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690269 No.690269 [Reply] [Original]

>blender is just a hobbyist too...


>> No.690275

did this really necessitate a new thread

>> No.690278


Blendlets are a plague that must be contained in death camps

>> No.690285

Over Ubisoft? You're a fucking kike.

>> No.690286

SJW company virtue signaling, helping the peasant with handouts. Bread and circus.

>> No.690297

>Autocucks on suicide watch

>> No.690302

I wonder why these cockless corporate bitches have to be all itchy in da puss when they hear something good happening with Blender. lol

>> No.690303

ironic post

>> No.690307

More info on why, here: https://news.ubisoft.com/en-us/article/353364/ubisoft-joins-blender-development-fund-to-support-open-source-animation

In short: it's cheaper to contribute to an open-source project than to maintain an in-house DCC. The good thing is that they consider Blender viable for their animation work, with only the need for some improvements here and there.

>> No.690309

dude that might have been true 8 years ago but this program did improve a LOT

I learned maya and 3dsmax in university and had to work with blender at work in the past 4 weeks (cause our boss got experimental) and so far my prejudices against blender got replaced by respect, it's really very different from the "I can do everything but nothing very well"-boogaloo it was years ago

sure, maya is still better in animation and 3dsmax still better in modeling, but boy, autodesk finally gets some competition. And thank god for that, those fucks got really damn lazy in the past years

I welcome this, autodesk needs more competition

>> No.690314

These grants really seem like Greek gifts. Unless the industry is that thirsty for even hobbyists? I'm at a stonethrow of all the major studios, I should try maybe they hire Blendlets as diversity hires.

>> No.690322

>bisoft is a leading creator, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment and services, with a rich portfolio of world-renowned brands, including Assassin’s Creed, Just Dance, Watch Dogs, Tom Clancy’s video game series, Rayman, Far Cry and Watch Dogs.

>Watch Dogs.....and Watch Dogs

great job blender team! your press releases are as poorly vetted as your software

>> No.690324

I hate blendlets but Blender 2.8 feels so good to use. Epic and Ubi wouldn't support it if it was worthless as people say on this board.

>> No.690331
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yeah because Epic and Ubisoft have such great track records...

>> No.690338

Not him but software wise I don't know about Ubisoft, but Epic has a pretty good track record of pushing software to some of the best and most accessible in the industry as of late?

Are you some retarded /v/irgin who completely forgets about the industry hold of unreal engine?

>> No.690340

Sure thing Tim. How's that Epic Game Store coming along?

>> No.690342

Apples are not oranges. Digital storefronts are not 3d programs.

You're the one that brought up track records, recent events with a digital storefront really can't compare to the stranglehold that unreal engine has on gaming. For large studios your only options are either develop your own game engine or use unreal.

You only can think of the EGS and probably the death or unreal tournament for reasons that Epic is bad, and sure morally they aren't the best but no other company has this much of a stranglehold on game development out of shear power of their engine.

>> No.690347
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>> No.690350

Looks like I'll have to start buying Ubisoft games again to show my support.

>> No.690355

It's for the animation division, not games. So feast on their TV shows instead.

>> No.690356

Ubisoft still is and will forever be garbage.

>> No.690359

better than you probably.

>> No.690361

Are these faggots the Alexander Of our era?

>> No.690362
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Ubisoft has massive problem with European branch. the main staff which made them games is gone old and they ignored new generations, who either moved to UK or USA/Canada studios. They tried to collect some artists from East Europe but those work rather at home than in France.

Europeans pay 25% more for their software than US artists/creators. there is very few support from European companies and state support is working only for chosen few, whose dreams are to fuck off into USA and work there. to be honestly i am very surprised Ubisoft did not support Blender foundation already.. it would be nice also to get the fucking East European fucks into the spending boat too.

>> No.690363

Ubi is going for the fuck capitalism (dont forget Who works for them and what they think about pushing politics in games)
Epic could be investing against the Monopoly plus they appear in the news (good news because they support the ubderdog)

>> No.690364
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>Ubi is going for the fuck capitalism

Ubiis the most capitalist shit in Europe. it is literally behind many projects about copyrights and creator rights where artists were screw up. i knew whole group of french artists who tried to create something themselves without state and big money support and were screw up by laws, which were created by the UBIsoft lobby , which ended most of them giving up and moving to Canada and Blizzard.

>> No.690365
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Nothing says fuck capitalism like a mammoth corporation deciding to support an open source project instead of paying its employees and do it in-house, all in the name of profit.

>> No.690367


Ubi is running out of staff. they cant give everyone Maya and Zbrush to random students anymore because autodesk doesnt give a shit about Ubi. Trump said american first. so europeans are about to because talent resources, who be migrating to USA because its only way.

>> No.690369
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>> No.690378

Source on these claims?

