have is to save your Maya scenes as ASCII and manually remove the student notice from the .ma file.

>> No.721462
File: 78 KB, 599x588, firefox_AQuvrhrc3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.721470



Trannies are seething

>> No.721474
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, iFacialMocap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.721480

there is no fucking car icon lol

>> No.721481
File: 15 KB, 578x91, 2020-01-21-1579637389_578x91_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.721483

heckin and basedpilled

>> No.721484

I had no idea Andrew was so based. I don't even like Peterson but it's great to see twitter trannies getting pissy.

>> No.721485

holy fuckkk they are seething. i haven't followed peterson since 2017 but its amazing people truly believe he is some neo-nazi supremacist. this shit firmly reminds me why i am righteous and steadfast in my hatred of trannies/leftists

>> No.721486 [DELETED] 
File: 889 KB, 2304x3102, 1575849997199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha look how cool and hip we are using the coolest maymays. this will win over the blender crowd for sure

>> No.721487
File: 52 KB, 202x166, 2020-01-21-1579640334_202x166_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha look how cool and hip we are using the coolest maymays. this will win over the blender crowd for sure

>> No.721489

Can blender substitute zbrush, or is zbrush still king for sculpting?

Zbrush is like magic quite frankly, it even runs relatively smooth on my laptop at highly detail modelled, almost as fast as my desktop. I don't see anything else competing with tihs?

>> No.721491

Blender can sculpt competently and costs nothing, but it's my understanding that zbrush is still unmatched. That said, since blender is free you can try it out for a few days and decide for yourself.

>> No.721492

>Can blender substitute zbrush, or is zbrush still king for sculpting?
In the industry it is still king but Blender can substitute it when you only need the basics for hobby or light freelancing.
The more professional you get the more you value your time and with those alternatives you can often reach similar results but usually with a way higher amount of time invested.

>> No.721496

It's good that he's coming out of the PC closet. Based as fuck. Hail Blender 88 forever.

>> No.721501


That's based. That's how you filter trannies from your fanbase.

>> No.721503
File: 147 KB, 467x1505, vroom vroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's right here bro.

>> No.721505

Why don't people try this with shit that's not human/humanoid?
I'm not talking about for furshit, but it'd be cool to see something like this with an alien or a dragon like they did for the Hobbit. Something that doesn't have quite the same landmarks as a human, but could be used with facial capture.

>> No.721517

shit son i was looking at the settings under the 'create' tab on the right side. hadn't even realised there was another menu that had those on it - still tryna get used to where everything is in 1.8

thanks my dude!

>> No.721521

Is it possible to add subsurface scattering to a custom node setup? I've managed to somewhat fake it, but it still looks nowhere near the principled shader SSS.
The principled SSS has a very distinct blur/glow effect that I wouldn't even know where to begin replicating it.

>> No.721525
File: 962 KB, 2725x1437, Gaea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no worries, I never use the create tab, so odds are I'm missing things on my end. But yeah, glad it helped.

If you're looking to get realistic mountains and stuff then you're gonna be a bit disappointed with ANT in the long run. There's no way to add erosion or any other weathering that makes things look realistic. If you just need some quick hills/mountains in the background or some basic deformation it's alright though.

If you want something more though, check out Gaea. It's free, and though it says you're limited in resolution to 1024 for the free version, you can export height maps at 4k no problem through a little oversight (just export terrain in the file menu with your preview at the res you want). It's got procedural erosion and all sorts of other shit that works really well. Plus you can export masks with it so you can have different textures at different slope angles and stuff like that. It looks a bit daunting at first, but it's easy enough to pick up in about an hour. Definitely give it a try if you think you'd be doing more landscapes in the future.

>> No.721527
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work in progress

>> No.721534

you can use view layers, but why though?

>> No.721538

>I'm not talking about for furshit

>> No.721543


>> No.721558
File: 3.09 MB, 700x383, Smaug Mocap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I mean is like for shit they do with movies. It's always just faggy anime models or some faggot's fursona.

