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603777 No.603777 [Reply] [Original]

Microsoft, Autodesk, Adobe, Facebook, Pixologic they all trying to shut down Blender. They fear it, they see the power and try to shut it down, before it shuts them down!

>> No.603778

A few years ago nobody cared about it if you could use Cinema 4D, nowadays it's a huge plus.

Same thing is gonna happen with Blender.

>> No.603781
File: 400 KB, 990x1197, Blender-Communism-PSA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blender will never be industry standard, unless it drops its non-standard UI and retarded ways of doing shit. Also: fuck the user base.

>> No.603785

there is actually UI update announced for this year, no preview yet

>> No.603787

The non-standard UI is no excuse. Look at ZBrush, or the clusterfuck of a 90s-style UI that is Maya. They are widely used nonetheless.

>> No.603788

>being this sore
Excluding this particular forum, every blenderino I've talked to has been very helpful.

>> No.603789

Is that BlenderGuru under a blanket?


Like, what am I missing here?

>> No.603825


Maya's UI is perfectly fine. There are no reasons to use Blender, it fucking sucks. It always cracks me up to see blendlets on unreal forums struggling for months to import a simple character with animation because the FBX support is utter shit.

>> No.603827

FBX is not an open standard, so the subpar support by Blender is not surprising.

Hopefully, and for the good of everybody in the industry, an open format will become its successor. glTF appears to be the best candidate.

I find Maya’s UI to stand between me and the model, as opposed to Blender, where interaction feels more direct; but that’s just my personal preference.

>> No.604373

Is Blender like the Linux of 3D apps

>> No.604385

Nah, man.

>> No.604401

Yes, it's shit for autistic neckbeards and commie LARPers

>> No.604406

OP, No one gives a fuck . Blender is free/open source it's not taking over anything.

Also, the UI is atrocious! Major turn off.

>> No.604410

>Also, the UI is atrocious! Major turn off.
That is not an objective statement.

>> No.604422

But it's a true statement.

>> No.604430

Please spare me those childish arguments.

>> No.604431

That really says more about Unreal engine than it says about blender.

fbx is closed proprietary shit.

>> No.604455

Are you one of those illuminated intellectual types who think that to say the truth that Blender is horrible and useless is childish?

>> No.604463
File: 113 KB, 720x720, 1303511344962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the Blender devs need to do to make Blender a real powerhouse and competitor is to make the interface easier to use, like Maya's interface.

That learning curve is what puts people off Blender the most. Make it easier and people will flock to a free alternative that's just as good as the others.

Hell, the interface is the only reason I don't use Blender.

>> No.604465

I guess I was lucky that the UI clicked with me in an instant... I came from Max and was comfortable in a couple of days. Really don't get what is so strange about UI to people, except if they can't bring themselves to use shortcuts - then I agree. I almost never use actual buttons in Blender, but that is great, because it speeds up the workflow quite a bit. The button organization is kinda weird, but even that isn't that bad. But yeah, if you want to use Blender, you have to learn the shortcuts.

>> No.604466

And also - since you can do pretty much everything without any buttons, you can have 95%+ of the screen space show the viewport you are working in. It also provides a ton of customization and you can create as many viewports wherever you want. I have one in the corner just for reference images, which is awesome. New Blender's version will also provide tabs where you will be able to switch between different workspaces, which is also very nice. Surely beats having separate windows that pop-up everywhere when you open something, like in Max.

>> No.604495

>Change Blender’s UI to conform to industry “standards”
>This kills the Blender

>> No.604502


People like you are the reason Blender's UI has always been crap

>> No.604506

Back when I started the choice was Max or Blender. I gave both a good shot, but stuff like redundant modifiers clogging up an enormous scroll list, and confusing terminology like editable mesh, editable poly (let's be real, they're both meshes), made me tilt over to blender.
Blender is consistent throughout its UI. Once you learn "the blender way" you can navigate all parts of the program with ease.

