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File: 6 KB, 240x240, 240_F_24164682_n84rcKMsBz9HVR0P71oofFPcjLOiVfu8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
533615 No.533615 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >531190

Outstanding questions:

What's the difference between subdivision surface and multiresolution in blender?

What's a good workflow for transferring from blender to unity?

What's a good beginners guide to zbrush?

What does the following message in renderman mean?
>An RiMotionBegin()/RiMotionEnd() block was defined which contained either inconsistent subroutines called for the time samples or more time samples than expected. The erroneous data is discarded.

What's a decent resource for .dwg housing plan files?

Whenever I load up ZBrush 4R7 and spend ~10 minutes doing whatever, I always get an abnormal termination error. Any ideas whats up?

I can't seem to get normal maps to work with Vray in 3ds Max. I've tried to: 1) just use a normal map in the bump slot (decent results -- although I'm 99% sure that it is just converting it to grayscale behind the scenes which is incorrect) 2) use the "VrayNormalMap" (worse results) 3) use the standard "Normal Bump" map (worst results) I can't really find anything online about this either other than defunct threads from 2006-7 which say that Vray doesn't (didn't) support normal maps at all. Can somebody point me in the right direction?

Finding lots of tutorials for sculpting hair but does anyone know of any good tutorials for polygonal hair.

3ds max users what are some good plugins for destruction and fragmentation?

How to texture paint in Blender 2.7 with no difference in opacity on the brush/pixels? (I'm attempting low res, low poly)

Are F-Curves necessary in animation?

>> No.533617

Thanks to the anon who suggested Neal Hirsig. I'll check it out.

Does anyone know how do you mirror along an edge in blender? Or just decent symmetry mode? I noticed that if I move the polygon frok it's original position, symmetry gets fucked up

>> No.533625
File: 417 KB, 2220x1342, VertexNormalWeirdness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what's going on with this lighting weirdness at the shoulders? There's no normal map, just smoothed vertex normals. Happens in other programs too.

I'm guessing tangent calculations for small, rectangular quads cause irregularities? Is there a better way to model this area so it can bend smoothly?

Answering hair sculpt Q next.

>> No.533626
File: 53 KB, 1864x781, Hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finding lots of tutorials for sculpting hair but does anyone know of any good tutorials for polygonal hair.

Here's my workflow. The key is to make a plane, then draw football-shaped strands on top of it. These will serve as the bulk of the hair, but you can also make smaller ones to add in as "frayed" hair strands. You then do half a bend modifier on the plane, then a full one to achieve a half-pill shape. At this point the bangs will look good but there will be a hole in the top that you just have to manually fill up and intersect with your existing strands.

Longer strands of hair like pigtails I add manually after. No pics on this comp, but result is pretty much the same as any MMD hair you will see.

>> No.533628

>What's a decent resource for .dwg housing plan files?


it comes with a CD full of house cad files.

>> No.533632

What might be the problem is locked normals. Try unlocking them and then smooth them too see if you still have that issue.

>> No.533633
File: 126 KB, 1072x973, vertexpaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to try out vertex painting in Blender and got an odd result. As I understand it, it's meant to assign a colour to each vertex, spreading out along each face connected to them, but here it seems to have assigned colour to only one of the faces. What's the deal?

>> No.533634

After fooling around some more, it seems to only paint the colour onto faces which are visible when the colour is applied.

>> No.533637

Can someone explain to me in simple terms why it's bad to use triangles when modelling?

>> No.533640

its just harder. quads are for convenience
besides you can't select edge loops if a model is triangulated

>> No.533641

its a crease nigga
slide some edges

>> No.533642

think of it this way. each polygon has four vertices. therefore, at any single corner on a cube, there are actually 3 vertices in that location. that's why you are able to have 3 different colors for each vertex. if you want a vertex to have one single color for each polygon, then you have to select each adjacent polygon (that is if you are using face selection masking)

>> No.533645


They cause shading errors only use them where you want to hide stuff.

>> No.533646 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 800x600, loops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting back into modeling and topology shit. How's the topology looking here?
The circled part seems really bad, but I don't know how to fix it without having a n-gon or triangle.

More geometry? Or is there a way to fix it by using the existing points?

>> No.533647 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 800x600, loops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, getting back into modeling after a long break and I forgot how to topology.
I haven't shaped this at all because I'm trying to get the topology correct first before I get the details done.
How does this look?
The loop in red is the only one I'm really unsure of, but I could be wrong on any of the other ones too.

Will I have issues with deformation because of the two marked poles being so close to each other?

>> No.533656

If I'm super-new to Maya, but interested in it, what's a good overview approach to starting out? By this, I mean that I'm not sure what I want to specialize in (modeling, rendering, rigging, etc) and would like to dabble efficiently and then dive into the more intricate things.

>> No.533657

wrong. It's caused by non planar rectangles. try to maintain planar squares in your topology.

>> No.533682

Any good tutorials on Marvelous Designer? I'm new to it and getting measurements for clothing to stick to the right places as well as maintaining symmetry seems very difficult

>> No.533693

How do I flatten a bunch of vertexes so they all align with a plane in blender?

>> No.533704

Grab the verts, scale them all in one direction. Software is irrelevant.

>> No.533705


Is there a simple method to make sure that all your quads are planar?

>> No.533717
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, Ranshamawitheyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any good way to uv unwrap a simple head to make a face texture work well?

>> No.533718

In blender, there's 2 ways.
1. Select the faces for the face and select "Unwrap from projection", but make sure you're in the orthographic front view.
2. Select 1 face, unwrap it. Make it a box (use auto align) and then select the rest of the faces. Once you've selected all of them, make sure to re-select the unwrapped (and auto aligned face) and click "Follow active quads." I haven't tried it on humans but it looks like it'll work for what you're trying to achieve.

In maya and 3DSmax though, i'm not so sure. Hope this helps.

>> No.533719

I started Maya too. I suggest learning blender first, and checking out some autodesk tutorials/lynda.com. Over 3 days I was able to switch from blender to maya, just because i knew blender and had a few lynda tutorials.

>> No.533723
File: 797 KB, 1198x831, colonthree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

number one was the exact thing I needed, thank you

>> No.533725

No problem! Glad I could help out :)

>> No.533732

Would 5k polys be an acceptable polycount for a weapon? I'm modelling something for a school project and since the weapon needs to have lots of details. Game is a tps made in Unity engine for the PC, if it matters

>> No.533734
File: 160 KB, 1762x679, Normals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I inspected the normals and they weren't unlocked but I found this. Because of the weird distance between adjacent verts Maya was putting smoothing the normal to a weird angle. I manually tweaked the normal to a better spot but it still wasn't too good in the end I listened to

and retopo'd a bit while limiting the rectangular quads. Turned out alright.

>> No.533735

It depends. Show us examples of other assets so we can see if 5k would be consistent.

>> No.533738

>What's the difference between subdivision surface and multiresolution in blender?

Subdivision surface only smooths the transitions between real vertices. The new vertices created by the modifier can not be edited (until the modifier is applied, at which point they become real vertices). The advantage is that it uses less memory than multiresolution.

Multiresolution works a bit like subdividing in zbrush. The new vertices can be edited in sculpt mode.

>> No.533740

What is blender not good for? What programs should I use alongside it to have a full range of tools?

>> No.533741

get a dedicated texturing program.
maybe keyshot too because cycles is a pain to setup

>> No.533766

OK, obvious next question: which dedicated texturing programs are good and why would I need one?

>> No.533767

>which dedicated texturing programs are good?
quixel,3dcoat,substance painter.
get one that fancy you
>and why would I need one?
because it allows you to draw on 4 channels at the same time with hdri.
you also have access to premade materials like wood and metal that make the texturing process faster

>> No.533775
File: 207 KB, 1048x679, weird stuff at the top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are my spheres rendering like this? Sphere is subdivided and smooth shading is on, but this is still happening.

>> No.533777

I need advice. I making a character model but has a full body fur, with the hands, stomach and other small bare spots, What is the best way to do it. I did try my way which was to just unwrap and then texture it, but it looked super flat and wrong.

>> No.533778
File: 189 KB, 633x399, Acceptable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not exspert, but try this.

>> No.533779

So, Ive tried this. But it seems that I have a ton of odd bald spots from bad placement, and over-all it took way to long to cover a small area.

My question
-Is there a better method
-how can I make it more natural
-How can I speed up the process if this is the best way.