You never see homebrew facial capture used for actually neat shit. Like mapping the capture points to bones on an alien that doesn't even look humanoid, or a robot. Or something super fucking stupid like a landscape with a face.
Same goes for mocap too. With Andy Serkis making such a big name for performance capture enough to become the face of it, you'd think others would follow suit and do all sorts of weird shit with it.

If regular joes are able to get performance capture working for cheap, why don't we see more weird shit with it than just the barebones use-case? Seems like all you're doing is tracking points, so why not make the points somewhere else on the model?

>> No.721579

Stop using the smooth tool. Thank me later.

>> No.721580

That's pretty good for a first sculpt

>> No.721590
File: 491 KB, 810x810, 20190613_212422_mh1579693874578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First sculpt
How do i get rid of sharp textures around the eyes?like smooth them or smth, i cant afford morr polygons
Thanks for help

>> No.721593
File: 623 KB, 600x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day I'm gonna be mocapping my waifu and acting all sexy on cam to make her sexy and then it will really hit me that I have gone too far

>> No.721594

Who cares, you'll have to retop anyways, just get the idea down.

>> No.721610
File: 207 KB, 1024x1024, 1579281322300m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long did it take you to create something that you thought was good? Learning this software and going through tutorials and I'm curious about how long does it take to get good enough to create something that looks good?

>> No.721625

>How long did it take you to create something that you thought was good?
That's the wrong way to think about it, if you ever have any doubt you're getting better just look at your old work and stop comparing yourself to professionals, it's fine to be inspired but don't expect to be able to replicate that any time soon.

>> No.721633

Knees don't bend that way anon.

>> No.721636

Not him but yes they do, not sure why you'd want to stop your upper leg half way and just bend your lower leg and not use the full momentum of the whole leg but eh.. maybe she's just trying to impress someone.

>> No.721637

Just for clarification before you start arguing with me, the upper leg is rotated 90 degrees making the knee point towards us which is very much possible.

>> No.721640
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, splitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are right. Probably a slight exaggeration by the artist?

>> No.721643

You cropped the part where she got herself into "that certain cross" shape

>> No.721644
File: 42 KB, 800x421, Congenital Genu Recurvatum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.721645

this is clearly a twist originating in the hip joint, not a bend of the knee

>> No.721667

i mostly use ant for distance/background stuff and for creating rocks/pebbles.

I'll look into Gaea though for when i need more realistic stuff!

>> No.721671

>i mostly use ant for distance/background stuff and for creating rocks/pebbles.
Yeah that's what I figured. It definitely does the job then. Gaea is perfect for things where the landscape is the focus. Plus that erosion node is a 1-click cool button.
Often times I'll sculpt out a rough shape landscape in blender, export a height map, and then run it through some filters and stuff in Gaea for some cool looks.

But yeah, best of luck friend.

>> No.721677
File: 87 KB, 353x233, 2020-01-23-1579741676_353x233_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 taken down in uk

>> No.721710
File: 30 KB, 194x190, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to optimize whatever I made with curves? I can only adjust the amount of horizontal loops.

>> No.721711

nvm, literally just had to check the setting for the bezier circle that I used for the bevel.

>> No.721727

Is it just me or is lighting and rendering in Blender surprisingly hard to get right for some reason?

I love it for modeling, but I've always struggled with the rendering part. I just imported one project in Maya now, to try rendering it there in Arnold, and it's so pleasant and easy to achieve good lighting with stuff like atmospheric sky. Fast as fuck as well. I think Blender is missing some of those tools to achieve physically accurate results.

Also, I'm trying to achieve good fog in Cycles, and it's just noisy and slow, tried aiFog and aiAtmosphere yesterday and they are amazing. Not to mention fucking fireflies which makes it painful to work with dark scenes.

>> No.721728

Nice. Is that Eevee?

>> No.721729

What is a good rule of thumb for blocking out cylindrical objects in meshes? First I used loops with 8 vertices but I have found that 16 vertices seems to be more managable when interacting with other cylindrical objects since they more closely resemble the geometry of an actual circle. I've mostly done sculpting and I am now dipping my toes into hard surface and low poly to get a more solid technical base, so any input appreciated. I just want to think correctly about this

>> No.721730

Yeah, at the end of the day Cycles just isn't very satisfactory in many aspects.

