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File: 164 KB, 620x543, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
642999 No.642999 [Reply] [Original]

we're back

previous: >>637320

This thread is for any simple and/or stupid questions about techniques/software. If you think you have a question that deserves its own thread, such as thoughts on [new technology], etc., by all means go ahead and create your own! Otherwise, please post in this thread.

Also, please do head over to the previous thread and help to answer any unanswered questions!

>> No.643005

How do you properly add corrective keys to rigs that also have Ik rigs within blender.

I ran into an issue where the shape keys are not responding correctly with the Ik, but the Fk is fine.

>> No.643010
File: 109 KB, 328x353, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do I make skirts for "anime" models?

>> No.643012

You can make them with clothsim.
Or with any type of wave deformer.
Or sculpt them
So many possibilities, it really also varies with the look you are going for

>> No.643027

I wouldn't recommend a sim. Anime clothes are rigid almost as if the models were slapped with a big glob of hair gel.


If you got 10 bucks to spare, There's a blender addon called Voxel Heat Diffuse Skinning which is pretty good for stiff-rigging geometry to your organic shit. Just snap some bones along the skirt in question and the program will automatically detect and rig the clothing to your model.

>> No.643030

I meant a cloth to model, not to animate

>> No.643033

Extrude a circle or use a damn curve. There's thousands of ways to model a skirt.

>> No.643078

ahah what its literally just a circle

>> No.643096

Mayafags, which tutorial series do I want as a novice to actually learn why I do things certain ways and not color-by-numbers shit that teaches me nothing?

>> No.643098

there's used to be a digital tutors tutorial that went through an entire project from modelling to rendering. can probably find it floating around somewhere.
not 100% sure what you mean by this, but those kind of follow the video tutorials are there for you to understand the workflows and concepts. then you apply those concepts to your own projects in the situations that need it

>> No.643113

What are the best asset marketplaces to throw your assets on? Preferably ones with lots of users and smallest cuts of the profit.

>> No.643125

>smallest cuts of the profit.
If you consider the cut when pricing your assets, per market, this becomes a non-issue.

TurboSquid, CGTrader, Cubebrush, Gumroad, Unity asset store are some places that you may want to look into.

>> No.643261
File: 499 KB, 612x384, st.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on here? I'm new to both Speedtree and octane so forgive me if this is an easy fix.

>> No.643264

invert your alpha map

>> No.643277

Is it possible to make cheap 3d models for commissions?

>> No.643427

Where can I get VRScan plugin? I already tried cgpeers

>> No.643428

redpill me on threadripper 2

>> No.643429

when it comes to 3d, nvidia and intel all the way.
compatibility > power
pay for it
what do you mean by cheap 3d models?

>> No.643430
File: 1.21 MB, 540x540, tumblr_paakflMdKW1tjps5to1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, simple yet stylish
Something you could see being sold for 60-100 dollars

>> No.643431

yes you could, but you have to sell them in 'sets' or offer a way to buy multiple of them.

mixing different artstyles is not something a game developer wants

>> No.643433

Or just sell to Waifufags and furries

>> No.643439

>pay for it

>> No.643443

There should be a deformation armature in there somewhere (in case of rigify it's one back from the last). Use those to drive your shapes.

>> No.643492
File: 172 KB, 600x600, 1510297921219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when it comes to 3d, nvidia and intel all the way.
Nvidia and AMD CPU*

>intel is now releasing cpus without hyperthreading
>their new 10nm stuff is fucked and delayed forever
>their cpus have security flaws which when patched, decreases performance
>their cpus are so bad now with loads of security and performance issues that giant server farms are switching to AMD

>> No.643493

gives you so many cores and threads that lightbaking in UE4 stops being something you do at the end of the day when you can leave the pc for the day. also rendering is also a hell of a lot faster than pretty much everything else. it's kind of a must for artists if they can afford it.

>> No.643602

How do i set up a rig in maya or blender like the one in daz, where you can grab any spot and pull the limb and it will ik solve it?

>> No.643607

What are the After Effects tutorial set for a complete beginner? paid is fine.

im already a proficient (as in working) 3D generalist and know Photoshop and Premier also if that makes any difference.

>> No.643613

No such technology exists in blender at this moment. Can't speak for the Mayans.

B-dog does have a pretty neat Rigify system, though. It's worthy of a lookey loo.

>> No.643617
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x1317, school uniform skirt 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have that image of a 3D model of a girl with a school girl uniform and it shows her progressively wearing less clothing? I saw it on /ic/ a few years ago but I never saved it.
I'm asking /r/ as well, but I just figured people on here would be more likely to know what I'm talking about.

>> No.643630
File: 436 KB, 770x843, blender_2018-09-27_10-35-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get rid of these bumps along creases without destroying the edge? It doesn't look bad up close, but when you zoom out it creates this ugly wave pattern.

>> No.643632


>> No.643640



>> No.643651
File: 107 KB, 1200x662, at0fc9ol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand Arcsys corrects the shading of the faces in Guilty Gear Xrd by using vertex color data as a normalmap, but is there an image of what that looks like, and how is the process achieved?
The GDC talk only shows what the shading looks like before and after the custom vertex normals, and I'm still not sure how the map is created - the result isn't realistic so you can't just bake a high-poly mesh onto the vertices, so did they just manually manipulate the normals until it would look right?

>> No.643654

There are different tools and techniques for vertex normal editing. Just google it for whatever software you use. You can edit them one by one, or in groups, or sort of like a hair brush, or magnets, or drive them with something like a map (realtime or bake), and you can project vertex normals from another mesh. It has nothing to do with poly count or realism - you can bake a sphere's normals into a cube (either vertex normals or tangent space normal map) and that will make the cube shaded like a sphere (where the accuracy in vertex normals is limited by vertex density of course)
As for the image you posted, there are many ways to go about it and it's not difficult or novel. You can bake from a mesh that has the shading you desire, you can do it manually, you can paint a map on it and feed that into your custom shader to modulate the normals in some special magic way (also you can modulate the normals with view direction to force different shading depending on camera angle)
It's really not as hard as you make it out to be, you just need to start experimenting a bit instead of trying to copy some meme game 1:1

>> No.643666

Yes, actually. Thanks anon.

>> No.643668
File: 435 KB, 1766x1080, I_love_anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The vertex colors are specifically to control the angle threshold for whether something is lit or not, to get something like an ambient occlusion effect.

I did a quick and shitty test in Blender. "Col" is a vertex colors layer, "Point" is just a point light, but it could be any object. Notice how the vertex color of the sphere has a grey triangle, but in the rendered view the "brightest" part of the sphere is still rounded to lit rather than unlit.

>> No.643670

PS: I kind of doubt I'm manipulating the threshold in the right way (subtracting the vertex colors from normals). This brainlet can't handle vector math.

>> No.643675

How important is RAM when rendering with Arnold/Maya?

>> No.643677

Geo needs to be loaded in RAM before being hit to death with light rays. No RAM, no render.

>> No.643739 [DELETED] 

i'm using maya and i have a girl with hair as a single mesh and i have uber shaders assigned to her body, head, eyes and hair. i want to swap out the uber shader with a hair shader for the hair, but i can't select the hair mesh as everything is combined, so i can't assign an existing material to it. i also can't find a way to replace a shader in the attribute editor.

basically, how can i swap shaders if i can only select the whole mesh in the viewport?

>> No.643786

I'm a 3D artist, I love the animation of 3D but it lacks appeal.
2D drawing is very appealing to me but the animation process of 2D is stressful and i can't draw gud.

What the fuck do i do?
I want the appeal of 2D but the fluid movements of 3D.

>> No.643806

you can do 2d in 3d.


>> No.643809

You can do something like this, same thing Blizzard are doing for some of their trailers etc.

