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File: 117 KB, 1093x1011, blendlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
688096 No.688096 [Reply] [Original]

First prototype of a #houdini modifier for #blender, allowing one to use any Houdini digital asset as a custom Blender modifier!


>> No.688102

this is sad

>> No.688108

How so?

>> No.688109

If you don't use the industry standard you're a Blendlet

>> No.688111

Houdini is godlike, but nodes for modelling are mostly so elaborate and incontinent, it feels like trying to pick flyshit out of pepper while wearing boxing gloves.

>> No.688118
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>Houdini FX
>Not the latest stable build
>Default desktop setup

>> No.688123

Until you get asked for changes.

>> No.688146

If you don't use Blender, you're an industry standlet.

>> No.688148

Blender community is so full of crazy people, there's even a mini marvelous designer.

>> No.688164

What if i use both Industry tools and Blender?

>> No.688166

That's impossible. Industry tools corrupt your soul, and Blender corrupts your mind. You need at least one to survive.

>> No.688168

There is no corruption without purification.
If Industry tools corrupts my soul but purifies my mind and Blender corrupts my mind but purifies my soul, then using both is balance. Yin and Yang.
Survival is balance.

>> No.688183
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>> No.688198

Alpha is out (https://github.com/eliemichel/HoudiniEngineForBlender)), but it's being met with initial resistance from Blender devs, on the basis of GPL restrictions: https://devtalk.blender.org/t/houdini-engine-modifier-for-blender/8218

It seems that he'll have to go for a client-server architecture, like other plug-in devs do.

>> No.688211

Is the HeavyPoly layout config a good place to get use to Blender?

>> No.688567
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It didn't take long to come across the perennial issue with Blender's licensing.

>> No.689082

i used to be a blendlet, but now that i have all the industry standard tools in my workflow pipeline, im basically an industry veteran

>> No.689098
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>> No.689311

Maybe the next thing she can cut off are those freaky looking lips.

>> No.689914

Isn't it the other way around?

Minions formed inside a government funded communist corporate college and sent to "school" the masses, shilling their products, companies and ideologies shamelessly from k12 to college.

Most fields are now dogmatic, same goes for 3d. What they learned is right, everyone else is wrong.

>> No.689916

Nah, there's no cult for a corporate software. People are eager and willing to jump to whatever software makes a job easier. Substance was widely adopted and became industry standard because it makes PBR texturing easier. If someone releases a software that streamlines rigging and animation then Maya will quickly lose relevance (which is only a matter of time since Autodesk is too complacent).

On the other hand people just use Blender because its Blender.

>> No.689921
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Blender is for hobbyists and underachievers, or people satisfied being less time efficient for the sake of winning an argument. Quite a hill to die on really.

I'm sure there are plenty of retarded folks on all softwares, some people can't stand changes and will forever be loyal to that program they feel they have mastered, and defend it blindlessly.
It just so happens that unemployed hobbyists tend to populate this board, thus Blender syndrome.

>> No.689922

it's funny because it's the opposite of truth

>> No.689929

lol, who are the ones constantly preaching about blender everywhere, instead of quietly working on their next portfolio piece?

>> No.689933

The socially anxious Blender hobbyists come on this board seeking validation, and people say there is no God.

>> No.690108

I study 3D and animation right now. We're forced to use Maya and the teachers have no idea how to operate Blender at all.
Also, Maya is fucking cancer and I'm convinced the only reason you faggots here on /3/ defend it so fervently is because you spent a lot of time and money going to college to learn it.

>> No.690111

spoken like an absolute noob with zero professional experience
which is totally ok considering you're a student
but that's still a quite foolish opinion
if you continue in that field im confident that your view will change and you'll come to appreciate Maya's unparalleled power when it comes to animation
im a 3dsmaxfag btw; just being objective about the softwares you were talking about here

>> No.690113

I hate animation, so I don't think so. Maya is a garabage heap if you use it for modeling. It's also slow and crashy as fuck.
So far I haven't noticed any difference in what Maya/Blender is capable of when it comes to rigging and animation, though. Care to enlighten me on why Maya is better for animation?

>> No.690117

olright understood then, personally I don't like modeling in Maya either but that's a matter of preference I guess. As for animation, it's been a couple of years since I've worked with an animation team but evidently it's really powerful when it comes to customizing pipelines and creating all sorts of rigs/skins/controllers that go outside the basic typical humanoid setup. It's also quite powerful to blend and transition to and from animation sets and whatnot. I'm not an animator myself so I unfortunately can't go into deep technical details, but hopefully this visual example can showcase a few points.

If not animation, what do you intend to do?

>> No.690120

That's an impressive rig for all the functionality crammed into it, but I'm not seeing anything particularly advanced here. I could make all of that in Blender mostly just by using bendy bones, shape keys and skinwrap modifiers.
What you say about customizing pipelines for studios might be true, can't say I have any experience with that, but it sounds a bit like bullshit, seeing as Blender has Python scripting and is completely open source (C#) so you can make and customize any pipeline far beyond what Maya allows for (in theory). In practice things might be more complicated or difficult, I don't know.

>If not animation, what do you intend to do?
I suppose I have to do a bit of animation, but mostly I want to make props and characters for video games. I love optimizing.

>> No.690122

also all the major professional studios use it: Disney, Pixar, ILM, Weta, MPC, Digital Domain, Dreamworks, Framestore, Blue Sky, Blur, the list goes on.

It doesn't "prove" anything, but then again if it's the weapon of choice for these top tier companies, it's certainly not crap either.

>> No.690125

It's not "crap" as in it can do what it's supposed to do, but it most certainly is crap in terms of how clunky, slow and prone to crashing it is compared to the competition.

