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650468 No.650468 [Reply] [Original]

I have a 8700k non overclocked. My gpu is a 750ti and i have no money to upgrade it to anything else. Lets chat about CPU renderers itt so I can make the most of what little I have.

I rendered this with the free renderer Mitsuba about 6 months ago on the 8700k, took about 10 min.

>> No.650471

Try renderman 22 its fucking fast for a cpu renderer and has great quality.

>> No.650473 [DELETED] 

ethically, i want something free as in freedom.

How is cycles CPU version?

>> No.650474

>cycles CPU
Don't even bother.
If you're looking for free open-source CPU renderers, you can take a look at appleseed. LuxCore's also pretty common. Radeon ProRender could be an alternative too, but that's more of an OpenCL renderer.

>> No.650477

>dont even bother

are you saying this in regards to rendering animations on the CPU? This would be stills, animations would have to be realtime in a game engine at game engine quality unfortunately

>> No.650478

Nah, stills as well. Cycles benefits insanely well from GPU rendering. Check the three suggestions above anyway, they're pretty strong CPU renderers (I believe appleseed is CPU-only as well) that align with your whole "freedom" thing.

>> No.650483
File: 64 KB, 625x585, 1517977780179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...will the sss in prman 22 look better than this appleseed render? What I care about the most is sss, glass transparency reflection / refraction, and area lights.

I dont really need caustics.

How much better is prman to appleseed with my limited hardware? I have 16gb ram

>> No.650485

renderman sss for characters is top notch, tons of methods to choose from. It will probably have no problem with the example you posted. It's free so might as well see for yourself.

>> No.650486

I mean, SSS across the board is just the same algorithms and techniques. I believe the current SSS star is Random Walk, which appleseed supports. It's all optimisation for each engine from then on, and I can't really comment about that since I've personally not fooled around much with Renderman nor appleseed.
RAM isn't that relevant in rendering, unless you're dealing with a lot of textures and displacements. It's mostly horsepower.

>> No.650489

renderman sss for characters is top notch, tons of methods to choose from. It will probably have no problem with the example you posted. It's free so might as well see for yourself.

>> No.650491
File: 1.20 MB, 1498x937, 1525733679091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, SSS across the board is just the same algorithms and techniques
random walk sounds...shall we say...inefficent

this is from a few years back from an article on what they used to render in a superhero movie. Never seen cycles match this quality or even get close.

>> No.650515


or you could render that shit in real time with octane

>> No.650517

Pay attention. Anon has a 750ti he isn't going to be rendering anything in real time, even if octane was up to the task.

>> No.650527

>RAM isn't that relevant in rendering
I disagree. I routinely see RAM go up a few GBs before the scene begins to render, either with GPU or CPU engines. Tessellation easily gobbles up RAM.

>> No.650529

>unless you're dealing with a lot of textures or displacement

>> No.650539

Lux core is extremely slow and the denoiser doesn't even work. It's an interesting project but right now it's not very ready, it's only worth it for some photorealistic caustics and dispersion stuff.

Don't talk bullshit Cycles on CPU works no worse than any other unbiased renderer.

You can use Cycles if you use it correctly. The only thing that is wrong with Cycles is it's default settings hence some retards are claiming it's slow (fixed in 2.8 btw)
>less samples more denoising, clamping and smothing glossy
realistically speaking unless you really need sick caustics you could render like 100-150 samples and denoise that
>manage your bounces
Default settings in cycles are retarded use like 3-4 for everything other than transmission and 6 for transmission
>simplify settings
See Blender gure subway video, he explains simplify there and it massively cuts the render time.

Might wanna disable caustics in some renders too, they improve both quality and speed (remove caustics thouh)

watch the blenderguro video on how to speed up cycles and on the simplify feature

>> No.650540

Also 2.79 test build and 2.8 allow you to use cpu+gpu (for open CL at least)

Your GPU isn't that great, but must be better than nothing.

>> No.650562

Yeah, too bad I was speaking from experience. I've optimised the shit out of Cycles before. It's almost pointless using CPU with Cycles when your GPU will consistently perform better than it (better yet, CPU+GPU like you said below). A mid-tier(!) GPU can already blow a high-end CPU out of the water.

>> No.650566

Oh and my bad, how the fuck was it never mentioned.

You could use EEVEE or Unreal Engine to render that shit rather fast.
probably not very real time, but still a lot faste than path tracing if you want to render a video.

>> No.650569

I want a sick still image like >>650483 or >>650491

>> No.650571


>> No.650633

Just push it to sheep it and let other people render your stuff.

>> No.650639


Appleseed has come pretty far since this was rendered. It has interactive rendering now aswell, so it's a lot easier to adjust materials then when the rendering was done.

This was made in a beta build of blenderseed, and the random walk had only just been implemented. Just remember to mess around with depth scaling in the material settings, stuff can get a little too transparent for me at default settings. Unless it has changed in the new release that was released a short while ago, haven't checked.

It had to do with the scene scale not working as intended.

Super fast aswell. I have 8 gb ram, I don't think that you will encounter any other problems with appleseed then any other rendering engines.


>> No.650688
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I downloaded Blendseed but there are no tuts on how to enable Live Preview.

No magic is happening in the viewport. What do, lads?

>> No.650706

Switch viewport to RENDERED mode.
Appleseed renderer may not support it, depends on the renderer.

Also on topic of home rendering. If you need a lot of rendering, like massive pics or a video you could rent an Amazon AWS virtual server, install Ubuntu and Blender on it for a couple hours or minutes even.
That would let you use a monster CPU like Zen or the top Xeon.

>> No.650816
File: 314 KB, 960x540, 1528986908646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out Blenderseed sucks ass. Terrible integration in 2.79. (doesnt work in 2.8)

In 2.8 Randomwalk is fast and denoising is great. I rendered and denoised this in about 20 seconds.

>> No.650822

What are your render settings for this?

>> No.650830

>principled shader set to random walk
>voronoi procedurals in color and spec
>128 samples
>filmic 2.2 exposure
>single area light
>denoise .5 strength
>cpu + gpu hybrid rendering