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File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, Miami_Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
628726 No.628726 [Reply] [Original]

Miami edition!

Old thread: >>623770

>> No.628729
File: 3.73 MB, 2565x2309, Miami_Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never use video game assets again! Now I'm making all my own stuff from scratch, even the hair! Just a few months ago I never would have thought it was possible, but autism will prevail, guys.

>> No.628747
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, freshmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dick when seeing this

>> No.628748

No cowtits
No butch dykes

>> No.628753

Friendly reminder that Daz doesn't have the amount of skilled developers to tackle the Crapple dropping OpenGL problem.
They will probably lose all their boomer users now (which is apparently most of their forum if you take a quick look).

>> No.628755 [DELETED] 

What is this OpenGl "problem"?

>t. uninformed

>> No.628758

I was about to meme "TIME FOR ICLONE TO SHINE" but they don't even have a Mac client.
RIP apple
I wonder which fetish will end up taking the biggest hit from no more apple content creators.
My guess is loli or furry

>> No.628759

Did you create the menu yourself? Looks pretty legit.

>> No.628760
File: 319 KB, 870x1390, beach-burger-bar-ocean-front-walk-venice-beach-los-angeles-california-B8WN4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, and yeah, I based it off this picture.

>> No.628763

I specially like the gloss or bumpmap you used on some of the signage to give it that cross-stiched underneath look.

>> No.628764

Thank you. It's all Substance Painter, really... It makes it super easy to throw together decent looking textures. That cross-stitching look is simply the result of a negative height map to which I applied a stitch pattern fill. The rest of the detail is just painted on the diffuse layer! Super easy. I'm glad you like it.

>> No.628770

how does daz still not have a real-time rendering system or a light baking system? literally every 3d program runs better.

>> No.628772
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, 1529426981713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wondered that myself for a while.
Probably has to do to the little or no devteam we keep hearing about in these threads.
At this point, they should just make an official plugin for blender. Hell I'd buy it.

>> No.628776

Stupid question, but why would you need to bake lights? Doesn't ray tracing kind of take care of that on the fly?

>> No.628783


Iray in Studio has the interactive mode that when tweaked almost look like 2013 Unity and is almost realtime.

>> No.628786

I always end up with weird lighting or texture issues with interactive. Entire skins going flat black etc.

>> No.628803

>to tackle the Crapple dropping OpenGL problem
seriously do you do any research at all

>> No.628804

>why would you need to bake lights
Because SFM faggots believe this and RT rendering engines that require AO maps are the superior solution.

>> No.628806

>buy now
inb4 Daz discontinues Mac OS support

>> No.628810

Looks like you smeared strawberry jam all over her

>> No.628811

>implying daz has anything more than a couple pajeets who will code for the empty promise of a greencard

>> No.628814

>I want a Monte Cristo Hot Dog
>I'm sorry, but we don't serve snob dykes here
>What the fuck did you call me, punk?
>SNOB-FUCKING-DYKE. Now get outta my shop!
>[she draws out a gun]
>[he stares at it, clenches his hands, the strawberry jam bottle he was holding breaks and splatters on her, he turns around and starts running for the back exit of the shop]

>> No.628818

OP, please have her chasing a pajeet using the skinny old man base that was released recently.

>> No.628835

Any with her tits hanging out her top????

>> No.628868

actually the first time I like something that comes out of Daz Studio.
Really decent job on expressions, posing, lighting and even composition. Most Dazfags suck really REALLY hard at posing (especially hand posing) and composition.

>> No.628869

he probably asked one time too many for bobs and vagene

>> No.628933

Nice render, nice little story image, good work making your own assets. Girls to the right could have their eyes and hair a bit improved. Keep working and posting, ill save em!:)

>> No.628984
File: 1.92 MB, 1288x1288, mine_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.628986

This. Although there's still some uncanny as fuck about every DAZ render regardless of execution.

>> No.628987

you have shit taste
all Daz stuff is cringe as hell
this thread is cancer

>> No.628988

Thank you for joining us, fellow cancer.

>> No.629081
File: 714 KB, 1057x830, shilly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your old pal from the shul, Shilly!
Today through midnight Sunday, anything you cram into your Renderosity wishlist is magically half off!
Over at DAZ, sales on products for every Victoria from V4 up https://www.daz3d.com/06-18-victoria-birthday and V4, V5 or V6 free with qualifying purchases https://www.daz3d.com/06-21-elegance-and-saass
Remember, these hairplugs ain't payin' for themselves and tell 'em Shilly sent you!

>> No.629082

Is this the guy who own's OP's hotdog stand?

>> No.629083

Nah, he's my cousin.

>> No.629132

If you're still here, there's this. https://sharecg.com/v/79223/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/film-studio

>> No.629245

what are you people using to get your stuff?
I used to go to daz 3d free but it's shut down now.

>> No.629246

Official vendors and money.

>> No.629247


>> No.629248


>> No.629249

Thanks , but i'm a dumbass sadly and only recognize one of those .....

>> No.629250

>complaining about resource sharing sites
As if you had made the assets yourself, anon.

>> No.629252
File: 279 KB, 1000x1300, Aeon Soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These great artists deserve our hard earned money.

>> No.629253

Hey ppl if this is an issue, me asking about this, just drop it. I was just curious as I used that one in my op and saw it died, was curious if sites like that are even a thing anymore.

>> No.629254

They will always be a thing.
When you made an OP did you link it in the previous general?

>> No.629255

no. I meant this:

I'm literally asking from the position of a clueless pleb , I don't know what shorthands people use for these sites, I am just getting back into DAZ and wanted to find a set of morphs.
I'm not even looking for new stuff, genesis 3 is fine.

>> No.629261

But I'm cumming over their assets, isn't that enough payment?

>> No.629270
File: 530 KB, 960x540, weird pec-shoulder distortion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to use Genesis 3 and shape-shift to create an enormous hambeast like you see in the photo, but I'm running into an issues. When the figure's pecs and shoulders are too big, they start creating a weird pinching deformation in the armpit area. I took some screencaps to demonstrate what I mean. I tried downloading Poke-Away for Genesis 3, and it doesn't seem to help the issue.

Has anyone had similar issues? Does this happen on other figures? I've tried playing with Genesis 2, but Shape Shift doesn't seem to have the same options on G2M.

>> No.629271

Hopefully not the one you quoted.

>> No.629272
File: 766 KB, 900x1170, celebrity_series_17_by_adamthwaites-dcf4po1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new morph, who dis?

>> No.629273

topgfx (dot) com

>> No.629275

He's spending progressively less time on each character to crank them out faster, and it's starting to show. If I were Adam's business partner I'd tell him to focus more on original characters and less on celebrities.

>> No.629278

It means your rig wasn't meant to handle thee model being deformed like that.

>> No.629290

who cares none of them look any good.

>> No.629299
File: 315 KB, 888x799, Lumberjill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New composition coming up

>> No.629301

I was about to say lumberjane/10 but your filename beat me to it. How's KStew coming along?

>> No.629334

Are your post-process entirely photoshop? How do you achieve that soft glow on the left side behind the running dyke?

