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File: 135 KB, 512x512, blender_logo_square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
633114 No.633114 [Reply] [Original]

What are you working on?
What are you looking forward to in 2.8?
What do you need help with?

>> No.633125

> Working on head modeling
> Eevee for sure

>> No.633162

Is there somebody?

>> No.633163

right here nigga >>632683

>> No.634115
File: 16 KB, 512x512, simpol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this was intened to make human characters with ease- pre rigged so will be a great pose model too. want this thing to be famous so dl this thing and make some shit with it.

>> No.636285

I'm suffering from a weird glitch: my wireless mouse suddenly died and. When I switched out the batteries, my cursor is now stuck in the view panel spinning the camera around and my keyboard keys aren't doing anything so o can't save and restart
What the hell is going on?

>> No.636286

Blender sucks

>> No.636309

Wait for an auto save to occur and force a shutdown? Sounds like just a run of the mill input glitch.

>> No.636337
File: 1.56 MB, 400x267, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2.78, I could play keyframed animations in the viewport smoothly. With the caveat that I make sure to set subsurf in view to 0, I set the view to solid or wireframe view, and I deselect objects in the scene.

In 2.79, with the above methodology, my framerate is cut in half.

>> No.636391

if you're definitely talking about 2.78 vs 2.79 then post a .blend and your pc specs. also try out the "use opensubdiv" checkbox on the modifier. the results aren't quite the same but it animates much more smoothly in the viewport than regular subdiv. https://youtu.be/E_0cmCtgD2Q
if you really mean 2.79 vs 2.80 then try a newer 2.80 build. a lot of the new viewport code is still in the process of being optimized so you can expect it to improve as it gets closer to a final release.

>> No.636467
File: 147 KB, 1209x924, monkeytest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On 2.80 and was trying to render some greasepencil objects in 180 3D but they don't seem to render right. Changing them to paths has the same effect, so it may be a generic issue. Any ideas?

>> No.636639
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, renderrandomdemo002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blender Internal appreation post, rest in piss

>> No.636641

I regret that statement...

>> No.636664

Hi, has any of you animated something through fetching the data from a file?
I'm in a systems simulation class where I'll simulate something, generate an output (where particles will be in the second n) and I have to animate it/ show it visually.
I know that Blender has Python integration and know how to move around in Blender, so I thought of doing this using blender.
Has any of you done something like this before and can give me a tip or a resource to look into?

>> No.636669
File: 1.08 MB, 1040x767, dinodino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shadows at the bottom are super noisy, what do?

>> No.636685
File: 76 KB, 868x649, 271a511d5f88109019c288de054b71fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disclaimer: asked /wsr/ they forwarded me here.

So...I was trying to get my GPU to render in blender using CUDA. To my knowledge I've installed all the require packages etc. if I open blender I have the option to select CUDA and I can also select my GPU (Titan Xp) however, when i try to render a demo file from the website, I keep getting an error... "CUDA Kernal compilation failed" does anyone have any advice i'd be willing to get on IRC if you can help

>> No.636691

trying to figure out how to combine the movement of a bunch of emptys into a single action so I can use it as a single block in the NLA editor. Please help! Ive looked at a lot of tutorials and stack overflow pages, but the closest I find is stuff about animating armatures.

>> No.636693

are they?It looks like theyre just cast on a textured surface. if Using cycles, check that youre rendering with enough samples.

>> No.636703

Change the license to CC0 and I will.

>> No.636729

Nevermind. You cant combine an action across multiple objects. Did things a different way.

>> No.636733

I'd say the most sensible option would be to use OpenVDB (I think Python bindings are available if that's the language you're using) to store your particle data. You can then set your particle system to use it as an external cache.
Daft punk have been around for longer than I realized. I guess the smudges are really bad denoising artifacts? You need more light or more samples. More light but reduced exposure may help you keep the dark look with a low number of samples.
Which version of blender, where did you get it from, and what's your OS? The releases on their website come with CUDA kernels already compiled so this step shouldn't normally be necessary.
On Windows you need to install Nvidia CUDA 9.2 (not 9.3) to compile CUDA kernels.
If you're building Blender from source, be sure to run the install_deps script for your operating system first. You can also run "make config" from the sources' "blender" directory and enable CUDA kernel compilation as part of the build process and then get some more meaningful errors if there are build problems.

>> No.636744
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 1519970247351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camera clippig distance maybe?

>> No.636745
File: 99 KB, 1940x1075, 1503145786066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WITH_CYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES is the option that you want to enable in make config.
Titan XP is the SM61 architecture (see http://arnon.dk/matching-sm-architectures-arch-and-gencode-for-various-nvidia-cards/)) so you will want to ensure that you have "sm_61" as a target in the CYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES option (it is there by default).
Click "Configure" then "Generate" when you've set your options and then run "make" as normal from within the "blender" directory of the source.

>> No.636809

Nah, I did it with mesh monkies in the same places and they rendered fine.

It seems like Cycles renders grease pencil stuff on a different layer to the models. It seems they don't support panoramas and 3D, so it renders like a regular camera on the left side.

>> No.636904
File: 19 KB, 960x540, IMG_20180808_195630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this. I have never worked in blender before so i thought i would make something quick and simple.

>> No.636909

I get a similar issue with single faced objects. I have to give them a solidify modifier or else shadows get cut off in a similar manner. It isn't entire faces like that though, and I don't know if grease pencil has an option like solidify. I'm 99% certain my issue is just my shitty computer since I've rendered identical scenes on other computers without getting the shadow clipping.

>> No.636917

cool. mb make a scene next time

>> No.636989

I have a problem with external project painting, texture gets much darker after applying. Looks 100% fine in 2d editor. I tried saving and not saving color profile, no luck.
What to do?

>> No.636994

Whats your scene colour management setting? What is your monitor's colour profile? My laptop is XYZ instead of RGB so I've had similar problems with downloaded textures. Firefox has its own colour profile correction so it and blender ended looking different. Blender used my OS's colour profile (which was incorrect at the time, but has been fixed).

You can also set the colour space on a per image basis in the UV/image editor. I've found that the Raw colour space tends to be really dark for certain colours. Maybe the images you are importing are being set to Raw.

>> No.636996

In all places I can find I see sRGB. Monitor probably use it too but can monitor cause that?

UV texture is sRGB too, I can edit it without problems but I don't see any related settings for external.
Even if I hit quick edit and then apply without any changes it's still get darker.

>> No.636998

>Monitor probably use it too but can monitor cause that?
Mine did. XYZ is the colour space typically used by projectors and my laptop was originally meant to be a presentation laptop for some manager (funny enough it also meant that the laptop has a nvidia graphics card; however, its old as sin). Using sRGB threw off almost every colour, but that was because my graphics card was using my OS's colour profile (which, as I said, was wrong; it needed to be XYZ).

Are the profile settings correct in the original program? And from what I understand, blender isn't actually sRGB. It has its own linear (0.0-1.0) colour space that it changes to sRGB before handing off to your OS for screen blitting. Maybe blender is having a hard time changing your other programs outputs into its linear colour space?

Have you tried saving to a different format?

>> No.637001
File: 25 KB, 455x320, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Seems grease pencil is stuck as 2D graphics.

>> No.637007

>Maybe blender is having a hard time changing your other programs outputs into its linear colour space?
And it's own output :|

I tried to save that projection with different color profiles, some of them less darker, some (linear) very dark. None looks correct. I didn't try all because there is so many tho.

>> No.637010

Are you using the external 2d editor option built into blender? By that I mean the "edit externally" option in the UV/image option?
>And it's own output
Are the colours too dark in blender or the 2d editor? It might be that blender is handing over an image with its internal linear colour space and the 2d editor doesn't know what to do with it. If you are using the automatic external edit option, try saving the image to a file and then opening that file with the 2d editor (don't use the automatic option).

>> No.637011

To elaborate, it seems like there is an issue with the hand off between blender and your 2d editing program. If the image gets darker every time is is passed back and force then the colour spaces aren't in line with each other. You might need to find a extension for either blender or your 2d edit program to facilitate a correct hand off between the two programs.

>> No.637012
File: 50 KB, 274x714, ddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use "external" tool in texture paint mode.
>Are the colours too dark in blender or the 2d editor?
In blender after applying. The colors looks exactly the same in blender view, krita (2d), image viewer and in browser. But after applying it gets darker even without editing.
>If you are using the automatic external edit option, try saving the image to a file and then opening that file with the 2d editor (don't use the automatic option).
Well, that file saves automatically and I can open it in any program (and it looks okay).

