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File: 36 KB, 1080x1080, Blender Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
561103 No.561103 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.561115

Help me!

>> No.561116

No, help me!!

>> No.561121
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 2o1cuawm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. What do you want help in?

>> No.561122

Who is blender and how can he help me?

>> No.561123

When the company rants about that logo

>> No.561125
File: 57 KB, 760x600, blander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello yes OP, thisi s blunder speaking ho wmay i help u?

>> No.561127
File: 45 KB, 739x566, 1492523457053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats happining heres guys?

>> No.561129

step 1: uninstall Blender
step 2: install Maya

>> No.561134

Used blender because Linux. Told it was powerful. Saw a billion buttons and switches, panic and shut it down.

>> No.561137
File: 13 KB, 301x301, sajk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the self-proclaimed customer support for BlenelB

>> No.561144

Blender give me cute 3d model pls

>> No.561146
File: 325 KB, 382x417, catto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you draw titties in blender

>> No.561172

Use Maya on Linux

>> No.561207

>Saw a billion buttons and switches, panic and shut it down.
Totally natural response, don't feel bad, you have to do some tutorials.

Do this one first, it'll make you feel good about completing something:

Then do this one, so you feel even better about completing something (unless you have a shit computer):

Then do this series, it's not perfect but it's more in-depth and free.

>> No.561240

Is there a way to make it so that some vertices aren't merged by the Mirror modifier?
Other than moving those vertices a millimetre of course.

>> No.561284


Okay, I'm back on it. Thank you. I'm looking for a png image to map out. I'm back on it. thank you.

>> No.561290
File: 555 KB, 1432x656, here.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.561300

You cheeky cunt.

>> No.561343

Thanks man, got some more great tutorials(written or recorded)? Currently going through the wikibook

>> No.561350

(Intermediate-level Blender person here) Character Creation is my weak point in game jams and I want to improve it. I'm certain that if I hadn't been so weak in this category then my latest entry would've at least scored an honorable mention.

I've done the ubiquitous beginner tutorials and I've followed along with some Intermediate tutorials for modeling, but when they get to the rigging and animation phases of their tutorials everything tends to break down. Usually during the UV mapping or the armature construction phases.

Can I get some recommendations for tutorials where I probably won't get stuck or hit a wall about rigging and animation?

>> No.561408

It's useful to note that although they may be great modelers, they may not have a great understanding of other points like rigging and animating. Making those parts of their tutorials lacking.

>> No.561421

This will depend on what you're doing with your characters. What engine are you using? It would be worth checking out what the pipeline from modelling app -> game engine, and it would also be wise to know what you can do in the engine and work with that. If you can IK in the game engine then you won't worry about doing that through animation.

I personally have just started to learn about blender's armature and animation tool, so I can't recommend any specific tutorial. Animating is its own type of creation that requires different skills as opposed to modelling. Your best bet is to learn animation in general.

Though you should note that it's not a good idea to be a generalist, as you're looking forward to tackling a lot of information and practice, and ultimately will not be producing at the quality you want quick enough.

>> No.561430

what is that tutorial series every blender fag in here swears by? Considering switching to blender to save money.

>> No.561447
File: 57 KB, 173x256, SomeGirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be a retarded question but is there a way in Blender to transform points/planes on a model via a function (even better, a script).

Simple example, say you had a triangle on

Random transform to apply to triangle
>x_t = x+2
>y_t = y+1
>z_t = z-3

I'm curious about transforming a set of point/planes on a given model. I want to see if a lensing/warping effect can be created this way. Or maybe there is a better way?

>> No.561488

Probably something like this:

import bpy

obj = bpy.context.scene.objects.active

for vert in obj.data.vertices:
vert.co.x, vert.co.y, vert.co.z = whatever(vert.co.x, vert.co.y, vert.co.z)

>> No.561491

Humane Rigging is a good primer on rigging in my opinion.

>> No.561496

borncg,darine lile,cg geek
the holy triad

>> No.561594
File: 58 KB, 530x298, frank gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to sculpt this but I couldn't, any tip in what to do?
>inb4 git gud

>> No.561608

keep practicing

>> No.561611

thanks senpai

>> No.561620

watch as many tutorials you can, one of dynamic sculpting and other on regular sculpting.
and watch someone else sculpt as well
so many people get stuck with tools because they lack understanding.

>> No.561623 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 1241x2008, IMG_0538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

veronica saori wohlin is a bad person

>> No.561629

Excellent tutorials, much thanks mate!

>> No.561782

Has anyone ever had it happen where they are sculpting in Blender with Dynotopo, and all of a sudden Dynotopo decides that instead of using triangles it's going to sculpt as though everything is a quad, even though if you look at the wireframe it is all Tris?

Background: I modelled some hands and applied a Mirror/Sudivision Surface modifier to them. Then I did a Boolean modifier with Union, to join them to the rest of the figure. After I did this, I remember getting some message that said Blender was recalculating the mesh as Quads. Whenever I tried to sculpt on it then with Dynotopo on, the Sculpting brushes would have this weird banding effect where they would only sculpt in elongated rectangles perpendicular to the direction I was stroking in.

What the fuck? I am annoyed. If I go to my back up mesh from before I applied the Boolean modifier everything still works fine though....

How can Dynotopo sculpt with Quads? I thought it was supposed to be all Tris?

>> No.561784

well its not limited to triangles, it just does whatever it wants

>> No.561785

ok well I did some experimenting and I figured out where the problem is. If you take a regular cube in Blender and go into sculpt mode it's ok. However, as soon as you scale that cube on a single axis to make it rectangular, if you go into sculpt mode you will get the error saying "warning object is non-uniform in scale sculpting results may be unpredictable". Then if you try to use Dynotopo on it, you will get the weird effect I described above where all your brush strokes are elongated in the direction in which you initially scaled the object.

I'm not sure how to fix it yet though....I didn't have this problem when I sculpted fingers before so not sure what I did differently then

>> No.561787

I figured it out. I need to apply the object's scale. Then it is good.

>> No.561794

Is there a decent guide on realistic skin texturing in blender? Most seem to use the idea of projection instead of directly painting to achieve realistic looking skin.

>> No.561795

I know this one. Tackles UV mapping as well

>> No.561807

How can I make a traditional saint halo in Blender?
i.e. a circle of light that appears behind the head, no matter what angle the head is viewed from.

>> No.561811
File: 802 KB, 872x535, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.561946
File: 84 KB, 626x675, tris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most efficient way to convert tris to quads?

ctrl + f > tris to quads fixed most of them, but no matter how many times I tweak it, this one triangle remains on my mesh.

>> No.561949

You have the wrong number of vertices, if there's exactly one triangle left.
It's probably impossible to convert to quads without making any alterations.

>> No.561966

Set the camera as the halo's parent

>> No.561968

add an edge loop...

>> No.561986

Depending on where you want your topology to flow.

>> No.562054

What alteration should I make? An edgeloop won't go through the triangle.

>> No.562063
File: 100 KB, 626x675, options.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.562072

Thanks. It turns out I'm retarded.

>> No.562088

Hey guys i have issues with automatic wheigting in blender. I tried the following things.

- resetting scale, rotation, pose
- removing all vertex groups
-also the tips of end bones are slightly out of the topology

im still having problem at the head and the forepaws of a quadruped creature. Is it possible to force blender somehow to force the auto wheighting with just ignoring the failed bones instead of just cancleing the whole wheigting process?

>> No.562100

Although stopped by a triangle, an edge loop will add a vertex to a triangle and turn it into a quad.

>> No.562107

Yeah, I realized thanks to >>562063

I originally thought doing that would create an n-gon like subdividing one of the triangle's edges would. Then it hit me.

>> No.562120
File: 27 KB, 1254x665, itsasnake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just what I was looking for.

Anyone know how to make an object array follow a curve without the geometry being modified to avoid clipping? Those are just regular old cylinders with array and curve modifiers on the originating cylinder, and the cylinders nearest to a sharp curve are getting trimmed. How do I make it so the cylinder keeps its geometry across all of the array instances?

>> No.562126

smooth subdivide a cube. Place a multires modifier on cube. Go into sculpt view. Subdivide multires 5+ times whip out the blob brush.draw boobs. Crease and smooth to your heart's content.

>> No.562130
File: 306 KB, 1360x728, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I do to improve diz?