>> No.629335
File: 341 KB, 730x949, sienna addy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly curious on how addy achieved this to his/her render? Is this entirely post-process? Does anyone know any tutorials to achieve that soft focus look? It's gorgeous.

>> No.629338

Thanks a lot!!

>> No.629339

Good studio lighting, high focal length, shallow depth of field (large aperture size). Look into portrait photography and studio lighting techniques.

>> No.629341

not possible, the character doesn't have blue eyes

>> No.629344

Damn, I tried to open the scene I was working on the past days and suddenly got
> An error occured while reading the file, see the log file for more details

But then I open the log and all I get is
> Error reading file, see log for more details.

Any way to fix that?

>> No.629363

I haven't started desu senpai. I dunno if I'll get around to it.

That's just a gaussian blur. I copied the girl layer (she's on a seperate render pass from the background), pasted it behind the original layer and applied the filter, then adjusted it with the layer mask.

>> No.629367
File: 55 KB, 263x714, 0-A3D-Main-elfslave1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recognize this shawl?

>> No.629369

what's the name of this deviation when a (supposedly) straight guy is into dykes?

>> No.629370


>> No.629371

>A woman so butch and so lesbian that she will take all other women for you, and you won't even have the chance of tasting her
Just a more extreme form of cuckoldry.

>> No.629372

Oh, so its entirely render dependent?

>> No.629374

It can be done in render engines with simulation of physical cameras, which is common (read: required) among production engines.

Even a semi-professional render engine like Cycles can achieve that kind of result.

>> No.629375

That's a lot of assumptions you're making. Probably projection on your behalf, hinting at your own cuckoldry.

>> No.629378

>(supposedly) straight guy i
LOL might be a lesbo herself

>> No.629382

I'm a flaming gay FtM cuckold, so I have experience in the field.

>> No.629384

Almost. I missed out a point which plays a pretty big part, colour correction. That's definitely done in post. Using that portrait that you posted as an example, it's things like clipping black and white levels to create a faded i.e. "softer" effect, as well as bumping up vividness/saturation in the greens to make those irises stand out. It's still a concept in photography, so you can study that as a whole if you're interested in achieving a look like that.

>> No.629414


>> No.629420

If you projected any harder you could sell popcorn

>> No.629422


>> No.629423

But will it be useful for making porn?

>> No.629425

"Hi, we've reverse engineered most of DAZ Studio except pay us for it now"
Stunning proposition mate

>> No.629432

How do i isolate the pelvis on a genesis 8 model so that i can put a smoothing modifier on it without smoothing out the face and losing all the details? i was thinking i could use the geometry editor and make a new surface but can smoothing modifiers be applied to those?

>> No.629465

Fuck, it's actually worst than I thought, now anytime I try to create a new save and save it into anything (scene, subset and everything else), I get the same error message. I tried to re-install the software, but tough luck.

>> No.629489

maybe check your RAM or HD

>> No.629512

I found the answer, it was a bit retarded. I was saving on an external drive that has 0 space left (I was in the process of switching my data to a bigger one, but forgot to do so with my daz content), and for some reasons Daz still saves the files on it (that's why I didn't notice), except the files have nothing in them beyond the name.

So yeah, lost those recent files, that sucks a bit.

>> No.629513

File a bug. That shit is atrocious.

>> No.629604
File: 136 KB, 1080x1080, 1526059413968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where could one hypothetically find some free hair for genesis 8 females? The ones on F95zone are pretty crappy tbqh

>> No.629605
File: 555 KB, 1200x1200, image_79641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

renderosity has some hairs in their free section

>> No.629616

thanks, appreciate it!

>> No.629619

Ugh, that preview is hideous. The artist really managed to capture that "mid-50s woman caked in too much makeup" look.

>> No.629632
File: 265 KB, 977x881, ivan_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've been doing DAZ for over a year now and currently I'm still learning the tricks of the trade so I'm just gonna put my input here as well as let DAZ vets correct me here. Anyways...

>Ghost Light >>> Spotlights
The most popular lighting suggestion in DAZ tuts are the 3-point spotlights. For the first 5 months or so, I've used that but it became annoying to set it up and "perfect" it till I stumbled upon the Ghost Light Kit and never looked back. It acts similarly to a Light Box or Umbrella that just generally diffuses light all around makes it softer rather than the harsh one by spotlights. The other good thing about it is it works on the Sun-Sky only mode that disables scene lights. The kit also has presets for colors and luminance.

>Ecvh0's Cinematic Render Resource Kit
Oh God, I wish I knew this when I started out instead of cranking up the luminance. It basically is a compilation of Tone Mapping (Exposure, Film ISO) presets for Iray. Want to lighten up the scene or darken it without touching your lights? This is it. It also comes with color profiles. I'm a moron on this stuff, okay? This makes it easier.

>Adjust Camera Focal Length to >90
The default Focal Length is 65. I started reading into photography and one of the core things it mentioned was focal length. The higher it is, the flatter the face becomes. 90 - 120 is my personal "standard" but you can go higher than that. One warning though, if you morphed on low focal and adjust it, your "perfect" morphs become mongoloid-esque after.

>Skin GODDAMN Shaders
This was a game changer. I use two depending on my needs, Anagenessis 2 and Iray Ultimate Skin Manager. The former is a one-click solution whereas the latter goes full control on the skin.

>Scene Optimizer
We all know the drill. 4K textures on jewelry doesn't do exactly wonders on our GFX ram. Use this to cut usage in half. If you're still struggling with ram use, render the foreground and background separately.

PS and Lightroom.

>> No.629636

>Post-Process Cont.
PS for touching up minor mistakes or some scene artifacts. Lightroom is another game changer. "Download" the VCSO filter packs out there and use it on your renders to turn it up a notch. Though it isn't the "Be-all and end-all" solution 'cause some of them will overexpose your shit so you need to adjust in Photoshop first THEN Lightroom.

>Exposed and lighter scene = Faster Render
If you want a night scene or an area to be darker DO IT IN POST PROCESS. The darker the scene, the slower Iray would render it and the more grain artifacts show up. You want the scene to be equally light and exposed but underexpose the area you want to be much darker, adjust that in gamma in Photoshop.

>Render 2x the resolution of your expected output.
My files are generally 1920x1080 but I render in 2560x1440, not really 2x but the downscaling will be enough to rid most of the grains.

Pretty much that's it for me unless I'm forgetting something. Also, what happened to the DAZ pastebin? Is it dead?

>> No.629637
File: 112 KB, 500x650, 1e5fd1f81b9ce7bd5a2e071210a346499e31d46d0149fdef3e7760f53e84deae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never updated since it was created. Lots of the links are out of date.