>> No.637014

Ahhh, are you in material view or texture shade display? It looks like blender applies Lighting information to object in paint mode when material display mode is used instead of texture display.

>> No.637017

To elaborate, if you are intending to do 2d in blender, you'll probably want to set the ambient lighting to perfect black and exclusively use emissions shaders. You'll run into the same issue while rendering if you don't. Texture display just shows the image on the object without lighting information. Material display is closer to the final results. I assume you want to paint in lighting information if you are making 2d animation.

>> No.637018

Just tried both and in both cases I see the problem.

>> No.637021

I'm working on models for a game and im looking forward to better texture paint tools even though i know it wont happen :,(

>> No.637027

Learn Substance.

Anyway, is 12 august still the beta release date? I hope it will actually be usable, alpha has been crashing like a madman, I can't even use it.

>> No.637036

I used that option sometimes with photoshop I had the material usually set to "shadeless" and in photoshop I painted on a second layer with transparency and deleted the original layer once I was done only saving that second layer with transparency and applying that in blender. It worked fine like that. (Though these days I'm just using substance like any sane person should)

>> No.637056

Sorry for the late reply, but I had to pull a quick shift at work. Another option is that you have those areas "face selection masked." There is a little cube in the bottom tray of the 3D view that has a one checkered face. That will toggle face masking (which means that you are only able to paint onto faces that are selected in edit mode). Faces that are masked out have a slight darkening to them to show that they are masked.

>> No.637058

Wake me up then the interface is easy as fuck like SFM

>> No.637061

not him but,i find substance painter incredibly hard and complicated to learn and do even basic stuff,me too wish blender had better texturing tools because the new real time pbr rendering with texturing and even being able to edit AND animate the objects instantly to look if they are good is simply magnific for a UE4fag like me

>> No.637064

How plausible is it to set up the bindings and interface to work like 3ds max or maya?
I'm worried what I'll do when my autodesk student license expires

>> No.637072

Nah the beta has been pushed back until it's feature-complete. Have you been using the newest version of the alpha every day? It's received a ton of stability improvements since the first release and I don't think I've crashed it in a week or more.
It's time to wake up, anon.
There's a built in keyboard preset for Max or Maya.

>> No.637075

Is the bevel modifier backported to 2.79 in some form of nightly build I can download or is it only in 2.8?

You're better off just learning the blender way. You probably rely too much on the UI already. Write down the tools you use, learn the blender equivalents, and practice until you learn. Eventually it'll click from use and you won't need to try emulating a different environment. Blender also exposes a lot of customization options so you can change them if need be. You won't be able to follow unless you know every preset you changed in the Maya/Max version compared to the original.

Not sure if this helps but there's some decent stuff in this thread.

>> No.637076

Yeah, there are a ton of unofficial 2.79 builds (well, they still are by the Blender Org. just not official releases) that are concurrent in terms of feature set with 2.8 minus Eevee.

On the startup splash screen you can change your interaction set to either 3ds Max or Maya, basically swapping out the hotkeys. Having not used either of those two before, I can't say how faithful they are.

>> No.637077

>You won't be able to follow
You won't be able to follow online tutorials* if you don't have the same keys.

Alright thanks, was spending time on 2D art and digital with a tablet. Wanted to give sculpting a try in blender and some regular modeling. I was following D2803 a year ago and knew it got merged but hadn't tried any new builds recently.

>> No.637081

Oh shit, this solved the problem. Thanks mate.

>painted on a second layer with transparency and deleted the original layer
This kinda works too but I couldn't use blending modes with that.
>just using substance
I'm not going into 3d that much, it's second tool for me. Maybe later.

Thanks for help anyway.

>> No.637303
File: 482 KB, 3000x2268, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of lost because I'm new to rigging. I've done a simple piston but I can't figure out how to do the following:

I'm building a car wash in Blender which itself is connected via two arms on top of it which runs cables and hoses while it moves back and forth. However I don't know how to make it work that both arms can rotate properly. Any hints or suggestions how to make it happen? Pic related.

>> No.637305

careful use of constraints and weight painting + proper dependencing (parenting,groups etc)

gonna take some time to get used to


>> No.637307

Alright, I'm going to watch that video now. It really just needs to be basic, nothing fancy. I would love to just leave it behind me but knowing about armatures wont hurt. So far I utilized empties and dampened tracks, shouldn't that be almost the same? I assume, that I'm just too stupid/inexperienced to make it happen.

>> No.637308

no wut.
only use empties and boundries for very complex animations. the stuff in the video helps you understanding how to animate using constraints which is a good way to do mechanical stuff easy

>> No.637347
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1536, karin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm experiencing some serious performance issues when certain tools are expanded in the toolbar. For example bsurfaces and auto mirror will slow down menus and actions considerably (imagine really, really low fps in a game) when expanded. The 3D viewport is unaffected and I can zoom and spin around without issues - only the menus and actions like selecting and resizing objects are slowed down.
Every time I want to use auto mirror, for example, I have to expand it in the toolbar, activate it, then hide it again to avoid working with 1-2 second delay on everything.
Any ideas why this might occur?

>> No.637352

Panels in blender have their "poll" function called multiple times per second. This is just poor design and can really cause problems when you have a lot of addon panels and they weren't written with performance in mind.
You might find that it's a single addon which is slowing down all the others - I'd suggest disabling addons one by one until the problem goes away to figure out which and then keeping that addon disabled until you need it. I personally found Hardops was particularly bad for this and I now keep my enabled add-ons to a minimum.

>> No.637355

Goddamn it, I'm such an idiot. I did what you said and checked my active addons and of course there's a very old outdated addon still activated. Disabled it and now everything works just fine.
Thank you very much!

>> No.637414
File: 805 KB, 1311x715, goddamit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my glass? I'm following the wine glass tutorial but no matter what I do the glass is way too black.

>> No.637416
File: 32 KB, 358x555, transmission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you messed with light paths settings? Make sure transmission isn't set too low.

>> No.637417
File: 348 KB, 1700x1262, piece ofshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I didn't mess around with the light paths, the transmission is set to 12.
My glass node acts more like a mirror. Here's a wireframe with the wine node too. Blender tends to do this sometimes with glass and I still don't know why.

>> No.637423

you should connect only a glass node to the material output

glass doesn't need Fresnel

>> No.637424

Why the hell do you even have a diffuse+glossy shader if you're going to mix it with glass at fac = 1? All that does is make it completely glass.
>using anything but the principled in anno domini 2017+1 the infinite year of our lord andrew price

>> No.637425

principald dosen't have glass

>> No.637426

When you spell like that of course it doesn't.
Why don't you go play with the transmission slider and tell me what that does?

>> No.637432
File: 73 KB, 570x868, blenderguru-saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot pic related

>> No.637461

Fuck with the Metallic and Transmission sliders. That should give you a similar result if you're using Principled.

>> No.637462

Is there any was to make a comb-map in blender to have like a more simplistic shine on hair? like how cartoons usually portray it?

>> No.637471

can you show an example

>> No.637474
File: 141 KB, 600x600, 1522548054870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else missing local view (numpad slash to toggle hide all deselected objects) in blender 2.8?
me too. install this to fix it: https://github.com/johnakki/blender-misc-scripts/blob/master/local-view.py

>> No.637477

great, thank you.
but why did they remove it in the first place? it is so useful

>> No.637478

i guess it was broken when they rewrote the 3D view but they've been saying for the past year that "it will be coming back".
i'm shit at python and that took me about 30 minutes so i'm not really sure what's taking the blender foundation so long.

>> No.637486

there is a lot of stuff missing and a lot of work to do. Like no image sequence or movie as texture input.
Lots of little things like that.
And the ugly tool options pop up which can't be moved and the missing stuff in the property editor.

>> No.637488
File: 81 KB, 1591x1079, 51525252565250525048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>press Z
>nothing happens

>> No.637491
File: 396 KB, 944x941, Widow_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


something like this. overwatch seems to use it alot with their hair.

I've tried doing it with a lighting setup but on animated characters its kinda hard to keep the lighting the same.

>> No.637496

If i import on OBJ or a Max file to Blender, how does it affect ? If it does, how and how can I avoid it/fix it ?