>> No.533780
File: 397 KB, 804x588, fur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot The picture.

>> No.533781

Really new to 3D stuff, thought I would take a stab at UV mapping and texturing. After painting the textures and applying them, the model is sort of see-through at parts? Are some of my UVs inside out? Is that a thing?

>> No.533783

No, I don't think that's a thing.
What do you mean your model is see-through in areas?
Like can you see through your textures and see your model base? or..
I'd think it'd help if you added a cap.

>> No.533796
File: 43 KB, 1352x388, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it may have been the normals, but now something kinda weird is happening so I can't really tell. The model has no shading on it when the default lighting mode is on, and it becomes completely dark when viewed from the front. When I add a light, the light seems to be offset to the left (see pic, furthest right image). I've changed the material back to lambert and everything but it's still viewing weird. I tried adding some other objects to the scene and they all act normally, so it's just happening to this model.

Anyone know what setting I accidentally hit or anything? This is in Maya 2015

>> No.533799

Aint blender- So I might be wrong.
I think it might be because your shader broke.
Go to the material/node editor, go find where your shader is. I would say take a cap
Your Normals might be facing the wrong way.
Mesh Display -> Reverse.

or try lighting menu in the viewport, and turn on two-sided lighting

>> No.533804
File: 38 KB, 588x771, wwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I don't really know what I'm doing or how to use the node editor/hypershade stuff, so I think it'd just be easier for me to start from scratch! When I change my model to the smooth preview setting or whatever, the shading all comes back to normal and nothing seems to change in the attribute editor or anything, so I really have no idea what could be causing it. Is my shader broken? We may never know. Thanks for trying to help, though!!

>> No.533805
File: 13 KB, 372x242, qPRvp[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having an issue in Blender while trying to learn rigging. I'm following this tutorial (http://cgi.tutsplus.com/tutorials/building-a-basic-low-poly-character-rig-in-blender--cg-16955))
I'm at step 34 trying to make IK points for the legs, and it tells me to duplicate or make a new bone to do so, using mirror across X axis to make two equal for each knee. However, I dont seem to be able to make mirrors when creating new bones for the IK leg points, and when I duplicate, it's mirrored in a very strange way. It mirrors the bones as if the X axis is at a different position than it is. Can anyone provide some help on this? I can provide more information if necessary, I'm just totally perplexed by this issue and google is returning nothing.

>> No.533809

Press Shift + S, select "Cursor to center" and change your pivot point to the 3d cursor. I'm trying to figure out what exactly your problem is...

>> No.533812
File: 47 KB, 464x814, qPTau[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried doing this , but it didn't work. It's not crossed anymore, but it's still skewed to the side a lot

>> No.533813

Hm. Try just moving the joints closer to eachother, and using the properties panel to figure out when it's exactly lined up in front. If you want them connected, select the foot and then select the Lower Calf and press "CTRL + P" (while in edit mode of the armature) and click "Connected". Try this on each foot seperately.

>> No.533814

What's your guys' favorite render engines for maya and why? Currently trying to switch and find some cost effective ones.

>> No.533816

I tried that, but because of mirroring off axis, they cant ever be aligned right. I have a way to work around it already, but I like to figure these problems out when I see them lest they bite me in the ass.

>> No.533818

Why are actual good tutorials on proper human topology so rare?
In terms of reference meshes, there's a lot of variation too, it doesn't seem like there is a set in stone way to do things, or people are just unaware of the correct way of doing things.
It feels like it's an industry guarded secret on how just to do things correctly.

Anyone want to direct me to some body/face topology tutorials that do it correctly?

>> No.533821


Watched a few of this ladys videos and got a good enough grasp to do normal clothes now. I still gotta figure out how to add more polys to the clothes cause right now i have to send them to Zbrush and basically fuck around with it there for a while to make it decent looking.

>> No.533829
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1050, DML_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of hardware does it take to run 3D software hitch-free? Because holy FUCK all the freezing in Substance Painter/basically any software dealing with editing textures on models is getting irritating.
Or does Painter just have laggy brushes no matter what?

>> No.533838


>> No.533839

I'm taking a 3d modeling course (maya) and have volunteered to compile a geometry refresher for the class by watching the videos on khanacademy

what geometry concepts would you say are most applicable to 3d modeling? which should i focus on?

>> No.533842
File: 470 KB, 3063x828, wyhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does the landscape I just made not appear in the editor ? it's even casting its shadow and everything but it's just noch fucking visible ?
help is very much appreciated thanks....

>> No.533843

do you got a ssd?

>> No.533845

how much ram you got

>> No.533846

It never goes above using 6gb unless I've got multiple things open, though.

>> No.533858


I have an ssd, it's shit regardless. The only way is to paint at 2k using multiple uv maps.

>> No.533915

Does anyone know how much legal trouble you can get into distributing models based on someone else's IP?

There are a few rather obvious not-game-of-thrones-honestly items out there which seem to be doing OK. I was thinking of maybe doing some warhammer 40,000 stuff myself, but I'm not sure how games workshop will react. There are companies which sell miniatures based on their more generic lines, like the orcs, so I assume something like that will be OK. But could I release a space marine model and get away with it? How about imperial guard?

>> No.533932

Based upon how many people already make models from existing IPs, I'd say it's either legal or a gray area.
Of course it entirely depends on the company. Some are huge dicks when it comes to protecting their IP, and some don't give a shit.

The worst I could see happening is a C&D, and you probably don't want to be selling it, either.

But I am not a lawyer. Do more research.

>> No.533980

Im watching some level making in Unreal 4 and I notice that there is a lot of mesh intersecting so this leaves invisible geometry. Does this affect performance in any way?

>> No.534006

when you use subdivision and there are triangles heavy pinching happens. Have to turn into quads if you want to use subdivision modifier

>> No.534007

SSD would make program load faster it wont make it perform better...

>> No.534015

I have a question:
I'm linux user, so I'm stuck with blender. I'm not professional 3D guy, but I like the idea of doing some shapes in my free time. How do I make blender suck less? I used Maya before.

>> No.534016

switch to maya controls

>> No.534018

I've seen this "tutorial" before. He wastes a LOT of geometry and when i saw it i asked myself the same question.
Most probably it does affect performance but not as much so that it hurts.
No you are not stuck with Blender.
Why don't you install an CentOS and put Maya on it.
Or Modo.
Maybe Houdini too?
The only mayor 3d tools NOT available for Linux are Max, Cinema 4d and Zbrush.

>> No.534019

How do I git gud at weight painting and assigning deform weights in general? Is it mostly a question of getting good topology around bendy parts? Are there any tutorials about this specifically?

>> No.534026

Take a look at the "Titan Pass" official level in the Unreal Tournament 4 editor, the dirt has like 4 layers of intersecting polygons to it.

>> No.534031
File: 187 KB, 903x1271, tire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to model tires like this and other stuff with diagonal shapes running around a cylinder or torus? Twisting a cylindrical object always seems to produce shit looking results.

>> No.534032

empty with simple deform and array.
in blender of course

>> No.534053
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, Texture_4029_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone familiar with this type of texture map?
I keep seeing them on some models but I have no clue how to implement them into a shader.

>> No.534061

This is a combination of Alpha, Specular and Ambient Occlusion on the RGB levels

>> No.534062
File: 240 KB, 1859x1026, sendhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very new to the whole modeling thing, and I've run into a problem I can't fix.
I'm making a map for a game and I decided to import a lot of assets from STALKER. Since I don't know the technical terms for any of this stuff, I'll explain it the best I can.

I discovered quickly that exporting too many objects at once (several bricks, a few rooms, lots of barrels, etc.) didn't work. The model would come out all screwed up like pic related, but my fix was to just save each individual model once and then import. Worked without any major issues.
I suspect the reason it did this was because when I imported them to Unreal 3 (the game I'm making the map for uses 3, so don't blame me for that one) it would lack textures, but did have everything set up with colored material zones that placed the textures neatly. Importing too many models made Unreal attempt to "connect" the 2 materials, thus massively stretching and fucking up the model.

But now that I've tried to import the terrain, I've run into a problem. The terrain in Pripyat is all one giant block, there's no way of cutting it into smaller pieces and achieve the same effect as I did before.
I've tried importing without any materials at all and basically every import option I could toggle on or off, nothing worked. It always looked screwed up like pic related.

