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/3/ - 3DCG

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File: 189 KB, 1200x751, 1521579052040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
711277 No.711277 [Reply] [Original]

/questions/ - Questions & Help Thread
General Questions and Help about anything /3/ related, hardware and software.

Since there wasn't one, here it is.

>> No.711278

I swear I didn't make the thread just to ask this....

So I got a 2-in-1 Acer Spin 5 for study and
light sculpting but zBrush doesn't support the Active Pen's pressure sensitivity. Is there anyway to fix that and make zBrush more user friendly in tablet mode?

>> No.711280

Installing WinTab drivers from Microsoft fixed pressure sensitivity, but now the issue is making it work well without a keyboard using just the touch screen, any ideas?

>> No.711283


There is already a questions thread.

>> No.711285

A thread got beveled for this

>> No.711537

Is this still the "best" tutorial? Are there any better/different and viable tutorials?

>> No.711539

To be clear, I'm referring to animation-oriented topology specifically.

>> No.711561

How do I smooth out the weights in blender so that they bend well?

>> No.711593 [DELETED] 

Doing my first ever hand, two things;

Topology-wise: Looking at OP image atm and going to make some big changes based on that shortly, but working with a fairly low-poly mesh, could someone red-line me?

Shape-wise: I feel I've messed up the thumb / thumb muscle, critique?

>> No.711596
File: 924 KB, 1598x3072, hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing my first ever hand, two things;

Topology-wise: Looking at OP image atm and going to make some big changes based on that shortly, but working with a fairly low-poly mesh, could someone red-line me?

Shape-wise: I feel I've messed up the thumb / thumb muscle, critique?

>> No.711791
File: 593 KB, 1280x720, 2019-11-24 22-19-53_001.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm making a bunch of animations, after finishing one, is there some sort of way to save the animations? Or do I make a long list of animations along the timeline all separated?

>> No.711798

Damn that looks better than mine. Is the hair actually modeled onto the character though? Or is it a separate thing?

>> No.711804
File: 461 KB, 997x699, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many separate meshes on this model.
For now I guess I'll texture until my question is answered.
When you say 'mine' are you also making the same character?

>> No.711806
File: 212 KB, 488x624, 1574656256551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My model is terribly bland, do you guys know of any good resources for learning character design and concepting that is less about the technical side and more about the "secret sauce" of it all?

>> No.711807

How do you smooth out the faces?

>> No.711808

Object>shade smooth
In object mode

>> No.711809


>> No.711811

fucking blendlets lmfao

>> No.711813
File: 133 KB, 624x839, heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid amateurs doing amateur work
Thanks dad.
Cartoon styling that quickly tells the viewer who the character is. I think it's pretty useful.
So what is your character? It looks like a Lego self insert with no personality. Try to show the personality with how they look.

>> No.711815
File: 168 KB, 624x839, screwball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another for comparison.

>> No.711820

Thanks man, I'll try to work on the proportions and post when I have something better.
>Lego self insert
I can definitely see that.

>> No.711822

create an all black matcap. Your character should be readable from most angles.
You should learn all about proportions you can look up drawing tutorials it all translates and basic anatomy. The secret sauce is sticking to your own ideas.

>> No.711823
File: 134 KB, 1537x777, 1574500048298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overall not bad. If you can make the fingers have more edges 6 or 8 would be better.
might be the angle but that hand looks offset.

>> No.711847

Okay here's my questions.
1. Is it wise to use subsurfed mesh in a game?
2. Mobile games look boxy, meaning it's very low poly. So do I bake subsurf in mobile games or don't?
3. I tried baking a subsurf model on a low poly one in substance. It didn't produced a good result. Is baking only to make surface details appear on normals and not subsurf level smoothness?
4. This guy on youtube bakes a non-subsurfed "high poly" mesh onto a low poly one using substance, but I observed that he only has surface level detail and my attempt which has even higher(from the surface) failed in it's intentions. Does this mean baking is just a superficial effect and can't do erections?

>> No.711919

My own ideas are bland garbage though.

>> No.711929

Copy a different character, something you want to shape it as. Think about every change, why are certain things the way they are?

>> No.711936

then you need to get more interesting stuff into your brain.

>> No.711957

I don't know wtf I am doing wrong. I've been trying to complete this simple task for a week now, and I have exhausted all leads.
I'm trying to import a simple model to Cities: Skylines, of a placeable building.
It is
>1 mesh
>oriented correctly
>has an unwrapped UV map
>has no lights or floor
>is the correct scale
And it won't work. I have no idea why. Help me please bros. (The sky and floor in pic related are just there for this render).
Does anybody have any idea what I could be doing wrong?
Its name is appearing in the game's import menu, but there is no preview of the model and I can't continue.

>> No.711958
File: 161 KB, 1440x900, 45788967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fugg, forgot pic.

>> No.711963

Thankyou for the feedback, I'll work on that now; and yeah the hand is on a bit of a slant, I'll try and straighten it out.

>> No.711970

what kind of pavement texture is that?

>> No.711971

just remember you owe me.

>> No.712002

Still hoping someone can answer this.

>> No.712011


>> No.712040

Is there a way to make high resolution image of huge substance designer node? Like without having to stitch it in PS or something.

>> No.712071

It could be wrong format

>> No.712117

Thanks my man,

>> No.712823

Where can I get Octane 3.08 for Cinema4d? Cgpeers only has up to 3.07.

>> No.712824

the piratebay

>> No.712938

Doesn't the FBI have an eye on it? I thought it was compromised.

>> No.712996

Should I learn to program or 3d model first? I want to do both but can't decide on what to do first (Not really interested in game dev stuff, not wanting to do it for that purpose)

>> No.712997

the one you are more talented at.

>> No.713171

Does anyone have tips on framing and composition? Let's say you have a scene complete and all you had to do was place a camera in the world, how would you go about doing it? What would you look for as a guide?

>> No.713174

Look at the words, I don't know about the images since I didn't care to look, but I took a class in design and we did all of these words. I'm not really good though, so take my stuff with a grain of salt.

>> No.713175
File: 46 KB, 600x441, small-white-pomeranian-dog-on-600w-1071989069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 2d artist who is learning 3d to make my own reference with accurate light and perspective.

Is sculpted fur/hair ever used in conjuction with particle system based hair or are those things always kept mutually exclusive as two different approaches?

I find sculpting comes naturally to me from my background in 2d and I like to make very specific shapes when making clumps of hair on creatures with thick fur for instance. The problem comes when I have a situation where the hair is backlit and with a sculpt I can't get the fuzzy effect as pic related. Best I can do is to make the material translucent, but it's not the same thing. Do I have to bite the bullet and learn particle hair and grooming?

>> No.713176

no matter what you do, you will never reach the quality of real world. in fact, most if not all 3dcg hair techniques involve hacking and approximating until it looks passable.
merely. passable.
that's hardly a reference material dude.
bite the bullet and study real hair.
work your legs towards local barber.
barbers can also share alot of information on how hair behaves in general.

>> No.713177

These are some good words, but i was talking in a more objective sense. Like camera placement and angles.

>> No.713178

>insane rambling
Okay, anyone else who is not a brainlet care to answer my actual question about sculpting and particle based hair?

>> No.713179

>are those things always kept mutually exclusive as two different approaches?
Yes, I've never seen them combined.
Do learn it, also don't sculpt cloth unless you do stylized stuff, learn Marvelous Designer instead.
Both are not too difficult to learn, and they'll serve you well into the future by giving you results fast. Faster turnaround = more iterations = better work.

>> No.713217

Thanks! Yeah I'm learning MD right now

>> No.713478
File: 132 KB, 724x881, xgen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't xgen showing up? Any ideas?

