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File: 1.56 MB, 1205x1349, Mars_atmosphere_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
495649 No.495649 [Reply] [Original]

Can we make a mars exploration game ?

>> No.495650

Just make procedural environment and a mars rover robot that basically is a slow car.

>> No.495651

I was thinking more like an astronaut exploring the mysterious structures of mars.

>> No.495652

>mysterious structures

>rock formations

>> No.495653


Knock yourself out, if you want /3/ to collaborate on it then you need to organize everything. Do not allocate any of the planning to anyone else, because nothing will get done.

>> No.495654

With a spooky plot twist perhaps. Radioactive storms, mysterious caves, creatures that crawl at night and stuff like that.

Absolutely true. Even then there is so much you can progress with online organization. Although the first step would be to find people that are interested in the subject.

>> No.495655

Horror theme please, i need spooky kooky shit

>> No.495656

Gotta make sure we got a horror going on without going full retard.

>> No.495664
File: 2.10 MB, 1000x1000, screenshot048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in if it's horror.
I can model, texture and use Unity.

>> No.495665

Have any in depth though on a plot, mechanics or gameplay yet? Just going to wander or will you have a plot and story? Sci-fi or realistic?

>> No.495666

So it would possess elements of survival? And focus on environment? How do you want the hand to go? Just survival/escaping mars, searching for samples/expedition or plot driven

>> No.495667

It could have a simple story like:
>man mission is sent to mars
>they crash
>ship goes through the ground into a giant hollow cave below
>only player is alive
>end up having to explore a giant network of caves to find a way out (randomly generated perhaps?)
>find monsters and shit (pure stealth or some sort of combat?)
>eventually manages to escape using an alien ship
>get to Earth
>something was sleeping in there with you
Cliche as hell, but it could be fun to make.

>> No.495669
File: 29 KB, 500x359, apollo18-87775377166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cliche wouldn't be bad, but I'm not sure of the skill of who all will get involved (I'm not op) but depending on that would the alien/horror events be scripted or based on a creature a.I. honestly that plot doesn't sound too bad and could be built on

>> No.495670

Some simple AI would work, especially if it will be just stealth.
The creatures could have movement based vision.

>> No.495692
File: 993 KB, 500x283, Cloverfield_attack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After seeing this, I'm thinking of keeping it cloverfield style. As much as people hate shaky cams and Xtreme motion blur, it helps better to sell it as realistic.

>> No.495697

What if the player views the game though a damaged camera on the character's helmet?

>> No.495699
File: 2.32 MB, 3440x1440, i8ApbpQ[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Either helmet view through damaged, dirty glass or cam view with a glitchy, noisy recording.

>> No.495700

didnt we already do a mars exploration game? Had a working car and a wacky obstacle track or something.

>> No.495703

that was just a driving game that took place on the moon, simply because we had a moon terrain ready. it wasnt meant to be an alien planet exploration game.

>> No.495723

that doesn't look like a planet surface, that looks like a closeup of Lena Dunham's inner thigh

>> No.495726
File: 131 KB, 320x240, rocky horror face look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the difference ?

>> No.495750

why not make a mars exploration horror movie?

>> No.495754

> horror movie
Interactive is always more fun.

Cum on fagets :O Does nobody know to script in Unity ?

>> No.495755


Sure, but I'm busy on my own project and you guys haven't organized anything so I don't have any faith in your project.

>> No.495757

Why not unreal engine

>> No.495758

> you guys haven't organized anything so I don't have any faith in your project.
Coz we don't even have a crew yet. Not one person in this thread said they can code or script.
We can't do shit with just modellers.

Much more complicated. Animation system is a mess and prefabs are easier to transfer than blueprints. This should be a lightweight game.

>> No.495785

>mars exploration game
so you want to make a game that takes place in the mojave desert?

>> No.495786

Yeah. With ayyliens.

>> No.495787


Join the fun

>> No.495790

I can code a bit using Unity's javascript and the default scripts (first person char controller, camera follow, etc) that come with Unity5 are much better than the ones that came with 4.
I'd rather be modeling, but if there's no other coder I can try something.

>> No.495791

so the mojave desert with mexicans?

>> No.495792

Can you do animation walking with keyboard & animation transitions ?

Slightly different aliens

>> No.495794

>Can you do animation walking with keyboard & animation transitions ?
I've done it before, so I can try. Depending on how we're doing this I might have to code the whole char controller from scratch.

>> No.495796

I'll give you the FBXs with run cycles and interaction anims, you'll make it so when the character presses W, it will run and use the animation and like when you press E it will play the interaction animation.

>> No.495797

So is it gonna be first or third person camera?