So, my question is, how can I fix this? The optimal solution would be if I could import it with all the materials intact without them stretching, but if I can only import an (un-fucked) model, I'll settle for that.
If anyone at least knows the term for pic related (what an uneducated person like me would just call "model stretching") and could let me know, that would help too.

>> No.534071
File: 701 KB, 1920x1080, Jupiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use the .geom importer and point it to the textures folder. CoP maps are split into thousands of chunks

>> No.534072

>just use the .geom importer
The what now? In UE3? I don't see anything like that.

>> No.534073

As what >>534061 said it is a technique to implement multiple maps into one texture. In UE4, we use Metallic, Roughness, and Ambient textures for the RGB, and Alpha into the Alpha.

>> No.534076
File: 39 KB, 500x343, bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any guides for beginner texturing? I already have artistic experience but I just got into modelling and the lack of mechanical knowledge of texturing software and procedures is really holding me back. Could really use some help figuring out where to start. Thanks.

>> No.534078

depends on the software and what tools you have

>> No.534079

level geometry is stored in .geom format you can import it into any 3d application then you can extract the models you want, most of the tools are at stalkerin.gameru.net

>> No.534080

forgot to mention there are some models stored in the ogf format milkshape works fine for those.

>> No.534081

I use blender.

>> No.534082

Please explain how you got whatever program you're using to import a .geom file. I don't see any way of doing it.

>> No.534084

this one for 3dsmax 7 to 2011


>> No.534106 [DELETED] 

>> No.534109


darine lile will help you, he also teaches you how to do multilayer painting.

>> No.534118

What's the best way to model the joint of a limb in a low-medium poly mesh? Should it be modelled fully extended then bent by the armature or modelled partly bent? Should there be regular rings of face running around the joint, or should they merge into a smaller number on the inner surface? How to keep joint volume constant?

Also, is it practical to make a surface which wrinkles as it unbends? I'm thinking maybe weight painting alternating stripes slightly biased to one part or another might do the trick.

>> No.534119

always have the body in a relaxed position as possible, there is no clear technique here.
there always should be extra loops around deformation areas however.

>Also, is it practical to make a surface which wrinkles as it unbends?
that's not possible, unless you are fairly familiar with how animated decals work which is not someone anyone could do well

>> No.534122
File: 125 KB, 1200x573, surelynot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total beginner here. I think I must be missing something obvious. How do you make a joint so that it doesn't crumple and shrink when the bones are rotated?

Only solution I've been able to figure out is to add another bone which scales the joint outwards as it rotates. This surely isn't the right way to do it, so what is?

Left-most mesh is how I think it should bend, right-most is the closest I've managed, using the third bone kludge.

>> No.534127

the more polygons you have the smoother the deformation is
if you take a cube with a loop in the middle and try to rotate only the top part the faces will flip because there there isn't enough polygons

>> No.534128

How the hell do you save an animation in blender?

>> No.534130

>enter dope sheet view
>from dope sheet you can switch to the action editor, usually on the bottom panel
>select the animation, if you have one listed, if not click the "new" button
>this will create a new action
>after you are done with the animation click on the "F" button next to the animation name, this will save the animation datablock
>then click X to delete it and create a new animation

export in .fbx. this will allow you to have multiple animation in one file

>> No.534132
File: 231 KB, 690x388, bendy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, but more polygons doesn't help when the software is putting the polygons in the wrong place and it's obviously possible to put them where I want, since I can do it by using weird workarounds. I just want to know what the proper way to get something like this is.

>> No.534133

you simply add another bone in the middle
take a cube, scale it on Z then add 10 loops and then add 3-4 bones across that cube

>> No.534222

For some reason I can't create new primitives in Blender
When I go to make one, it adds it to the scene list on the right, but it doesn't show up in the world any where, can't be edited in any way and is just not there.

I've tried focussing on the object, blender wont move to it even when it's selected (but it will focus on other objects in the scene)

I've tried spawning every type of primitive with no difference. I can't select, edit, move or anything but the fuckers appear on my object list for some reason.

It works in new scenes but not the one I'm working in, what the hell is causing this? I literally can't continue working til I resolve this and google has come up with fucking nothing.

>> No.534223
File: 228 KB, 1366x728, printscreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pic of my machine, is there some toggle or something I've fucked up?
This is literally driving me nuts.

>> No.534232

press , (comma) on the numpad, that should center your view on the object. It's probably hidden in the shoe, because your human seems to be very tall.

>> No.534235

Or maybe the object is on that hidden layer to the right?

>> No.534274
File: 38 KB, 736x552, Blanc_de_Hotot_of_helpfulness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't fix it by doing what everyone else said (which I'll repeat down below), just start a new File but use the Append function (Shift F1) to add in the relevant shit.

Before you do that though, try these things:

Click the other layers to make sure they're visible, press . on the numpad (that's what >>534232
meant to say), press / as well to go into Local view on the object, and also scale that fucking model down because it's eight hundred squintillion blender units tall and at that size you're going to have camera problems

Other than that I can't think of anything (besides Local view from the / button or objects being on a hidden Layer) that would restrict the view of objects in the viewport

Is there some scene setting that would do that that wouldn't show up in the Outliner? Even "restrict render" (aka Hide) will show up in the Outliner

>> No.534346
File: 400 KB, 1658x1039, snippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guys. I think I'm over my head here, I've got no clue about 3D modeling really, I program for a living.

There's a mesh+skeleton for a game named Stellaris, which animates portraites.

Essentially what we've got is a DDS texture, a mesh, + .anim animations. Now, I wanted to simple re-use the human animation for a simple re-skin and edit, yes?

Turns out it wasn't that simple. I thought I'd just be editing the skeleton, but there's this ugly mesh that warps the entire texture. My texture is of course, humanoid but slightly off from the original, resulting in a somewhat warped end result.

I realize I need to smoothe out the mesh, but - I have no idea how to do that effectively or with good results.

Anyone got any advice for me? Should I perhaps, apply my other texture and then go from there?

>> No.534348

Here's an example of what tools are used: http://www.stellariswiki.com/Portrait_modding

>> No.534364
File: 133 KB, 656x655, mspaintthisshittri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I added a few tris in my hand, But I was told not to use them, I were to try and rig this, would my program shit itself?

>> No.534368

>would my program shit itself?

No, the "don't use tris" thing is because they may not deform nicely when you animate (that doesn't mean crash, that means look weird / get shaded weird), and they don't subdivide nicely (you tend to get little artifacts and edge cases where the program guessed wrong on how to shade something).

So to turn it around, tris are perfectly fine if you aren't going to subdivide (say a low poly model, or hard surface, or a low poly base mesh with baked details) and you aren't going to animate it or those areas aren't going to animate OR you've added extra geometry (say around the joints) that will deform nicely while the tris elsewhere (say that make up the forearm, or some shit) don't animate

Also, all models are made of tris, at the end of the day when your model is on the GPU it's in tris, quads are just two tris put together, it's just that quads are definitively telling the computer how certain triangles should behave

>> No.534572

Can someone walk me through the process of creating textures? I can't wrap my head around it.

I understand most of the unwrapping/UV process, but where do you actually *get* the textures?
Reference images? Google? Are you supposed to make them from scratch?

If you're using an image, how do you conform it to the UV so it deforms correctly? I know there are numerous tutorials out there on this subject, but is there just an easy simple way of doing it?

>> No.534576


Bigger problem is gonna be that big ol' N-gon you got on the back of the hand.

>> No.534577


>> No.534578

Do procedural textures take up a lot of RAM? Or does it matter on the complexity of the texture?

>> No.534581

oh thanks, I didn't even notice that.

>> No.534596


Doesn't anybody make texture maps in photoshop anymore ?

>> No.534600

you could but i think photoshop 3D is laggy on mid range computers

>> No.534603


No they dont and with substances you can turn on and off features like dirt, tiling level etc. So you can get multiple textures for the price of one.

>> No.534606

In Zbrush, I want to maintain the brush size when I choose between different brush.
e.g I choose the clay buildup brush and I set a size. Then I choose move brush and I change the size there too. When I return to clay build up it doesn't remember the previous size setup, instead it inheritates the move brush's size change I made.
Is there a preference when I can make the brushes remember the previous brush size setting?

>> No.534607


You cant unfortunately.

>> No.534619

>Reference images? Google? Are you supposed to make them from scratch?
Any combination of these

>how do you conform it to the UV so it deforms correctly?
Paint it in Photoshop and constantly check in your 3D program if it looks right

>is there just an easy simple way of doing it?
lol no

>> No.534712
File: 177 KB, 317x571, BadHair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one make decent hair texture.
Tutorial is really helpful or just simple advice.