>> No.562175

Don't use an array at all for this.
There's a very different method for if you want no distortion:

>> No.562177

I just installed blender. I hear a lot that default blender is shit, so I wanted to know: what do you always do right after you install blender and before you start modelling?

>> No.562202

set all your windows and settings to the desired settings and click save startup file

you can do it with default, its not gonna cripple you

>> No.562212

im not talking about layout, more substantial stuff. for starters, how to set up cycles so it isnt a grainy piece of shit. materials. etc. this board is always going on about how defaults that blender comes with are shit, i'm interested in knowing people's must haves and must dos.

>> No.562216

Any way to reduce render times on animations? I've reduced surface subsets on the only object I could. But I have a scene with a large complex object, just one rotating 360. And it's about 4 hours with blender cycles for 80 frames.

>> No.562217
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image, school computer.
Is GPU used for blender cycles render?

>> No.562231

Thanks. I tried it and it's kinda obtuse and funky but it worked. Some of this stuff feels roundabout coming from Max.

>> No.562234

i think clamp indirect to 3,turn off caustics, lower bounces to 4, filter glossy to 1.

also use HDRI for natural light, unless most of your lightning comes from lamps.
also volumetrics and scattering can be really heavy when it comes to share. also too much gloss take time to render, if you do have lots of gloss use bigger lamps and not small ones.
avoid sunlight unless its crucial for your scene

>> No.562236

well i suggest you download this shader pack and install the .zip file

now about the the shader itself. it gives you good shader out of the box but it won't give you textures. it will only give you alphas like scratches or dirt so you can add it on surfaces. if you want shader + texture setup you will need to spend money on material vault.
but if you don't mind about textures and have a way to obtain good textures for yourself then it doesn't matter.
whats different about this shader that its more physically accurate than regular cycles shaders and you can also use reflectivity and roughness instead of gloss which is much better for glossy objects

also consider putting this >>562234 into your startup file

>> No.562239

Bump. Can anyone help?

>> No.562240

i think you might need to parent some bones to a root bone instead of extruding all bones from just 1 bone.

but don't take my word for it, i don't know much about rigging its just off the cuff.

you can do this in IK. and properly too.

>> No.562247


Why won't you just delete the "failed" bones? What does that even mean? If rearranging the bones or adding few extra ones doesn't help, then you might want to try fixing some of the issues by hand. It's not that hard for simplier models

>> No.562280

thanks man, exactly the kind of stuff i was looking for.

>> No.562306

https://www.blenderguru.com/articles/4-easy-ways-to-speed-up-cycles/ and the comment by nastys are great for rendering.

I highly recommend switching themes to something dark like Elysium. Enable add-ons like F2, LoopTools, Extra Objects - Curve and Mesh (there's a squared sphere in there somewhere), Import Images as Planes, Node Wrangler, and whatever file format types you need. Amaranth toolset is something I've had for a while, some of the features from that end up in Blender. http://pablovazquez.org/amaranth/

There are a ton of specialized things you can use but this should get you up to speed. Last thing I can think of is I recently added a shortcut to switch to Material view, there are a lot of shortcuts already built in that you'll pick up on from tutorials.

I highly recommend watching this at a quicker speed and you'll no doubt pick up many shortcuts

>> No.562351

thanks bro! super helpful stuff

>> No.562356

everything I make has inverted normals. This did not happen in maya. What the fuck am i doing wrong

>> No.562361

you probably start with a plane and rotate it in the wrong direction

>> No.562417

Also delete the cube, lamp, and camera before saving default. Turn on looptools in and and rigify in preferences. I also always convert to metric, though i don't believe the last part is necessary.

>> No.562441
File: 106 KB, 1296x842, masseffect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded a model and opened it in blender and lighting on the surface looks weird. Both if the shading is set to smooth or flat, it has nothing to do with that.

Why is that?

>> No.562444

You know what I like about blender? It's fucking FREE and it fucking works. Yeah, be cool and shit and use Maya or 3DS, and maybe get a HORRYROOD JOB because AS IF

>> No.562446

That is fecause the faces aren't set to smooth.
In object select mode select the face and under UV tab in the tools panel click smooth.

>> No.562447

It might not have all the vertex data so you could be missing out on all of that.

>> No.562448

this is a huge problem with blender
the model is imported with custom smoothing groups that you can't change
maybe try vertex data and delete everything there

>> No.562449
File: 14 KB, 231x279, 2017-04-28 23_55_32-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually you can fix this. when you import a model just deselect smoothing groups

>> No.562450

Solved it, thanks.

Went to Data (right side panel, small tab with triangle) > Geometry Data > Clear Custom Split Normals Data.

Can also do it from spacebar menu

>> No.563045

Thanks by the way if you ever see this

>> No.563128
File: 223 KB, 1228x871, blender883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to fix buried vertices like this? Dragging it out results in weird geometry.

>> No.563130

That looks like the vertex in question has another edge (facelesss) inwards you should delete.

>> No.563134

Thanks. There was a vertex causing trouble there.

>> No.563136


For future, take a screenshot of the solution to the problem you've had earlier. Probably makes the help threads more efficient overall at squashing problems if people are reading them attentively.

>> No.563151
File: 163 KB, 643x383, aadklsfdj;ka;f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck is this edgeloop passable for animation?
it's hard to autistically get every edgeloop right to animu or a character with distorted a distorted body shape

I should of made them like a regular body and scaled the distorted parts, thinking back at it.

>> No.563175

how can you get a mesh to look like this in blender? smooth subdivided mesh but displaying eges from lower subdiv?

>> No.563181

>fuck is this edgeloop passable for animation?
yes it is.
animation houses put emphasis on loops in certain deformation areas but you can also avoid having extra loops with good weight paint. just nitpicky bullshit in my opinion. a good animator will chew this up.
in your modifier there is a small three-dot triangle, click it

>> No.563190
File: 163 KB, 960x711, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this tentacle here which is a repeating section that tapers through use of the array modifier, using Object Offset to get 5% smaller with each segment.
It's a messy way of working though, could I taper in another way?

>> No.563193

You could use proportional editing to scale that way. Scroll your mouse wheel up and down to affect more and less verts.

The other option is using the bevel modifier. It's somewhat poorly named and is more akin to lofting. The Taper object would be the profile that you want the curve to follow


>> No.563199

there are tons of stuff you could do.
you can use lattice cage,proportional editing,simple deform curve modifier

>> No.563214

That Curve modifier you are using. Go into edit mode for the curve, select the tip of the tentacle, then alt+s

>> No.563495

thanks man!

>> No.563501

I can confirm, Darrin Lile is amazing

>> No.563540

I saw an outdated tutorial where someone made it so that the shadowed part of an object had an emission texture.
It relied on now-nonexistent features of an early version of cycles.

How can this be done nowadays?

>> No.563553

I'm pretty new to normal and bump maps, but I watched a blender cookie tutorial on how to make linear bump maps when painting them. My question is, how do I take that bump map and paint over it in normal colors without it still painting bumpmaps?

>> No.563554
File: 271 KB, 1912x1080, Blender 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys, I'm ripping my few chest hairs out with rage. This (pic related) keeps happening to me. I select a face, and all my edges get greyed out like there's an error.

(part 2 incoming)

>> No.563555
File: 513 KB, 1904x1080, Blender 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(part 2)

And this (pic related) happens if I bring my resolution back up to 4 or so. I've been fighting with this for hours... what is it and how do I fix it, and prevent it next time?

>> No.563561

I dont think you can do that. What you can do is make a separate image that you can use as a difuse

>> No.563567

OH GOD ALL OF YOUR FACES ARE FUCKED :((( please ctrl+n that shit

>> No.563570

blender dosen't use bump maps as all. cycles have the option to connect them but texture painting mode allow you to create a greyscale map that can be later converted into a normal map

>> No.563583

Okay, so my normals are reversed?

Wasnt sure the proper orientation, but now I know.

>> No.563695
File: 408 KB, 960x540, figure test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to create character figures more reality.
But this is a disappointing result as I am still a beginner.
Could you show me your knowage, tips, tutorial or advise.

>> No.563696
File: 103 KB, 900x1200, sample2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my goal.

>> No.563698
File: 79 KB, 550x1000, sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.563715
File: 217 KB, 1366x737, screenchop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick hand over here please!

I'm new to blender and I just need to render an objet I made in freecad with a label applied only in the front but I can't get it to do it so even though I've previously selected only the faces in the front surface.