>> No.643810

16gb should be fine for most needs unless you have like a zillion polys

>> No.643942
File: 158 KB, 829x730, uguu am i kawaii oniichan desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I need to do to make it look more 2D?
I flattened the model/distorted it then rendered in 3dsmax.
right now I'm adjusting the picture/render in 2D using photoshop

it still looks 3d to me, what do I need to do?

>> No.643944

I'd say that actually looks really convincing already. I imagine it'd fall apart quick if animated, though. I guess one point would be the jawline shadow. Something about it gives off that odd "this is actually 3D" feeling, not sure how to go around correcting it though.

>> No.643951

ah, I see now. thanks for the help.

its not fully finished yet and I noticed a few more errors on the lightning.

>> No.643953

Hey there anons, just want some opinions on this as well.
Im considering doing motion graphics or 3D design but not entirely sure what to go for as I like both the 2D and 3D scene. Basically just dictate what I should do please

>> No.643954

Same as other guy, already looks 2D.
If you added imperfection 2D scratches here and there that might help?

Or apply a filter effect to give tone to it. slight paper effect etc

>> No.643955

3D better animation process and you can basically use 2D in 3D.

Info graphics is basically a bunch of planes flying around.

>> No.643958
File: 196 KB, 829x730, uguu am i kawaii oniichan desu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added a simple blur layer onto it
it looks 2D now, thanks for the advice /3/

>> No.643971

Np yeah the shiney spot doesn't stand out now, GL

>> No.643987

Oh, that actually looks pretty damn passable. Composite in a background and you could probably pass it off as a screengrab from some unknown anime/cartoon from the 00s. You might want to smooth the hair a bit more, by the way, you can see the polys along the big hair lobe on the left.

>> No.644007

Whats the best maya rigging tutorial series?

>> No.644009
File: 20 KB, 320x320, 1512853089298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fix the fucking eraser!

>> No.644014
File: 20 KB, 342x316, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the majority of 3d modelers against using a mouse when modeling and recommend using a tablet? I'm wanting to try getting into 3d modeling as a hobby for my own personal enjoyment and as a creative outlet. Models inspired/influenced by games like Animal Crossing, Maplestory 2, Project Mirai, etc. Chibi shit.

I'm going to give Blender a shot this week and watch/read tutorials. So would you recommend a tablet for sculpting or would I be fine with a mouse?

Thanks for answering my stupid questions anons

>> No.644016

Tablets are definitely more convenient, but they aren't necessary. Pressure doesn't matter as much when you're sculpting (though it can still be very useful). You can go very far with a mouse, but if you've tried it out and you feel you can do better with a tablet, then by all means make the switch.

>> No.644020 [DELETED] 

I use both. Tablet = when I'm sculpting or for painting textures.

>> No.644031

Sorry, but could you show me how you did this?
Any tutorial you used?
I think it looks pretty good
Whats the Tri count?

>> No.644034
File: 1.79 MB, 1164x720, EmbarrassedUnsightlyDeviltasmanian.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find some decent crowd simulation tutorials for Maya? Golaem, Massive Prime, anything is fine.

I've been using Golaem but all the tuts I can find are terribly made with foreign narrators and just generally suck.

The only one on CGPeers is for an old version of the software and they seem to have changed a lot of the functionality, which is tripping me up because I'm a newfag. I just want to make cool battles and shit like that.

Some guy posted his work in progress of a crowd getting hit with a meteor or something a while ago but I can't find it.

how do I into crowd sim

>> No.644038
File: 1.70 MB, 1189x5200, tutorial1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm terrible at explaining things but I did my best here because I couldn't do a good job just using 1 pic and a single post.

I just used blender to make the model and 3dsmax with the Pencil +4 plugin to create the full picture. It should take 2-3 days.

>inb4 just draw the picture

>> No.644043

>Some guy posted his work in progress of a crowd getting hit with a meteor or something a while ago but I can't find it.
Not him, but I believe he used Houdini's crowds sim.

>> No.644046

If the character is covered with clothes, how much does the body sculpt really matter? Can I get away with using a base mesh and only work on a head and hands if the rest will be hidden under layers of clothes? If it is not skin tight, you're not seeing any anatomy underneath anyway, or am I wrong? It's not because I'm lazy, but I'm not really a character artists and I figured that only working on visible parts and using Marvelous for clothes should make it much easier for me.

>> No.644056

Do you know what a Potemkin Village is?
In 3D this is totally fine if you can get away with it.

>> No.644106

Nice, I'll check it out.

>> No.644107

Yeah, of course. Okay then, I'm seriously craving for some characters in my environments and maybe this is the way I'll be able to create some basic ones, at least for now.

>> No.644108

Is there a way to project a UV "scheme" of a low-poly object onto a high-poly object?
I was working on increasing the detail of a model but now its UV map's all fucked and the original UV map's already compressed and arranged in such a way that manually arranging the high-poly's UV is gonna make me go mad for sure.

>> No.644111


>> No.644122

Hi everyone. I have a question about how you guys go about tutorials.

Do you try to do the exercise at the same time on a second monitor? Or do you watch while taking note? mix of both?

I'm trying to improve myself at Substance designer and I want to be more efficient in my learning.

>> No.644128

Meteorite is the object. Meteor is the occurence. I'd wager it was an asteroid, though if we're talking about a crowd. Would be wild to see a render of that.

>> No.644133

Holy fuck bros help me please. I can't decide for the life of me whether to go with programming or with 3d modeling. I like both and have tried them on and off for a while but get burned out so quickly and end up learning nothing and I'm just feeling more and more hopeless every time and it's been happening for over a year straight now. I wish I didn't have any choice so I could hammer away at one. How the fuck do I get myself out of this stupid fucking loop I'm stuck in? Please help me anons

>> No.644135

You need a tablet only for sculpting and painting, if you need to make A+ quality. You can manage with a mouse, but it won't be that great. Everything else is just mouse.

>> No.644138

Programming is safer choice if you can hack it. Art is safer choice if you're a procrastinating brainlet, which seems to be the case here.

>> No.644156


Become a rich tech artist. Like a rigger or something. You'll do more than both.

>> No.644158

Just do both.


>> No.644160
File: 308 KB, 1078x591, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modeling a car for the first time. Doing this since 13-14 hours. Anyway to do this faster and not messy and/or wrong?

>> No.644162

you could use nurbs and then convert that to poly. if it's just the one car that probably isn't worth doing though, since you'd have to learn a lot to get the hang of nurb conversion.

>> No.644166

Thanks, I was looking for a universally applicable way though- like being able to applying the same methods in Maya, Blender, Max, etc(polygons, I guess).

>> No.644167

>When it comes to automotive modeling, creasing the right lines can really make or break the realism of your model. It can also be a quick way to add way too much resolution that isn't really needed. Instead, try adding a single edge loop on either side of an existing edge. Move those surrounding edge loops closer to the original edge to increase the effectiveness of your crease or move the loops further away from the original edge to decrease the effectiveness. In most cases, these two edges should be plenty to sell the crease but even if you need to add more you'll know its actually needed instead of adding edge loops in places that will really have no benefit to your model.
>dding holes to your hard surfaces without affecting the surrounding geometry is a common challenge to overcome with automotive modeling. A great way to do this is by applying a chamfer to the nearest vertex to where you need the hole. This will create a new polygon that you can extrude inward to get your hole. Add in some resolution to crease the hole and you're done!
>The reason you typically stay away from ngons is when your model will be deforming or if your model will be exported to something like a game engine. Unlike a character, automotive models don't normally need to be nearly as flexible as some other models may need to be. And if you're not going to be exporting your car into a game engine if you come across ngons, before investing the time to quadrangulate them try running some quick tests to see if removing them would be time well-spent. For example, try doing a smooth preview or a test render. If you're not seeing any negative effects then there's no reason to lose any more precious time over trying to fix what isn't broken!

>> No.644169

Thanks. Funny that I was following the same thing just now. From what I've been searching, guess I'll just have to model more cars to get faster.

>> No.644173 [DELETED] 

Use NURBS, it's the industry standard for automotive modeling.