>> No.534716

What is a good polycount to stay under for character models to import into Unity/Unreal?

>> No.534717

Does /3/ have a discord?

>> No.534767

it's skill

>> No.534788

What should i use to render in real time? I've been trying to render with hardware 2.0 in Maya, and have realised it just isn't there yet. Not by a long shot. I'm sick of render times with mental ray; i don't need perfect realism/accuracy for most renders, and the new dumb downed mental ray in Maya 2016 is more a hindrance than an improvement.
Should i learn to use unreal engine 4? is there some better real time solution?

>> No.534791


>get a cube
>subdivide until happy
>use some kind of spherifying script (there's a modifier in 3ds max if you're using it)

>> No.534792

Don't know what you're using but this might be a good start

>> No.534826

Can someone explain exactly how marking edges as 'sharp' in blender helps? It doesn't seem to do anything when I use it.

Also, is there any way of doing a Catmull-Clark style subdivision on selected edges instead of the whole mesh?

>> No.534830

What's a good tool for automatically remeshing a messy sculpt done is sculptris? Zbrush seems to do a decent job, but I really dislike it's UI. Is there a good alternative?

Blender's remesh function seems incredibly bad.

>> No.534853


3d coat.

>> No.534856
File: 4 KB, 253x81, 2016-09-08 04_46_21-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it only works if you enable auto smooth in object data
set it to 100 to only get ur marked edges
60 is usually the way to go if you didn't mark anything and want good shading, works most of the time
use particles for hair

>> No.534882
File: 218 KB, 644x353, Acceptable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you create sharper edges? I've been doing it like this.

>> No.534883

>Use particles for hair
Can I them in a game without any issues?

>> No.534884

Depends on what kind of game/engine. It is possible to get particle hair from Blender into nVidia Hairworks and then into UE4 and possibly other engines supporting Hairworks. Some guy posting on the official Unreal Engine forum posted the Blender plugin for this, you'd have to Google it.

>> No.534885

You create support loops, which is what I assume you are doing in the image.

You can also use Edge Crease (shift + e) and Edge Sharp (ctrl + e "Mark Sharp") along with the Edge Split modifier.

>> No.534888

i just answerd this question in a post above you. ctrl+e "mark sharp" and go to object data and turn on autosmooth, and set it 100

>> No.534899


Subdivision works by averaging the current points and creating new ones according to the results. So if you want sharp edges, you need one edge loop on each side of the sharp you want, to force the average to stay around the original coordinate values.

The farther each loop is to each other, less sharp/smoother the resulting form will be. Since you only have a pair in te highlighted zone, it wont make a rounded corner, but a slight curve. You need another edge loop on the other side of the highlighted one

Kind of hard to understand by reading but try and compare the results and you'll get it

>> No.534903
File: 69 KB, 1536x512, Lambertians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get a simple multi-light half-lambertian shader in Blender Internal.

I would like to just use nodes, add in a material that's just a lambert diffuse shader, and multiply and add 0.5 to the output, but the values it gives for brightness don't extend to -1 so I don't get the full range.

What I have to do is perform a dot product of the light angle and object normal and multiply and add 0.5 to the output in order to get the full -1 to 1 range, which gets complicated for multiple lights.

Is there some option I'm missing for getting the full -1 to 1 range from the built-in lambert shader?

I tried to look it up on my own, but all I found were people making the mistake I first mentioned and essentially just raising the black point, which is wrong.

Pictured is Lambert, Incorrect Half-Lambert, and Correct Half-Lambert.

>> No.534906
File: 26 KB, 600x540, logo-2014-600x540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This summer some blender devs got to work on Blender features at GSOC. I am particularly interested at the guy working on the layer manager.

Does anybody know where I can get news on what has been done?


>> No.534911

5 seconds google...

>> No.534928
File: 1.07 MB, 2880x1620, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to make the large cracks look more realistic without having to resort to displacement?

>> No.534930

But first fix your UV layout, study how wooden tables are actually crafted etc.

>> No.534934

Already is.

>But first fix your UV layout, study how wooden tables are actually crafted etc.
I know it's bad it was just a quick and dirty unwrap.

>> No.534935

yes. you can use multiply node and hook it to displacement factor.

maybe add some roughness? idk

>> No.534936

I'm not using cycles. I'm using Luxrender.

>> No.534937

>I'm using Luxrender.
you got memed pretty good lol

>> No.534940

There's nothing wrong with Luxrender.

As a matter of fact anyone who actually uses Cycles is the one getting meme'd.

>> No.534949

if luxrender would be better than cycles the majority of top tier render artists in blender communities would use it, but they don't.

who the fuck even developed it anyway? why do you keep pushing this crap render

>> No.534950

that's a logical fallacy, you know better than that

after luxrenderer's rewrite the performance went up a lot, it's faster than cycles in select situations with comparable quality. bit of a hassle getting it to work with blender though, a real bummer.

>> No.534969

Any recommended books to GIT GUD at anatomy?

>> No.534986

A book about human anatomy.

>> No.534999


This answer may be trite, but it's basically correct. There are dozens of books on anatomy for artists, sculptors, 3D modellers, etc. and they are mostly pretty similar. Any of them will show you what you need. Just get one that you like the look of or which is easily available.

>> No.535001


Intended for painters rather than modellers, but my favourites are:

Dynamic Anatomy by Burne Hogarth (good for blocking out the form and making distinct characters)
Anatomy for the Artist by Sarah Simblet (good photographs, best for the skin and soft tissue)
Human Anatomy for Artists by Eliot Goldfinger (very comprehensive, good for muscle detail)

>> No.535009

Is it necessary to create a basic shape in something like blender before popping it over to zbrush to refine? I don't intend to use said model for anything. Just learning to create 3d models.

Say I create an object made out of several shapes, would it be better to have it as a single mesh or split into different parts with the polygons intersecting one another.

What does zremesher and retopology do, exactly? I'm rather confused by them.

>> No.535053

I'm trying to bake a texture in Blender Cycles and I keep getting the error "uninitialized image (baked image I made last year for a different project) from object" I wasn't getting this error before, and no matter what I try to do it just won't go away. I don't even have the image I originally baked any more. Is anyone familiar with why this might be happening?

>> No.535065


Dont fall for the 3d app meme. Build the parts in zbrush using primitaves (zmodeller is great for base meshes) Use the move brushes or transpose to refine. You can then use dynamesh to merge them all together so they are one mesh like an arms and torso. Zremesher will clean up the geometry so you can create a low poly version that you can subdivide. Refine the highest subdivision so you can bake a normal map from the high to low.

>> No.535086

If they intersect, like say a cylinder stuck inside a cube, do I have to be worried about the interior sections? As in the part of the mesh inside the other polygon?

>> No.535090

you can boolean everything if you subdivide enough.
topology in zbrush is not a big deal. you can zremesh everything anyway

>> No.535091

don't bake in cycles, unless you bake from nodes

this is how i bake in internal

>select relvevant objects to bake
>make sure you have an empty texture, which is unchecked
>make sure to have the empty texture in UV editor, ontop of the UV of the object

i don't know what ur trying to bake, every other thing requires a different process.
blender needs to overhaul this immediately

>> No.535092

Cool. Thanks.

>> No.535123


I've got all my nodes set up correctly, and I can bake textures onto my models without issue, it is just certain parts refuse to bake saying that a bake I did a long time ago is uninitialized for some reason.

>> No.535134


Since I can't find any answers online, I'll post what I did to get it working again. I went to the folder where I usually save my baked images and made a new blank image with the same file name as the image Blender was trying to force my bake to go to. Once it found a file with the same file name, it let me bake again. No idea why it did it.

>> No.535135

I made a thread for this, bc substance users

>> No.535143


The interior will disappear creating a perfect union. You can then remesh to get proper topology.

>> No.535156

is a tablet going to make my life a lot easier

>> No.535160

>is a tablet going to make my life a lot easier

Yes and No. Yes, because there are some kinds of input that are just a thousand times faster with a tablet because of Pressure that doesn't exist for mouse (with mouse you're having to change a Strength value or some such over and over and over and over).

No because it's a new skill that you'll have to learn and at first you'll suck at it, and odds are you've gotten good at doing things the sub-optimal way with a mouse so you'll feel like you're really slow with a tablet (because you are).