>> No.637508
File: 251 KB, 1920x290, 1532574228089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the top bar has stuff on it in sculpt mode - pic related - but yeah, it's otherwise just wasting space.
i don't think the tool options panel is ugly but i definitely agree that it needs to be movable.
i hadn't noticed image sequences not working in textures but i've just tested and see the problem. it's probably another dependency graph (the thing that tracks what things need to be updated between frames) bug
which properties are missing? i'd noticed that the "maximum draw type" doesn't work.
yeah that's annoying too. if you switch to the "blender 27x" layout there are some keybinds but they don't do anything. i've tried toggling with python and that doesn't work either. i guess we'll just have to wait.
anisotrophy and weighted normals maybe? i'm sure there's a ton of tutorials on youtube.
why not just try it and ask again if you have a problem?

>> No.637516

xgen with maps, does not exist in blender
2.8 is not even out yet, calm down niggas

>> No.637584
File: 48 KB, 1088x617, cloak1 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips for rigging simple cape/cloak that is made out of 4*5 polygons?
Specifically I need this. Chain of bones needs to be pushed in using another bone.

>> No.637741

i know - it's normally me saying that to other people when they're complaining about stuff not working in 2.8! i think we're just excited, about using all the new features, especially now that it has got a lot more stable.

>> No.637753


So, I'm starting a project at the beginning of September and considering the beta has been pushed until the end of October, I need to know, is Blender in its current form usable for modeling and animation?

>> No.637755

No, what about ALPHA is so difficult to understand?
If you want to render your project in Eevee, then maybe. You can do your work in 2.79 and push it to 2.8.
2.8 is downwards compatible. 2.79 is not upwards compatible, meaning whatever you do in 2.8 you cannot open it in an older version.

>> No.637770

I fucked up one of my projects. Most of the time 2.7X crashes if you try to open files saved with 2.8, but you can still append everything (world settings, objects, mesh, materials). Still annoying, but if you're retarded like me you can still recover most of the stuff

>> No.637803
File: 116 KB, 999x661, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on a TV for a game asset but I'm running into an issue with the nodes
When I try to use an image texture and a bump map at the same time, the image texture overwrites all the bump info. What's the proper setup?

>> No.637815
File: 166 KB, 1844x610, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try adding a normal map node

>> No.637830

Image texture node for your bump map needs changing to non-color data but the node setup should otherwise work.
Do you have multiple UVs? Make sure the right one is active.
Plug the bump map into the diffuse color temporarily to confirm that it's being mapped correctly and looks ok.
Is there a reason you're not using the principled shader? A TV has more than just diffuse.
Only if he's using a normal map. Bump maps are greyscale, normal maps are purple.

>> No.637834

Bumps go into displacement.

>> No.637840

So you're telling me the modeling and animation tools are not even functioning?

>> No.637841

okay this clears up things I guess. Thanks for pointing that out. I shouldn't be lazy and just look up documentation

>> No.637845

afaik the only way is spline IK
needs two armatures and a curve, there must be a tut on youtube

>> No.637852

Even when I change it to non color data, the image texture still overwrites the bump info. Earlier it was even creating strange effects and not showing rendering the bump mapping properly
This is going to be an asset in unity, so the shader in blender isn't as important, I just want to be able to paint a bit more detail onto the product before I put all the maps into unity's shaders anyway

>> No.637857
File: 121 KB, 1233x684, 2018-08-15 13_58_14-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because you are hooking it to a diffuse shader which purpose is to define color.

is your map blue? then its a normal map. if your map is grey then its a bump map and only then attach a bump node

>> No.637968

Since you guys are talking about shader forge stuff, is there a way to get an average light level input that works in vrchat? I'm aiming for an unlit character that doesn't glow in dark areas.

The stuff I've tried looks good in Unity and the avatar menu but comes out pitch black in game.

>> No.637971

You're not paying attention

>> No.637987

You could hand-paint a flow map.

>> No.637989
File: 30 KB, 416x333, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bendy bones with target bones. This addon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF9PPP97LQ4 will automatically create 2 target bones for a selected bendy bone, which are an absolute bitch and a half to create manually without wigging out, so use this, delete the target bones at the head and tail of your chain, and one of the middle target bones, and switch the b-bone with the now-missing target to the still-extant target bone. It looks something like this. You can also do things like snakes, tentacles, spines (kind of shitty), etc with this method.

>> No.637991

If you plug the raw bump image into it, yes, but you can also mix it into the normal channel of the material as shown.

>> No.638002

Not in the 2.79 master branch (nightlies). Displacement now accepts a vector rather than a value input which means you can displace complex geometry. It's pretty neat.

>> No.638006

No point? Displacement works just the same. Just add a Displacement node beforehand and set displacement settings in the Materials tab to Bump only or whichever you prefer. Could even argue that displacement is better since you can ultimately displace real geometry with it.
That's Vector Displacement. It's pretty cool. Regular displacement's still a thing though.

>> No.638008

>That's Vector Displacement. It's pretty cool. Regular displacement's still a thing though.
I remember playing with it recently (could have been in 2.8 or 2.79 master, I don't remember) and I found that plugging a value into the (vector) displacement socket only displaced on the X axis rather than on the normals as they used to. It was easy enough to work around and it might have just been a bug rather than intentional, but it's worth bearing in mind.

>> No.638009

Could be due to the space it was working in. Try setting to Object Space next time and see if it displaces on the normals instead.

>> No.638013
File: 991 KB, 1107x1282, 1524996296753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK this shows the problem. I was wrong when I said it was displaxing only on X - it actually displaces on X, Y and Z absolutely rather than relative to the normal. I don't see any way of switching the space coordinate system (are you thinking of the displacement modifier?) but I worked around it by just multiplying the normals.

>> No.638014
File: 1.85 MB, 1076x1635, 1509506611751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.638015

...Anon. You need a Vector Displacement node.

>> No.638016

Anyway, if you're just doing displacement with a B/W texture (i.e. that noise texture being passed through a colorramp), just use the regular Displacement node. Like said above, vector displacement requires three-channel input such as an RGB map (that gets translated to XYZ).
Here's a pretty snazzy video explaining it:

>> No.638017
File: 2.06 MB, 1198x1584, 1521675756062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if I'm being a brainlet but it seems to distort horribly. Object and World Space just displace on XYZ absolutely like >>638013

>> No.638018


>> No.638019

vector should always be your last node

>> No.638023
File: 1.28 MB, 1545x1412, 1508717798082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I saw that video when it came out (>tfw no remington graphics bf) but it doesn't really help a great deal in terms of trying to use a bump map with vector displacement.
I can't get a bump map to work properly with the vector displacement node without distortion but my workaround is technically correct, even if it's a bit messy. Perhaps it will change when 2.8 is released.
Thanks anyway!

>> No.638025

Uh... I've already explained: there's zero point in using a bump map for vector displacement. Just use a regular displacement node for bump maps. Those are still a thing. Vector displacement requires an RGB map. Bump maps are black and white.

>> No.638026

I know there's no point using a bump map for vector displacement, but if displacement only accepts a vector then you're not left with a lot of options! I wouldn't have known to just multiply the normals if I didn't understand how it worked.
I didn't know about the new "displacement" node though (when you mentioned it above I just assumed you meant "vector displacement" again >>638015
) so thanks for that.

>> No.638027

Ah, damn, yeah. The displacement nodes are new, not "still a thing" like I mentioned above. My bad. For the regular displacement node, your texture plugs into the Height parameter, the Normal input should be the same as your texture's Normal input.

>> No.638028

Don't worry - I've got it now that I know the node exists so thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Have you had a play with the Mantaflow branch recently? When the integration is complete it looks like it could be as good as or better than FLIP fluids in a lot of respects. https://youtu.be/lJ6eMonEWQg
And there's still potentially going to be even more goodies in 2.8 if/when Jaques Luke starts working on "everything nodes".

>> No.638029

Oh, whoa. Never even heard of it. That's very cool.

>> No.638038
File: 47 KB, 516x332, 1503993146566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like fracture modifier is getting ready to be merged into 2.8.

>> No.638039

Am I missing something here? RayFire does stuff like this for well over a decade now.

>> No.638041

Will you guys use the 2.7X keybindings when Blender 2.8 gets released?