>> No.721731

There is a Arnold plugin for Blender. Wouldn't that yield the same results?

>> No.721761
File: 149 KB, 401x510, autoattac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this does absolutely never get old


>> No.721763
File: 840 KB, 2000x3000, tm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blendbros i need your help.
I am trying to bake multiple haircards onto a single mesh / I want to turn haircards created with hairtool into a single mesh cap.
If I bake the color and the transparency separate it looks bad, I need to bake the color with transparency applied, but don't know how to do that.

I have no idea how to bake a tanget normal or create one.

>> No.721796
File: 266 KB, 596x670, feet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like it should be the easiest thing in the world, but I can't do it. I'm trying to learn how to model simple three-digit cartoony-monster feet, just like this. I can do it with metaballs and I can do it with sculpting, but I want to model it for character animation purposes and I can't do it. I really want to try making round-bubbly monster characters and I can't figure out how to make all of the spheres flow together.

Feet like this are just made up of spheres. A sphere for each toe, one or two more spheres for the front pads of the foot, and a sphere for the heel but I can't figure out how to properly flow the topology. I've tried an alternative method as well, I tried starting from a flat outline of the shape of the foot, then using a Solidify modifier to get it depth and then trying to Subsurf and Bevel from that, but then it never turns out as round as I want it to be.

This is driving me crazy. I feel like I'm not realizing something so simple. Please help, how can I model a character with a lot of round features and retain all of the roundness with clean topology?

>> No.721801

Just use subd modifier and possibly creasing

>> No.721802

Has anyone been able to use the erosion feature in the ANT landscape successfully? It's alright for quick backdrops, but without good erosion workflow it will always be next to useless.

>> No.721861

I have a pretty basic workflow question. Say I want to block out a character or a creature/robot/whatever with separate meshes. Naturally the meshes will be placed at odd angles while getting the rough placement of limbs and such. How do I retain the ability to edit each part with ortographic front/side/top views after they are rotated and roughly positioned? So far I have been using aling to view, but I wonder if there is a better way. I've seen a lot of timelapses where people just awkwardly model things by pulling and pushing vertices in perspective views but that creates distortions and feels sloppy to me.

>> No.721862

you could duplicate those individual parts, then link their object data. Put together a character with these individual parts, like a Frankenstein's monster, but don't join it all as one mesh yet, and if you want to make changes, change the duplicated object. Since the data is linked, the Frankenstein's bodyparts will get the same changes.

>> No.721868

how to use quadriflow remesh

>> No.721873

Does anybody know if it's legal to use Megascans assets (which I get for free as a UE4 user) in Blender, just for personal work?

>> No.721876
File: 60 KB, 443x651, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this far on my first animu face. I can tell the topology in the top right is fugged and needs adjusting, I'm at a loss as to how to do the mouth - that follows the reference from the side, but from the front, the drawing is just a black line.

I've read the sticky a few times now, but the one character guide is 404, and I've seen Daniel K's wideos on Youtube. Any ideas on where I go from here?

>> No.721878
File: 59 KB, 564x308, 1571114362630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is stylized to the point where a lot of facial features are drawn like calligraphy, flat 2d symbols. 2d doesn't necessarily make good reference. If I were you I would look up pictures of anime figurines/statues that has figured out how to interpret the shapes into 3d.

>> No.721879

It's hard to achieve this with the geo alone. I had something like a screen space lattice in mind to achieve the more extreme and stylized deformations, but I never took the time to test this further.

>> No.721886

>35 hours
Mostly from all that subsurface scattering

>> No.721891

Ok, interesting. Never used that function before. Can you do that without sharing the pivot point between the copies? That seems to be default.

>> No.721892

Sorry I mean the origin not pivot point

>> No.721894
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, 0002_watch?v=Ebx2qbBlvh0_00:02:37_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yes, the donut guru is STILL a dyntopobro.
FUCK that ugly frequent remesh workflow.

>> No.721898

Didn't even know it had an erosion feature. That's the main reason I went looking elsewhere and found Gaea.
Trying it out though, I can't seem to get it to do anything either. Even with high vertex counts.
Looking at the actual settings for it too, it doesn't look like it'd do much or actually be realistic at all.

