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File: 115 KB, 395x341, final-render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
641868 No.641868 [Reply] [Original]

taking over the board edition

previous: >>639653

Post work you've done, ask questions, discuss about Blender.

>> No.641872

Blunder only has a userbase of dumbshits (too dumb to use crack on Maya or Max) and poorfags because its free. Nobody would pay for this shitty app

>> No.641874


>> No.641875 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 485x662, superior_software.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.641881

He has a point, you know? The company that used to own Blender went broke.

>> No.641884
File: 59 KB, 525x521, 1366831596696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't have chosen any worse picture than this to start this thread.
Enjoy getting it filled with nothing but anti-Blender faggotry.

>> No.641887

I'm building a track record of poor thread images.

>> No.641889

You do know the horror stories right?
Do you really want Autodesk knocking on your door?

>> No.641890
File: 34 KB, 962x315, tf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real

>> No.641892

if anything post a face of a well respected artist instead of some 1950's oil baron meme
this make you seem dumb

>> No.641895

Autodesk doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.641899


>> No.641914

I love blender and it has proven how good it is time and time again.

>> No.641926


I'm trying to follow this guide to duplicate my tree a bunch of times using emitter particles, but I'm having trouble making it where trees show up instead of the default particles.
Does anyone know a fix?

>> No.641927

In the render section of the particle menu. Click object. Why use emitter instead of hair?

>> No.641928

It's a bit different in practice, but yes it's similar
In this video, she's essentially bisecting the mesh and forming a closed loop, which makes other operations convenient (like connecting closed loops), but what I'm looking for is more like drawing open line segments (and those line segments are probably like Bezier curves) on top of a mesh that eventually intersect each other.

Intersections that form a closed loop will probably form something like a NURBS surface.

Actually this is the closest to what I was thinking of. The Retopoflow 2.0 addon is very close with its poly strip tool and ability to turn multiple unconnected meshes into a single retopologized mesh.

My understanding, when it comes to drawing disjoint curves which snap to the mesh, would make it possible to indicate the "most important" elements of topological flow that edge loops would be forced to follow, and then you could simply derive or have an algorithm do the rest.
The elements I'm referring to are poles, folds and creases (epicanthal, nasolabial, ...), and transitions between soft and skeletal features (ribcages)

But maybe Retopoflow's polystrips and other tools would be easier. Who knows.

>> No.641933


>> No.641935

Has anyone here tried this addon yet? Worth it?


>> No.641937
File: 145 KB, 540x960, Chess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you use this piece in your chessboard ?

>> No.641938

looks gimmicky.
weight paint doesn't take that long anyway, i would get autorig instead

>> No.641940
File: 950 KB, 1282x948, im.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can draw guide lines for an algorithm in every good automatic retopology algorithm - but Blender doesn't have such a retopology algorithm I am aware of, not even as a plugin. In ZBrush, 3D-Coat and modo you draw just a few lines as you describe, then click retopology and the algorithm will try its best to force edge flow along those lines while producing nice quad topology.

The Instant Meshes algorithm (https://github.com/wjakob/instant-meshes)) works the same way basically (as I said, modo implements Instant Meshes now).
The Instant Meshes application actually gives you the finest degree of control because it was implemented by the researchers - you generate a parametrization first (the colorful lines on the left) and can then place guides (the green line) and also move individual singularities (pole vertices - the dots) to force a specific field flow and decide how to joint edge loops that cross each other at an angle. Then you do the same thing with a "position field" which is like a closer representation of what the result will be that you can fine tune, which will then mostly be subdivided as I understand.

>> No.641942

Is it possible to designate some lines as more important than others?

>> No.641943

Weird suggestion, would it be possible to light shade a 2d drawing using blender?

>> No.641945

Sure. You just model what's in the drawing, set your camera to have the same projection properties as the view in the drawing, then project your drawing as a texture and add lighting
But for simple cases it's easier to just use a 2D depth map/normal map and run a shader on it for lighting, you can do that in Photoshop, Krita, perhaps even GIMP

>> No.641976
File: 62 KB, 998x705, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this guy achieve this 2D effect? The video where the guy tries to explain it isn't the most thorough.


Go crazy friends here's the file:

>> No.641980

this vid explains the gist of how to cel shade (what the 2D effect render is called)
has many resources on how to do it in blender.

>> No.641981

production anime studios tend to do the opposite; 3d scene first, drawings later or superimposed on top of the lighting, and I've never once seen them combine computed lighting on top of hand-drawn assets.

Probably because by the time you model it and compute the lighting there isn't a whole lot you can do to make it not look CG.

>> No.641993
File: 2.10 MB, 157x197, latest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose he was talking more along the lines of what CDPR/Blizzard are doing rather than anime.
Just a lot shittier unless you are a god.

although yeah most of the lighting is already part of the painting in on many of the cards, but some have rendered shading on the surface

>> No.642006

Is there a way to do this but make it so the tree isn't the same shape every time?

>> No.642008

Model multiple trees and add them to a group. Instead of Render > Object, Render Group instead.

>> No.642094
File: 720 KB, 1920x1080, blendyRend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /3/ ! I was wondering if it was possible to bake the lit surface to an image sort of like a pre-lit texture. This is what I'm workin with A female with three-point lighting.

>> No.642097

In the render tab there is a Bake section.
For Blender Render, you need to have a target texture applied to the polygons in edit mode.
For Cycles, you need to have a material with an image texture in the node tree, click on that node to set it as target texture.
You can bake almost anything.
Note that if you want to bake something that's not "standard", you can set up a node system in Cycles for it and then bake that
Like if you wanted to bake pointiness map, you could put a geometry info node to an emission shader and bake emission

>> No.642120
File: 2.58 MB, 530x530, jigglypuff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took much longer than expected, but I'm happy with the result. There's a few little issues but nothing major.

>> No.642129

Not bad. Woulda been cool if you used speculars on the eyes instead of hand painting them, methinks.

>> No.642133
File: 328 KB, 600x451, CL frame 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.642145

Now rig it for porn.

>> No.642154

try it with shadless material and freestyle lines, see how it looks

>> No.642220
File: 676 KB, 530x530, jigglypuff-cartoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like pic related. It's almost like it's actually drawn, which is really cool. Thanks for the suggestion anon.

>> No.642247

Rigify keeps fucking up on me. The arms' axes of rotation have irreparably offset by a few degrees and I can't rotate naturally. It's really pissing me off because I was practically done with the face rigging.

I've tried everything from bone rolls to rebuilding the arms with a sample. None of this shit is working.

>> No.642260
File: 11 KB, 155x143, 673568367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to join mesh X with mesh Y and X automatically becomes a new vertex group inside Y?
that would be absurdly neato.

