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File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1500, blender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
656235 No.656235 [Reply] [Original]

previous: >>653430
Question? Ask.
Made something? Show.

free textures for your projects:

>> No.656238

sauce on OP:
>Anyway, this guy can probably poop very fast.

>> No.656241
File: 32 KB, 393x404, yeaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.656265

>blender 2.8 still doesn't have udim support despite the patch being submitted and accepted month ago
thanks ton

>> No.656267

>laughs in dutch

>> No.656270

But it will have it on release, won't it?

>> No.656275

When are we gonna get more grease pencil documentation?

>> No.656279


They prefer to focus their efforts on useless shit such as a pbr renderer and a grease pencil, while the important 3d tools (uv, retopo) are left in the dust.

And don't get me started with addons you blendlets, if the devs stop supporting them you're screwed.

>> No.656289
File: 15 KB, 340x221, dv1940020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go again with the retopo autist.
in the previous thread you made a stir about retopo and uv tools which we agreed upon. now you come back and shit things up again.
we literally don't care about your warped UV's and inability to extrude without a visual guide. we already explained to you (in detail) how you can avoid warping and how to do re topology in an efficient manner but you choose to ignore. there are SEVERAL uv and retopology plugins that come stock with blender.

iv been there dude. i had textured on shit UV's before, i have made shit retopo attempts but i never got to the point of me blaming it on the tool. because it only takes 1 person to do it right and then everyone can learn from that person. which you failed to do. if you want to stick with 3ds and maya go ahead but don't shit up the thread just because of 1 functionality you deem unacceptable.

>> No.656303

Yo my dude, that anon isn't me. And no, you guys didn't explain anything to me (that I didn't already know), and in fact I was the only one that was listing out the additional addons (Retopoflow, BSurfaces, F2). Nothing about UV addons was discussed, but if you really want to know TexTools (popular addon for Max) exists for Blender too.
For the record, there were only two anons in that entire conversation, you and me, then Witch Dev came in at the end, making it three in total. And no, I don't actually use Max nor Maya, pretty sure I already stated that my main DCC of choice is Blender, I'm just well-aware of what the other packages have to offer.

Anyway, like already said, if you want to keep this shit going, throw it in the old thread. Otherwise, ignore and move on because the conversation's at a good point to end.

>> No.656307

No. They say it might get added in 2.81 but nothing concrete.

>> No.656308

you mean the new grease pencil or the old one?

>> No.656459

New grease pencil.

>> No.656462

How do I make mist crawling along the ground like this?

>> No.656469

I haven't used blender since about June 2016, when I took an entry level modelling/animating course.
Have there been any major changes that I need to learn/relearn?

>> No.656480

It sucks less.

>> No.656525

some cool stuff i found on market


>> No.656540

I did it, I finally did it.
gfycat / ExhaustedCapitalCowbird

>> No.656552
File: 449 KB, 3840x2160, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First character, sculpting took about a minute.

>> No.656553

thank you for sharing your journey with us

>> No.656554

I'll make a tutorial soon but first I need to watch a tutorial on doing that.

>> No.656555

>And don't get me started with addons you blendlets, if the devs stop supporting them you're screwed.
Fork the code and diy

>> No.656556

But yes, lots of old addons should be integrated in the core program like looptools, bsurfaces, sculpt tools etc....

>> No.656594

I got you
>use unregistered hypercam
>play music during the tutorial from youtube stock music playlist
>don't pick music that goes together, just pick out what you think sounds the best
>make sure its just louder than your voice
>make sure you are either Indian or some sort of south american/eastern european
>record in 360p
>upscale to 480p
>don't bother using screencast keys
literally every fucking person on youtube except the ultra popular guys

>> No.656640
File: 706 KB, 1920x1080, octopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon again >>656469
What are some exercises or activities worth following to help get back on the horse?
Pic is the last thing I remember making.

>> No.656646

model something,texture it,compose,render.
you can start with glass of wine,chess Pisces,candles etc. all of these give you excellent refreshment in every field of 3D

>> No.656712
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, Ooohbanana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just downloaded 2.8 and fucked around with it for a bit. It's pretty good, I live the new design, but I wish they didn't fall for the flat monochrome meme with the icons, they were easier to identify with colors.

>> No.656749
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, p.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.656751
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, water.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.656781
File: 25 KB, 461x449, blender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having some trouble and don't know what to do or what to look up. Created two separate meshes and put one on top of the other but I get these weird parts from under sticking out and not sure how to fix it, removing doubles didn't do anything

>> No.656810
File: 364 KB, 1152x648, SCHOOL0770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make sure you are either Indian or some sort of south american/eastern european

Either that, or type your instructions into notepad. And be sure to make lots of typos.

>> No.656841

i don't see anything wrong

>> No.656842

What do you blendlets think of a /3/ collection of addons for Blender? Where we'd share all the addons and shit we own with each other and for open usage, since redistributing anything made for Blender technically doesn't violate the GPL. I own HardOps and I'm willing to share, but I'd like something in return too.
Also, what kind of platform would be best for something like this? Was thinking GDrive but I'm not sure how airtight that is in terms of anonymity.

>> No.656845

we can open a discord. i have autorig somewhere on my hard-drive

>> No.656849

I don't think discord would be ideal. It's not really anonymous for starters, and the 8mb size limit could be an issue with bigger addons. Plus, we'd likely just end up with a dead server.
Also, do you _own_ Auto-Rig? Not that already having a copy isn't bad, in fact it's still great, but actually having people that own the products mean we get to keep them updated with their new features/for new versions of Blender.

>> No.656857

discord is just for the discussion, it can help people operate the addons and get help, might the /blender/ discord.
as for the downloads, we can just use gofile or tinyupload.


>> No.656861
File: 26 KB, 589x559, BLENDER 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its supposed to be flat on top but the bottom object which is separate is causing that awkward curve. I for the life of me can't figure out how to fix it or what its properly called.
Pic related is what it looks like on its own, but when put on top or merged I get the round ends like in the first pic

>> No.656872

it can't be flat on the curve because the pipe is not flat itself.

>> No.656927

how do I get rid of noise?

I definetly used to know how to do this but I can't figure it out, you increase passes or sampling or something right, right?!

>> No.656928

Increase sampling or turn on denoiser, also you can clamp rays.

>> No.656946

Quick question for my fellow blendlets. Am I the only one who can't stand that Blender Guru guy? He seems competent enough, but damn is he obnoxious.

>> No.656948

>He seems competent enough
seems is a good way to put it.
he seems professional to newcomers and mediocre artists, but once you pass the threshold of being a newb then you truly see how much he suck.
he haven't released any notable artworks, he is just some guy that is mildly decent and does tutorials very well.

his tutorials look spectacular because all the textures that he uses come from people that work for him. the only thing he does is setting up shaders and model.
his model is very disingenuous, its like he is forcing you to use his website.

>> No.656951

>his model is very disingenuous, its like he is forcing you to use his website.
Yeah, I noticed that too.

Another thing that bothered me is how his 'example' render always looks much better than the final result from his tutorials, which seems fishy to me. Like he's withholding information on purpose.

I think the only useful tips I got from him were the Shear function, and the basics of the Principled shader back when it was first added to Blender.

>> No.656952

You're not the only one. Highly agree with >>656948.
A lot of Andrew's stuff is incredibly surface level, he doesn't do anything interesting like the other "odd personality" Blender tutors do (Zacharias with his sculpting, Gleb with more specialised node stuff, etc. etc.). So he ends up being perfect for beginners. Once you start to really sink your teeth into Blender though, you realise he's just a fairly generic artist that managed to win the YT lotteries.
That's not even to talk about his "addon business".
>buy my pack of hdr- uh i mean _skies_ for a billion dollars now!!
>you can do all of this if you just pay for poliigon with mommy's credit card wink wink
I'll admit that the stuff that he caters is of good quality, but there's something about the way the marketing's carried out that feels very scummy when contrasted to Blender's whole motif of "it's for everyone".
Outside of his content, I guess his cheery demeanor mixed with that Aussie accent gets to the nerves occasionally. I don't mind it personally, not like I've watched much of his stuff anyway, but I can see how it'd bug people.