>> No.713480

it's a bookmark, you may have closed it off.
you can find it in windows/modeling editors

>> No.713490

You're an absolute G my guy.

>> No.713571

Is it even possible to get nice gooey stringy fluid sim in Maya with Bifrost without it turning into individual lumps?

Any plugins that are capable of doing that, or is it bite the bullet and learn Houdini?

>> No.714583
File: 230 KB, 1074x683, i'm dying help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any tutorial for hair mesh, been struggling for 2 weeks and somehow it's feel weird

>> No.714584

for animu "Daniel Kreuter" on yt

>> No.714590


>> No.714712

click those verts at the hair tips and do Merge to Center. itll look good trust me

>> No.714727

Hey guys some retard put me in charge of modeling production in our student film and I have a question about beveling in Maya. Normally, we all use edge loops for smoothing but lately I've been noticing that shit gets messy fast. I've been beveling some of our hard edge models and I'm thinking it looks cleaner, but are there any other benefits besides aesthetics?

I've tried looking online but there's exactly 0 support for this shit and I'd like to be able to go back to my director knowing what I'm talking about

>> No.714739
File: 282 KB, 1079x674, sad hour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that part is hidden, but yeah it's look good, but somehow for other hair that i try to make it still look weird

>> No.714750

Google maya creases, you can save them as crease sets which can be beveled after subdivision.

>> No.714775

You can also consider bevel shaders if your render engine supports them.

>> No.714781

I really hope this is a joke. If not, spare yourself the trouble and just give up. You didnt even try on this one.

>> No.714782

Yeah try not sucking. There's no "secret sauce" to this shit, you just get better with practice

>> No.714849
File: 9 KB, 921x607, rope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you UV a rope?
Im thinking there should be a way to just put small piece of thexture in uv sheet and make it repeat,
i know I could put rope texture going from 0 to 1 all the way, and unwrap poly strip so it goes beyond uv sheet like in this picture, but still this i a waste of texture space, because I need to still repeat rope texture all the way through form 0 to 1
is there any better way?

>> No.714882
File: 1003 KB, 1500x1431, 1576074604166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that locked years old sticky is in the "popular" category does this mean we're in the eye of a storm of lurkers on this board? Like, hundreds of people watching while only a handful is actually posting?

>> No.714888

my guess is it's retarded phoneposters.
/3/ is probably the first board in the app and that sticky appearing first so they hit with their thumb until they reach the board they want to lurk at

>> No.714906
File: 30 KB, 995x400, cm76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I make a model i usually have excessive verts. What should I aim for in terms of optimization for game? Is there a number of verts I should aim or i specific games? Sorry if my terminology is limited.

>> No.714923

Number of polygons doesn't matter as much as the shader/material complexity, in case of pixel shaders(used basically most of not all games). This is true especially in the current generation of games. Which makes optimizing the shader more important/useful. As for the gauging the amount, you should test out how much your target rig can handle, and use that as a basis on how complex each model can get. Also, be aware of things like models with more screen-time and more close-ups being of higher complexity and vice-versa. Complexity of models should make sense.

>> No.714924

As low as you can go while being aware of a few things.
Is the gun in your face, like a first person shooter?
How detailed are the things around the gun? Is a person holding it? Is it against a wall in the background? Whatever the eye is supposed to focus on should look better quality than the stuff around it.
Show your game, or something that looks very similar to what you are aiming for so we can tell. If you are making a new Call of Duty, look at gun models from it and study, for example.

>> No.714925

>most if not all*

>> No.714926
File: 375 KB, 615x677, Capture05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be possible to mirror the UVs onto the other half to make this go by much smoother?

>> No.714929

delete half use a mirror mod.
or open the uv map mirror and overlay the uvs

>> No.714932

Thanks, here's what i've got im just learning to animate and i know a little about uv mapping. I wanted to get my gun into countner strike source or unreal engine. notice the poly count on the bottom right, i guess that's a lot isnt it? Any tips?

>> No.714933
File: 957 KB, 1844x1001, m79done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the image

>> No.714935

I've never played CS:S, but import a gun from that game about the same look/size and compare.
Anything will go into Unreal.

Also, go into Edit Mode > Select > Select All By Trait. Try all the options, in vertex, edge, and face select modes as well. This will help you see if you made any extra parts accidentally, or have leftover pieces you forgot to delete.

>> No.714937


>Upper limit of Source engine is 10.000 polygons per model. For character models try to keep it under 8k, and for weapons everything from 1 polygon to 6k polygons is fine. You really don't need anymore than 6k for weapons.
Replace polygons with tris.

>> No.714941
File: 161 KB, 315x527, Capture06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Mate.

>> No.714947
File: 312 KB, 640x632, 1556087511097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out I applied an armature modifier a while back for one mesh and not the rest. Is this a bad thing?

>> No.714962

study designs of characters you do like

>> No.715116
File: 981 KB, 2061x1218, hlep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on here? I used a brush that made parts of the skin above the boobs white, while the model stayed grey. (don't know which one or how). I tried applying a material to even it out (get the same on the entire mesh) but didn't work. The material is only getting applied to the area that was white.

6 divisions
The whole body is one subtool

>> No.715172

try to fill whole subtool with flat color material or sometheing named like that, it should reset materials applied to subtool

>> No.715174

Did cgpeers get yeeted?

Where will i go for my debauched modeling needs?

>> No.715175

it will be back,
also there is cgpersia with direct links, and gfxpeers

>> No.715176

I gave up on maya and learning Houdini now, long stringy fluids all nice and gooey.
Back to making art for my Christian minecraft server.

>> No.715178

Post your work, this is something I would love to see

>> No.715185

I have two GPUs, both gtx 970s. Only one is installed in my machine but I could put in the second one. Not sure if my 750w PSU could handle two of them. Is it worth the effort to hook it up to get double the render speed (cycles)?

>> No.715186

cant say for sure but very much doubt render speed would double

>> No.715190

they say anywhere from 1.8 to 2.0

>> No.715194
File: 243 KB, 913x367, 4h256jh56j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone go give the cgpersia guy a bj before he pulls the plug as well.

>> No.715198

fuuuuuuuuuuu right before i could nab maya 2020!! FUGGG

>> No.715202

It'll probably handle both of them, most single gpu rigs only need 400-500 watts and the 970 only draws 148 watts max. Depending on how many CPU cores you have, you might be able to have one GPU and a few CPU cores work on rendering while you use the rest of the CPU and other GPU to play games.

>> No.715205


it's up on 1337x

>> No.715248
File: 69 KB, 1252x1252, nigga what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was supposed to be state-supported by Iran, what the fuck happened?

>> No.715253


>> No.715314


Grooming is a bitch, Houdini is the best at making stuff, Yeti for maya is acceptable (but no where near as fast)
You are gonna have to spend a long time getting it to look good.

As for a hybrid approach if you want it as lighting reference, no. Quite simply the fur reflects/refracts light (depending on transmission/sss/etc) geometry does not. Even if you can get the silhouette the same the lighting won't be.

>> No.715345
File: 567 KB, 2207x1259, hlep2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painting with flat color does not change the mentioned area. The black is now painted with flat color and paint brush. Changing the material still only changes the square pattern area like before.

>> No.715365
File: 557 KB, 2052x1208, hlep3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another wild strange edge appears... I have done nothing but change materials and paint brush, and this strange ring surrounding the upper torso appeared...

>> No.715375

you are altering more channels than base color.
deselect all the channels that are not the base color in the layer properties.

>> No.715390
File: 35 KB, 545x679, hlep4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in one of these?
Second time im in zbrush with this project so i know very little about tools and UI

>> No.715418

I am looking to build a new PC, and I was looking at sites like logical increments for guidance. I think the $1500 bracket suits me fine for most of my purposes, or should I wait half a year until I can afford the $3000 one? How much did you invest on your own rig?

