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File: 177 KB, 978x686, Kizuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
638347 No.638347 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you guys entering the Virtual Youtuber 4chan Competition? since it will probably need to be to animated /3d/fags who know about cel shading and rigging will probably have better chances of winning won't we? anyone wants to collab?


>4chan is creating a Vtuber – a Virtual YouTuber – and we want you to submit the design! The winning design(s) will win a 4chan Pass for life. Anyone can submit a design, but only 4chan Pass users can vote. Artists submitting designs can choose whether to be credited or to remain anonymous. One vote per Pass, so no ballot box stuffing!

>> No.638349

Last time I checked they weren't paying shit.

>> No.638350

a 4chan vtuber......

oh this isnt going to go well

>> No.638352

It's a bad idea.
Why would you even want to do such a thing in the first place? This isn't the "old days of 4chan" where having our own katawa shoujos and vivian jameses were cool. This is post-corporate 4chan. gookmoot's probably just looking for a quick cashgrab.
Also, a 4chan pass for life just sounds sad. They can't even be bothered to set up any meaningful worthwhile prizes. I'd like to meet whoever's genuinely invested in this """contest""" because of the pass prize.

>> No.638356
File: 22 KB, 852x480, Стоковое видео на тему.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually as with the other 4ch contests or events you'll enter just to contribute or to be part of the community not for money, plus if fun and good for practice with some potential exposure gains (>inb4)
with youtube in the verge of beating tv cable is understandable that people might want to jump in with whatever trend that's popular, I'm not even a fan of Vtubers but one for 4chan could be interesting.

>> No.638360

>payment? psh, think of the exposure this thing's gonna give you! that'll be far more worth it than whatever we can pay you
That's probably not the main point you're making, but really.
I guess I can understand just contributing for the heck of it (though what a waste of time desu), but "part of the community"? What "community" is there? The biggest sense of community this cesspool gives out would be like /pol/, and that's not exactly a nicety, is it. Like said in the post above, this really is far from the days of yore where people coming together to make shit on 4chan was actually genuinely cool. There was a strong sense of community before because it was started by the community, led by the community, managed by the community and finished by the community. It just so happened that it all took place on 4chan. This entire project in contrast just feels desperate.
But I do have to agree that the outcome will be interesting. Maybe I'm just being too much of a sceptical pessimist here, but I still think this is a pretty poor idea especially for this place.

>> No.638364

Shut up faggot

>> No.638366

This place is for 18+ only, crybaby.

>> No.638401

patently false. the winner will be lucky enough to get an entirely free 4chan pass, normally sold for 12 whole dollarydoos. you should be grateful of hiroshimoot's outstanding generosity.

>> No.638430

Well, put that way, it doesn't sound that bad. But it isn't enough. Maybe if they give one more lifelong pass for each animated short to come after..., yeah, in that case, I would be up for it!

>> No.638459

>make a cool design
>/pol/ uses it for nazi propaganda
Do we, as creators, have any protection here? How do we block autists from stealing our characters?

>> No.638467

Just don't give them ideas. I know for a fact /pol/acks will find a way to ruin this no matter what, though.

>> No.638468

what's the usd/exposure exchange rate these days?

>> No.638469

Being autists yourself you'd think you would realize that you have no protections when you post shit on an anonymous imageboard and that your petty political beliefs mean nothing in the face of a horde of people who will do whatever they want

>> No.638470

p.s. OC donut steele
t. you

>> No.638476

well it depends considering 4ch has 22M monthly visitors for someone that has content or a product to sell with an audience that aligns with the typical 4chan user I'd say its definitely worth a try. for example jacksepticeye used to have less than 1M subs and when pewdiepie made one of his shoutout contest mentioning jack's channel for like 5 seconds his audice grew up to 20M in a few years he's now worth over $9 million according to ggl.

>> No.638477

I agree with the community point, it feels the people who come here only wants to see what is contributed, for the memes

>> No.638479

Do remember: this isn't your virtual youtuber, this is 4chan's. You aren't gonna be taking much of the glory if you end up winning. It's an entirely different situation here.

>> No.638481

Even if you do get credit (again, you won't) do you REALLY want to be the guy that designed a character for 4chan? You know the businesses are run by normalfags, right?

>> No.638500

As I said, it's just inevitable it will happen.

>> No.638517

I really don't get this. people even don't post their work here,.
how the fuck I'm managing to post here, don't hide and work for femminists?? I mean I don't work for them but they are my (best) clients.. they have no problem..
how I manage to be that guy that avoids repressions like that?

>> No.638621

I have too much paid work to do to enter a contest where first prize is a pat on the back.

>> No.638633

I'm making an entry.

>> No.638662

It's a 4chan pass for life, though. Unless you are a huge shitposter it's a nice prize for someone that browses 4chan regularly, seriously.

>> No.638667

>being this scared of feminists and SJWs
Do you faggots even know about Ben Garrison?

That guy hated /pol/ for like a year and then decided to give up and ride the wave when he realized he had no other customers.
Dude's living the dream.

All publicity is good publicity, and your morals probably don't hold up to your stomach.

>> No.638669

>$20 a year
>nice prize

Not even the pajeetest of pajeets works for this little money

>> No.638850

Assuming they never charge more than $20, that's $1000 if you live for the next 50 years

>> No.638855

It's for membership to a forum that's predominantly FREE, however. There's little to no value in a 4chan pass, honestly. It's only good if you want to support the site. What good are the perks? Getting to post in /vip/? I can perhaps see no captchas being one, but I'm pretty sure excluding one or two annoying ones here and there everyone visiting this site daily is fine filling them out.
And $1000 spread out across 50 years still isn't a lot of value. I don't get why you're trying to validate a crappy prize. Who knows if 4chan's even going to last for the next 50 years?

>> No.640677
File: 165 KB, 856x651, screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a DESIGN contest, they don't expect nor want a 3D model. Afterwards they'll commission an artist to draw it professionally and then a Live2D rigger.
All the voice actress (that will be paid peanuts) will need is a mic and webcam for facerig instead of a fully 3D setup. She'll be able to upload/stream more often and won't be expected to deal with any of the technical difficulties.
3D gets more novelty points for people to check it out, but afterwards it's all about the personality.