>> No.690379

I think he means in France and it's no surprise. Montreal pretty much offers a deal no studio can refuse.

>> No.690397
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>The industry is (((autodesk))) shill, fuck them all
make up your fucking minds, blendlets....

>> No.690431


>> No.690448

Blender 2.8 is full of bugs even after bugfixes

Here's to your "free" communist software

>> No.690449

meanwhile literally every other company is pro autdesk

>> No.690461

That says nothing.
Ubisoft is just slightly less cancerous than EA, which in turn single-handedly ruined gaming since the late 90s.

Fuck em both and fuck blendlets for denying to suck corporate dick.

>> No.690478
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so, in the future, UBI games will not just be shit gameplay wise but also look shitty because Blunder ?

>> No.690641

If you actually read the article you would have noticed that it isn't Ubisoft the game studio, but their animation subsidiary.

>> No.690653

a company like ubisoft won't just 'donate' money to a foundation.

i suspect that they will move their workflow to blender in the coming years and for that they need an architecture that supports their plugins. and with autodesk constantly changing their subscription terms its unknown how much companies will pay in the future.

>> No.690654

read the fucking article instead of speculating, they literally said that they donated because want to have a say in how it's developed because they are going to use Blender in their video animations next year.
They came to this decision after they realised developing their own 3D modeler would take too much time, and donating money to Blender is still far cheaper than using autocucks

>> No.690682

you DO know its not even out yet, right?

>> No.690684

>want to have a say in how it's developed
inb4 they propose something the Foundation doesn't agree with, and they retire from the Fund

>> No.690686

I suppose they'll donate to get what they need like Unreal did with fbx a couple of years ago, they could hire some developpers fork and don't share shit with blender but it will be harder to mantain

>> No.690695

That would be bad. Like OTOY does, right? A fork of Blender instead of a plug-in just to interact with Octane.

>> No.690702

>epic funds blender

fucking finally. was using maya because of support for Unreal but blender is so much better to work with. if it gets a live bridge with UE4 i can finally stop paying money for software

>> No.690778

Ubi said that 2.8 will release soon.

>> No.690797

kek so much this

>> No.690800

how is this news? official sources keep saying that 2.8 will "hopefully" be out this weekend. don't need ubi fo that

>> No.690860

And we all know Maya is bug-free

>> No.690861

>Blender 2.80 is almost ready! The stable release will be available in the coming days.
I swear, it said that like two months ago

>> No.690862

>muh maya tho!
every single time
rent free as fuck

>> No.690865

godspeed, i don't give a shit. i just want good tools
i know how to use 3ds max, maya and modo and i will switch to blender in no time when it's needed

>> No.690867
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>implying you're not a mayacuck
Ok, name 3d software without bugs

>> No.690877
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>3dsmax still better in modeling

>> No.690882

Tell me of one (1) modeling feature available in Blender but not in 3ds.

>> No.690883

have you ever used anything else, blendlet toddler?

>> No.690884

>I welcome this, autodesk needs more competition
yeah, but they have disturbing habit of buying out their competiton and then killing it (remember Softimage XSI or diverse Compositing apps ?)

>> No.690886

Blender is unlikely to succumb to proprietary softwares in the near future.
>head of blender had opportunity sell out ages ago
>keeps making these speeches where he says that he doesn't give a fuck about making a profit, and all he wants to do is to make great free 3D modeling soft

>> No.690888

the license makes the prospect of buying out Blender every bit as unlikely as buying out the Linux kernel.

>> No.690890

A lot of the code is copyrighted to the Blender Foundation, so it can sell the code and the new owner can change the license. The parts that don't belong to the Foundation can be rewritten, if their license is a problem. It would take a lot of resources, but Autodesk certainly has them.

>> No.690892

>give a fuck about making a profit, and all he wants to do is to make great free 3D modeling soft
LOL you blendlets are rally a braindead cult

>> No.690897
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>> No.690902

you should probably learn to type before calling anyone else braindead

>> No.690904


>> No.691125
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oh no, no

>> No.691127

Companies do not care about seat cost, they want 24/7 first-line support. Also, no studio I worked at used vanilla Maya, it was always heavily customized to work hand-in-hand with inhouse tools.

>> No.691129

Which is why Blender is open source, companies can customize it according to their own needs.

>> No.691130

One of their common needs is to keep everything they make in-house proprietary, and they can't do that with Blender.

>> No.691151

>and they can't do that with Blender.

are you fucking kidding me? how old are you?

>> No.691152

you can't have something both open-source and proprietary at the same time you mongoloid

>> No.691191

There are workarounds with client/server models but things would be alot easier if blender didnt use gpl

>> No.691222

It's simply easier to just use Maya or Houdini for that sort of deep integration.

>> No.691224

Quick close by holding ctrl+z

>> No.691226

What? Isn't that the undo shortcut?