>> No.629639

You're pretty much about there. Outside of render settings, these are the basics of photography, which usually leads into how similar rendering and photography can be (in terms of technique), meaning you can bring the same principles into either one. ISO and shutter speeds become very important when you're doing shots in extreme lighting. Cranking focal length to beyond 105mm gives you that isolated i.e. portrait look.
My addition would be making proper use of depth of field in your renders. Things like using large apertures, exaggerated bokeh, anamorphic ratios. Those can really help to elevate your renders if you're doing anything with backgrounds.
A comment would be for post processing. Personally, I haven't played with Iray (or Daz for that matter), but if it does have the option export your files in 16-bit (or higher). They'll be larger files but that's because 16-bit images contain more color data. That color data can be very helpful in rigorous post processing to avoid clipping. Look into colour correction and management if you want to take it to the next level (stuff like the teal and orange to create an action movie look, etc.)
Additionally, while the "making it darker in post" process is a smart trick, you have to be very careful with how you approach that. Do it badly and it's painfully obvious, since a darker scene doesn't just mean less bright lights, but also softer lights.

>> No.629640
File: 1.98 MB, 271x276, 1503855873103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that learning DAZ tricks is a pointless waste of time that will never ever lead to good results or employment, as it can only produce cringe material for sexually frustrated neckbeards

>> No.629647

There are people on patreon making triple figures doing this.

>> No.629659

>I've failed in every venture in my life, therefore everyone else should too

>> No.629666
File: 38 KB, 884x612, JosieMorphG2toG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a bit of a problem transfering a G2F morph to G3F. I'm following sickleyields guide that was posted by the face morph is way off. Also the hands are all wrong.
Anyone encounter this before? Feel like there's something simple I'm missing.
Does not look like >>629637 at all

>> No.629688
File: 3.73 MB, 2400x2160, Lumberjill_Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can chop my wood any day!

Not so happy with how this turned out... I need to experiment with lighting more. I appreciate the writeup by the anon above!

>> No.629689

serves these DAZ twats right for criminally neglecting the maintenance and devlopment of their software app in favor of redundant content and props

>> No.629690

Whats DAZ even good for aside bad 3D porn pics?

>> No.629691

I think a script was already introduced that can transfer morphs from G3 to G2 already.

>> No.629695

will this work with Genesis ?

>> No.629696
File: 42 KB, 940x751, jxC9EdW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever written a good DAZ --> Blender script or workflow? I've looked around and I either have to fiddle with importing the materials properly or re-rig the model.
Does DAZ themselves sell some kind of 1 button click addon that does this?
Or am I stuck to fbx ?

>> No.629697

>I am a true patrician, look at my render oh wait I have exactly zero (0)
keep redpilling us you mad little faggot who will never, EVER have work of your own to post

>> No.629698

Commercial ventures. I know the program's a poster boy for slav porn games but my job primarily deals with advertisement. My tools often include 3DS Max and Maya and to some extent Cinema 4D. I generally do the products only but my campaign last year involved me doing a mockups of people drinking the said product and DAZ was my lazy answer to it. You can still see it this day but it's heavily photoshopped. I think it was a Michael 7 model.

>> No.629699

Because Maya is much superior..
t.Maya masterrace

>> No.629700

>t.will never have a render to post of their superior work but loves to shitpost
how's that coffee cup going anon

>> No.629717


I don't care then. Does DAZ have anything for Maya importing. But import EVERYTHING. Materials, textures, morphs etc.

>> No.629722

FBX export.

>> No.629725

Oh, it's going smoothly unlike that Donut of yours.

>> No.629732

>Avery soul
>fugly faces guaranteed

>> No.629742

*tips phoneposter*
edit: thanks for the gold!

>> No.629748

just so you know i've worked in the industry for 10 years now, so you're really talking out of your ass.. and your love for DAZ is pathetic

>> No.629749

Tried Genx2 but the only versions I found aren't compatible with the latest studio

>> No.629754

>your love for DAZ
joke's on you, I fuck around in Poser and don't bother pretending it's pro quality

>> No.629759
File: 1.83 MB, 358x640, 1529951994141.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has DAZ gone too far?

>> No.629762

What am I looking at there?

>> No.629771


>> No.629788

>it can only produce cringe material for sexually frustrated neckbeards
>implying there's anything wrong with that
please go back to the geezer home with your obsolete notions of propriety, this is the age of the pornocracy.

>> No.629789

I like the sound of that.

>> No.629811

Sure Bud, I'm a Nasa veteran who did 25 patrols fighting Nazi alien monsters.

>> No.629813

well one of us wrote the truth and it aint you.. bud

>> No.629816

where the torrent at? this is the daz3d ive dreamed of?

>> No.629817

What does it do that DAZ cannot?

I'd love if DAZ was much better but that huge library of addons and assets all while the main software is free does make them much harder to compete against.

>> No.629834

Why is her flannel shirt shiny? Use one of the velvet sharers and adjust the fuzz detail until it looks like flannel.

>> No.629842

why don't they just update hexagon merge it into daz and get rid of dforce

>> No.629850

Suuuuure! This is the internet, degrees and experiences are all very real. Nope. Nothing can disprove my 12-inch penis here.

>> No.629857

Admittedly I didn't experiment with the velvet shader very much but when I did it just ended up looking translucent and didn't respond well to lighting. What exactly do you mean by "adjust the fuzz detail"?

>> No.629903

The heck is that?

>> No.629935

wow, the bubble you live in is fucking tight..

>> No.629948

daz needs to add an "export to unity" function.

>> No.630030


>> No.630111


>> No.630112

>What does it do that DAZ cannot?
It provides a mesh that you can legally extrude clothing from. Every other feature demonstrated is either in Poser, DAZ Studio or both including iRay and GoZ. That being said it doesn't have everything in Poser or DAZ Studio.

>> No.630113

based androids

>> No.630114

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.630116

Good trigger discipline.

>> No.630119

Glad you're making your own clothes now. Work on the fabric dynamics a bit, the pants look a bit like dried plaster as they are. Bake the fabric bump into the diffuse and at about half their current scale to look more like denim and less like burlap, draw stitches in a contrast color and add belt loops even if there's no belt. As others pointed out the pattern you did behind "HOT DOGS" is a fantastic detail that sells the material.

>> No.630152

Anyone can redirect me on how to animate in DAZ or does it need to be exported to Maya or Blender? I'm rapping my head on how to properly to this aside from preset animations found online.

>> No.630153

*racking *do this
fucking autocorrect

>> No.630156

Congratulations. The quality of your work will improve greatly. Plus you won't have to worry about getting a C&D.

>> No.630158


Daz also needs to fix their FBX and DAE import and export so it doesn't completely fuck up the rigging. They've known about this problem for years you'd think by now they'd have figured out to fix it.

>> No.630159
File: 250 KB, 1000x1300, 00-main-brynn-character-hair-and-expressions-for-genesis-8-females-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Brynn Character, Hair and Expressions for Genesis 8 Female(s) by 3D Universe

Say something nice about her.

>> No.630169

DAZ Studio doesn't really have much in the way of decent animation tools. And the few plugins that *are* available are usually a) sold separately, and b) not particularly well-unified.

Just getting a basic dope sheet and animation graph into Studio will set you back ~$40.

Personally, I'd strongly recommend doing your animation work in something more robust, and then if necessary import the motion data into Studio.

>> No.630173

>in something more robust
Any program to recommend? Outside of DAZ studio or SFM, I have no idea of other programs to use. The reallusion posted above looks promising.