>> No.604512

Having an argument in this place is like talking to yourself. No matter what I or anybody else says, you will keep repeating the same obnoxious sentence over and over and over again, every day. Blender's UI is something you either hate or love apparently. I love it, which is fine. You hate it, which is also fine. It's a matter of preference, so please stop with your extremely annoying shitposts. Nobody here cares about your opinion, use whatever the fuck you want and shut up.

If only we had such heated discussions on actually useful topics. This is not even fun. It is pretty obvious some of you have some problems within yourselves which you deal with by wasting your time on this dead board, lazily trolling other people who use different software than you. There is no reason why you would care what someone else uses. Maybe he uses Blender professionaly in some small studio where it is possible to use it. Maybe he is just a hobbyist, so he doesn't give a flying fuck. But you are so goddamn insecure that, instead of taking a pride in the work you create, you'd rather do whatever it takes to get a little bit of that feeling of being above the others because you use "industry fucking standard" software. Really sad, and a response to this will be, guaranteed, either something in lines of "you're projecting"/"spotted blendlet" or just straight up ignore and a continuation of shitposting other people.

>> No.604523

Wow, you motherfuckers have been lying to me. I just installed Maya after using Max/Blender, and this shit actually seems like a nice mix of things. Move/rotation/scale does seem better from Max since I can click a middle mouse and move the mouse, so similar to Blender's approach. In Blender you press space and type what you want and here you hold space and hover over what you want etc. Different shortcuts, but they make more sense.

Just going through some tutorial to get myself familiar with this but it's nice. I'll admit, it could also be just because it's a new program and I like to try everything out, but maybe I'll make another jump, this time from Blender to Maya, who knows. Although I've seen people here bitching about Maya being bugged and shutting down, but that is nothing new for me coming from Max. Almost never happened in Blender though...

>> No.604524

Anon, I think of it this way: I'm not actually talking to the person I'm having an "argument" with, I'm talking to the impartial person (ideally a beginner) reading both sides.

>> No.604532

Jesus Christ, it doesn't have an inset tool. Extrude + offset, LOL. This is when shit hit the fan. What the actual fuck, does this mean I'll have to stay with Blender forever?

>> No.604536

What’s wrong with modeling in Blender and exporting to Maya if for some reason you need it?

>> No.604552

>> zucc is taking on autodesk

>> No.604563

The only reason why I use blender is because it’s free. I could use the student version of Maya but I wanna be able to legally sell the shit I make. In any other situation I would be working in Maya and Zbrush

>> No.604572


I'll give it to you that Blender has better modeling tools than Maya, but that inset thing is nitpicking. Offset does the same thing. I'm more annoyed by the lack of a modifier stack. Nobody uses/like their confusing history system.

>> No.604595
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>New Blender's version will also provide tabs where you will be able to switch between different workspaces
anon, that's been in blender since 2.5 (2011); possibly even earlier.

>> No.604602

Goddamn, you're right, I forgot. Never used that shit though. They probably just redesigned it then, idk. I just know they mentioned it as some novelty.

>> No.604603

I wanted to learn one more industry-standard software just because. If it gets close to Blender I'd switch because obvious reasons. I know Max, but I kinda don't like it. Maya seems better at first, but hopefully it won't lack some more key features like this. I know it's a small thing, but now I don't know if I can make a shortcut for that as well, insetting here is even worse - click the extrude button, then I can't even slide the amount value, but type it in and apply before I see the change - and that is one of the most used features, seems pretty annoying.

But I want to know one thing and can't find a tutorial (btw, fucking tutorials are also 5+ years old like in Max, too bad) - is it possible to create a hotkey which selectes an axis? Like x for X, y for Y etc., like in Blender. That would make that part of the workflow practically the same, I just need to press a middle mouse button additionaly, but that's not a problem. But it's nice that it also has a shift + middle mouse so that it detects an axis you want, but it doesn't seem very precise for rotation and scale, only for the move tool.