Also, if your freehand drawing skills aren't very good you'll get mad at what feels like imprecise input / poor control but you need to 1) learn how to Mask shit and 2) keep fucking doing it, you'll git gud at it just like you got good at using a mouse

And finally if you're a Blender user you need to make tweaks in the options menu so that your tablet doesn't feel weird when you sculpt (I think you need to turn off Continuous Grab or maybe turn it on, and some other shit) and also you'll need to either dedicate one of the buttons to Middle Mouse or turn on Simulate Middle Mouse or set a key to whatever the Pan button is (ctrl I think?) so that you can rotate around your view more easily

TL;DR it'll be a lot of work to get used to it but it's worth it, there's a $40 Monoprice tablet that's a good starter

>> No.535163


Kinda sounds like maybe you pressed the F button (force User or whatever it's called) that kept a reference to a file that you then deleted?

If you still have the .blend, if you go to Image Editor do you see the old file in the list, and when you click on it do you see the F symbol lit up with a number (probably a 2) next to it?

>> No.535267 [DELETED] 

Total CG noob here:


Is this doable on your own? Since this is made by a team of two guys.

I guess you need really good drawing skills right?

Are there any tutorials specially for something like this? With a focus on realism rather than say cartoony video game characters?

How long do you think (if they haven't stated it) did it take to model this?

Would you need a super powerful computer to model this?


>> No.535294

Anybody has an idea when they will release Blender 2.8?

>> No.535377

Considering that the RC of Blender 2.78 just got released i would say it will take some time and the date is not really known yet.

>> No.535402

But according to this:

didn't they give themselves a year for a big change?
I mean is it possible they will release it before 2017?

>> No.535406

I want to learn modeling. Specifically real world objects. Even more specifically things like tanks or planes. I'd like to model the exteriors as well as the interior.
Is Blender a suitable tool for learning and doing this?

>> No.535408


>> No.535482

3 options - add more geometry by creating more edge loops that you bring closer to your edge, mark the loop as "sharp" and turn on an edge split modifier, or you can just set a mean crease for the selected edge from the "n" toolbar.

>> No.535575
File: 983 KB, 2048x2048, Well that's not right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Blender, I finally got the textures from one mesh to bake to another with different UV and a slightly different topology.

Thing is, while it was baking the texture it looked as though it would start creating one area's full texture, and then start making another texture on top of it, and then another on top of it, and so on until it stopped.

I used Cube Projection UV Map on the retopo'd mesh.

>> No.535576
File: 93 KB, 256x256, Incredibly inconvenient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to catch it in the act, you can see what appears to be a fully completed section with another section being drawn onto it.

>> No.535577

Got it, needed to mark a seam and also scale that cube down.

>> No.535578
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x2048, Whoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually what solved it was using Pack Islands, but that makes the mesh very ugly and removes all the nice connected faces that make filtering the texture easy.

When I used Cube Projection UV mapping and just scaled it down so that I could see everything in the Image Editor, it was still writing over the texture.

Is there a way to solve this without losing the connected edges?

Left: Pack Islands, no overwritten textures. Right: Cube Projection with seam along the middle of the X axis on the mesh.

>> No.535579

Nice modern art you got there

>> No.535585

Normal-ass Unwrap looked alright. Not great but the mesh was shit anyway.

>> No.535592

Is there an easy way to convert sketchup models to blender or other software?

>> No.535593

Use Sketchup to export it as DAE, Blender can import that.

Pretty weird that Sketchup can only export the standard OBJ if you purchase the Pro version.

>> No.535594

Also maybe this. https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?360406-Sketchup-%28SKP%29-importer

>> No.535595

Thank you very much

>> No.535648
File: 502 KB, 1200x1600, 1460023230340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this cg?

if so, where does it originate from?

>> No.535649

not cg

>> No.535650
File: 40 KB, 500x500, kf2zqp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.535662

Is there a way to do the following in Blender?

Set an edge so that it is immune to smoothing when being subdivided (i.e. so I can apply smoothing to only some of the edges when subdividing them).

Connect a bunch of edges to another bunch with nice even quad faces or split a single n-gon face into quads without having to knife every single pair?

>> No.535678

I've been looking to get into game dev to make what I consider my dream game however I do not know how to make 3D art. What would it take to get one of you onboard? My dream game would be quite hard to make, it might not even get released however as a hobby it would be really interesting to me. Would you join a project purely to get hours under your belt and to get practice? Would you be able to sell your assets on the side on online stores aswell as putting them into the game?

>> No.535681

>Set an edge so that it is immune to smoothing when being subdivided (i.e. so I can apply smoothing to only some of the edges when subdividing them).
Shift+E (edge crease).

>> No.535682
File: 83 KB, 1167x748, subdivide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I meant subdividing with the subdivide function, not the subdivide surface modifier.

>> No.535697 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 2152x752, Corner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.535699

>select what faces you want to subdivide
>subdivide them


>> No.535700

How's zbrush for texture painting skin? Substance painter seems to be very laggy for me. I'm going for zbrush cause I prefer texturing by painting directly on the model instead of relying on texture maps like photoshop (though I do like the clone tool in PS.)

>> No.535701

you can only draw albedo or vertex color(polypaint) not really robust.

do you work with maya? its the same thing.

>> No.535702

OK, but is it possible to have some but not all of the edges attached to the subdivided surface smoothed while going that?

Best solution I've found so far is to just subdivide without smoothing and then use vertex smoothing to fix the edge I want smooth.

>> No.535705

Any suggestions on an alternative?

>> No.535711

3Dcoat - quixel

is it a cartoon character? you could get by with painting in maya, painting on color only mode helps sharpen your 2D skills

>> No.535712

i don't even understand what ur trying to do.
subdivision works in a way that it either multiply the faces on a flat surface or make a double the polygons on an entire shape.
you are either doing something wrong or not using the right technique. because i managed to model alot of things using those 2 simple methods

>> No.535729

Nope. I'm trying to paint kinda realistic skin. So I guess 3dcoat is the way to go then.. thanks.

>> No.535736

is cgpeers dead for good or is it just down because of reasons?

>> No.535742
File: 70 KB, 1371x772, smoothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess I'm not doing a good job of explaining myself.

Here's an illustration: I take a cube and subdivide it's vertical edges. With no smoothing it looks like the left version, with full smoothing it looks like the middle version. What I want is the right version, with some of the edges smoothed. I can do that with a subdivision surface modifier by using creases, but often I don't want to subdivide in the way a subsurf modifier does it; I only want to split edges where I need detail.

>> No.535745

have you tried enabling auto-smooth in object data?
100 is fully smoothed. 60-70 makes somewhat good surface with hard edges.

>> No.535748
File: 1.02 MB, 1432x622, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so i have a question, i'm looking for tips about setting the atmosphere properly, give me tips bois i need help

>> No.535778

Is it possible to sculpt using a mouse or is a drawing tablet or something similar absolutely necessary ?
Does anyone have any experience sculpting with a mouse ?

>> No.535784

what are you using and for what
sculpting with a mouse is ok

>> No.535785

Hello. Working on Zbrush and I'm trying to lower the amount of poly, but the problem being is that Decimation Master never worked, it always forever stays on the "computing, please wait" , and ZRemesher also always gives me a "Unable to Open File, user/shared/ZbrushData/Temps/objOut".

Any idea?

>> No.535810
File: 77 KB, 1250x1300, 10072051-hollow-cube--Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a specific name for this geometric shape other than "hollow cube"?

>> No.535813

Is there an easy way in blender of copying a mesh along the normals of selected faces?
basically, I want to append in a billboard grass model and cover a surface in it for use in a platformer game.

Really hard to google what I want.

>> No.535820

you are probably asking the wrong question.
if you have an example of what you want just post it here

>> No.535823

Menger Sponge

>> No.535832
File: 815 KB, 950x571, castle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm working on a castle. I'm laying out the terrain. I made a hilly grass terrain and I'm going to be laying down the stone path. I was wonder how it would be possible to paint both the texture and the bump map on the terrain at once so they're aligned. Do I need to make the stone path a different object? How do you guys usually go about more complex terrains? Please share any tutorials relating to this.

>> No.535833
File: 1000 KB, 1088x736, castle3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the path I made, textured, bumped, and lit. I want to be able to achieve this same result, but have the path bent across the hill. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out.