>> No.630174
File: 4 KB, 400x119, dim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, looks like one of the latest updates broke my installation of DAZ, it just keeps whining about not being able to run with elevated permissions.
Tried to uninstall, manually deleted all the folders that uninstall didn't, reinstalled, made sure nothing runs as admin, install manager still gives me the same message.
Now what?
I assume there's some folder or file hidden somewhere that has messed up file permissions, but I have no idea what or where.

>> No.630180

Nvm, figured it out.
For some reason DIM thought I was running it as an admin when ran under my main windows user account, I created a new user account with normal privileges and modified the shortcut to run as that. Werks now.

>> No.630194

>people actually pay money for this autistic trash

DAZ users are so fucking stupid

>> No.630195

Maya is the go-to for animation. Failing that, you can try Blender, which is not bad at all either.

>> No.630207

>Say something nice about her.
3D Universe does a good job of making toon characters and they've been known for doing some impressive customs. I personally think this face is suitable for doll-like child characters but in this context it's unsettling.

>> No.630210

That's not nice!

>> No.630211



>> No.630212



>> No.630214


There's lots of places. Can't say them here. You just have to be good at searching. Don't use google, it DMCAs those sites.

>> No.630215

>but in this context it's unsettling.
W-what do you mean, Anon?

>> No.630216

you probably couldnt model a turd with a gun to your ugly head

>> No.630217


Making comic books: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8YOdIhSc1IKrrJV5K7ccQ

referencing figures for digital paintings: https://www.youtube.com/user/shannonbgfx

and using figures for work in fashion design

>> No.630218
File: 986 KB, 500x245, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Daz to Maya
>Genesis 8 to Maya

>> No.630219

I read those responses in a 1970s documentary voice
>Here comes the metric system!

>> No.630221

Legit scenarios. But, is there money in it? I ask from the point of view of a content producer.

>> No.630223


If you can do it I would crack animate3 or iClone7 but make sure you can use 3dxchange. You can tween the animations. But then there's the rendering time. The renders take forever to look decent. Unless somebody on here has some tips about rendering the animations. This is just my experience so far.

>> No.630225


Yeah but then you have to rig the whole character which kinda defeats the purpose of starting in Daz.

>> No.630226

Speaking of Genesis 8 to Maya, did anyone try? How is compares to Daz to Maya?

>> No.630227

Patreon lewds is the most viable one I know of.
reallusion tools are up on cgpeers, everything you need
Not with DaztoMaya addon

>> No.630228


If you're looking for the big, big money I recommend getting a degree and applying for work at a video game or film studio.

Daz can get you money, but it's more like hobbyist money. Commissions, patreon, etc.

But it's a great starting point to learn and advance to more advanced things. Plus it's pretty fun.

>> No.630229


There's something wrong with my Daz To Maya. I better update or reinstall it.

>> No.630232

it doesn't sit well with photorealistic rendering and with otherwise non-toon body proportions

>> No.630234

>>629581 ?

>> No.630235

>those responses to him, OOF

>> No.630269

she cute

>> No.630277

is there a one-click way to make clothing from say genesis 2 fit genesis 3? or 8 to 3?

>> No.630279
File: 158 KB, 960x1248, 00-main-genesis-3-female-for-genesis-2-females-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 should have an autofit built in for every genesis version.
3 has an addon for it "Genesis 3 Female for Genesis 2 Female(s)"

>> No.630280

just females? i need it for males mostly.

>> No.630281

G8 backwards compatibility works with the males too and the product above has a male version

>> No.630295

Either he has a fabric shader that's not the default Iray shader or he's talking about the old 3Delight shader.

>> No.630296

Daz has purposefully bugged their fx and dae import so it will only import geometry and not rigging so that they won't have to worry about 3rd party figures competing with Genesis.

>> No.630508
File: 161 KB, 500x389, 0618-daz-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We want the Scarlet Nights audience"

>> No.630513

lmao, their dogs STILL look like they did in 2005

>> No.630703

So it's not that they don't know how to fix it, they're just being dicks.

>> No.630751 [DELETED] 

I only recommend watching the last two videos, way to much autism here.

>> No.630759

<-----/b, fucktard
you probably don't even know a pixel from a polygon

>> No.630777

What are you even on about?

>> No.630784


>> No.630815

>it's not that they don't know how to fix it, they're just being dicks.

DAZ costs you nothing so if it readily imports content you didn't buy from them that's a net loss in their minds.

>> No.630853


>> No.630862
File: 182 KB, 1000x1300, teen_kaylee_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new "teen" character

>> No.630866

>now with giant man hands

>> No.630896
File: 88 KB, 1200x800, mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.630972

Hey guys. Anyone has a tutorial for some noob on how to export a model from Daz to tabletop simulator? I want to do some miniatures

>> No.630973

I'm afraid that's not allowed by DAZ's license.

>> No.630977

If I buy the video game license and don't distribute them, there is no problem

>> No.630995
File: 362 KB, 1280x1024, 1741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.631039

Four generations and 12 years after 2006's G4 and they've actually REGRESSED in terms of facial realism. Literally impossible to get decent results without HD morphs that restore the vertex count to what it should have been to begin with.

>> No.631055

Those clothes are shitty as fuck. Jesus Christ why do so many benders make crappy low poly clothes for Daz figures. Hardly anyone uses Daz assets for games and most people using Iray are striving for realism. These clothes look like they're for second life.

>> No.631059
File: 344 KB, 1300x1000, sleek_rider_pop_up_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also couldn't be bothered with previews much (distorted breast area of jacket).
In general, this bundle feels like a rush job, same as Penny.

>> No.631068

beyond horrendous

>> No.631069

I want to say the developer made this jacket up without any visual references at all since I can't imagine a garment like this having sleeves ending just below the elbow or giant decorative only tit pockets. The way the sides of the jacket ride up like the material's cotton, the exaggerated stitch puckering and the 100% symmetrical sleeve wrinkles all look really amateurish and yet their other (non-leather) clothing seems to be fine.

>They also couldn't be bothered with previews much
Here's how DAZ does previews: they make a deal with site artists they contact privately where in return for promo renders the artists get the product you see. They fired their official promo render artists years ago and don't trust the vendors to do it themselves.

>> No.631100

I am hoping that drum on the left is full of gas and that my marksmanship is good enough.

>> No.631198
File: 257 KB, 1000x1300, 05-vanille-for-the-girl-8-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.631200
File: 448 KB, 519x499, 1422514935907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.631233

What's that? Sounds like some kind of disease.

>> No.631462

Hey guys, I've been wondering about Daz's Interactive License. Their explanation of it is extremely vague, and totally useless. It says something about the player being able to manipulate the 3d assets, adding sometimes an additional $50 charge to a 7 dollar dog. What I want to do is buy a Daz model, retopolgize it to be game ready, make my own textures, and otherwise make my own model, only using the original for baking purposes. Literally not one person at Daz can answer me if I'm allowed to do this, which I assume is because they want to wait for someone to do it, so they can screw them for hundreds of dollars in one shot. Any opinions on this?