Enlighten me please

>> No.563716

just change your UV's

>> No.563717

Select the faces you want to be textured and extract them into another object.

>> No.563719
File: 229 KB, 1366x737, screenchop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty for your interest but I'm afraid i'm so new I don't know what an UV is.
This is what the solid looks like and the faces I want to apply the texture on.
Where do I go from here? I don't know where almost everything is

>> No.563733

UV are coordinates stored in a vertex that represent the x,y position on an image, respectively. Because the vertices already have a cartesian xy value (x,y,z), the inventor of UV texturing just decided to go with the next available letters so just mentally convert (U,V) to (x,y).

With these coordinates set, the vertices of a face can effectively display that image as a projection when rendered as a textured model. Using blender's Image module, you can load up any image format, unwrap your 3d model's faces using the, "U," key in edit mode, then drag the unwrapped faces around to designate their (U,V) coordinates. If you're still baffled, let me know so I can go into detail and simplify with images. UVs are very complicated, especially if you're new. I know I was extremely confused going into the subject without a guide.

Here's where I learned UV:


>> No.563735
File: 431 KB, 1800x1200, Cube_Representative_UV_Unwrapping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UV mapping is basically laying the model flat so that it can be textured. If faces overlap it will have the same texture information, which is what is happening with your model.

>> No.563738

This might actually explain it better

>> No.563743

what are all the methods for designing animated hair for a videogame character?

bevel objects/curves and textures
would a particle system work/be low poly enough? not sure how transferable these are to unity or ue4

what others are there?

are normal maps used for hair?

>> No.563746

Hair is style dependent. Where one person will wrap a subdivided plain around a head mesh and texture, another will clump a block on, subdivide and sculpt, then color a material to it. I prefer the latter for a more western cartoony look and it's what the makers of Overwatch use.

>> No.563750

What a thrill...

>> No.563755

ok. i'll have to test them out. i'm interested in finding the one that looks the best and is the easiest to animate

>> No.563757

Just started using Blender. Should I avoid the boolean modifier? I did a few attempts and it left a bunch of weird overlapping geometry

>> No.563759

i've used it sometimes with the union setting to add fingers and stuff to a mesh i'm sculpting. it's kind of annoying to get it right, but it does work.

>> No.563787

Not Blender specific but I cbf making a QTDDTOTT-

Is there any place i can download daz models or sfm models as .dae / .fbx / .obj?

>> No.563788

Is there a blender guru who can help me modelling the superlab of breaking bad? Thanks

>> No.563793
File: 297 KB, 2560x1440, TDHkON8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already done though
Not that it should stop you from also trying, but for me personally I lose motivation if something has already been done (properly).

>> No.563812

I asked for blender

>> No.563817

What, do you think he modeled it in ue4?

>> No.563846
File: 80 KB, 1279x719, 1383265876418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain to me or show a video on how fps and frames/key frames work in 3D games?
I still don't get it. How does it affect the speed of the motion? I know it depends on the spacing and number of frames but that's all I get.

>> No.563848

that looks good but way too clean

>> No.563881
File: 1.44 MB, 438x496, record (02).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As this Overwatch character breathes, you can see his torso inflating and deflating realistically with his skin tight armor.

I'm trying to figure out how to do this sort of thing in Blender. I know that I can increase the Scale of a bone in the torso and it'll inflate that part of the body. I could also use a Shape Key where I edit the model to inflate/deflate and just keyframe animate it.

But surely there is a better way, right? What did Blizzard do?

>> No.563894

i'm not sure what blizzard did but if you don't want to change the scale of one of the torso bones or use a shape key, you could add some extra bones along the surface of the model and transform those using the spine as a pivot point. you will be able to scale those new bones without changing the position of other bones since they will be unconnected and relatively isolated from the rest of the armature.

my opinion is that using a shape key would be the best option. that way you can apply a cyclic modifier to the animation's f-curve giving the illusion that the character is breathing in regular intervals without having to animate each individual instance.

>> No.563907

>Inflating and deflating realistically
"Realistically" as in a year of work from a team of underpaid indian dudes who animated it.
>With his skin tight armor
They're essentially naked. ALl moderng videogame characters are essentially naked. And they're all men. Even those who look like women.

>> No.563978

Hate giving you the generic, "moar anatomy," But I'd start by studying the respiratory muscles to get an accurate idea on how the chest cavity expands and contracts. Once this is understood, you can create a shape key that represents inhale and exhale.

>> No.563982

Examine the animation a bit. His chest moves up and expand slightly while the abdomen expands.
Stand in front of a mirror top less and watch yourself breathe. Should give you an idea of how to animate breathing realistically.

>> No.564031

What is a good number of verts to shoot for with a Hair system, assuming the model will be in a game? If the model is around 3K, is it ok for the hair to have like 10,000?

>> No.564033

>an objet I made in freecad
Congrats. I've never managed to do anything that complicated without about 20 crashes.

>> No.564036

Why is retopologising in blender such a pain in the ass?

>> No.564053

Because you're not using Zremesher + Quad Draw faggot.

>> No.564055


Hey guys. Really don't mean to be a bother but I have not yet solved this case. I've scoured the internet for reasons this is happening, and still haven't found anything.

Anyone know what to do?


>> No.564101

i thought that other person gave you an answer? flip the normals?

what do you mean it keeps happening? like in every blend file you make or just this one? what are you doing with a nurbs circle converted to a mesh btw?

>> No.564104


I did flip the normals, those should be correct now. But that did not fix the issue. The little spot is still there, just as in the screenshot.

I have only this project, so not necessarily every blender file as far as I know. More like "I can't get it to go away on this one project, I don't even know whats causing it." I'm a quick learner so once I know what's causing it, I can prevent it next time. But I've tried everything I can think would be the issue.

I'm still learning, so I used the NURBS thing to make a semicircular structure that was as close to the same radius as the sphere above the guy's neck. I didn't know how else to do it, so I tried that. Maybe it's not the best way, so any tips would be great. Basically, that's going to be part of a "mount" that connects to the guy's shoulders and neck. I am (more or less) making a giant helmet structure.

>> No.564107

i don't really use multiresolution modifier very much, but i was messing around with it now, and it seems like whenever you go into edit mode and add new geometry to a mesh with a multiresolution modifier on it (extrude, subdivide,inset, etc) the mesh gets all fucked up. did you try taking off your multiresolution modifier and reapplying it?

>> No.564116

Well that certainly did the trick, however if I remove the multi-res, then reapply, it decides to erase all my hard earned sculpting. This means I would have to sculpt all over again, doesn't it :(

>> No.564124

ok instead of deleting the multi resolution modifier, go into edit mode and check the neck area that looks weird and make sure all the geometry is quads. then when it is, go into sculpt mode, and you should be able to use smooth brush over the bad area and it will look better.

>> No.564168

Could a good workflow for sculpting creatures be to first make a base mesh in blender and then export to zbrush for fine sculpting work? I can make a low poly character/creature in blender without much trouble but making the base in zbrush feels rather inprecise and noodly for lack of a better term. I just like the way low poly simplifies the basic shapes and anatomy, coming from a 2d illustration background. Or maybe I just need to get better at zbrush?

>> No.564171

learn about zspheres in zbrush. it helps you to block out your base mesh

>> No.564173

I used to do this exact workflow but now I just sculpt from scratch and retopo later. You can definitely do everything in ZBrush, but do whatever feels more natural. The good thing about modelling a base mesh first is that if you maintain that base and subdivide (instead of dynameshing or zremesh) as you sculpt you will have good topology all throughout and don't need to retopo. But this is not always possible.

>> No.564269


Holy shit. So I'm not going to say "that worked for sure" because just my luck, something will fuck up later and the problem will not have truly resolved.

But I will say that for now, that did the trick. I had tried to manipulate and fix that area with sculpting for a while, but it always seemed to make it worse. Something must be different now and it allows me to properly fix that part.

So what I have learned is, as you said: Adding or changing existing geometry can cause major problems with higher-res sculpting, and now I have a way to fix it. Thanks so much for your insight and help. Now When I go back to edit mode and I select that face, it still greys out my borders as if there's a problem. There isn't a big stupid spot in my sculpt mode anymore, but the face still has that selection issue. what could that be?

Again, thanks a ton.