>> No.535866
File: 108 KB, 1027x1399, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make an intersection boolean without fucking up all the topology.
Not with remesh modifier
I also tried dynotopo and smoothing it, same shitty topology.

>> No.535881
File: 209 KB, 1024x1024, example_grass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to draw a diagram of what I meant, I want to copy a mesh (a billboard grass thing) along the surface of the flat grass face, preferably relative to the faces normals on the flat grass part (though I could do this manually I guess)

>> No.535882

you need grass boxes.

its actually pretty fun to make.
>go to a new layer
>make a small plane that is standing up
>select the object and assign it to a group by pressing Ctrl+G and name it on the left side panel
>go back to the layer with the earth object, make sure it only applies to the part you want (can separate the geo or do it with vertex groups)
>go to particle settings
>select emitter type to hair
>select your newly created group at render-group
>select your group from dropdown menu
>it should emit the planes you made and assign them to the surface of the earth
>unwrap all the new planes (you can join them all together, unwrap with follow active quads)
>put a texture of a grass that you downloaded or made yourself. it has to be with a transparent alpha channel
>you will probably get a new modifier, click convert

now you are ready to export it to a game engine
if you are confused about this just google "blender particles"

>> No.535883
File: 349 KB, 476x379, Capturesax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, I'll probably need to google a lot of the stuff you said.

Here's some of the grass I've made with the terrain engine in unity, so I want to achieve a similar look on custom meshes.

I'll try it out and post back if I get good results.

>> No.535884
File: 28 KB, 511x555, snipping1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to fix this

>> No.535885
File: 214 KB, 1719x798, 2016-09-19 20_43_04-Blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is it, its shitty but you get the point

>> No.535886

always have quaded mesh to avoid shading errors
you can't
you can use boolean and then fix the topology after you used it

>> No.535887

you can have more realistic grass with the method >>535882
by modeling actual grass treads then assigning a texture to it. grass boxes are just flat planes you can make any shape you want to the grass

>> No.535888

Saw your post on /v/ thought I'd answer it here as it says around longer.

Any reason you're modelling terrain in Blender? Are you using an engine? Only because things like UE4 will take care of the multi material mapping for you so doing this in Blender is making more work for yourself.

>> No.535890

speaking of unreal 4
i have yet to come across a good workflow tutorial for environments.
all i gathered is a bunch of infographics that don't explain all the specifics, and i consider myself good at googling.
can you recommend anything?

>> No.535891

ok. how else do you combine objects and keep a good topo (if you gave me a link Id be ok)

>> No.535892

depends on what mmesh you are trying to create

>> No.535894

Lets take the fingers for eample.
I want to make hard surface modeling or what you like to call it, so I cant just boolean and dynotopo it.
How do I put the fingers onto a plane and with smooth shading ?>>535884

>> No.535895
File: 710 KB, 1600x907, topology hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when making organic objects its best to sculpt them, when you get into retopology try to have something similar to this.
if you are good enough at hard surface you should be able to model this.
learn about tools like merge,bridge edge loops,create edge etc. would be helpful

>> No.535897

I need to accurately move and duplicate zsphere chains in Zbrush. There's no immediately clear way to do this, and the only plugin I can find that says it helps with this issue is old as fuck, crashes often, and is really unclear.

>> No.535901
File: 30 KB, 381x311, cookieflexrigweightmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know any videos were a decent rigger weight paints jaw and lips?

I have been having difficulties managing the weight-painting when the mesh is already assigned to a bone (the head deformation one) and would like to see someone experienced doing the process properly.

If it's in blender even better, but I don't mind maya/3d max. I just want to learn from example and see what I'm missing.

>> No.535903

Maybe you can rush trough all of these, or skip to the part where he does organic shit if he does.

>> No.535906

Thanks but the video is more about rigging where I'm looking into good practices in weight painting.

>> No.535908


>> No.535913
File: 65 KB, 475x859, gangster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im only starting to get into modeling people, anyone have advice for a begginer? model is pretty shit and choppy, not used to modeling organic meshes and faces.

>> No.535914
File: 1.47 MB, 1125x795, caxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I was able to get, still needs a bunch of work I guess, doesn't look fantastic, but It's getting there I suppose, things are a little counter intuitive with regard to the duplication of the mesh, I had to rotate in a strange way to get it to be upright.

>> No.535915

you can fix this "pattern" by going to the emitter settings (if you do it this way) and up the random value.
it will place the plant at random places, you can also choose random size
overall it looks pretty good, good job

>> No.535923


I would start with making a body or getting a base mesh. Clothes always look wrong just tossed on a character.

Dont go low poly, create the best representation of an object you can.

Learn how to make characters in zbrush rather than moving verticies in a 3d app as this takes up valuable time when you could be learning about cloth folds or anatomy or something.

Learn proportion systems 8 heads 7.5 heads.

Get this tute https://gumroad.com/grassetti#

>> No.535984

I assume you mean landscapes?

Their wiki is quite good for getting up and running. Plus there is a section on world machine workflow.
Landscape Tools: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Landscape/index.html
Open World Tools: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/OpenWorldTools/index.html
WM to UE4: https://wiki.unrealengine.com/World_Machine_to_UE4_using_World_Composition

Worth watching is Epic's GDC 2015 presentation on the Kite Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clakekAHQx0
Skip to 25:40 for the section on landscape, folliage, grass etc. Plus you can also download the source files (be warned v. large, they recommend 24GB+ RAM to run editor).

Back to Blender texture painting, the only way I see to get the diffuse & normal to line up in to have 2 tiled materials & use a mask to blend between them rather than painting the texture/materials to mesh themselves. I manage to do so but I couldn't view the cobblestone as I was painting it (had to render out). Which defeats the point. Plus I'm not 100% sure the normal maps are included in the output.

If anyone wants to have a look here's the .blend I threw together: http://wikisend.com/download/638540/texpaint.blend

>> No.535987

looks like WoW grass. add more grass textures and variety in rotation, scale etc.

>> No.535996

well not world terrain (altho can be nice) i meant more for interiors

>> No.535997

Each poly got their own vertex color in Blender. This tripped me up at the start too. So the same vertex actually has as many colors as there are different polys connected to it.

>> No.535998

Interesting. Does that apply to weight maps too and is there any practical way to exploit it?

>> No.535999

What do you mean exploit? But anyways a system like it is now enables you to have sharp borders across polygons when it comes to vertex colors. Otherwise there would only be smooth transitions. It really helps if I'm slapping together a simple game and I use the vertex colors to shade the model, skipping the entire UV and texturing phase.

>> No.536027
File: 638 KB, 2048x1024, FACE_B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I setup my nodes to ignore the transparency of a normal map in blender with cycles?
I'm fooling around with some ripped game models and some of the normal maps have transparency for some reason.

Pic related.

>> No.536072
File: 1.03 MB, 1281x1821, TorFrick_2Tex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit man that a large topic that changes based on what you want to achieve. Is there something specific you're having trouble with?

Level design (of which several methods depending on goal):
> Block out with BSP brushes (found under Modes->Geometry) with basic lighting
> Iterate til play space feels right (really depends on type of gameplay)
> Add props to flesh out visuals / hide holes / seams / points of reference
> Iterate so not affecting play
> Add / change lighting
> Iterate again
> Bake lighting if static / stationary
There is no a-b-c way of doing this and you will be going back & forth a lot to tweak things. It is very subjective and depends on several design factors (what sort of environment is it, what type of movement / gameplay does it need to support etc).
Level Quick Start: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/QuickStart/index.html

Standard workflow for creating static props (modular requires extra planning):
> Make high poly
> Make low poly & UVs
> Bake maps for low poly (normal, AO etc)
> Make textures (import models & maps into Quixel, Substance, or DIY)
> Import model & textures into UE4
> Set up collision (if not included in model)
> Set up material & apply to model via Static Mesh Editor
> You now have a prop in your content browser to be placed in the world / level.
Another expansive topic, and only dealing with static props here. Making things modular (i.e. sharing a single texture) adds even more work.
Importing Overview: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Content/ImportingContent/index.html
FBX Workflow: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Content/FBX/StaticMeshes/index.html
Modular props (not UE4 but principles apply): http://www.thiagoklafke.com/modularenvironments.html
Also Tor Frick (1-texture environment): http://www.torfrick.com/info/lab.html
Pic is breakdown of texture in question.

Best way to learn this is by doing (and I am no expert).