>> No.631476

This is a weird line of questioning. What's stopping you from making a model from scratch by using the Genesis model as a reference? I would assume you have a basic degree of modelling skills, if you already know how to retopologize. Unless of course you're talking about an automatic retopologization solution like ZRemesher.

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish.

>> No.631477

daz models are pretty hi poly, so i want to retopologize them for use in a game. technically, the model would be my own, but it uses the daz model as a base. i wanna know if they'll consider my model their model, because their license makes no sense.

>> No.631492

IANAL, but my guts tell me that's the kind of question that can only be resolved before a judge. You don't want that.

>> No.631500

are you making a ps2 game? daz models are not high poly

>> No.631501

>daz models are not high poly
they're high enough. they have a spider that's 400k triangles. i don't need that at all, i'd knock it down to 10k tops.

>> No.631791
File: 57 KB, 600x450, 39 - sJa01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for recommendations for applying giganto-breast morphs to normal clothing. Also looking for normal clothing similar to pic related.
I think I've got the basics of export without subdivisions/etc, adjust to target shape and reimport.

>> No.632012
File: 16 KB, 348x476, 98 - vnZKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recommendations for applying giganto-breast morphs
I meant creating, not applying.

>> No.632019
File: 886 KB, 900x1170, G3G8CS18Ad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>INTRODUCING Celebrity Series 18
Looks like Kate Upton I guess?

>> No.632073

>applying giganto-breast morphs to normal clothing
Auto-fit does that already doesn't it? I think you're asking "how do I make clothing stretch across boobs and butts and not follow cleavage"

>> No.632074
File: 20 KB, 303x361, 189549_106691896145363_1743788994_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that. Interested in using blender or something to try creating a new morph.
I've tried some addons like breast helper but they dont work well with everything. That and Daz's dformer feels archaic and clunky as hell.

>> No.632077
File: 157 KB, 940x826, decleave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been fighting with this one for years. Here's one solution I came up with in Poser but it requires a wave deformer, not a magnet (but the principle is the same):
From left to right: original morph following boob morphs with stupid cleavage baked in, custom wave deformer applied to chest/abdomen to pull fabric out somewhat, same deformer with a sideways ripple added to provide vertical stretch marks.

>> No.632078

I've seen similar done in poser and am jealous of the tool. Those stretch marks are my favorite part and why I wanted to start this nonsense all together.

>> No.632082

You actually have a more sophisticated wave tool than Poser does because you can mess with the sine wave more directly. If you just want to use something off the rack:
FYI, when Erogenesis created his Project Evolution figure, he also made a devkit figure with a solid uniboob and unibutt for converting other Poser female clothing to PE so clothing converted to PE doesn't follow cleavage.

>> No.632084

>uniboob and unibutt
This is really what devs should do but I guess it still would only go as far as the default sliders.
I'll take a look at those links now.

>> No.632085
File: 491 KB, 692x714, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 5.05.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooner or later in this hobby you have to make choices about creating tools or acquiring them depending on time and desperation. The trick Sickleyield's tools depend on isn't possible in Poser (tricking clothing into conforming to a modified nonexistent figure) so I came up with my own. Here's a screencap of the deformer in action: the green wave prop's size and position are irrelevant but the settings aren't. The sphere is the deformer's zone of influence on the clothing.

>> No.632087

That looks pretty clever.

>> No.632092
File: 751 KB, 1920x1040, VirginKiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw moved all libraries to my SSD and render speed improved
What is this voodoo? Something to do with transfer rate from the old physical drives through bus to memory?
>tfw still have getting clothing struck under breasts during dformer sims.

>> No.632103
File: 177 KB, 2883x444, dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's absolutely great for things that aren't rigged to open or close. Rigged clothing with buttons that move in and out of holes? It will distort the fuck out of buttons and you have to go back to using magnets -- which can also distort buttons, but not as grossly -- and then tweak the settings to keep the buttons normal sized. And you need to export this whole thing as a morph otherwise the minute you start to do anything like open the clothing the magnet makes everything funny looking.

>> No.632104

Seems like it might be better to export to zbrush or whatever and create a morph.

>> No.632105
File: 190 KB, 678x403, und.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this worked out fine without exporting morphs but I'm not going to shit talk anyone who wants to refine something in a modeler.

>> No.632108

noice, any complete works?

>> No.632110
File: 802 KB, 677x1021, superfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 'n' that.

>> No.632111
File: 3.43 MB, 1443x1660, mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here's a quick composition with what I started out doing here.

>> No.632122
File: 46 KB, 628x572, Translucency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toying with the translucency to make Aisling pale. I goofed. Should have probably used a light shade of pink instead of white. Any other's have experience with this?
Many characters look a certain shade in all the AA promo renders from author's but look nothing like that with any of the basic lighting setups or even those "full scene, one click!!!" products.
Pic related.
Reminds me of some sort of creature wearing a human suit after applying too much foundation to make them not look dead.

>> No.632130

and the creature isn't the same gender as the skin

>> No.632131

That stack be short

>> No.632165
File: 2.07 MB, 862x1412, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at 7.44.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.632180

wtf is wrong with her nails. It looks like the tissue underneath is rotting.

>> No.632182

If I use .jpg for my maps as opposed to.png, is that going to give me any performance boost at all? Considering the filesize of the maps is more than halved...

>> No.632186

No. They are converted into (roughly speaking) full bitmaps in RAM/VRAM. You lose on quality and potentially performance, as the JPEG has to be decoded.

>> No.632187

That's good to know, thank you

>> No.632188
File: 271 KB, 960x1248, 00-main-potono-for-genesis-8-male-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of mongo is this? They advertise it as an "anime" character.

>> No.632196


>> No.632204
File: 101 KB, 960x1248, 00-main-haunted-corridor-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like potato

meanwhile, yet another hallway.

>> No.632355
File: 354 KB, 1000x1300, 01-containment-hallway-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hallways are apparently in huge demand. This was just released today.

>> No.632356


released as in like something people can buy? If yes, how much does that cost?

>> No.632357
File: 29 KB, 1278x115, SUCHDEALS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.632358

Would be cool to have purchase statistics on something like this. How many people end up buying it, how much money something generates, etc. Guess DAZ aren't going to be sharing that any time soon.

>> No.632359


I suppose one cant complain about 11 dollares if its all ready out-of-the-box?

It doesnt really look good or professional tho.

>> No.632360
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likely not
Ditto, does encourage me to start practicing level design more. Just hung up on texturing. I should probably make them from scratch but it seems like such a long process without using something like substance painter.

>> No.632361

There's no shame in using substance. It's simple, quick, and can grant you excellent results.

>> No.632362

Yeah, just cant afford it at the moment.

>> No.632373
File: 3.01 MB, 1280x1280, The Amplifier c 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yes. Hallways are always important you know.

>> No.632381

So this is the power of autism

>> No.632385
File: 38 KB, 491x500, captainsgift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such is life with Daz/Poser since forever.

>> No.632394

I started using poser eleven years ago when I was underage with the computer of my father. I posed little boys dominating little girls, and was actually taken over by the police when they confiscated my father's computer after a paedophile craze. They took my DNA and said something like "3d little girls are still illegal you know".