>> No.656954

both Zach and Gleb actually do good work instead of just pretty donuts or building walls.

>> No.656956
File: 12 KB, 480x360, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect for beginners
No, Tutor4u is perfect for beginners. Awdrew's stuff was still a bit hard to follow for me back when I started learning.

Also I can't stand Gleb's accent, but I'll admit he does some really good work.

>> No.656958

Mhmm, which is what I said. They delve deeper into what Blender can do rather than just hovering around donuts and anvils.

Perfect for beginners in the sense that that's why so many people use Andrew's stuff as their start. Not necessarily in the sense that it's actually perfect for beginners.
Gleb's accent and his humour makes me want to crush my head between a sweaty powerlifter's thighs, but yeah, his stuff is pretty good once you get past his personality. He shills pretty hardcore for Poliigon sometimes though.

>> No.656960

i usually recommend people to explore people like oliver villar or MrSorbias. those kind of tutors utilize 95% of the functionality within blender without using too much external stuff (if any).
cg-geek and cgmasters are cool too, but their tutorials are for intermediate students

>> No.656987

Is there some sort of blender cycles material repository or database? I'm not too good with cycles materials, id much rather get some materials pre made and then touch them up myself than make some from scratch. I need some plastic and fabric mats, which are a nightmare to make

>> No.656991

Why 2.8 loves to crash randomly? Like, there isn't anything specific that it would make it crash surely, it will literally happen from just anything, just by looking at it it will crash. Does it have something to do with memory?

>> No.656997

I got it to crash almost consistently when editing shaders while in LookDev or Render view. Specially when dropping a node between two other nodes.

>> No.657001

just follow a youtube tutorials. save it and re-use
plastic mat is the easiest from what i remember

>> No.657045
File: 385 KB, 1044x496, 2018-12-21-1545349135_1044x496_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, that's some lovely animation stuff


>> No.657046

friendly reminder to report crashes.
that's how 2.8 gets forward.

>> No.657068


Can you pirate this shit anywhere?

>> No.657098
File: 257 KB, 591x394, andrew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.657100
File: 2.77 MB, 1488x2280, NAZITOMI2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this render just now with Eevee. 2.8 is simply amazing.

Also, here's the timelapse

>> No.657105

There's a "Cycles Encyclopedia" book out there, but I don't think it's very up to date. May still be useful, though.

>> No.657106

I can't believe it... Doesn't the guy have eyes? ffs.

>> No.657107

>timelapse finishes just over 2 minutes in
>rest of the time is just anon staring at obs while his music plays

>> No.657122

>I previously thought that skin looked the same across the whole body
What the fuck...

>> No.657123
File: 1.01 MB, 2560x1400, blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 2d animator and I was wondering if someone could help me answer this:

I want to make a 3d object by drawing 2d around the sides.

I figured out that the way you can do this and have the brush makes sense is by using the 3d cursor.

I am able to select and plan the 3d cursor, however I am unable to see where Im placing it in this view as it appears to be invisible for some reason.

Switching over to a new file the 3d cursor is available in modeling mode, but not when im in grease pencil mode tab.

Any way I can make it visible in this view?

>> No.657128

Since blender guru and tutorial type folk have come up, any opinions on that borncg fella? he seems to go into a decent amount of depth.

He's kinda either too fast or too slow at times, but he seems to get into a lot of details with blender that I haven't seen others discuss in a direct tutorial sense. To my remembrance, he doesn't go full shill like blender guru.

>> No.657129

highly recommend for beginners, especially for the first 10 lessons.

>> No.657132
File: 283 KB, 540x540, untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob desu. Any alternative for glass shader for eyes? I don't want realistic refraction of iris on cornea, it's going to be a stylized character. I forgot the video on youtube that showed how to do that.
Also I am a poorfag so suggest an entry level bang for the buck workstation gpu. I only have an i3 8100 in my potato crate.

>> No.657152

What do you guys think of Oney's blender streams?
youtube com watch?v=5pkhvukiiFM

>> No.657162

Idk what happened there. The.flv file OBS spits out seems to have its seeking completely broken, and ffmpeg did nothing to fix it when creating the timelapse.

Anyway, sorry I wasted your time anon.

>> No.657170

Don't use the glass shader anon. Use the principled shader instead, and dial down the roughness until it looks good for you. In my experience, having the eyes at maximum glossiness looks a bit weird, so I normally keep the roughness value at 0.1 or something. Also make sure metalness is set to 0, obviously.

Alternatively, you can experiment with a high roughness for the base material, but with a high clearcoat value, which in turn is set to low roughness.

If that's still not what you're looking for, search youtube for a toon shader tutorial, maybe that'll work better.

And since you`re going for a stylized look anyway, why don't you give Eevee a try? It renders much faster than cycles, and it'll give your toaster of a computer a break.

>> No.657172

not him, but as a beginner should I just rely on principled shader and adjust the nodes to fit any texture I need?

>> No.657175

>should I just rely on principled shader and adjust the nodes to fit any texture I need?
I'm far from being an expert, but yeah, I'd say so. The principled shader made most other shaders obsolete. Nowadays I only use it and the transparent and emission shaders.

I shat on the blender guru guy a few posts up, but his video on the principled shader is decent enough, I recommend watching it.

>> No.657181

I feel like I should add: the main appeal of the principled shader is not so much that it is "simpler" to use, but rather the fact that PBR materials have become the industry standard due to their accuracy when rendering materials under different lighting conditions, and how they look consistent across different 3D software and game engines.

>> No.657182

I never thought it was simpler. I thought that the more fine tuning available made it more flexible.
thanks for the writeup. its appreciated and interesting.

>> No.657199

How do i add displacement with the principled shader? Step by step or tut me, please. The other tuts out there are unsatisfactory. I want this done in the node editor in 2.79

>> No.657200

Some (not many) people complained about the total dominance of PBR, missing the old techniques in engines like Mental Ray which offered more "control" without shaders corresponding to lighting physics. Typically these methods ignored GI for render speed. These days, modern render engines give you a pile of extra features that ultimately give you more control than you had before PBR.

>> No.657208
File: 127 KB, 1537x697, 2018-12-21 23_13_35-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are several ways to add displacement with nodes. the most common way is to add black and white textures directly to the displacement input in the material output node.

but if you want to do it through the principled shader, you can add a bump node to the normal output and control the height.
colorramp/vector curve - allows you to control the expression of the bump
math node - allows you to control the intensity and expression of the bump. these two are essentially the same, but one is visual and the other is numerical. the only difference is that color-ramp allows you to remove certain expressions from the bump map.
you need minor amount of light and reflection to harness the potential of height mapping.

>> No.657212
File: 721 KB, 1344x720, sumo santa WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with something. I'm trying to sculpt this thick boy for an upcoming project but I'm having trouble figuring out how to do the fat folds. I tried using the crease tool but the gaps usually ends up looking too wide and unorganic.
Do you guys have any tips on how to sculpt this kind of thing? (Also, any comments on how the rest of the model is looking compared to the sprites?)

I think they're pretty fun so far. Great timing too, I just got back into blender recently and I learned a bunch of neat tricks from watching him work.

>> No.657214

wish he'd use 2.8, other than that it's pretty fun to watch

>> No.657215

lower the crease brush size and up the resolution

>> No.657216
File: 1.21 MB, 750x844, blenderguru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah I know exactly what you're talking about (pic related)
>almost every tutorial he has that isn't for donuts requires pro lighting skies
>an hour long tutorial on how to use his grass plugin
>then theres his not an ad ad
He even lies in the the video about how hard it is to work with hdris. Once I realized how much of a joke he was I stopped watching him. Too bad if you have ever looked up blender ever on google you can expect youtube recommendations of loads of guru videos. I just can't escape his smug stupid face.

>> No.657218

by the way the thumbnail shots are made by the artists he employs.

>> No.657219

>but if you want to do it through the principled shader, you can add a bump node to the normal output and control the height.

sorry, i mistyped. I mean, can't you just connect a texture 2d to the material output displacement slot? I have to add a subdivision modifier - is that all there is to it?

