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698536 No.698536 [Reply] [Original]

>makes a video tutorial
>has a facecam in it
when did video tutorials become so cringey?

>> No.698539
File: 406 KB, 704x1025, 1516579210308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When tutorials became a "pastime activity" and replaced social "interaction", instead of just being used as a learning resource.
I bet many people watch those tutorials just staring at the face cam and not even learning everything, but because they watched the video it gives them the feeling of false productivity.

>> No.698544

Is there a more in-depth tutorial of pic-related? I'd like to see it from a side, too.

>> No.698546
File: 442 KB, 1920x1138, hector-s-d-ors-topo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is, then I don't have it, but it shouldn't be hard to figure out what happens on the side view from contour.

>> No.698550
File: 25 KB, 440x396, 1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are rules for optimizing your "impact" on social media and even books about it, especially for Youtube.

Basically, the more you show of yourself, the more people will flock around you and your content, meaning more ad revenue. It's not rocket science, just social science.
That channel is part of the income he gets for a living so of course he goes all out with the optimizations.
You still think big channels are big by accident?

>> No.698551

thank you for teaching me that youtube isn't a learning resource anymore. but udemy also sucks. i will just stay a neet.

>> No.698552

What do the colours mean?

>> No.698554

Oh you can still totally learn really well from Youtube content if you ignore the social engineering faggotry stuff.
Often times the content even improved a lot because people did more research and better production to get more viewers. Remember when most tutorials were someone typing (and correcting every third character) in notepad while blasting soundsystem 009? Or those with muddy mumbling, barely audible under all the laptop fan noise and HDD clicking?
Those still exist to an extend but got way more rare and the production value increased a lot with people trying to make a buck with their tutorials.
Everything has pro and cons. I'd say at the moment we're still in the golden age of freely available educational resources but that might change in the future.

>> No.698567

>when did video tutorials become so cringey?
Good tutorials don't have that problem. Stop being a lazy whining fucker, and find yourself some proper learning material.

>> No.698571

It is a learning resource, you just seem obsessed by his face. If you can't do a fucking donut after his 2 hours of over explanations and hand holding, something is def wrong.

>> No.698576


Just topology edge loops. But they are shit and wouldn't deform well anyway.

>> No.698581

You missed the point.

>> No.698594

the loops look good to me
do you have an example of what good topology would look like?

>> No.698623

if this tiny hurdle is enough to stop you, neck yourself

>> No.698649
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There are some in the sticky.

>> No.698692
File: 83 KB, 387x579, 1558138438965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking agree. All NEET-celebs who use facecam in streams/vids are all narcissistic faggots. Who rely on their "funny faces" or tits rather than the quality of their art, or video

I think the worst tutorials though, are the ones that are too opinionated- when the instructor tries to tell a 10 min story that no one fucking hear or care about. You can easily summarize "the story" in objective facts; there has to be some rule where you do not use more than 3 sentences to explain why doing a certain practice/seeking a skill in fundamentals is important.

Tutorials are there to TEACH not entertain the audience. Spending time/effort on entertaining will leave out the important time that could of been used to teach the main points of the vid.

Reminds me of that shitty Schoolism video I had to torture myself through (worst is that it was the First/beginner lessons. Instructor's voice was annoying, spent a fuck ton of time telling shitty stories about his class and those wacky kids who don't know anything lol like why are they in school in the first place lmfao am i right fellow kids; If the instructor reads this, please fucking redo your videos or kys and don't bother teaching)

>> No.698699
File: 28 KB, 711x463, elbow_test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, and I agree they wouldn't deform well, but I thought that was a base mesh for sculpting
pic posted, topology is not everything

>> No.700884

is there a version with a bigger res?

>> No.700923

Andrew Price is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss I'm relentlessly.

>> No.700924

I stare at him intently the entire video and can feel his knowledge penetrating me.

>> No.701852

I personally prefer seeing the instructor, I believe it's easier to focus on the content with a facecam if someone has attention span issues.

>> No.701870
File: 1.99 MB, 394x369, 1568915315394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes tutorial video about easy facerigging and motion capture
>doesn't use a 3d render of his mocapped face as a facecam
b r a i n d e a d

>> No.701875

did you learn?

>> No.702980

you're right bro I hate well produced videos I want some stuttering ESL who says "uuh" a million times per second.

>> No.702981
File: 275 KB, 898x1024, DtrOqnaXgAAkEQ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's worse is when you have a speed making video with a facecam and the guy doesn't talk at all.

>> No.702983

Tutorials with a facecam are rarely well produced, since it usually covers part of the relevant content. Facecams are not done for your benefit, but with the purpose of attracting viewers and ultimately more revenue from third parties, not students. Well produced courses, which usually are expensive, don't have facecams or only use them sparely and non obtrusively.

>> No.702985

I just got into graphical design and this tutorial helped me a lot. Fuck you nigger.
>everything is cringe
build something

>> No.702986

Baseless arguments and supposition. Maybe post a thread with an objectively shit video and several comparative examples if you're going to make them.

>> No.703815

when he started getting popular and it stopped beinga bout money and its more about him now

>> No.703827

Hillo, dees iz raj speekink. Wellcum in blendor tutoorial

>> No.706426

For some reason I find block modeling way more cool than sculpting.

>> No.706433

Maybe because it's more technically demanding, that is, it requires more skill?

>> No.706462

>soundsystem 009
kek I am so glad those days are over