>> No.644185
File: 41 KB, 559x409, help1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rigging/animating a character that wears metal armor.
when he raises his arms, the shoulderpads clips into the body, no matter how much I rotate it. The shoulderpads curves down a bit.

Is it acceptable to deform the shoulderpads/armor for this instance so it won't clip?
I'm just worried because its suppose to be a metal object

how do animators do this usually?

>> No.644213


cute, thanks for this anon

>> No.644214

You rig the armor so that it automatically adjusts, duh.

>> No.644227

Well, the most "realistic" solution would be to just have your character be unable to raise his arms like that. Think about it, if you were wearing shoulder pads like that, raising your arms laterally would only cause them to dig into your upper arm and shoulders painfully.

>> No.644247

Didn't know about that. Guess I'll try using NURBs.

>> No.644279

Why do the shadows on my model look like boxes now that I've added the displacement?

>> No.644285

Try the data transfer modifier.

The strength of your displacement might be set too high. Turn it down and see if that fixes the issue.

>> No.644295

i usually skim through it to get an idea of what we'll be doing, then follow along with it. i'll pause and go back and forth a few times so i can catch up after taking time to think about why i'm doing what i'm doing (the most important part imo). This lets you understand the concept and technique instead of just blindly following a tutorial for a single use case.

>> No.644434
File: 214 KB, 1280x685, Screenshot (108).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does my goddamn braid look like this, been trying to fix it for way too long, why is xgen so bad

>> No.644437

Trying to make a tilable/modular cliff side models. Having trouble deciding if it's easier to model them first and create textures for them after, or create a tilable texture and then just build the models around the texture.

>> No.644441
File: 48 KB, 669x427, loweffortpictogram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say we have some 3d modelled clothes, with thickness, and 3d elements hanging off them etc.

Is there any painless way of altering the mesh so that the clothing follows the contours of other (other humanoid) body types?

Or is the only option to completely remodel the clothing, over the other body meshes?

>> No.644442

try following a tutorial. xgen is fine you just don't know what you are doing

>> No.644445

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCpswLL6D4 i already am mang, following this tutorial is what i get

>> No.644448

alright so at what point during the process is your result deviating from his?

>> No.644458

There are I think at least two modifiers in blender that adress those issues, but I am too lazy to look them up now.

>> No.644483

im not actually sure, as a ptx shape it looks fine i think but when i convert it into xgen it goes haywire. It has to be a problem with the cv count or something but i already tried everything i know

>> No.644484

meant for this guy

>> No.644486

then start there. At some point you are doing something different. If you keep running into the same issue follow a different tut and it may shed some light on where things are going wrong for you.

>> No.644501

Shrinkwrap deformer

>> No.644526

Won't that flatten all of the vertices?

>> No.645077


>> No.645338

>people ignoring our questions thread
please post shit in here and keep it somewhat bumped so we don't get flooded with threads containing stupid questions

>> No.645382
File: 74 KB, 908x516, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I model cars using polygons? I've been at it for 2 weeks and I can't model one correctly for the life of me. I always fuck up when I reach the back bumper. Today I made it so bad that everything got fucked. My main problems are:
Transitioning from the side to either of the bumpers
bumper details
Any tips?

>> No.645387

try drawing the topology over your references before modelling. It helps organize your thoughts and can prevent moments where you get stuck for too long

>> No.645432
File: 33 KB, 531x321, GUID-4A2928A1-3670-4F85-9AED-B2C4E7CB40D0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying to do subsurface scattering in maya's viewport 2.0 using a stingray StingrayPBS node. i have a scalar manipulating the density parameter but when i adjust it, nothing happens to my object. i'm following this tutorial.


but i get no changes

>> No.645434
File: 397 KB, 600x400, Velociraptor-en-Jurassic-Park.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about making a lipped reptile that exposes it's teeth when it opens it's mouth?

>> No.645498
File: 316 KB, 1280x1080, 1457562503296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make these sort of images? They're really cool.

>> No.645500

you model him with his mouth open, then put a constraint to how much his mouth can move so u can use it in animation
displacement modifier in blender works like that

>> No.645511
File: 1.05 MB, 876x584, Galapagos_giant_tortoise_Geochelone_elephantopus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without sculpting, what's the best way to poly-model a turtle/tortoise shell?

I've tried to start with the topology following the shapes on the shell, but then have a problem curving the shell as needed.

I've tried to start with the shape of the overall shell, but then fail shaping the polyhedral geometry of the shell parts.

>> No.645547

model the pattern of the shell on a flat plane, use a bend-modifier, or a deform-lattice to curve it

or make the shape of the shell, then start cutting the polyhedral shapes, dont worry about topology too much, you can fix it afterwards

personally i'd sculpt it, then bake the normals but to each thier own

>> No.645587

what is your confing for pan view and rotate in 3ds max? i fucking hate pressing the MMB all the time.

>> No.645599

Low poly to high poly
high poly to low poly

pros and cons

>> No.645601

>lowpoly to highpoly
outdated and useless. only good if you have a human basemesh ready to go and you just subdivide it.

>highpoly to lowpoly
crucial step for texturing,UV's and real time rendering in general

>> No.645602

I've only ever made my low poly model first and then made the high poly out of that. How different is it to go the reverse route?

>> No.645615

Ideally low-poly to high-poly to low-poly.
First stage is just blocking out with primitives/getting the general shape.
Pull it into a sculpting suite and go into high-poly giving it all the details.
Drag it back down to low-poly and bake all your high-poly details.

>> No.645627

both are incredibly hard

>> No.645650
File: 26 KB, 676x873, Curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got two curves and I need to connect them smoothly in 3D. Any idea how I would do this apart from manually making a point and face each time? The end result I'm looking for is something like a CNC cutting wood, but a more complex curve than just a bevel, with a variable slope.

>> No.645652
File: 189 KB, 1000x844, Scythe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A scythe blade is kind of similar but the issue with my mesh is it's got an additional point to it which has to merge back in.

>> No.645693

Just an idea, not sure if the best methodology: make a NURBS patch, then convert it to polygons.

>> No.645743
File: 848 KB, 1800x1080, sunglassesgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have suggestions for reducing the red speckles that have sorta appeared? Am trying to match the gold texture on left, pretty happy with result except for the bright red specks.

>> No.645822
File: 860 KB, 480x327, b5f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone PLEASE point me in the direction of decent tutorials about hip topology/rigging that causes minimal creasing/bad deformation?

>> No.645871

Are there any good video resources about animating characters? Not really about moving bones and setting keyframes, but more the theory and workflow of making fluid looking animations. Specifically that puts the 12 principles of animation into practice in 3d?
I've started trying to animate characters but I can't for the life of me get them to look very fluid or purposeful. Just something about them always comes off as "this is just a 3d tween" even when I fuck around with curves. I've dabbled in 2d animation in the past, but apart from carrying over animation principles, nothing really feels similar. The program doesn't really matter, as it all comes down to manipulating bones and setting keyframes.

Anything you think would help would be appreciated.

>> No.645912
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 2015_buick_encore_angularrear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related question kinda. So, how do automotive manufacturers take a high poly sculpt of a car and modify it to fit on a frame? It seems really fucking hard. So like, here's a sculpt, now cut it into pieces and modify them to create a frame for them. I think about this every time I drive behind certain cars that look sculpted like the ass end of a Buick Encore.

Also, what program do they use to make the final design of the car in before they make the frame for it in a ca?. Or do they actually make the entire design of the car in cad?

>> No.645918
File: 232 KB, 751x812, pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got a seasonal question:
I'm trying to carve a pumpkin model but no matter how I cut or Boolean or what direction of supporting edges I give, the shading around the cut areas always get screwed up to a point and look bad at angles.

Is there some kind of way to preserve the shading/vertex normals before the cutting? Is there something you can do with data transfer or manually editing normals? Ive tried in the past but the result never works and is always messier than when I began

>> No.645921

have you tried locking the normals before making your cuts?

