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710780 No.710780 [Reply] [Original]

>be skilled at art/3d modeling
>only need a few days to gitgud at certain software because i learnt fundamentals

Actually laughing at people who argue over which software is better on this board. It's time you took the ultimate path and became softwareless in your skills, only way to ascend to the next level.

>> No.710781

Very useful information, thank you. Good day.

>> No.710782

Imagine unironically believing this.

>> No.710818


So let me guess do you use Silo or do you use a better tool hence the arguments over which is the best software.

>> No.710823

>be skilled at art/3d modeling.
>only need a few days to learn a new software because of muh fundies and talent.
>laughing at art snobs that spend days working in blender when i can make the same thing in hours by using 3 different softwares that have specialized and streamlined workflows.

>> No.710827

This guy gets it

Nah I use general software we all talk about here, my point is that people here shouldn't focus on the tools, but more so how to use them in general.

I could use the worst software around and still be happy since I know what I need to do to get a final result I'm happy with. So many people here are hooked on the color of the car or what it looks like and don't know how to drive, if ya feel me.

I live it in the real

>> No.710830

>>only need a few days
Then why isn´t your Suzumia Haruchan a Zbrush sculpted, Maya animated 3D character?

>> No.710832
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I didn't say I was a pro at sculpting or animation.

>Thinking you need to do it all instead of being a pro and making a network of people who can do that for you while you're the master of your own department.

>> No.710834

>>Thinking you need to do it all
You WILL need to do it all.
>Network of people who will do
Ok, i´ll bite. Were´s your "network", Pepe? Will they model Suzuchan for you to post in a 4chan thread for free?

>> No.710844

>You WILL need to do it all.
If you want to one man army it, which is fine. Depends on scale.
>Ok, i´ll bite. Were´s your "network", Pepe? Will they model Suzuchan for you to post in a 4chan thread for free?
We all have networks, they're our friends and colleagues whom we've worked with and formed relationships with. If I desired to use up some favor points with them, they would attempt to produce Suzuchan for me, same as if they requested something from my department to be produced.

Might sound like I'm being smug, which I sorta am, but if I could extract advice from what I'm saying is, don't try to be the master of all trades in 3d, just focus on 1 area alone and be a pro at it. If you do this, you're bound to attract people from other departments who want to work along side you, like a music band. It lets you clear your mind up of not having to think you're required to be a 1 man industrial light and magic or naughty dog.

>> No.710851

>I'm just going to brag and act like I know better than everyone else even though I have no experience

>> No.710853

One day you will understand

...actually, probably not.

>> No.710863

It's hard to tell how much of the software shitposting is memes and how much is serious desu, but learning how to learn is definitely the way to go.

>> No.710972


>> No.710979

>I didn't say I was a pro at sculpting or animation.
Of course you didn´t, since you aren´t
>I-i could do it but i won´t
You wouldn´t do it if your miserable life depended on it
>I-i have a network of...
You have a network of bullshit.
Post work of your network or lose this argument like the shitstained blabbermouthing faggot you are.

>> No.710990

One day, I’ll understand what OP is talking about; being skilled at fundamentals is the best way to use any program but isn’t good enough to make a 3D Haruhi model to back his claims. Actually, probably not.

>> No.710996

The truth is, some programs are better for doing certain things than others. You’re not going to make a character model in DesignSpark, or a scenery in Paint 3D. You’re going to eventually figure out what programs best suit your needs. There are lots of all-in-one 3D programs, but then people may choose to use a specialized program for specific steps like sculpting or texture painting.

>> No.711008
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>Of course you didn´t, since you aren´t
Yes and?
>You wouldn´t do it if your miserable life depended on it
>You have a network of bullshit.
Post work of your network or lose this argument like the shitstained blabbermouthing faggot you are.

Nah not into getting doxxed here my fat friend. I'm fine with losing whatever argument you think you're in here but it's no skin off my back. Seems strange to get angry over the idea of having friends and relationships that can help your work life

I never claimed I could make that model, you placed that job on me. You seem to believe that 3d modelling can't be broken down into specific roles and you can be pro at certain departments. It's like getting mad because someone who is a pro at 2D art(could be any genre of it) isn't good at some other genre of 2D, they're still pros, they just don't need to do everything because they know that others will fill that void.

>> No.711021

I model in binary.