>> No.604604

P.S. Okay, I take back the part about sliding values, just figured out you can use the middle mouse button, pretty neat. I need to find the solution for those axis though, when I googled it some people were posting fucking scripts for that, doesn't seem good...

>> No.604608

I know this is offtopic, but the thread is a bait so whatever.

I just have to say that I'm honestly surprised how many similarities with shortcuts I'm seeing with Maya and Blender. I don't know if these were added in the 2018 version or were so old that Blender actually copied them, but it is bullshit when people said Blender's workflow is completely unique. All of this basic modeling work works very similarly to Blender, it feels fast and I can use just a mouse move to change the amounts and positions of things, which is great and one of the main reasons why I prefered Blender's modeling. Now I wonder even more why are people bitching about Blender's workflow being so weird, when it (well, at least this part Iearned about) feels so similar if you use the shortcuts (if you don't, you're dumbo either way, because you will lack speed).

Looking forward to learning more about Maya, inb4 why waste time learning yet another software. If I could model without problem in Blender in a few days, I sure can figure out pretty fast most of the stuff I use here as well. And unlike others who shitpost about Blender when they probably didn't even properly tried it out, I want to have a good grasp of other softwares and their capabilites as well. It really doesn't take that much time and I always enjoy learning new things, even if they do the same shit.

>> No.604623

Let’s be exact here. When I model something in Maya, it’s because I’m learning the tool and improving my skill at modeling. But once I’m happy enough with my learning, I export the model to Blender and, only there, polish it with my developed skill. That’s not learning anymore, and I can do whatever the fuck I want with my result, even selling it.

>> No.604626

How come Max and Maya don't have the option to just drag an image to a viewport to make it as a background? In Blender it is so intuitive, while with Autodesk you have to create fucking image planes, then type in the correct dimensions and apply the image material to them to display it properly, and then they even take space around your actual model, like literally wtf.

>> No.604628


That just changes the layout, the thing they want to do changes the "mode" you are working in, not only the screen layout, but also shortcuts, etc. For example E in modelling means extrude, but in UV unwrap mode it can do other things.

That is what I heard

>> No.604631

some things about the UI are confusing.

for example i use blender for more than 3 years now i get stuck closing and opening viewports all the time, there should be a button that automatically closes viewport and not this drag mechanic.
in fact it so bad that it gets broken after you opened a certain amount of views.

also there should be a normal editing/smoothing manager. the smoothing groups options are all over the place.
the texture stack in blender render is fucking confusing also. especially in the influence tab, if you never used a 3D software before its most likely you would get lost trying to switch different texture functions.

ambient occlusion settings in blender render are way off. it bakes on "ray-trace" but you can't change the sampling anyway. so why not put it in approximate by default?
some things about display is also fucked, for example if you want to switch a texture on display, you have to change it within the texture stack and ALSO within edit mode. this makes texturing in itself very difficult. changing layers and textures should be seamless

>> No.604641

So what's your excuse for ZBrush then?

>> No.604648


Zbrush is the best sculpting app, it doesn't need any excuses because aside from it's weird UI, it's beyond god-tier.

>> No.604649

The UI arguments are a non-issue a competent TD is going to just build their own iteration to assuage/mitigate the pipeline. To my knowledge, there are no tools to push correction and quality assurance in Blender. No flip books, playblasts, guarantees that other people can check your work whilst working on their own thing at the same time. Studio implementation is predicated on parts of the whole checking and balancing. Doesn't hold a candle to concrete, high execution implementations.

>> No.604652

Also i think folks are hell bent on the "industry standard" moniker. Depending on the pipeline a lot of this main packages are just hubs minus Zbrush and the animation gamut Maya facilitates. The big boys are scanning and building hero assets with state of the art tools that don't necessarily use any 3D package as a main mover. They are just a cog in the assembly line.

>> No.604653

>The big boys are scanning and building hero assets with state of the art tools that don't necessarily use any 3D package as a main mover. They are just a cog in the assembly line.
maybe weta is doing this, but lets be honest here - 3D thats made to look 2D really is the future. Like guilty gear type of look.

