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File: 438 KB, 1214x860, Komeiji.Satori.full.1981212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
681066 No.681066 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many of you unemployed, wagies, or renderapes? Why does barely anyone here hold at least a mildly decent position in life?

>> No.681070
File: 213 KB, 1214x860, SatoriSEIGA'D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in here with us so you should know.

>> No.681072
File: 471 KB, 1214x860, NegaSatori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just checkin' on ya, don't lump me in with you.

>> No.681081

nice try evading, but its obvious as hell when you made a thread about it on 4chan.

>> No.681085
File: 106 KB, 1214x860, SatoriOil'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy you are not fooling ANYBODY. The only people that come here to "check in" are accidental drop-ins from /fit/ and /hm/ and wherever else occasionally making a thread to ask about some guy's dick size. And I don't see you asking about anybody's dick size.

>> No.681087

You played yourself

>> No.681088

Close, /sp/.

>> No.681090

Because being an artist for a career is a fool's errand. Great if you do as a hobby or side gig, but what moron actually think they're going to get anywhere in life beyond a second class citizen contractor these days? Just sell your models, animations, and shaders on gumroads and do something else for a living that will actually grant a career path.

>> No.681091
File: 905 KB, 1214x860, CorruptedSatori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently you can make a shitton of cash making porn on Patreon, but otherwise yeah, this guy gets it.

>> No.681093

Oh for sure, if anything has grown and thrived, it's the porn scene. People are THIRSTY to see their favorite characters and/or fetishes get animated, and will flock in droves to see it. I mean shit man, you could offer drawings of tits on a trash can and end up with a few hundred every month on Patreon. The US demand to censor sexuality has worked wonders for the porn community.

>> No.681095
File: 225 KB, 800x567, SurrealSatori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ridiculous, some of them make so much money, their porn account is practically a startup, like 10k+.

>> No.681097


Give me more than 20 people on patreon making a decent enough living making 3d porn. Pro tip you cant. It's all just a select few people who have been on the top for years.

>> No.681099

I'm a Linux kernel developper though.

>> No.681100

the same one that says "I'm a linux kernel developer" on every other thread?

>> No.681101

Everytime an anon asks on /3/, which is surprisingly often, as /3/ seems to have chronic self esteem issues and bad shitposting about the presumed horrors of the industry. I'm imputing most of that on the low testosterone levels prevalent in the artist community.

>> No.681102

So you just wanna make losers feel bad?

>> No.681103

Nah, it's more of a prep talk. It can't be all bad. Just do the work anon. You have a valuable skill, which your chronicly low testosterone content makes you underestimate. Better yourself. Learn to say no, and learn to be happy with yourself. I'm where I am and it wasn't easy, but I have nothing but the highest respect for what you do. If only you had it too.

Also start working out if you can. I'm told it can raise your testosterone quite well. The hormone has a tremendous impact on your behavior, you know.

>> No.681106

Define decent. What's the dollar amount?

>> No.681109


30 to 40k per year. That would be breadline in most states.

>> No.681117

>a "linux kernel" code monkey is telling 3D modelers that "it can't be all that bad"

The lack of awareness is astounding.

>> No.681119

Hey, it beats being a Blender "contributor".

>> No.681121

>Why are so many of you unemployed, wagies, or renderapes?
We're not.

>Why does barely anyone here hold at least a mildly decent position in life?
Because this is a hobbyist site, not a job site.

Nice bait btw. You actually got a few replies. Just goes to show this board is so slow, people here are so bored and hungry they'll eat the lowest hanging fruit they can find.

>> No.681125
File: 1.73 MB, 1377x675, 9l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah there

>> No.681130

This. I work in the aviation industry, but at night I animate absolutely disgusting things to vent my frustration. The world will never know who's behind it.

>> No.681132

Vent your frustration... of the aviation industry?

>> No.681137


So that's why all the planes are crashing recently.

>> No.681165

I knew the recent increase in Houdini's accessibility wouldn't come without downsides.

>> No.681198

You have no idea about the fuckery going on in big design bureaus....

>> No.681407

I am a senior VFX artist for AAA games, I make a six figures salary, I have been working for 20 years in the industry at the time my degree in 3d Costes me 27k un tuition fees.

>> No.681424

Not that anon.

20 years ago was literally when 3D was picking up steam everywhere in the gaming industry. Back then getting an art education in 3D was a much more valuable prospect since the technology was still really fresh and the market was much less saturated with juniors and pros that could work with these kinds of tools (which were also much less sophisticated and accessible than now, coincidentally). 27k isn't cheap, especially considering the dollar back then, but it was a worthwhile career path.

It's great that you're entrenched in now and you've likely got more than ten launched titles and you can float around 3D jobs until the industry either implodes from too many lootboxes or you get tired of it. But bringing up your work experience is a stupid point to make. A guy getting started today has far more competition and way less opportunities compared to 20 fucking years ago.

>> No.681427
File: 51 KB, 633x640, Boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Milkshape 3D now that was a great 3d modelling app. They dont make em like that anymore.

>> No.681443

The heck is that?

>> No.681617

>A guy getting started today has far more competition and way less opportunities compared to 20 fucking years ago.
A good artist is good artist, that's the long and the short of it. The bar may have grown higher, but it was never that low to begin with.

Young kids get hired all the time, if they're outstanding. And no, I'm not advocating for "natural talent" or "natural born genius" or whatever; talent is just where you start on the mountain, the rest is dedication, experience, and rerouting connections from the corpus callosum via neuroplasticity

>> No.681624

I work professionally as a graphic designer. 3d is just a side gig that's been pretty lucrative for me.
Spend a weekend afternoon making a scene or something, throw it up online to sell on merch, have the cash roll in from next to no work.
I've been doing 3d since way before I got into gd though. Learning all the concepts from graphic design and doing traditional art has really helped out with my 3d, and having 3d knowledge really helps with my graphic design. Clients love all those snazzy product previews and stuff.

I find myself doing a lot more 3d compared to gd in my free time though (how little free time I have). I've been doing it for years, but I'm probably not the skill of someone who had focused all their time on it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a beginner, and I'm quite experienced (I can pretty much model anything I really need), I'm just not as skilled as someone who does it for a career. I think I make up for it a little bit by bringing some outside creativity into it though. I don't really feel I'm in competition with other 3d artists since I'm coming at the medium from a different angle.

I do hope to get better, but it's not like I have any real incentive to apart from myself. I've already got a decent thing going with design. Maybe someday I'll branch out fully to 3d though.

>> No.681636

I guess a wordplay on codemonkey (i.e. someone who programs without thinking).

>> No.681700

Because its fucking hard to get a foot into the industry at my place and ive been wasting my time too much with videogames

Ill be jobless in 2 weeks, but im pushing my animation/rigging levels, wish me luck

>> No.681804

Being a "good artist" isn't good enough anymore. You said it yourself, young people only get hired if they're outstanding, you're expected to be excellent the moment you step into a company, ground-up training or little prior experience be damned. Having connections and networking is also pretty much a requirement now. One look at every company's ridiculously unreasonable job openings on artstation proves this.

I get the feeling you're being coy to try and give the impression that it's not that hard to get into the industry, but I've experienced it firsthand and it absolutely is. People are lucky to land a job in QA with a smidgeon of a chance to move onto a junior role they want. It's fucked beyond belief.