>> No.638051

well you don't even need addons to do this.
but having that as a modifier is cool

>> No.638052
File: 2.57 MB, 1260x788, Untitled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello amigos I've never posted here before so sorry if I'm too retarded or something. Every few months I get back into modelling in Blender for a while before I rerealise I'll never make that game.

I've never really got to grips with animation, I usually just model things I have around me so to improve I'm trying to make an animation of an algorithm on a Rubik's cube, but as the WebM shows the cubie pieces are clipping inside each other when animated using my keyframes. How can I make the pieces follow the same movement as when I rotate them using 'R'?

Each cubie piece is it's own separate object. I figured I could do something with parenting but then would I struggle with corner/edge pieces that belong to three/two different axis of movement and they'd all get fucked if I scrambled it all.

>> No.638053
File: 19 KB, 570x513, 146245741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you rig a table for animating purposes? Like you could move the table part however you want and the legs would stay on the ground but bend where they need to.

Inverse kinematics only work the other way, kinda like how human legs are done where the pelvis stays in place and the leg moves.

Is this even possible or do you have to hand animate every single part independently? Hope you understood my text, I've been at this for quite awhile now and my head hurts.

>> No.638062
File: 2.21 MB, 1152x1080, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the new principled hair BSDF?

>> No.638064

Off the top of my head...
Create an empty in the center and six more - one in the center of each middle cube on each face. Make the inner empty the parent of the other six, and then you'll probably want to use a combination of "copy location" and "copy rotation" constraints on each cubie.
I prefer to figure this kind of thing out on my own but there'll almost certainly be a tutorial on YouTube if you get really stuck.
Good luck!
Can you rig it like a normal quadraped? Add foot bones to keep the bottom of the legs on the ground. Not at my PC right now so I can't give a more detailed answer - sorry.
Pretty good actually. I guess you could achieve the same thing with a big old node group and regular principled but having a dedicated shader is definitely a time saver.

>> No.638068
File: 19 KB, 884x872, Vladek mask 2-1303629512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I give hollow objects such as masks an interior? Crates and bowls are simple, but extruding and scaling inwards in more complex shapes makes the faces diagonal.

>> No.638075
File: 34 KB, 873x505, stego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a dinosaur

>> No.638076


Where's the dino damage?

>> No.638079
File: 142 KB, 910x518, here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.638081


Heh. Okay let's see you do the legs now. I'm a noob and genuinely curious as to how it's done.

>> No.638082
File: 73 KB, 1333x749, HALP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im also a bit new, first time I'm making something organic

Made the body of vertexes with a skin modifier and subdivision surface, but doing this for the legs might not be the best idea

>> No.638087
File: 102 KB, 956x534, legs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.638088

I believe this is an issue with the animation's curve. Go into the graph editor and set it to linear.

ALT-S to scale along normals, or the Solidify modifier.

>> No.638090
File: 395 KB, 1577x768, 2018-08-17 00_45_47-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

followed a cgc tutorial on youtube.
long story short it took the instructor 30 mins just to make twisted wire using traditional modeling and i did in 5 minutes using 4 modifiers (plus the curve deform)
granted the end result is not good as his, but i just liked the idea

>> No.638093

you can limit rotation angels by using constraints

>> No.638094
File: 2.61 MB, 1260x788, Untitled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the replies guys.

I messed around with a bunch of constraints but couldn't get them to work quite right but finally I've managed this by using a 'child of' constraint and targeting an empty object at the centre of each face.
Is it possible to change the target at frame 120 to a new empty face object and change the XYZ location tickboxes so that I could then rotate say the top face with all those cubies including the ones that just moved into the top face?
How would I go about doing this?
I have tried the manual but I get stuck in lingo and interfaces I don't really understand

>> No.638097

i think you should do easier stuff first, seems pretty hard man.
you could do a rubicks cube with more segmented parts but the question is how do you get the cube to split on the specific part that you want? i think you should have some kind of controller like IK or blendshapes. but this is complex

>> No.638101

>tfw i have 5 years of experience with 3dsmax but have to use blender because it doesn't have a $1k/mo indie license fee

simply epic my good man...

>> No.638102

why don't u use the student one? i hear its free of charge if you fill out the form

>> No.638104

Can't use that for commercial purposes.

>> No.638105

that's how i used 3dsmax for so long and became proficient at it, but i'm working on personal projects more now that i'm self employed and as a result i'm budgeting as frugally as possible.

i thank God for blender but i feel like a useless piece of shit learning the basics of another program when i already know how to do everything with another one. now i have all the knowledge of what to do for proper development but not how to do it.

blender's modifier setup doesn't really seem to be as convenient to use compared to max. i'm used to layers and applying geometry edit modifiers

>> No.638106

Blender is largely hotkey-focused, but if you are looking for a function that you don't know the hotkey for, hit space (2.79) or space->F3 (2.8) and it'll open a little modal that you can search for basically any available function with. 2.8 is a little closer to Max/Maya in how the interface is set up and the controls (to extrude, for example, you can just select a few verts and drag LMB), but 2.8 Alpha 2 was just released 3 days ago. 2.8 feature-complete beta is due at the end of October, with stable release sometime early 2019.

>> No.638107

it's actually very depressing. i've spent a week on learning and making stuff with blender that i could have finished in a day with max. does anybody else know this feel?

>> No.638108

that's pretty cool, but is there any plugin or addon for blender that changes the hotkeys and interface to something similar to 3dsmax? even UI familiarity will be enough for me to work faster

>> No.638109

everything has a learning curve, next thing you'll need to make, will take less than a week

>> No.638110

i already had to download blend4web's free plugin just to easily adjust my foliage vertex normals. the default methods blender has for vertex normal adjustment seemed more complicated than they needed to be

>> No.638112

can you at least bind all the keys to act like max in a way?

the modifier stack has a priority set so if you switch the priority of the modifiers it has an effect on the model.
also some basic things that might help ctrl+n flip the flipped normals, w is for specials menu,j key can bridge two vertices's that are far apart.
alt+m is for merging and anything you can't find basically use spacebar (search) i still use it quite often.
what you really want to get used to is the camera. the numpad hotkeys (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) 5 for orto and lock to cursor which will help you navigate easier by just panning around it

>> No.638113

Yea I chose this idea because I thought before learning to deform meshes and things I should just learn how to move around objects, can't be that hard?
Maybe this is actually pretty tough and I should do something else.

>> No.638114

you should the robotic arm tutorial first. it will teach more about constraints and weight painting. then come back to it later


>> No.638115

Thanks I'll check it out first

>> No.638128

At the splash screen you can select 3Dsmax in the interaction dropdown, but I'm not entirely sure what all that affects.

>> No.638156

just the camera controls and shortcuts from what i've tried. it's better to just keep most of the blender shortcuts to their defaults

>> No.638168

>3 closely grouped edge loops down the center of the body for no reason


>> No.638170
File: 2.09 MB, 2048x1536, パニック.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this here æsthetic piece complete with wireframed mountains and ripped assets from garrys mod to compensate for my lack of modelling, texturing and overall ability. I really love vaporwave because it allows me the freedom to be creative without actually needing any aptitude in creating anything. When you think about it, ripping other peoples assets and repurposing them without permission or giving any credit is just the modern form of pop art. It's not pretentious, it's a commentary on pretentiousness.

>> No.638180
File: 2.67 MB, 1230x712, Untitled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally managed it. A bone for each cubie.
It didn't work for a while since every cubie shared the same mesh data with its similar pieces so for example one bone would affect all edge pieces at the same time rather than the one I wanted. It took me way too long to realise that obviously that's how it works. I unlinked them and automatic weights worked perfectly to give each bone its cubie at 100%. Had to change to linear interpolation since the cubies that were involved in both moves would follow weird paths inbetween.

>> No.638181
File: 162 KB, 988x825, 1508696405262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this do what you want? https://github.com/fedackb/yavne
what exactly are you trying to do?
>It's not pretentious, it's a commentary on pretentiousness.
that's quite a pretentious statement, anon
Nice work. I liked the idea so i'm also trying to get a Rubix cube working but with just 7 control points instead of one per cubie. I've done the easy bit but I think all the hidden cubies will need to have a "child of" constraint to each of the middle cubies with drivers to set the influence to 0 or 1 - which should be like setting their parent object dynamically. There's probably a better way though.

>> No.638182

Anyone know how I can take an animated ocean modifier and break it down/export it/bake it/whatever as a series of coloured frame-by-frame images?

