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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 387 KB, 1088x612, 3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
662689 No.662689 [Reply] [Original]

why can't they just use the middle mouse button + shift/alt/ctrl etc to orbit the damn camera?

>> No.662699
File: 290 KB, 600x600, get_a_load_of_this_zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm not a poorfag or a Zoomer

>> No.662731

Have you ever actually used one?

>> No.662734

I got one as a prize at a 3d competition. I've barely used it but it's kind of neat to play with sometimes.

>> No.662745

Nobody actually uses this shit.

>> No.662747

Bretty neat
Actually used one when I was a modeller.
>why cant just mouse
why not just gently yank and twist the knob in one stroke to issue BOTH translate and rotate movement instead of wasting mouse clicks?
when you move your head around IRL do you orbit first, pan, and then track to whatever you want to look at or just move there directly?

and if you gather stats on every input given to the PC majority of them is viewport control so this device saves you lots of clicks.

But u better git good with them marking menu tho, unless you have 3 hands.

>> No.662750

>Wasting mouse clicks
They aren't finite you know

>> No.662752

They will give you the nasty lil carpal tunnels and RSIs though.

>> No.662754

Actually a mouse is only rated for so many clicks before the switch dies.

>> No.662765

For normies.
I have the same mouse since 2003 for home and work, every switch "died" several times over the years and just got easily "revived" by cleaning the slightly corroded contacts inside them. Also has the 5th cable on it.
When you found the perfect mouse, you keep it forever.

>> No.662767

I work with stylus, i don't touch mouse like at all,
but I'm sure this is really good tho..

>> No.662769
File: 54 KB, 375x396, oh_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not just gently yank and twist the knob
sure anon, that's what you just love to do

>> No.662773


>> No.662775
File: 14 KB, 441x400, 612JoXr3IyL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, get the cheaper non meme version

>> No.662779

This is even worse. Nobody fucking uses this shit.

>> No.662786

which is the meme behind 3d mice?

>> No.662799

I do, a lot.

t. industrial designer

>> No.662819

just to move the viewport or anything else?

>> No.662822

Mouse clicks take time, and time is finite.

>> No.663056
File: 31 KB, 245x245, huh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, my easily-impressed customers love it when I orbit around their products.

>> No.663058

I'm certain this is no jest

>> No.663061

Why do I get the feeling that this thread was made because some youtuber made a video about that ancient spaceorb controller from the same patent

>> No.663070

Not him, but there's something mesmerizing about the way orbiting looks when using a 3D mouse.

>> No.663180

tfw no need to animate for presentation.

>> No.663460

It's a luxury item. That is actually helpful.

>> No.663489

It's often this way but I made the thread because I remembered them and saw to my surprise that they still get sold and seem to go well

>> No.663882

I was given one of these at work, and I thought it was pretty difficult to learn.

I'm sure if I tried for longer, it would eventually save some time, but it didn't even work with most of my software out of the box.

My boss does a lot of CAD stuff, and he loves it, so maybe more useful for that industry.