>> No.722011
File: 762 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good tutorial to follow? It looks pretty good to me, but I don't know if it might contain some bad habits that I should avoid. Does anyone have any experience with it?

>> No.722021

Ok who of you autistic pissheads shills blender on /pol/? Fuck off with your commie nerd shit.

>> No.722025

Why do you care? /pol/ is full of neets, 3D would be way too hard for them.

>> No.722026

stay in your shitty containment board, turbo nerds

>> No.722029

Ah my bad, I mistook you for a seething pajeet. That would mean you're even more useless than one. Now shoo, you had enough of my time.

>> No.722031

I'm not gay or anything but why do I immediately love that guy?

>> No.722056
File: 2.55 MB, 3010x1205, theFUCKisthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I looking at here? Had someone do me a favor and create a hand with topology suitable for animation and this is what I got back. Is this acceptable for animation? Because it looks like a clusterfuck to me.

>> No.722059

no this is bad anon, I hope you did not pay for that.

>> No.722061


>> No.722062

He's actually a cool dude despite his strange Holland accent. Saying hello to him in person is always worth it.

>> No.722064

lmao how many rupees did you paid for that?

>> No.722065

This is fucking awful. I wouldn't be surprised if this was ripped from somewhere and then quickly "corrected" with a garbage de-triangulation tool.

>> No.722067

On the bright side though, should be easy enough to just go back over it and basically retopologize it.
That hand is a fucking nightmare though. Pajeets like that need to be taken out to a field and shot.

>> No.722100

>retopologize it
This. Will take 20 min tops, as long as it's only the hand.

>> No.722172
File: 2.09 MB, 2133x1200, cover-v3-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried looking around for an appropriate thread to post and I couldn't find any, so I guess this would do.

Here's a free model I just updated, and is probably one of the best Blender models you can find out there:


>> No.722173

How to quickly switch from mix to erase alpha in texture paint, i.e. from brush to eraser? I'm on 2.81

>> No.722177

gtfo with your daz coom shit

>> No.722181

least he was nice enough to try and find an appropriate place to post it rather than starting a new thread.

>> No.722188

Newbie here, what do you mean next gen ui controls? And countless combinations of what?

>> No.722189

Id rather watch a tutorial series on the creation.

>> No.722191

If only it wasn't OW shit.
Post it on /aco/ in the 3D animation general >>>/aco/3790471 They will be more interested probably.

>> No.722198

Very impressive work on the website and content. Might take a look on the rest later.

>> No.722205
File: 156 KB, 1200x1920, pharah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way to rig physics? I need to make a cloth proxy manually? I want to throw in some animations and environments. EEVEE renders already look great and it would be quick to render animations. Thanks for sharing. Really impressive what you've done here.

>> No.722206

Looks good, a lot of useful information for beginners as well.

>> No.722208
File: 16 KB, 491x205, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.722209

to put the fluff away, there are 13 outfits, each with their own items, and you can mix and match them however you want, plus everything can be easily controlled by the custom made user interface

this video probably explains it better:

well, there's no such thing but I do intend to make a couple of simple tutorials on how to control a model
a) via drivers
b) via a custom interface

will do


Honestly I never used physics as I only make pinups pictures. I might look into it, plus also wanted to try particles based hair as well

thank you
I believe it's one of the easiest to use models out there as a lot of the logic for things like masks, drivers and shapekeys is handled by the script

however it's useful for advanced users too as when you have dozens of meshes,each with their own masks drivers and materials, being able to change that with a few clicks is a huge time saver

>> No.722210


>> No.722224

How did you make the information page? It looks really cool!

>> No.722236
File: 1004 KB, 1200x1920, 1580033072200_edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful work btw, people are loving it
hope you don't mind but I did a quick to remove the pixelated background

Custom made. I do that for a living so it came natural to me.
I used https://gohugo.io/ for generating the dynamic html

>> No.722237

I don't understand adjustment bones, do you scale them or what?

>> No.722242

Just rotate them. They are useful when you get weird deformations, especially on thighs or shoulders but 98% of the time you won't need them.