>> No.645927

If a model is all in quads/tris but the shape of those quads are F U C K E D, will the final result be okay for a games engine?

>> No.645928
File: 12 KB, 751x553, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.645929

game engines always tesselate to quads anyway. It'll be fine

>> No.645931

wait, where is that option? Im still getting used to blender and this UI seems to have everything all over the place. Also can it be done with boolean?

>> No.645932

I'm not really sure what your issue is. Can you post a before/after? I think I might know a solution but I don't want to lead you down the wrong path before making sure.

>> No.645934

I dont use >blender
but its a standard thing that exists

>> No.645961
File: 143 KB, 513x762, matcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


example. No matter how much I change the topology or turn the triangles it just becomes a mess. I tried creating custom split normals data before cutting but that didnt do anything

>> No.645963

It's just an issue with normal interpolation on non-planar faces (see >>645818 and the following conversation for an explanation) when shading's set to smooth. You can get rid of the shading issues by adding an additional edge loop around the hole. The issue shouldn't be apparent if you're using this as a render object, but if this is a game asset and you don't want to throw more polys at it, you'll have to retopologise it.

>> No.645970

Might also be smoothing issues, try adding an edge split modifier on the end of the stack and see if it fixes anything

>> No.645972


>> No.645976

Bumping with this question.

>> No.645996
File: 412 KB, 776x439, lighting!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck me i'm soo silly, I have 5 years experience been modeling-rigging-animating.
I kept telling myself i don't have an eye for color/ rendering etc and avoided all that stuff.
Did a basic texture and looking at it in 3D application i kept thinking it's shit and useless etc.

Bring model in UE4 scene for the hell of it and Boom! It looks a ton better, the only difference is the UE4 scene has lighting setup.

I know i've been stupid but man does lighting make a difference.

Is there more to this that i realize?
I thought some crazy shaders etc were needed to make things look good, is it just basic textures with good lighting/ renderer?

I just need some basic information on making stuff look good.

I'd like to use UE4 as my main renderer so any info on making things look good in UE4 is a good bonus.

If anyone even reads and replies to this :(

>> No.646000
File: 34 KB, 410x500, 5186a5YsJ9L._SX408_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it does. Give pic related a try.

>> No.646001 [DELETED] 

Still relevant.

Also, I strongly advise people to ACTUALLY look at the real world. Go outside, practice photography and drawing/painting, look how things work.

>> No.646014
File: 145 KB, 562x764, Screenshot_570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a character in ZBrush and have the body blocked out and should be ready to get sculpting on the anatomy in earnest. However, I'm not sure how I should handle the hands and feet from this point on. I'm thinking I make those separate subtools, work on them separately, then finally combine everything for the final mesh. But I'm not sure if this is the optimal workflow for this. So what would be the best way to handle these parts?

>> No.646019
File: 23 KB, 345x557, bridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck is the bridge shortcut option in 3ds max? how do i put shortcut for it?

>> No.646021

Tip: download a bunch of HDRIs from hdrihaven.com (amazingly, CC0 licensed), and compare one of your models under them. You'll see first hand how different light setups contribute to the end result, and, most importantly, you'll be able to compare lots of setups very quickly.

>> No.646022

I have a z800 with an AMD Radeon R9 200 graphics card and running win10

It keeps giving a bsod and is generally buggy. What can i do to make it more stable?

>> No.646042

Funny enough i bought a bunch of HDRIs some time ago, a site had a sale so i have a ton to try.

>> No.646054

how do I do this from my bedroom desk?

>> No.646059

Buy a microscope. There's a whole world inside your bedroom.

>> No.646064

Bsod could be a lot of things but i would try clear out cache and temp then take your ram out and put it back. Had a similar problem that turned out to be ram connection issues

>> No.646065

Key map this www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/super-poly-bridge
For some reason you can map bridge at all.

>> No.646231

how do i sculpt using dynamic subdivision without everything lagging? i'm using an i5 4670 with an rx 480 and it lags hard if i use the standard brush on a dynawax sphere with sculptris pro mode on.

>> No.646237

I need a basic human male rig for motion tracking.
No time to all our modeler/rigger to make one from scratch.

Is there a free rig out there?

>> No.646238


>> No.646240

Sorry bud. Didn't specify enough.

I need it with a model of a human male, skinned to the controls and ready to be animated.

Now, what I'll be focusing on will be it's torso, so it would have to have good shoulder winning with scaling options.

I'm sorry if this is to much to ask, but we're getting kinda desperate here.

>> No.646241

makehuman can pump out a generic character model, then import that into maya and use the autorig option. should only need some minor tweaking with the weights. an hour of work at most

>> No.646247
File: 35 KB, 640x646, fd984ca2d492577c60047efb062703e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to determine the original owner of a maya ascii file? for example to detect plagiarism of a handed in file in an educational setting.

>> No.646248

if its ascii just look at it in notepad?

>> No.646249

Yeah, but I mean is there any specific info in the file or anything in Maya that I could use to determine whether its their own work as opposed to handing in part of a tutorial or somebody else's completed model etc

>> No.646259


>> No.646260

Thanks, but I still don't know how to tell if these little fucks are cheating or not.

>> No.646315

so if i find some 2d concept that i like in artstation do i have to ask for permission from the artist before making a 3d model or i can do it and just credit the guy when everything is done?

>> No.646331
File: 943 KB, 1920x1080, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me any advice on why my bakes do this

>> No.646332
File: 813 KB, 1920x1080, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.646334

Ask first unless they explicitly state you can use their art for other purposes

>> No.646406

Couldn't you just make them do shit that isn't generic and able to be downloaded from the internet?

>> No.646417

Make them do a few thumbnail sketches before they do anything on the computer.
Then you can know who's cheating and who isn't because if they didn't make something close to their sketch or at least thematically similar, them dudes cheated.

It's a good practice to learn anyway. Helps keep a final vision in mind. Even if they're not good at drawing, thumbnails are mainly looked at by the artist like shorthand notes. If you have to show a client anything obviously it'd be a bit more polished.

>> No.646427

Decrease the length of rays nigga. And better yet, try dividing the meshes into baking groups

>> No.646721

Where can i find models for maya so i can train my rigging?

>> No.646723

if the model isn't going to show the parts under the armor i see no reason to not just lower the vertexes under the armor with a lattice or paint the skin on the body in a way it wont clip.
otherwise, you could create a hairFollicle on a face of the mesh on the part of the shoulder under the pad, then you would create a joint right on the follicle, then make the follicle control the joint through a parent constraint relation.
then u just skin the pad to the joint 100% and bam.

>> No.646730

turbosquid, mixamo

>> No.646767

Is there any Yotsuba 3D model out there? I want to rig it for gaymes.

>> No.646771

Is starting off with blender good enough? I couldn't be bothered pirating maya or whatever shit people use now. I've lost all hope on my other interests and 3d is my last hope

>> No.646774

yeah its good enough, it does plenty for free

>> No.646775

you need to tick "export polygroups" for both low and high poly.

>> No.646784
File: 583 KB, 324x235, showreel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What software would be suitable for following project:
Photography + vfx composition (eg. create and render 3D models, render light matching the sources in photo, render lens matching the real lens, effects like fog, rain, snow, light etc)

If it would be video I guess some kind of 3D modelling and compositing software like Nuke or Fusion, not sure if this can be used for still images though and/or it would be not as good as eg photoshop which I'm currently using? Reason for rendering stuff is that I think it looks much more realistic than trying to recreat it by hand in photoshop.

My only modelling experience is with 3dsMax (used for CryEngine) but I have none in rendering and compositing apart with photoshop.

>> No.646809

A proper DCC with a proper renderer, like Arnold for example. If you just doing stills, Photoshop will be fine for compositing.
If you need to simulate (fluid, gas, particles) Houdini would be very helpful, but you can do that also with Max and some plugins like FumeFx.
So Max + PS would be fine.