>> No.657233

>is that all there is to it?
yes, that's literally it.
there is one more thing tho, the displacement modifier which allows you to displace mesh in real time

>> No.657235

He really is the fast food of Blender tutorials. Fuck you Andrew.

>> No.657246
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Eevee renders still look like Source Filmmaker stills

>> No.657247
File: 802 KB, 857x934, akko_crying2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use Blender 2.8
>it crashes

Why is this acceptable?

>> No.657248

>Why is this acceptable?
because it's still in beta?

>> No.657249

That's what they said about Fallout 76. You can't fool me twice.

>> No.657250
File: 860 KB, 600x1000, Momiji Corset0001-0035.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, I've seen Eevee stuff that looks unbelievably good. I guess it's just my shoddy work that makes it look like SFM shit.

Anyway, I'm mostly using 2.8 to make videogame characters fuck each other, so I don't really care for photo-realism. I do however care for render times, which is a problem Eevee completely solved for me.

>> No.657274

"You get what you pay for," he says about free HDRIs. Heh. Somebody should fork his add-on, repackage it with all the images from HDRI Haven, and put it up for free.

>> No.657317
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x1080, untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally forgot to switch over to principled shader.
I want to switch to 2.8 but the stable version will take so long to release. I have several questions about 2.8, is it beta or alpha release?
Can I import 2.79 projects to 2.8 or vice versa? Because something broken in 2.8 will be a pain to deal with.

I rendered the eye with 512 samples but still its noisy and dull. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.657319

Turn on the denoiser?

>> No.657349

yeah the only way i could notice it wasn't SFM was because the volumetrics weren't complete shit
well ask blender for a refund then :)
also desu i never had much of an issue with 2.8, it rarely crashed and it usually was because i was dicking around too much with shaders
although i think it's having major performance issues, modelling with subdiv and texture painting is slow as hell and nearly non viable because of that

>> No.657350

>I want to switch to 2.8 but the stable version will take so long to release. I have several questions about 2.8, is it beta or alpha release?

Blender 2.8 is currently beta. Meaning it's feature complete, but buggy. Last I've heard, the proper release might still happen before Q2 2019, so we're just a few months away from it.

I'd say download 2.8 and start messing around with it. See if you get used to the new functions and user interface. Then if you're comfortable, do the switch. You can have both versions installed, so it's not like you have to commit to one or the other at this point.

I'd say the only downside for 2.8 at the moment is the lack of tutorials. Things are different enough to make some 2.79 tutorials a bit harder to follow if you're on 2.8.

>Can I import 2.79 projects to 2.8 or vice versa?
I had no problems importing files from 2.79 to 2.8 other than having to tweak some lights and materials when switching to Eevee. It was fun going through my old files and seeing how they look under the new renderer. I only tried 2.8 to 2.79 once and it sort of worked. But I wouldn't trust it.

Either way, make sure to save your 2.79 files in 2.8 as a COPY, just in case.

>I rendered the eye with 512 samples but still its noisy and dull.
How many light sources are in your scene? The reflection in the eye makes me think you have at least 5 area lights, is that correct? If so, try reducing the number of lights to just one or two. The more lights you have in your scene, the more samples you'll need to reduce the noise.

Also your eye probably still looks dull due to a lack of things to reflect. Try loading up an HDRI and see if you get a better result. Studio HDRIs are good choice for this sort of thing. You can get some good ones for free here: https://hdrihaven.com/hdris/category/?c=studio

>> No.657353
File: 873 KB, 1080x1080, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, fuck, sorry for the reddit spacing, idk what got into me. Here, have a shitty version of your eye, rendered in eevee.

>> No.657357

This anon here >>657172
i've created this tripcode just so I can ask dumb beginner questions and people will know i'm genuinely just retarded.
should I continue learning the basics in 2.79 since its what I am currently comfortable with, or does the fact I am so new mean its better to just pick up 2.8?
how does eevee compare to cycles?

>> No.657360

well lemme try answering that.

2.8 is designed for new users because of the new buttons on the sides and stuff.
its functionality the same as 2.79 but with evee and the new grease pencil.
if you know alot of blender hotkeys, you can use both 2.8 and 2.79. personally i haven't switched yet because i don't need evee and im well versed with how the hotkeys work.

iv used 2.7 for so long i don't think ill get used to 2.8. so for me the switch seems odd.
>how does eevee compare to cycles?
evee uses physically based rendering and materials similar to have unity or unreal works. the difference is that cycles rendering is slightly more accurate because it uses raytracing. it shoots light rays from the camera into the scene so the light bends more accurately and the shadow quality is better. however in some conditions evee is just enough because only basic shading and lightning is needed (if its a single asset or a quick animation)

>> No.657361

>or does the fact I am so new mean its better to just pick up 2.8?
I think it's better to start with 2.8 or you'll have to re-learn a number of things like shortcuts and such.

>> No.657362

>should I continue learning the basics in 2.79 since its what I am currently comfortable with, or does the fact I am so new mean its better to just pick up 2.8?

That's a good question, and I really don't know. Switching to 2.8 took some adjusting for me, I'd say around 12 hours of messing about until I was mostly comfortable with it. See if you can find any beginner tutorials that use 2.8, since the beta has been out for a few weeks, there should be a few popping up on YouTube. Assuming you find some decent ones, then yeah, drop 2.79 and start learning on 2.8.

>how does eevee compare to cycles?
For me, Eevee was a game changer. Granted I mostly only render vidya women in compromising positions and other non-photorealistic stuff. Render times went from hours to minutes. The animation I posted here >>657250 took 2 minutes to render. In cycles, my aging rig would've taken at least 10 minutes per frame. So yeah, I'm sold on eevee.

>> No.657363

Alright, I will do that.
So I should use eevee when I'm wanting to render things with flat-er textures such as stylized, non-realistic objects; As opposed to cycles which I should continue using for rendering things closer to how they would look IRL... right?

>> No.657365

You use Cycles if you want better and more accurate lighting, Eevee if you want fast renders and can tolerate things such as emissive objects not really emitting light. Photorealism doesn't really matter, you can achieve stylized results in both engines.

>> No.657366
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Well, don't get me wrong, Eevee can produce some near photorealistic results. It just lacks that extra push to make it lifelike as only Cycles can. Good news is that materials are pretty much 1 to 1 between Cycles and Eevee. So you don't really have to commit to one or the other.

>> No.657394
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, untitled7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyeball anon here. I tried eevee and its great. I started using blender 2.79 from past 2 months and after using 2.8 I think I should switch to 2.8, i guess i have to learn new shortcuts now.
Okay while doing the glass ball I had to change some settings - in render settings i had to turn on 'screen space reflection' and in the ball's material - 'screen space refraction' and 'refraction depth', had to google it. But now that i changed this setting to get my desired result will this affect other parts of the model in future because the render settings is global if i am correct.

>> No.657397

that blanket on the couch looks like shit

>> No.657399
File: 2.93 MB, 1545x2159, sonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the same

>> No.657404
File: 565 KB, 1838x1009, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eyeball anon here. I tried eevee and its great
Glad to hear anon. Here are a few more eevee tips I learned recently: You might want to turn on 'Contact Shadows' under each light's setting. It enables self shadowing and can really help your models 'pop'. Also, in the materials tab, make sure to change the 'Blend Mode' option if you're dealing with transparencies, switch the modes around until you find one that suits your needs (though I guess you figured out that one already).

Lastly, not so much of a eevee tip, but more of a blender tip in general: you can set up Blender just the way you like it and save a new startup file. That'll spare you from having to enable those rendering options every time you start a new project. You can do that by selecting File>Save Startup File after

If you're curious about my settings, here's my startup file. As well as setting up a basic camera with a focus target, I've also added a couple of new tabs, one of which is dedicated to collection management which I found to be really useful when dealing with large files with lots of objects and layers.

>> No.657434
File: 280 KB, 595x433, niggawat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time render 5 seconds
sure, why take 5 minutes instead and have a proper good result when you can shit it out in no time, call it a day, and go brag on the chan about your superior Blender

>> No.657442

95% of people wouldn't tell the difference, and you can render animations without waiting for ages.

