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File: 31 KB, 400x400, AffirmativeActionStreetShitterHire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
667119 No.667119 [Reply] [Original]

These people are cancer.

"video games are racist, change your entire culture for me"


>> No.667496

not too bad to be honest. just some brown dude who wants to see more brown people in video games, he's not some CEO or powerful person changing old games or anything, just one man advocating for more representation

or did I miss something

>> No.667506

There is a combined total of 5 billion dark skinned humans. Yet many games only if ever have a token black if any colored person at all. Its quite absurd considering these people play a huge role in our world economy.

>> No.667508

95 iq poster

>> No.667512

Are you countersignaling? Because this is a pretty good argument for letting indian people make games about india. As a modeler, its kind of annoying how everyone has "diversity" mood boards but this guy is sincere. Mood boards are a horrible construct that has ruined pretty much everything. All art directors use the same mood boards and make everything look the same. Wouldn't it be cool to model some fucked british raj opium fields? Or play a choose your own adventure about arranged marriage? You won't see any of these hot button topics in mood boards and it would be cool to make a game about something different. He's hardly asking you to change old games. There' more going on than just making the slightly scifi army gun shooting henchmen/aliens/demons/zombies have brown skin.

>> No.667521
File: 51 KB, 649x365, 32566b76-8d42-4290-ae48-32590d7377f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek. new topic.. incest crossing. or became royal and fight against inbreeding without to loose own power..

>> No.667522


btww. jew also have massive incest shit just to stay the choosest one in the jew folk.

>> No.667524

Retard scum, nobody is blocking them from making their own game, or creating their own companies. The truth is the majority of these immigrants are subhumans and parasites leeching and begging. They're always entitled to wanting something but never give back and i say this as the grandson of immigrants, there's a reason their home country are shithole.

>> No.667526
File: 119 KB, 1282x775, 48244250_1935329533187476_697750706051874816_o-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a combined total of 5 billion dark skinned humans.

this why most chinese, westerners and japanese are failing at game productions. the fucking blatant racism, where morons dont even get it that those people are customers and have own culture with own dreams.

>> No.667528
File: 36 KB, 572x480, 15479013662620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retard scum, nobody is blocking them from making their own game

LITERALLY they are blocked from making own games. the Indian and Brazilian game producers are blocked from 3d art schools. you are welcomed in only few schools no matter how many dollars you are dropping on them. i know a guy who had to migrate to Portugal and first then got a fucking place in London Academy. before he just got "we are full" answers.

>> No.667529

I don't care for subhumans. I make games for whites.

>> No.667530

>I don't care for subhumans.

why are you posting in this thread?

>> No.667533

Ah yes! Being blocked from first world 3d schools mean not being able to make games of course or learn anything for that matter, it's not like internet or books exist after all. Excuse always excuse from these low life, that's why they will always be low life

>> No.667534

>3d school

>> No.667535
File: 35 KB, 960x480, open-uri20150608-27674-dv3tot_96b0dbcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3d schools mean not being able to make games

literally YES. you cant find investors. you dont have contacts. no helping guy from autodesk support. and so on.. everyone literally turns away from you or just listens and steals your ideas. Indians tried the shit as their elite university offered the 3d art and game dev training. It ended with Americans stealing their best programmers, creators, who moved to California instead to stay home and to create own 3d industry.. come on. everyone knows how to get rid of the nigger kids when it comes to get the best place in the cheerleader groups. also i am aware that indians aren't really fair players either. their fucking caste and family systems are fucking hard nut everyone else never managed to knock out.

>> No.667538

>play a huge role in our """world economy"""
You mean to say, they play a huge role in economies that aren't ours.
Pull your head out of your ass.
Let them make games for their own goddamn countries.

>> No.667539

then why aren't they making games

>> No.667546

I think he's just pretending to be a /pol/tard. Trolling-wise, it's a solid choice for left-leaning boards.

>> No.667547


its hard to sell shit, when you dont have the entrance to the distribution networks.

>> No.667555

"Let them make games for their own countries" hahaha what? "Hmm looking at Japan, Nintendo and Anime, I think the best solution is to limit ourselves to a domestic market so that whitey doesnt bitch on the internet"

>> No.667559

On top of this though, you know how black artists usually draw the exact same short black kid/good guy gangsta/dindu with a white soul, and their story is almost the exact same each time? Most games that want to push diversity do only that, and act more like brown people simulators.

>> No.667561

/v/ tier thread

>> No.667569

they are making games like Elsa pregnant smelly feet and Elsa's zombie baby inspection. That's all they do.

>> No.667574
File: 349 KB, 1920x1080, FaggotCurry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how browns an pajeets move to white majority countries built by white people, and then compalin that the culture isnt suited to their liking.
Ive never met a more rude and obnoxious bunch of bastards in my entire life. Imagine moving to Japan and then demanding they change their enitre culture and media to suit you, a minority group. Rude as fuck.

>> No.667576
File: 49 KB, 640x566, MUTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]