>> No.495798


>Coz we don't even have a crew yet

So? You can't plan a game without a crew? This is EXACTLY what I mean by
>you need to organize everything.

You make a plan, then get to work. You cannot make things up as you go along, you need to have at least started the game design document in some way shape or form.

>> No.495801

First. More like helmet view

Actually you're right. I'll get right on that.

>> No.495804

the design is already started.
the concept is made, the idea is there.
next step in the process is to storyboard it.
who's on storyboard crew?

>> No.495805

we had a failed game thread just a few weeks ago. producing some sort of movie seems easier and therefore like a more realistic goal to me

>> No.495806

You just volunteered.

>> No.495809

> storyboard crew
Well we've only started brainstorming

Movie is much harder to do as a collab.

Hold on i'm about to post a few things

>> No.495813
File: 808 KB, 1920x1080, Mars Ref Sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/3/ Game Project :

Game Plot : Survival & Horror & Exploration

Concept References :


Alien References :


Asset list :
Shuttle (immobile, dummy prop)
Mars Shelters (interactive)
Mars Rover & Vehicles (Interactive & Animations)
Astronaut Suit (only models, textures)
Landscape Assets : (Mars terrain & Simple rocks)

So far this is the starter list to get the basics ready. If we get to this stage, we can add the rest piece by piece over time.

>> No.495820

>Well we've only started brainstorming
horror game with ayy lmaos on mars.
make doom 3 without the weapons and aliens instead of demons.

brainstorm complete.

>> No.495823

gotta have a story as well....


read that.

>> No.495833

Someone model an ayy lmao. I volunteer rig and animate

>> No.495848

Unity guy here.
First build, just putting everything in place:

I used Mars's gravity (provided by google), but the controls don't feel very good with it. So, will we stick with it or change it back to Earth's and give some in game explanation as to why?
Also, everything you see here is a placeholder, as soon as people start making shit I can put them into the game.

>> No.495886

tfw 64bit only build and im on 32

>> No.495887

hey brahhh

that looks pretty good man, it needs a jeep brahhh

looking nice dude.

>> No.495891

Base has artificial or
I ain't gotta explain shit or
Space suit has increased mass to stimulate earths gravity on the occupant

>> No.495894

please implement mouse capturing. It's a pain in the ass watching my cursor dance around my other two monitors.

>> No.495909

yeh, make 32 build pls c:

>> No.495911

>needs story

>> No.495912

>increased mass to stimulate earths gravity
that's not how gravity works.

the gravity explanation:
>after an attempt to terraform mars, a project was started to make it safer for human bodies in terms of gravity. so we decided to place a gyroscope the size of manhattan in the planet's core made of out radio waves sent from orbiting satellites. this is what attracted them. before this technology, they had no interest in our "primitive" species. all attempts at communication were futile. they were not interested in talking. they only wanted us stopped, for they feared us. they were a sort of silicon based lifeform, merged with their own machines. carbon based, such as us, were a threat to them. we found a log on one of the dead which we were able to decipher. it seems language is universally rooted in the same basic structures, at least for these beings. we learned that they've encountered 757 carbon based lifeforms and have eradicated them all. they are a cold and violent bunch. we also learned that they call their kind "arto-yam-yam lo-mi-ah-ool", we just call them ayy lmao for short. we know only one thing for certain, it's not safe on mars anymore. our base is infiltrated and our life support systems are at 37%. both backup generators were taken out in the last skirmish, along with the others. i'm the last one and the ship back to earth is days away. i have no weapons, no defense, no way of knowing how many remain or even how many are inside. survival seems far, like trying to sail into the sun across the ocean. i must be quiet. i can't alert them...

>> No.495915 [DELETED] 

>art-yam-yam lo-mi-ah-ool. Ayy lmao for short
Fucking kek

>> No.495923

Do you have enough data to make one? A drone exploration sequence would be useful for reference. As for martian physics, you need a lot of digging up in the archives for that.

>> No.495924

Doesn't have to be Mars. I can just be an alien planet exploration game.

>> No.495929
File: 383 KB, 1905x899, Ayylmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can make any planet or terrain we want. The rest is just FPS gameplay

>> No.495935

A Venus exploration game would be much more interesting; Mars is just another small rocky ball with a little bit of water as a bonus.
Venus would give much more room for gameplay elements while retaining realism: It's got dangers that require skill and management to survive.
Not to mention that we've only seen a few short-range photographs of Venus's surface, so the game designer actually has freedom to make up stuff.

>> No.495941
File: 312 KB, 1909x900, Ayylmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Venus
We can do that too.

>> No.495946

That word heavily invites feature creep. Be very wary of that.

Plan all the mechanics beforehand and cut the ones that don't work along the way.

