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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/3/ - 3DCG

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708538 No.708538 [Reply] [Original]

What is Modo particularly good at?

>> No.708543


>> No.708547

Stop promoting your fucking shitty products!

We need some fucking janitors to ban these Houdini, Modo and other threads.

KYS shill!

>> No.708550

The fuck is your problem dude? I'm just trying to figure out what Modo is good for.

>> No.708551

Yeah, sure... Then fuck off and watch an indepth review.
This entire board is getting more and more overrun by your corporate fuckers and your
"Hello, fellow creators, let's discuss the cool benefits of this software product"

>> No.708552


>> No.708554

Do not use Modo. It's a buggy, unstable mess and you will regret having bought it.

The company does an awesome job when it comes to marketing and promotion, but nothing else.

>> No.708556

Some of the best hard surface work in the last years was done by Modo autists.

>> No.708559

Fuck off, marketing shill.

>> No.708571

>We need some fucking janitors to ban these Houdini, Modo and other threads.
Excuse me, but are you retarded?

>> No.708572


fuck off

>> No.708574

Barely disguised marketing is not an idea.
This thread is just one step away from:
"Let us list the features of this software product and copy paste our promotional material"

>> No.708575

Shitty company. Shitty business practices. Shitty software.

>> No.708576

Take your meds.

>> No.708603

Soo right! It's completely paranoid to believe a profit driven company would use public boards as free ad space to push their products...
I bet you still believe all amazon reviews are 100% genuine.
Go work for a company, you'll lean how it works.

>> No.708648
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 1541560498612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your mere Houdinichad existence breaks the mind of Blendlets

>> No.708649
File: 38 KB, 720x405, Plugin-2-'Power-Translators-Cost-£406'-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be great for normal mapping / uv mapping / hard surface modeling.

You can do organic in it, but you're mostly just going to be making a base to bring into ZBrush.

It's sort of a simplified version of Maya/3DSMax, mostly ideal for making low-poly game assets you plan on animating in something else.

>> No.708662

>It's sort of a simplified version of Maya/3DSMax, mostly ideal for making low-poly game assets you plan on animating in something else.
So Modo *is* going to die out to Blender sooner rather than later, then.

>> No.708683

That's obviously an Autocuck, you stupid Houdinidork

>> No.708688

New day new shill thread. Great.

>> No.708711

OP here, thank you. This is pretty much what I'm looking for. I am just needing something to create fairly simple game assets such as buildings and misc objects for maps.

>> No.708714

There's nothing modo can do now blender can't do faster or easier

>> No.708718

Blender is a mess, both in workflow and in its UI

>> No.708719

>t. too stupid to adapt

>> No.708722

/3/ is a board to discuss 3D software.

If you go on /vr/ and see people talking about an old zelda game, are they nintendo shill?
If you go on /g/ and see people talking about intel are they shilling for them?
You do also realise that a PR shill team is limited to facebook, twitter and maybe reddit.
In the same vibe is the Blender General shilling for the blender foundation?
Listen amir, i know this is probably your first time here since you got Clover on your zoomer galaxy s9 and picked the first board you saw by alphabetical order without understanding it. You can now safely fuck back to another part of the weebternet.

>> No.708726

more like unwilling to deal with retarded bs

>> No.708738


Lay off the meth dude, it's making you paranoid.

Why the fuck would any corporation pay their employees or even RISK being associated with the toxic wasteland that is 4chan's /3/ board? Who would they even hope to reach? The 500 people that even knows this boards exists, 95% of which are hobbyists?

At worst it's just tribalism, go back to blaming the jews on /pol/ you fucking retard>>708551

>> No.708740

Blendlet chimp out

>> No.709954

It's a bit better at modeling still, mesh fusion doesn't have much competition. You can do a lot with procedural textures as well allowing you to completely skip UV and texture painting at times.

The negatives are performance is poor, outside of the limited things it's good at it's typically behind max, blender and maya. The foundry is a rotten company, they will just keep milking existing users until it eventually dies. It's worthwhile at times if you're already experienced with it but not worth learning, the foundry buying it pretty much killed any long term viability.