Working with an old game and need a tileable, looping water animation on a 2d plane, rather than a complex animated mesh - for this purpose, I would like to take an animated and textured ocean modifier from cycles, and export each frame of the animation as a series of textures... How would I do this?

>> No.638184

The displacement from the ocean modifier is seamless/tileable but I'm not sure about loopable - you'll have to experiment.
When your ocean sim is set up how you like and you've keyframed the "time" field, click "Bake Ocean" and it will export the displacement maps to the folder specified in "cache path" as .exr files. You could convert these to .tif or whatever with ImageMagik or similar.
If you specifically only want to only export an animated texture to apply to a flat surface then you'll want to set up a material, position a camera above the center of the ocean object, set it to orthographic, set your render resolution to your tile size, set the camera's orthographic scale until you the ocean exactly fills the camera, set "repeat x" and y on the ocean modifier to 3 so that your shadows and lights look ok on the tile edges, and then render as an image sequence.
Sardi Pax has a tutorial for getting a good looking ocean here: https://youtu.be/XsRdns2G-z0

>> No.638192
File: 1.42 MB, 960x540, 1532901935252.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got drivers working to affect the "child of" influence dynamically but it fell over when an edge piece fell out of and back into the influence of a middle piece which had been rotated. so i cheated and used a rigid body sim instead.
this is actually really hard to do without keyframing every piece!

>> No.638201

damn! looks good

>> No.638212
File: 88 KB, 1317x669, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still getting the hang of this program. For my fifth ever model, I'm pretty proud of it desu

>> No.638226

Take a look at the anvil tutorial

>> No.638258
File: 1.89 MB, 1964x1247, mikadobldg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna model the attached picture. I feel confident in my ability to actually model the space provided, but I have exactly 0 texturing and lighting experience. All my previous models have either been colorless or solid-colored. How would I even begin to tackle this?

Not sure if it's relevant to the process, but the end goal is to put it into Unity.

Any pointers would be delightful!

>> No.638262
File: 29 KB, 586x590, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when I try to sculpt all I ever get are these indents regardless of the setting. Any clue what's going on?

>> No.638267
File: 58 KB, 292x796, Dyntopo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like your trying to sculpt into a mesh with a lot of horizontal loops and not enough vertical loops. Maybe try adding in more geometry before sculpting or turn on Dyntopo and make sure to set the detail to what you need.

>> No.638276

does anybody know how you can pick specific squares to render first when baking an image? it would really speed up my workflow if i could render just my trouble spots.

>> No.638284

Could be your object scale. Make sure it's all 1,1,1, apply scale if it's not.
Ctrl+B while in Object mode creates what's known as a render border. Render preview will only preview what's in the border, and rendering out your scene will only render out what's in the border (you have to set it while in camera view [numpad 0]). Ctrl+Alt+B cancels the border.

>> No.638304

Break down large problems into smaller ones.

>> No.638307
File: 16 KB, 830x577, spline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have experience with Spline IK?

When I use it with certain splines, the bones change their scale, even if I set all scaling to off. I found some people with the same problem I think, but no real solution.
I think it is bugged.
I want to try rigging a spine with it but it's not usable like that.

Also what is the correct way to rig a spine so it's fast to animate?

>> No.638308
File: 717 KB, 960x540, Rubik's Cube0001-0120.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, the wobbly look to it all is actually kinda realistic, some speedcubes feel like they're on the verge of falling apart.

I bothered to model the actual internal mechanism of each piece so I thought I could show the inside sliding around and it'd look all cool but I've discovered that I guess automatic weights actually didn't fully assign one bone per cubie and the internal stuff you cant see gets really fucked up during the animation

Don't really know how to make a nice animation but this is what I've got

>> No.638311

Wait, I just realized that maybe it may actually be mathematically impossible to place a bone chain on certain splines without scaling bones, since you need to match a given bone length to a certain length along the spline which will not always coincide?

Is that correct?

>> No.638337


Thanks. I looked up a few tutorials on solidify and now I'm wondering what other modifiers can be combined with subdivide surface and to what effect.

>> No.638340

you don't really need good texturing here, but you should consider having good lightning.
there aren't many textures to make here so its best you use image textures with some photoshop touchups

>> No.638348

Midge Sinnaeve might be of interest https://www.youtube.com/user/T4ch1k0ma

>> No.638368
File: 59 KB, 957x579, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfinished wireframes look cool

>> No.638369

do you have tips in how to unwrap?

>> No.638372
File: 69 KB, 555x395, 5-filo-auto-fronte_80184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet with the car wash problems here, again.

Current mindfuck: How should I design the brushes to export this in a game engine later on?

>> No.638375
File: 101 KB, 1200x1200, car-wash-3d-model-obj-fbx-blend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have to use s lot of planes for this effect like in the picture or is there a better way other than just a cylindrical shape (which seems a bit too limited)?

>> No.638377

planes in a radial pattern, textures with transparency mapping. however you do it, it will eat away fill rate.

>> No.638381
File: 94 KB, 887x642, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total newbie here. I can only view the subdivide smooth in wireframe mode (pic related), but not in regular solid. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.638385

Figured it out! Was on the wrong level.

>> No.638396
File: 41 KB, 1391x448, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What method would you use to turn this into a sharp knife?
The blade is the bottom edge while the top should thick for most of the length before tapering at the end

>> No.638399


You could edge slide or merge the verticies for example.

>> No.638408

What's the easiest way to understand how to create a UV map for a model, for texture work?

>> No.638411
File: 88 KB, 1377x585, 2018-08-19 00_47_24-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when two seams hit eachother in a crossroad. it will isolate the polygons inside the bordered seams.

by the way, the more insets and sharp corners in your model, the harder it will be to unwrap it.
the more organic your model is (like a ball or a sphere) the easier it is to unwrap it.

>> No.638412

So if I wanted to go for a simple model, but detailed texture, would I need to make the model more organic to help make the uv map easier to work with?

>> No.638414
File: 126 KB, 1404x755, 2018-08-19 01_03_19-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well.. you can unwrap everything to perfection if you know how. iv seen people that unwrap an entire house into 1 map

a good practice model is suzanne. find every place where you can mark a loop. and and border it. a sign for a good unwrap is if you can recognize the part which you unwraped by just looking at it.

also, try to arrange similar islands next to eachother and keep a small space between all islands

>> No.638421

Oh nice! That's awesome, thank you so much for the help!

>> No.638426
File: 1.49 MB, 1035x658, stony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point! I think this texture is the hardest one to replicate. Do you know where I could find something like this? I've looked around but I couldn't find much of anything.

>> No.638429

Repaint them. Looks like the whole scene has comparatively simple texture patterns, so that's an hour or two of painting in Photoshop.

>> No.638432
File: 270 KB, 1910x1012, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't the texture applying? I just allowed it to smart-unwrap so I could just start fiddling around and learn shading/texturing, but it's not even appearing.

>> No.638433

perhaps you applied the wrong material

>> No.638438

you could take a regular rock texture and use a marbleize filter. not sure how it works.

maybe just do some line paint if you have the patience

>> No.638448
File: 178 KB, 719x500, ao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When baking AO in Blender it is very grainy no matter what I do. I've already tried changing all the render settings, sampling, AO setting, they seem to have no effect at all, I also looked on Google and found nothing of value. The results are always the same, a noisy mess.

What should I do? Am I doing something wrong or is it a problem with Blender?

>> No.638449

well.. when i bake ao in blender i always go to blender render (the default engine). go to world settings, turn on ambient occulsion. click approximate and under bake settings click "normalized".

you can control the thickness of the AO by changing the factor settings in the AO tab.

also, this method is good because its the fastest and best looking. but is also the least accurate. i think the raytraced AO requires more sampling

>> No.638450

approximate under gather*

>> No.638451
File: 10 KB, 255x145, 2018-08-19 03_31_50-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way if you want raytraced AO just boost the samples here in the gather menu

>> No.638478
File: 2.85 MB, 4901x5099, pixlr_20180818231002891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to sculpt my model, but when I hit "apply" on the subdivision, it has this seam where each side is different shades. Does anyone know what's causing this?

>> No.638482

You have to apply the mirror modifier first. Either that, or you make a very small edit to the mesh (move it on your lateral axis by like 0.00001) for the vertices to merge again.
>pixelated and compressed to fuck

>> No.638483

2.8 is exciting and all, but I want to see them push eevee in future releases. It's impressive as is for open source, but it's nothing too remarkable right now.