>> No.715419

what are planning to do?

>> No.715423


different materials in ZB have different properties, you either alter the color only and don't get that line issue or cut an flood polygroups with material such that a hard boarder is expect.

>> No.715428

Modeling, rendering (while i am off to work). I am mainly a hobbyist, so I don't expect to model the raging ocean and/or complycated clothing/fluid collisions.

>> No.715435

then go with a decent gaming pc 1.5k should be more than enough. If you buy that pc exclusively for 3d modelling I would say 500bugs is all you need.

>> No.715437


I'm waiting for pcie 4 on intel for those gpu and ssd performance boosts. Buying one now and you are paying a premium for old tech.

>> No.715439

Good call. Thanks for the advice. I will wait a while longer. Maybe something beefier comes along as well, eh?

>> No.715441

Is there a way to reamove/reset all on the subtool?

>> No.715442

Something beefier is allways coming. buyers remose

>> No.715448

What's your monitor setup like? If it's anything like mine I'd put 1500 into the comp then get a nice 1440p triple monitor setup half a year later.

>> No.715453

I have 2 monitors, an Acer(S231HL) and an Asus (VE248), both 1920 * 1080.

>> No.715459

there has been cg made over 20 years ago on crt that is better than what most 3d artists can make.
A dual screen setup is comfy a simple tablet is comfy.
You don't need 1440p to make good cg, get 1440p for gaming. You can create amazing cg on a 10yo laptop.
The only thing that needs power is rendering and a regular person does not have a server farm.

For perfect comfort all you need is a decent mouse (somthing like a logitch master is good enough) a simple tablet get at least something like a intous 5 a basic bitch keyboard, 2 monitors (don't need 1440p 0 latency gaming stuff) most important of all a comfy chair.

>> No.715468

You could add a central 1440p monitor to that setup to get lots of screen real estate on your most important screen. The guy above is right about chairs, you can get used Herman Miller Aerons for about 300 dollars, they cost 1500 new. Think of chairs like mattresses, you're in them for 8+ hours a day, so one that stays comfortable for over a decade doesn't come cheap.

>> No.715469

>Herman Miller Aeron
doesn't look comfortable desu... the most comfy chair I had in my life was the old one that my boss discarded, it was almost broken but god it was real beast, dunno what the brand was

>> No.715470

It's not cushy and soft like a lot of other chairs, but it's breathable and provides proper spine support. The most important feature of a chair is that it doesn't cause you back problems later in life.

>> No.715473
File: 1.15 MB, 2503x3730, download (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a real chair.

>> No.715475

mr. g. pls go, you are supposed to be dead

>> No.715494
File: 90 KB, 320x320, 1517096710052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.715495

Shouldnt Cities Skylikes produce some kind of an error log in a file somewhere that will tell you what's wrong?

>> No.715496

I wonder when was the last time people had this much lighthearted fun with 3D shit on /3/

>> No.715497

>inb4 /3/ was never manifold

>> No.715498
File: 158 KB, 1029x1349, screw noneucs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.715554

Am I the only one who finds the Blender viewport to lag behind the mouse? Not even in complex scenes. I open Blender, leave the default cube, rotate the viewport, and I notice some lag. Kind of as if the mouse movement were being smoothed through an ease-in/ease-out. It's even more noticeable when I use a tablet.

Am I imagining things? No other software on my machine gives me a similar feeling on the viewport, though.

>> No.715558

>makes $100k a year doing bronyshit easily

>> No.715566

blender makes your brain work faster so you perceive it going slower, software literally cant keep up with galaxy brain of blender user

>> No.715592

Like a game stutter ?
Never had a problem like that I recommend download a experimental build and see if the problem continues

>> No.715594


djthed $327 per month

>> No.715595


you can flood fill the entire tool with anything you like.
choose white (default color), choose your default/startup material, flood

>> No.715599

No, it's more like input lag. Everything looks smooth, only a split second late.

>> No.715602

Must be on your end, I've never experienced something like this with Blender.

>> No.715606

Yeah, it's weird. I searched quite a bit but couldn't find anything similar described.

>> No.715632
File: 15 KB, 450x600, 757fdfe51cf6161c8b45a5ec7feeeb84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have rigged model that's like this? Basically reference mannequin used by artists It would be really convenient to have a model to play around and use for reference like they did in Gantz manga.

>> No.715634

There's "Design Doll" for posing artist mannequins, but it's more anime. You can get realistic proportions though with it, but it takes some fiddling around. It's free (or I pirated it, it's been a while), but there's a repository of bodyshapes and poses online for it.

I think there was another thing online in the browser that was pretty similar, but I can't think of the name. SketchMe or something.
There was another online one like that but I really can't think of what that one was called. It had decent proportions though.
Take a look at mixamo for quick poses too.

I know what I said was pretty vague, but hopefully it's enough to jump off from.

>> No.715702

thank you a lot I wanted to buy one figure from fantasywalrus but ill try design doll

>> No.715745

Got a shitton of questions.
Are workflows between Blender and ZBrush massively different? If I wanted to learn sculpting characters and stuff can I just follow tutorials that use either software?
Any recommended courses for sculpting faces in particular? I've been trying to get eyes right for days but it's just not clicking for me

>> No.715760
File: 601 KB, 1440x900, topo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads, I am a total anatomylett, and I have never been able to draw people. Gave up looking for a decent tutorial for modeling a human body online, and I've had a go at it from intuition.
It's very basic at the moment, but I wanted to ask /3/ if I was on the right track so far?

>> No.715763

>Are workflows between Blender and ZBrush massively different?
Workflows, yes, fundamentals, no.
You have to differentiate between learning a program and learning how to create art.
You definitely can watch ZBrush tutorials that deal with the artistic side of it.

>> No.715765

Shits fucked mate. Only time I've ever seen somone with an upper body like that was a fat mexican on a jobsite I worked at.
Go find some reference photos (there's a thead on it) and throw them in your orthos.
You're going to want to keep everything coming from the same cube, it'll be easier.

>> No.715770

Cheers anon, I appreciate the honesty. I already did use refs from that thread desu, I guess I just need to keep trying until I get better.

>> No.715771

Stop what you're doing and learn to sculpt.

>> No.715785

I've considered this, but I can never get a straight answer on exactly when it is necessary to switch from standard modeling to sculpting. I figured a really basic mesh would have to be made first.

>> No.715815

really want to learn animation, downloaded blender and doing some stuff with tutorials. where can I get some rigged human models to practice animation? most of the free stuff on sketchfab is garbage

>> No.715817
File: 555 KB, 1030x676, spaceWitchBoobsLava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using Arnold in Maya:

Anyone ever worked with vertex color sets? Mine seem to work for a time, but then it's like the map (which I use as a mask to drive two different sizes of 'lava rocks') uses the 'Default Value' attribute of the AiUserDataColor node rather than the inputted Attribute.

(Yes, I do export the vertex data before the render, so I am legitimately puzzled).

pic related is the vertex map working properly (I painted the armpit and shoulder white, therefore the smaller rocks show up)

Next pic is my current renders, with the alpha inputs being interpreted by the default value (in this case, black, since that's the 'Default' default value)

>> No.715818
File: 586 KB, 518x897, spaceWitchFuckedUpBody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it uses the medium rocks all across the body

>> No.715821

See if you can rip stuff from source games

>> No.715827

They'd need to re rig it to get useful IK controls.

>> No.715830

I vaguely remember some tool that would rip the rigging specifically for use in blender
Probably misremembering tho

>> No.715832

I think mixamo offers rigged stuff for free download.