>> No.642263

It would require a small script

>> No.642265
File: 687 KB, 973x879, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have a neat time-saving trick for this? So far I've been placing out each individual leaf by hand, but I figure there must be some way to automate the process.

Those green vines are bezier curves for instance. Is there a way I could simplify this process that someone knows of? Until then I'm going to keep placing leaves out by hand.

>> No.642266

Use particles? E.g. set the vine as the particle emitter and the leaves as the emitted/hair object?

Probably won't look as good and will take a ton more of fiddling around with than just hand placing.

>> No.642267
File: 707 KB, 969x873, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciate the input. I have no idea how particles work in Blender but I tried using the FiberMesh function in Zbrush to generate a series of flat uv planes to mediocre results. I think in the end it's just going to look best to hand place every leaf individually like you said. I will look into Blender's particle system for future projects though, thanks.

>> No.642268

You can try Sverchok or Animation Nodes to make it generative
The particle idea is good too. Don't forget you can edit particles and hair manually in cache to get a specific look

>> No.642274

Thanks, I'll check both those out. For now I will stick with manual placement though since I know it works.

>> No.642280

particle system

>> No.642284
File: 1.18 MB, 1001x942, APC 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda fucked up modelling this. I don't know whether or not to make it high poly and what to make as separate objects. I plan on bringing it into substance painter but like how does substance painter work with various separate meshes? Should I make a low poly version that it'll bake onto? I haven't done hard ops modelling in a while.

>> No.642294

i suggest you keep modeling things from the same style, eventually your high poly will look good enough to bake

>> No.642311

I've been having lots of trouble baking my node texture setup into a model, Is there a website I could go to where someone more experienced than me could look at the .blend file and show me what to do?
I'm willing to go to a pay site if I have to.

>> No.642326

Check the blender forums or blender stackexchange. They're pretty generous with that type of support.

>> No.642414

Sure. I can't stop losing the fuckers anyway.

>> No.642537

So some friends recommended me blender, though I've only used maya and I know all the shortcuts and other things it's able to do.

I open blender and I already don't know what to do. It's already overwhelming. Where do I even start from???

>> No.642544

You stay with Maya.

>> No.642556
File: 100 KB, 440x1473, ut keyblade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an easy way to make vines that curve and twist like this?

>> No.642558

Best way would be to start any project (try modelling something complete, for example), google what you don't know.


>> No.642565
File: 90 KB, 1644x564, 2018-09-19_04-52-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong guys? For some reason my proportional editing doesn't work as it should.
I have no snapping on, no modifiers, and location, rotation and scale are all applied.

Help please

>> No.642568
File: 124 KB, 1126x942, big wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically do what im doing but do it better.

>> No.642572

If I had to guess I'd say you have x-mirror on under the mesh options.

>> No.642576

Yes, I just found https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/77147/strange-mesh-behavior-with-proportional-edit

You guessed well, and thank you

>> No.642608
File: 314 KB, 1920x1080, Undertale Keyblade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second project done, i'll learn how to walls properly some other time.

>> No.642672
File: 216 KB, 1220x1080, key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tweaked it a little.

>> No.642675

the asset came out nice. maybe do some shadow/light play here in addition

>> No.642782
File: 3.57 MB, 602x519, horsea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm getting the hang of this.

>> No.642784

Who else is scared of 2.8 and having to change and adapt?

>> No.642786

I'm not. I left Blender before it was too late.

>> No.642788

Not really. The old screen customisation is still there and hotkey changes are something you just get used to. I'm sure there are custom startups to revert it back some.

>> No.642796

I am not. I am constantly learning other programs...Maya, Clarisse, Nuke, Mari.
The changes in 2.8 are nothing. I am already using the beta.

>> No.642798
File: 148 KB, 960x540, fordf150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did something cheesy and over the top with my model

>> No.642805
File: 1.26 MB, 1146x640, chair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first true render. I think I got the lighting down pretty good, just not sure how to properly pick colors and such.

Designed everything in this // including the small fluid sim...

taking all feedback and suggestions

>> No.642821


+the colors match, somewhat well
+interesting chair

-render is noisy/grainy
-the overall shape of things could use more work, it looks basic
-the background is just static green, no textures
-while the chair might be interesting, it reminds me of scarred skin tissue and im not too fond of that.
-everything has the same material, look into shaders and how they work
-the fluid looks like paper

>> No.642838

>1000's of tutorials on how to navigate the view port
>100's of tutorials on how to model with extrusions
>10's on how to uv unwrap
>none on what the texturing workflow looks like
Are there even good free resources

>> No.642874


>> No.642878

>Want to do function from other program or find out if an idea is possible.
>Search it up and find threads from people asking the same thing.
>50% of the replies are "lol why would you want to do that? XD"
>The other 50% just completely misunderstand the question like American isn't their first language.

>> No.642885

It's no use. Blenders gonna blender.

>> No.642886

whats the question nigger

>> No.642896

Anyone know of any plugins that add more texture nodes like pic related? These are helpful, but I wish I had more. Stuff like Hexagonal grids, plaid, etc...

>> No.642897
File: 113 KB, 708x485, textures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic related. Here it is.

>> No.642900

Don't know about such an addon but you can write custom shaders in OSL which would allow you to create such nodes. There aren't a huge number of OSL shaders online but many things can be translated from GLSL/HLSL examples (you can't access light data in OSL but it shouldn't matter in this case)

If you just need procedural textures but not necessarily computed at render time, there is Filter Forge and of course Substance, there is also a freetard alternative called NeoTextureEdit

>> No.642901

well iv seen something at wolf 3d shader
it comes with a few more procedural textures.


>> No.642907

>market sale
Worth getting these two while they're still on sale if you're into rigging


>> No.642935

Auto-Rig serves a completely different purpose you idiot.

>> No.642939


>> No.643006
File: 857 KB, 1200x900, Ancient_road_surface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to create something like pic related using procedural textures, but so far I am having no luck. is it even possible to achieve something like this, or do i need to resort to image textures?

>> No.643008

with cycles alone, barely. you will have to use substance designer

>> No.643029

I used to hate blender and it's ugly clusterfuck of an outdated UI. But 2.8 looks beautiful, clean and makes actual sense. I'll start learning it soon enough.

>> No.643034

I prefer 2.79 tbqh. The stupid double tapping A to deselect is a big turnoff for me.

>> No.643050


>> No.643062

rate and dont hate.

>> No.643064
File: 50 KB, 400x400, Selección_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic.

>> No.643066

Then use Alt+A, or use the 2.79 keymap, or customize it yourself...

