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599433 No.599433 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.599436


>> No.599441

Just another thing amongst many others...until the next "big" thing comes along...and scam artists can again sell new tutorials because everyone's back at square one. Rinse and repeat (until AI takes over our jobs).

>> No.599443

I'm sure it's a lot more fun to keep a ton of graphs and cheat sheets at hand and having to reference online documentation for the spectral properties of a material to ensure your material looks realistic in addition to making sure it looks good.

>> No.599448


I'm doing NPR only, so I have no use for this PBR baloney

>> No.599451

Specular is a meme. Why haven't any non-game 3D programs made metal/rough the new standard?

>> No.599453

itt: another thread full of people referring to metallic/roughness workflow as PBR

>> No.599455

All rendering is a meme, just save out out as the raw, unlit, untextured image.

>> No.599456
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like this? Yes, that is the future but we are not there yet

>> No.599457

Oh, and make sure the rig controls and rig bones are still visible.

>> No.599461

PBR doesn't specifically refer to metal/rough, but all metal/rough workflows are PBR.

>> No.599468


>he's not actually modelling by using a text editor and writing the OBJ file by hand

>> No.599472

>not directly writing VBOs
not gonna make it

>> No.599475
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>3d modeling
>you already live in a world surrounded by fully realistic 3d objects
just take a picture, bird brain

>> No.599502

Nah just better than using shaders to make up for awful ray casting maps

>> No.599516

Is sculpting and painting foliage textures a meme when you can just use photo textures and get more realistic results? Genuine question. I've seen a lot of studios sculpting their plants. And then people on the forums start a discussion how e.g. Crysis 3 has superior graphics to Uncharted 4 because it seems like Crytek used photo sources, so not shit will look better. But then again, for somewhat stylized approach it should be good? But it seems that people are hand-painting their textures even when they go for photorealism.

>> No.599558


CPU rendering is certainly a meme.

>> No.599562

plep detected

>> No.599564

Bitch please, why take a picture when you can just see it.

>> No.599568

Nigger please, why see pictures when you can just use your imagination.

>> No.599569


> imagination
> on /3/

>> No.599575

I imagine OP is a faggot.

>> No.599579


That's intuition, not imagination.

>> No.599584

Not even intuition but common knowledge.

>> No.599594

I'm fairly new to 3D and I don't understand why people argue about this. Is it just the typical "I'll argue about anything no matter how unimportant it is" meme?
My modeling is aimed at games, so I don't even plan to do any rendering outside of a game engine, and the engine I use uses PBR with metal and roughness by default.

>> No.599595

PBR is a meme. Games like PUBG use it (#1 on steam), and guess what? Looks like absolute piss.

>> No.599596

God dammit it pisses me off when people use the word meme incorrectly.

Ironically misusing the word meme is in and of itself actually a meme. But for fucks sake op, read a fucking book.

>> No.599597

No one's arguing about anything. Not a single post in this thread exists to challenge anyone else's perception about any topic. Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.599618

Your life is a meme. In the future, you'll be dead and nobody will even remember you except as a piece of shit they're confused as to why they even liked.

>> No.599619

I have a big dick

>> No.599620

No idea if it's a PBR specific problem, but it's often too shiny in games and it often looks like playdough or plastic and muddy. Chracters often look more like collectible miniature figures and not rel size.

>> No.599625

Why use imagination when you can BE the object?

>> No.599626

Nah, I get that problem too sometimes when I'm trying to make something less reflective. And it sucks even harder when SSS is involved.

It seriously needs more (and better) flexibility when it comes to making materials if you want an honest, non-meme opinion.

>> No.599627

nah its good cheap beer

>> No.599632
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i like donuts

>> No.600149

i think that problem may have to do with the game engines. most studios have to set up specific ranges for their textures to make it look nice within their engine.

>> No.600163

why the fuck do you need to start this thread every single fucking day
enough with that shit already
yeah, you're bad, we get it

>> No.600164

Fucking this, i hate how retards think Vray is not PBR because it cant use metalness, yet its been physically based since the beginning.

>> No.600165
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either this is some cancer samefagging, or all these anons are ignorant fucktards

>> No.600166

100% true, and not only this, but you can definitely use it with a metalness workflow
Too many morons on /3/, what are we even doing here anon?

>> No.600167
File: 504 KB, 800x444, Blendinator_2-Subdivision_Day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a friend of Maya. I was told she was here. Could I see her please?

>> No.600366


I don't know why this is even a thing. If you're going to use PBR, might as well throw specular workflow out the window. It's outdated.

>> No.600545

I mean is it really? Just seems like a different way of doing the exact same thing.

>> No.600620