>> No.604654

Maybe for smaller budgets. But the criterion for pushing the artform/toolset forward is already cemented with a quantifiable bottom line. Not saying that might not be the case but there are multiple lanes of production globally speaking. Stuff doesn't just stick to entertainment these days, the same guys busting out tech design for a new sci-fi IP might be working BTS in medical for a new type of prosthesis. The only thing that's making barriers are tax brackets.

>> No.604656

for big budgets flat is back baby. I thought 3D would go on, too, like we would just keep going on and on even past Planet of the Apes but my opinion has changed recently

>> No.604658

OP and people who post this crap are morons.

No studio in the industry is going to invest any of their time, money, and resources into Blender when the industry standards are Adobe, Autodesk, etc.

Blender fanatics fail to understand that the industry has production workflows. Many aspiring artists take their time and money to go to universities / programs to learn the software within those workflow pipelines.

>> No.604660

Now I know you're talking out of your ass. That's pretty crazy you're willing to spread misinformation just cause your bored. Blender has been used in a lot of productions now. These arguments you're trying to make are years old. Talk about living in the past.

>> No.604669

Completely innacurate assertion. Flat is back? That does not follow. Tell " flat is back " to the car companies whoa as budgets are umbilical to the 3D teams that animate blueprint/ cad reference for out of camera (almost past uncanny) shots. Or most if not all of vehicular air/sea/ land reproductions for fast compositing to sync with complex shots during principle photography and can't be executed with actual vehicles. Production isn't just about art styles and usually with large IP's realism and precise continuity is paramount to a trend. Technical 3D is completely cemented into the lexicon it's going nowhere.

>> No.604670


Go take a look at most game studio requirements. I mean real studios, not bedroom studios. It's either Maya, Max or Modo. Never blender.

>> No.604671

* who's Ad budgets

>> No.604673


Another blendlet talking out of his donut ass.

Select the view you wish tyo add the image plane to (eg: front view)

View menu, image plane, add image plane.

>> No.604725

What they want to do is something like 3d-coat rooms, where each task has their own room.

They also want to make some diluted versions, so the UI is not cluttered with rarely used functions. They aim for beginners and kids in mind.

>> No.604726

and that's what he's talking about

>> No.604729


"then type in the correct dimensions"

Maya does it automatically for you when you import your reference as an image plane.

>> No.604738

I think the point he was making was how many extra steps you need
instead of just dragging and dropping an image into a viewport

>> No.604759

Luckily it's way to late for that. Blender is already the best solution for standard box modeling, and it's very good at animation, sculpting, video editing, compositing and VFX too.
Now it's getting real time PBR rendering, so Maya and Arnold will be deprecated. The retopo plugin isn't free, but that's also already better than Maya.

>> No.604760
File: 38 KB, 418x372, 1504838251902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maya's UI is perfectly fine
Yes, it's perfectly fine to have to scroll through miles of unsorted dropdown menus for the most basic functions. Perfectly fine.

>> No.604763

But Blender objectively has the best UI out of all the 3D software packages.
It's neat, orderly and simple, and literally everything can be used with simple hotkeys which are universal throughout all modes. It also requires less clicks for pretty much all basic operations.
What is wrong with you people?

>> No.604767

I think I give up with my Maya tryout. Already experienced some nasty bugs and some things are straight up stupid. Whatever I tried, I couldn't find a simple solution to it. Then I went to the forums just to read how there really isn't one. The last thing I wanted to do were some cables I need for my environment, the method of having to use a fucking cylinder and then extrude it along the curve is disgusting. Then I went to blender, added path, and chose radius of a cable in real-time. Done. I can even extrude more and the cable will increase in length and follow the path. In Maya I couldn't even change the radius after hitting the extrude button. The tutor said "you have to be really careful and set the radius perfectly before extruding". Fucking pathetic. I really want to have some """industry-standard""" software as my main, but put simply - whenever I try something out I'm always reminded how much has Blender improved in recent years and how fucking good it is. Everything else feels wrong now. And slow. So slow.