I lost all my scenes those days. I'm still mad, there was one with a boy using a girl as a living chair which was good.

Poser is such a wonderful tool.

>> No.632395


>> No.632399
File: 9 KB, 480x360, mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.632401
File: 43 KB, 750x573, EaN4F3TvU9PYsOhXoaR0767CZkp89O7bZUUnb15EtSY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.632407
File: 81 KB, 800x1200, Y9l6NWl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say I want to create a single piece of clothing. Underwear, swimsuit etc. Just one piece. Then submit to a store for sale.
Would that be creation of the base mesh to fit X figure and then duplicating it and modifying appropriately for every single slider that comes for them by default? Breast, Ass etc?

>> No.632409
File: 1015 KB, 1200x1600, Full126088_69099b9d661d69273e4720303c1abe98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone identify this character?

>> No.632446

Hey all. I'm looking at Daz as an alternative to human mesh/character creation. Would be very thankful if you could all answer some questions that I have before I make my decision.

1. How much is it to use Daz?
I know the core program itself is free, but what about everything else? Assuming that I won't be using Iray, I'll be making my own assets (clothing, hair, props, etc.), all I need are the human meshes as well as skin options and morphs. What am I missing out on if I don't spend a single cent (if possible)?

2. How does it compare to alternatives?
Everything from Mixamo/Adobe's Fuse to Reallusion's Character Creator. I don't really care about process, how easy each programs are to use, etc., just end results.

3. What essentials would you recommend?
Just some add-ons and all that you find benefits your end result the most.

Thanks once again.

>> No.632447
File: 228 KB, 480x360, 296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) Daz' free/starter stuff will give you the base mesh for Genesis 2/3/8(latest) iirc. That is the base model with very little built in morphs.
2.)That depends on what it is exactly you want to do. As per point 1, you said you would make all the clothing hair props etc, would you just be using daz for base characters/skins/textures? Because those will cost a bit and are significantly better than things offered from Adobe and just a bit better than Reallusion (IMO, but you can also use a reallusion bridge to import daz content. This will also cost more since you'd be buying DAZ content and Reallusion stuff. But may be worth it for their realtime PBR renderer.)

3.) Similar to above, depends on what you need it for. Base model meshes and generic skin are free.

>> No.632448
File: 189 KB, 635x479, IM002454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alternative to human mesh/character creation
So you would want the program to create a humanoid and allow easy customization of breast/head/etc sizes and muscle tone?
That is partially included in the starter. You will need to purchase bodymorph addons for the particular series character. Genesis 2/3/8, head/body/expression are available for each generation. There are also completely separate characters for each generation that require a one of the genesis bases. Victoria is a popular one.
If you plan on using this for a game project you will release, you will need to purchase a separate license that varies from product to product.

>> No.632450

By "very little built in morphs", what do you mean exactly? Sorry, I should be doing my own research, but I'm phoneposting at the moment so it's not really that convenient to look things up on mobile (and in public). I don't really know what a morph exactly is. Is it shaping extents or base meshes themselves?
And yeah, I plan to use Daz as a human base mesh for other stuff. I'm more interested in making the clothing and scenes themselves rather than actual human characters, so I'm just looking for a quick and good-looking solution rather than making everything myself.
Just an extension: how powerful are the base skin tools? I'm just looking for very basic stuff, skin tone, eye colour, maybe some extras like freckles.

And what exactly is the Victoria character? Can I recreate it with the basic Genesis tools, or is it a completely different base mesh that uses the same morphing system? I'm fine if I have to start with a completely androgynous base.
And no, I'm not looking to use Daz models in a game nor even commercial purposes. Just to properly visualise some ideas I've been concepting. I'll be sure to purchase the appropriate licences if I plan to expand.

>> No.632451

If all you want is a very basic base model to sculpt. You can use the free starter assets. There is one generic skin/texture/material for it. Each is generally sold separately from different vendors/artists.

To get a firm grasp on things, I would suggest creating an account and downloading the free stuff so you have something to reference. There is a bit of a learning curve. NOT because Daz is difficult to use. Just that their item synergy is very obtuse.

>> No.632452

Oh, I'm not looking for something to sculpt on, per se, just basic mannequins I can play with and proportion to my liking. Y'know, like character creators in video games? Fallout, Dark Souls, all those MMOs, etc.
And like I already said, I really don't think I'll be needing their marketplace (besides for skin textures maybe). I have other software (like MD and Blender) that I know how to use and thus plan to create all my other assets with.
But thanks for answering. I'll check it out when I can.

>> No.632453
File: 161 KB, 960x1248, Main_82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be similar to a video game character creator you need the base Genesis figure (2/3/8), the appropriate head/body morph addon packages. That alone will give you a fairly small variety in sliders and sizes of things you can do. sunken cheeks etc. Materials are generally one per separate character. Depending on the vendor, they usually provide makeup alternatives for them. Say you like the skin/texture/material/shape look of "Ekaterina for Genesis 8 Female" (pic related)
In order to use that, you will also need the base Genesis 8 female (included with the free/starter stuff). If you want to change anything about her, you will also need the head/body morph addons for Genesis 8 Female as mentioned above.

>> No.632455

Ah, I see. Can I ask what the base body morph options are? Like any aging or weight options? Height sliders? Not looking to create braaap goddesses or huge dyel-mode superheroes, just simple everyday guys and gals.
And maybe a few more curvaceous body shapes too.
Why not.

>> No.632456

Ah wait, not aging, I meant musculature. My bad.

>> No.632458
File: 154 KB, 1381x873, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, pretty much basic head scale, chest scale. If you are going to buy something, never buy it without some sort of sale active. You can get the "daz-deals" addon for chrome or firefox and it will show you the pricing history of items.

If you're going to sell the end product in a game or something, i've highlighted the additional license you'll need. (yes, for each product)

>> No.632459

Mm, that's surprisingly weaker than I thought. Oh well.
Once again, thanks for tending to my questions. I'll stop asking and just go explore for myself. Have a good one, my guy.

>> No.632460

No prob, I'm always lurking these threads if you have any other questions.

>> No.632461

To add to that, here's the morph package for Genesis 8. Female body only. List of morphs below images. https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-8-female-body-morphs

>> No.632474

ah yes mind control, the thinking retard's fetish and every Poser/DAZ artist's first concept

>> No.632475 [DELETED] 

Say you want to use google to ask "how do I make clothing for DAZ Studio" and read the results

>> No.632476

>If you're going to sell the end product in a game or something
by which he means the meshes, renders are royalty free

>> No.632480
File: 88 KB, 1000x1300, 00-daz3d_genesis-8-female-body-morphs_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the first thing you need to get after the base is the official Genesis Body Morphs which comes with your Genesis. Those add dozens of morphs, including muscles, height, corpulence, and anything in between. They are an absolute must have.

Additional morphs can be useful when you need to add more details (I found that fine tuning arm/leg musculature often requires additional morph packages).

>> No.632482

I love how the self insert character is still just a fat as fatass guy. Even in the author's wildest fantasies he's still just a lame, fat schlub.