>> No.646821

Is the free version of Houdini of any use?

Would the workflow look something like
Take photo->use it as reference in 3D software to do everything, sizing, placement, lights etc->render everything without photo->bring it into photoshop to compose, colorgrade, merge etc?

>> No.646843

You can simulate smoke or fire in Houdini and export as VDB and load it into DCC, that works, also simple models, but overall the Apprentice version of H is somewhat limited.
>Would the workflow look something like...

>> No.646845

I want to animate short dumb things and maybe someday sell my soul to the game industry

Im learning comp sci so would learning something like Blender in my free time be beneficial? Should i just fuck off and draw?

>> No.646859 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 780x640, 1530852202164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a button or keyboard shortcut for incremental tool saving in ZBRUSH, like the incremental save feature every other program has

If not, can I somehow make one?

quicksave is fucking useless

>> No.646861

Learn Art fundamentals, play around with stuff in your free time, stick to what you find fun.

>> No.646862

Also, if you like logic and math, skip Blender and go straight to Houdini. Technical Artists are always in high demand.

>> No.646885

comp sci is not very related to digital art unless you like the maths and programming aspects of it. If you want to learn to sculpt or model, you might need to rethink your major. Blender is a good starting point, but consider using Maya or 3DS since they give out free student licenses, but be warned that you can't use student-licensed work for profit (i.e. you can't sell your models unless you've bought the full version)

>> No.646889


>> No.646933
File: 8 KB, 185x185, Infernal_succubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic not related.

How should I make models for unity so when a character interacts with a game object he can put on different hat or change hairstyle?
I'm going to have 2 low poly body parts with same head meshes for both male and female, but men are taller.
I want to make one helmet that could be wearable by either of characters. Do I need to add a hair/hat bone to each wearable prop? How do I make it so when I equip a hat that was made on male head is is going to show up on correct hight for the females?

>> No.647109

can you recommend me some good beginner friendly tutorial for uw unwrapping in 3ds max, i somewhat understand the basics , but i cant wrap my mind on how i should approach custom shapes

>> No.647149
File: 327 KB, 1920x1013, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>find some old maya files
>work, but there's one catch- can't move animation timeline to an earlier frame
>when do, program crashes on me, pic related as to what happens

What the fuck is happening?

>> No.647154

How important is it that I know how to make textures? I'm trash at it and there's no threads about the topic here.

>> No.647155

I can feel that: It's important, but you also have to figure out whether or not the object needs a texture map, or if it can survive with just a shader made within the program itself.

>> No.647175
File: 65 KB, 379x291, BeltRetopo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I modeled a character and now I want to retopo it for texturing and animation.
However, I'm very unsure how to handle the belt here.
I've been trying to retopo it as one continous mesh, but it will make the topology kind of uneven and weird around the belt-area, which could lead to bad deformations.
Should I just remove the belt for now, and retopo that as a separate object to get a clean grid around the hip? Will that cause massive clipping issues? Can I circumvent said clipping by making shape keys with driven keys for when the character bends or turns?
Conflicted as fuck

>> No.647176

Maya being Maya. The only solution is to pray that you've got an earlier backup save somewhere.

>> No.647205

>yfw people can't fucking read
Some plug-in that was used to work on the scene hasn't been loaded and Maya can't read its custom nodes.
It's written right there in front of you.

Most likely animation-related, since it crashes when scrubbing the timeline.
Check the plug-ins window, sometimes some just get unchecked for whatever reason.
Maya is being a bitch as usual, but you gotta learn to grab her by the pussy.

>> No.647212
File: 47 KB, 1022x769, screencap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Maya is there a simple of way of creating an edge at the point of intersection between two unconnected faces? I would prefer a method that doesn't involve booleans please

>> No.647219

you should retopo it as separate object. objects are not baked from just 1 location. they are baked individually (depending on your setup)

>> No.647228

how do people get 3ds max and maya? surely no one here is paying 1k a year to use that software
are they just pirating?

>> No.647229

everybody's pirating it or using student licenses but I'm willing to bet that very few people who do so and try to sell their work get a return on it. Usually the most vocal people against it are the ones who are the worst at using the software, from what I've seen. Sometimes there are people who get it from the studio they work at, though

>> No.647234
File: 21 KB, 529x580, Guitar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've modeled a guitar. I would like to animate the strings so that they can be pulled across the fretboard to bend notes. Like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC7f2aNNOoQ

What's the best way to do that? I have no idea how to rig anything that isn't a person, and making 144 shapekeys seems like overkill.

>> No.647235

Just select "student license" on autodesk website and there is literally no check or verification whatsoever

>> No.647241

this might help


>> No.647242

sorry i meant this


>> No.647247
File: 166 KB, 1187x654, Bones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I've figured something out. I'm completely playing this by ear though.

>> No.647258
File: 1.55 MB, 304x256, DeformationCage1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that.
That wasn't my question. My question was what would deform best.
Anyway, I found a solution. Going to use a Mesh deformation modifier.

>> No.647277


how do i work non-destructively in zbrush.
I mean like. if i have a head and want to go in one direction with it but then if i dont like it just revert it with one click. I tried to duplicate the subtool but for some reson even when i turn off the visibility of it its still there.

>> No.647284

Trying to decide on what to do, making an informational channel but not sure if I should go 2d or 3d style animation to explain everything. 2d might look nicer but I don't really have much experience with programs to do 2d and with 3d it could help towards a future career...

>> No.647285
File: 14 KB, 448x213, MakeHuman_420x200_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is make Human Dead? Their site hasn't updated in over a year.

>> No.647292

Use ManuelBastioniLAB. It's MakeHuman's spiritual successor, made by one of its guys.
Though honestly if you're looking for a character creator, the only real package with worth is unironically Daz. There's odd quirks in MBL/MH/Fuse/Mixamo and all the others that Daz simply doesn't really have (given it's so community-run and there's content for everything).

>> No.647308

How worth is buying Substance Painter if I'm using it to fluff out my portfolio until I get a job?
I am too uninformed to pirate anything and googling just gets you nailed.

>> No.647310

go to https://www.cgpeers.com/
set a reminder to make an account on the day you can
download a vpn
use qbittorrent
your now informed

>> No.647311

Try using the demo and see if you like it first. I know I'd definitely use it if I had it - it's a nice tool that's pretty easy to get started with.I'm not sure how much more useful it is with Substance Designer, but it's pretty good on its own.

>> No.647316
File: 194 KB, 2216x1038, modelingpractice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I avoid shading inconsistancies seen in the first image(creasing effect) and is my topology ok?

>> No.647317

Avoid it by just clipping the two pieces.
The topology is shit.

>> No.647321

When in doubt, add more edges. Your topology isn't good; if you're planning on subdividing it that dense section of the cylinder with 7 edges where there's 1 everywhere else will definitely screw it up. You might be able to fix it up a bit by adding more tangential edge loops (for a total of 9-11 instead of 5) and connecting those, instead.

>> No.647326

For geometry that's not going to be deformed are there any downsides to using clipping?

>> No.647329

I dont know if PS render stuff that isnt even 3D belongs here, but might as well ask.
PSCC 2017.0.0, Im trying to render an animation but the blending mode on certain layers wont come through, and instead appears as if it were on Normal. Ive had this problem before in PSCS6, but it just kinda solved itself- not the case now. Anyone know why this is happening, or how to fix it? Ive tried rendering through multiple settings, nothing works.

>> No.647337

there could be issues with subsurface scattering, transparency, refraction depending on what you are rendering with. Arnold has their own solution to fix this though

>> No.647343

Yeah i'm still trying to figure out proper topology so bare with me
that's good to know thanks

>> No.647344

I want to composite a 3D object onto a live action scene. For masking purposes, I need to set up a render layer that overrides the material of the object to be a single matte color, and changes the proxy geometry material to be a different matte color. So basically, how do I make a single render layer have two different material overrides that are each assigned to specific objects? Working in Maya btw.