>> No.604788


Excuse me? The basic operations have shortcuts and you can create your own. There are the pie menus (shift/ctrl + right click) which are very fast and good for people who don't like shortcuts.

Lol Maya will never be deprecated you delusional sack. The industry will NEVER switch to blender.

>> No.604789


As usual, blendlets talk shit about maya because they are too stupid to take time to learn it.

Each maya version have bonus tools (which are free for everyone, including pirates). It's literally a small installer, it takes 5 secs to install.

Then you create your curve, you go to the bonus tools menu, modeling, curve to tube/ribbon mesh, and you change the properties inside the channel box.

>> No.604790

All basic moving, rotations and translations require manual clicking on the dumb gizmo. All values need to be entered into a little hidden box on the side, and said box has to be manually clicked.
Pie menus are for consoletards who cannot into PC, but Blender has similar options if that's what you want.

>> No.604791

The retopo plugin is GPL, as any Blender plugin, and in this particular case the source is available in GitHub. Paying for it helps development, though.

>> No.604792


>All basic moving, rotations and translations require manual clicking on the dumb gizmo.

Just like every other 3d software, except blender.

>> No.604794

Can you deform any kind of object to that curve with that addon, or has it to be done with a different one? Honest question.

>> No.604797
File: 33 KB, 374x450, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are stuck with a goddam manipulator between you and whatever the fuck you are trying to model, fuck

>> No.604801

Conclusion: There's no point in using anything but Blender.

>> No.604804


Yes. Wanting to have a carreer in the videogame industry (which blendlets hate because they know they'll never get hired). Wanting to sculpt with a software that can take more than a million polygons without shitting itself. Wanting to be taken seriously as a 3d artist. Wanting customer support. Wanting to use substance and nvidia plugins.

The list goes on. Blender is a waste of time and it's users are a waste of air.

>> No.604807
File: 111 KB, 598x787, fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just you wait, Autodesk will buy it out and kill it just like they did to softimage. Hopefully it doesn't get absorbed into Maya because it's already a steaming pile of feature creep

>> No.604813

No, fuck you. Enough of this bullshit. I spent a lot of time with Max, same thing. It just doesn't work for me. And I started learning fucking 3D in it, it was the first program I learned so it is supposed to be the one I'm most familiar with, but that is not the case. Tried Blender, after a week I was 10 times more productive. Fuck. You. Look at your own problems, I don't give a fuck what you use, and you don't have to care what I use either. But it's funny how you say that you need to download some extra plugin to make it work, yet when somebody says that about Blender, some of you assholes will start talking shit how it isn't useful right out from the box. I'm certain this board is not that young, so a bunch of 20 or 30 year olds are insulting each other like a bunch of spoiled brats. Disgusting.

>> No.604814

A bunch of us here are hobbyists so we don't give a fuck, but you tryhards are doing everything you can to try to make us look "less worthy". Go suffer some more in your 3D industry since that is all you have, faggot. I'm doing this for myself and for fun.

>> No.604822


Don't you have some donuts and coffee cups to model instead of shitposting blendlet?

(In all honesty I am one of the 2 guys who spend his week ends trolling blender on this board, but I use and like blender. I just like to make blendlets rage.)

>> No.604830

I come from a toxic and pretty abusive household. And honestly dude, I hope you grow out of this mindset soon. I hope you succeed and become a better person. I honestly think it's sad that this whole website is nothing but bully culture. It's fucked dude. Honestly, it's sad on all sides.

>> No.604869

>I honestly think it's sad that this whole website is nothing but bully culture
There are other sites. I''ve been away from 4chan for years, and it's been lovely.

>> No.604876

>I just like to make blendlets rage.

Not the guy you're talking to, and also not looking for a back-and-forth on this but, you should really try to put an end to this behavior.

It's a pointless waste of your time, which - despite the occasional laugh you may get out of making someone angry - is making you less happy and less of useful, decent person. I guarantee it.