>> No.564273

for future projects.

make sure to have your base mesh clean as possible (evenly spaced quads,lower poly) so when you subdivide you can easily go up and down in sub-d levels and manipulate your mesh.
i do not recommend remeshing or using dynatopo. just have good base meshes

>> No.564306

a face does change its appearance when you select it and it becomes active. i can't really see what's wrong from the picture. i don't know what all those tiny dots are all over your mesh though, if that is a display thing or something else

>> No.564355


>> No.564742
File: 48 KB, 736x490, 26903142c1cccba63637d4de2d68ee8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw found out there is an arbitrary limit to the point of textures you can assign to a material in Blender

18 is all you get. Want more? Tough shit.

>> No.564744

can i layer on multiple diffuse textures in a material with control over blending modes and opacity? if so how?

>> No.564745

add textures to a single material (minding the 18 limit) and there are various blending settings at the bottom.

>> No.564746

I think that's an OpenGL issue and not completely "arbitrary." There's issues like that with DirectX too in lower versions that I've seen in UE4.

>> No.564753

How do I mirror weights from one leg into another one in blender? There's a mirror option but it didn't mirror them onto the right leg

>> No.564754

You have to use a naming convention like .R and .L for it to work properly.


>> No.564785
File: 76 KB, 466x501, headless_dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dream of being a game dev
>quit job
>25 days latter (today) start animating my first model

am i doing OK? never tried blender before in my life

>> No.564792

I don't know a lot about rigging, but the model looks a bit deformed. like it's not symmetrical? Left and right calves and forearms are different shapes. Not sure if the modelling is weird or the vertex weights are messed up. Also the topology is not great, particularly on the torso. I would really recommend you look up human character animation topology for your next model. It will make weights much easier to assign and it will deform better

>> No.564794
File: 76 KB, 419x498, headless_dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the orthographic mode didnt help too, posted now in perspective

It is symmetrical, but I will try to check some topology tutorials then, thanks

>> No.564798

i think your current model is fine but lower polygon model would deform easier

>> No.564800
File: 547 KB, 2272x1704, 1456461648275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I import from SFM/Source with Textures applied?
I'm using the blender source tools addon but have had to associate every texture manually.

>> No.564805

Beginner here.

I tried sculpting, but whenever I use a brush on a thin area, that area get cut in half and I have flying pieces everywhere that just get worse and worse if I don't pay attention, is there a way to remove them (and how avoid it in the future)?

>> No.564806

before you sculpt make sure that all the quads in your mesh are evenly distributed

>> No.564820

What add-ons do you use and what do you think is essential?

>> No.564821


honestly, it should be enabled by default.

>> No.564847

Delete it.

>> No.564848

Good luck.

>> No.564854

That was it, thanks!

>> No.564866

Is it possible to change the file-name of a rendered output based on the camera currently rendering the scene?

respectively, is it possible to bind the file output name to a marker in blender?

>> No.564869
File: 122 KB, 960x960, 18222125_1564727356872065_8173498933210977426_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTgrZ3BZ26k
but it looks like he manually assigned them.
Might have been easier with that Mercy model since most of the parts were all in one texture.

>> No.564880
File: 25 KB, 534x548, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why when you subdivide a cube and move the center point the faces are not well rendered? Do I have to make a new point and merge that shit everytime?

>> No.564885
File: 247 KB, 1202x832, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i do something to make mirror in weight paint work properly on this mesh?


>> No.564887

what do you expect you're bending the quad. Polygons should be flat

>> No.564896

You should try not bending quads like that. Polys should be in the same plane otherwise they can be ambiguous/don't render well. 3 points are easy to define a plane, 4 points are not.

>> No.564907
File: 14 KB, 347x481, 7defe74ea9e774b4faf1ae78444e58f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither of you answered the anon's question. He asked why it happens and you simply told him not to do it.

All quads are actually triangles, so when you bend a quad in a way that its four points are no longer planar, it gets "bent" at the edge the engine uses to separate it into tris.

Since there's two ways to triangulate a square, the results you get from this might be inconsistent. Most programs give you an option to "flip" those tris (so the line through the quad is drawn in the other way) but for best control you'll have to turn those faces into tris (I don't think any of this matters if it's simply a cage for sub-d modeling, though).

>> No.564991

I see, gracias my broth/3/rs.

>> No.564995

Anyway, I'm trying out Blender as a 3ds max user and I have to say it has some sweet fucking features, but at the same time some weirdest UX decisions. I don't know what to think about it yet, but the community around it is probably the best thing.

I should probably just stick with max if I want to work in this field one day though, huh?

>> No.565003

Sooner or later you will encounter not just the UX problems but the places truly lacking in functionality. If you are serious about sticking in industry Max will serve you better.

>> No.565005

My main problem is that 3ds max crashes at least 10 times a day and I came to a point where I can't finish my archviz project because if I import another piece of furniture it will get bugged (only total of 1.5M polys btw).

I also started learning UE4 a bit as that is my only other option. Renders will probably not look as good as Vray, but idk what else to do.

Blender at least has everything I need and I hear it is more stable (and I already learned about a couple of awesome things I can't do with max). And there's a ton of great tutorials available on YT for it.

>> No.565011

use any program that works best for you but before diving into something like blender its best you know how to use the keyboard shortcuts and not the buttons. (you can use buttons if you feel good with them, but its just that buttons are hard to find in blender unless you work with the left side menu open at all times)
and even more important than modeling software, have a good render plugin that you can work with, Vray does cost money tho

>> No.565032
File: 15 KB, 443x332, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I tried to add texture images to just 1 side of the cube, it either turned pink/black or later when I "fixed" it, the image just repeated 30 times all over and it looked spiky.

Is there an older version of blender that doesn't have problems?

>> No.565035

how me how you try to do it

>> No.565045

Is there any way to bake an armature's animation to every single keyframe in your scene?

I have a physics based add-on that delivers different results based on where you start playback. So if I'm rendering a scene and stop halfway though, I can't re-render from half way because the physics have changed and the armature looks different. Help please.

>> No.565047
File: 87 KB, 480x361, GOTG 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out how I would model this. It's a gas meter service/pressure regulator.
I don't have problems with modeling most of it, but the tube-ish part on the bottom that connects to the disk-shape, I have no clue how I'd approach that. I ESPECIALLY don't know how to approach it and give it enough edge loops while also keeping the rest of the disk-shaped part circular.

If that makes sense.

Where would you guys start? As a placeholder I've modeled it without the tube part extending out.

>> No.565053

lowpoly model the hard part with just planes. then start extruding the rest

for the steel cage you can use array+empty to do it

>> No.565073

Bake Action command? (press space and search)

>> No.565225

I connected two meshes, a head and body, and after that head shape keys broke and just horribly deform all of the mesh. Is there a way to fix them?

>> No.565399

Cheers bro. That did exactly what I wanted it to do.

>> No.565440
File: 448 KB, 1920x1080, 20170522104742_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started replaying Sam & Max Season 3 since the first time I bought it and I couldn't help but admire the way they modeled the Narrator (the monochrome gentleman you see on the left). In general, all of the characters are crudely low-poly, but I really like what they did with him and I would love to attempt modeling a character like him.

I want to say that a lot of the wrinkles, the "scrunchyness," in his face are just textures, but I can be wrong. His cheekbones are visibility raised and protruding, I believe they've done a lot of Shape Key-type stuff for his expressives.

Are there any nuggets of insight and wisdom you could share as so I could model sophisticated old men in a cartoony style?

>> No.565441



This is from the first cutscene at the beginning of the game, so it really isn't a spoiler. I've watched the way his face changes even more and despite all the ways his face moves as he talks, I still think the scrunch wrinkles are a texture as I doubt they invested enough verts to do them with a shape key.

>> No.565444

What are some good, indepth resources for texturing?

>> No.565513

If you joined two MESHES(as opposed to objects), it's very unlikely that it's undoable. If you have a backup of the head(you might have one in an auto-save even if you don't think you do, Blender periodically saved backups of files as .blend1 types), there are ways to do it, but otherwise you're probably SOL. Blender can be very finicky when it comes to preserving shape keys when doing things like removing/merging vertices.

If you want a tip for the future, if you have a model with shape keys, whenever you make ANY CHANGE WHATSOEVER that will alter vertex count or order in edit mode, tab out of edit mode before doing ANYTHING ELSE. If you want to be doubly sure confirm your shape keys are still working manually.