>> No.647381

I'm doing that right now actually
will I not be able to use the software past whatever I put for the graduation date?

>> No.647384

nevermind, figured out it's good for 3 years

>> No.647399

I watched a couple of YT series-es on learning blender, did a bit of modelling (simple stuff like chairs, tables, basically anything NOT curved)

Going vertice by vertice feels like I'm doing something wrong or that I'm not doing it right.

I've also seen people being able to add a lot of detail to simple geometry. (e.g. a flat plane, but loks like there's an edge, carving etc) is this all bump maps?

Can anyone recommend a slightly more "advanced" tutorial series? I'm not sure how to progress from here.

>> No.647421

my question is, do you like modeling? do you want to add cool color to your models? do you want to sculpt?
there are certain ways to approach 3d creation and for that you need to go over many tutorials, out of the many many tutorials out there its hard for me to recommend one you might like/favor.

you know the donut tutorial right? so i have something that might take longer (and might be harder). but the end result should be more satisfying. this in fact SHOULD be the official "bootcamp" tutorial for blender


>> No.647425

I was reading through and thought the best progression would be vertex modelling -> sculpting -> texturing. I thought it might be good to try everything then choosing what to focus on later.
But i can't even do vertex modelling well enough to be confident in creating something complex. I'm also unsure if I should instead start learning about bump maps etc first.
Could you recommend a good progression idea?

>> No.647428

i think you should check the various modifiers and modeling functions.

borncg on youtube has a video series that go through every single function in detail


>> No.647431

is substance painter better for baking normal maps than xnormal?

>> No.647434

Thanks a bunch.

>> No.647437


>> No.647446

2d or 3d?

>> No.647452

You want to narrow that question down the something worth answering?

>> No.647454
File: 101 KB, 533x509, handtopo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bad topo for a hand? Am I going to regret this?

>> No.647455

looks good so far, but make sure the tips don't come out too blocky. if topology allows it

>> No.647456

Alright, thanks!
I don't really have any limits. My task is just to make a character for a rendered animation, but I felt like making it lowpoly enough to be considered "game ready". I might have a close-up shot of the hands, so I guess rounding out the fingertips is a good idea.

>> No.647458

I just want to pick something up for a hobby and not sure whether to go for 2d or 3d based stuff

>> No.647465

What would be a better solution? I want to make informational videos but unsure of how it could look in 3d whereas in 2d I could see how it could look like.
I don't really have great experience in either so it's kinda making me annoyed not being able to just take one and go with it. Been annoying me for weeks now..

>> No.647467

Do whatever draws you in.

>> No.647470

I think 2D infographics look better than 3D. 3D will be a lot of work up front then ease off, whereas 2D be be sustained work

>> No.647476

It's not going to be just still frames as well, it's going to be more like an animation going through everything that I would be explaining in said video's. Would 2D still be viable in this case?

>> No.647521

How hard is to find a job in the industry by attending a course giving an advanced autodesk certification?

>> No.647522

as of today, its extremely hard to get into the industry regardless of your certificate.

unlike programming or engineering, your knowledge and skill have to be updated in accordance with GPU capabilities and graphical development. so if you don't keep up with the latest trends, you are simply 'done'

>> No.647535
File: 248 KB, 721x1161, leg setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to rig a robot leg, but I can't do it the way I normally would.
The pivot for the knee is actually farther back than the hip and the ankle, so the HI Solver is going backwards.
How can I set this up like a normal human leg, but not have to change the pivot point on the knee?
I'm very unfamiliar with rigging, as I've only every really made posing rigs.

>> No.647544

Just give it a pole vector

>> No.647546

check this out brother

youtube com/watch?v=CGyZ6dy7rlo&list=PLD3ACD9838EC11F98

>> No.647570

Christ, is that Max? What the fuck are you doing, stop. Get Maya.

>How can I set this up like a normal human leg, but not have to change the pivot point on the knee?
I hope you realize the non sequitur in your question here.

>> No.647583
File: 160 KB, 2484x616, frog textures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm using an Image texture to color my frog but when I paint on the mesh and then open the mesh up using bones, the colors would end up being shown on the other side like in this image. The frog has a solidify modifier applied to it before painting it green, so what the fuck?

>> No.647591

could be because of either mirror modifier with similar islands. or symmetry in paint mode, turn that off

>> No.647600

The mirror modifier has long been applied and there's no symmetry enabled in Texture Paint. If it matters, the location of where the green color is would return to normal when the frog's "skin" is closed again.

>> No.647616

well looks like a bug, never seen it before

>> No.647629

Could you be a little more vague? I'm starting to understand what it is your doing, and you wouldn't want that would you?

>> No.647684
File: 601 KB, 480x480, 1523962054232.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you create something like this? What software was used?
Anyone know?

>> No.647685

>what software
Doesn't matter, as long as you have the model and materials any program should be able to do that.
Make model, animate, generate textures, overlay texture, render.

>> No.647686

Sorry, by "any program" I guess I mean "any program or combination of programs that can render 3D animations", since you could do it from start-to-finish in Blender/Maya/Max or create the model in say C4D, material in Substance or something, and then animate it somewhere else.

>> No.647688
File: 433 KB, 400x400, 1516091369548.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how was this animated? can you replicate it?

>> No.647689

Can I personally? No. Is it possible? Yes. It's probably subdivided meshes following a deforming curve

>> No.647693

Probably done in Cinema 4D.

>> No.647708
File: 2.41 MB, 1392x880, out3-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did it in houdini

>> No.647709

so basically three circles, and as you twist them align them in one plane, and as you untwist just spread them again to around 60 deg,
can be done in most 3d soft.

>> No.647725
File: 18 KB, 450x466, boner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone suggest a good comprehensive sculpting book/guide/series/wahtever

I'm not experienced with art at all and I really need directions on process; pic related is a skull I started ages ago, mostly pushed/pulled around from a subdivided base mesh I made.

I've used sculpting tools to try adding some more definition but at the moment I feel stuck at the 'block out' and don't really know how to progress. Please don't tell me to learn anatomy, that's not the issue I'm interested in dealing with here at the moment

>> No.647731

I'm in the same boat as you, your skull looks pretty good! Get the Anatomy for Sculptors book, there was a link to it in /3/ while back, it might be in archives somewhere. It helped me a lot.

>> No.647762

That's fucking amazing anon! Can you please expand on how you twist the circles please. Idon't understand it. Thanks so much... truly awesome.

>> No.647788

its really just basic stuff, just google "twist modifier +softname_you_are_using"
here are some examples:

>> No.647792

Is grabbing a model ripped from a game, importing it into zbrush or other sculpting software, modifying it and retopologizing it a legitimate workflow?

I don't think I'll ever be able to sculpt stuff from 0 on my own.

If the end result looks different from the initial model, and it has different low poly topology, is it really wrong?

>> No.647793

ethically speaking, yes

>> No.647795

Are you talking from a moral standpoint or a learning one? Morally, bad. Learning... Not great, but it's learning. A lot of people say it's useful to look at ripped game content to see how it all comes together and how the original author made it work well.

>> No.647809
File: 108 KB, 250x365, Heart_attack_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using Maya for quite some time and decided to use Blender because it's free
Is the sensation that you're about to have a god damn stroke from frustration at how wonky the interface feels a normal reaction or should I sleep on it, it's only been one hour and I've made zero progress on anything

>> No.647822

Spacebar helps with finding commands. What exactly is your issue past the ubiquitous "there's no buttons that look like what I want" or "the interface is garbage but I won't say why"?

>> No.647826

Well, first and foremost, at least in Object mode, the transforms are done by moving the mouse. As a whole. Not by manipulating a tool of any sort. No clicking or anything, once you click the button to scale or translate, it goes off and it goes before I even situate myself into some strange orientation I've yet to completely master. Pressing X Y or Z moves it along the axis for the kind of movement I'd expect to be able to do with my mouse alone, which I guess is fine but the reliance on button presses for the most basic of tasks bites into me. I'd think that slapping a form of metric measurement onto all transforms would have been a standard thing as well, like moving something either 40 units or centimeters or inches or feet as I hold a preference to, but the useful information for the most basic of tasks is completely hidden and I can't believe people begin working on 3D objects in this thing.