>> No.716257
File: 156 KB, 800x600, 676BD708-1B36-4C48-95B8-1E912EEA3261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://mobile.twitter.com/cb_0_ I’m trying to make 3D animations with some final fantasy 14 characters similar to link but no idea where how to get the models. Any help would be appreciated

>> No.716262

FFXIV textools should have working exporter.
naturally you will also need the game itself.

>> No.716263

Search for xnalara ff14 models on deviantart. You'll probably find a lot more results if you use a character's name.

>> No.716265

Thank you. I have the game and I’ll get the tools to get the models when I’m off work. If possible is there a link so I can bookmark it for later?

>> No.716272
File: 399 KB, 1277x960, imagen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any world machine user?

How do I increase a mountain height?
I tried to increase the bias and use filters but It gets clamped.

>> No.716281
File: 2.03 MB, 208x200, 1448240878281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a free anatomically correct rigged blender skeleton I can download somewhere? I've found a couple on google, but I want one with body sections that can be easily scaled according to a character's age.

>> No.716315

Rigfy use rigfy

>> No.716332

From the dope sheet click the dropdown menu and select action editor. The you can stash the current animation and start a new one.

>> No.716333
File: 119 KB, 1523x853, 25C10CB4-D73B-4013-93BF-8ED032B66EAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a decent render for my first rendering? I’ve been using blender for 2 months

>> No.716346

little fuzzy. Keep working on it

>> No.716351

Use Autorig Pro

>> No.716361
File: 929 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a model of an actual human skeleton (like with a skull, ribs, etc.) that is already rigged. I've found rigged skeletons online, but the way their joints/constraints/etc. are set up makes it so I can't scale the blender pose bones.

I guess I could rigify over a premade skeleton model, but I was really hoping I didn't have to learn rigging for something that seems like it has already been done a billion times.

The picture describes my problem with a blend file I downloaded: The skeleton model is good, but the way the leg constraints are set up causes the modeled leg bones to be unsaleable since there aren't even pose bones for the legs.

>> No.716368

Does anyone know a way to subdivide a UV unwrapped model without destroying the UV?

I want to convert a diffuse texture to vertex color but the model have too few vertexes to transfer the full resolution of the texture. If I subdivide it in most programs the UV becomes fucked up in the process and the diffuse to vertex color stops working. I've heard there is a setting in Maya that let's you subdivide without affecting the UV, anyone know?


>> No.716370

Nah, it's pretty shitty, but that's ok. You're not supposed to make great renders after only 2 months. Just keep on going.

>> No.716371


In zbrush you use smooth uv before subdividing.

>> No.716395

So I want to do Pokemon-tier modelling. What kind of specs do I need for that? I want to make a game with a large explorable ocean but the water itself wont be very detailed

currently working with fx-8350 and r9 270x 8 gb ram

>> No.716425

When you're really new to modelling (I just started the other day), is it normal to struggle with making something as simple as a wrench or a key? I've noticed I have a lot of trouble when there are like sudden grooves especially. I don't know if I'm just a moron or what.

>> No.716430

what an odd question. you started it the other day. like any activity, you can't be proficient right now. it requires some dedication and time. it's absolutely normal that you will struggle.
familiarize yourself with the package you intent to work with, look at general subd modelling tips, tricks, techniques and most importantly keep modelling. in time, you will stop struggling. usually, it takes around two weeks-three weeks to get from absolute beginner to passable.

>> No.716435


A core I5 within the last 3 years and a 1060.

>> No.716438

1060 for Pokemon-tier models?
Are you insane?
Your old computer will do fine.

>> No.716459

Use Gaea

>> No.716477

I feel like you're gonna be fine unless you wanna try to make some procedural shaders, I managed to choke my 3600 with those a multiple times, but there's also a possibility I'm retarded.

>> No.716482

>1060 for Pokemon-tier models? Are you insane?

Depends on how he is going to texture it. If he used Substance Painter then he would need that at a minimum.

>> No.716483

Question about models in games. I have noticed that when characters in games squat with their legs open, the ass doesn't look like an ass anymore, but as if it was cleaved in half by an axe. How do I keep that from happening in my own models?

On that same, note, the armpits. How do I make non-shit armpits?

>> No.716485

>How do I keep that from happening in my own models?
1 good topology
2 good rig
3 good weightpaint
4 blendshapes
5 muscle system
if you have great blendshapes you don't necessarily need a muscle system

>> No.716486

Try to get the best result with 1, 2 and 3 then move on to 4 if you need more go to 5.

>> No.716493


You cant really. You ever see how shit the rigging is in most AAA games. It's not because they don't try hard.

>> No.716500

>5 muscle system
realtime muscles are a fucking pain in the arse

>> No.716501

never tried it, but I can imagine.
If you want perfect deformation you will have to go for it.
It's most likely overkill.

>> No.716504

yea the only place I can think about where this won't be overkill would be game about pumpin iron... maybe these fap games too
still proxies and parts done with DQ should be more than enough for games imo

>> No.716531

Between Maya and C4D, which one allows for easier/faster set up of decent cloth and jiggle physics? I don't need ultra realistic physically correct sims, just nice enough looking stuff with good collision system to have as little clipping as possible.
How does C4D compare with Maya for animation in general? I always hear that Maya is good at complex rigs and C4D is good at motion design, but are there any advantages one has over another if I just want to make and animate vidya-tier rigs?
Does Arnold work the same with both of them? I've been reading the docs and its toon shader seems like something I've always dreamed about.

>> No.716666

Can blendshapes be done effectively with relatively lowpoli models?

>> No.716667

yes, how good a blendshape works depends mostly on the topology.
a character with 6 to 8k polys is probably the lowest. 30k polygons is the sweetspot where all expressions can look decent, anything above creates even better round mouth shapes (small O, big A etc).
Good topology is the key here if you are really smart about your edgeflow you can make something with 6k look good and expressive.

>> No.716668

Sry got a bit confused with another thread.
pretty much the same for corrective shapekeys but you can probably go even lower 4k is my guess before you start seeing weird sliding around of edges (in which case you would need to make inbetween corrective shapekeys).

>> No.716805

The disparity of detail between the body and the legs of that thing is intense.

I would not say this is "finished" so to say, but it looks well worth continuing.
Wear and tear, animation, an environment for that to stand in, compositing that into a photo/video...
Things worth exploring and all possible within blender..

>> No.716889
File: 125 KB, 1920x1013, i can't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been watching some tutorial video and this is the closest thing that i can get, i want to improve more, is there any recommendation link to learn about human body topology

>> No.716891

C4d is easy and fast but also shitty when it comes to simulation tools.
>are there any advantages one has over another if I just want to make and animate vidya-tier rigs?
Maya is great at rigging and animating, Cinema 4d is shit at both.
Does Arnold work the same with both of them?
It's the same Renderer, with the same features, but a different GUI.

>> No.716894
File: 233 KB, 982x523, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to this, what is causing this fucked lighting/shadows in Blender? Is it something to do with shit tier geometry?

>> No.716896
File: 507 KB, 915x858, sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me check my topology? I am trying to make a custom proxy for MH which means I will make a very low poly base before subdivision, how's this?

>> No.716898

Have you moved your light around? check the normals too.

>> No.716904

Thanks, it ended up only happening with a sun light on the Eevee renderer.

While I'm posting this, is there a general type thread on here where people can post their stuff for feedback similar to /ic/? If not what's the best way to improve and learn?

>> No.716905

In my country there is an old saying "You learn by messing up".

>> No.716907

hey anon, asking for a me, do you have tutorial vid for that model?

>> No.716908

Not really, I am going by pictures I found on pinterest and other searches.

