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File: 115 KB, 796x538, 1503569815873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
619992 No.619992 [Reply] [Original]

Here it is in action, the left click can now be any tool instead of just the 3D cursor manipulation.

What do you think?

>> No.619993

They're now more and more spoonfeeding absolute retards but ah well, whatever gets the project forwards I guess.

>> No.619997

I think it's pretty good, especially the example of the circle select tool which can now be used while rotating the view.

>> No.619999


Blendlets are actually the absolute retards who refuse to admit blender had the shittiest ui ever. I'm glad the blender foundation are ignoring you curmudgeons to make the software more appealing.

>> No.620002

Blender-induced stockholm syndrome

>> No.620009
File: 342 KB, 642x578, fuck is this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly this looks like shit, all the options that were on the side panel are now dumped on top and the side panel (T) is replaced with a fucking menu controling the actions of mouse1... like what the fuck is the point of this shit? who in their right mind would make it so that whenever you click with mouse1 you will extrude or inset??? its stupid and the icons look like shit
also the whole curving each active area on the right(outliner,properties) is another dumb fucking decision. it doesnt look like the one big solid menu that its supposed to be , but instead its just couple small windows thrown together. and why the fuck do you need the lower window to be curved on the bottom right corner? pic related

instead of making something with more of a proffesional and modern look they are making shit that looks like it was poorly glued together in 2010...

I really hope they make some major changes or at least have the option to keep the current UI

>> No.620010

>and the side panel (T) is replaced with a fucking menu controling the actions of mouse1
Pretty sure the T panel still exists.

>who in their right mind would make it so that whenever you click with mouse1 you will extrude or inset???
It could be nice if you're doing a lot of extrusions.

>and why the fuck do you need the lower window to be curved on the bottom right corner?
Apparently you can control the curvature of anything so it's not really a problem.

>> No.620011

>Pretty sure the T panel still exists.
and what exactly its gonna be on it? everything from it is dumped on the top, currently where you change the render engine

>> No.620016

If they keep going at this pace Blender will have a good UI in 10-20 years or so
Too bad by that time everyone will model in VR/AR

>> No.620027

Blender finally catches up to 3ds Max in terms of usability, DECADES later

It's retards like you that make such headline hitting news possible

>> No.620028

Looking good

>> No.620063

Bro I barely even click buttons in blender, I just use shortcuts for the most part, why would I give a shit about any of this?

>> No.620065

you shouldn't, it's not meant to improve the program, it's meant to draw in the autodesk babies

>> No.620067

How much does it pay a month to be a grown-up Blender man like yourself?

>> No.620068

kind of tacky to ask how much another man makes, but 77k/year, Baltimore, small animation studio.

>> No.620072

The reason I quit 3D right there. I can't feed my family with 77k/year.

>> No.620079

If it's true you're one of the perhaps 30 people total who are making money with Blender. You're way better than one in a million.

>> No.620081
File: 127 KB, 500x566, when-you-flip-out-at-someone-but-then-realize-you-16699666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i love the tools development. even i wonder how it will look and work later for the customer at the end. so i keep my feelings down right now. will wait out until i tested it myself.

>> No.620082

>Too bad by that time everyone will model in VR/AR

in 10 years modeling will be done by some fucking china made APP which runs on your brain computer.

>> No.620083

>sharing your salary is tacking
its not at all, this is how companies oppress workers: by keeping everyone in the dark about their salary.

it' sonly tacky if you judge someone for making less.

>> No.620084

>will wait out until i tested it myself.
You know you can do that, right? You can play with 2.8 right now.

>> No.620087

Or you could try other software that's years ahead in this UI thing.

>> No.620089

Debatable. Max/Maya's UI feels like it's from 2004 to me, big rectangular buttons and popup windows for every action, a travesty.

>> No.620090

>a travesty
Exactly how I would define Blender.

>> No.620093

This looks like shit, what a step back.

>> No.620097
File: 322 KB, 389x575, helpingblenderusers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW look at all the icons!