You will probably disagree, and you may even throw some dismissive abuse my way now (to which I won't respond) - but I'm being quite serious; partaking in the abuse of others, no matter how benign, is a form of self-abuse.

Stop doing it. You're pushing good things further away from yourself every time you do.

Look after yourself. I'm out.

>> No.604882
File: 3.04 MB, 640x357, blender-user-on-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing you are jostling Blender users

Pic related, our actual reaction.

>> No.604884

Again, not the guy you're talking to - but, while I think he is totally wasting his time like I said in >>604876 - rolling your eyes and sipping a Martini wasn't your reaction.
Your reaction was 'I now need to put this guy in his place, so I'm going to spend effort making it look like he hasn't affected me in any way'

But he did... You spent time thinking about it, looking for the Lucile gif, and posting it.

Just don't reply. Seriously. It's that easy.

>> No.604891

Pic related, how you should be reacting.
And no, I didn't forget it.

>> No.604892

>just you wait, Autodesk will buy it out and kill it
Idiot . Autodesk isn't going to buy open source software.

>> No.604895

>But he did... You spent time thinking about it, looking for the Lucile gif, and posting it.
Lol, he has a point and it made me kek.

>> No.604942


Getting this mad over software.

>> No.604953

To be 100% clear on the issue of .fbx support, Motionbuilder is the only software with flawless .fbx support. Everything else fails in multiple ways. Try importing an .fbx with takes into Maya, they go poof. What excuse does Autodesk have for this shit? they own both packages!

>> No.604975

As a bonus, try using Array modifier, then add the curve modifier after it. Make sure the mesh has enough vertices to bend nicely (add subdivision modifier first or manually subdivide). I make ropes, roads, walls etc. like this, easy to control and uses real meshes. Can look repeative, but it's easy to mask with some shader trickery using world coordinates to modify uv's etc.

>> No.605213


Nobody is trying to "shut down" Blender.

Autodesk has nothing to fear from Blender because their clients have deep pockets and when they run into a problem they want to be able to call someone and have their problem solved immediately instead of posting to some shitty forum where everyone's answer is "git gud nub".

Saying Autodesk is scared of blender is like saying GM is scared of the go-kart I'm building for my kids.

Get over yourself.

>> No.605214


All they're doing is making left click select the default.

>> No.605215


2018 will be the year for the Linux desktop.

>> No.605216

>make blender easier

Won't happen. The neckbeards that use Blender have literally threatened to kill people who suggest changing the UI. They're the fucking hipsters of 3D and Blender is their Fixie.

>> No.605217


Because this is the opposite of how every other program works. The UI of other software gives you everything you need up front, the hotkeys are what you learn on your own just from the experience of using the software. It's a natural evolution.

With Blender you can't do anything with the software until you first memorize all the hotkeys.

Other software: learn from working.
Blender: learn then work.

>> No.605218


As a life long Blender user let me say, and no offense, that people like you sicken me. If you're not good enough to do all your work in Blender you shouldn't be allowed to slack off in shit software and then finish your work in Blender.

Just my opinion, but really.

>> No.605220


You can't "buy out" something that's open source.

>> No.605223

Well yeah. Although all the buttons are still there and you can use them just fine. The only problem is that their organization is bad.

"Learn then model", true, but you are like one google search away from something if you forget a hotkey, it takes maybe 15 seconds. Really not a big deal IMO.

>> No.605272

But that is exactly what they are doing with the Blender 101 project, making Blender’s greeting screen more accessible to newbies and Maya users.

>> No.605273
File: 74 KB, 600x458, blender_2018-02-08_16-57-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamechanger: Press space

>> No.605275

Can /3dcg/ stop with this fucking which program is better shit.