>> No.657449

>95% of people wouldn't tell the difference
never a good reason to level down and cut corners...

>> No.657462
File: 6 KB, 318x159, retopoflowlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RetopoFlow by the CGCookie crew

Any of you using the 2.0.2 version from GitHub? If so, do you have any issues with it? Straight out of the box with v 2.79 (2017 Sept), I'm unable to do a few things. Specifically:

Contours: Unable to change the # of cuts on an existing selection.
Polystrips: Unable to resize existing quads
Relax: Just... doesn't seem to work at all, lol.

Watched two different tutorials from July on v2, but iunno, just wondering if the GitHub version is bugged or incomplete compared to the Blender Market version.

>> No.657466

check the current version on the blender market, and follow the change log

>> No.657470

Time spent rendering is time spent not practicing. It's a different argument if you're actually producing something that you want people to look at, but the overwhelming majority of people here are amateurs developing their skills.

>> No.657484
File: 165 KB, 639x462, 1466474807488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda agree, but I'm still convinced that even if you're just practicing your skills, you still need to be able to produce final proper results at least once in a while and not cut your process short before it's the best you can make out of it. Accuracy and details in the lighting and surfaces are so important in rendering that I don't see how one can be satisfied with 5 second noisy, flat, and badly anti-aliased images with zero compositing. It's okay while working, but not for final images or anything that would have any remote potential as a portfolio piece.

Rendering overnight or whenever else doesn't impede a learning process at all and can allow you to spot mistakes and things to fine-tune further in your work that you wouldn't have caught otherwise with a low-res quality bar...

>> No.657497
File: 56 KB, 500x431, 1245153929786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I previously thought that skin looked the same across the whole body
This is the same guy that made a video on "The Secret Ingredient to Photorealism."

>> No.657501

He's kind of a clickbait specialist but he's not a terrible teacher, he's a lot better than some russian drunkenly sculpting dwarves while muttering half english half entish into his mic while eurobeat plays in the background.

He's one of those guys you out grow quickly, but still check his channel now and again to see him point out new things that get added to Blender (that you'll then google to get the real info on)

>> No.657502
File: 575 KB, 1600x1640, what thew fuck is happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need urgent help!

Suddenly, upon exporting this model as FBX into unreal 3, the model becomes a jumbled, incomprehensible mesh! I have no idea how this happened or how to get it to export normally? It used to export perfectly before, then this! and i don't know what's causing it! I don't even know how to look up this issue, hence why i'm asking you guys. Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.657503
File: 237 KB, 1600x900, proof this usedf to work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just proof that this used to wrwok before, now (upon UV unwrapping) it's completely borken. Did I unrwap UVs wrong?

>> No.657504

>No, Tutor4u is perfect for beginners.
He's good if you want to almost literally paint by numbers (like the most "do this without really understanding why" tutorials) and get a feeling for what's possible with Blender, and then go do Price or Lynda (steal the tutorials) and then come back and redo his tutorials and you'll understand the HOW of the teddy bear / procedural cracks / procedural soccer ball / etc you just made

>> No.657506
File: 1.48 MB, 960x540, drone2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you mean, though personally I always preferred tutorials that get straight to the point, like tutor4u often does. Don't spend 10 minutes showing the whole interface and what which button does, just tell me how to make that damn mug and I'll learn from that.

Tutor4u took my blendervirginity and I'll forever grateful for that. webm unrelated.

>> No.657510
File: 57 KB, 460x460, aypKq0M_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the master of blendlets is the most retarded of em all

>> No.657511

this man makes me very uncomfortable

>> No.657513


This is only natural for the master of retarded software to be retarded himself.

>> No.657554

>users of other software claim that "blendlets" are the worst, yet fill 50% of the thread exclusively dedicated to Blender

>> No.657566

What is the deal with the blendlet stuff?
Is it just a matter of blender being open source/free for anyone to use (as opposed to other programs like maya that need a license) that it has created an us vs them dynamic and exclusivity?
something like "blender is easy to use and free so any shlub can use it such as brainlets. UNLIKE ME, a sophistocated and refined [x] user"
With that in mind, I take "blendlet" to be more of a meme to generate reactions, than people actually believing in it.
Am I more or less right? I am new to 3d modelling so this is just what I have hypothesised based on a couple weeks on this board.

>> No.657568

Like all memes, there's no authority to actually answer your question. Poe's law would state there are some people actually taking it seriously.

>> No.657571

It refers (or referred) to people who whiteknight Blender. The parenthesis because nowadays /3/ just throws that word at anyone who even touches Blender.
There's this rabid community of Blender users that will claim Blender is the perfect software, and while it genuinely is perfectly capable, don't get me wrong, it really can't do everything the way they'll claim it can. Mix a little 4chan mememagic into that, and it spits out the word "blendlet".
Honestly, just ignore it. It feeds a lot of the stupidity and negativity on /3/. Some people stoically believe in it, some people detest it, it is pretty much a (You) generator at this point.

>> No.657574

>What is the deal with the blendlet stuff?
autodesk users are the equivalent of people that believe steel guns are more reliable than polymer guns, and that toyota land cruiser is the most reliable car ever made

>> No.657618
File: 3.37 MB, 2005x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon i remade the eye in 2.8 but I can't fix this fading effect of pupil on cornea. Any solution?

>> No.657632

Perhaps try increasing the render samples to something like 216? Or maybe switch the blend mode to alpha blend or additive/multiply. I'm assuming that's a 'double layered' mesh with a transparent material on top, right?

>> No.657638

It's facebook refugees who came from the fappening who think console wars are the language of 4chan

>> No.657640

I see blendlet as a rather inoffensive term, part of the usual "4chan banter" and not unlike terms like 'sonygger', 'newfag' or really any variation of xfag. If you're offended by it, you're using 4chan wrong.

Blender is a good software, specially now that 2.8 is out. But it is flawed, and some more focused commercial applications are arguably better for certain workflows. Not to mention that knowing them makes you more employable, meanwhile with Blender... I also think Blender gets a lot of flak because due to its ease of access. You see a LOT of beginners making beginner shit and post it around, so people associate the program with those crappy renders you see on DeviantArt or whatever. You can make profressional looking stuff in blender, it just takes time and practice, as it does with any tool.

>> No.657644
File: 117 KB, 504x625, Annotation 2018-12-23 192547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse from sides. Yes it is a double mesh, as a doubt I tried using only a small part of the mesh as cornea but the result is same.
Only if there were more 2.8 tutorials.

>> No.657648 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 772x857, Annotation 2018-12-23 193726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed the refraction depth but I lost refraction, I want to keep the refraction. I tried changing the blend modes but result is same.

>> No.657649
File: 121 KB, 772x857, Annotation 2018-12-23 193726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed the refraction depth but I lost refraction, I want to keep the refraction. I tried changing the blend modes but result is same.

>> No.657653

I'd say you've hit one of the limitations of Eevee. The new renderer is nice for getting your scene as whole to look convincing with minimal rendering, but for more intricate light interactions like that, cycles would perhaps be better. Then again, depending on how you have your lights and materials set up, you could still have to deal with high noise and 'fireflies' with cycles. Guess you'll just have to experiment. Don't give up on Eevee just yet though, there are still tons of settings you can try tweaking to get your model to look nice.

One last thing: do you plan on using the eye for a character, or is it just a study? For most practical applications, having the eye as a simple textured sphere mesh is already good enough. Maybe a normal map to add some depth to iris if you really need to.

>> No.657654

Hmm, can you put your model on catbox so I can take a look. Again, I'm no expert, but perhaps we can figure it out together.

>> No.657655
File: 29 KB, 450x345, karatetiger06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.657656

20 seconds in and I'm already cringing.

>> No.657666

Imagine the people at the studio after Price left. "Yeah the publicity is good I guess, but geez, that guy really was annoying."