>> No.495958
File: 116 KB, 228x260, 1429899788051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, next update I'll make a 32bit build.

I forgot to hide it, will be fixed in the next update.

>they call their kind "arto-yam-yam lo-mi-ah-ool", we just call them ayy lmao for short
Pic related

>> No.496002

are the space suits gonna be lined with glass?
'cause you know, sulfuric acid atmosphere.

>> No.496010

Alright, to help clear up some technology topics, when will this game take place? How far in the future should it be to justify the technology or should the date be left ambiguous

>> No.496012

It's better to keep it ambiguous, but I'm thinking something like 2050 or something like that considering that we might have a Mars base (or Venus, or whatever) and cars and shit.

>> No.496023

>A videogame based on driving around walking on a lifeless rock trying to find life
Why don't you just play mgsv or some shit. Spacefags truly are the cancer of this generation.

>> No.496063

So basically this thread is about making "The Martian" a video game?

>> No.496067
File: 54 KB, 500x501, 4L_QSHahQi7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least this is a team of people working together for their own pleasure to be unified and create a single work that they will all be proud of, people that shoot others balloons down are the real cancer of this generation.

>> No.496085
File: 78 KB, 222x194, 009~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're bringing lemonade to the hottest planet in our solar system. Because it's hot. Like your mother. The hottest.

Also acid rain.

>> No.496135

The Martian, but with ayy lmaos.

>> No.496150

Making a car in unity is stupid easy, and the terrain plug in makes terrain stupid easy. This is like a 30 minute project.

>> No.496151

modelling a car and creating every other asset is hard

>> No.496154

No guns please. I would say no weapons, but I think small melee weapons could be useful should we want to include them while still maintaining a "helpless" scare factor like in Amnesia.

>> No.496155

Nope. You only get to run away from the creepies

>> No.496160
File: 2.11 MB, 3840x2160, SpaceCar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of cars, what do you guys think of this?
I'm thinking about making a simple rig for the suspension to work properly in game (visually).
Also, anyone up for texturing this bad boy? As I said before, I like modeling more, but it seems that I'm the only one who can code in the slightest in this thread, and there's some more things I want to add to the game before I have to implement mechanics and start adding assets and shit. It's already unwrapped.

>> No.496161

Looks like a moon buggy. Gimme !
If you're using Unity I'll just prefab it and send back

>> No.496162

I am, but the parts are all joined into one object, I'm still figuring out how I'm gonna make the suspension move in game.
But you can get it as it is right now here:

>> No.496163

tires should be metal bands instead of rubber as the atmospheric pressure difference will destroy the tires.

>> No.496164

Can't you do blendshapes ? Assume the positions of high and low suspensions for back and front, import all of them as FBX blendshapes and just lerp them depending on the car.

>> No.496165

I've never used them with Unity, but good idea, I hadn't even thought of that.

>> No.496166

Blendshapes are life. Also I'd look into ripping off readymade assets with suspensions and figure out how they did them. If you can find any ofc.

>> No.496167

I know how I'm gonna code it now, by default Unity's car script just moves the wheels up and down, so I can get the wheels' positions or maybe even check when it uses the suspension to make everything move.

>> No.496311
File: 2.46 MB, 1580x848, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New update.


What's new:
>32bit build
>locked and hidden mouse cursor (press Esc if you want to see it for some reason)
>back to Earth's gravity
>A car you can drive by walking up to it and pressing "E" ("Q" exits it)
>a new terrain so you have more space to drive around
>TONS of new and exciting bugs!
This shit was a nightmare to code, the car fucks up once you exit it, but you can enter it again and it will be like nothing ever happened.
Most of the problems here stem from the fact that some of these default scripts weren't made to be used together, let alone patched up with some poorly coded javascript (provided by yours truly). Some good coder could probably make this work, but they would probably just make their own character controller scripts.
Anywho, I'm moving this forward so you guys will feel motivated to create assets, so get on with it!

>> No.496316

Looks cool as fuck tho m8. If I were you, I'd just kitbash readymade scripts and try to make em work.

>> No.496320

That's exactly what I did, I would never be able to do all this shit on my own.

>> No.496321
File: 95 KB, 1000x350, roadmap2024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize the idea catched on. I'll do some lowpoly of these things, prefab them and post mediafire link here.

Also can you add some red fog for the next build ? Lets get some atmosphere going on.

>> No.496326

Nice.I'll be waiting.

>Also can you add some red fog for the next build ? Lets get some atmosphere going on.

>> No.496336

Modelling part is done, doing materials now

>> No.496361
File: 519 KB, 1920x2673, Mars Shelters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it is. The interior textures are placeholders, but the place is roughly UVd. All the interior details should fill up the place.