>> No.643088

Blender may not be able to do it. I've seen people do some fancy stuff with the nodes but it requires that you make a clusterfuck of nodes as a get around since Blender severely lacks proper procedural textures. This is going to be addressed in the 2.8 version but it might not be enough

>> No.643143

im trying to follow a tutorial, where the hell has display all edges been moved to? cant seem to find it

>> No.643144

I'm trying to create a 4 channel splatmap using RGBA, I can easily set this up within my game engine, but I cant figure out how to do it at all with blender (which I need to do in order to actually paint this splatmap in the first place). I see nodes for Seperate RGB, but there isnt anything for seperating alpha. Is there something i'm missing or does blender somehow not have this functionality?

>> No.643146

Alpha is always a separate value, it's a simple float.

>> No.643149 [DELETED] 

How do I pull the Alpha value from a Texture input then?

>> No.643150

You're kidding me.
Look at the image texture node's outputs.
What's the second one say?

>> No.643151
File: 214 KB, 1279x788, splatmapnode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe an image would help me explain my difficulties more. I dont see anything related to alpha at all anywhere, have been stuck on this for a week trying to figure it out myself so asking here now.

>> No.643152

Use the alpha output on the node?

>> No.643155

you are using the compositor, not the material node editor

>> No.643156

I'm new to nodes in blender, where to I make sure I'm in the correct node editor?

>> No.643157
File: 688 KB, 1378x700, 2018-09-23 21_22_48-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it should look something like this (in cycles)

>> No.643158

change to cycles render, and switch 3d view to node editor in the small tab in left corner of the screen

>> No.643162
File: 1.18 MB, 1563x753, 2018-09-23 21_46_49-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me, that was entirely wrong. the alpha needs to connect to the factor. and colors need to be in the color mix.

also, mix works better than add, and im not sure why.

>> No.643163

by the way i have no managed to create a 4 channel splat, the most i could do is 2 because of node hierarchy. one can't come after the other.

if your game engine allows more than 2 color outputs you can splat

>> No.643166 [DELETED] 

But how do I access whatever menu that is in the first place, wherever I am doesnt have"texture coordinate" node.

>> No.643179
File: 210 KB, 640x540, 360 RS0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /blender/ think of low poly?

because I have the time nor the experience to make high poly

>> No.643182

Do you know of circumsoldier?

>> No.643227

lowpoly is easy. but good lowpoly is even harder than highpoly.

highpoly is like churning out shit like a money (array this, subd that) painting a lowpoly character is more complex and artistic

>> No.643242

>the most i could do is 2 because of node hierarchy. one can't come after the other.
what are you talking about?

>> No.643316
File: 954 KB, 1554x753, 2018-09-24 23_01_47-Blender_ [C__Users_udi_Desktop_splat.blend].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i think i found a solution.
there iv simplified it for you, actually im glad you asked that question because it can help many people do their textures

>> No.643329
File: 505 KB, 1024x768, PATAMON.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out that it's really easy to find good reference images for digimon.

>> No.643331

got one with a larger head?

>> No.643332

Anybody got that blender workflow that involved repeating bezier arrays to produce chains, ropes, and tentacles and shit?

>> No.643341

well you could model 2 chain links. then attach curve modifier with a line curve.
then adjust whatever shape/angel you want with the curve, keep extruding. then array it. it will have the same result.

but extruding the actual array is also possible, i just forgot how

>> No.643366

Should I use rigify and the provided rig for my models or should I make a custom rig? Or should I make a custom rig and use rigify controls with it? Is that even possible?

>> No.643367

how do you swap existing shaders?

>> No.643368

The texures in the real time viewport's material view aren't filtered. How do I enable filtering? The mipmap box is already checked in the texture panel but it only affects the render.

>> No.643388

you just select them from the drop down menu? in the materials tab.

check in the system settings

>> No.643389

how can I get the edges of an object to be black lines? I want shapes to have clearly visible seams/edges

>> No.643390


>> No.643395
File: 46 KB, 259x730, 2018-09-25 17_01_01-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.643396


>> No.643404

ive just started learning blender. what are some addons or adjustments I should make to make things easier?

>> No.643405

learn the hotkeys and get familiar with the viewport camera controls

>> No.643418
File: 3.24 MB, 960x1440, fixedagain0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.643420

What is that, Colin's Bear's girlfriend?

>> No.643454

ok, what you meant was mixrgb has only 2 color inputs. I don't see why that would matter, when you can just keep adding more nodes. It's basically working in layers, but from left to right

>> No.643455

well yeah. most people do texture splats using mix shader which overcomplicates things.
if it happens that the alpha is flipped then use invert node.

>> No.643457

It's easier to make a custom shader in OSL

>> No.643463
File: 935 KB, 1118x689, 2018-09-25 23_17_46-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made my own 3 way splat in case ill need in the future

>> No.643616

You can use make a rig and constrain it's transforms to the Rigify Deform bones. It's kind of redundant, though unless you're looking to export the animations for use in another program.
Thanks, bud. I knew they posted a vid somewhere I'll check the youtube archives.

>> No.643633

So I should stick to using the rig provided then? I just made a custom rig just to know how to do it. The controls on rigify look a lot better than my rig. But can you direct me where I could learn about "constrain it's transforms to the Rigify Deform bones" or should I just keep looking through tutorials and reading documentation?

>> No.643691

why is blam so shitty?

>> No.643708

Are you trying to use it on a drawing or distorted picture?

>> No.643709

A photo, tried it on different photos and always have something wonky with it.

>> No.643726
File: 23 KB, 1011x453, blender porblems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads, first time using blender (or any 3d modelling software). I think I'm getting the hang of it, but I've run into an issue. It looks like in certain parts of the model there are multiple vertices, edges and faces occupying the same space. It's kind of hard to explain in words since I don't understand blender and 3D too well but hopefully pic related will clear it up.

Is there a way to make all vertices merge if they occupy the same coordinate? Also how should I go about avoiding this mistake in the future. Pretty sure it came from removing and adding faces to lower the amount of polys.

>> No.643727

Remove doubles. Alternatively, if the coordinates aren't exactly the same, use the merge function. I'm not too sure what your workflow is here, so can't provide any tips. But I'll say that when box modelling, extruding and scaling is your friend. That more or less ought to help with duplicate vertices.

>> No.643730
File: 28 KB, 603x748, mesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate that sorted it.
As for workflow, most of it is extrudes and manually tweaking vertices. Though since I'm still figuring things out I've been playing with probably inadvisable techniques.

Here's the full mesh

>> No.643733

Yikes, that doesn't look too good. I suggest following some tutorials on simple box modelling, you should be able to find plenty of them on youtube or whatever. The faces on those arms are "inverted", by the way. They have their normals facing inwards, which is why they're shaded strange and blue-grey. Proper models should always have their normals facing outwards. You can correct that with one click by finding the recalculate normals function.

>> No.643735
File: 8 KB, 266x633, mesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm not too happy with the arms, I need to do some reading on how shoulders and pecs work and then redo them.