>> No.620098

looks alot like autodesk

i use the keyboard anyway, so you know what... i welcome this change for new users

>> No.620101

i started 2 days ago with blender
like >>620098
said it´s better for new users
since i only know s and r
but i guess in a few weeks i´m more into it and know most of the shortcuts i could do with the buttons

>> No.620105

well is will destroy blender

>> No.620106

looks nothing like autodesk, have you even open anything beside blender?

>> No.620112 [DELETED] 

>What do you think?
trying to paint textures there is horrible and the workflow seems even more retarded, I really need the color picker and the brush options and the simetry in the side bar in a pie menu or in a shortcut, no in the new top bar for no reason, I can tolerate all the other crap but looks ugly af

>> No.620113

>What do you think?
trying to paint textures there is horrible and the workflow seems even more retarded, I really need the color picker and the brush options and the symmetry in the side bar in a pie menu or in a shortcut, no in the new top bar for no reason, I can tolerate all the other crap but looks ugly af

>> No.620114

RIP Blender, unusable amateur crap

>> No.620116

>catches up to 3ds Max in terms of usability

>> No.620118


By autodesk babies you mean all of the professionals who work on games and animation movies? The inferiority complex of blendlets is staggering.

>> No.620135

Kill yourself, Rotate.

>> No.620187
File: 698 KB, 2560x1440, KINGSGLAIVE_ZBsnap2560_1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WOW look at all the icons!

>> No.620190

but the only icons you get in ZBrush are your ztools

>> No.620191

>immediately excuses it


>> No.620192

you don't get icons in ZBrush

>> No.620193

>UI bloated with big buttons with big icons so dum-dums can use the program without memorizing a couple hotkeys
Might as well use 3DS Max, I hope you can disable all of that shit and keep the sleak UI.

>> No.620196

Probably, I mean the blender interface has always been very customizable.

>> No.620200

>I can't feed my family with 77k/year

what are you feeding them?

>> No.620201

I'm fairly sure that was hyperbole, anon.

>> No.620211

Please go back to /v/ you sperg.

>> No.620212

I’m only using blender because I’m saving up to buy Maya

>> No.620214

Blender will not survive 2.8. It's going to be a disaster and you know it. But that's a good thing because Blender being dead and out of the game will free up community resources for somebody else with real talent who'll make some real 3D modeling software.

>> No.620217

>>replying to bait
Oh well.
Unless they pull some dumb shit like removing all the hotkeys in favor of the new UI bullshit, I don't really see how this changes things. Functionality remains for the oldfags who use shortcuts for everything, and the simpler UI just helps new users get over Blender's idiotic curve a bit easier. Removal of Blender Render & Game is a drawback, but then again how many people even use those two? Eevee's a much better looking alternative to the internal engine anyway.

>> No.620218

Im fucking plying

>> No.620220

Or unless they pull some dumb shit like removing support for OpenGL earlier then 3.3, which they did.

>> No.620221

3.3 was released almost a decade ago. Backwards compatibility is fine, but not when it inhibits progress.

>> No.620225

Yes. You're right. Nothing should stop Blender from progressing into its grave.

>> No.620227

>progressing into its grave
Having a realtime PBR renderer will make Blender a viable and convenient choice for game asset development.

>> No.620229

Lol, people actually find 3ds Max usable?

>> No.620234

Just wait for Nintendo to fuck them up with trademark law. The fines will turn the Foundation into ashes.

>> No.620236

What claim does Nintendo have?

>> No.620238

On the word "eevee", ya dolt. It's a name of one of those confounded Pokiemans.

>> No.620246

>will make Blender a viable
Really. You've been saying the same thing for the past 15 years.

>> No.620247

People pay good money and Autodesk has been in business for the longest time selling 3ds. So yes, there is evidence people actually use it.

