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513291 No.513291 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /3/ Poorfag here. Trying to build a computer to model on under 1000$. This is the best I've came up with

>> No.513292

Any suggestions?

>> No.513293

CPU+RAM above everything
nvidia over AMD will reduce render times most likely

>> No.513294

Thanks for the reply, will keep in mind

>> No.513314

if you can spend $1150, its a big performance increase. heres the build and links to buy them

>> No.513318

if you live near a MicroCenter go get the cpu there, they are usually like 100 dollars less than anywhere else

>> No.513319

>CPU+RAM above everything
uh...hate to burst your bubble buddy but you can model with a g3258, 6gb ram, and a 750 ti and produce AAA work easily

>> No.513327

yeah... no. i dont think you know what AAA work is and what hardware is required. try to lookup how many 8k maps were used on the hulk in the avengers, 6gb ram would run out. the processor would be too slow. and the graphics card is too low end to handle all of the real time information while paining in mari.

you also need a dual ssd setup in raid 0 for it to not lagg on you.

>> No.513333
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>yeah... no. i dont think you know what AAA work is and what hardware is required.
>try to lookup how many 8k maps were used on the hulk in the avenger
if you're working for disney on the biggest movie of the summer, why would you be on /3/ asking for advice on what to buy? Are you insane?

>> No.513363

well then dont say you can do AAA shit on an ass computer when you dont know what you are talkiinig about. the best thing to do is save up for a computer that can do everything and not bottleneck you as a workstation. then any extra money after that start your own small render farm of servers

>> No.513364

You need 16 gigs of ram at least, 32 is preferable for large scenes, history.

>> No.513373

AAA means AAA real-time video games, not pre-rendered silverscreen movies, newfriend

>> No.513381

Yup 16 gig of ram is standard now. I would still go for ddr3 depending on the price. The small ssd will pose problems with scratch disks so you better get another disk. Go with NVidia over amd, nothing but viewport compatibility problems with amd cards. While I agree having a good processor is ideal it depends on the work you do. I am still on a sandy bridge and can still push millions of polygons. I mostly use multiple 2k texture maps though.

>> No.513383

if you are working with zbrush and have lots of subtools and undo slots maybe its still a valid option

>> No.513384

You don't know shit about AAA gaming and Movies.
If OP wants to buy somehwat futureproof Hardware, why do you want to hold him back?
Are you envious of his processing power?
Get 16 GB RAM in form of 2 8GB sticks, that way you have room for more and can always upgrade later if you need more.

>> No.513385

Oh, another thing, maybe you want to get a stronger power supply with more Watt and an high energy efficency.
Its not that the system might need as much, but its always better to run an power supply system constantly on 50% than a weaker one on 80%. The former will last longer. Also you might want to do GPU rendering in the near future or use DX12 with multiple GPUs, so the extra power could be usable.

>> No.513400


Change SSD to HDD

Save the rest for Intel Processor (i5 preferred)

>> No.513404

i literally gave him a link to the best combination of options

>> No.513454

Just stumbled on this thread, but I have to side with this guy. That hexcore is an absolute steal at that price.

>> No.513455

>modelling and animation
>$350 6 core cpu
>evo cooler, literally jet engine noise levels
>only a 970
>16gb ram
>nzxt case
>bronze rated $60 PSU
smmfh. I take it you're not in the industry

>> No.513456

gaming video cards are really good but better for gaming, they come with bloatware FOR gaming. get a <$200 workstation graphicscard. they are highly efficient and good for "Workspaces" ie multiple monitors and graphics processing SOFTWARE. I know from experience. its good that you found an ssd but you may be paying a little much. I wouldnt guess any more than $50 can get you enough space. You want to get 2 large harddrives and put them in raid 0. 7200 rpm, its a very efficent way to get high capacity and speed. 2 fans for 20 dollars? you can get good fans for wholesale for less than a dollar from china. if you want a really cool fan look for noctua. "modular is kind of a scam. if you want a good cheap power supply just get a regular one and if you're concerned with consumption then look for bronze or gold. 500 watts should be fine. you want a motherboard that has the slots that you need whether that may be usb3 or raid and also different companies come with different bloatware. I like msi personally. lastly you should get a good floppy disk drive in case you want to convert back to primitive storage. good lookin out!

>> No.513458

and your title is budget builds. did you really think you could get away with that? I mean, if you wanted a real budget build you could craigslist the stuff and find the cheapest parts. Seriously,

>> No.513459
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>get a <$200 workstation graphicscard.
>WORKSTATION quadro meme

>> No.513483

i would like you to price out a faster computer for 1000 dollar, which is what OP said. please go ahead, enlighten me. tell me why its a bad build for what limits OP set.

>inb4 amd cpu

>the cooler is only loud because of the fan, if he dosnt care should it matter? he can always get a nicer fan down the road.

>yeah lets spend over half his budget on a graphics card

>32 gigs would push the price over 1k

>whats wrong with NZXT??? they are really nice cases for their price and since his budget isnt high why would you spend a ton on a case.

>to get a gold psu is an extra 20 bucks, also thats a silverstone witch is noted by most people as the best consumer psu brand.

>do i need to go and price out the best possible computer for you not to spaghetti everywhere?

>> No.513488

*seasonic not silverstone

>> No.513517

you dont need a "fast" computer like you're thinking of for modelling and playblasting animations, dude. Also, your build is misguided. 6 Core cpu and 16gb ram, you even wanting 32? LOL

>> No.513529

Jesus christ OP gave a price, not what hes going to do. So you price it out for 1000 dollars. Why would you want 32 gigs of ram? I still run out when working on projects for clients. I have to split everything up its a pain

>> No.513534

if he gives that price he should at least get a gud monitor like 24"+ IPS for texturing or a wacom intuos medium which are each $350+.
>hexacore CPU
>16gb ram


>> No.513545

Don't get a wacom get a Huion, cheaper and better.

>> No.513548

huion doesnt allow for barrel rotation pens like the Wacom Art Pen. Thats the best pen in my arsenal

>> No.513559

jesus christ i just came to this thread since ive seen it bumped so many times i wanted to see whats going on. you guys are fucking retarded, literal downs up in here. the anon with the link to parts his list is fine, though its a tad over OP's set price it still a major performance increase with the hexacore.

the $1000 is for the computer
>not a tablet
>not a monitor

i mean the only thing you could change in anons build is the ssd, but its really usefull for texture painting. though its small, whenever OP fills up the ssd he should have an extra 40 bucks or w/e for a mas storage SSD.

this is the anons build that is fine for what OP needs as far as we know
> can you guys stop trying to suggest things that OP cant afford or things OP didnt say he wanted like accessories

>OP just go with the anon with the PC part list, and when you get money for upgrades like new hard drives and fans ( yeah that fan on that cpu cooler is loud. but its not a jet engine )

>> No.513564
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>$1000 hexacore pc for modelling
>16 gb ram

>> No.513671

Op here, I'm probably just gonna go with the list the cool dude gave me; I have only really started and don't really even have the skill yet to make any 'AAA' content. So I don't need dual 600$ monitors or a tablet. I'll eventually have to upscale my rig, I'm sure, but for now I'm really just starting out. Thanks, /3/!

>> No.513672
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>dont have skills
>6 core cpu
>16gb ram
>no wacom

>> No.513679

stop lyin, u kno ur just looking for an excuse to buy a pc to play video games on