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703011 No.703011 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one here who thinks it doesn't really matter that much what software you use? They are all pretty much comparable unless you are trying to do really niche things.

>> No.703013

Yes, you are.

>> No.703014

Most here just talk about software because they lack the willpower to actually learn shit and even create things in the end

>> No.703023


It does matter. There is nothing like Marvelous, Substance, Zbrush or 3d coat as they all have unique selling points.

>> No.703025

that's why I made an exception for niche stuff, just as a general program you can get comparable results with max/maya/blender/etc

>> No.703028

These are not niche and you can't get comparable results when you add one extremely important factor into the calculation - efficiency/time.

>> No.703031

If you're making high quality assets and not using Zbrush, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.703057

This. This is /3/ in a nutshell.

>> No.703058

Yes you can can do the basically the same things in them but you need to consider that the amount you'll struggle to achieve things will vary to such a degree that it matters.
Back in the day I was cross-trained on both max and maya ( not up to date how it stands today ) but back then modelling in maya was painful and clonky compared to max.
And rigging and animating in max was clonky and painful compared to maya.

The ease with which you use a tool will reflect the quality of your work since we don't have unlimited time and patience for tasks.
How well you operate per unit time is important. Can you thread a needle while wearing mittens? absolutely, but will you be as effective and will you enjoy yourself?

>> No.703090


Even though it's possible to make any image pixel by pixel in mspaint does not mean it's the right tool for the job.

To minimize time working on an asset, scene, etc.. it pays to use the most optimized network of tools possible.

e.g. Why waste time fighting with slow sculpt tools in another package when Zbrush is available

>> No.704089

If you're doing hard surface it doesn't matter at the day. If you're doing organic modeling on the other hand that's a different story.

>> No.704099

>starts software circlejerk thread #7896
Does anyone else share my super special snowflake opinion?

>> No.704106

I think like you.

Small minds talk about softwares, medium mind worklow and big ones art.

I think you can Model everything in Blender, Max or Maya.

This war about best software is just dick size comparaison.

But also I think that yes some software can make some stuff more easy and fast.

So at the end, you can use any software, but also not all are the best for some specific task.
Me I am Using mainly Blender for everything, but I will need to learn 3DSMAX, maybe I will work soon as an 3D artist in an archi-office.

>> No.704117

>states that all software is equally capable
>only knows Blender
Opinion discarded.

>> No.704254

depends on context

the fuck you wanna do son?

>> No.704268

>the fuck you wanna do son?
start my own redpilled 100 billion dollar video game and film media conglomerate

>> No.704277

he never said that tho you sperg, project more

>> No.704339
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Everyone in the industry thinks this way because once you are proficient with 3D software, you can pretty much use them interchangeably. Only NEETs bitch about software superiority.

That being said,

Houdini >>> Maya >> Blender

>> No.704361


Absolutely pleb tier. This is the opposite of the industry mindset. As a professional, the minor differences between tools become crucial, and if one piece of software is 10% more efficient at a task you will want to choose it. That is why a studio will use Zbrush for sculpting, Mari for texturing, Maya for animation, Houdini for simulation, Katana for lookdev, and so on.

The software question is different for NEET indies and pajeets like typical /3/ users, since setting up a multi-software pipeline is costly. There it matters less since the major packages all have strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.704481

Yeah thats what I said, dumb fuck. They are used pretty much interchangeably for industry level projects in that you use the best tool for the job instead of just sticking to one specific 3D program and being autisticly loyal to it.

>> No.704482

>nice try kiddo

>> No.704494

Understand that 90+% of this board's posters are clueless idiots who barely even qualify as hobbyists, let alone people who will EVER be doing any kind of formal, professional 3D work.

>> No.704497
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Results matter the most, but most people here cannot produce good results

>> No.704501

>most people here not good unlike me
really makes you think

>> No.704516

For some reason, I enjoy the smell of my balls after a whole day of work.

>> No.704518

Mari is rarely used for games in pipeline
Sculpting in zbrush is not a 'minor' difference, it's currently the only acceptable sculpter
Katana is niche and entirely project dependent, games have no use for it for example