Thanks for the tip on normals. No idea what they are but I'll keep it in mind. Lot of concepts I just don't know about.

I am pretty happy with the body minus the arms, though as a total newbie I'm guessing you guys are seeing a lot of things that will cause me troubles later on down the line. Trying to make a base mesh to later put different clothes and heads on for a shitty game hobby project.

>> No.643741
File: 2.81 MB, 2000x2000, RoomRender2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual size of my shitty room I'm renting.

>> No.643742
File: 2.45 MB, 1920x1420, room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP bathroom.

Feel free to give criticisms I guess. Not really a serious project.

>> No.643744

great idea. this is gonna be my next project

>> No.643765
File: 222 KB, 1128x542, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck are two different models, without textures or materials, in object mode, in solid shading mode, having different color? Left has grey color, like it's usually with my other models, and right is fucked up and slightly whiter. Deleted all textures and other shit. It's unimportant issue, but it bothers me so much

>> No.643768

Check your normals. Recalculating them should fix the issue.

>> No.643770

model the interior of your whole house then also post your address and when you're not at home xoxo

>> No.643773

hi, how'd you make that? torque, twist and stuff, i'm pretty new to blender so that seems like it has quite a process behind it

>> No.643807

different geometry.

probably inside faces or double faces, who knows

>> No.643859

>Add plane
>Skin modifier
>Subdivide modifier
>Extrude into place
>Scale sections as needed.
>Surface deform modifier with wood map

>> No.643929
File: 121 KB, 300x300, et.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an easy way to copy and paste frames? I need to have this animation at 8 different camera angles for the game I'm working on and I don't want to just rotate it 8 times and record it 8 times.

Also, is there a way to export gifs in from Blender or at least make the background a transparent if I save my frames as a png?

>> No.643941

Is there any addon that functions like a cabinet library? I'm fucking done with archimesh cabinets, tweaking them is a nightmare, but there seem to be no alternatives, at least that's what google says. If not, think i'll just learn to make em manually, shouldn't be much difference in time.

>> No.643960
File: 137 KB, 602x903, 1538159271189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amateur gamede/v/ here
can anyone help me find sex anim files for a game i'm working on? i've done some searching but the closest i can find are anim files from skyrim hentai mods and they don't work right with blender/unity.

>> No.643963

1: open up dope sheet, select all frames, shift D, move with g, copy all 3 times

2: if you're exporting as opengl
OpenGL render options > Alpha mode > Transparent
if you're exporting with cycles or br in the render tab in output as you select png select RGBA and then in Film click the transparent checkbox

>> No.644008

How hard will it be for older addons to get ported to 2.8?

>> No.644017

the complex ones will probably break. but i think most will work since the base code of 2.7 is still on 2.8

>> No.644040
File: 521 KB, 1024x768, BIYOMON.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made another one.

>> No.644045

This is probably something covered in a tutorial somewhere but how are scenes with multiple characters organised? Can you just import an armature with the same bone/mesh names as another and not have conflicts?

>> No.644047

>googled "Blender namespace"
>no relevant results
Jesus this program FUCKING SUCKS ASS.

Google "Maya namespace" to see how real 3d software handles this shit.

>> No.644048

I assume they just have a different name for it. After some looking, it seems 'library linking' is what I'm looking for. Do your characters and props in separate blend files and just instance them onto a scene.

>> No.644053

>Do your characters and props in separate blend files and just instance them onto a scene.
and that is called appending, or linking in case you cannot find that function

>> No.644073
File: 293 KB, 1920x1040, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out, it's not that hard. Yeah Morpheus, I know cabinets now!

>> No.644083

it will rename itself upon import

>> No.644093

ivy generator?

>> No.644136
File: 35 KB, 688x537, mirror problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I doing wrong here? Trying to apply a mirror modifier on the x axis, it just rotates my pair of legs along the z axis (I think)

>> No.644139

Check your object rotation. You have to zero it to get desired results, you can do so by applying rotation through Ctrl+A

>> No.644144

That sorted it thanks mate

>> No.644148

I'm trying to run in on Ubuntu 18.04 and it doesn't detect my Vega GPU.
>kernel updated
>MESA updated
>Proprietary AMD driver installed
>Cycles compute devices - none

>> No.644149

have you tried rendering on opencl?

>> No.644150
File: 612 KB, 1712x952, Screenshot from 2018-10-01 14-28-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In windows yes.
In fact 2.79 experimental build allows me to use both my Ryzen 2700X and Vega 64 in tandem for roughly 150% performance.

In linux I cannot select that option, it's just not there.

>> No.644152

interesting. i thought blender would support linux drivers.

i suggest reading the section about 'drivers for 3d cards'


>> No.644172

does anyone know any good toon shaders for blender? I just want a black outline, life shouldn't be this hard.

>> No.644174

Play with the fresnel node

>> No.644198

follow tutorials my man

>> No.644208

Yeah, just look up a tutorial on bone constraints. Everyone talks like it's tough and shit, but they really aren't.

>> No.644212

Have you tried using Freestyle?

>> No.644229

Or just use the inverted hull trick

>> No.644261
File: 1.18 MB, 960x540, render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me, blendanon.

>> No.644302
File: 186 KB, 905x683, cycles flub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my amination

>> No.644322

Cutting board looks plastic.

>> No.644329
File: 1.10 MB, 2046x1651, CharacterSheet3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my vtuber.

>> No.644343
File: 753 KB, 1295x750, 2018-10-03 13_38_10-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to finish this old scene, added a bunch of assets from other scenes for the final shot

looks pretty cool senpai. will u animate her?

>> No.644344

It's nice but looks a bit flat. You should try adding more objects at different depth (or rotate the table and chairs 90 degrees) and maybe try to use a stronger sunlight and sharper shadows.

>> No.644346

there is a ton of shit to work on, but i don't want to invest more time on a dead project, time to move on

>> No.644347

btw i figured the problem. i added a shitton of lamps. now i just have a sun and i can tell from the preview it looks much better already.

>> No.644350

Now add a blue-ish skylight and you're done.

>> No.644360

Your donuts are too square.

>> No.644362


Ok apparently I broke my graphics stack. Now OpenCL works at an absolutely abysmal speed and somehow Vulkan died.

I'm doing to backup my personal data and reinstall Linux.
Tell me what driver and what distro should I use?
Will it work OK with free drivers and ROCm or should I go with proprietary drivers instead?
Is choice of distro important?

>> No.644383
File: 783 KB, 960x540, Vtuber2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know shit about animation but that's the plan. I don't really know what to animate her doing though.