With the way things are done in the modern day shape keys are easily destructible because they're reliant on vertex index order. This is why when possible it's better to use bones for jobs that shape keys can do, or more advanced forms of shape deformation information storage like vertex displacement textures.

>> No.565518

Adding to this, there is a triangulation modifier which allows you to do this non-destructively, there's almost no reason not to just slap it on at the end of your modifier list. I personally think it should be a viewport option as well, if it isn't--at some point in any rendering process everything needs to be decomposed into triangles anyway, to my knowledge.

>Most programs give you an option to "flip" those tris (so the line through the quad is drawn in the other way)
It looks like you're saying Blender doesn't have that, but if I'm understanding you correctly, Blender's triangulation modifier has this feature(admittedly not for specific mesh parts, though--in order to get that result you'd have to split the mesh into different objects).

>> No.565521

With Python scripting it should be both possible and easy. Just set up a render command with Python, get the camera name, and rename the resulting file.

BoolTools and UVMaster are both pretty great. As somebody else mentioned, LoopTools, but that's so essential it comes with Blender and I don't really even consider it an addon myself.

It may not seem that great when you start out but depending on what you use Blender for Material Utils can be pretty nice as well. Without Material Utils' "Clean Material slots" function, getting rid of unneeded material slots safely can be pretty painstaking.

I haven't found any yet personally but if you actually render in Blender then some kind of addon which allows for better material management/archiving would also be pretty indispensable. I know some exist but I don't really render in Blender much so I haven't tried them out; however, Blender's built-in material management systems are severely lacking in my opinion.

If you deal with models imported from other sources a lot, something most people probably don't know about is MMDTools. It has two handy little buttons(at the bottom of the 3d view N menu) which auto-configure all materials on an object for GLSL or shadeless. XPS Tools, an addon you can find on DeviantArt, has one for Cycles as well. Using these things, with one button you can make most freshly imported models display moderately well without having to configure any material settings yourself. Keep in mind that even though the addons' purposes are model type importers, these features can work for any model provided it's not terribly set up.

>> No.565527

I'm making an animation and it looks like something is overriding the last keyframe of the animation, instead of the last one it skips and goes onto the first instead. I'm not sure what's going on.

>> No.565535

Sounds like your playback ends at that frame. Just extend the end frame to something higher.

>> No.565542

that did the trick, thanks anon

>> No.565563

I wanna add animations to my own videos, mostly explainer videos. I used to do a few things in Synfig, but porting from synfig is always such a a hassle and I want to do 90% of my stuff in Blender anyway, since it's my Video Editor as well.
What's a good tutorial for basic stuff, like 3D stickmen and graphs and such stuff? No special effects etc.
Any recommendations that will move me through the basics ASAP without getting hung up on anything along the way?

>> No.565584

Does Blender have the ability to precisely control amount of actions like extrusion, like in 3ds max? I only know how to extrude by pressing E and moving my mouse, but can I e.g. add the same amount of extrusion a couple of times?

Also, does it have boxes for x, y and z coordinates, like max has on the bottom of a screen?

>> No.565586

yes, its just the textures
and perhaps additional maps

>> No.565587
File: 37 KB, 418x459, F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blender is a polygonal modeling program and not a parametric modeling program so you can try being exact but it's going to be to impossible for anything complex. You can type in the increments you want to scale or extrude something either while you're doing it or after extruding and then hitting the F6 key (this works on almost all other tools that allow you to set some value during the operation).

I can't answer your last question because I don't know much about 3DS firsthand.

>> No.565592

So, just like most productivity software.

>> No.565593

yes you can. The transform/rotation/scale "boxes" are in the right panel. (The "N" panel)
The properties of your active Tool are down on the left panel. (the "T" panel.) A floating proporties box appears if you hit F6.
You can repeat your last action with Shift+R

>> No.565596

Tip: work as non destructivly as possible.

>> No.565603


blender retarnoob here.

I did a small course that basically touched a bit of everything from blender, from modelling to making an " interactive scenario" to basic rigging.

Since then I have been using blender to make models for my 3d printer and sometimes, something a bit more big,

The point is that when I start doing bigger or more complex things my mesh starts getting fucked and more fucked, until it gets to a point where extruding faces starts doing really weird things.

For example; those lines where suposed to be straight but then the curves would be too tight and I wanted the whole surface to be smoother there.

Appart from experience, is there any special tutorial to get good?

>> No.565604
File: 10 KB, 629x364, Example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.565606

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish but I have a feeling you should try subsurface modeling and learning about edge loops/flow.

>> No.565607

Thanks, guys. I've been dabbling in Blender for the last couple of days but didn't see anyone use those functions in tutorials yet.

>> No.565610
File: 24 KB, 624x474, 2017-05-22 21_15_16-Blender_ [C__Users_Asusdeli_Documents_endstopY.blend].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You see the front part of the piece? I just used escalate to close the borders and make the curves longer so the edges become much more smooth.

The problem is that this resulted in the edges becoming misaligned with the rest of the figure.

So if I were to continue, lets say extruding that part or literally anything else I would have to manually correct it, and over times these small mistakes make the whole thing harder and uglier in general(also, when I print, a fucked mesh means that when the 3d printer program processes the stl file it results in broken pieces so I'm also interested in fixing this for the short run)

Also, one of the first things I notice that I'm not doing things right is that planes tend to change color to a darker one, but I don't know why, I learnt that sometimes its a problem with normals but making normals consistent don't always solve the problem.

>> No.565611
File: 39 KB, 1360x501, another example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here I have two examples

>> No.565835

Is there any setting or plugin that will let you enter settings before a transform/function? Like in 3ds max?

And is there anyway to apply modifiers on subselections (i.e in edit mode)?

>> No.565852

you just click S+X+number for example
or after you extrude, you have extrude settings on the left side

>> No.565868
File: 876 KB, 1499x1275, GOTG 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often come across this problem and I still don't know a solution, sadly.
How would I add holding loops to a shape like this without deforming the circle? Is there preventative topology to stop the loop from reaching the circle?

>> No.565870

Are there Grass and Rock Essentials torrents somewhere?

>> No.565883

that happens because you are using subdivision surface.
every small action you make changes the mesh

>> No.565920
File: 15 KB, 186x162, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need some type of quad or triangle to terminate the line before you get to the circle, and to continue your loop the quads need to look like this instead of orthoganl right angles.

>> No.565945
File: 212 KB, 1613x1279, GOTG 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to somehow connect this to the cylinder.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how fucked am I.

>> No.565947
File: 11 KB, 638x527, cubes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a function or script that can automatically add a bone&armature (at its origin) to every unrigged mesh object?

Im trying to export a physics animation as a source SMD but the exporter will only export animation on rigged objects and doing this shit individually for every little piece is too time consuming.

>> No.565950

not sure just what you're trying to do, but a python script would start something like

for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
arm = bpy.ops.object.armature_add(enter_editmode=False, location=obj.location)
obj.parent = arm
obj.parent_type = 'BONE'
obj.parent_bone = 'Bone'

>> No.565955


How do I get this to work, keeps on giving syntax error

>> No.565975

Do you HAVE to? Just intersect the meshes.

>> No.565976

oh, seems like that operator doesn't return the new object. you probably want a bone per object rather than an armature per object, too.

also, the post form's deleting the indenting, so you'll have to turn the underscores at the beginning of the lines into spaces (1 tab or 4 spaces per line). this should make an armature and a bone for each selected object, and parent the object to that bone. i don't know about the rigid body stuff, but maybe it's a start

import bpy
from mathutils import Vector

arm_data = bpy.data.armatures.new('Armature')
arm = bpy.data.objects.new('Armature', arm_data)

bpy.context.scene.objects.active = arm


for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
____bone = arm_data.edit_bones.new(obj.name)
____bone.head = obj.location
____bone.tail = bone.head + Vector((0, 0, 1))

____obj.parent = arm
____obj.parent_type = 'BONE'
____obj.parent_bone = obj.name

____obj.location -= (bone.head + Vector((0, bone.length, 0)))


this page has armature script examples:

>> No.565991

Left to right: Sean Penn, Matt Damon, Tom Cruise, and Natalie Portman.

>> No.565992
File: 144 KB, 799x1200, BoxxyBitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know, just chiming in with Bikini tits.

>> No.566023

i have a .dae file and some .png textures i ripped from a video game

how do i do shit with this

>> No.566038

File-> Import-> Collada (.dae) will import the geometry into the 3D window.

