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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 1.17 MB, 1200x675, CPbVyoZVAAIPiYJ.png:large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
586544 No.586544 [Reply] [Original]

>dat level of detail, accuracy and work put into
>ask for money to keep the development going
>get told by movie corp to stuff it

>to proud to publicize it for fans for free and become a legend

>> No.586545
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>> No.586546
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>> No.586547
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>> No.586548
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>> No.586549
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>> No.586550
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>> No.586576

>mfw somebody actually thinks these renders look good (and detailed!!!)

>> No.586580

Make a Star Trek inspired 3D props. Make a Star Trek inspired web show but better story. Make Star Trek cry from all the money they would lose. Become a legend.

>> No.586586

opinion discarded

>> No.586587

What are they if not renders, then?

>> No.586588

One dude went through all the autistic tech specs and schematics of this fictional ship and made a virtual reality model of it that you can run around in

>> No.586590
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CBS even went so mad about it, they regularly take down YT videos of this thing so in the end there's only some obscure low res video left in spanish of it and tons of the copycat free version called "stage9" which is probably so bad that they allow it.

here's some stuff of it that is left on YT to watch

>> No.586591

The sounds are fucking incredible and Stage9 doesn't even come close to this in any way

>> No.586592
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Oh fuck I actually found some of the original promo footage


>> No.586593

the lighting is absolutely spot on and looks just like in TNG while stage9 is way too dark and looks like a bad rip from star trek games

>> No.586697

that looks AAA game tier.
too bad he didn't make a full game.

>> No.586817
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The sound of the massive shuttlebay door mechanism and closing made me cum buckets.

>> No.586830

What's so good about star trek anyway. I get that it pioneered a lot of things sci-fi related but it's 2017 and kinda obsolete and uninteresting now.

>> No.586831
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>owner of famous subculture sci-fy thing that nerds love and that spawned 6 blockbuster movies in the 80s
>sell rights to a Netflix dude who is completely rewriting and modernizing the lore, as it had happened before, many times
>obscure nerd programs the old version of your show intellectual property that you´re trying hard to bury, in a simulation videogame thingy without your approval
CBS didn´t burned his house. They were way too gentle.

>> No.586863

He could loophole it by saying the funds are for the development of software...right? He doesn't have to say anything about the game?

>> No.586912

it's still fucking rendered

>> No.586913

looks bad for 2013-2017

>> No.587211
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>three seashells

>> No.587212

lmao no it doesnt

>> No.587216

You're right, it lacks diversity

>> No.587264
File: 227 KB, 337x360, data.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