>> No.496362


>> No.496373
File: 31 KB, 533x349, 1595654687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marsbase Alpha: MMO Edition

>> No.496375
File: 93 KB, 240x350, 1350361548938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Downloading anything with an .exe file from 4chan

Have you guys not learned?

>> No.496377

learned from what?

>> No.496401


>> No.496412

Solar panels are a nice touch

>> No.496413

Oh man. Imagine if it was a multi game and people were collaboratively working for mining and building shit and fighting off creatures on a massive scale.

>> No.496421

This post embodies feature creep. Careful

>> No.496426

this is probably way too difficult to do

>> No.496429


It's funny how you can so easily spot the one post where a /3/ project dies.

>> No.496431

for that we could just simply make it like a rimworld then, pls don't kill this project m8

>> No.496445

Not in the craters at the poles. They're saying it's freezing down in there, as light never enters. That might be a good place to set a game on Venus.

>> No.496446

I wish I were better at modelling in Blender to help you out. With anything. Making stuff like this is precisely why I started learning this fucking software.

>> No.496448
File: 194 KB, 900x1200, pinball-220801-MCR20396128517_082015-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< do you guys think is illegal to make a game out of this pinball machine? -pic related

>> No.496450


>> No.496454
File: 36 KB, 754x400, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

venus is a constant temp planet wide.

>> No.496455

*Citation needed

>> No.496463

You do not own the rights to it. So yes, it would be illegal. But nobody will hunt you down over it unless you're extremely unlucky.

>> No.496466

I was just wishing out loud. Having dealt with Unity multiplayer projects, I know what a painstalking and dreadful process it is which is buggy and doesn't really work. I think the alien planet survival is going on track with the way it is.

Hey man, did you get the assets ? It's all prefab'd with interiors & exteriors and ready for ingame use.

>> No.496468



You guys need to lock down exactly what you mean by that. Because I feel you all have different ideas of what that word means.

Are you doing:
A) A linear exploration game like Amnesia
B) An open world exploration game
C) An open world survival game where you need to acquire/craft resources
D) ????

Because based on the posts in here it seems that different people have different ideas.


>> No.496476
File: 154 KB, 375x500, 5473436[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically here's the challenge : You need to survive on this alien planet, for this you need several things.

Water ; You need to go out and get water periodically because this is the primary thing your survival depends on. You extract dirty water back to the base and the machine will filter it for plants and your consumption. There can be a water supply indicator and when it gets low, you will need to search new locations for water. These locations are in dangerous places because they might be crawling with crabs, worms of some other alien shit

Secondly, you need to harvest minerals. This is like a secondary quest but when you harvest enough materials, the machine back at the base can craft them into stuff like vehicles, tools and very basic weapons. Some missions can be impossbile to achieve without these tools which will force the player into doing these tasks.

>> No.496483

Great just another early access survival game.

>> No.496486

called life

>> No.496487
File: 91 KB, 500x325, 2face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hurrr its not an original game
Name one modern original game

>> No.496489

needs more memes

>> No.496491

My mistake. I was thinking of Mercury. I forgot about Venus' atmosphere and it's crazy fucking greenhouse effect.

>> No.496492


I can't be the only one sick of the dreary grind of survival games and appreciate well crafted experiences instead?

Besides, all those mechanics and balancing issues are over complicating a game that needs to be as simple as possible since it's a collab project between randomers.

>> No.496495

> I can't be the only one sick of the dreary grind of survival games and appreciate well crafted experiences instead?
Give an example instead of being a total cuck

> Besides, all those mechanics and balancing issues are over complicating a game that needs to be as simple as possible since it's a collab project between randomers.
It would make sense if we didn't begin and start building game assets already with 2 Unity coders doing scripting and the rest doing modelling, texturing and stuff.

>> No.496496


Give an example of what?

You want me to say
>compare Minecraft to Metro 2033

>it would make sense if we didn't begin and start building game assets already with 2 Unity coders doing scripting and the rest doing modelling, texturing and stuff.

How so?

>> No.496497

give me an example of well crafted experiences

> How so?
We have one working the mechanics and posting these : >>496311
And we have another guy from /g/ thats doing scripting in Unity, you can find him on the steam group members page.

>> No.496498
File: 27 KB, 208x314, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I thought it said 56 Ebola at first.

>> No.496499

this isn't v though.

>> No.496500


Mechanics implementation and scripting is the same thing...

>> No.496501

I see that you're just here to shitpost. We're not making Crysis 5. These guys make it work somehow. It might fail, or it might succeed but it's a learning curve for everyone and everyone is getting more experienced in their field by challenging themselves to create something. And to my amazement it's going good. So I can't really see the motive for your bitching.