>> No.657667


wait, there are tiny shadows under some elements now in the blender UI?
that's actually really neat :3

>> No.657669

My guess for the fading is that whatever comes through the glass object looks jagged. Look at >>657394 the white sheet above the monkey's head looks jagged from the glass sphere.I am noob so I don't even know where to look at to try and solve it.
I am thinking to sticking to cycles because of many tutorials but damn eevee is so fast.
Yes I plan to use it in a character, I saw most of the models use this type of set up so I thought I should follow that.

Here's the file https://files.catbox.moe/050bxw.blend

>> No.657670

Dark theme was blinding me so switched to light. the file is 2.8 only.

>> No.657675
File: 488 KB, 540x540, anon eye cycles 800samples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cycles it is then.

I did notice one thing about the way the materials interact with the model: I could only get the eye to look right with the 'Reflective Caustics' option enabled. Caustics in cycles can be really expensive to render, and it often introduces noise and fireflies (i.e.pixels that are extremely bright and look out of place). A common tip among Blender users is to disable both caustic options unless really necessary. You could try tweaking the Filter Glossy setting to mitigate those issues, but I'm not really familiar with it, so you should do some research on your own.

Still, there might be a way to model the eye in a way that circumvent those issues. I'll get back to you if I ever figure something out. In the meantime, I'd recommend broadening your horizons and trying to model different things. Maybe start on your character's body, or try to create a random object or prop. That'll teach you new modelling techniques and what works and what doesn't when it comes to materials and lights, knowledge that you can later apply when working on your character's eyes.

>> No.657677

Yo, another anon here, I've fooled around with making eye materials in Cycles before.
>I could only get the eye to look right with the 'Reflective Caustics' option enabled.
This is expected. Layered glass in Cycles just looks like ass when you don't ask it to calculate any caustics.
>Still, there might be a way to model the eye in a way that circumvent those issues.
If you want refraction of the cornea, likely not.
The only thing I'd recommend is to just use denoising. Don't clamp anything in your scene, it can fuck with quite a lot of other aspects regarding light. Denoising kills fireflies pretty easily if you don't mind a bit of muddiness from a noisy render.
Additionally, just keep in mind that the eye is a fairly small part of your model. Unless you're doing frequent close-ups, there's no real reason to be that concerned over how the eyes look.

>> No.657686

Is normal baking broken in 2.8? All I get are grey shapes in place of the normal maps.

>> No.657730

dammit Andrew stop touching everything this is why we can't take you anywhere.

>> No.657735
File: 197 KB, 446x401, 2018-01-31-1517388707_553x521_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there were some homoerotic tensions in that other interview video he did

>> No.657738
File: 371 KB, 1920x1080, look_near_keyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to tell your employee actually has a penis and even might waste time at the work place
(I left a hint)

>> No.657742
File: 29 KB, 107x271, 2018-12-24-1545611160_107x271_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why do they have Slavic curse words on a whiteboard?

>> No.657759

Because fuck you, that's why.

>> No.657761

Just your average blendlet

>> No.657765
File: 412 KB, 1140x1080, new_sculpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this done so far today, character for a game I'm attempting to make

>> No.657768
File: 46 KB, 575x1024, DubBMAbWsAE05-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, do you not know what a human looks like?

>> No.657769
File: 148 KB, 896x662, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, it looked better before but blender fucked it

>> No.657770

Grab a book on anatomy and start studying.

>> No.657772

>I can't draw good pictures because pens hate me

>> No.657780

ay waddup fodcom

>> No.657807

Have you seen him drinking from a bottle? I think hes Autistic or has Ass bergers. Im not sure, some of his critique stuff is terrible, I remember one video about a critique of a coffee shop and he said "why is there a hammock in the corner" it was blatantly a canvas chair suspended from the ceiling.

>> No.657866
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x1080, conejo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

un conejo

>> No.657870
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, 1493821546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*reading this post*

>> No.657921

ok so i'm following le donut tutorial, and when the option comes to reducing the number of segments/resolution of the torus, I can't find them in the 'Transform' submenu.

Since I'm using the 2.8 beta, this is expected, but where the heck is the box to change the amount of segments or the major/minor radius? I've been getting along so far with the new changes at least, but I'm having trouble just finding it.

>> No.657922

try pressing f6 right after you place the torus

>> No.657948
File: 91 KB, 815x611, cancer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks m8
i haven't got any content on this machine, so have a good cringe

>> No.657993

Any configuration for 2.8 that streamlines modeling and makes it faster out there?

>> No.658021

Hey i want to make some seriously low effort porn posing.
Where the fuck do you actually find backgrounds for "scenes" or whatever you'd like to call them.
Trying to find a hospital background makes me want to commit genocide.

>> No.658025

I mean, I'm thinking on getting heavypoly (vaughan ling)'s one, but am not sure. I don't know if I like the idea of using scripts and menus customized by someone else.

>> No.658026

Daz. Just "acquire" one of the premade scenes.

>> No.658029
File: 945 KB, 1538x789, 2018-12-25 23_53_01-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are so many people that want to do porn in blender nowdays. maybe i should start giving private lessons to pornfags.

anyways, if i got really lazy i would do it like this. make sure to change to the 'world' tab in nodes

>> No.658041

What's the best tutorial series for a complete beginner wanting to learn to create just geometry (characters, props, scenes, etc)? Specifically focusing on getting good at geometry first; textures, lighting, animation, rendering can come later. I ask because it always seems like tutorials try to cover everything at once.

>> No.658050

Backflip, somersault, roll animations
How do you stop the armature from trying to full retard-rotate 360 degrees back into place, before the character did crazy ninja shit? I did it once but don't know how.

>> No.658059
File: 46 KB, 632x302, tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew is great, sky is pretty much the same everywhere except those very few spots, joints, and the more intimate parts. Besides, who gives a flying fuck about this level of realism except the cancerous bunch that ultimately end up using Daz?

>> No.658063

imagine posting such bait during the festive season

>> No.658064

>who gives a flying fuck about this level of realism
Professionals, especially in the film industry.

>> No.658066

Hi Andrew!

>> No.658090
File: 44 KB, 512x512, 1528966297289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuuuck
never change, blendlets

>> No.658091
File: 15 KB, 553x351, 1456109054979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having so many extra chromosomes

>> No.658102

Ok this is really sad.
I mean how non-observant can you be? Haven't you looked at a mirror or at other people closely? Ever?
Was all your whole life sitting in front of a computer screen?
What the fuck.

>> No.658110


>> No.658143

There is a setting that will prevent the smoke from rising. Put the wind in your scene and you're done.

>> No.658178
File: 209 KB, 1579x583, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As you can see in this model, for the bangs this dude uses simple quads and then plays with the opacity to make detailed bangs.
How do I achieve this? Do I just need to draw the textures normally or do I need to do something in particular first?

>> No.658179

It's called an alpha texture, my guy.

>> No.658210

Noob here.
How do i move a multiple parts of an object, in this case a head, at the same time while in edit mode?
I have eye, eyebrows, cornea, iris, teeth, hair, etc and want to move themm all together as one unit in edit mode.
Parenting doesnt seem to do anything.

>> No.658212

Could someone please tell me how to make good lighting for a car headlights or tailights in eevee? I can't seem to get it right, without the emission shader it's a lot harder.

>> No.658213

hover with mouse on particular part and press 'L' to select a link. hold shift and keep selecting
i didn't use evee yet so i don't know. good question

>> No.658216

Do you mean a part of the model in the viewer or part of the model in the scene menu, because i cant make either work.

>> No.658217

scene menu? you mean the outliner? no.
i mean 3D viewport.

>> No.658218

You can edit multiple objects in 2.8

>> No.658219

Alright, so i enter the edit mode, hover over part of the head, press L, nothing happens, i repeat that for the other parts of the head, the hair for example, and nothing happens.
Then when i move the hair, nothing aside from the hair moves, i.e. it doesnt work.
Am i too retarded for this?

>> No.658220

why dont you just make edits, swap to object mode, move all the pieces together, then swap back to edit?