It's how the Rigify script (which I used) is designed. But you bring up a good point, maybe I should lock those bones from moving

>> No.722253

Can I see more of it

>> No.722267
File: 1.02 MB, 874x863, 1553436021979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.722280
File: 141 KB, 500x439, toy_horns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this before

>> No.722284

pfft haha

>> No.722297

how strange because her honkers should be further up

>> No.722298

Was that the first time you found out you can add models from other projects?

>> No.722299

>but what if... someone will use my model for eduactional purposes?..
or even
>gotta show those nerds that I had REAL SEX

>> No.722300

these guys are based

>> No.722367
File: 687 KB, 3915x1124, Sarah many hairs 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I make it in the coomer world?
also pick your fav hair

>> No.722368

pls imgur more fren

>> No.722369

show pussy topology

>> No.722375

Of course, if you want to be arrested.

>> No.722376

lol anon, it's just polygons on a screen calm down
Besides she's a 100 year old semon demen

>> No.722377

I know, but I didn't make the rules. Have fun explaining that in court.

>> No.722391

Not that anon but
It depends where you live as some places don't care about cgi kid stuff as long as it is obviously cgi and doesn't use photos of real kids.

>> No.722393

Where do you get your references tho?

>> No.722396

Steal from jap loli artists or copy legal pornstars like "Lil Candy" (back when she was skinny)

>> No.722514

Top picture is what my vertex coloring looks like in object mode, bottom picture is what it looks like in vertex paint mode. In the node setup, both the diffuse and emission node provide the same inconsistency with how it looks in vertex paint mode. How do I make color on the cube match exactly how it looks in vertex paint mode?

>> No.722515
File: 788 KB, 1424x1944, vertex color inconsistent .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cow I'm retarded, pic related is what I was talking about.

>> No.722518

In what world is Jordan Peterson a neo nazi ? He gives rather basic advise on how to live your life.

>> No.722519

Andrew "Buy My Stuff" Price...most punchable face on YouTube.

>> No.722523

It's called running a business. Seethe harder.

>> No.722528
File: 3.74 MB, 400x400, 1552405350150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called attracting and misleading newbies with the goal of acquiring their shekels.

>> No.722542

Andrew Price is australian, not jewish. Jews don't exist in Australia.

>> No.722543

>most punchable face on YouTube
A challenger appears:

>> No.722544

I spent a week watching blender tutorials and then spent 4 hours trying to make anime girl ass
don't think I'm gonna make it

>> No.722545

> spent 4 hours trying to make anime girl ass
At least you are mega based

>> No.722553 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 435x512, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>texture model in SP
>looks good
>export, set up nodes in blender
>looks like shit

>> No.722557
File: 27 KB, 480x360, somebody_please_punch_him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, I can tolerate that guy. Price's mug, however, has that "resting smug face" courtesy of that asymmetrical grin that makes my fist clench involuntarily. Not helping matters is that goddawful accent of his, and I don't even mind most Aussie accents (his pronunciation of "texture" is particularly blood-pressure-spiking).

>> No.722558

Most useful addons in your opinion?
>inb4 loop tools

>> No.722587
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, 1553072637902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have hot, sweaty homosex with Andrew Price.
I hope his wife leaves him. He'll finally comes out of the closet, and accept the faggot he truly is.

>> No.722588

Roll viewport https://capnm.github.io/b8RollViewport/
also Loop tools

>> No.722595

An add-on is required to roll the camera? Are you fucking serious?

>> No.722597

The absolute state of blender

>> No.722606

Which is why you can put the Jewish conspiracy to rest, because unquestionably non-Jewish Rupert Murdoch is such an insane manipulative merchant stereotype that he's beyond the levels of even Haim Saban.

>> No.722608

HardOps ;^)

>> No.722613

Have you ever felt like you needed to roll the viewport at any point in your 3D career? Me neither.

>> No.722614
File: 87 KB, 549x767, 90b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you can roll in camera view only, yes it has been propposed before and people have submited patches trying to include that by default but these retards in the Blender Foundation don't want to let you roll the viewport, who knows why, so you need that most useful addon

>> No.722615

No. I don't know what the addon does that's not already in Blender.

Shift+numpad 4/6 roll the viewport in increments and you can just add a new keybind if you want smooth rolling.