>> No.496502

>I see that you're just here to shitpost. We're not making Crysis 5. These guys make it work somehow.

I just informed you that scripting and mechanics implementation is the same thing, why are you so hostile? But fine, I'll keep my advice to myself and you guys can feature creep up the fucking Grand Canyon and never finish it. Just like last time and the time before that and the time before that and the time before that.

>> No.496503

I told you, those guys can do both scripting from scratch and mechanics implementation. It's a basic level scripting, but we don't need advanced stuff, because we are not making an advanced game. We also bought assets from assetstore and we're converting it into custom character assets as we speak.

Feature creeping won't do shit since everything is eventually up to the coders and modellers which I happen to be a part of. We are the natural filters and we will make sure the game doesn't go full retard. We can code, model, rig, animate, texture and make things work.

You should definitely stay out though. We don't need a shitposter with zero contribution.

>> No.496504

>Feature creeping won't do shit

Famous last words.

>> No.496505


>> No.496517

Do you have steam btw ?

>> No.496529


>> No.496534

Venus is a constant temperature over time because its orbit is locked with its rotation, but the variations in the surface, and indeed the fact that half the planet never faces the sun, means the temperature over its surface is different.

I think that's what you meant though

>> No.496583

i meant that it's the same temp because the thick atmosphere doesn't allow for the heat to disperse like other planets.

the source is on the pic.

venusian weather is not like anything else.

>> No.496635

Hey guys, another update is here.


I watched the Martian yesterday, and those amazing visuals made me want to delete my shitty terrain and make a slightly less shitty one.
If someone can sculpt some mountains and rocks with a similar style as the one I made it would be great, it's hard to get some variety going with just one rock stretched and rotated in every possible way. I think it's around 1.5k polys if you're wondering.
And I added a little music to liven things up a bit.
Your shelter looks great in game, man. Now we need to populate it with stuff.

>> No.496636
File: 2.29 MB, 1585x851, screenshot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I forgot the screenshot.

>> No.496639
File: 1.59 MB, 2000x1076, martian-gallery11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked the look of these mountains.

>> No.496640

Sorry, you need to learn how to read first.

>> No.496714

I'm glad you liked the shelters :^) Didn't get a chance to try em yet. Can you add me on steam btw, I sent you an invite.

I'll give it a shot at those rocky structures.

>> No.496727
File: 41 KB, 970x460, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that building must be pretty dusty. here are some covers for the openings with cloth sim.

will probably need to change acceleration directions depending on how you oriented the building.

>> No.496728

fuck me this is the right link with key.


>> No.496751
File: 550 KB, 1791x2577, Helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing will probably need glasses rather than plastic slides. But you can make those slides for interiors to seperate the vegetation room for oxygen and the rest.

Added a new cliffy structure for mars landscape and a helmet for the player view. Gets dirty over time when you walk outside.

>> No.496755

Make the goggle wiping feel as physical as in metro 2033 and you have gold on your hands. Goooold

>> No.496756

What if it already exists? (It does) Learn to use google.

>> No.496762
File: 18 KB, 480x347, 1440644427685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no windshield wipers
You had one job, NASA

>> No.496782

It doesn't. Who cares if it did anyway? Why do anything if someone has done it before? Is that your attitude? Everyone has done everything before. So fuck off.

>> No.496791

you should, making a game you want to play does not mean people will play it

>> No.496796

What does it look like in Metro 2033 ?
This is funded by Elon Musk maybe ? I can even put a logo on the helmet glass
This is inspired by the recent mars mission that discovered water on mars.

>> No.496802
File: 2.45 MB, 600x350, P34oLLr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is better but too big.

>> No.496805
File: 160 KB, 1600x900, Blood_Splatter_MW2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That may be doable but I was thinking to make it call of duty style. Coz whatevers on your screen will be out of focus, since you're looking at far away in a distance. So both the helmet, and the dust should be lens blurred.

>> No.496817
File: 501 KB, 1920x3620, Helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand here we go. It's all blurry and cuck now.

>> No.496826

>a game with a shitty "goggle" overlay
>implying that's the view you have while wearing goggles
put on a pair of goggles and realize you have no difference in vision except more glare unless they're polarized.

that overlay is fucking stupid and every game that's ever used one is fucking trash.

>> No.496828
File: 1.71 MB, 1500x1024, hud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of something more like this, but with cracks and dirt and the wiping mechanic from metro.

>> No.496829

I have googles here and I can see the edges of the plastic in my peripheral vision. Also whatever dirt or crack you have on your googles will be out of focus and blurry. Calling something "shit" isn't an argument.

I think we can do wiping automatically or by hand and it can leave those wiping streaks. We can also put some projection like oxygen and battery level indicator. Any idea on how those should look like ?