>> No.716909

ah i see

>> No.716910
File: 57 KB, 564x463, 0b46dd0eb3d6540197eee32a3fe14aac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post some.

>> No.716911
File: 82 KB, 564x961, c53325e181aa29b52ec3ee66758f5b66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.716912


>> No.716913
File: 64 KB, 600x600, $noa_preview_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.716989

1. Enter sculpting mode
2. Sculpt some muscles on top of your abomination

>> No.717005

in my country is an old saying "Gas the Jews".

>> No.717043
File: 164 KB, 1219x786, sedojpv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baby's first base mesh please critique

>> No.717045

Looks good for segmented, you can get it auto rigged and see how it deforms, go to mixamo.

>> No.717060

very wise

>> No.717211
File: 214 KB, 1600x900, back to beauty comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know why im getting a poor multiply blend with a rawlight pass x diffuse pass theres an outline of the light pass that i just cant get rid of and my comped light pass seems more bluish than my original rgb rendering

>> No.717302
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, Untextured Chibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I'm a Blender noob. I did the donut tutorial and decided to try my hand a simple, chibi-style model. How the fuck do you do hands? I want them to be simple. The model isn't meant to be high quality, I'm sure you can tell. I just want something cartoony and simple to play around with.

>> No.717304

Sculpt them like mittens.

>> No.717385

Is it true that Blender doesn't have a
>Hold button to snap to grid
function like maya does when you hold x? Or is is a meme like the bevel thing?

>> No.717386

Alright lads, newfag time.

What data is lost when converting STEP to STL, if any? Also, how lame is FreeCAD?

>> No.717387
File: 377 KB, 925x624, rainbo4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not great, but it's progress, thanks for the support

>> No.717395
File: 666 KB, 1280x984, snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.717409

Consider doing some 2d to learn what appealing proportions/shapes are. Also there are more resources about that for 2d than there are for 3d.

>> No.717515

Hold ctrl. You can change what things snap to by clicking the little menu next to the magnet.

>> No.717541

Hoe essential is the PBR theory if I want to just get started on texturing on low poly projects? Is it something I can just pick up along the way, or must I have a thorough understanding of each model to be an effective texturer?

I figure it goes without saying I'll be missing out on some advanced concepts at professional levels but I'm wondering how important it is for getting started.

>> No.717571

Knowledge of pbr translates also to cartoony textures, making it a beneficial subject for anyone doing texturing to know.
If you have a good perception of color and the way surfaces interact with light, you don't need it.
Painting textures by hand is a valid option.

>> No.717633

So PBR designing is different from painting? I planned on just painting all my characters anyway although I do plan on having some sort of lighting in my game.

>> No.717722
File: 291 KB, 590x617, Glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets say that I wanted to make a short film
How long would you assume it would take to model and animate 20 minutes worth of footage?

>> No.717724

>How long would you assume it would take to model and animate 20 minutes worth of footage?
ask him >>714086

>> No.717730

Usually yes, most pbr textures are generated and selectively painted/corrected. You can create convincing pbr with a brush but that would just take more time.
>I planned on just painting all my characters anyway
If you do not learn about texturing and pbr your models will look shit. It's not the same as painting a picture. You should at least get familiar with normal, specs and gloss maps.
Most render systems are optimized for pbr meaning you should know what it does and how it works at least to a level where you are not just guessing how something could end up looking.

>> No.717766
File: 1.05 MB, 1527x787, uv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever have this problem exporting maps from zbrush i think im getting these rough spots because im sculpting with overlapping polys and its affecting the backface

>> No.717836

>sculpting with overlapping polys
clean up your mesh

>> No.717842
File: 350 KB, 1091x673, cabbage 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like that i meant the geometry is overlapping

>> No.717852

change the distance of the bake.
if that doesn't work manually fill the gaps of the model until you have no overlaying geo

>> No.717866

thanks for the help but moving the overlapping geometry away from each other fixed the issue even though it wasnt fully clipping i guess the normals were too close to each other to bake a proper map

>> No.717885
File: 627 KB, 3840x1040, brickwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a tiling brick texture in SD for my environment, what should I do to improve it further? The roughness and maybe the color of the bricks feels a bit off, finished Thiger's Fundamentals tutorial so I'm better with nodes but still new to making full materials. I use scale and tesselation when making it to get a sense of proportion to the heightmap but turned it off here since it'll be flat in-engine.

>> No.717987

Using Maya's HumanIK with floor contact and the single toe joint I'm using stays bent when I move the foot out of contact with the floor and it doesn't return to its normal position. Really irritating and I'm not about to be keying the toe joint back into place all the time when animating. Any ideas?

>> No.718222
File: 32 KB, 1188x717, old modeler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys quickly join these two meshes with proper loop flow? My usual way would be to subdivide the cube, delete the front face and then bridge the two by manually creating triangle planes between the closest points. I'm starting to realize that this is a severely outdated workflow and there may be better and faster ways now.

>> No.718223

can MD do simple rigid body sims? How would you handle something like a pin or badge attached to clothing?
The only way I can think currently is to sim the cloth and then attach and simulate the pin in an external program, but you lose the minor indents and creases the pin would cause on the cloth that way.
I see the zipper and button system but it seems extremely limited.

>> No.718242

Any good program to unwrap aside from the built-in tools from Blender?

>> No.718248

I need a donut guide for Maya. Maya is really cool but idk where to start to learn it

>> No.718249

Insert primitive?

>> No.718250

>with proper loop flow
literally extrude the column. Check out some beginner series on blender.

>> No.718422

I have about $600 in xmas cash - what monitor should I get for /3/ work? Something with deep blacks I assume? Everything I want to display will be shown at 24-60 fps. Will screen tearing be an issue for pre-rendered stuff?

>> No.718428

should I save up for a HDR monitor?

>> No.718432

Gnomon Workshop Intro to Maya. Use premium software, follow premium tutorials.

>> No.718455
File: 1.07 MB, 2200x726, bunnyprototype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not know if I'm doing this correctly.

Are you suppose to move each vertices by hand ( in my case, I always keep 'pulling' one vertices at a time. ) and simply adding loop cuts where you think it's appropriate to add more detail? This is for a stylized 3d model character for a 2.5d game I'm planning on making, so can't just add a subdivision modifier to make it look smoother. Despite the amount of vertices, do you all just instinctively 'know' where to resize/move etc like if you were drawing art? The biggest problems I have are trying to make eye-hole socket look good later on.

>> No.718456
File: 328 KB, 720x875, frontbunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good friend of mine drew this front reference but it kinda doesn't match the side one, which makes it distracting when I put it inside blender.

>> No.718457

A salesman would jizz himself if he heard your ignorant ass walking in saying that shit.

Spend $200 on one, 24 inches at least. Size is most important factor. Screen tearing is a factor of software not hardware.

Deep blacks? The people viewing your work are going to be using basic equipment, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.718475

... why are you doing this to yourself, anon? just sculpt it

>> No.718477

I was thinking maybe I lacked the visual skill to do it. Some videos I saw did box modelling for organic faces but I guess it might not be the best for organic materials.

Is sculpting into retopology the better way to go? Sorry for the newbie questions. I'm pretty new to this.

>> No.718479

Sketching with simple forms is fine, just don't force yourself to make it all connected and with proper topo flow. Put big forms in place, boolean join them together, then sculpt, and retopo -- it's a valid way of doing it.

>> No.718488
File: 102 KB, 849x1200, D282xFFUcAA4ZcQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Thanks.