>> No.644386
File: 958 KB, 1361x854, 2018-10-03 17_33_06-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean nightlight? after all this light setup it turns out that sun works better. ill probably keep making iterations for the lightning alone

>> No.644388

opencl is supposed to be slow as fuck, with marginal benefit. (unless the card is built to use opencl from the ground up)

generally speaking, the more vanilla your linux distro is, the better. don't use obscure versions.

>> No.644393

cute looking, nice job, I'd slow down the turntable though

>> No.644411

>opencl is supposed to be slow as fuck, with marginal benefit. (unless the card is built to use opencl from the ground up)
Where do you get that idea?
Vega 64 shits on Titan Xp in Cycles render.

I tested in in Windows and my Vega 64 renders more than twice as fast as my Ryzen 7 2700X and they can render in parralel to go even faster.

>> No.644419

Anybody got a nicely done base sculpt of a human/male pairing so I can practice my retopo. I got the Danny Mac pack, but his chars are already stylized to a point that I can't really retopo and define my own style. His sense of proportion is sorta whack, too. I'm looking for well defined surface musculature and joints.

>> No.644420

correction: human male/female. sorry. Also , D Mac only sells females so I need male sculpts, too.

>> No.644421

Addition, I need models with genitalia, too. Benis, vagine, and anals.

>> No.644436

thanks anon!

>> No.644443

Thanks for the feedback, anon! I agree on the turntable. Now that I think about it, it really should be about half that speed. I left it at ~1 second per rotation and didn't bother to tweak it.

>> No.644465

i only tried opencl with 7970 tho
there are on sketchfab with d/l

>> No.644578
File: 55 KB, 1577x1350, coat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, blender noob here. I've got this mesh and I want to unwrap it to learn how texturing works but I've run into an issue. My character has a coat and I figured the clever thing to do would be to have most of the coat just be the normal torso mesh, but have the parts I want to be able to move around (the collar, lapels and the bottom of the coat) sort of project out from the torso.
I don't really know what terms to use to explain it, but in pic related the red seam is where the movable bits of the coat connect back to the torso. At the bottom I've highlighted a the cross section to show how it connects back to the torso.
I figured it would be better to do this than to have both a torso and a coat overlapping it, and all the clipping issues I'd run into, plus rendering geometry you'd never see.
This is causing the uv unwrap to look really confusing.

Is this the right method to use for bulky clothing, or is there some pro tip I should know? Is it just an issue with the seams I'm defining?

>> No.644591

you have to go into wireframe mode and pluck out those verticies that cause distortion.

if the distortions persist, delete the vertex and remake the polygons with fill face,fill edge or you can subdivide an edge to have an extra vertex by click W > subdivide on an vertex. all of these functions can be found in the search menu (spacebar)

there is another way to find those pesky vertex and is to activate the "limit selection to visible" button in edit mode.

>> No.644593

will upgrading from a quad core to a 1950x threadripper make a huge difference for interface navigation? How about eeve?

>> No.644595

gpu makes a huge difference in my experience, idk about cpu

>> No.644653

What's the best tutorial on using the clone brush to fix visible seams?
I keep tying to do it, but the brush is going all over the model and not where I want for some reason.

>> No.644661
File: 7 KB, 149x195, 2018-10-05 23_55_01-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's method is "hacky". i hate using it.

before you paint, there are several things you need to do.

1. make sure your UV shells are not overlapping or very close to eachother, make some space in your UV map or simply push the island margin slider once you finish unwrapping.

2.before you texture anything go to texture paint options and increase the bleed from 2px to 8px

>> No.644662
File: 13 KB, 160x290, 2018-10-05 23_55_46-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.644673

What if you're using an image texture though?

>> No.644696

this little fucker looks like hes from the sims 2

>> No.644697
File: 940 KB, 1920x1080, 68747470733a2f2f6c7578636f726572656e6465722e6f72672f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031372f31322f77616c6c70617065725f6c75785f30355f72656e6431622e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody had fun with LuxCoreRender yet?

I have a few questions.
1 is bidirectional path tracing sbsolutely necessary for sexy dispersion and caustiocs like on this pic? Can metropolix single directional do it? Can sobol do it?
2 I tried the latest alpha and denoiser looks like absolute fucking garbage for me. It pretty much blurs out and destroys everything like a shitty cartoon filter for photoshop
3 what's the fastest way to render some optical fuckery? Can it be GPU accelerated or is it only available on CPU?

>> No.644705

same principals. doesn't matter if you clone brush or use a regular brush

>> No.644745
File: 872 KB, 1024x768, ghostly-oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got tired of figuring out ambiguities in digimon reference images so I decided I would make my own characters instead. I started with this ghost, his design is a bit too simple for my liking but I didn't want to spend too much time on it.

>> No.644781

I create a cube
I left click on let's say the top of the cube
I create a new cube but it doesn't create it at the place I've marked?
It always creates a new cube behind the old cube

How do I stick the cube or any other primitive where I've clicked?

>> No.644805

I liked them a lot in 2009.
You can dim lights AFTER rendering. Magic.
But their documentation is ridiculously cryptic.
Where is the fucking AI decisioning the Hungarian guy in their vids gets wet about?

>> No.644837

Objects are created where the 3D cursor is, move the cursor.

>> No.644850

why is blender so needlessly confusing and obtuse
its nearly impossible to try to learn 3d while using it because you will be following some guide and then suddenly run into a problem because you cant figure out what youre doing wrong for 45 minutes until you quit out of anger

>> No.644852

It would help if you told what was actually causing you problems.

>> No.644853

It's just alien.
Spend some time with it and it will unironically become intuitive, you're going to guess the rest.

>> No.644858

i want to put an image up so i could start trying to do something, but i initially couldnt get it to appear while following a video.
looked up a different fix for this but then i couldnt get it centered to be put on numpad1
im just going to fucking lay down because i have wagie work tomorrrow so you dont even have to bother replying

>> No.644892

It isn't really.

How blender works is very straight forward and consistent with how art programs, photoshop for example, work.

If it's obtuse to you, your idea of work flow is wrong.

Image as in a background image for modelling and reference? Its on the right hand side properties menu.

>> No.644910

>How blender works is very straight forward and consistent with how art programs, photoshop for example, work.
Another example of the dreaded Blender delusion. Kids, don't let it get anywhere near you.

>> No.644914

It isn't delusion. Never have I hear anyone actually explain what is "wrong" with blender. Meanwhile its dead obvious what's wrong with Zbrush or Maya/3ds max.

>> No.644915

>Meanwhile its dead obvious what's wrong with Zbrush or Maya/3ds max.
Sure, that's why Blender is the leading content creation tool in the professional market (where inefficiencies are costly and thus intolerable).

>> No.644921

Now you're just being too obvious.

>> No.644935
File: 489 KB, 1280x800, 1447705585358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you interpret beginner woes with software wars.

you don't have to be a fucking genius to use blender, just pay attention and do tutorials

>> No.644937

I'm dumb and get angry easily when I don't understand what I am doing wrong.