>> No.638485

Sorry, pasted two screenshot next to each other

I already have a mirror modifier applied, and tried removing it after but it didn't affect it. I could try that as well, thanks

>> No.638493

Are you using a large enough resolution on your texture? Probably doesn't need to be 4K but if you have a 256x256 texture it's going to get grainy when you get close up to it

>> No.638504

you have to click "merge" in the modifier itself
if that doesn't work, remove doubles. if that doesn't work then select one loop in the middle and dissolve it

>> No.638537

Is there a way to colour pick a part of a model without light and shade getting in the way?

>> No.638541

Thanks, I tried the approximate Blender Render and indeed this gives a result that has no noise at all but has some banding and is inaccurate, this may be an OK workaround

I tried Cycles again with a 4K texture and 2000 samples and indeed this reduced noise but it takes very very very long for a simple AO bake. Also there is still noise, it's just more difficult to see from a distance

So there is no "good" way to do it?

If you are in Textured view you can set the viewport to shadeless on the right which should give the exact colors from the texture, but you can only show one texture per object at a time as far as I understand (in Blender Render, the one assigned to the faces, and in Cycles the active one)

>> No.638549

>So there is no "good" way to do it?
2k samples are you nuts?
once i click "normalized" and "approximate" i usually get the result i want (not always) i don't know how many samples is considered "good" for AO bake

>> No.638553

btw the denoiser might work in baking. try it?

>> No.638565

I've managed to screw up my camera in Blender and I'm not sure how I did it. In the top left corner, the camera says Ortho and not Persp. How do I fix this?

>> No.638568

numpad 5

>> No.638582

I tried that, didn't work unfortunately, still stuck on Ortho.

>> No.638587

Do you have a numpad, or are you simulating it?

>> No.638589

I've just finished a 3D recreation rig of club penguin a few weeks back. https://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/92264

>> No.638601
File: 18 KB, 392x293, 2018-08-20 03_16_18-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.638620
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, robocam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast Carve is a pretty cool addon. Never really done hard surface before, but it makes using booleans a lot easier.

>> No.638624
File: 53 KB, 899x698, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anybody familiar with exporting complex scenes to Unity? I've been using FBX with all the mesh pivots centered to the world but I worry about that causing problems with objects I might want to move and rotate later.

>> No.638625

Yeah it's strange that nobody ever seems to mention that addon despite it being built in. You might be interested in this for generating procedural edge wear using the bevel node in the blender nightly builds. https://youtu.be/r15xVueQD9M

>> No.638638

Im following BlenderGuru's tutorial on how to make the earth

but how do I make a sun/light that just lights up the entire sphere? I know it's not real life accurate but it'd be nice if you could see the whole thing

>> No.638641
File: 3.51 MB, 489x735, whiteblug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on this girl. Also, check em.

>> No.638651

you have to reset every asset to 0,0,0 and import them separately

>> No.638652

Well that sucks. Though I've found that separate meshes exported together are still that way in Unity. They're just parented under one group.

>> No.638670
File: 45 KB, 680x350, rx-580-vs-gtx-1060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm building a new computer and I'm trying to decide between an RX 580 and a GTX 1060 for GPU rendering. They both cost about the same, but the RX 580 has 8GB VRAM while the GTX 1060 has 6GB.

>> No.638673

Personally I would go with the 580, but I have a 480 right now so I'm biased. Cycles used to be a bit faster with Nvidia cards but I'm not sure if that's still the case, or if it is, if the VRAM outweighs the benefit.

>> No.638677

For GPU rendering you can (currently) forget about AMD, unless you plan on staying locked to Cycles. NVIDIA is the only option, for better or worse.

>> No.638680

Not sure about that. Maybe for Redshift and Octane. Doesn't AMD have their own open-source PBR renderer called ProRender which now ships with Cinema 4D and also works with Blender and many other apps?


Also, doesn't Vray RT and Indigo both work with OpenCL as well?

>> No.638696

I'm trying to bake vertex color to texture in Cycles but the colors come out all mixed up (correct colors but on wrong faces), even though it looks correct in the full render, furthermore baking it in Blender Render gives correct results, what's going on?

>> No.638699

Cycles baking is known to have problems. Try adding an Attribute node with the name of your vertex color channel and connecting that to an emission node's color input, then connecting that to the material output and baking from that.

>> No.638707

Eh, wouldn't recommend ProRender, especially for Blender. Its integration into Blender is iffy and it in general is a fairly half-baked engine. Most of its features, while beneficial from the surface, really are just tacked on and not properly implemented.
Cycles does support OpenCL as far as I'm aware, though. Many say it's somewhat slower than CUDA, but that's mostly anecdotal and mileage may vary.

>> No.638713
File: 82 KB, 654x525, 1475364859520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cycles baker was built to work with nodes so there is this thing where you have to select outputs before baking. blender render is built more like xnormal so its better.
i don't know how 2.8 devs are gonna deal with the baking issue once blender internal is gone

>> No.638746

ayy lmao
post wires

>> No.638764

Thanks, however that's what I have been doing
Thanks, this actually fixed it. What a weird thing, I had to click on the material output node once on each material even though that's the only output node in the tree. I thought it's enough to click on the texture node to tell it where to bake to

>> No.638767
File: 299 KB, 1600x1000, 0dgOAZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i approach modelling some hanging cloths like in the pic? cloth physics? traditional modelling and then adding details like folds through painted textures?
tried the cloth simulator with mixed results and the second option gives me nightmares since i suck shit at painting

>> No.638774

either run a cloth sim and apply it when you have a result you're satisfied with, or sculpt and then retopo. You should do the first option unless you have a really, really specific result in mind that you want.

Learn how pinning vertices affects the cloth sim, give the cloth some thickness even if you're not going to keep it, and play with the mass/stiffness sliders in the physics settings.

>> No.638776

I agree that using cloth sim is the easiest and most effective and likely to give excellent results, also you get good topo for free. Otherwise sculpting is good but manual retopo is really boring. Although you may be able to sculpt it from a simple square and not use dynamic topo

When modeling it by hand I guess I would model an individual fold which is basically just a half cylinder, then you can sort of bend them into shape with curves or sculpting and then stitch them together into a single cloth. Maybe there are other/better ways too

>> No.638778
File: 35 KB, 1424x765, blenderbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on pic related, a base mesh for my low poly game. How can i improve this?

>> No.638780

Do have a numpad, however was not sure why it wasn't changing.

Oh shoot I'm such a dumbass, I didn't realise there was an option in the menus. Thank you.

>> No.638781


>> No.638784

Improve the shoulder area and armpit, the transition is too smooth looking even for T pose

I just tried a few different approaches and sculpting and cloth sim both worked excellently and very fast with no retopo
Traditional modelling is kind of the wrong approach for it I guess. I got an acceptable base result by taking a square and putting in folds by simply raising rows (could even use a displacement texture here I guess), then move the corners together with proportional editing to get a "hanging" look for example
For cloth sim I think it's best to start with a square, then use hooks on pinned vertices to animate how the sheet would get into the position you want

>> No.638788

Where do I post my 3D degeneracy? I want to keep my portfolio separate. dubs

>> No.638793

also post link :^)

>> No.638808

I tried spline ik (with bezier curve) and that does it. I need it for a cape/cloak rigging specifically. I just need to access curve controls in action editor while in rig pose mode making animations.

>> No.638827

here, or pixiv i guess. hh

>> No.638837

Traditional modelling followed by sculpting. Then AO the shit out of it.

>> No.638866
File: 262 KB, 1920x998, blender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how i can round off the tops of these irregular shapes?

I tried to extrude and scale but it leaves me with sharp lines going through it like on the left one.

>> No.638873

That's so pathetic Anon. Where can I see more of it?

Always remember: The highest honor and the ultimate sign that you've 'made it', is when people fap to your models.

>> No.638874
File: 153 KB, 1856x647, color-ramp-sharpness_nodesetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to replace my color ramps with pic related. Would it make any difference to rendering speed?

>> No.638882
File: 44 KB, 1616x843, blenderhuman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed shoulders and armpits and worked on the topology. What else can i improve?

>> No.638887

i can't for the life of me get my textures to import into unity no matter what i do

>> No.638895 [DELETED] 

Did anyone else watch Kent Trammel's 2.8 Shield tutorial?


Not sure about some of the changes 2bh.