>> No.658221

My goal is to fit the head of one preexisting model, to the body of another preexisting model.
However the head of model A consists of face, hair, iris, eye, eyebrow, etc
So when i try to put Model A's head and model B's body together using the vertex snap thing i've found here:
I've realised that i can only snap the backpart of the head onto the body, not the entire head (even the backpart doesnt snap properly, i'll have to fix a seam anyways).
So if i do snap Model A and B together, i end up with only part of Model A's head snapped onto B's body, while the majority of A's head is still floating around.
And i simply dont have the skill to properly align and snap together smaller parts, such as the eyes or eyebrows, so they look proper and dont clip.

>> No.658223

You need to adjust the objects origins.
But first you need to spend maybe 10 or 20 more hours doing basic tutorials instead of trying to skip ahead to "the things I really want to do"; it just doesn't work that way.

Alternatively you could watch any of hundreds of tutorials on "blender head hacking" or "blender mesh modding", swapping heads onto different bodies is incredibly common in XNALARA / XPS

>> No.658230

Aye i probably should do that.
Probably wont though.
Thanks anyways my man.

>> No.658244

>Am i too retarded for this?
no.. it should work.
sounds like you made some common beginner error.
start over, and provide pics next time.
adios amigo!

>> No.658245
File: 34 KB, 334x393, 1347995584869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The absolute state of Cycles users

>> No.658246
File: 2.86 MB, 1000x1000, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Film industry
Wew lad.
Unless you've been asleep for some years, the movie industry has absolutely low standards. Skin pores are the least of their concerns.

>> No.658247

*laughs in PRMan*

>> No.658249
File: 444 KB, 490x1063, 1p0qu9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me complete this

>> No.658251

>Blender Game

>> No.658253
File: 190 KB, 490x1063, asyouwish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go

>> No.658264
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, big man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first blender render

>> No.658276

post your art

>> No.658281

A cutie:) if i was girl id step on dik

>> No.658290

Just select them and mov... Oh wait, this is a Blender thread. Nevermind.

>> No.658298


>> No.658302

Can you post just a screen cap of the scene without the render? If this is what Eeevee does for 5 seconds I will download Blender just for that render.

>> No.658314
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1500, untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you post just a screen cap of the scene without the render?
I can't, I got that image from google just to illustrate my point, no idea who made the scene. For the record, I do think that the 5 second render claim is bullshit. If the guy had a cutting edge workstation then maybe, but even then the 5 second time would only account for the actual render. In my experience, syncing the scene objects and textures is what makes up for the bulk of render times with Eevee. Pic related took 12 seconds on my old ass computer, and it's not nearly as detailed as that render.

>> No.658328

Anybody else having trouble getting video textures to update in eevee? I tried loading a webm with 'image to plane' but it only moves in cycles.

>> No.658333

If you are using 2.8, you are going to have problems with literally _everything_

>> No.658338

Thats still impressive. Im just tired of wasting so much time on rendering, my PC is crappy as well. Dling Blender. Thanks anon

>> No.658372

see >>658090

>> No.658373
File: 57 KB, 227x226, 1466478552954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record, it's not Blender that makes it fast, it's the fact that it's using a real-time engine to produce your image, which is something you could do with a shitton of softwares nowadays

>> No.658381
File: 3.01 MB, 1623x1995, render man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a lot more work on him this morning, fucked up his hands but i think i did a pretty good job

>> No.658382


>> No.658386

give him a dick

I know you want it anon

>> No.658388
File: 207 KB, 692x534, no ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ass to speak of
>no hole
>no cute underwear

What a joke

>> No.658391
File: 3.94 MB, 3441x2160, alien boy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried that but I must be really shit at using the sculpting in blender properly cause it always just looks like the polygons are imploding in on themselves, anyway i just found out that blender has a denoiser as can be seen in pic related but it doesnt look that great, probably gonna turn up the sampling to 1000 like i did last time

>> No.658392
File: 369 KB, 675x355, pathologic odong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.658396

Yeah sure but I wondered if it was a bug/limitation or if I just wasn't doing something right.

>> No.658436

What addons do you use and what would you say is essential to have?

>> No.658441
File: 1.81 MB, 1296x1947, me when someone say the n-word.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one for the night, gl with you guys modeling

>> No.658443

what do you intend to create? what is essential will vary depending on your intentions.

>> No.658445

Porn of course. I got jiggly bones addon and it helps a fair bit but with a recently upgraded rig I may change all this to soft body simulations instead.

>> No.658454
File: 355 KB, 1200x675, saucewave3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 3rd? project, howd i do?

>> No.658455

i haven't really tried my hand at truly realistic glass shaders but i've watched all of this and found some interesting tidbits about faking dispersion and caustics, maybe you can find a way to implement that hoping it wouldn't bring fireflies and such, although messing with geometry nodes and shadow rays might bring a whole new bunch of problems, who knows


the bit about fake caustics starts at 24:22

>> No.658466

What is that program he uses at the start? The one that layouts a bunch of images on a huge canvas? Seems really useful.

>> No.658473

pretty sure it's PureRef

>> No.658478

how do i stop these dots of one side going off center while i cut or subidivide the other side?

>> No.658557

>look at me talking out of my ass what the film industry wants
>i am clearly a employed person in the field of said film industry and not just an asshole on the interwebs

>> No.658559
File: 294 KB, 826x1139, bust front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

topology practice to get better at faces

>> No.658560

why yu play babi games, why not play shüt?

looks really cool my dude, binyot will be happy to receive this

>> No.658585
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, random.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix random checkerboards when rendering in eevee in 2.8?

>> No.658620

Thanks so much anon !

>> No.658637

downlod cinema 4d

>> No.658675

>Blender can be used as a video editor
>The playback is laggy as fuck

>> No.658676

>>Blender can be used as a video editor
Download DaVinci Resolve free,

>> No.658678

>registration required

>> No.658686

Sure you can use a 10minutesmail and a fake name, the program doesn't have a login

>> No.658709
File: 2.45 MB, 1869x2160, pokeabby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took a model from a game and edited it, learned a lot about BONES

>> No.658710

>edited it
It looks like shit

>> No.658712

ye i know gonna try making my own next time, i started doing this stuff like 3 days ago

>> No.658769

how do i do hair /3/?

>> No.658771

there are four ways to do it.
1.sculpting the hair directly, from a random piece of mesh
2.doing hair curves, with 'curves', its a copy-paste method to get hair done quickly, however the downside is that yo have to avoid mesh clipping when placing the hair.
3.planes/cards. this is the most common method used to make hair for video games, and the hardest. you need special alpha planes with transparent background that have images of hair stands. placing the cards can also be challenging if you don't have xgen or fibermesh.
4.actual 'hair'. this method relies on the particle system and its the best one for realistic hair. mostly used in offline rendering. and its actually fun to put on, as there a brush that lets you comb the hair

>> No.658773
File: 947 KB, 3158x1604, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s pretty simple actually, I just use the original hair mesh in wireframe mode, then put this “on top” of the scalp and then I make the hair strands match the mesh. This makes an almost perfect match to the original hair.
I really like how this guy does hair,can you explain a little bit more detail please?

>> No.658775

what he means is. he used wireframe mode to 'trace' the original hair and make new hair ontop of it. just like drawing around your hand.


>> No.658776

hm blender make thing seem so simple huh
is this method good for performance,I mean if i made a mod for a videogame

>> No.658777

no it isn't.
the original hair that came with mercy is better for performance.

>> No.658778

mercy is pretty

>> No.658784

i feel bad because i know someone is going to destroy her 'innocence'

>> No.658805

>implying Mercy came out of the studio still "innocent"

>> No.658835
File: 15 KB, 280x200, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to model and furnish a room. I'd like to move the camera around to get different angles. Each angle should show a bit of the ceiling, floor, and adjacent walls and furniture like pic related. I want to build everything to scale as much as possible. The problem is I'm getting distortion changing the focal length of the camera to fit the shot. So I tried moving the camera outside the room, but that requires me to keep all the walls on separate layers and disable the wall I want to "look through". Any suggestions?

>> No.658870

I've watched a lot of UV unwrap tuts and I get how to do everything in principle, but when I come to actually unwrap my model, I can only get it to line up with the texture after an insane amount of manual labor. Is there a way I could click on a few polygons and map them to parts of the texture, and have blender fill in the rest of the unwrap, leaving me to just do the tweaking after I've got the landmarks down?