>> No.644944

guys my isolate function stoped working when i press / its not isolating anything. I just switches from perspective to prespective(local)

>> No.644948

just ask a question when u run into a problem. we are all learning here
just use layers

>> No.644951

is baking when messing around with physics compulsory? is it the only way to 'preview' the physical behavior before the final render?

>> No.644952

it makes realtime simulation quicker. and possibly rendering faster

>> No.644958

when I try to bake something basic like a soft body cube, I get a no UV message. Im new as fuck to this but I seem to recall I could just bake in cycles without having to mess with nodes or any of that. Am I going about this the wrong way? if I work with cycles, is working with nodes unavoidable?

>> No.644969

what does softbody have to do with UV? you are probably not baking the right thing

>> No.645115

how would I go about creating procedural textures nodes in blender render? everything I can find is for cycles

>> No.645129
File: 112 KB, 400x400, superquadric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any texturing add-ons for automating this process https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUVEzwAgGzo ?

I use educational version of 3d-coat for texturing, and I want to migrate to blender. I miss working with layers, and being able to paint on multiple channels at the same time. The video above shows how it can be achieved, but I was wondering if there are any add-ons for automating the set up. Also quickly saving all the texture files/layers and quick integration with an external 2d software like photoshop, krita and so on with all layers being kept in order and blend modes.

So far I only used blender for modeling, but I think it is becoming more powerful in other fields.

>> No.645134

im pretty sure both blender and 3d coat has layers.

generally speaking, 3dcoat should be more convenient for that task.
as to blender, check this


>> No.645135
File: 79 KB, 335x887, 2018-10-09 20_26_14-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't work with nodes.

you have to use that menu down below for tweaking

>> No.645138

are you sure? you can use nodes with cycles

>> No.645139

if you go to blender render nodes, you can add 'some' nodes. but not the textures.

this is unfortunate because i actually like those textures better than what cycles has

>> No.645143

Why yes, 3d-coat has everything I just mentioned. I am looking for add-ons that would make blender have the same functionality, without setting up everything manually in node editor like in the video I linked to.

>> No.645144

I just had a look and you can do it in nodes

>> No.645151

At first I thought it was just a stupid meme, but grease pencil looks really neat.


>> No.645153

you are not supposed to paint in cycles.

but if you want an overall better painting experience take a look at bpainter

>> No.645160

I looked into bpainter and it does everything I want expect for painting on multiple layers at the same time as shown in the video >>645129

here's the answer from their faq:
BPainter does not support painting on multiple layers at once. It had a working prototype, but it did have a lot of limitations due to blenders internal design. Thats the reason why it is not build in and only a proof of concept.
But BPainter offers a nice design to reuse existing textures an manipulate them so they can be used as specular or roughness input.

Thanks anyway. Bpainter looks good, I am now looking at what yPanel add-on has to offer

>> No.645167
File: 543 KB, 1920x1160, 1522360570428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to make this imported pipe bend and conform to a mesh im making but i've only delved in making curves from scratch, not transforming a premade mesh with a curve. whats the play by play to get this right?

>> No.645173

Easiest way is to select some edges which will be used as the path your pipe will follow, duplicate them, separate them (with p) and convert them into a curve (Alt+C).
Then get your pipe to follow this curve. It's a bit of a pain to explain, read the docs or find a tutorial about it.

>> No.645175

Or maybe I misunderstood your question and what you're looking for is the shrinkwrap modifier.

>> No.645180
File: 447 KB, 1920x1160, 1527383010208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i understand what you mean, take these selected edges, duplicate them, then convert them to a curve?

>> No.645196

>2 I tried the latest alpha and denoiser looks like absolute fucking garbage for me. It pretty much blurs out and destroys everything like a shitty cartoon filter for photoshop
How many samples did you render? The BC denoiser needs a lot of samples. Try something like 500 or 1000 for a start.
You can also try the example scenes:

>> No.645217

Hey guys, I want to use images on the UV islands circled in the red and I want to use the node editor on the island in the green circle. Unfortunately I only know how to load one image into the UV and I have to move the island to it. Is there a way to load two images and manipulate them? Also, How do I separately change the material of the island in the green circle?

>> No.645236

is it possible to pixelate procedural textures in render?

>> No.645270 [DELETED] 
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made the meme donut. Why is the there wierd lines in the cut. I used the subsurface modifier and smoother button

>> No.645272
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made meme donut now what

>> No.645291
File: 558 KB, 924x604, Birb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way to get boid particles to pick actions? Seems like there should be a way to do it. I'm trying to make an animated flock of birds (excuse my shitty animation) and I figured I'd just make different states to pick between for the boids, but now that I look at it, there doesn't seem to be a way to actually make them pick without some bullshit like making a bunch of birds separately animated and using them as group particles.
Am I just retarded and can't find it or what?
Seems like it would be useful for more than just birds.

>inb4 Houdini
I don't really feel like learning another program for a simple secondary background animation.

>> No.645297

You mean bake?

>> No.645322

Hello friends. I have encountered a problem. I can only use blender if I keep the window in focus, meaning if I click outside of blender after launching it, and re click/alt tab blender to go back, it closes itself. I tried installing the older version but it didn't fix anything.

>> No.645337

>it closes itself
It seems luck favors you today. Houdini 17 was released on this very date; why don't you go give it a look?

>> No.645346

make a mouth to eat that bad boy.

>> No.645356

Is that for Sans Undartale?

>> No.645359

what do you mean by 'green circle'?
procedural textures in blender are vector images, you will need a rasterized image to pixelate.
why would you click outside blender? don't minimize
maybe just do it all in one strip and set the 'action' to a particular frame number.
also, groups doesn't sound like a bad idea.
anyway you should look at blender stack exchange and try to get an answer there

>> No.645408
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, birdgroup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some more searching and found out that you can't add actions to boids like at all. You can only do the whole, group thing.
Honestly it just seems like a cop-out solution. Boids overall seem to be way underdeveloped and more of an afterthought. The ability to automatically pick animated actions based on certain parameters like speed and direction seems like something simple to have. I'm sure Houdini has it. Hell, it's been a thing since the Lord of the Ring movies with their crowd sims using Massive. Hopefully animation nodes in 2.8 will fix a lot of the problems.

At least my birds are animated a little better now.

>> No.645410

the particle system only allows you to spit a random number of things into the scene, and perhaps randomize them.

i don't think you really need it unless you are planning on having a thousand birds flying off to the sunset.
what i would do is create 4 birds all with their unique animation, then use the particle system to randomize their location so it won't seem obvious when u see a hundred birds on the screen coordinating movements. let them follow a path curve and travel it, maybe use multiple layers if it bogs down the viewport

>> No.645411

forgot to mention, i would give each bird its own unique group then use the particle system to randomize it

>> No.645416
File: 623 KB, 480x270, 001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boo, fellas.