The turntable stuff is already doable by simply hitting numpad delete to focus on the selected object. Maybe the addon is adding a turntable on cursor feature, I don't know.

>> No.722616

Texturing and sculpting? all the time

>> No.722617

Oh, it says something about a "roll only mode" on the page, so maybe that's what it's for. Otherwise I think it just adds new keybinds.

>> No.722618

UVPackMaster if you have spare money.

>> No.722639

curve tools is pretty neat

>> No.722695

Is Blender suitable for creating a town district mod for GTA IV/V?

>> No.722704

You can only use Megascans when your end product uses the UE4 engine.

>> No.722714

Sorry Blendlet, but no, it's not. The models in GTA are actually high density volumetric point clouds instead of traditional meshes and blender won't be getting any sort of volumetrics until at least the 4.0 release. Industry standard tools like Maya and 3ds max have had that capability since 2001 though.

>> No.722717

So I'm exporting some shape keys as fbx but when i import them into Unity they don't do anything?

Sliding the blend shapes from 0 to 1 doesn't change the mesh at all. Any idea what i'm doing wrong?

>> No.722721
File: 4 KB, 207x96, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got paid 3,000 bucks randomly for a freelance I.T. job I did. What graphics card should I buy so I can render like a god?

>> No.722723

Rtx 2080 TI, or two if your PC can handle en

>> No.722724

I currently have an older i5 and 16gb of ram. In a custom case. I could just pop it in there no problem right? Would there be any bottleneck with old hardware?

>> No.722728

Might be worth considering at least upgrading to a used i7, but it depends on what gen that i5 is, if it's really old (as in no Hyperthreading on that i5) you might wanna consider a motherboard to go with a current CPU, hopefully you at least have DDR4 RAM.

>> No.722729

1-2 2080 Ti or RTX Titan. You can also wait a few months for Ampere.
Also, don't immediately spend all your earned money at once, retard.

Depends on the case. You'll get bottlenecked by the CPU at least in some tasks, though how old are we talking about? Maybe look into Ryzen 3700x/3900x + X570 motherboard, but even 3600 + B450 would be a big upgrade probably.

>> No.722732

Just curious, what jobs were included? Whole thing from design, modelling/sculpting, retopo, texturing etc or just partly stuff?

>> No.722738

>Also, don't immediately spend all your earned money at once, retard.
I have a full time job and this was just a side gig so its literally all expendable income. I want to render fast!!

>but it depends on what gen that i5 is
its probably like 7-8 years old now

>Just curious, what jobs were included?
it was I.T. work their IT guy randomly quit and their network went down and I got a call from somebody that worked there so I went and got everything back up and helped them recover credentials.

>> No.722743

I just noticed that the red arrows in the rigify metarig are the elbow and knee controls, after fiddling with it for days. I feel like an idiot, but accomplished at the same time.

>> No.722745
File: 1.18 MB, 1221x1418, 2nd try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my second sculpt. I'm mostly making these to use as character references for artwork and paintings, this one's a D&D character. It would be nice to eventually make models I can animate too.

>> No.722748

>Rtx 2080 TI
Wouldn't a Titan RTX be better because it has more memory?

>> No.722749

>volumetric point clouds
Ahh, so like Runescape then. No wonder the game is such a grind.

>> No.722752

Ah nice. Cool that you got their shit to work again. Also thanks for the info

>> No.722753

how can she move her legs if they are glued together???

>> No.722754

She's made of silly putty, that's all.

>> No.722756
File: 881 KB, 1280x720, boundary edges Mask.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dobarro boundary edges mask

>> No.722757
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, WrinklesBrush.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dobarro wrinkles Brush

>> No.722758

Finally. Goodbye donuts, hello scrotums.

>> No.722759

What a legend

>> No.722764

Had that functionality in LW via plugin since 2014. Get fucked, blender commies.

>> No.722809
File: 1.60 MB, 2248x968, Hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I discussed with the guy that I needed better topology and he salvaged it somewhat. I suppose this is acceptable and better than what I could produce so I'm just going with this, although the topology does seem sort of amateurish.