>> No.496832
File: 145 KB, 454x340, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.496844
File: 2.65 MB, 1215x762, horseshoe ayylien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crab in your pic gave me an idea.
Before I put any more work into this, what do you guys think?
This is only the armor, I still need to make the body and I intend to make the legs proportionally as large as a scorpion's.

>> No.496845

maybe make the tail longer (like 3 sections) , and add a bunch of legs (like a millipede) if you want to make it scarier.

>> No.496854

Looks ayylien to me. How is it gonna move tho ? is it gonna move like a worm, like a snake, like a mammal ?

>> No.496867

i think this is cool,

as for cracks, no I mean it is outer space then why the helmet?

scratches, yes

>> No.496870

looks ok, but the mid section is a bit too flat, little room for a body and small legs
same all those fuckers move i imagine, with tiny legs underneath the outshell

>> No.496946

i can hellp in the Development of the game in terms of LORE i could do a modder suport like skyrim has so people can mod the game it would be awesome if you think about it we could have a large comunaty of people modding at the nexus or steam what do you think about it!

>> No.496952

there was no argument.
i was stating facts.
i never said you should reply.
learn to listen to your superiors.

>> No.496969
File: 2.70 MB, 1120x840, horseshoe ayylien1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP of the body, don't worry I'm going to extend it later so it's actually connected to the tail.
yay or nay?

I want it to be fast as fuck and crawl on walls and shit.

>> No.496971
File: 44 KB, 427x600, 66324[1].jpg_quality=85&amp;mode=crop&amp;width=427&amp;height=600&amp;404=tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd get rid of the eyes and mouth. It's like trying to look like earth animals a bit too much. Different sensory organs with different shapes might look cooler.
I like the form of its shell though. It looks creepy and hostile.

>> No.496972
File: 795 KB, 1680x1144, Terrains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile I'm working on different terrains. They are all seamless with normals and heightmaps.

I'll pack em up as soon as the Unity guy comes again.

>> No.496973

I'm here, I'm actually the one working in the monster to take a little break from programming. I already put this cliff >>496751 and the curtains to the game >>496727
But send me those textures and I'll put them in there.

Yeah, I'll save that one and start a new one that looks more outlandish to see what looks better.

>> No.496977

Dewd open ur steam :V Wasn't even sure if you left the project or not.

I'll post the textures here in a few mins

>> No.496979

haha I don't open steam very often, thanks for reminding me

>> No.496986

i like it,and im glad its not all red

>> No.496987

see >>496969

>> No.496988

eyes are bit much, give it bunch of antenna

>> No.496998 [DELETED] 

it's not unlikely for them to have eyes

>Complex, image-forming eyes evolved independently some 50 to 100 times

the eyes do seem a bit useless though, because they can only see the ground. they would have to be placed on top of the shell or something

>> No.496999

>Complex, image-forming eyes evolved independently some 50 to 100 times
i think it's not unlikely for them to have eyes

those eyes do seem a bit useless though, because they can only see the ground. they would have to be placed on top of the shell or something

>> No.497002
File: 3.14 MB, 4272x2848, Nautilus_pompilius_%28head%29[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then perhaps it can look like a different eye.

>> No.497014

Textures are here. Go crazy.

>> No.497144

just play Red Faction
but i can see someone making an entire Mars world open for an entire modding community to edit how they please, placing bases. that sounds cool

>> No.497150
File: 742 KB, 2000x1500, horseshoe ayylien2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my defense I just want to say that, unlike Ridley Scott, I at least tried to make it not look like a vagina.

Anyway, the things on the sides are not eyes, they're more like organs that sense vibrations in caves or whatever. Basically they can only see you when you move.

>> No.497161


I like the mouth part, but I dont like the yes, or what looks like eyes. with those eyes it almost looks like a human.

>> No.497169

Those none eyes really look like eyes. And saying they're not won't change that sadly. You will have to make some modifications to get away from that.

Otherwise: neat.

Will we even see the underside much? Hoe will it attack?

>> No.497175

I'll see what I can do about the "eyes".
As for attacking, I was thinking something like it jumps on you and grabs your helmet trying to break it and eat your face.

>> No.497176

get rid of the none eyes, they make it look comical, as in frozen in some child like expression
you have to be careful when putting human facial features on non human creatures

>> No.497204

Will this be one of several ayyliens? Honestly can't see them being very scary.

>> No.497257

I know it's a bit early, but has anyone started thinking about music yet? I'd be happy to make a few demos, what do you guys think?

>> No.497258


It's never too early for atmosphere. If anything it'll inspire the artists to get a more cohesive tone to their work.