>> No.632484
File: 320 KB, 1800x1440, output.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.632487

Is it just me, or does he have his itty bitty benis out?

>> No.632524
File: 639 KB, 870x575, 1531338446623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus h christ you're right

>> No.632531
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick, someone throw together a 3d version of laughingwhores.jpg

>> No.632534
File: 908 KB, 1168x975, laughing manikins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this 3 years ago for /3/

>> No.632537

I love you.

>> No.632590
File: 1.59 MB, 1080x1080, B619EA4E-4250-4D4E-B5EB-D73B1E119FE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.632625

>weave remains the same direction on collar and does nonsensical things near it with no bump or displacement
What is this product so I can avoid it

>> No.632628

One more: I don't get it. What exactly are all these characters? Dana, Ekaterina, etc. Are they presets? Texture packs? Custom meshes?

>> No.632630

Each character is a basic morph/material that goes on top of a base. Ekaterina needs Genesis 8 female as the base. You can see the requirements on the character's page.

>> No.632631

So I understand that they're just presets for the bases. Mkay.
And if I wanted full functionality (i.e. complete ability to make my own characters), I'll be needing the official Body Morphs and Head Morphs, yeah? Or would you recommend opting for something external like the stuff from Zev0 (their 200 Plus Head and Face Morphs seems more detailed than the official Head Morphs)?
Where do I go for skin textures?
Sorry, I'm just kinda overwhelmed by how much there is and I'm also looking at trying to spend as little as I can.

>> No.632632

Not sure if Zev0 requires the base morphs. You can make plenty of characters with the method you described while only using Genesis 8 starter essentials and Genesis 8 body/head morphs. For different materials though, you will need other characters like Aiko, Ekaterina etc. But that basic stuff is just fine if you create your own materials for the characters. Perhaps look at the skin builder addon.

>> No.632633

Ah, alright. Thanks a lot. Looking forward to having some fun, then. I'll be sure to post when I get stuff up and goin'.

>> No.632648

>Perhaps look at the skin builder addon.
Is there one for Genesis 8? I've only been able to find the female one for Genesis 3 on their store. Or is it cross-compatible?

>> No.632649

You can apply most any skin from Gen3 to Gen8. For skin builder, I'm not 100%. OP would be a good one to ask for that. He's used skin builder a lot.

>> No.632657
File: 1.29 MB, 2048x2048, ikeepscreamingbutgodwontanswer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you boys go to get some daz stuff for free
i know the basic cgpeers and all carry some stuff but i'm wondering if there are any high seas deposits i should know about
cheers lads

>> No.632658

That's illegal.

>> No.632661
File: 225 KB, 960x1248, Maiara_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say kill it with fire but it looks like it survived that once already.

>> No.632663

More like Malaria

>> No.632669

Her skin has the look of sausage inside it's casing. I'm assuming it's using Iray's dual lobe specular.

>> No.632699


>> No.632706

Besides the options already mentioned in the thread, which give you plenty of sliders for tweaking the Genesis 8 base mesh, you also have the option of exporting it as OBJ, deforming it in ZBrush/Blender/whatever, and importing it back as a morph of your own. DAZ will compute the difference between your version of the mesh and the base one, and create the morph.

(The limit here is that you cannot change the topology, and -- I believe -- you are limited to morphing the Base Resolution version of Genesis, but you can still do plenty of customization this way.)

>> No.632715

get your mommy to buy things for you until you have a job, dolie cunt

>> No.632719

Imagine actually asking your parents to buy you Daz marketplace items. That's gotta be one weird conversation.

>> No.632722
File: 121 KB, 398x642, erc4scpvsb901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based mungposter

>> No.632723

>let's put photorealistic textures on a toon base, that won't be uncanny at all

>> No.632773
File: 411 KB, 1200x1188, hito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of some decent model/pornstar morphs?
Found an image of someone's Hitomi but not the morph itself.

>> No.632798


It's either the clipping of the folds or my raging autism...but this makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.632802

The breast clipping cleavage gets me. Doesnt at all look like they are pressed together. Clothing folds are pretty bad too. Looks like they used dforce

>> No.632829

So this is the power of Daz Studio?

>> No.632832

>submitted 40 minutes ago
how the fuck did you find this or did you make it yourself

>> No.632833

I'm a watcher!

>> No.632836


>> No.632837


>> No.632838

They kinda move like Quake III characters jumping around and shit.

>> No.632845
File: 397 KB, 1475x1621, Francine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a Punisher design!

>> No.632847

More like PunisHER.
Nice jacket.

>> No.632852
File: 234 KB, 825x781, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I got pretty happy with the leather texture. I still suck ass at Marvelous Designer though. That program is finicky.

>> No.632854

Yo, you're OP right? Do you mind giving an answer for >>632649?

>> No.632864

https://youtu.be/iHLhsle-kMY use that instead

>> No.632867

We've covered this in a previous thread before. Lotta (the software being used in that video) is pretty much entirely proprietary. You have to personally email the company if you want a copy of it, and you'll have to be a brand or a retailer to have a chance. If you're able to find cracked copies of it online, good for you, but good luck trying to explain why you have it.

>> No.632886

Sorry, I have no experience with Gen8 at all, I still use Gen3. I think the UV maps are identical between 8 and 3 though, from what I've seen. It might work. If there's a slight difference in the UV map you might get ugly streaks across the UV seams or something, but I haven't tried it.

>> No.632888
File: 260 KB, 1000x1300, Marisa_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a 5 o'clock shadow?
JEEZE, after the first couple alright figures for Gen8 there have been nothing but stinkers for daz originals.

>> No.632899
File: 1.60 MB, 2048x1024, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are G8 eyes naturally this dark?
I'm working on a Daz to Cycles workflow since I don't really want to learn Iray, and it's kinda bugging me how wrong the eyes look. If I bump up their brightness, then they just become too red.
Can someone post an Iray render of the G8 default female eyes for comparison's sake too?

>> No.632914

They do use the same UV map! Well, for the body at least. Minor differences with the nails and the eyes, the former doesn't matter too much but the latter's a bit of a bummer. Guess I can modify the base Gen8 textures myself.
What are the differences between Gen3 and Gen8 anyway? They seem to have identical geometry.

>> No.632952
File: 144 KB, 800x1400, ec_Natan_for_V4_1445_Promo_02-800x1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your Natalie Portman (V4 only) for the day, say something nice about her.

>> No.632962
File: 335 KB, 600x800, reconstructie_Julius_Caesar_-_foto_Maja_dHollosy_800p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say something nice
it isn't this

>> No.632963

>What are the differences between Gen3 and Gen8 anyway? They seem to have identical geometry.
Fingernails, eyelashes, eyeballs and overall rigging.

>> No.632971

That's quite an acchievement tho
It's on AdultSwim website

>> No.632973


>> No.633047

Is there any way to easily rig clothing that has been modelled for a morph? I've been doing it in a convoluted way, where I've used Zbrush to fit the clothes to the default Genesis 3 Female, then I apply the original mesh as a morph, which causes it to look correct, but the bone weighing is all dependent on how well I adjust the original mesh for the Genesis 3 base.