To apply the textures go to Blender's Image window and going to Image->Load Image.

Then tab into Edit Mode and select the faces you wish to apply textures to.

>> No.566042

Is there a way I can make it so that if there's a grossly incandescent object in a scene, the camera exposure will automatically lower so that it's possible to see how much brighter that object is than everything else?

>> No.566059

Do you guys use Filmic? What is your opinion on it? Andrew Price said he uses it for everything now.

>> No.566060

his tutorial to filmic is basically shit.
watch gleb alexandrov guides to rendering and lightning


>> No.566063

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.566125

I'm rendering a simple ground texture with microdisplacement (that experimental shit) in 720p and it had to use 2+ gigs of VRAM. WTF? I can't even render it in 1080p.

It's for this tutorial:


>> No.566168

WTF?!?! who's this girl?
I kinda had deja vu, like I know her whole life and can not remember who the fuck she is :v

>> No.566171

Have to use cpu render on multudisplacement... everyone has this same issue. .. make sure you have enough ram and a good cpu.

>> No.566185

Didn't know that, thanks.

>> No.566193

I shaped bezier curve with help of bezier circle and another curve, I dont need the circle anymore but when I delete it my curve lose its shape. Can I somehow bake it to keep its shape?

>> No.566194

Nvm, figured it out.

>> No.566208

myspace whore i think

>> No.566288

So I have a rendered image with noise. Is there anyway to help blend it into the scene or blur it with the compositor?

>> No.566379

Is there some decent free rocks pack (with textures) which I can download? I don't know if I should spend so much time creating rocks t b h, and I haven't seen rock essentials on torrents.

>> No.566380

Eh, actually nvm. Generating stuff like this procedurally is very fast.

>> No.566381

if both sides have the same topology you may try topology mirror in the options. But probably you will need to fine tune again afterwards.

>> No.566420



>> No.566430
File: 218 KB, 1339x565, M16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I export my Compositing textures into unity? Cause when I try to export it, the textures are just plain white.

>> No.566454

you can't

(technically you can but its probably not worth the effort)
if you modified a texture in blender just go to the compositor and save image from viewer node

>> No.566564
File: 16 KB, 531x519, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I turn a particle/vertex arrangement into a height map?
It's just a random scattering of vertices, like this.

This is urgent, I saw a freelancing job which ends in 8 hours where I'm guaranteed $185 if I can do this; even if I produce a shitty result; because no one else is submitting anything even related to the job, since task set is nigh impossible but the person did a thing where the site would force them to pick one entry as the recipient of the money.

>> No.566571

first of all a height map is a map that translate surface detail. so it only takes a "picture" from one side and not all of it.
this clusterfuck of particals has nothing to do with displacement or height.
you can try converting these into similar sized meshes and then and then bake it into a height map somehow

>> No.566579

I need mesh to interact with other meshes, for example flatten when touched by a flat surface. How to do something like this?

>> No.566580

its called rigid body dynamics

i recommend checking out blender sensei on youtube. he is has good material on physics

>> No.566586

How to merge two armatures without breaking weight painting? I have a rigged character and I want to attach a cup to his hand so it would follow along when the hand is moving, but when I ctr+j two armatures one of them deattach from one of the meshes.

>> No.566589

Basically what this guy said, I think both of us are pretty confused about what exactly it is you want.

In terms of the actual texture type referenced by the 3d community jargon you're using, you can't have a height map or even a displacement map without faces(I guess you could have a meaningful one if the vertices were assigned custom normals or something).

tl;dr You need a surface, in other words faces, to have a "height map" or even a "displacement map" by the usual meanings of the terms. Vertices aren't enough.

May I ask where you found that job offer?

>> No.566592

I'd like to try my hand as a script/addon slave for a bit. If anyone has requests I'll try to do them for you. If there are takers just make sure you describe what you want well.

No, I won't write a script to make Blender make you a sammich. Or blend you one, that's fucking disgusting.

Unfortunately, while Blender's sculpting mirroring works fairly well, its weight mirroring is about as lacking as its shape key mirroring.

Mirroring the weights themselves is not that hard, but if you already know how to do something like that and you're only concerned about the actual live weight painting functionality, I don't know of many/any solutions.

I haven't tested it yet but it may be possible to get something close if not perfect. You could try the following:
1. Duplicate the object
2. Delete half of the mesh on the copy object
3. Add a mirror modifier to the copy object
4. Add a data transfer modifier to the original
5. Set the data transfer target to the copy object and set it to transfer vertex weights
6. On the original object, make a new vertex group or texture mask to mask the half of the object you DIDN'T delete
7. Do your weight painting on the copy object. Apply the data transfer modifier when you're satisfied.

I'm not sure if it will work or not but if it does I think that's about as close as you'll get to decently fast live weight paint mirroring without C code and compiling from source. You could do it with Python but it would probably be pretty slow.

It would be simple to write one but I don't know what you mean by "rigged," I'd need to know the exact conditions you need set up(depending on what the exporter is doing/what you mean it could be as simple as assigning an armature modifier to actually having to assign weights to all vertices).

>> No.566597

In Blender, merging armatures can get a little hairy because Blender can't auto-merge bones with the same name when merging armatures. If I recall correctly, if any bones with the same name exist between two armatures, one has its name(and the name of the vertex group on any objects which have the VG and the armature registered as a modifier) appended with ".001"(or higher if other such named copies exist).

It's not hard to deal with using Python but the only solution available at the moment outside of programming are things like deleting identical bones from the "secondary" armature before merging, or manually correcting the problems by doing things like parenting the duplicate bones to their intended parents yourself. It's especially bad because there's no easy way to merge vertex groups.

A solution to the problem it seems you're trying to approach is using a bone constraint to make one armature's bone copy the other's instead of merging the armatures, but that can be complex in itself.

>> No.566599

I actually just tested out the weight mirroring idea I wrote here >>566592 and it works, but it's a little strange/complicated in some ways and if you set it up like I described it won't work well/at all. If you want to know more I'll write about it but your post was awhile ago so you're probably gone by now.

>> No.566618

I have a Unity + Blender problem.
Basically I'm importing .blend files into Unity, and I set the Unity import settings to look for materials with the same name as the Blender materials before creating new ones.
I made sure to use the same names in Blender and Unity, and yet Unity refuses to use the materials I prepared and instead creates new ones. For example
>model has a material named 'grass' with a texture called 'grass 100%'
>create a material called 'grass' in Unity using the same texture
>import model in Unity
>instead of using the 'grass' material I created in Unity, a new material called 'grass___grass_png' gets created
Why is this happening and how do I prevent this?

>> No.566633

I did a pretty shitty job, but it was with shitty data so there wasn't really much I can do.
Important thing for me though is that I'm getting the money, because I'm the only one who even tried!

>> No.566653
File: 72 KB, 1024x581, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I about gave up on scripting because what I wanted to do was too complicated. If you're taking requests I'd love a face weighted normals script.

There's one way of doing it in 3DS max. There's a blender artist thread that I can't download the script but from results I'd seen it's not quite the B4W result. The B4W is only doing one face at a time manually instead of an entire object.

I got a bit confused with how to go about the api in regards to sequences and how to go about this for faces/vertex data. I'm not new to python but interacting with python was over my head and not really worth the time I spent but I will probably be able to write simpler scripts in the future. Some functions that might be useful which I found

This would be immensely helpful if you could do, I think someone might be working on this as a feature for GSoC but that could take a while.

3DS max script
BA thread

>> No.566663

Step 3 crash

>> No.566689

>tfw been using Blender for a week and already started getting defensive about it
I love it so much and I did use software from Autodesk before trying this.

>> No.566690

i think blender has this effect on everyone

>> No.566696
File: 865 KB, 1379x788, fuckingshitreee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to re-modelling a model from Saints Row 3
Usually it's not a problem but how could I mess up this much with the adjustment of the pictures?
I can't get the adjustments correct. Just look at the front ortho. Is the picture too big?

>> No.566697

if its not orto you can't use it. just rough shot it

>> No.566701

I tried to make the adjustment and follow the lines like I would think they are fine, but probably you are right. I should do it more freely

>> No.566713

can anyone else confirm that this build is broken? i open it and it seems fine but the interface soon bogs down so slow it's unusable.


>> No.566726

Posting as a test because for some reason it says I'm IP blocked from 4chan on other pages.

I don't fully understand precisely what functionality you're looking for yet but this does look like something I can do. I'll download the addon in your last link there, read the thread, etc.