>> No.536140

I've never rendered anything before and every time I open the render viewer everything is ridiculously darker than it is while I'm in the workspace with the lights activated. Even when I change the gamma. Trying to render a PNG with Arnold.

>> No.536143

Currently trying to adapt to Blender after years of 3Dsmax.

I'm running the soft with 3Dsmax presets.

I was wondering, how do I remove the tridirectional cursor when I'm moving an object?
In 3Dsmax, all I had to do is press X.

Then again, how do I move a vertice/poly in 2 directions only, the same way I did in 3Dsmax by clicking on one square of the cursor?

>> No.536148

shift + hold z = you can move your object x and z directions. the others are the same.

>> No.536157

you mean the gizmo? there is a button on the panel below. you can use numbers instead of you want

thanks alot, ill look into that
i already made an environment in unity 5 however im dissatisfied with the lightning and the PBR stock shaders it got.

>> No.536186

I need a simple program or even website that gives me access to 3D models of the human anatomy, or at the very least the head, preferrably moldable or with premade variants in sex/expression. As a burgeoning artist, I'm trying to figure this all out.

>> No.536209
File: 78 KB, 412x453, graduation_cap_kf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon!

I´m soon starting my last year in university and I´ll be writing my master thesis this year. The problem is that I yet haven´t found a topic I could see myself working on for the next year (writing 50-70 pages, doing lots of research, making prototypes/tests). I´d really love to work on a modeling, texturing and/or rigging-based topic.

Is there a topic where you think "People haven´t dealt with the problem of X enough" or
"Will technology/workflow X replace Y or is it just good for different stuff?"

I hope to find a more practical topic since "Uncanny Valley" was my bachelors thesis and, although it was a nice topic, it was more blabla and psychology and less technology.

Some hints would be very appreciated

>> No.536214

What's the best way to remove grain or noise from a render? In terms of post-render processing/cleanup I mean, like in photoshop.

>> No.536216

noise reduction filter. in gimp for example. also putting up the sampling , except volumetric lightning, then go back to point 1.

>> No.536217

Maybe this is a Stupid question, but what do you major in?

I work in Robotics, and from my point of view would reliable simulations ( light, reflection) become a new important point.

>> No.536218

we don´t really have a major/minor-system here but I guess you could say 2d/3d animation with focus on video games, sorry that I didn´t mention that

>> No.536253
File: 516 KB, 1567x777, JIub5ny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a guide explaining how nodes work in blender? Because none of the blender guides I've found seem to really go into them, but they are obviously kind of a big deal.

>> No.536256
File: 237 KB, 1445x1099, asdads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how can I get a job in 3d modeling? Here's some of my work

>> No.536261
File: 237 KB, 1881x980, shadows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel I'm missing something really basic, but why are the shadows on this object not black? There's only one light source, so shouldn't everything not directly illuminated by it be black?

>> No.536263

They're not because it's entirely smooth shaded

>> No.536264
File: 128 KB, 960x540, flat shading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope; here's a render with flat shading.

>> No.536266

i hope you never get a job

this is disturbing

>> No.536268

i think the world lightning is black too
disable world lightning and use real lights

>> No.536271

yeah, go to borncg channel

>> No.536275
File: 747 KB, 2500x1696, 01-High-Comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm looking for highly detailed 3d scans of people, but there seems to be just a few free ones here and there. is there some site where you can find a lot of them?

the idea is just learn to draw the human figure from them, instead of using live models or expensive casts. also, greetings from /ic/

>> No.536288

What are some good sources for learning online (Maya in particular, but I'm also interested in Nuke and the whole vfx pipeline)?

I liked digital tutors before but they got bought up by Pluralsight and the Pluralsight website is fucking awful.

The Gnomon stuff looks really great but I'm thinking it's a bit above my current skill level.

Lynda seems a bit too basic.

>> No.536294
File: 32 KB, 273x585, BlenderWorldSettings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check you have environment lighting disabled under world settings.

>> No.536304
File: 115 KB, 800x800, Tiling stroke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Photoshop, is it possible that when when I make a brush stroke on the canvas and it exceeds one edge, the exceeding part of the stroke to be reported automatically to the other side of the canvas?

So that it would be possible to paint textures without having to offset the whole image to correct the tiling with the clone stamp...

>> No.536305

Have you tried Anatomy360?

>> No.536306

anatomy360.info is pretty good

>> No.536328

Where can I download a full licensed version of metasequoia?

(yes a cracked on)

>> No.536376
File: 331 KB, 820x462, rig-2016-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is okay, but there's only a few free 3d models.

i don't see the reason why this shit should be so expensive: they're basically photos. this people are just exploiting the novelty.

>> No.536379

>i don't see the reason why this shit should be so expensive: they're basically photos. this people are just exploiting the novelty.

If there are only a small number of people willing to pay for something that has a fixed cost to create, then each of them will end up paying a relatively high price. Very few people want detailed 3D images of any given model in any particular outfit and even for all the models put together there isn't a huge market to cover the cost of all those cameras, lights, studio space, etc.

>> No.536384

What is VXGI? Is it kind of path tracing rendering or what? I do understand that it's voxel based, but I can't get WHY and what is this about, and reading about it doesn't really help.

>> No.536395 [DELETED] 
File: 640 KB, 960x540, 0001-0359.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how I could do a "laser beam" type effect in Blender Render or Blender Game Engine with an object. Something like this webm I uploaded, except it should accurately stops when it hits a wall (like a laser) and doesn't penetrate it.

I tried it in Game Engine. The idea that I had to do it was to use Python to increase the localScale of the red "laser" object on a single axis so it grows indefinitely and then I setup logic nodes so that the laser gets destroyed when it collides with terrain, I'm spamming new lasers every frame, so it should be visibly showing lasers up until it hits the wall. Turns out that increasing the scale of an object really screws with its collision box, so that doesn't work.

I'm kind of at my wit's end now. I need a new idea to work with. Any ideas?

>> No.536418


And also, those studios can get expensive as fuck. Some of them are composed of up to 80 cameras, besides the software license.

>> No.536427
File: 592 KB, 1434x896, Image17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they weren't so retard and use those same setups to do 3d porn the economics of scale will make human scans cheap af

3d porn when?

>> No.536440
File: 340 KB, 1680x1006, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I setup my nodes to ignore the transparency of a normal map in blender with cycles?

Try this? Top node group just shows how you can isolate the resulting black portions.

Sorry if I misunderstood your objective, it's kind of abstract trying to work with just a plane and a normal map

>> No.536441


This is probably what you want (it's basically everything the another Anon said, but set to MAXIMUM POLY COUNT for MAXIMUM REALISM)


Technically you can convert this to a mesh but it will, of course, be retardedly dense

If it's too fast for you, you aren't retarded; Gleb is on meth (he says it's just coffee but it's clearly meth).

>> No.536442

>Connect a bunch of edges to another bunch with nice even quad faces

Grid Fill. If you want more control, you need to use add-ons like Bsurface

>split a single n-gon face into quads without having to knife every single pair?

X -> Delete Only Faces, Grid Fill (assuming an equal number of verts between the two selected edges)

>> No.536446

Games Workshop are notoriously defensive, so they'd fuck you if you got caught.

If you're releasing anonymously, however, no game company would waste time trying to track you down.

>> No.536449

Is there a way to have a "straight curve"" in the soft selections in 3ds max? Like, instead of having a pinch or a bubble, making the deformation linear, like a cone.

I know you can achieve a similar effect with de ffd but it would be so much easier if there was a way to do it with soft-selection

>> No.536470

in maya how can I translate a bone on an already baked animation?

I wanna widen the shoulders a bit but don't wanna edit every single frame

>> No.536484

Using 3Dsmax here.

I'm trying to select some vertex over my mesh, but I can see both the front vertex and the one in the back.
That's really annoying because I can't see them well.
It never happened to me before, how do I deactivate it?

I turned ignore backfacing on, but still is annoying.

>> No.536489

Is it for a game engine? You should just be able to reimport the skeletal mesh and the animations will update.

Otherwise, you will have to create locators for the new shoulder locations, parent the locators to the clavicle bones, point constrain the shoulder bones to the locators, and then bake everything

>> No.536492

come on , guys . very much open questions here!

>> No.536498

Hey so I really want to get into 3D modeling and eventually into animation, any idea where to start and any good tutorials? Any help is most appreciated.