>> No.718495

don't discourage yourself, sure there is a certain type of people who have a natural aptitude for these crafts, but visual skill is just another skill which can be trained.
if you are adamant on modelling a bunny, I would suggest turning to sculpting because it's just easier(more intuitive) to work with virtual clay blob into whatever you want, especially for a person newer to 3dcg.
on the other hand don't discard box modelling completely though, that would be a mistake, but try something simpler for a start.
I understand it's much more interesting to make a creature rather than a simple spoon, but you need to accommodate yourself with the toolset, good/bad practices and see all the nooks and crannies first.
remember the golden rule: silhouette/large form first(the model should be easily recognizable at a glance), details last

>> No.718512

I think you might find this interesting, it shows a good (and complete) workflow for characters, from modeling to sculpting / retopo, rigging, etc.: https://create3dcharacters.com/

>> No.718513

Sorry, misquoted.

>> No.718548

so you're saying that HDR isnt important? Why?

>> No.718575

How do people collaborate to make large 3d scenes/environments?

I understand that 3D software can save assets/scenes in multiple files so that artists can work on different pieces at once, but I am interested in specifics for a day-to-day workflow.

- Is it common to have a giant shared drive where files can change under your feet, and for any artist to be able to preview the "latest version" of larger scenes at any time?
- Is it common for every developer to work in isolation?
- How do multiple artists sync their changes together? Does this change if two people are both working on modelling vs if one is modelling and one is texturing (or similar)?
- Are there easy ways to meaningfully show the "diff" of models so people know what changed day-to-day?
- If I were making software instead of 3D scenes, I would use git. Does some form of "source control" and associated concepts (branching, forking, etc) exist for 3D?

I am a software developer by trade and understand the answers to these questions when applied to source code, but not to 3D assets. Can anyone help me understand?

>> No.718586
File: 59 KB, 1125x642, 1563315170307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do people collaborate to make large 3d scenes/environments?
ez, they scale shit down, work on it, then scale it back up, and it's done.

>> No.718590
File: 76 KB, 1040x440, 1559803520486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I mimic the look of these bushes from Captain Toad? looks like they sculpted in some light details and noise but I don't know how

>> No.718592
File: 84 KB, 913x1024, 1577914035390m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with the blender fundamentals playlist and I want to ask what tutorial should I look into next for modeling?

>> No.718595

>blender fundamentals playlist
what is this? Link?

>> No.718600
File: 273 KB, 1440x900, leek car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C4D bros, this is my 5th attempt at rigging a vehicle, and I run into this problem every time. I can't figure out what's wrong. I followed tutorials precisely, and still, this happens.
All wheels are set to the floor.
All wheel connectors are centered to the wheel's axis.
Everything is oriented correctly.
Yet when I hit play, one or more of the wheels always spazzes out and flies up like in pic related. It's driving me fucking crazy. I just want a spring onion car so I can drive it in Unity.

>> No.718603

Because it's got shit support on desktop and it's only really useful for TV's. No use making something in HDR for the colors to be wrong on everything else. If you want to play games on it too though, I guess, but working with arty shit I'd stray away from it for now.
HDR isn't quite a meme, as it looks damn good and more color depth is always a good thing, but right now it's not widely adopted enough and doesn't have enough support to really warrant it.
Give it like 5 years.

>> No.718612

>C4D bros
I don't think there are any on /3/.

>> No.718623

>tfw can't model anything without proper reference images

Fuck what do I do

>> No.718625


Doesn't that mean one of the frames for the animation has the wheel up there?

>> No.718648

Same thing with drawing from your imagination. Best break out the Loomis book and get to studying.

>> No.718652

>Because it's got shit support on desktop
All you have to do is enable it under windows display options

Are you saying that tonemapping is the superior answer? I tested out a 1000 nit asus hdr display yesterday and im on the fence as of it to buy it

>> No.718656

Ignore the other anons, you should be spending at least $1500 on a quality monitor for 3d work.

>> No.718663

This is the monitor, $1200. When I looked at it in the store it definetly looked great but I wasnt "blown away" like Linus was. I'm on a 1ms TN right now and this is a 4ms IPS. I dont know what to do.


>> No.718676

Not to start out. The front right wheel in my picture is up there because I clicked play, and this is how it looks when one or more of the wheels spaz out on me. To start out with, all of the wheels are level, and everything is oriented correctly. Then when I hit play to run the simulation, the wheels go haywire. In this case it's just the front right.

>> No.718677

>All you have to do is enable it under windows display options
Congrats, everything now looks like washed out garbage because the OS doesn't actually render at HDR.

>> No.718678
File: 254 KB, 1440x900, onion car 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out m8, I have no fucking clue why this happens, because as I say, the wheels are all level. The connectors are all dead-centered, and are all turned the right way. And I do all my placements by the X, Y and Z coordinates so I know they're bang on.
I just don't know, bro. I just want to make an onion car in unity.

>> No.718681


These high end monitors are a minefield. It's a total panel lottery with backlight bleeding being the biggest problem. I tired a dell ultrasharp one which had yellow in all four corners so I sent it back for a refund. I am sticking to my old dell 1440p monitor until monitor quality gets better but they honestly have no incentive with youtubers advertising shit like this for them for free. IPS is way better than TN though. It's like the Wacom vs alternatives debate in the drawing tablets sector. If you really wanted the best you would have to get an EIZO which costs like 5k. Everything else is honestly a pale imitation with Asus proart being in the middle but they have some problems too.

>> No.718682

>Inb4 add some angles
Over all it looks good, just add some texture to back hand (knuckles for starter)

>> No.718684

Wow C4D has an ugly UI, even blender looks better than this.

>> No.718689
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1575075358237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah whatever. The one thing that's universally agreed upon here is that Cinema 4D has one of the optimum UIs, so you're full of shit.
Try not to get your dick stuck in that donut, blendlet.

>> No.718700

trying too hard

>> No.718723

Visually it looks like it's stuck in 2005 on an XP. Looks like something made for kids.
I'm not arguing that it "doesn't work" just that it looks super outdated and could do with a bit of updating. You don't really need fuckhuge buttons like you're running a 480p monitor.

>> No.718732
File: 153 KB, 839x882, 1576635778729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's so stupid how they didn't need to shrink the UI down to ant size just to achieve 100% efficient usability
>dark UIs and 1080p were totally a thing on XP software bundles
>why isn't there 6 million infinitesimal buttons?
>implying I'm not using a VGA interface at 720p

>> No.718749

Good luck w those kb shortcuts, pal.

>> No.718750

>only blender has customizable shortcuts
never fails to make laugh. Blendlets are such fascinating creatures.

>> No.718794

The way I see it, it's a playlist that basically shows you what blender is capable of doing and what tools are at your disposal. Also how to navigate to different modes what the subtabs are for

I don't think it teaches you techniques, but I think it's useful to know what options you have with software


>> No.718798

This is probably a dumb question, but did any of you buy any 3D software (Maya, Zbrush, Substance)? Will I need to buy any of these if I want to do freelance work? Is there any way for these companies to find out and fine me if I use pirated software to do paid jobs?

>> No.718799

>I figured a really basic mesh would have to be made first.
You can do that, but you can also sculpt everything from scratch.

>> No.718809

Are there any easy ways to create fast color ID maps in blender? The normal method is a little slow.

>> No.718812

Fine? You'll end up in jail after Autodesk's Interpol branch will hack into your mainframe through one of your models.

>> No.718819


Yes I own Substance, Zbrush, 3d Coat, Marvelous. For models I use obj with uvs that comes from zbrush. If you need software you need to charge the company for it. They want you to be using legitimate software.

>> No.718824

Don't you also use a generalist DCC tool? I'd be surprised and curious about what kind of work you do if that's not the case.

>> No.718839

I don't believe any work you export can be traced back to pirated software.