Briefly reading over things it sounds like what you want is a script or addon capable of calculating the normals for a face(or the custom normals of its vertices) based on the area of surrounding faces. If that's right I can probably do that easily enough.

I guess one possible issue would be that in order to have custom normals at all you have to enable something called auto-smooth for the entire object, but it should still be doable.

>> No.566728

I'm not sure why you would expect it to auto-assign an imported model to existing materials as opposed to using the actual materials contained in the model data. That's a feature and not necessarily something you'd always want.

But in any case it sounds like the issue is on Unity's side and not Blender's, and the issue is that the importer you're using doesn't have the feature for material assignment on import that you're looking for(detecting and using existing materials instead of creating new ones). If so this isn't really a Blender question and you should probably ask the Unity community about it.

All that aside, I'm kind of curious on your example but what happens if you also created a material called "grass___grass_png" before importing? If the "grass" material didn't already exist in Unity, does it import as "grass" instead of "grass___grass_png"?

tl;dr It sounds like the programming of the importer in Unity is the issue. There's not anything to be done about it in Blender if so. You could try using a different importer/file type, writing a C# unity script to correct the issue, or asking about it on Unity forums.

>> No.566733

That's essentially it. Face weighted normals means the larger area faces affect the split normals the most out of the faces that come into contact with the vertices. It gives a much cleaner and appealing look while also not requiring a normal map. Some people call this "medium poly." The issue with the blend for web add on is that it only copies the face normal to the vertex normals instead of doing the entire object at once.


>> No.566741

Can you scale up the islands on a UV unwrap to make them all larger, and then pack them so they all fit onto the UV plane without losing their larger scaling?

>> No.566772

a better method is to unwrap 1 island at a time and then organize it yourself

just hit "L" and it will detect the island automatically

>> No.566781

yeah but if i have thousands of islands that will take a long time

>> No.566791

no model have a thousand of islands

>> No.566794
File: 286 KB, 1902x1033, planes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine does. here are screen shots showing what i am talking about.

this is the first one showing the problem i have, where when i unwrap the planes it makes them all very tiny so they all take up a unique space in the UV map. this is not what i want.

>> No.566796
File: 222 KB, 1902x1033, planes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the second screenshot. this is how i want it to look. except instead of just 1 plane being unwrapped like this, i want them all to be unwrapped like this and stacked overtop of eachother

>> No.566797

you have several ways to do this, but first i need to know what are you planning to do.

the first and easiest method is click unwrap and then select "follow active quads" this usually stack everything into 1 cube unwrap.
there are bunch more but they follow the same routine, you should also look into object instancing to save performance on renders

>> No.566798

and i forgot to mention. clear all your UV data in object data first. unwrap just 1 plane and then select all planes afterwards then click follow active quads

>> No.566802
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1301, render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks! i got it working hehehe, look at that

>> No.566805

nice but damn that's alot of strands

>> No.566834

I hate dealing with cylinders in Blender
They're impractical to alter the resolution of, and look terrible if smoothed
What do?

>> No.566848

maybe try to fill the caps with grid fill.
the smoothing isn't perfect but its better

>> No.566891

How do I get a texture to wrap nicely around a cylinder?
I'm trying to apply a logo to it.

>> No.566900

cylinder unwrap? its pretty straight forward

>> No.566901

Yeah, but how do I unwrap something, then apply a texture?

>> No.566902

mark a seam around both of the caps of the cylinder and then a random one at the cylinder itself.
this will give you a clean island where you can place a picture

>> No.566903

I know that part of the process, but I don't know what to do with an unwrapped mesh.

>> No.566905


>> No.566913

I fucking miss the way 20 something year old women looked like in the late 00's.
That hybrid of alt fashion, I don't know how to describe it...
I know emo hair was a thing,and fucking micro mini skirts where everywhere. Bikinis were definely more prevalent and women were skinnier and more ditzy like pixie dream girls.

>> No.566937 [DELETED] 
File: 702 KB, 540x540, 0001-0159.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to figure out a way to do this better.

In this webm, I've done a orthographic flat UV projection so that the textured eyes appear completely flat when viewed straight on (as opposed to UV unwrapping the sphere normally and the texture would curve to the shape of the round surface)

There is a flaw to this method though. As you can see, when the head turns, the eyes get deformed. The eye towards the middle gets widened and the eye at the edge gets squashed. This looks really bad. Do you guys have any tips of how I can better do this?

>> No.566967

Well, isn't this awesome? Step in the right direction.


>> No.566978

I don't know if any of you use Daz3D, however there is a feature in that program which allows you to basically "bake" morphtargets/shapekeys from one mesh to another mesh even if the verticies are entirley different so that the clothing is always changing together with the human mesh.
Basically i want to know if there is a Blender tool or addon that works simliar and allows me to bake or adjust clothes to the shapekeys of a human mesh in blender in some way.

>> No.567008
File: 43 KB, 480x480, bb_leather_brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all,

Is there a quick way to rescale a whole Cycles material?

What I mean is, I'm trying to use this https://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/66659 on my model, but it turns out the standard sample ball is something like 9 meters wide, not small like you'd expect. That means that the "noise" in the leather and the height of the bumps are about 10 times too big, and it looks horrible on a correctly sized model.

I already tried going in and figuring out where to scale the input vectors, but it seem I also have to change the bump height and god knows what else.

Is there a quick material setting or some sort of plugin where I can enter the scale just once?

>> No.567009

why not use the mapping node?

>bump height and god knows what else.

math node if you want to be accurate. vector curve or colorramp if you want to roughshot it

>> No.567010

I went into the material's node setup and started looking.

I could add a mapping node to make my UVs 10 times larger than usual, as input to all the mapping/texture generation, but then I see 2 bump map nodes with height and distance inputs (Do I change both? one?). And that's in one material, I want to import a whole bunch. And then others might have other types of nodes that also require fiddling with their values.

Add to that the fact that I need to play around with what the best scale is, changing all that by hand is a pain. I'd have to add a constant node and wire it up to a bunch of math nodes and node inputs.

So I think I can figure it out, but it's a bunch of work and a waste of time and it seems like such a basic thing that there must be a way to do it correctly and quickly, right?

>> No.567011

hmm well ill try to answer

usually when you have bump in your material it means its connected to the displacement node. if you see a node called "bump map" or "normal map" it might be connected to the normal input of the diffuse/gloss nodes.
normally i don't use the bump or the normal nodes at all, i just hook the texture straight into displacement. and then in between i put a math node.
usually power is to increase and subtract is to decrease. like i said you can also use vector curve if you don't feel like putting in values.

>but it's a bunch of work and a waste of time and it seems like such a basic thing that there must be a way to do it correctly and quickly, right?
it doesn't take a long time if you know what each node does and how they interact

>> No.567012
File: 279 KB, 1744x842, 2017-06-04 04_08_10-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.567014

>but then I see 2 bump map nodes with height and distance inputs (Do I change both? one?)
>Add to that the fact that I need to play around with what the best scale is, changing all that by hand is a pain.
then make your own materials and save them

>> No.567015

So what I'm getting from this is that there isn't a way to rescale the whole material and you have to edit the nodes one by one, right?

Oh well, I already did it for a couple of them, but it seems like a big oversight on the dev's part.

Also I hope the blender material test ball starts getting published in different sizes so people can set their nodes at the right scale.

Well, yes, but what's the point of people sharing their node set ups if people can't use them?

Part of the attraction of blender is the community around it. Making it easy to share materials and models helps blender grow.

>> No.567041

because each material is different. there is no slider that can help you control an entire material.

that's the same for every program.

>> No.567046

You adjust these according to your project.

>> No.567047

Use the new denoiser.

>> No.567060

Has anybody tried creating an ocean with Blender? Can you point me to the best tutorial for that?

>> No.567067


>> No.567070

That's really detailed, thanks.

>> No.567077

Besides normal edit and data transfer, is there any other way to edit normals ?
I need a more precise way to edit them and I haven't found any add-on that helps me do that.

>> No.567079

corrective smooth?
you also have autosmooth in object data

>> No.567081

>corrective smooth?
How ? That only smooth out my vertices.
It somehow makes it worse than regular smooth shading, it adds a hard edge I don't want.

To be more precise, it's for a game asset, I'm using a shader that compares the normals against a vector to shade the model. Problem is, there's a little bit of "inconsistancy" that I'd like to eliminate.