>> No.497260

you might want to give a try to music maker jam App for windows 10, ios and android. lets you create lots of fine music based off samples.

>> No.497261

Alright, If some of the people involved give me a few ideas- mood and tone they want, and maybe what sort of direction they want me to go with the instrumentation (electronic, or acoustic - even elements from orchestra?), and I'll start work on something.

>> No.497299

I'm thinking more atmospheric than digital.



The first song especially is like the soundtrack of fucking hell itself. If you wanna create a sensation of horror, go with that.

>> No.497341
File: 753 KB, 2006x1467, Half Life Alien Concepts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so used to seeing the same eye formations with the same facial sensory organs with the same proportions. If you wanna break that resemblence of earth animals, you should stretch the concept around and go with disproportional forms. Otherwise it might just look like the things we found under the oceans.

>> No.497351
File: 38 KB, 600x451, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trello is really good for keeping organized and knowing what needs to be done. You can create a task like "make a moonbuggy" and put in all the steps like modeling, texturing, animation for the wheels, and programming the controls. Then you can check off the steps as they are finished, and everyone can see what needs to be done and how they can help.

Trello is also free.

>> No.497367

Make a bipedal version that looks sort of like a Kabutops/Xenomorph hybrid

>> No.497368
File: 105 KB, 1920x1080, scorpion-3d-concept-creative-design-desktop-background-hd-wallpaper[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of something a bit more like this.
But the bipedal version would work if this one is the facehugger.

>> No.497391

Nice work guess I'll try figure out something too
It looks good too.

>> No.497406

Please add text-to-speech like Moombase alpha. It doesn't even have to be multiplayer just add it for sheer enjoyment

>> No.497482
File: 2.09 MB, 1591x889, screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New build time!

You can see pretty much everything that changed so I'm not gonna bother typing everything here.
To use the sliders press esc to show the cursor.
I looked into it today and it seemed simple enough, but I couldn't get it working for the life of me. If you know something about it I'm all ears.

>> No.497483

Shit son ! That looks bretty gud

>> No.497491
File: 2.89 MB, 960x540, recording.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 GOTY

>> No.497492

7/10 Needs more blur and CA

>> No.497493

What blur ?
Although the CA doesnt make sense, it's a simple glass not a camera lens.

>> No.497495

Of course the CA makes sense, all my AAA gaymes use it.

>> No.497497

Looks cool. Why are there only flimsy plastic doors on the building though? Depending on where this is on Mars, the temperature is going to be "really fucking cold" to just "fucking cold", the atmosphere is barely there and what is there is CO2. For those doors to be flapping that much there needs to be a huge fucking storm on as well.

Unless this is set during/after a terraforming process and everything has been changed.

Keeping an eye on seeing where you lot go with this, its neat.

>> No.497498

its for
a t m o s p h e r e

>> No.497572

fa/tv/irgin here. Pretty cool stuff you're making.

>> No.497577


>> No.497579

i write filmscripts could may i help in something?

>> No.497621

Write something.

>> No.498269

Here i sit broken-hearted, tried to shit but only farted. Then one day i took a chance, tried to fart but shit my pants.

>> No.498345
File: 383 KB, 1600x900, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I've been busy these last couple of days but I'm not dead yet.
I managed to get some time to work on the ayy lmao and I wanna get some feedback on that.

Here's a bunch of screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/vMUgV

>> No.498346

Oh and I forgot to say that those Zspheres will be some sort of small pincers and only one leg is detailed because I can duplicate it after baking, those decimated ones are just to see how it looks with all legs in place.

>> No.498347

Are we going for a scary game? I think it could benefit from some threatening or creepy features like mandibles or claws.

>> No.498348
File: 63 KB, 1150x540, mark5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping sum ayylmaos for inspiration

>> No.498349
File: 372 KB, 1200x874, br3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.498350
File: 89 KB, 617x590, xenodefugio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.498351
File: 206 KB, 1395x1600, riddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.498352
File: 49 KB, 635x500, cliffwhistler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.498353
File: 146 KB, 994x604, bhgelly basket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.498354
File: 193 KB, 1100x532, alex7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.498355
File: 1.83 MB, 1500x4363, render2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.498356
File: 593 KB, 1500x963, render1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.498357
File: 289 KB, 1500x793, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.498370

and why would an animal that size attack something as big as a human?

cool alien, but i see it going for smaller prey, maybe something the size of a cat or a large rat...

>> No.498402

>and why would an animal that size attack something as big as a human?

Do you even nature bruh? Being a predator isn't all about size. This predator looks to be more about agility, just like a lion or leopard, who will go after prey that is similar size to them, or even bigger (such as buffalo or hippos). You take down a big prey with only a bit more energy input, and are rewarded with a fuck load more food to last you days.

