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633676 No.633676 [Reply] [Original]

using toolbag to show off game res work

they don't stick 'em down there for nothin', pal

>> No.633678

I need a quick rundown

>> No.633681

I'm afraid she might be... y'know... 'downstairs'.

>> No.633682

Completely incidental to all this; OP may be alarmed/horrified/delighted/indifferent to hear that Our Brian is actually a blendlet. True. Check his twitter feed from a few years ago. Posted some utter gash first-attempt 'sculpt' of a 'character.'


Anyway, carry on.

>> No.633758

>I need a quick rundown
When do you need that rundown by?

>> No.633765
File: 14 KB, 179x180, IMG_20180720_084236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists showcasing final art in a render engine that requires little to no talent or forethought to set up. Sucks all the interest out. When I'm hiring, I avoid toolbag stuff like the plague.

For the love of God, people: learn how to use a game engine and set up renders in there. This is wheat-from-the-chaff tier advice. It's much more impressive and your art will come out on top.

>> No.633789
File: 968 KB, 500x280, 1530415833286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best renders on my folio are in UE4. Has less of that 'gummy' look Marmo has.

Marmo is greast for baking and quickly viewing models.

>> No.633801

Ok OP - I wanna show off a RT game res model on my Artstation page. So I'm now not allowed to use Marmoset viewer - tell me a better way to do it.

>> No.633802
File: 409 KB, 742x416, raymondday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Marmoset viewer all you want buddy, if that's what you're relying on to show off your realtime art.

What, you never heard of turntables? Take a couple of high res screenshots in Unreal Engine with some decent lighting, some nice postprocessing. At least that way you won't have to force people to look at your blotchy-ass, compressed marmoset viewer assets.

I digress, this post is geared towards people who use the rendering capabilities of Toolbag, not Viewer. Viewer has a greater purpose, you can orbit around the mesh and get a good idea of how an artist has built their asset. But you oughtta not rely on it alone to showcase your work.

>> No.633804

Nu-Unity with the hd render pipeline >>> UE4

>> No.633806
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I'd argue Marmoset Viewer is a mistake until they add in fucking high res capabilities. Atm they hinder work and make it super gummy. A 4K youtube video from Unity or Unreal would cream pants.

>> No.633807

So long as you can show people that you know how to make assets actually work in a game engine, who cares which one you use?

>> No.633812

>>Take a couple of high res screenshots in Unreal Engine

How's about I do both? Like I do already?
Jesus wept - the narrow-mindedness of this shit... fucking wow.

No... no. Stop - I'm allowing myself to get dragged into a software bitching thread. I don't do that shit. That's for kids and bush-league assholes.


>> No.633814

I can see you're committed to this OP. Why not send this guy a message and tell him everything he's doing is wrong:


>> No.633816

>>No... no. Stop - I'm allowing myself to get dragged into a software bitching thread. I don't do that shit. That's for kids and bush-league assholes.

Looks like you did

not OP but it would look better in UE4

>> No.633831 [DELETED] 

> imagine missing the point THIS hard

>> No.633832

> how about I do both?

Why would you need to render out images in Unreal AND in Marmoset Toolbag? What do you get out of TB that you couldn't get out of Unreal?

The biggest advantage of using an actual engine to showcase your art is showing that you know how to integrate your work into an actual system, along with all the difficulties that entails.

> the narrow-mindedness of this shit

Not an argument


He literally linked the project they were for in the description, which is in Unreal.


>> No.633875

Should probably use Unreal, since it's easier to get nice looking renders out of it.

>> No.633962

Gib more tips pls

>> No.634034


Doesn't matter, still runs like total ass.

>> No.635558


Irrelevant, you're being hired for your modeling/texturing work. Not your ability to set up lights in VRay.

>> No.637165


Is that Alex Jones?

>> No.637180

i don't even use marmoset but i would never work for you lmao
What shit mindset

>> No.637228

>muh software elitism
are you the douchebag in the picture?
your comment makes me think so

>> No.637235

Software elitism is the biggest giveaway of someone who never worked on a real gig.

Studios don't give a fuck what you use, as long as it doesnt fuck their pipeline. I stil model in blender, even if the studio uses maya as central software.