>> No.638896

Did anyone else watch Kent Trammel's 2.8 Shield tutorial?


Not sure about some of the changes 2bh.

>> No.638909

I doubt it. In fact I'd guess that this approach won't get as well optimized and may even be slower. Why not test it and see? Resolution, samples, and bounces are the things to try dropping if you can get away with it.
Use a reference. Your proportions are off.
What specifically don't you like?

>> No.638911

You have to import textures first, then import the models that use them.

>> No.638915

>What specifically don't you like?
Did you watch the video? Look at what he had problems with.

>> No.638918

Nah it seems pretty basic so I probably won't watch it. What did he have problems with? Chances are that the developers already know about it and will fix it before release, or he was doing it wrong.

>> No.638923
File: 2.87 MB, 3840x2160, render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.638924

No dots for face select mode, alternating between vert/edge/face select, matcap shading, that's from what i remember.

>> No.638925

Not sure about the face dots, but select mode has different hotkeys by default (1,2,3 instead of ctrl+tab) and matcaps have been working for a long time and are set from the shading menu rather than the cluttered old properties panel in the viewport.
Maybe he should have watched a 2.8 introduction video before trying to teach people how to use it himself.

>> No.638926

If you're not going to watch the video, you're in no position to comment. It's not even really educational, it's more of a look.

>> No.638932

Why would i waste half an hour of my time watching someone struggle to do something which I already know how to do?
If you are interested in learning about 2.8 then the best source of information is the team that are actually writing it: https://www.youtube.com/user/BlenderCoders/videos

>> No.638935

>Why would i waste half an hour of my time watching someone struggle to do something which I already know how to do?
You're missing the point.

and if you're not going to watch, don't reply.

>> No.638962

>I doubt it. In fact I'd guess that this approach won't get as well optimized and may even be slower. Why not test it and see? Resolution, samples, and bounces are the things to try dropping if you can get away with it.
It's for my npr shader. I want to use that instead of color ramps because color ramp doesn't give me all the inputs, so if I wanted to tweak anything, I would always need to enter node groups. My render times are between 9.5 to 12 seconds, so it's hard to judge impact, but I don't want to replace all my ramps, and later find out that it is slower on more complex scenes.

Is there any better way to get color ramp control outside of node groups? I wish the sliders could be made visible.

>> No.638980
File: 90 KB, 832x428, 2018-08-22_19-24-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to organize everything

>> No.638999
File: 158 KB, 320x240, output2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got into blender a while back. Just little personal projects. I kinda like it but also I kinda hate it.
Anyway, currently I'm experimenting with making logos and shits.
>Tried to remake the sonic3D intro logo.

>> No.639000

I'm curious what kind of purely procedural textures people can make -only- in Cycles. Does anyone have any neat examples?


>> No.639002

you can make plastic,rubber,metal,wood and stone. iv made a few (including an apple texture)
advanced stuff like terrain is not possible unless you are some kind of node expert

>> No.639006
File: 741 KB, 1614x842, 2018-08-23 02_06_35-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw here is a recent example of mine
for the orange i used magic and noise textures. made a vector curve to control how defined the pattern is. and a coloramp to control the color variation of the fruit itself.
in the leaf, i did the same thing minus the textures. but i added a hue/saturation node and tweaked some stuff + subsurface scattering

>> No.639009

2.79 has all of its' animation and modelling tools working just fine right now. The next blender version (2.8) is currently in alpha, so your better off working in 2.79 to begin with, unless you really need to use the 2.8 features right now.
When 2.8 comes out, you'll be able to keep all of the progress you made in 2.79, but if you start in 2.8 you won't be able to switch back to 2.79 if it's too buggy.

>> No.639011

>So you're telling me the modeling and animation tools are not even functioning?

well it is functioning. but its not a good idea to use alpha version when doing a major project (most likely you will run into missing features or bugs)

>> No.639015
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, retoro 1 wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

testing random nodes combinations

>> No.639019
File: 181 KB, 1500x844, meme donut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The planes are probably your best bet anon. You should use particles to place them in on the cylinder easily.


Check vid related for a pretty infamous example of how to do this.

>> No.639034
File: 418 KB, 1562x934, 2018-08-23_03-34-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done! If only I were good at choosing colors.

>> No.639035

dam nibba did u build that shader yourself?

>> No.639038

Render is here >>638836 Rendered in Cycles with 8 samples in 17 seconds using CPU.

For the most part, yes.
I replaced color ramps with >>638874
and I got custom nodes for getting the light direction and outline
everything else is math nodes for adding or subtracting and multiplying masks, mix rgb for colors, and noise texture.

>> No.639077

>have to login to download

>> No.639078

>go to edit mode
>alt+click faces
>subdivide them
>apply wire frame view
>looks good
>go to object mode
>wire frame view is not the same as on edit mode
What went wrong?

>> No.639084
File: 5 KB, 800x600, blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do this in Edit Mode?

>> No.639086
File: 6 KB, 800x600, blender 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also how do I do this on a cylinder?

>> No.639088
File: 18 KB, 1492x900, 9000hoursinpaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a floating character which consists of his rotund body and two disembodied hands (pic related). it's my first time rigging a character, is the way i've drawn the rig on the right correct, since all the rigs i've seen in tutorials and images have a bone through the middle of the body (in my case the head)? the way i've thought it is that i don't want any deformation of the head but i need a root bone for walk and idle animations

>> No.639120
File: 46 KB, 300x470, stock-photo-man-is-hanged-in-the-attic-hanged-man-hanging-on-a-rope-under-the-roof-of-the-house-hanged-man-227189635[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i give up, i don't know how people do this for a living, i've been pulling my hair out since yesterday, just looking at the blender window makes me want to puke now

>> No.639125

>just looking at the blender window makes me want to puke now
That's normal, just lay down for a while and it'll pass. We've all been there. Trust me, it gets better with Blender as long as you give it enough time.

>> No.639143

I'm assuming you want the whole face to rotate, and that the object in question is a cube. select one edge, press g, lock to Z (or whatever axis you want to lock it to by pressing X, Y, or Z) and drag it down until you're happy. then left click. for a cylinder you'll want to select the whole bottom face and rotate it on an axis. press R and use the same axis lock

>> No.639146


>> No.639147

I have a simple object with a diffuse and glossy material that sits on a color velvet ground. How do I make it so that the ground won't cast its light into the object, because my object reflects too much of its color.

>> No.639158

grab a vertex and move it on axis
your schematic is correct, just parent between the missing regions. the root bone should probably be at pelvis level.
glossy material will always reflect back. go to object data/ cycles settings and uncheck some of the boxes in ray visibility. im not sure what actually works

>> No.639165

Ah yeah I forgot about the cycles settings menu, thanks!

>> No.639191

Are there are resources for adding genitals to doa models?

>> No.639218

I'm currently taking a cheap course on Blender, as I heard quite good things about it in terms of quick game design assets and whatnot, which is what I'm interested in.

I'm pretty early into the tutorial, and I've been tasked with creating some sort of object out of multiple primitive objects like squares and cones and this is where I'm getting a bit worried...

The tutor explains how once you've placed the object and you've messed with the parameters of the objects in the Operator panel - Vertices, Radius and Depth - You can never modify these parameters again after you click on something else.

Is this true? Is there seriously no window that allows you to modify these parameters again? If true, is this functionality available in any other program, such as Maya?

I just think that's so stupid to lock us out of changing these parameters as soon as we click off and do something else.

It's a bit of a deal breaker for me as I would have to create the object again if I ever wanted to change those parameters

>> No.639219

>Is this true? Is there seriously no window that allows you to modify these parameters again?
its true. but you have to understand that those primitives are whats called "procedural meshes". what it means is the mesh can be tweaked with settings. the reason why you can't keep modifying the mesh over and over its because you already edited the mesh and inserted unpredictable things into it. after you are done tweaking the settings, there is a process called "modeling" which lets you edit the mesh manually. but you have far more control over how the mesh can be shaped.
>is this functionality available in any other program, such as Maya?
well no.
>I just think that's so stupid to lock us out of changing these parameters as soon as we click off and do something else.
you think so? some people model guns by starting with a cube. you can't procedurally model guns unless your software is built this way from the ground up

>> No.639220

btw if you accidentally clicked something and you haven't done anything to the mesh yet. you can click F6

>> No.639245

why the hell does my character rotate before i task it to do so in my animation? basically, the character has to rotate towards the end of the animation but it actually starts doings so in the middle of the animation IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS

>> No.639249
File: 6 KB, 249x228, 1508766745517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind, i just discovered the graph editor

>> No.639253
File: 453 KB, 1920x2003, bool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know why this isnt working?

