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501158 No.501158 [Reply] [Original]

Im in a 3D modeling class in school, we use 3Ds max, maya, Autodesk inventor, and a few others but on my computer I am running ubuntu 15.04 at home and none of the software I use at school has Linux support. What should I do, What are some alternatives?

>> No.501159


>> No.501160

And why can't you just use Windows?

>> No.501161

I cant afford it right now :(

>> No.501167

Pirate Windows 7, then initiate the Windows 10 upgrade which is free even for pirated users. Tada, you now own a legal copy of Windows 10.

If you don't want to bother though, just fucking pirate Win7 or 10 and get on with your life. Millions upon millions of other people do it, you have absolutely no worries...

>> No.501169


Install windows, it's basically a course requirement.

>> No.501175

Ah, thanks for the heads up. Didn't realize you could do that.

>> No.501178

Yea better dual boot with windows, if you have any activation issues of any kind try KMSPico.

>> No.501199

Or buy an old used Win7 for like 20 bucks and upgrade to Win10.

>> No.501200

bad advice, 20 bucks licenses are not legal, none of the money goes to microsoft, as far as they're concerned you don't have a license.

Installing 7, activating it then updating it to 10 will grant you a working legit license all the same, except it'll be free.

>> No.501288

Maya theoretically supports "boutique distributions of Linux", it should work on ubantoo

>> No.501308

Blender. It's not as bad as you think it is. It's just that if you're used to 3DS/Maya/etc, it takes a bit of getting used to.

>> No.501314


If you go this route, either compile it yourself (use the make-deps script!) or download a build from graphicall or builder.blender.org. The blender that's in the Ubuntu repos is lacking a lot of features.

I've never used Maya, but there is a Maya preset in File->User Preferences->Input. I'm sure it won't act exactly like Maya (and the keys will be different than tutorials), but it might help if you find yourself getting your fingers mixed up.

>> No.501326


>> No.501329

Schools that have purchased academic Volume Licensing from Microsoft offer Windows 10 for free to their students. Check if your school has a student discount software page.

>> No.501338
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>reducing your performance and increasing bug potential just so you can be 100% autist and use only Linux
>not realizing that by using Wine, you're essentially using Windows and supporting Windows products, thus defeating any point you had about using Linux.

>> No.501386
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>> No.501390

maya has a linux version, many big studios like pixar/disney use it on linux.

>> No.501391

much harder to install linux version than windows version (cracked version)

>> No.501404


Do they not have student editions of the Linux version?

This guy's a student, he shouldn't need to run cracked anything.

Besides, "hard to install" is relative. If this guy runs Linux only, there's a good chance he won't have too much of a problem with it.

I'm sure he'd have an easier time installing it than installing Windows (with virus scan / spyware tool / updates that take forever / other misc. software) and then Maya.

>> No.501407

>Do they not have student editions of the Linux version?
Nope. Win/mac only.

>> No.501419

I think Maya has support fo CentOS

>> No.501420

rgb 0.75 0.5 0.25 glossy

>> No.501421


Ah. Pity.

Looking at winehq's app database, Maya apparently doesn't do well under WINE. Blender with Maya keybindings might be your best bet.

>> No.501428

Are you fucking RETARDED? He should use Modo which has a native linux version and very easy to install / pirate

>> No.501441

Or you guys could stop being fucktards and just accept that if you want to do 3D, you're better off just installing Windows.

>> No.501455

What the fuck are you guys talking about? I'm running the student edition of Maya 2014 right now on Debian using instructions that were made for Ubuntu.

"Download" the Windows edition and you'll get a license for Maya that works with the Linux edition.

Do this http://askubuntu.com/questions/392806/installing-maya-on-ubuntu-linux

>> No.501471

it's not rocket science to run modo, maya et al on linux, even most pirated versions on the net just work...

>> No.501498


Modo, Blender, so what? He didn't list either one as being software used by the school, so the only advantage Modo has is that it's "not Blender."


Or you could stop being a fucktard and accept that OP might have reasons for only running Linux.


Good to know.