Actual professionals don’t care, they just learn the software that gets the fucking job done so they can pay their bills

Hobbiests can just fuck off, just use the the software you like the most and just fuck right off

If artists argued over which would be the best paintbrush they wouldn’t get around to actually paint anything

>> No.605278

Traditional artists argue over which kind of brush is best, which kind of charcoal is best, which canvas is best, which primer is best, how much primer to use, which glazes are best blah blah blah it goes on forever! Artists argue over tools all the time. It's not unique to 3d!

>> No.605280

It's a cancer. There is only one tool

>> No.605281

This is the single best feature of Blender right here.

>> No.605285

And that’s you.

>> No.605287

I know about that, yeah. I use it often. But yeah, totally forgot that it also actually shows you what is a shortcut if you forget. Pretty great.

>> No.605503

Isn't it great that a tsundere always complains about the thing she loves the most.

>> No.606112
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>> No.606114

That's beautiful.

>> No.606117

My sides, they can’t be found nor in that picture nor in my home.

>> No.606118

Once they change that UI they will become kings.

>> No.606120

As long as I can hide everything and create multiple windows wherever I want, I'll be fine with the redesign.

>> No.606131

Unfortunately "that UI" is just a reflection of the internal database, which is a mess. The UI was criticizes from day 1. They didn't improve it in 15 years, if anything they made it worse. But, you know, everything is possible with enough wishful thinking.

>> No.606147

This is the thinking of a five year old... Blender's mesh tools which make it's modeling so robust and also pretty much every other major 3d package's mesh tools all come from Izware Mirai's loop and ring operations. I remember there being push back during the integration of these tools into Blender because some the ignorant users thought it would ruin Blender's modeling toolset. Use whatever software you want to, no point in getting stressed out just to appease some sense of loyalty to the software...

>> No.607504

The only reason I dont use blender is there is no support if something goes wrong

>> No.607520

Everyone in these discussions on both sides seem to forget that companies use workflows and multiple programs, not just Blender/Maya/zBrush/[insert other program here] exclusively.

>> No.607523
File: 220 KB, 1365x767, pleasehelpme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help my blendr has done this after windows update. How do i fix?

>> No.607534

Do you think people don't visit other threads on /3/?

1/10. Don't be a pussy and try that on Polycount or at least on /r/blender, and post results.

>> No.607539

I'm planning to switch from Cinema 4D and forward onto Maya for character animation (so I can ditch SFM for animating and Donut Maker for porting once and for all). I also have 3DS Max installed but I don't use it. Should I be worried about any UI constraints or anything when transitioning to Maya? How would carrying out basic operations such as creating modifiable objects or making new material values fair in Maya compared to Cinema 4D?

>> No.607549

i fucking hate andrew price, and that's coming from a blenderfag

i will give him credit tho, he knows his stuff when it comes to cycles.

>> No.607552

I don't get it why so many of you here hate Andrew. I, on the other hand, like to watch his videos even when I don't have anything new to learn. There was something so comfy about his long tuts, it was literally the only time ever that an hour long video felt like a 5 minute one. Learned a lot, too.

>> No.607556

his carefully injects his texture site on almost every video he uploads, he will trick you into watching a 50 minute tutorial that involves downloading stuff from his texture site which is plain crooked.
i know he got a business to run, but he should inform the users about his intentions before the video starts

>> No.608969


>> No.608972

The point being made is that once code is released under a suitable open source license, it can’t be closed again. Sure, you can release future versions under a proprietary license if you own the copyright, but that’s not always the case (e.g., when there are many contributors to a project, each holding their own copyright, instead of the whole codebase being owned by a company or a sole person).

In your particular example, Microsoft bought the company and the rights to the code, but the versions released as open source are still available. Anybody could fork them and continue to publish the program without Microsoft being able to do shit (except maybe trademark litigation, but that’s easy to sidestep).

>> No.609004

Sees comment, tries it, facepalm been using blender for 2 yrs and currently developing it.
It did not know . . .

>> No.612284

Weren't you trying to convince people NOT to use Blender?

>> No.612292

People hate on Blender because it's free. If you slapped a $5 price tag on it people would think it's good

>> No.612326

I don’t get it. Why hate on something just because it’s free? It doesn’t make any sense to me.