In short I'm just trying to emulate similar results to this, but in Blender.

>> No.567082

>game asset

oh boy you are in for a hell of a ride.
there is no "agreed" way to make anime models in any software. it usually starts with how you model and what shader you plan on using.
i have a friend that made some nice manga shader in unity so maybe i can ask him for you

>> No.567083

The shader part is fine, I got it down already, it really is just the normal editing that's giving me trouble, since normal edit and data transfer only allow me to "suggest" a direction for the normal.

The only other idea I have is to use vertex groups and normal edit but I haven't tried it yet and it seems like a major hassle, I'll try that tomorrow and report back.

>> No.567089

why would you need to edit your normals in the first place? you are not giving enough information

>> No.567091
File: 90 KB, 1631x553, 2017-06-05 01_59_32-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mb like this? i just click ctrl N

>> No.567094
File: 91 KB, 452x466, d413647486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason I want to edit the normals is to "correct" the shading. So basically eliminating the areas circled in red and having more control over how shadows happen, as if I drew it.

>> No.567097


>> No.567150

I wish I had more than just words to thank you, this is perfect and exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.567194
File: 123 KB, 736x947, 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't touched Blender in like 4 years. I mainly use C4D and Arnold now. What has changed in Cycles? I'm mainly curious about its shaders. I remember needing to actually hack my own in order to make a PBR uber-shader. With Arnold you have this nice, easy to understand and minimal Surface Standard shader that can do basically anything, does Cycles have anything similar?

>> No.567196
File: 103 KB, 1200x658, principled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's in master for 2.79, but you can download a nightly build

>> No.567200

Nice, when is 2.79 getting released? I'd rather just wait for the final version while I re-learn Blender.

>> No.567201

test build and release candidate scheduled for this month, so the final release would be later this month or july at the latest

>> No.567203

well, there are uber shaders in blender market. and just like the gentelman below me stated, its going into official release.
but why would you re-learn it? i never used c4d but from what i hear users are quite happy with it

>> No.567204

I just want to get back into blender, not ditching C4D or Arnold.

>> No.567242

Total nube here, how to fix pic related?
I thought you were supposed to make general shapes then subsurface to get higher quality meshes, but when I do it it just looks like shit.
Trying to make a 3d mesh from an old game sprite.

>> No.567243
File: 322 KB, 1366x744, molerat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck forgot the pic.

>> No.567333

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.567341
File: 1.36 MB, 1792x818, 1496725510850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good tutorials for a new blenderer?

>> No.567347

BornCG, Blender guru, Darrin Lile, CG geek.

>> No.567385

Forgive me. I am a noob to 3d in general.

I want to paint my texture and apply it to the UV unwrapped mesh, but also apply a second texture as a normal map. How would one do that?

>> No.567417
File: 20 KB, 960x540, Mug Render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been modeling parts in solidworks as a job for a long while now, but I've decided to give modeling in blender a go, for the fun of it. Must say I'm missing the feature manager.

Are you meant to always set out with a good idea of what your final model will be, and work towards that? It seems like once you get going down any given path, it'd be a real pain in the ass to go back and make major changes to the shape.

How important is having a coherent plan in mind?

>> No.567418

What the fuck, I bought that exact flashlight direct from a chinaman for $2 shipped

>> No.567485

Is this good?


There is a 3rd version available on CGpeers. Is there some better way of generating trees?

>> No.567495
File: 125 KB, 860x682, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can freeform and be very creative, it comes with experience and practice of your tools. However I do like to have reference or sketches done so that I can have a plan of where to go (I prefer doing this for most projects I work on not just in Blender). The nice thing about Blender is that you can import the images as planes, background images, or even drag another panel window to load reference images into like in the picture.

You don't need an incredibly coherent plan but make sure to try working "non-destructively" with the modifier stack and duplicating/sending to other layers pieces that you must apply the modifiers to so that you can preserve and revert to older versions if what you were trying to change didn't work out.

>> No.567500

Why my texture sometimes doesn't want to update its' size when I use texture coordinate + mapping? It works and then just, like, stops working. Happened to me more than once. Tried switching view modes, gettting in and out of edit mode, but nothing works.

>> No.567633

Can I get CUDA computing on Linux?
Works on my Windows installation (not that it's noticeable faster for just editing and grading videos)
Using a GTX1060

>> No.567644
File: 577 KB, 960x540, Cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.567706

Bear in mind the speeding up blender article was written in 2012 and you can now use AMD GPUs by selecting opencl in the same place

>> No.567707

Yeah, I noticed the option exists. I still run into people who think it only works on nVidia and that the AMD option is too experimental and unreliable. I wish they'd edit the article since it's the first result on google.

>> No.567711

Yes. Sort of. You might have version problems.

You have to get the CUDA packages for your distro.

There are two ways: Use your distro's or NVidia's. When I did it my 970 was pretty new so Ubuntu's packages didn't support it. I then used NVidia's but had some incompatibilities with other packges and had a hard time upgrading later on. I don't remember if I had trouble with blender because my nvcc was newer than blender.

Try using your distro's and see what happens. If your card is supported just go with it.

And when you have that working if you used NVidia's drivers DO NOT upgrade your distro until NVidia publishes the correct packages. I ended up just switching back to windows when my 16.04 upgrade fucked over my CUDA setup.

>> No.567733

Are there any good tutorials for the right lighting and materials for getting a good 2D animation effect with 3D models in Blender. I dont even know what would be efficient search terms for it. Is there a name for that kind of animation? Cell shading doesnt look like its the right thing,

Something more like this.

>> No.567766

There's a massive GDC talk that amounts to normal editing, shaders, convex hull cel shading, and good lighting.


>> No.567798

Thank you

>> No.567802

is it possible to set up blender so it uses the traditional gizmo rather than blender's default move and rotate and scale tools? I know there's some UI buttons that will bring up the gizmo for each transform, but I'd like to bind it so that these come up automatically when i press each transform key

>> No.567816
File: 389 KB, 1366x705, cup.blend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks m8

>> No.567823
File: 119 KB, 1366x705, untitggfffffffffffffffffffffgled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make the right panel go back the one like this?>>567816

>> No.567826

in your image it looks as if youre missing the little diagonal lines in the corners that let you drag out new viewports. I dont know how you got rid of them or how you get them back

>> No.567832

I fixed it by importing my model in a new empty model and saved it.

>> No.567861

I did Install the .deb for Ubuntu 16.04 64bit (which is the distro I have installed) and it didn't help, the option still doesn't exist in my Blender Menu. I used the Nvidia Source because I couldn't find any other
My driver is the newest 375 Nvidia Driver.

>> No.568066


I saved My model before I hit render 20mins later the render freeze's up and crashes restart blender open save model, Half of the model is still posed where I left it the other half is fucked up, Why the fuck did this happen?

>> No.568068

Did you turn autosave on? check your /tmp/ folder.

>> No.568093

I checked the temp folder has 2 files but both are the same way.

Also is it possible to save undo history?

>> No.568145
File: 470 KB, 1364x1448, before.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able recover my model

but after i hit render the model pose moves, I'm not trying to animate it what do?

>> No.568377


Seriously. I get that learning all the fundamentals of modeling is important if you want a career in this, but Im just trying to have some fun and maybe make a 3d web comic or some simple animations

>> No.568493
File: 63 KB, 603x531, uv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get the 'Draw Other Objects' command in UV editing to work correctly.

If I select Object 1 and edit Object 2, Object 1's mesh is in the background which works fine. However if I select Object 2 and edit Object 1, Object 2's mesh does not appear on the image.
Is there a reason for this? I've tried many things to attempt to fix it but nothing seems to work.

>> No.568521
File: 50 KB, 750x422, 1497552482230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good tuts for how to model and rig a character?

>> No.568550
File: 1.27 MB, 1366x1536, Caustics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do my caustics suck? I've tried copying every relevant setting I saw in this blender guru tutorial and it still looks shit. I know cycles supposedly has crap caustics but this video is a couple years old and it looks much better with basic glass materials


>> No.568611

You need to post your settings, can't help you much

>> No.568688

Noone? I thought this feature would be a pretty popular one to use.
My entire workflow has pretty much halted so I would love to hear from anyone who knows anything about this.

>> No.568752

>shading smooth

>> No.569111

Shift + space

>> No.569263

disable the merging or increase the distance