>> No.711043


>> No.711066

I dont do modeling, but even I can see your full of shit.
Any half-decent office doesnt work like that

>> No.711069

I couldn't agree more with what you've said but I think the reason most of the Anons are shitting on you is because this thread achieves basically nothing and you come off as a pretentious asshole putting yourself above everyone else just for not sticking with a software.
I agree with you in how useless the constant discussions about the superiority of a software are, but on the end everyone picks the program they think they can get things done easier or get a better result than using other software, and I think that even you have a preferred software. I still think that software discussions are a little bit important because in them people share how easier/optimal/etc is to achieve something using the program they chose to use, that way if you want/have to make that specific thing you will do it easier/faster because you now know the workflow for that.
I also agree that you should focus on a specific part of the process of making a model, because in big studios that is how things are done... but for people making 3D models inside their homes outside of any studio (which the vast majority of people here is doing) then it is quite a different story. You can't really rely on others if you barely make money on 3D modeling, I'd rather make models all by myself because I can't really trust the few connections I have. Everyone is looking for easy money and they make their part of the workflow simple and not as high qualityas I would imagine. I know it always depends on the people around you but for me trusting people is not really an option.

>> No.711080

Imagine being so insecure about your skills that you need to tell strangers "how good and unique you are" so that you can feel better about yourself.


>> No.711081
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I'm fine with people "shitting on me" and being a "pretentious asshole", it's no stress to me.

I agree on the workflow speeds and accessibility of certain software, but I think a failing of this board is the lack of raw discussion over fundamentals and breaking down items to understand modeling/animation/texturing approaches.
Maybe containment on certain topics like software or blender could free up the mess which is this board.
I genuinely want people here to succeed and while I know there's loads of memeposting, I think a lot of people here are hung up on things that don't matter, that being software at a beginner level. It's like people are talking about what shoes to wear before going out to even train.
Last note on that, remember when /3/ tried to make that huge anime city in 3D and got pretty far. Great times. Solid community moment.


>> No.711084

this thread is pathetic and op is very sad
imagine being this neurotic

>> No.711100

ok boomer

>> No.711140

>i can make the same thing in hours by using 3 different softwares that have specialized and streamlined workflows.
Some people do commercial work and don't want to jeopardize their business by pirating the stuff you are using.
Buying a bunch of specialized software might have a prohibitive cost compared to outsourcing or doing it with more generalized tools.

>be skilled at art/3d modeling.
Share your work and we can judge.

>> No.711144

your judgement isn't worth much

>> No.711145

ok, you are just truly shit then and you just roleplay.
gotcha fag.

>> No.711151

Just as I thought.
I guess you have one sad, depressing life, if you need to lie about your skills and have to backpedal every time your pointless bragging gets exposed.

>> No.711154

If you do commercial work in a studio and not your moms basement, there will be a bunch of software licenses that are not in use at any given time so you can use pretty much whatever software you want as long as it's not crazy expensive like Nuke.

>> No.711156

>not crazy expensive like Nuke
Nuke costs like 8700.

What kind of super specialized software are we talking about, when Nuke is crazy expensive? (A comparable MD license costs 6000)
And what kind of studio has a bunch of floating network licenses for generalists, who can then switch software willynilly instead of employing specialists and outsourcing?
Do you even know what you are talking about..?

inb4: Yeah we are like ten 3D artists running a 'marketing studio' and have a whopping three floating licences of 3DCoat! We are so professional we have like two dedicated rendering machines in the cellar with two SLI GTX680 each!

>> No.711163

I thought nuke was more expensive in the past atleast. i dont work in VFX.
Most good 3D artists that i know are not specialists that only did 1 type of work endlessly. Unless you are in an indian/russian outsourcing company. So having multiple lincenses floating around is not uncommon. Forcing people to only do one kind of work is an easy way of getting talent to leave.

>> No.711216

>i dont work in VFX.
You don't seem to work in anything related to a "commercial work in a studio", because everything you say is nothing but assumptions.

>> No.711251

I work in a AAA game studio in western europe.
I didn't think that companies letting their employees use tools that make them more productive would be so hard to believe. Have fun living in whatever third world country you are from though.

>> No.711255

Sure you do...
What's hard to believe is your idea that AAA companies use generalist with floating licenses to achieve whatever they are working on instead of having a pipeline of dedicated specialists.

>> No.711267

because you are an unemployed neet with no real life experience

>> No.711288

nice projection, but unlike you I do know the industry.

>> No.711323

No the difference is you haven't worked a day in your life in a decent studio.
So dont make claims like you know what it's like, dumbfuck.

>> No.711330

cool story bro

>> No.711682

>phd in math