But if you're that worried about it then just pick up a student version of autodesk products, I'm sure there's information on faking a student email on google.

>> No.718846

Any Blender tutorials on Udemy you guys would recommend?

>> No.718880

If you're just trying to get better at modeling fundamentals and already know your software of choice just watch Arrimus. If you don't know your software and need blender tutorials specifically then free stuff is good enough.

>> No.718882

>I'm sure there's information on faking a student email on google
you don't even need to, I just listed one of my favourite third world institutes and used whatever email I usually use

>> No.718906

If arrimus uses blender does that make it an industry standard?


>> No.718918

Is having internal/clipping geometry bad? I'm not sure of the terminology but for example: I'm making a low-poly laptop. At the screen hinge, the bezel of the screen just clips through the hinge rather than navigating around it. Is that a pretty normal thing to do to keep polycounts down, or should I be trying to avoid it?

>> No.718937

Is there an easy way to turn 2D sprites into 3D models?

>> No.718938

floaters are common strat, if it's not noticeable then don't bother

>> No.718940

Absolutely not. If there was, a lot of 3D artists would be out of a job, the machine would just take concept art and churn out finished assets.

>> No.718973

Is sculpting or modeling better for anime characters? I want their bodies to be somewhat realistic, should I sculpt them or just use subdivision surface?

>> No.718982

What FPS should I animate in for cinematic feel? 24?

>> No.718986

I think he means turn them into voxels.

>> No.718991

Yep 24, make sure to put some ugly black bars on the top and bottom.

>> No.719020

I apologize for this question because it's really too broad, but I'm trying to use Blender to create posed references for doing 2D stuff. I'd love to have a basic humanoid model I can scale the proportions of using parameters. Then I'd want to add various accessories on top of that and want to pose it using a rig. It'd be great if I could apply the same animations to different proportions, but maybe that's asking a lot. Does anything like that exist, or if not, what's most similar to it, and can I have some search terms to run with? I've seen people do cool stuff with the shader nodes, maybe there's a way to sort of re-proportion the model using that?

>> No.719022

You could use Make Human for basic human meshes, there is an addon for creating clothes, hair is also possible but not optimal for use within MH.

>> No.719024

I've been using Cinema 4D for 5 years now, and the only keyboard shortcut I've ever needed was the loop cut. Everything else is easily reachable with a click and doesn't add any extra time to your work session. Plus, shortcuts can be manually programmed if you so wish, although it is largely unnecessary with such a perfect UI.

>> No.719027

What I'm going for is fairly stylized, and I don't need that level of detail. More just cubes and tubes. Is there a way to, say, scale parts of a rigged model after the fact using some sort of shader node or similar parameter-based editing thing in Blender?

>> No.719032

MH has very low rez models too, easier to reshape.

>> No.719046

my computers gotten too old, cant even really play new games at a good framerate anymore and renders taking too long

3d as a hobby primarly, mostly make fun stuff and render

my budget isnt huge but not small, i dont mind spending the extra to get a bit more of a lasting performance, i dunno if theres much point int posting a budget cos im in asia and everything more expensive here anyway

main thing im thinking of spending is the i7 or i9 VS how high with the rtx cards i should go? 2080 seems like its too much for me but i dunno, would iget more for renders out of an i7 with a 2080 or a i9 with a 2060?
im really not good at computers

usually im rendering in daz, blender or doing realtime stuff in twinmotion or UE4
any advice is appreciated

>> No.719053

The new tech wasn't much of an improvement, get an i7, and a minimum graphics card of 1060 with 5gb vram. Go up to 1080 if you want but don't buy anything newer. You'll want atleast 16gb of ram as well, these applications are memory hogs.

>> No.719065

Don't get an i7. AMD is much better than Intel right now, especially for anything that uses multiple cores well. Get the cheapest Ryzen that still has 8 cores, you can overclock them to match the more expensive models anyways.

>> No.719066

>would iget more for renders out of an i7 with a 2080 or a i9 with a 2060?
>im really not good at computers
Don't you have to choose between cpu and gpu rendering?

>> No.719093

I don't know
I couldn't see higher thAn 8gb ram on the 2070s, am I dumb?

>> No.719094

>am I dumb?
Yes. You're mixing up RAM and VRAM.

>> No.719095

>I don't know
Some renderers use your gpu and some renderers use your cpu from my understanding, so if you are looking to render you can save money and only focus on one. That's what I did when I bought a threadripper 2990wx and threw a quadro p1000 on it instead of getting something equally priced to the threadripper.

>> No.719098

Which industry standard program would be most comfortable to a novice coming from blender?

>> No.719101

Probably, Maya.

>> No.719172

I have a kind of philosophical question. When you guys make a 3D model of a character, do you always have and use a 2D reference? Is it possible to make such model without a 2D reference? I'm asking this, because I'd really like to learn about character modeling, but I always hesitate, because I didn't make any 2D reference before. I can imagine going to sculpt mode in blender and just freestylin' as fuck, but wouldn't that be completely ineffective?

>> No.719176

>When you guys make a 3D model of a character, do you always have and use a 2D reference?
even with all the power of google we still can't have refs for anything, we can find something that can come close, but then we need to process and combine them into something new, no way around it
>Is it possible to make such model without a 2D reference?
it is possible but sketch def helps, it frees your brain ram so to speak because you can sketch the elements and shape in concept and don't need to keep it in mind, or worse going in blind and improvising(still ok in some cases but most of the time fails miserably and eats time)
if you want your object to be believable, there is nothing more convincing than reality itself so you will have to find refs, say, you need to make a mechanism, you need to put all these valves, hinges etc in where they would be at the very least logical, the opposite is true though don't bother going full autism, typically you don't have time for that, just quick rational think, don't just mindlessly copy. (if you do though then by all means)
unless you know the elements so well you don't need one, but even then your memories might be corrupted so it never hurts to have something.
>I'm asking this, because I'd really like to learn about character modeling, but I always hesitate, because I didn't make any 2D reference before.
main complexity comes from perspective/weird angles
while it may look daunting its actually surprisingly easy to get down into really nice ortho sketches and even basic 3/4 very fast, you DONT need it, but might want to learn it anyway, not always you will find good ref, not always you will have good concept artist, so time to become one at least partially. we can get into it mighty easier than d/ic/ks since most of the "hard" stuff is granted for us in our programs. these disciplines are interconnected too actually: the more you fly your camera around in your 3dcg app, the better your understanding of perspective etc.

>> No.719189

You probably suck at character design. If you tried drawing your character, assuming that drawing basic anatomy and so on is no problem, would the character design come out looking cool? Probably not. That's why modelers rely on character designers.

If you're a beginner and you're not confident with your design skills it's better to outsource it. Otherwise you're doing two people's jobs at once. Focus on the modeling and sculpting. You can learn design later.

>> No.719192
File: 16 KB, 567x392, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I'm learning how to use Solid Edge, and i've came across a big problem it's related to the way SE works with the planes. I have to do this pyramidal with a hole that's also pyramidal. the problem is taking making that hole. Any suggestion?

>> No.719193
File: 175 KB, 1360x768, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what i've got so far. i was able to get the straight part of the hole until it should start to get bigger.

>> No.719209

Posted many times asking for advice when it comes to character modeling. Posted lots of my attempts to do it from polygonal methods and sculpting, failed every time.
Give me the bottom line, bros... I just need to learn anatomy don't I? From scratch?

>> No.719210

Yes, learning to draw anatomy as well will help. Sculpting will also help immensely. You know what you have to do, so stop beating around the bush and do it. Otherwise you'll be wishing you had months from now instead of fucking around and avoiding it.