>> No.498440

size ratio is not even close buddy... lions dont prey on elephants as well as dolphins dont prey on whales.

what size is that aliencrab thing anyway?

>> No.498441

>them tiny ass legs
>heavy af exoskeleton

smdh tbfhwu

>> No.498451

No matter the size, humans aren't part of their ha itat. Since they're predators, of course they'll attack.

>> No.498499

/3/ actually doing something
is this the end of the world?

>> No.498507

Nope, only a few people are working. the rest is just sitting on their lazy ass and shitpost as always

>> No.498510

Do you have like an IRC where u plan stuff?

>> No.498522


>> No.498534

Isn't this basically DOOM?

>> No.498535

>Small rocky ball
Despite the smaller diameter it does have the same land surface area as Earth you know

>> No.498577
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 071127-venus-surface-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Might as well explore Jupiter or a blackhole if you're going to pick "entirely inhospitable totally alien worlds that are anathema to life on earth and require deep sea levels of engineering fault tolerance"

to quote the internet "temperatures on Venus reach 870 degrees Fahrenheit (465 degrees Celsius), more than hot enough to melt lead. Probes that scientists have landed there have survived only a few hours before being destroyed.

Venus has a hellish atmosphere as well, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide with clouds of sulfuric acid, and scientists have only detected trace amounts of water in the atmosphere. The atmosphere is heavier than that of any other planet, leading to a surface pressure 90 times that of Earth."

By the way, the days on Venus last 117 earth days.

>> No.498936

Not a bad idea. I'd be willing to throw in a couple models just to see it get made.

>> No.498938

We've done that. We need the rest of the assets like the interiors, more mars posts and landscape assets.

>> No.499311
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x900, screenshot3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys
It's been a while, but I have a new build for you:


I don't even remember everything I added or changed this time, but the most important things are obvious.
I textured the car and fixed most of the problems related to it.
I also added a slightly futuristic fire extinguisher. E picks it up, Q drops it and left mouse fires it.

>>498936 (this goes for everyone too)
What do you like to do? We're in need of a headless space suit to be the main character, more monsters, props to fill the base, more bases, maybe more vehicles or an automated rover that just rolls around minding it's own business, rocks, mountains, etc.
Or if you don't want to model you can texture, rig or animate something someone else eventually makes or make/find sound effects. Even dumping concepts helps (not only creatures, but also spacesuits, props, futuristic space gadgets or whatever).

>> No.499321

Elite Dangerous soon

>> No.499346


>> No.499348

thanks for the viruses dickhead

>> No.499624

really viral files?
was going to make something for the game, but this thing is really sad if people can't trust each other.

>> No.499625

He's just shitposting, don't even reply.

>> No.499833

Survival ^^

>> No.500002

You can

>> No.500043

Update with screenshots/video?

>> No.500099

How are you supposed to live on Mars if it has no oxygen?

>> No.500134

how can mars reel if space isn't ( a gauss)

>> No.500320

could you fix the input lag

>> No.500332

I didn't make the controller script, but I could try.
Also, I put this thing on hold a while back because people didn't seem very interested and weren't making any assets.

>> No.500776
File: 216 KB, 1600x1024, mothership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done this when I was starting with blender. It's pretty good I guess. As the name file shows it's supposed to be huge like a mothership. Do you guys think this can make it?

>> No.500778
File: 1.73 MB, 360x200, 1444412559755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> It's pretty good I guess

>> No.500786

not good? implying i'm blenderfag?

>> No.500803

it looks like you made it the first day you learned what a computer was

>> No.500815

Why not make them hunt in packs. Have them be a little smaller and instead of their function to kill you they slow you down so the much larger predators can catch up and finish you off. Then you can either waste ammunition on them or try to sneak past them by using rocks that you find to change their target. So at least you don't have to expend all of your ammo on the few who do catch up to you and latch onto your body. They just look like blood suckers to me. Like those shitheads that mooch off of sharks.

>> No.500834

ok then guess it's shit at all, just forget it

>> No.501319

Then again, why would we really need a mothership? Can't this be present? Does it really have to be like the other 5,000 space future games?

If anything, we should design a type of orbit pod, also I could probably work on cinema-graphics.

>> No.502794


>> No.502808

I like this project

what can I model for you bro?

>> No.502813

Don't know man, couldn't actually understand your questions, thought someone would say something to improve the model and I would be posting the results, but i've already thought too that this thread would die, so I've just forgot it and don't know how to help.

>> No.502816

Read the thread, for example: >>499311

>> No.502844

It's safe to say this project is over. Thread is dead. Nothing really left to model. Now we just need I publish this game to steam or whatever.