>> No.645422
File: 1.33 MB, 960x540, Float (No Sound).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless you are planning on having a thousand birds flying off to the sunset.
That's kind of exactly what I'm doing. I'm doing a scene where I'll render out a bunch of different flocks of birds separately so I can overlay them on to a scene whenever I want. I've used boids before in a way that looks alright, but all of the birds are flapping and that's it, so they never looked weird. I could always just have the new ones constantly flap, but I figured I'd try to make them glide at certain times for added realism. I had hoped I could create different actions/states (flapping, gliding, etc) and the boid system could pick appropriate actions based on whatever the particle was doing.

>what i would do is create 4 birds all with their unique animation, then use the particle system to randomize their location so it won't seem obvious when u see a hundred birds on the screen coordinating movements.
I don't know if I'm understanding this right. You mean just have them be an emit particle and just follow a curve? In my head it doesn't seem to be any different than the boids, and the boids at least all have unique pathing.
It still doesn't really solve the problem of having them all be at different flight intervals and picking different animations.

I figure I'd just be better off duplicating the group another time and just offsetting the animations again for more variance.

>> No.645427

just took a look at the boids 'brain' system. doesn't seem to co-operate with animation so well.

i think the system is designed for simulation, so inserting animation is not plausible

>> No.645428

also, you can do this all manually without boids, would alot of gruntwork but you can control it better

>> No.645430
File: 136 KB, 1903x758, Image 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I may have found an addon that does pretty much exactly what I need, and it's free.

Just taking a look at the documentation, it has a section to define actions for different states. Plus a bunch more options and stuff that I didn't have before.
I know I said I didn't want to really learn a new program, but learning how to use this doesn't seem like it'd take as long as it would to learn a program from the ground up.

>> No.645431

holy shit, they need to put this in the official version

>> No.645433

No kidding. Blender needs some decent crowd simulation.
I've been watching the documentation videos, and it doesn't even seem hard to use in a project. It uses a node based system that actually seems pretty straightforward. I mean there's the obvious little setup to learn and how everything works but it looks like I can jump right in and get something looking good. Gonna have some great looking birds now.

>> No.645462
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x1920, Render7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby's first sculpt

What now? Add more detail?

>> No.645464

watch tutorials, keep practice.

>> No.645589

jesus christ these new icons in the current 2.8 build are TERRIBLE

>> No.645597
File: 131 KB, 728x665, 26619e51761cda858a13bca5056f03c5ca3ca5f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the beta usable for learning purposes?
i can stand it crashing once in a while, but lack of documentation and plugins seems like it would be a big deal, right?

>> No.645632

With 2.8 about to roll out eventually, I'd say so. If you're just learning you're just basically playing around anyway. Nothing of value would really be lost if anything fucked up due to instability. Plus you'd be learning on what they decide to go with as the next big change for Blender. It won't be as jarring a transition from 2.79 to 2.8. If anything it's neat to play around with. Especially Eevee

>> No.645637

They are okay for "babby's first 3D modeling app", though.

>> No.645641
File: 852 KB, 1920x1080, 5648687467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfinished concepts for game I am making, only been doing 3d for around 3 months and am enjoying it.

>> No.645648
File: 26 KB, 676x873, Curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got two curves and I need to connect them smoothly in 3D. Any idea how I would do this apart from manually making a point and face each time? The end result I'm looking for is something like a CNC cutting wood, but a more complex curve than just a bevel, with a variable slope.

>> No.645649
File: 189 KB, 1000x844, Scythe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A scythe blade is kind of similar but the issue with my mesh is it's got an additional point to it which has to merge back in.

>> No.645651

I'm only waitting for Mira tools, Loop tools and retopoflow to drop 2.79, the exporters work and also the modiffiers

>> No.645675

Shower-head or shower door handle?

>> No.645696

Is it possible to knife into the mesh in the UV view? I have a texture to use as guidelines, but knifing in the 3d view is a pain.

I have the right shape mesh I want, but I want the topology to follow the texture, essentially.

Very cute! Just don't let her sing.

>> No.645703

is it possible to follow a curve but with a constant velocity along one axis?

>> No.645706


>> No.645707

this would be super useful for making up cars, but i doubt such thing is even possible

>> No.645710

Look up NURBS modeling. It's not very popular nowadays in 3D art, but it's the standard for car/industrial design in general. You can of course model in NURBS and then convert to polys, either automatically (with results of varying quality) or by manual retopology.

>> No.645713 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 805x500, bmw_6_series_nurbs_wire_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the other anon already said: NURBS
Not that easy to use, but very precise with predictable results.

>> No.645806
File: 730 KB, 1920x1160, 1524855383600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who has played zelda will know whats up, now i just need to figure out how to rig it so it can pulsate, stretch, and open/close its mouth

>> No.645810

Will it succ?

>> No.645823
File: 136 KB, 944x564, inside_out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I am new to 3D modeling and I have a model that I was sculpting, but now part of it is inside fucking out and I have no good way to fix this without doing it manually, and it's a serious headache. I tried remove doubles, I tried calculating the inside/outside normals, it's not working basically. What do?

>> No.645825

If I'm not wrong, there's a built-in addon for 3D printing in Blender that you can use to solve these problems. The function you're looking for's named something like make mesh manifold, where it basically gets rid of all internal faces and tries to make all face normals point outwards.

>> No.645826

it will succ
i have no idea how to animate it tho

>> No.645827

thanks bro

>> No.645828

the quads seems stretched on the left, you can tell that happens on the right model with those tris at the knuckles

>> No.645830

you inflate the tear and smooth

>> No.645848

Look into using shapekeys. I'm not an expert, but I don't really think you need to animate this with bones.
Just set a base shapekey for it's default pose, then go into edit mode and proportionally edit it into different positions; one with it's mouth open, another stretching, some pulsate, and blend between them for the different actions.
Again, I'm not an expert on shapekeys as I don't really use them that much, but you should be able to overlay them on top of one another as well. So you could have it stretch and pulsate at the same time, or other things like that. Then again you might not be able to. One of those things you'll just have to find out.

>> No.645853
File: 975 KB, 320x240, yosh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any help for this strange problem? Whenever I minimize blender, and reopen it, it closed! If I were to hover over it the things still show tooltips but I can't go into it or else it will instantly close. The only solutions I tried were changing the window display mode because that's all I could find. Help appreciated

>> No.646068

Not sure wtf you're saying. I once changed between my Nvidia card to Radeon and had Blender crash constantly because the driver Ubuntu had was shit. I switched back to cringevidia with fake amount of ram (970
RAM gate) and it worked OK.