>> No.612346


They hate it because it makes them feel superior for using Autodesk products. Let's see how they react when Autodesk decide they are tired of Maya or 3ds max. These software are dependent on money to survive. Blender isn't.

>> No.612347

That is just another combination of bullshit arguments.

>> No.612352

If you paid Two grand for bloatware and then realise you can do the same job in Blender, you can do several things. One is to be a little bitch.

>> No.612379

Nice counterargument, m8.

>> No.612382

>These software are dependent on money to survive. Blender isn't.
This last bit is inaccurate. Blender depends on its developers, and they, in turn, have to pay for their own sustenance.

I’d say only a very limited subset of free software developers have enough time, besides their main source of income, to make contributions comparable to a full-time worker’s.

Now, if the Blender Institute had half the money that Autodesk manages, with enough time, they could probably destroy them as far as 3ds and Maya are concerned.

>> No.612389

ok let me break it down:
>They hate it because it makes them feel superior for using Autodesk products
makes no sense
feeling superior is either based on a true advantage, ergo truth
or arrogance, both far from hate.
A better explanation for hatred would be an idiot projecting, meaning blaming the tool (instead of his stupidity).
Or take the dev from BforArtist, he REALLY hates the UI.
There are legit reasons to hate on Blender. Being free is none of them.
> Let's see how they react when Autodesk decide they are tired of Maya or 3ds max
That's no argument, that is wishful schadenfreude
>These software are dependent on money to survive. Blender isn't.
Wrong, see >>612382

>> No.612403

It's human psychology. If something is free it will always feel like a hobbyist thing whereas even a little price tag will immediately make it something people consider worth paying for and suddenly it becomes amazing for giving so much for such a little price.

>> No.612410

A legacy mode/preset would be nice.

>> No.612422

Would you date a girl that uses blender?

What about a blender user and a vegan?

>> No.612431

I think I know you.

>> No.612432

Can someone explain to a basically retarded how Blender falls short compared to the commercial softwares?

>> No.612474

If Blender were a commercial product, how much do you think a company would be able to sell it for?

>> No.612495


Shit fbx support, skinning sucks, weight painting sucks, cannot properly export blend shapes to game engines, support normals in a non standard way, clusterfuck of an UI, doesn't support plugins for nvidia and substance because of it's shitty license, and the list goes on. Besides, it's going to be impossible for you to find a job if you only use Blender.

On a positive note, I think it's pretty damn great for modeling donuts and anvils.

>> No.612503

if people can use zbrush interface and exporters then im sure blender shouldn't be a problem for anyone competent in 3D

>> No.612512


But why would anyone want to waste time learning Blender when they could learn Maya or Modo? Blender is useless in the industry. It's a waste of time and energy.

>> No.612519

"the industry" applies to anyone setting up a company and hiring, look on blenderartists there are plenty of jobs

>> No.612529

Blender used to be a commercial product and the company that made it failed more than 15 years ago. That's the reason it now is an open source zombie.

>> No.614875


Like when the Romans sent their sons into the wilderness to survive, only to return as men and warriors

>> No.614876

Andrew the "Blender Guru"

>> No.614878

asking the real tough questions

>> No.614888
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>New Blender's version will also provide tabs where you will be able to switch between different workspaces

Where did I see that before?

>> No.614890

Blender: future-proof development

(I also hope it gets bought off and euthanized)

>> No.614903

Do you really think that's possible, given its license?

>> No.614904
File: 23 KB, 450x450, workspaces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where did I see that before?
Also, in Blender 2.7x.

>> No.614915
File: 200 KB, 1025x757, blender173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not the same thing. The screen layout just adds or removes panels, from a preset list. The modes in other software changes the tools available.

That stuff was in Blender since the beginning, no one uses it as it's quicker to add or remove panels manually.

I don't even know how that stuff will work, since I don't really like switching from panel to panel just to do some operations only available in certain modes.