>> No.647828

It's been a while since I used Blender, so I don't remember the shortcut/menu, but you can display a manipulator. You can also enter dimensions when transforming or snap to the grid.

>> No.647842

When animating to import to Unity, and in the context of making a jumping animation, is it better to make the model move along the axes as its jumping or would it be better to make some sort of "non-moving" jumping animation where the model would simply move its legs but not it's entire body and then just make the spatial movement in Unity?

>> No.647854
File: 9 KB, 613x524, The-Immortal-Wizard-of-the-Immortal-Amiga-DOS-NES-Sega-Genesis-Mega-Drive-1990-Sandcastle-EA-Xtreme-Retro-2AAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, how hard is to learn C4D for modeling, making shaders and UVW mapping if you come from 3dsmax? I have seen some offers that ask for that program and I'm thinking about learning it too.
Thanks in advance

>> No.647882
File: 411 KB, 703x739, carmilla_topo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to link up the topo in this fucking area?
I have gone back and forth a million times already and it's driving me crazy

>> No.647884
File: 319 KB, 1936x1216, Manip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transforms are done by moving the mouse as a whole
You can also type in values (which show up in the bottom left, pic related). I've never used the manipulator like >>647828 mentions but I've never felt the need to.
>once you click the button it goes off
...As opposed to not doing the function it's supposed to? I'm not sure what was expected here
>reliance on button presses for the most basic of tasks
Shift-D -> X 3 -> R Y 90 -> S Z .5
Duplicates an object, moves it along the X axis by 3 units, rotates it on Y by 90 degrees, and scales it along the global Z axis by 50%, all without even touching the mouse.
>slapping a form of metric measurement....would have been a thing
That's already a thing.

I kind of feel like you're going into this with the mindset that "this sucks because I've heard it sucks" and aren't making an effort to learn basic features of the program. Not everything's going to be like an Autodesk program - different developers have their own way of doing things, no matter what people say the "industry standard" is. Fusion 360 is also different from AutoCAD which is different from Solidworks which is different from NX 10, etc. etc. Googling what you're trying to figure out goes a long way.


>> No.647923
File: 25 KB, 168x216, uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best I got

>> No.647924

Anybody know where I can get those top view AutoCAD interior design maps?

>> No.647968
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I make with no graphics card and just integrated graphics? Pic related

>> No.648029

Thanks, Anon.
I saw the reply too late, and just did something random, but I'll try to keep your suggestion in mind for next time.

>> No.648086

Is there a good way to edit already compressed DDS file without compressing it again and further fucking it up? I'm not even going to add any significant details, I just want to change the curves.

>> No.648092
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Radeon-Pro-Software-Adrenalin-Edition-Whats-New-in-Radeon-ProRender-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm using amd pro render and updated it to get the interactive viewport denoiser function, but there doesn't seem to be any changes. is there a specific way to enable it besides the denoiser section under the global tab? this is on maya btw.

any help on this would be much appreciated.

>> No.648095

What's the best program to create animations?

>> No.648101


>> No.648109
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, castle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make pretty much anything. The cg software might start to get a bit slow if you make something really complex (think high resolution CGI like they use in movies), but most game related cg you can make on pretty much any computer form the last ~10 years.

I made Pic related on an old Lenovo from 2012ish with intel integrated graphics. (It's not a very good image, but it shows you can make things much higher detailed than the image you posted)

>> No.648110
File: 412 KB, 703x739, carmillatopo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have redone the area under the eye, seeing as that's what caused the difficulty in the first place.

>> No.648132

How is being a DAZ content creator perceived in the industry? Is there any sort of stigma attached to it?

>> No.648137

The stigma is: you're not part of the industry.

>> No.648148

its like trying to get in the music industry for being good at guitar hero

>> No.648154

Interesting shading. Can you show more?

>> No.648157

Just to be clear, I'm asking about making content for DAZ users. Character props, like hair or clothing.

>> No.648159

Pretty broad question where would I get started modeling for shit like games and mods? Software required, good videos / websites to start learning.

>> No.648164

Is there a way to rip textures com?

>> No.648165

so what you are asking here>>648132
is "How is creating DAZ assets perceived by DAZ userbase?"
My guess is if you provide people with quality content at reasonable price, they should be happy.

>> No.648179

Any good skin painting tutorial for sd\sp? Persian education center has only mari ones.

>> No.648207

why is it so hard to go from mediocre to really good than it is going from bad to mediocre ?

>> No.648210

Pareto's Principle or the 80/20 rule.
The further up you go, the more energy you have to put in. The last 20% take as much as the whole 80% before.

>> No.648212

There is at least one on the official Allegorithmic channel.
And here is a short breakdown:

>> No.648213

Swell thanks.

>> No.648216

Yes, that I assume. My concern is if "cutting my teeth", so to say, by making content for DAZ is going to hurt any future work prospects, outside of DAZ of course, because of any associated stigma.

>> No.648222


1. Maya, Zbrush, blender, there’s lots of 3D modeling tools out there, What’s the difference here ? do I have to know “how to use” all of this? or is it just personal preference?

2. my chinese friend is like “ lol you still do 3D modeling in maya? go with the new age “ and tells me(also shows me some videos about) how great and convenient to do modeling in Zbrush, substance all the time. and act like making a texture, 3D modeling is almost impossible and inefficient things to do in maya(even though we study about maya in school) . is it really that inefficient hard thing to do to make detailed looking human or car while using only maya? I’m just a student who just started using maya, so don’t know what to believe or what should I focus on more. I just wanted to study about 3d modeling so I was heavily concentrate on studying maya before I met him, but now, I don’t know. should I start studying other software for that “inefficiency”? Or should Go back to what I was doing? it’s bugging me so much I want to get a answer for this.

And also I live in Japan if I get a job I would end up in a Japanese Company and making moe weeb shit for rest of my life. so I have to think about my future

3.And also I’m not good at drawing. I should be worried about that? If I want make something detailed stuff in the future?

>> No.648223

Visit the Polycount forums and wiki, they're one of the biggest sites for game (and other) art.


tl;dr of it is pick your favorite program (Blender's a good start for modeling) and just go for it. Google and Youtube should provide the fundamentals.

>> No.648225

If the props you are doing for the DAZ degenerates are so universal that they work in an non-DAZ environment, nobody will care or even realize it. If you do pink dragon dildos and stuff like that you will be branded as one of the degenerates...
But nobody forces you to use your real name in combination with that stuff, so just do it, take the experience and run with it.

1.yeah learn and master Maya, ZBrush, Substance
2. Anything organic >>>ZBrush, For Hardsurface like cars and mechs, Maya would be better (or Max, or Modo). Substance Painter is for textures. Doing textures the oldschool way with 2D tools like photoshop is about 5-10 times slower and absolutely soul-crushing. Same for building characters in Maya with oldschool methods. If you learned it back in the days and mastered it, then you still could use it, but for an beginner; its an absolute motivation-killer. Just fucking sculpt and retopo it.
3.Learn art fundamentals like form, perspective, color theory, composition, the fundamentals are really important, without learning and using them your work will be shit.

>> No.648226

>what's the difference here
There's a few different "types" of modeling programs. Blender, Maya, and 3DS are polygonal/vertex modeling tools - you work with individual points/edges/faces of an object and edit them directly. These are the "traditional" types of tools that have been used for games pretty much since the beginning.

Tools like Fusion360 and Solidworks are boolean modelers - you don't manipulate the model directly, but you slap parts on or cut them out (like if you were using actual machine tools). Some people use them for art as well, or for a base mesh, but they're really meant more for product design and manufacturing.