Im trying to cut a rectangle hole into this and it dissapears every time i do the difference boolean

>> No.639261

>If true, is this functionality available in any other program, such as Maya?
Yes. And other programs have it too. In Maya, you have a history that grows with each change you make to the model. The problem is that this history is quite flimsy, and most of the time you can't go up in the history of a complex model, change some parameters, and expect it to work just fine. In fact, with Maya it's normal to clear the history every once in a while as you progress with your modeling, partly because it's less useful the older it is, and partly because it introduces instability.

If you want parametric modeling, however, your best bet would be Houdini. The history is preserved for everything you don't want to be deleted, you can group and parametrize complex series of operations, you can edit up in the history and see reasonable (or perfectly accurate, depending on what you did) results in the end, etc. But again, the more you direct model instead of using parameters, the less proceduralism you have. You earn flexibility, though. In this case, it's up to you where you set the point of balance between proceduralism and direct modeling.

Here is a stellar example of this way of creating: https://vimeo.com/195580569

>> No.639262

You may have self-intersecting/overlapping geometry or other defects in the mesh.
Also you are not using the latest Blender version
And it's easier to activate the BoolTool addon in the options which allows to do booleans with one click

>> No.639268

How different is the newest version?
I've only just started to figure out where everything is.

>> No.639283

Max offers another option if you don't want to go all the way to Houdini-style node wiring. Each object holds its history in a modifier stack that is fairly robust and allows tweaking later. For basic upstream tweaks like laying out a cylinder or sphere and tweaking the number of radial subdivisions later Maya is totally fine and rock solid.

>> No.639293 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to just rotate the origin of something ( a curve in my case )
I don't want to re-create the curve, I duplicate/mirrored it from another curve.
But when it comes to applying a wave modifier, the wave direction is all off and the odd rotation seems to be the problem.

>> No.639295
File: 2.83 MB, 700x460, 2018-08-25-00-07-50.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning how to use drivers, very useful, I like it. I wish I could just copy a modifier to multiple objects along with any drivers associated into the original driver.

>A wave modifier with width and height drivers, copied to multiple curves, doesn't copy the drivers, so I did a copy driver -> paste driver manually for all objects

>> No.639297
File: 165 KB, 1604x1009, blender_window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get rid of this window at all times? I don't know how it is called so can't google it. Thx.

>> No.639301

Is it me or does bevel shader not work properly with anything when it is over 0.1? I see the fake beveled edge but also a "shadow" of an original edge in the middle and it looks horrible. I can only get very small bevels with it, which sucks.

>> No.639302
File: 25 KB, 476x424, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radius: 0.150

>> No.639303

That's what Python scripting is for

>> No.639308
File: 25 KB, 500x334, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out that blender doesn't have a chamfer function, how do you guys funtion?

>> No.639311

It's called bevel
Is this a bait

>> No.639313

Not the same thing.

>> No.639319

The tool does both. So yes, it is the same thing.
Stop baiting.

>> No.639324

Welder here. A chamfer and a bevel are the same thing.

>> No.639345

Try applying the scale (ctrl+a)

>> No.639389
File: 335 KB, 1280x720, help.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the object to fall the way it does in edit mode but it won't work in the actual animation. You can see its very stiff and floaty.

Am I using a wrong mesh setting? Am I supposed to distribute weight among the object?

>> No.639392

They really don't do the same thing though.

>> No.639393

optical illusion

>> No.639444

How do I get force fields to interact with flip fluids?

>> No.639447

Switch to orthographic view and use 2D projected proportional editing with a linear fall off.

>For a cylinder you'll want to select the whole bottom face and rotate it on an axis
That won't stretch the face as well.

>> No.639533

What can cause edge slides to fail? Very often I tap g twice to move a vertex along an edge, but it either doesn't move at all, moves a little but stops moving at some point on the edge, or moves a little in an unexpected direction. I can move it to any location I like if I just hit g once and spin around the view to get it in place, but this is a lot more effort. I'm using shape keys very often while doing this, so if this is the issue, how would I fix it? If it's something else, what stops this edge slide working?

>> No.639536

Can you post an example

>> No.639547

I can't believe how good Blender 2.8 looks right now. Amazing viewport, amazing matcaps, amazing UI with workspaces. Ok, I never had problems with it's UI, but I get people that hated it. But it's great now. I love working with it.

>> No.639592

Is there a smart way to take the topology from a human model and wrap it around another to get the shape? I want to keep the proportions of a model which has shit topology, but keep the nice flow of another model. I've tried various combinations of proportional editing, shrinkwrapping, and generally just sizing it up, but I always end up with a model that just looks off.

>> No.639601
File: 1.96 MB, 1440x900, edge slide(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were no shape keys involved in this model. It's just a kasumi model imported from xps format, I've not modifier anything else other than added materials so far.

>> No.639610

check your snapping, also tries don't slide well in the first place.

>> No.639614

I don't have snapping on. If I turn the parts of the mesh surrounding the given vertex into quads I get the same behaviour.

>> No.639632

What are some required plugins for blender?

>> No.639643

well edge slides work really bad in a triangulated model, because the vertex has a limited movement between each triangle.

maybe try spacebar and write tris to quads?

>> No.639645

retopology or use zbrush zrememsher.

>> No.639725

It's not the triangles. Quads -> tris gives the exact same behaviour.

I just clicked on the vertex I wanted to move towards it, set cursor to selected, and it was way off. Turns out that the cursor moved to where the vertex would be had the mesh not been moved via the armature. So it seems the behaviour is because the vertex is moving as if the mesh hasn't been deformed at all. Is there a way to fix this? I've got "Display modifier in edit mode" and "Adjust edit cage to modifier" selected, so it should be moving along the right path?

>> No.639726

Node Wrangler

>> No.639767
File: 2 KB, 718x219, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to snap multiple objects onto each other like in the pic, without having to select each mesh individually to move it next to a target one? i have a buttload of cubes with gaps between them and it's a pain in the ass to start over or move each one

>> No.639941
File: 797 KB, 435x200, 200[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.640303
File: 511 KB, 1920x1001, cockpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to align objects (screws) symmetrically in a circle for ex. in a hatch ?

>> No.640307


>> No.640346

I watched Blender guru's small video series. And the blender fundamental series by the official blender channel. I'm looking to do character animation and I feel like their help isn't very applicable. Because I still have no clue what I'm doing.
Can anyone suggest anywhere else to learn?

>> No.640363

Is there a way to make snapping only target or ignore specific objects?

>> No.640398

you can hide the objects you don't want yours to be snapped to

>> No.640416

No way to keep them visible or at least 'ghosted' while doing it?

>> No.640425

not that I know of, sorry

>> No.640957
File: 163 KB, 750x563, burner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im slowly learning.

>> No.641113
File: 289 KB, 2019x992, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this should be something simple and hiding in plain sight but how do I hide the grey border from the camera view or at the very least enlarge it to fit the viewport?

>> No.641115

Okay, small victory. Unclicking 'Passepartout' in the camera's display options gets rid of the grey. Still have the box lines in the middle.

>> No.641124

when you press 0 you are basically inside the camera, so instead of moving your view like you would normally do, you have to move your camera.

Select the camera and press G, double tap Z and you can zoom in or out.

>> No.641125
File: 441 KB, 2303x966, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camera control isn't the problem. It's having that border frame in the middle of the viewport.

>> No.641133

I see two borders in your screen: one's the camera border, which size is dictated by your render resolution
The other one is a render border, which you can remove by pressing ctrl+alt+b

since in your case the render border has the same size as your camera border I assumed the problem was how to make the camera border bigger. Increasing the resolution would only change its proportions. Moving the camera would make it "bigger" compared to the scene, that's why I told you how to move the camera

>> No.641136

The thing is I'm not using the camera for rendering but as a fixed pivot for viewing and texture painting that inverted sphere. I saw a few vids about '360 painting' with an exploit in photoshop's 3D layers and wanted to work out an alternative on a free program.

>> No.641250

I remember back in 3DS Max, you could set up sliders other such controls and parent them to the viewport, so they're always visible when moving. Does blender have something like that?