>> No.719212

This is pretty much where I'm at desu bro. My wife got me three books on anatomy and even suggested that I just start from the top. I've just always been way more inclined to render objects, with symmetry, regular patterns, flat surfaces etc. But now, I'm at a fork in the road where my lack of skill with organic modeling is stopping me from moving onto the next stage, and I have to tackle it. I think im gonna download z brush tomorrow and have a crack at sketching some parts of the human body.
Cheers anon.

>> No.719214

Thanks, this was bugging me for a long time and I got an answer I was hoping for.
Have a nice day, gentlemen.

>> No.719215

Yeah no worries. If you have the ability and means, taking a life drawing class would help a ton. You've got to learn all the major bones and muscles of the body, and then you have to draw them and learn how they move and flex on an actual person. It seriously helped me. Especially since a lot of it is mostly gesture and relies mostly on getting something down quickly, you're forced to take in a lot of information at once and narrow it down to important landmarks and forms.
If not, just draw your wife and ask her to pose for you, or do self portraits.
Just sculpting by itself will help too, just make sure you're learning what's what on the body.

>> No.719249

How many tris/polys should a movie/game character model have?

>> No.719251
File: 15 KB, 472x211, 375368572835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people make unique textures for LOD models? Isn't that just a waste of memory to have the extra textures loaded since the game engine will automatically use mipmaps anyway, so if the model is far away it's going to use a small version of the texture automatically.

>> No.719258

Because the models get streamed in in an reverse order - if your lowest LOD has a small texture it means it has a low memory footprint. You don't want to load all your high resolution textures if an objects just pops up at the horizon.

>> No.719291

Two totally different things because of the way they are rendered.
A movie model can have as many polygons as you please, pretty much. Because movie studios use huge render farms and have unlimited budget and a lot of time and manpower, and movies are pre rendered.
A game model is rendered in real time by the game engine and therefore has a lot of things to consider. Is it a main focal point, or a background asset? Does it move or is it static? Does it have special properties like SSS or high reflectivity?
There's too many variables to give a straight answer here bro.

>> No.719292

I really appreciate the advice, anon. I am at very least going to look through all myb anatomy books and try to draw from them, and if I am able to, I'll even try a life drawing class. I actually did one of those in my college about 10 years ago but it was a postmodern Marxist faggot teacher, and therefore there were no bad drawings. Pretty much a waste of time desu.
Thanks a lot though mate I am going to give it a good go. I was trying to take shortcuts by going straight to modeling but I see now that I must follow proper practice. Learn to draw before you sculpt, I guess.

>> No.719293

This is a two in one question, sorry.
1. What resolution does dynamesh start to look good? I notice around the beginning it tends to be very pixelated

2. Whats the best form of studying? Ive been reading some books on anatomy but i just cant seem to recreate the form no matter what i do

>> No.719341

It's a slider, scrub it left and right till it looks good. Not rocket science.

The best form of studying is trying to do a simplified version of anatomy first. Try and draw a line for a spine between 3 boxes that represent the pelvis, ribcage and skull. Go to /ic/ for book recommendations.

>> No.719400

I get what you're saying but I was just wondering how many tris would be practical for a movie character to have if you were to make it yourself

>> No.719628

How hard is it to hack together low-poly humans?
When doing vehicles it's easy enough for me to see when I've done a passable job, but people throw me off.

>> No.719643
File: 83 KB, 800x534, reference_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to model this shape but not sure how to approach it. Can anyone give me some pointers?

>> No.719653

Booleans maybe?

>> No.719656
File: 1.02 MB, 1097x883, face UVs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an easy way to fix the green line UVs in this head model in 3DS max so that everything is connected, not overlapping and is spaced right? I welded one game character's neck to another character's head so I could put the second character's head on the first character's body. The polys didn't quite match up though so the seam where I welded is a bit jagged and fucky, so there were some big open holes between the UVs that I fixed by just moving the UV verts around freehand, since they wouldn't weld together. The geometry of the head looks fine after I average normals, but the UVs look bad and leave a jagged line on the skin under the chin

>> No.719667

I am not versed in 3DSM but recently I learned how to progressively do some fixes here and there in Blender UVs, it will be tedious but just pin the vertices you want to stay in place and keep unfolding and tweaking the rest.

>> No.719674

I am trying to get assets from a unity android game. thing is that the assets are all in files without extension within folders

no obb, every file can be seen from file manager. ninja ripper doesnt seem to catch anything

any ideas?

>> No.719679

Maybe try some kind of unity engine mod tools and see if they are compatible.

>> No.719738
File: 311 KB, 708x592, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seem to have fixed it by using target-weld to get rid of the extra / overlapping UV vertices, welding each one to the only other vert it could weld to (indicated blue, usually right next to it), and then just rearranging the jagged mess left over, using a checkerboard pattern rendered on the model as a reference.

>> No.719753
File: 354 KB, 867x518, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I go for the topology references? Seems like literally everyone are doing thing their own way, especially in the video game models I've downloaded. Sometimes I just wanna close some loops but not sure what's the right way to do it.

>> No.719819

I check on pinterest.

>> No.719829

what does he hit/click at around 6:05 to expand the panel that his mouse is in to the whole viewport?

>> No.719939

Is it just me or has /3/ been taken over by a bunch of... retards in the new year?

>> No.719951

Good question. Yes, some people are finally starting a new life, picking up a new hobby just to forget all of it in a week a get back to their alcoholism and depression.

>> No.719983

Not sure what you mean exactly.

>> No.720063

Blender newb/fag here

Anyone know an efficient way to break down a large a large simple shape into many little equally sized shapes.

The idea is to take a large platform and break it down into a large puzzle so I can through it into Unreal and have each square take damage.

>> No.720069
File: 191 KB, 491x552, blender_j2FICNc8F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best way to cut this circle into this face? trying to keep good topology

last resort would just to boolean and deal with the ngons but i want to keep this optimal for subdiv

>> No.720070

I'm not that familiar with modeling but I believe you just grab a quick loop tool, cut your mesh into slices, then select the group of edges that forms the line you just made and detach it?

>> No.720108

Delete that ngon and connect the edges of that face with the circle manually

>> No.720109
File: 211 KB, 956x554, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how should it look topology wise though?
i can assume how the bits in red will connect but the other verts, im kinda stumped

this is one quarter of a final piece im going to mirror like on the right

>> No.720123
File: 231 KB, 1400x800, thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either way

>> No.720124
File: 262 KB, 1313x783, thing2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

booleans or something like this. could use smoothing groups for the side hard edges

>> No.720154

Nice. I ended up figuring it out more or less. made this video process for a friend but feel free to critique my shit methods and/or annoying voice:

>> No.720251

goddamn im retarded
ty very much!

>> No.720447
File: 326 KB, 512x657, toolbag_m4ApjjJxjw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what could be causing these artifacts in my normal?
using marmoset toolbag
almost everything else bakes fine
playing with the skew and offset doesnt seem to fix it

>> No.720452

Shade flat and then shade smooth?

>> No.720455

how do you mean/

>> No.720457

In blender at least, select all faces, right click and select shade flat, everything will look sharp, then do the opposide by selecting shade smooth, sometimes added faces in certain models become flat, also look out for double edges and vertices.

>> No.720458
File: 404 KB, 669x796, toolbag_3j0yusDIrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm just forgot to mark some edges sharp

>> No.720460

That was the other thing I forgot, yep.

>> No.720656
File: 84 KB, 900x900, 9xv46ih6-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I approach modeling this? Should I use splines, edge extrusion or some zbrush curve trickery?

>> No.720662

Where is the threshold for the low poly style you can go before it makes things harder? Also, what's the best balance between normal maps and leaning on the shader or handpainting to fix stuff up?

>> No.721169

splines probably