>> No.658877

Pin vertices where you want them on the texture?

>> No.658880

Create more seams? I've read your post several times and I have trouble understanding. Maybe paraphrase or add some pics. Good luck, bub.

>> No.658882


>> No.658883

What's the deal with applying rotation, scale, etc.? I can usually tell when I need to do it - usually some modifier is misbehave and the mesh looks garbled - but I don't actually understand the mechanism behind it. My best guess is it has something to do with local coordinates. Like...the mesh is rotated but not the object, or maybe the other way around. It seems since there's no way for Blender to know what side of your mesh is facing up after rotation, it needs to be applied to say "this is indeed the proper orientation of my mesh".

>> No.658885

Yeah, the seams that turn your mesh into islands.

>> No.658887

Anyone have a tutorial for a basic looping background animation?

>> No.658915

Say I'm unwrapping a human model. I put my seams where I want them, making islands as I see fit until everything looks good. Then I hit unwrap.

I'm now looking at a giant mess of whatever blender has decided is the right shape to put the unwrapped polygons in.

Now, I can look at a polygon in 3D mode, and be like "Ok that's going to be on the breast, this one will be on the navel, these are the knees", and so on.

But if I try to move the 'knee polygon' into the right place on the texture, I have to either - as far as I'm aware - either move everything with proportional editing to some degree, or move just that one polygon (or a group with that contained). I have to repeat this for every 'landmark' on the body.

If I were unwrapping something small it wouldn't be an issue, but with a human body I have to move around all these different islands in this tedious manner.

I'll have a look into this when I can. That would be better than what I've been doing currently if it works.

>> No.658919

Yup, you just pin [P] your island borders / landmark borders. Turn on sync selection, select all the vertices that aren't pinned in your 3D view, hit unwrap. You should get a fairly clean and stretch-minimised UV after that.

>> No.658981
File: 131 KB, 960x1018, legs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i split the legs?

>> No.658983

Spacebar menu, search Edge Split. With the separation still selected, press F to create faces for each inner leg.

>> No.658991

You just press V to Rip vertexes

>> No.658998

watch tutorials, there is no way around.
same advice for you

>> No.658999

i usually use 'lock camera to view' in order to set it up. also focal length only changes the camera 'lens'. not the actual scale. i find that ortographic mode gives you better control on the size but you sacrifice looks to some degree

>> No.659000
File: 752 KB, 1920x716, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, what the fuck am I missing here. I have the selected bone (W1) tracking to a target outside the armature (WT), but I also want to limit its rotation to a single axis (the X axis in this case). The tracking constraint works well enough, but I can't seem to get the Limit Rotation one right. As I have set up currently, the bone won't rotate on its Y axis, but it rotates on its X axis when the target is moved along the world's Y axis.

I've tried all sorts of different combinations, but nothing so far has worked. Any suggestions?

>> No.659004

I tried this, and while it does indeed leave the pinned vertices where they are if I haven't selected them, it also does nothing different to if I just hadn't pinned them and deselected them before the unwrap? Like I can pin a group of vertices at pos x, y on the image, unwrap, and the faces that should be connected to the vertex at x, y can be over in nowhere_near_x, nowhere_near_y. So I'm still stuck with having to move every individual vertex into position?

>> No.659006

give me your model, ill unwrap it and ill also make a video of me doing it

>> No.659022

To clarify, it's not actually unwrapping that I have an issue with; it's unwrapping to a premade texture.

If I were unwrapping with a focus only on not stretching out the uvs, having space between islands, etc., and then hand painting the texture, I'd have no problem. The issue is when I want to make the unwrapped uvs correspond to a texture that I already have.

I'm not sure if that was clear?

>> No.659024

your proposition is pretty insane.

i mean sure, you could get 1:1 unwrap in theory. but in some cases older softwares used different unwrap algorithms(even if blender has them all). you would have to consider the following:

- was it regular, angle based unwrap, or a front view projection. was it automatic projection, was it made with a custom algorithm or a different program?

-did the original artist intend to unwrap it at once, or did he make his own modifications to the UV? a good unwrap can take an hour, easily.

>> No.659025
File: 719 KB, 2560x1440, 20181231_185232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying composting in blender at the moment, so placing stuff into a video.

I got the mocha student license because the blender tracker kinda sucks.

My biggest problem is the lens distortion of my phone (Galaxy S7, see image) which isn't a simple barrel distortion but more complex. Is there a way to compensate for this kind of distortion in blender?

This isn't just a fine detail, even with a good track the distortion ruins everything.

>> No.659029

cool work

>> No.659044
File: 149 KB, 1490x855, msf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, can someone help me figure out what I'm doing? I've never textured anything on my own before. I modeled this character and I'm trying to UV unwrap him, but the UV's for the head are all distorted, huge, and don't even get placed on the map. I can't find any resources that can tell me what's causing this problem.

>> No.659049

>I modeled this character
well i should already point out. triangulating your character means you can't select loops. and when you can't select loops its harder to create seams.
second, i don't know why your UV map is pushing those islands outside, but perhaps you have an extra UV channel that is displaying those islands.
third you have too many loops in the leg area, the torso area is dense with polygons as well.

>> No.659058

OH! I figured it out. I guess I somehow accidentally pinned a bunch of vertices. I didn't know about that feature but I guess it explains all the little red dots everywhere.

>> No.659068
File: 3.94 MB, 390x213, denial.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In denial much? Movie industry is shit.
Jurassic Park had better CGI in 1990 than most AAA garbage movie the Hollywood noses keep pumping each year.

>> No.659069
File: 140 KB, 1503x836, hahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.659070

Is this a video game?

>> No.659071

No it's the critically acclaimed AAA Black Panther movie. Standards are that low.

>> No.659072
File: 244 KB, 720x405, RJ197935_img_smp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original looks way better, you killed it.

Good thing you learned some things thou.

>> No.659076



Here's a scene from one of the most popular shows on television for years

>> No.659081

I wish I was this good...

>> No.659082

That is some of the worst compositing I've ever seen, but nobody watches The Walking Dead for its dialog, story, special effects, or any of the merits movies/television are generally judged.

It's survival porn in a Southern setting. That's its one and only appeal. And it features some decent-looking women you can fantasize about raping. Honestly, that show needs a lot more rape. I watched up until this season. I want more scavenging at abandoned gas stations, grocery stores, government buildings, etc. The abandoned carnival in your clip was a great episode. The building he falls into at the end of the clip ends up being something really cool, but I won't spoil it!

>> No.659083

This is compositing?

>> No.659095

it's not an excuse, but at least they're not the most profitable wing of the biggest movie/entertainemnt empire in the world. There is absolutely no excuse for Disney/Marvel to be so fucking horrible with CGI. AMC I can forgive, especially for a scene like this.
Just think about it, they used this shit post work because it was cheaper than bringing a real deer in, and have it graze on some food for a few seconds. Tells the story, little was spent.

>> No.659106

looks like footage of a deer composited into the shot

>> No.659158
File: 38 KB, 626x387, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to suffer the same trouble as my old copy of adobe premiere. No webm support and any attempt to convert them to mp4 with VLC result in pic related when they're import. Google has plenty of 'recommended' converters but it's a malware lottery in there.

>> No.659183

I have a modular character where the head is separated from the torso and when the armature deforms the mesh it creates a huge gap between the torso and the neck. When you apply automatic weights shouldn't it calculate the weights based on the distance between the bone and the vertex? The vertices in the seam are in the same exact place on both parts so it makes no sense why they deform differently.

>> No.659187

the weight is what determinants the influence

>> No.659188

But the weights around the seam are identical on both models, I hand painted the weights to ensure this but the gap is still there when it deforms.

>> No.659215

Given the section of my model, I can extrude it along a straight line. Is there a way to extrude that section following a curve?