>> No.690128

>clunky, slow and prone to crashing
not something my colleagues or I ever experienced with Maya desu

>> No.690129

Sounds like a big fat lie, desu. Anyone who uses Maya daily knows how fucking unstable it is. I've even had it corrupt previously saved files. Blender 2.8, though still being beta, is much more stable than Maya 2018 which is what I'm currently stuck on.

>> No.690131

not a lie desu, i guess we just have different experiences with the soft, or maybe the hardware is to blame, i dunno

>> No.690136

I work on a GTX 1080 and an i7 7700K, so I very much doubt that's causing Maya to literally corrupt save files.
Again, I don't believe you at all. My whole school is using Maya, we're a couple hundred students all together, and I've never heard any of them NOT complain about how unstable Maya is. The teachers also bemoan the constant crashing, especially when they're trying to demonstrate stuff.

>> No.690141
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Stability is a luxury Blender can afford, because it doesn't have the need to stay cutting-edge.

>> No.690143

I've only had maya crash on me a handful of times in about 3 years, and I've never seen any sort of corruption of files or anything like that. Also you sound like a broken record ranting about this over and over again on both /3/ and /agdg/, Theonian. How long have you been in school anyway?

>> No.690153

Blender is written in C, not C#, and you have to license everything you change as GPL. It's a no-go for big studios that may need to keep developments proprietary.

>> No.690160

Again, that proves you don't really use it much. Certainly not professionally.

C, sorry. Haven't done anything under-the-hood myself so I can't testify to any of it, but I see GPL licensing could be a potential issue for studios. That doesn't mean the software and its capabilities is lacking though.

>> No.690161

>That doesn't mean the software and its capabilities is lacking though.
It doesn't have full OpenSubdiv support, nor implements UDIM, for example. This alone forces it outside of professional environments.

>> No.690162

>It doesn't have full OpenSubdiv support
Yes it does. It came late, but it's in now. Also, there's no notable advantage to using OpenSubdiv over the old subdiv modifier.

>nor implements UDIM
You can set up your own UDIM system via nodes, or download someone elses, but yes, native UDIM support has been promised for ages. UDIMs are literally just stitched texture maps with X/Y UV offsets, so they're very easy to make manually.

>> No.690163

oh boi.....

>> No.690165

oh boi.....

>> No.690168

Well, I suppose it also supports OpenVDB, it has a nice bridge to Arnold, of course the integration with Houdini Engine is magnificent, support for FBX is not even bested by Autodesk, and Pixar is considering throwing Presto into the trash now that Eevee is doubling viewport their performance for animation work.

>> No.690170

>I suppose it also supports OpenVDB

>it has a nice bridge to Arnold
Why would you want Arnold?

>of course the integration with Houdini Engine is magnificent
Barely even started, but it shows some promise.

>support for FBX is not even bested by Autodesk
Autodesk fucking up their proprietary format on purpose with every single incremental update is a bit annoying, but currently all FBX files decently as far as I've noticed. Some rigs get fucked up, of course, but that's because Maya uses a very different rigging system from that of Blender. Just getting the bones in in the right orientation is fully possible.

>Pixar is considering throwing Presto into the trash now that Eevee is doubling viewport their performance for animation work
Why are you seething so hard?
Eevee is a very nice upgrade to Blender's viewport, but that's pretty much it. It's nice for previewing shit fast and it connects nicely with Cycles, using the same materials.
Maya doesn't have anything that compares when it comes to previewing.

>> No.690173
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>Pixar is considering throwing Presto into the trash now that Eevee is doubling viewport their performance for animation work
POUAHAHHAHAHAHA holy fuck imagine actually believing this

>> No.690174

Are you replying to your own bait with bait?
Are you retarded?

>> No.690179

>Autodesk fucking up their proprietary format on purpose with every single incremental update is a bit annoying,
Oh, it's the same blendtard that's been posting """facts""" about Blender for the past months. You have no credibility, pal.

>> No.690196

>Again, that proves you don't really use it much. Certainly not professionally.
Boy you are one to talk. You've been in school getting your gamedev "degree" for what? 5 years now?

>> No.690215
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Yo when I Decimate my .obj, it just deletes faces, it doesn't recombine them into a lower poly mesh which is what it has done for me in the past (not very experienced)

ie I can't use the result at all, full of holes


I just need a low poly penis

>> No.690220

go get some oblivion cock

>> No.690229

That's a strange fish.

>> No.690240


switch on symetry.

>> No.690244
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same thing, as with any other option

>> No.690245


install another version of blender.

>> No.690248

Shit. Could I pay you $10 PP to decimate it for me to something more mobile friendly? Not much money I know, np if you don't want to bother.

It's this one: http://makerlove.com/resources/The-3Dildo.stl

>> No.690249

copyright issues (making this for a client's game who's gonna sell it commercially) but thank you for the suggestion

>> No.690252

Can't you model a dildo? I mean.. there's hardly anything simpler.

>> No.690253

I already do prorgamming and sound design, and based on my experiences with blender, I do not want to be a 3d guy

>> No.690270
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"Based on my experiences with Blender, I do not want to be a 3D guy." -- Anon

>> No.690328

>Nah, there's no cult for a corporate software.
Which is why "blendlet" is one of the most common words used on this board, clearly.

>> No.690332

ironically, the industry forces me atm to be a blendlet and it's both really weird and fun

>> No.690336

Based on my experience with dirt bikes, I do not want to be a jockey.

>> No.690349

>the industry forces me atm to be a blendlet
How so? Is the Foundation paying you to proselytize?

>> No.690381

>Stability is a luxury