Zbrush, Sculptris, and also Blender (with some different settings) are sculpting tools; with those, it's more like working with a ball of clay. You extrude, pinch, crease, fold, gouge, and all those other things. This is how a lot of characters and organic objects are done (though you can certainly do hard-surface with them too).

>go with the new age
This is most bullshit and you can pretty much ignore him. Maya is still the program of choice for a lot of studios and students and is probably the most widely used tool... but boy, is it expensive.
>making a texture in Maya
I've never done it in Maya; Substance is a tool that's popular right now for making materials, but it's not the only way, so it's not "wrong", just different.

You don't have to be good at drawing. It doesn’t hurt from what I’ve seen, but there's artists who are skilled at 3D and 2D who say it helps to plan out your designs and explore different forms before committing to 3D. Drawing something doesn't mean you'll be able to recreate it in 3D and vice-versa, it's all about the artist.

Running out of room here, but I've put my steamID in the name field; In case you have any more questions, I'd be glad to provide more help, feel free to add me, since there's a lot more I could explain.

>> No.648227

WTF is a boolean modeler?
If you don't know what you are talking about, are you sure you are the right person to explain things?
>it doesn't hurt from what i've seen.
Good god are you retarded?
It hurts reading your mindless drivel.
>Drawing something doesn't mean you'll be able to recreate it in 3D and vice-versa
Yes actually it does help tremendously if you can draw something, because drawing is very similar to sculpting. Give somebody who is good at drawing ZBrush and watch how he leaves the non drawing 3D beginners behind.
That is because an artist who is good at drawing most likely has mastered or at least is good with art fundamentals. Understanding proportions and anatomy is like the most important part when creating characters. Learning how to use a sculpting program is trivial compared to that.

Don't listen to this super-potatoe here, learn the fundamentals, learn drawing, IT DOESN'T HURT, and get a proper teacher/mentor.

>> No.648228

Sorry, not boolean, parametric modeling, my mistake

That's... what I said, yeah. You even quoted me on it. Drawing isn't required for learning 3D modeling, but it can help, because of the common fundamentals.

>> No.648234

Can you guys recommend me some books on how to model characters? I tend to use blender.

>> No.648248

Whoa, looks like I'm going to make a game.

>> No.648260
File: 432 KB, 1350x689, blender_2018-10-31_07-57-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/3/ how do i fucking make PLANE hairs also messy fucking hairs. In all my life i've only made female models but all anime males have this fucking kind of hair.
i tried copying the method in here but its just impossible since its not a female model and rem and rams hair are kind of neat. https://sketchfab.com/models/b2d2b36629d0403f8c4c9f0a0d34aa97

>> No.648261
File: 196 KB, 1350x689, blender_2018-10-31_07-57-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.648262
File: 2.76 MB, 1920x1080, castle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the only other image from the set. A couple concept pieces for a game idea I decided not to pursue.

Good luck bro!

>> No.648265
File: 13 KB, 236x236, 5e2d047b65850f5f33f280c50d94a525--haiti-character-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need hair alphas like this. these are usually hard to get a hold of (not to mention the unique coloration) but you can certainly do them yourself in photoshop (depending on your graphic design skills) or simply download them.

in this view there is a demo on how he does it.
he simply uses the curve modifier to bend the planes and then he adds the alpha as a UV


>> No.648346

not sure if this deserves its own thread so i'll ask here first (since it's a fairly old topic)
what is /3/'s opinion on live2d stuff?
im really interested in that euclid thing

>> No.648347

THNKS GUYS. and I also just sent you a friend request Super Potato

>> No.648353

ok, so when im exporting from a cad software to 3ds max using obj/fbx is there no way for me to set up the object's topology to be all quads? is there a way to avoid triangles and ngones or am i just forced to do retopo no matter what?

>> No.648354

Depends on what CAD software you're using. You don't have to retopo though, most programs include some sort of tris to quads function.

>> No.648355
File: 1.16 MB, 1005x565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been wondering how to add graffiti and damage to surfaces like the buildings in this render, do i have to unwrap the object and just do them with photoshop or ? im just starting out with 3d, using cinema 4d

>> No.648362

Solidworks question.
What is the proper approach to designing a part in assembly while ensuring it stays a minimum safe distance from the other already existing parts? Just in case - I'm not talking about mating constraints, but about shaping a part in a way that it leaves enough space around other parts. I am designing a link between two moving parts and need to make sure it won't jam something small in between or crash into either part when something flexes under load or actual parts end up not having the exact dimensions within rather loose manufacturing tolerances. I've tried shell and offset surface in hopes to use them as a reference when designing the link, but both fail miserably I believe due to existing parts having lots of small radius concave faces that cannot be offset far enough. I can't find anything else obvious enough for me to use, but I believe this is a rather common task and there should be a straightforward way to do it, so that means I'm doing something wrong.
Of course I can just iterate the design manually while checking the final result with clearance verification until it satisfies me, but I want to try automating things before resorting to that.

>> No.648366

Well, it's not really 3d, so I don't know why you are asking that.

>> No.648368

What's /3/ opinion on 3d software packages moving to the the
>Software as a Service

>> No.648372

I am more likely to spend a grand on a good software, than pay that as a subscription.

I prefer owning software, and if they want to make future updates to be paid, I would like them to be in style of optional paid add-ons.

>> No.648375

It's interesting because subscriptions are much cheaper in the short run (1 year) but accumulate costs in the long run (several years) due to how cheap upgrading can be.
Gonna use MD and Substance as examples here as they're the only ones I could think of that offer both subscription & perpetual.

>$50/month ($300/yr)
>$490 perpetual (not sure on upgrade cost)
Considering MD updates at least once per year, it's clearly much cheaper to go with the $300/yr option. I can't find a fixed cost for upgrading, but past news has placed that pricing at around 50-75% off that $490 price tag. So over the course of about 3-4 years, it becomes cheaper to go perpetual than to continue paying that $300 yearly cost.

>$19.90/month for entire suite
>$149 for perpetual 12-months (only Painter or Designer, not both. other Substance programs not available)
>$75 for another 12-months maintenance
Similarly, in a span of 1 year it makes more sense to go with the subscription but over the years it becomes cheaper to get the perpetual licenses with maintenance (first year is $239/yr vs. $298 perpetual, second year is $478/2yr vs. $448 perpetual, so on). You do lose the perks of B2M and Source if you go with the subscription service though.

Ultimately though, these are indie pricings targeting developers that likely don't need the program for 3+ continuous years, so it becomes more financially sound to go with the subscriptions.

>> No.648396
File: 163 KB, 1453x945, sticky ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do merged subtools sometimes randomly become a single mesh?

I don't dynamesh or anything

>> No.648434

really? but it's real-time rendered "not really 3d" in a 3d space.
im talking about the "live2d euclid" thing, by the way, not cubism.

>> No.648472

If you're fine with the developer holding you by the balls. No matter what they do you have to stay on board with them and if they take the software somewhere you don't want or like, well, sucks to be you.

>> No.648487

ive been messing around with moi3d lately and while is relatively fast and easy to achive good results i fear that ill have to retopo the mesh once is exported to 3d max and end up spending the same if not more time if i were to just make in max.
i see that when exporting from moi there is option to choose ngones, quads and triangles or mixture
of ngones and quads, but nothing on just quads. so once i have in max and i try to turbosmooth it i get a huge mess
>most programs include some sort of tris to quads function.
i know 3ds max have quadrify all option, but i dont the habit of using it, do you think that could work ?

>> No.648497

Same. And if a software goes subscription only, then I'm going to think about going pirate only.

>> No.648574

I'm fairly new to 3D, still using images planes as references to do most of my stuff, should i keep being so reliant on references or is better to stop?

>> No.648582
File: 43 KB, 286x248, aaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refreshed: >>648581

>> No.648613

ok then
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMI_augunA4 it's uv projection of your painted character onto existing basemesh. And it only is going to work on shadeless models