So is there a way to rig clothes directly from the Genesis 3 with the character morph applied? It would make things a lot simpler for me. I've tried a multitude of different things but nothing has worked so far.

>> No.633048
File: 122 KB, 886x797, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I didn't express myself very coherently here.

The clothes for my punisher character were modelled after a morph I created, which makes her much taller and more muscular than the Genesis 3 Female base. If I want to rig the clothes, I have to first adjust them so that they line up with the Genesis 3 Female base model. This isn't very fun and the fidelity of the bone weighing is all dependent on how well I conduct this process.

If there was a way I could rig the clothes based on the morph which the character uses, so that the bone weighing lines up perfectly with the meshes I've created, that would make things a lot quicker for me, and improve the overall quality in the end. Does anybody know if this is at all possible?

>> No.633082

Figured it out. It was the option in the Transfer Utility called "Reverse Source Shape from Target".

Still a bit finnicky though. Using a morph as target breaks it, whereas using "current" as morph target makes it work. Pretty annoying.

>> No.633147

We need a new general thread since this is at bump limit. I'd create it but I don't have a suitable thread image (plus I'm also the OP of the current /wip/ _and_ questions thread, so...)
If someone else could help out, that'd be sweet.

>> No.633148

Coming right up.

>> No.633159

Though, we usually wait for this to get near page 10

>> No.633254

I made the face for 3DBimboz

>> No.633255

I expected that DA to have much more art.

>> No.633256

Yeah idk to much about him. He's cool to talk to and naked the renders look good.

>> No.633262

There is also a Asa Akira Morph I have on sharecg

>> No.633276
File: 2.19 MB, 1000x1414, Marigold nude portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a quality Emma Watson Daz model for Gen 8?

>> No.633278

There are some Decent ones for V4, guess you could use the script floating around to convert it to modern figures.

>> No.633283

Which script? The guy who made genx passed away.

>> No.633284

Pardon, I'm mixing up some things. The script in reference was for G3 > G8 morph transfer
There's a utility for transfering V4, G2, etc to G3 though: https://www.deviantart.com/darkhound1/art/Legacy-to-Gen3-morph-converter-1-1-buy-it-here-589021408

>> No.633286


>> No.633297
File: 52 KB, 800x800, 56067e363462de207d6cebb535adbe5a_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are some Decent ones for V4
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/?ViewProduct=87494 it's NLA but not impossible to find. The best V4 Emma Watson was Fygomatic's but he never made any of his sculpts available to the public. He hasn't been seen for 7 years now.

>> No.633298

Fyg's was very impressive but im not 100% sure it wasn't just lots of post work.

>> No.633299

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up.

>> No.633300

The diffuse and hair was tons of postwork but the sculpts were genuine and painstaking. If he were a cheater he would have shown more than the default expression for his works (I suspect the expression dials would make his morphs go uncanny very quickly).

>> No.633302


For Genesis 1 but the same principle applies no matter what figure you're making clothing for.

>> No.633305
File: 1.71 MB, 1164x1042, girls_top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.633306

Seems the bump limit is higher than it used to be.

>> No.633311

Nah, we're already at bump limit. Bumping means the thread goes back to the top of the board with every new post, and bump limit just means it doesn't cycle back to the top. It continues to go down until it gets pushed to page 10 and archived.

>> No.633312

Oh, it was my sorting method in catalog view. Oops.
Either way, I'll get a new one going once we are at 8'ish.

>> No.633359

I was working on one but wasn't motivated enough

>> No.633364

Damn, you're from 4chan? I just saved most of your deviantart gallery last week to fap to.

>> No.633389

so, Frank Castle is a tranny now?

>> No.633390

Francesca Castle

>> No.633452


HARCOURT FENTON MUDD!!!! Have you been drinking again?!

>> No.633460

jesus christ I can still hear it in my head

>> No.633561

Why does every single fred wrinkler girl look exactly the same?
does he just move a few custom sliders around and call it a day?

>> No.633562

I cant bare to look at them long enough to notice. The same disgust I get from seeing Aeon Soul faces.

>> No.633565


Just download facegen. I don't know why people have so much trouble with this.

>> No.633567

>Why does every single fred wrinkler girl look exactly the same?
Many character developers prefer to work from a base whose proportions they find aesthetically attractive. Fred's nowhere near as egregious on this front as some of the vendors I've seen where they make tiny iterations of the same basic idea and put more effort into altering the diffuse maps.
Sabby's gotten better about this since but for a while it was really annoying.

Show me three (3) good results from facegen that don't look monstrous. This hobby has had 10 years to make photogrammetry viable and so far it's still best left to people with regular sculpting/modeling tools.

>> No.633568

This is a far lazier character designer, with a fetish for hyperstylization of the same basic features.

>> No.633598

Facegen is a pile of shit.

>> No.633687
File: 349 KB, 900x2025, j-em-3dviews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to achieve this level?

>> No.633713

Lots of postwork I imagine.

>> No.633767

chromatic abberation.

>> No.633768
File: 40 KB, 500x650, FWSA Charis for Genesis 8 Female(s).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many character developers prefer to work from a base whose proportions they find aesthetically attractive
Its sad, because when he does a character that isnt formulaic, its pretty decent.

A case in point from my perspective.

>> No.633769

Aww yhea.
Now Darius 8 has someone to fuck.

>> No.633771


>> No.633782
File: 3.30 MB, 1697x4000, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money would I make if I sold this face and body morph to you bunch of freaks?

>> No.633788
File: 10 KB, 370x320, 4XTFNGL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any good anime model for daz3d?

>> No.633790

There are like a dozen across the different generations. Your mileage may vary.

>> No.633796

Damn. I could make this so easily. And make it look way better. You're saying people make money off this shit?

>> No.633798

One sale, then immediately posted to russian sites. Also the purchase was made with a stolen credit card, by more Russians.

>> No.633805
File: 161 KB, 600x600, welches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.633808

Anybody know how to export with preset poses? I know of the timeline trick but that only works for the pose morphs and a lot of data from the preset pose goes wonky.

>> No.633833

DAZ Studio 4.11 BETA is puiblic now

>> No.633857

I just realized Substance Painter had been exporting all my roughness maps as flipped. Infuriating.

>> No.633861

Is it still a slow ass bloated piece of shit?

>> No.633864

Hmmm the update seems to be almost entirely about updating iray and patching in newer gpu compatibility and general iray bugfixing, also claiming performance improvements on iray, seems like only the newest most expensive cards will see a big boost
Will probably install it later to test the performance

>> No.633865

also, polyline support in OBJ
also, nothing has used polylines in OBJ in years

>> No.633866

Oof, after reading the feedback there I will rather just wait for a stable release

>> No.633869

3DX discord guys who tried it stated viewport navigation is much faster with complex scenes.

>> No.633871

it's been ten fucking years and they still can't keep this from happening with every major update

>> No.633874

if running the beta, you need to add your library directories again.

>> No.633909


I don't care about the mesh, just post more renders.

>> No.633917
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x1300, Full127578_6903d57d77b1522c3f973f09bf153a5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.634006 [DELETED] 

New thread!


>> No.634008

New thread!