>> No.620248

>Blender will not survive 2.8. It's going to be a disaster and you know it. But that's a good thing because Blender being dead and out of the game will free up community resources for somebody else with real talent who'll make some real 3D modeling software.
Okay then, tell me, what would be your ideal free 3D program?

and no, pirating Maya/3DS/zBrush doesn't count.

>> No.620251

>People pay good money
Maxlets pay good money* and, as has been established time and time again, maxlets aren't people. Try again.

>> No.620253

Nice try, you can't away with implying blendlets are people

>> No.620255

You replied and quoted something you didn't read. A better free and open source 3D program will be made as soon as Blender dies and people stop wasting their time in it and its cult.
The sooner it happens the better.

>> No.620256

sad but true

>> No.620258

if anyone actually clicked icons instead of pressing hotkeys in any software it would take them ages to make things

>> No.620262

Which from Blender's point of view would be an improvement.

>> No.620573


>> No.620590

Can't wait enough for the first meme-interfaces to come out.

>> No.620615

PBR viewport is great, but what really is needed right after is a live link to game Engines, or way better Import/Export.

No material export is actually crap. Try do 50 assets, where you have to manually recreate each and every material once again, and match what you had in viewport look dev. Horrible.

>> No.620616

Pokémon is called Eevee.
In Blender it's an abrivation. E.E.V.E.E.
Pretty solid case to WIN money from Nintendo if they sue.

>> No.620618

wtf is this shit? Did Autodesk finally manage to undermine and sabotage Blender?

>> No.620624

Press c, click to select, middle click and drag to rotate, click to select more. It's nothing new.

>> No.620630

The abbreviation thing is an afterthought. That's not gonna fly in court.

>> No.620631
File: 35 KB, 953x253, Screenshot-2018-5-5 Eevee Roadmap — Blender Developers Blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, this is from before they realized they dun goofed.

>> No.620714

I kinda felt like a lot of the tools go missing when they replaced the panel with a bunch of big icons. I hope I'm wrong about this but in general I'm interested in seeing how the UI will change.

>> No.620718
File: 123 KB, 1373x767, sculpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not been super keen on the new UI but the one for sculpt mode is pretty good.

>> No.620729


imo the new UI is clean and elegant AF. Almost makes you forget blender is a toy for noobs.

>> No.620741

Nobody asked them to make the UI more elegant. Users aked them to make the UI not broken and useless. It's like the Blender people can't stop failing.

>> No.620745
File: 213 KB, 813x407, YOSTUB&!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still no transpose tool

God fucking damnit.

>> No.620749

the Miratools addon has a Linear Deformer which works like Zbrush's Linear Transpose.

>> No.621679

The new 3D cursor is pretty cool

>> No.621708

You really think someone's going to put in the effort to do something for free?

If anything, this will just force more people to pirate paid software more because it's easier.

>> No.621717

I dunno, I still kind of want some more tools to work with.

Not their fault the fantards are legit retards. Their fault for listening to them and not deciding that maybe that listening to retards isn't a good idea.

>> No.621790


an amurican needs at least 10 tons of food and water and 6 tons of fuel to sustain himself
he also needs 200 grams of soap a year
calculate this and you will see that 77k is nothing

>> No.621835

perfect for tablet use without a keyboard
I still want the old controls as an option though

>> No.621848


have they fixed the camera controls?

>> No.621878

That would be Blender with a broken UI and no hotkeys. What a concept. I'm sure they'll announce it for 2.9

>> No.621889 [DELETED] 

>Pretty sure the T panel still exists.
the T panel is kill, they'll put tabs in the N and will let you put the top menus that you want there, with only the top they can't work, they say also that will let you keep open in the wievport some panels

>> No.621890

>Pretty sure the T panel still exists.
the T panel is kill, they'll put tabs in the N and will let you put the top menus that you want there, with only the top they can't work, they say also that will let you keep open in the viewport some panels

>> No.621915

>press shift f
>perfect camera controls
>any other tweaks can be performed by clicking the camera and rotating around the cursor

>> No.621916

fuck yes
fly mode is best mode