>> No.646212

how the fuck can I get a sphere inside a larger sphere to collide with the inner walls? I want them both to be soft bodies (like an amphibious egg) but the inner sphere always fucks its way out of the larger sphere. I've tried every fucking number, checkbox and setting available. I have collision turned on for both. What is my retarded ass doing wrong?

>> No.646219

Issue with the normals, I'd guess. Big one has to have its normals facing inwards to properly collide with something inside it.

>> No.646229

is this that weird polish/ukrainan snack of pork fat and garlic

>> No.646262

Yes. I've never been a fan of it despite being fullblooded Ukrainian (don't like the texture), but the taste is okay and the bread is fantastic.

>> No.646603

is the cloth mat texture procedural?
i came to ask about how to make a fuzzy knit sweater material and that looks like just what i need

>> No.646653
File: 966 KB, 580x196, rotate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been modeling for many years now, but I've never tried animation. All I want to do for right now is rotate an object and slightly move it like old weapon/item pickup animations, but I can't figure out how to actually MAKE the animation. I'm only finding guides on how to set up and render it when I've got the animation itself done. Can someone link me to a guide where I can start?

>> No.646716

Is there a way to remove the multiresolution modifier from a specific part of your object without disrupting the rest of the mesh?

>> No.646736

The trick here is to find a nice place to center an object. That gif of yours is centered between at the end of the handguard & the middle of the gun.

>> No.646741

That's not what I mean. I need help mechanically setting up the animation, not figuring out how it should look. So far I've figured out how to use keyframes but the rotations are off and bounce between negative/positive values arbitrarily, probably due to Blender's weird way of interpreting cycling/looping values by default.

>> No.646757

like the other dude said. reset origin point to origin. (on all objects, but its best you have 1 object at this point).
then at frame 0 key (rotation) using the "I" key. then go to frame 100 (or any frame you want) and rotate the object 180 degrees on the Z axis. then punch another rotation key.
you can also you the keyset next to the red button below

>> No.647062
File: 34 KB, 864x642, combine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I create an edge (or at least vertices) where these two faces intersect? Mesh: Intersect (Knife) and Mesh: Intersect (Boolean) don't help and I'd rather not make this into two meshes and bool it.

>> No.647063

create a cut somewhere by loopcutting or subdividing then snap it to the face

>> No.647127

How can I find out if my GPU can be used for rendering? I have an older one because I haven't updated my computer in ages, Radeon HD 6950 and I can't seem to be able to enable it in the user preferences.

>> No.647281

https://youtu.be/AuygjdLUAV8 I finished this recently. Rendered in EEVEE.

>> No.647286

Not bad, but the female voice acting (nori?) could use some work/editing. It kind of sounds like they were going for the "Jewish Grandmother" voice but didn't quite get there, and instead they sound like they have a sore throat. 8.5/10

>> No.647290

I will never tell her to do anything different because the fact that she isn't quite there is part of the comedy for me. She has surprised me with every single line she's given and I don't want that to stop. Thank you!

>> No.647307

are you Transblender?

>> No.647309

Is it improv? How does that work? Do the VAs act a dialogue, I assume with a few hints about the scene, and then you flesh out the animation from what they did?

>> No.647313

How does blender calculate vertex positions from the armature?

>> No.647330
File: 1.71 MB, 400x600, dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.647341

It is entirely improvved. I tried only explaining the scene and the basic response of the last person, but that made their brains panic so I just sent the previous line instead.
I would like to get them both in on a session at some point but I think they have different schedules and it might not come out as interesting.
For the latter part yeah I just wing it basically. I assume that explains some of the slurred bits but also I'm just still kind of bad at keyframing.

I had these characters in my brain for a long time but didn't really do anything with them and decided "ok if my autistic ass can't settle on one sequence of events I think I would rather have someone else decide" and I just reached out at random to people I knew in a community I'm in that had voices i liked.
It has been really fun seeing that community go nuts when my stuff premieres(?) in their cytube channel.

>> No.647377
File: 153 KB, 1038x863, NormalJag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix such jagged edges when baking normal maps? It looks fine for the most part but circular areas suffer the most.

>> No.647390
File: 36 KB, 491x860, 1510779028457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy conf in 30 minutes

>> No.647393

And the stream crashed.

>> No.647549
File: 132 KB, 372x340, 1520314896612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to a newfag what the fuck is bevel and how do you use it properly?

>> No.647573

>what is bevel
You're cutting or rounding the edges
>how do you use it properly
What are you trying to use it for, form or beauty? if you use small bevels with 2-3 facets then they'll provide a nice edge for light to catch on when rendering.

>> No.647669
File: 139 KB, 847x835, circ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea why I'm getting this big, mostly empty circle when I try to bake normals with Cycles? I've got the ray distance set proper it's UV unwrapped, I can't imagine what's causing this.

>> No.648122
File: 331 KB, 1920x1159, 1527517906804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can i do to make these two tris into quads?

>> No.648298

>there's a built-in addon for 3D printing in Blender
that's exactly what I'm modelling for too, thanks for the heads up

>> No.648457

I set up my scene using multiple layers and cameras. Does anyone know a renderfarm that supports multiple cameras and layers?

>> No.648519
File: 708 KB, 700x700, emme ok speed2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to 3D shit but I think this turned out nice for a low poly model? The topology is kinda fucked though, I need to cut down on verts.

>> No.648544

actually pretty okay, but show me the topo

>> No.648546
File: 159 KB, 844x1446, Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 6.02.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Very Bad. I'm just not used to making anything this detailed really.

>> No.648561

How'd you make the turnaround? Animating anything is a pain in the ass for me but I don't know if there's an easier way.

>> No.648569
File: 89 KB, 604x676, Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 7.19.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Add > Curve > Circle
-Add > Camera
-Go to Camera, Add Object Constraint, Follow Path
-Select the Circle
Here are my settings but you'll have to tinker with it a bit and adjust the camera how you want. Then Animate Path, boom bam you're done.

Or just watch this I guess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euw3fQ3RVRE

>> No.648913

how can i mirror half of an object to work in symmetry?

>> No.648929

pretty good for a beginner desu, you def. got some talent -- keep practicing and always look back at your old work, its a great motivator

>> No.649135
File: 370 KB, 1920x1160, 1530761640599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i need these 3 pieces here to open up like a claw but i have two problems
1)they are all currently mirrored
2)im not sure how to make it so they all make the same movement but at their respective rotations
any tips on how i can do this?

>> No.649141

ok scratch that last comment, im now trying to figure out how i can make these two cap halves open up and rest on the top and bottom of the part behind them. are there constraints i can do here?

>> No.649755
File: 480 KB, 591x690, 1525406288840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what it would take to make the white shell material like in portal? pic related