>> No.536505
File: 53 KB, 1360x489, ScreenHunter_157 Sep. 26 15.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i make a circle the perfect radius to touch all 3 sides?
>pic related

>> No.536506
File: 489 KB, 450x638, 1474669013821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


made circle. then make fucking sides.

>> No.536507

Read a geometry text book.

>> No.536509
File: 308 KB, 512x512, pupil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how to ask this but if someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
I want to learn about textures. I've got a few game models here where certain details dont show up in any layers but specific RGB layers. While the combined image just shows checkered alpha.
What is this madness?
Pic completely related. Formerly TGA.

>> No.536512
File: 36 KB, 720x720, 1467699319488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the current best way to UV unwrapping?

I know how to do basic unwrapping in Maya (I'm using 2017), bring it into Photoshop, then export it back into Maya, but this seems suboptimal to me. I have to be missing something.

My texturework is fine, but is there really no way to see how the textures are affecting the geometry in real time? Do you really have to export the whole thing, see that something got fucked up, then go back and fix it again?

If you're working with something like, say, an unwrapping face, how the fuck do you tell where things like shadows are going to go? Is it just trial and error?

Are there better ways of unwrapping UVs than Maya? I know a little about 3DSmax and other programs but I'm clueless how UVs work in those. I've also got a hypershade texture in my Maya file so I don't know how that would transfer over.

Basically I'm a dumbass with UV mapping. I would like to improve my ways.

>> No.536513


It's buggy on verticies it works better on polygons. Unless you mean you hit alt +X.

>> No.536521

if you don`t know, you shouldn't be using solidworks

>> No.536535

>certain details dont show up in any layers
What do you mean by "layers?" You mean like layers in Photoshop? A texture file is just a flat image and doesn't have any layers. Maybe whatever tool you used to extract the textures did something wrong.

>> No.536542

Yeah, I'm not sure the proper terminology. It's probably not layers than since I only see one in gimp/photoshop.
The RGB channels I think. They are the ones that show the iris detail. But not when viewed in anything but in-game.

>> No.536544

Like this: >>536072
what is going on there?

>> No.536560

Are there any sites specifically for cycles shader examples? Or is my best bet just examining people's scenes from blendswap?

>> No.536563


>> No.536571

Why use Topogun / 3dcoat over simply using a down-subdivided mesh straight from Mudbox? What are the advantages? I appreciate it gives you more control, but is that all?

I have imported each model into UE4, one done with Topogun, the other down-subdivided, and both results are very similar. Is it not so much of an important step for environment art i.e walls?

>> No.536607
File: 55 KB, 881x652, vetcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what I mean.
Can you see how vertices from the backface are apparent?

>> No.536615
File: 70 KB, 629x570, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, when I was rigging, and what not, I let it auto-Weight my stuff, Everything is good, however when I move my head the toung and teeth don't really follow that well, But I can't really go in the head to weight it my self properly. what can I do?

>> No.536616
File: 39 KB, 200x324, latest[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you're doing >:)

>> No.536617
File: 439 KB, 676x694, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that aint no tweety sweety. its a whale-shark-short-stack thing...

>> No.536619
File: 113 KB, 1111x1612, 4352099-afb739e01cea4eff83b5b6c1028f7df1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsi tweety alright :^)

>> No.536621

I have an issue.when I go in pose mode, it makes my part of my model go deformed, However I can't reset the position. It just stays, when I go turn of the rig it goes back to normal for a bit.

>> No.536633

I fixed,the transforms were set strange for what ever reason, well her snatch is not longer strange.

>> No.536638
File: 39 KB, 931x556, NoDubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blender, imported game model.
Removed doubles as I noticed some overlapping vertices. What's causing these il-shaded polys?
I've tried smoothing faces.

>> No.536645

Have you tried recalculating the normals?

If that doesn't work you can probably bake high poly normals and apply it to the low poly.

>> No.536646

What is a good n00b friendly 3D software for an aspiring book author too poor to pay for a license?

I plan to make one or two human models and integrate them into a background with Photoshop.

>> No.536648

There's this really col thing called "The Sticky".

>> No.536649

Daz studio. Anything you slap together as a new 3D artist will be WEW LAD.

Daz will be uncanny valley though.

>> No.536652

Makehuman is the best option for any quick human models.

Medically accurate laser scanned models!

>> No.536654

Any idea how to recalc normals in blender? Is that the same as beautify faces?

>> No.536658
File: 35 KB, 920x498, thanksfam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it was CTRL+N
Thanks >>536652

>> No.536659
File: 157 KB, 580x478, Chill Frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only read the first post before finding out that the FAQ is much longer, haha.
Thanks a ton, been scourging high and low on the DAZ website for this, and you'd think they would have it on the FAQ.
I wasn't aware it produced uncanny valley, I'll definitely seek feedback from all over once I finish cover.

>> No.536660

I need a 3D head model for sketching. Where go I get?

>> No.536661

If you dont need insane detail, tf3dm and you have a ton of video game models to choose from.

>> No.536666
File: 136 KB, 725x756, Conundrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been breaking my head around this.
I need to "dissolve" a bone from the leg, and transfer all the weights to the bone above it.
I could paint the weights again, but the creases make this the hardest part to paint and I'm sure there is an easier way.

>> No.536668
File: 669 KB, 1920x1080, RENDER_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to add veins to the surface of the mesh while preserving the quads. Any how to's, /3/?

>> No.536670

create hipoly, bake detailed high poly veins/etc to normal map. Apply to normal detail monstrosity

>> No.536671

I'm a beginner here. Can you apply a normal map and a texture map in Blender?

>> No.536672


>> No.536674

Thanks, /3/. And here I thought people were actually modelling these little details in the low poly mesh. I have a lot to learn...

>> No.536697

what the fuck is that.

Redo everything!

>> No.536706

Is there a mask selection tool in 3Dsmax?
The same thing you use in Zbrush when you need to select a certain part of the mesh, to either extrude, copy or whatever.

>> No.536732

For someone studying/training on 3ds max and Zbrush, would there be any point in using Daz Studio?

>> No.536739

Yes, you can export models from DAZ studio and work on them in 3ds max and ZBrush, they make for good base meshes.

Of course if you are planning on working in 3d cg you should go the hard route and learn how to make a human figure from scratch, see you in a few years.

>> No.536740

Oh, so you do can export models from Daz to other ones? Rigging as well? With all those characters packs for it I though it was some kind of isolated software.

>> No.536743

You can export everything, except morphs (sliders).

Anything before Genesis 3 used a mix of morph and regular skinning for the bodies, so if you exported it to .fbx some rigging information was lost (stil very good rigging though).

Genesis 3 entirely uses standard bone skinning, so if you export those figures to an external software the rigging should be 1:1 identical, or nearly so. DAZ even sells figures for unity, which are based on genesis 3.

>> No.536769
File: 20 KB, 256x256, 1454441972871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I saw this tutorial to make a cartoon outline where you can flip the normals and escale a copy of the model and done, outline is done
but maya doesn't give a shit about interior faces and colors everything in black
I want to flip the normals of a model and see the interior and having the external part of the face invisible
what to do?

>> No.536791

I'd say just copy the the bone vertext group into the bone you want, then go to the bone edit mode and then disolve the bone.

>> No.536827

OK, this is probably a stupid question, but it's been bothering me...

x, y & z are the co-ordinates in 3D space.
u & v are the co-ordinates on the 2D uv map which is projected onto objects in 3D space

so what's the w dimension?

>> No.536861


How the texture wraps in 3d space.

>> No.537030

> installs TopoGun2
> litterally gets 1 FPS even when no model is set

What the hell? First time I'm having a speed problem for a 3D software.

>> No.537048


It's ancient. Use 3d coat instead.

>> No.537357
File: 11 KB, 248x250, Wastrels worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question about blender.
I mainly do video editing with it, but what bugs me the most about it is that it's almost completely impossible to work with preview as soon as I add an effect like grading, compositing or alpha effects.
For transitions it's not too bad since they end, but when I want to grade an entire project, the preview-FPS drops to 3-0.5. I tried using proxies, 25% but it never changes everything, even forcing 25% replay in the sequencer preview properties.
Is there something I am doing wrong? I just check the 25% box in the preferences and click "rebuild..."

>> No.537401
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 21789361278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /3/'s opinion on DT? I'm not a complete beginner, but would like to expand my Maya knowledge and maybe start learning Zbrush later down the line. Note that this is merely a hobby so I don't plan on making a career out of it or anything like that.