Now, how could I further improve this? This might be a weird complaint but the hand just looks really... bland. Probably just because its untextured, but still looking for any advice you all may have.

>> No.722810

I doubt the thumb geo will deform nicely,
look at your own thumb with your hand flat and your fingers together pull your thumb in tight against the side of the index finger, now open it out to make an L with the hand, keep doing this looking at your hand from front and back, note where the crease is and how the flesh of your hand gets pushed around by this motion,
you want an edge loop encircling where this is happening to allow for that sort of deformation.

>> No.722811

I'm still using 2.79.
How long does it take to get accustomed to 2.8+ if I were to make the switch right now?
Are the any reasons to stay on 2.79? (Like Blender internal)
Are .blend files easily compatible with different builds if they use the same render engine?
What kind of/how much tutorial material is available for 2.8?

>> No.722820
File: 65 KB, 600x600, HandTopology4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It helps if I have a visual to follow your words by. But if I'm understanding you correctly you mean to add more geometry around the palm like highlighted here? Or in between the thumb and index finger? Of course both would be ideal but I'm wondering which part you rmean

>> No.722822

Well fuck it now that I actually compare what I got to what he gave me its still a pile of fucking shit, for low-poly standards as well. What a fuckin con.

>> No.722828

>How long does it take to get accustomed to 2.8+ if I were to make the switch right now?
15 mins or so to get used to where everything is and how it works. A week to a month to start integrating the newer stuff into your workflow. There's a lot of good stuff in there, but it'll take a bit of time to really see the benefits. That's not meant to be discouraging, just that there's a bunch of little new stuff that you don't think about until you need it. I used to hate the switch from layers to collections for instance, but god damn it's so much better. It just took me some time to understand why and how to use it effectively. There's a bunch of little things like that in there.
But yeah, you can get up and running in 10-15 mins really. If you know 2.79, 2.8 is just a different coat of paint with some extra bells and whistles.

>Are the any reasons to stay on 2.79? (Like Blender internal)
Internal is swapped over to Eevee. I've opened up 2.78 internal projects with no problem. The shading algorithm is a bit better, so some things might look different, but it's all good. NPR works just as good, if not better since it's got parity with cycles nodes.

>Are .blend files easily compatible with different builds if they use the same render engine?
Yeah for the most part. You might get some differences here and there, and some small growing pains in the UI (notably the layers to collections and them being a mess), but no problems I've noticed.

>What kind of/how much tutorial material is available for 2.8?
Since 2.8 is such a meme now, there's a shit ton of stuff available for it. Even from people jumping on the bandwagon that used other programs but want that sweet ad revenue for being relevant.

There's no reason not to switch. It's the same program. If it's that spooky though, have a separate install, and when you open old files in 2.8 and save them, save them in a different folder for 2.8 files. So you've got both.

>> No.722852
File: 17 KB, 384x111, 2020-01-30-1580398205_384x111_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.722854

ok im sold

>> No.722871

>Dobarro wrinkles Brush

it looks cool on a flat plane with no sense of scale, Lets see it on an already sculpted character where the cloth needs to pit and bunch to match existing topology without completely flipping out and with minimum corrective sculpting needed after the fact.

>> No.722897

There is no such thing as a dumb q-

>> No.722902

Yo, is there any trouble opening a file in 2.8 after you've saved it in 2.81? I'm a bit iffy on jumping right to 2.81 since it's probably still a little buggy, but FLIP Fluids doesn't apparently work in 2.8.
I mean if 2.81 is stable enough now I guess I could switch over.

>> No.722931
File: 80 KB, 680x535, 1492571582305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, even grassetti retweeted it

>> No.722934
File: 57 KB, 600x600, 1572272365412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.722936

Who the fuck is DDOSing blender.org?

Usually it's always safer to open your file in the version you created it with or a later version. However it shouldn't be as bad as opening a 2.8x file in 2.7x. Just make a copy of your original file just in case.

>> No.722940

Autodesk, obviously. Who else?

>> No.722944

fresh: >>722942

>> No.723723
File: 464 KB, 1064x600, Fucked Shoulder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, what's wrong with my Rig.

>Please help

>> No.724103
File: 439 KB, 655x764, received_116827413102434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.725006