>> No.659216

when mesh is stretched, there is a limit to how much it can bend. even the slightest stretch can cause it to warp depending on the mesh. your question is vague as you provide no screenshots.
maybe try following this thread, as im not sure where we are 'going' with this

with the curve modifier, it allows you to extrude along the curve

>> No.659226
File: 119 KB, 848x631, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this make any sense? Sphere for sculpting, and 2 premade eyes + 2 lattices in their own layer. Is this how you're supposed to do this? I've watched some YanSculpts videos and as far as I can tell he only explains how to create an eyeball from a sphere and put a lattice around it, but not how to pair the eyes up as a unit and scale them for different heads. He just pops them into his sculpts and moves them as a pair seemingly without selecting both first.

>> No.659234


>> No.659238

i usually place them in the end.
the only reason you should place them beforehand is to sculpt the eyesockets around them

>> No.659252 [DELETED] 

Yeah but I'm confused by this for example. In the video to the left he rotates the eyes one by one, but when I open his blend file and take a look they're joined? Did he join them after turning them to make it look neat, or what? If so, it doesn't make sense, since in the beginning of the sculpt he added them and moved them as a unit seemingly without selecting them first. 12:47 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB7kPWjBgQI

Also there's no lattice? Guess that's because the eyes in that video don't need to be deformed though

>> No.659253
File: 738 KB, 1648x767, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting because I forgot pic.

Yeah but I'm confused by this for example. In the video to the left he rotates the eyes one by one, but when I open his blend file and take a look they're joined? Did he join them after turning them to make it look neat, or what? If so, it doesn't make sense, since in the beginning of the sculpt he added them and moved them as a unit seemingly without selecting them first. 12:47 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB7kPWjBgQI

Also there's no lattice? Guess that's because the eyes in that video don't need to be deformed though

>> No.659287

In the video there is a mirror modifier which, well mirrors the eye so there are two, notice how he moves it around in edit mode and not object mode.
He probably applied the mirror modifier at some point because you can't rotate the eyes left or right with it active (except if you want your character to be cross eyes).

>> No.659293
File: 956 KB, 1682x878, Image 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using Eevee and I've run into a problem when rendering.
On the right is the viewport, and on the left is the render. As you can see, the lightning looks fine on the right, but when rendering it turns black and I'm not sure why.

I've got the lightning animated to flash by mixing an emit and transparent and then animating the fac with a noise modifier. I've also got the transparency set to Alpha blend.
Don't know what's going on though or how to fix it.

>> No.659294

Only sculptfags can end up with a 1k vert eye.

>> No.659295

Nevermind, I'm an idiot.
The animate noise modifier on the fac was what was fucking it up. Values were going all over the place from like -20-20, while the fac only goes 0-1. Just had to set a keyframe at 0 at the start, then set the modifier to add, and the strength to 1.

I doubt it'd really help anyone, but I'm posting just in case.

>> No.659299

>literally a regular UV sphere that's had some loop cuts added here and there
>s-sculptfags btfo!111!

>> No.659314

It's a UV sphere with a couple subsurfs, get it right at least. As if eyes needed to be high poly.

>> No.659443
File: 147 KB, 1035x890, 2019-01-02_192752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to texture paint my model while showing the wireframe, I click on that cube at the bottom to make it appear, but this way I can't paint, if I remove the wireframe I can pain instead.
How can I texture paint a model while the wireframe is being shown?

>> No.659473
File: 200 KB, 600x451, 1422574102631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Movie industry CGI isn't shit, over-reliance on it makes it so.
Examples of good: Jurassic Park, Mad Max Fury Road, Zodiac, Benjamin Button, LOTR, Blade Runner 2049
Examples of bad: That Black Panther gif and the end fight, most of the DC clusterfuck, the Star Wars prequels, Matrix 2 and 3, The Hobbit trilogy, most blockbuster CGI borefests since 2010 (Alice in Wonderland, Oz the Great and Powerful, Huntsman, etc.)

Some movies break the rule and are successful despite relying a lot on CGI, but they're fucking rare. Despite everything, Avatar was ground breaking in that regard, and Infinity War looks fucking flawless through and through.

>> No.659503
File: 36 KB, 232x625, 2019-01-02 22_28_32-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the perfect solution but it can help

>> No.659505

How do I encode into webm from blender? I heard there's no direct way, so what format/bitrate should I encode to and which program should I use to encode that then into webm?

>> No.659512

If you're comfortable with the command line, output to ffmpeg then use ffmpeg command line tool to convert to webm.

>> No.659543

First, I dunno what that is, second, I dunno how to do that and third, I don't know how to do that either

I'm just using Blender on Win10 for video editing and shit because DaVinci broke on me

>> No.659559

I use: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter to convert videos to webm, in blender I use matroska with h.264 and perceptuaĺly lossless.

>> No.659688

This is some really basic stuff but I can't seem to find anything about it. Is there a way to manipulate the 3D cursor like you would an object with G and R or using gizmos.

Positioning it with numbers was always a pain and I can't seem to change to rotation that way.

>> No.659696

Does anyone on youtube do videos of them working/playing in blender? I've been watching things on twitch but it'd be nice to be able to skip around the video

>> No.659698

well i don't really know but you can just create 1 vertex and move it around, here's your gizmo

>> No.659700
File: 244 KB, 1280x795, rigfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rigging is too hard.
Is this possible any true auto-tool for rigging like mixamo in Blender?

I have tried Regify but it works wrong and you need to do a lot of stuff after.

>> No.659709

yeah, autorig pro

>> No.659729

tried something like that by placing a primitive and using 'snap cursor to active' but It only changes the cursor's position. I guess the rotation element isn't fully supported yet.

>> No.659730

search for "blender timelapse" ?

>> No.659772

opinions on 2.8?

took me awhile to find everything that i'm used to using, but it's pretty great so far

>> No.659774

The new setup tooks some getting used to but I'm liking it. Since the beta is stable enough, I use it now.

>> No.659798
File: 228 KB, 1896x984, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to blender. I made an armature and parented a mesh to it and it worked, I think proceeded to delete the armature and work on the mesh for several hours. Now when I parent the modified mesh to a new armature the bones won't move at all. I can't rotate, scale or translate them.

What the fuck.

I parented it with automatic weights both times, I've repeated the process in a fresh file and it works fine, it's just in this one model now, I have verified that it is in fact parented and that the mirror I used was applied correctly. This is pure frustration.

>> No.659802
File: 30 KB, 679x631, untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do this with the bones that are parented rather than being physically attached, but nothing else will move.

>> No.659803

It's alright I figured it out, guess posting about it was enough. Manipulate centre points got unchecked.

God bless Blender and its intuitive user interface.

>> No.659807
File: 152 KB, 868x376, 444343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

henlo frends I'm new so sorry if I don't know how to explain this properly.
Why I can't see her skin texture in the Rendered Viewport? It looks fine in the Material and Texture Viewport Shading.

>> No.659815
File: 586 KB, 1161x1567, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I joined 3 objects together in Blender to make this figure, but the meshes are not joined...
I exported as .obj then imported in Zbrush and figured that Zremesher would make it one "shell" but this is the result, it just remeshed the parts as if they were separate. Is there any way to make this one shell quickly?
Maybe Dynamesh?
Thanks in advance. Its for a client

>> No.659817

show me your nodes
dynamesh should join them together

>> No.659828
File: 106 KB, 1163x574, 452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.659833

then show the damn topology maybe?

>> No.659834
File: 431 KB, 600x545, 69c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the current state of blender as of 2019
you better watch yourself, industry! the revolution is coming

>> No.659835
File: 820 KB, 500x422, 1464473273894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its for a client

>> No.659852

I need some help boys, I'm setting up a model from sfmlab, and I've got two issues: 1. I'm connecting the texture and the normal map through the principled bsdf and when I hook up the normal map, it all turns dark on rendered view and I don't know why. 2. The eyes just straight up aren't showing the texture and are extremely dark despite not having a normal map on them. They both look fine and all on the material view and texture view but in renders view it looks dark. I even have the scene lit and everything. Can someone help please

>> No.659891



>> No.660199

can't wait to see it rigged and animated in Blender(TM) the #1 recommended 3d software of professionals. be sure the keep us updated.

>> No.660614
