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/3/ - 3DCG

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475277 No.475277 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw when you have a good day and everything works out exactly like you want inside your 3D programs

ITT: 3DCG related good feels

>> No.475283
File: 2.99 MB, 628x402, nightcrawlel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You sculpt something in zbrush for hours without bothering with saving the file.
> Doesn't crash when you export it.
Thank you based god

>> No.475284

>Last autosave by ZBrush is from just before it crashed

>> No.475391

>> You sculpt something in zbrush for hours without bothering with saving the file.

Fucking artists

You randomly stab the keyboard when naming a file, don't you

>> No.475410

not at all. its more like dickgirl_v16_edit5_final2_new_fixed_v7

>> No.475435

> sculpted character head morph, looks believable and distinctive without resembling any particular celebrity or being terrifyingly uncanny

Gonna texture that shit
gonna texture it good

>> No.475436

it's shit

>> No.475450

Got to keep it organized somehow

>> No.475494


>using viewport 2.0 in Maya for the entire day and not having it crash the program.

Not even sex feels that good.

>> No.475495

I haven't had vp 2.0 crash Maya since 2014, all the kinks were worked out ages ago.

>> No.475534

Maybe >>475494 uses an ATI card, which are horrible for 3D work and tend to lead to crashes lmao.

>> No.475561

>which are horrible for 3D work and tend to lead to crashes lmao
4chan is an 18+ board

>> No.476269

"it does what it's supposed to do"

>> No.476363

>the shape is scaled perfectly and has the right orientation

>> No.476406

>tfw you teach yourself well enough to do 3d that you get a job designing augmented reality games for the next gen console launch of a project that doesn't have a number *cough* 5 *cough* in it's name.

>tfw you're doing this in blender by yourself and all the unity/udk made games take teams of 30 or more and look like shit compared to the superior power of the blender game engine

>> No.476422

This is pure fantasy

>> No.476462

>blender game engine
>"better" than unity or UE

shit bait and I actually like blender.

>> No.476473

Beveling the edges on a complex objects and all your corners are clean on the first try.

>> No.476501

is that *cough* Scottish company *cough* really that notorious for that sort of thing

>> No.476504

>when you set up mirror and array modifiers and realize you only have to model 1/32 of the final object, and you get to keep your modifiers on for later convenience.

>> No.476527
File: 3.02 MB, 2222x1088, ponyriderwiphair2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You fight against the blender hair particle system that goes full retard on you the whole day
>You out of resignation place the multirez modifier at the end of the modifier stack and suddenly picture related.

Finally grasping blender hair (me thinks)

>> No.476530

>inb4 hurr durr blender

But seriously... Is a stubby donkey tail your idea of sexy?

>> No.476535
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>> No.476562
File: 233 KB, 800x1204, e635929c6e498ec25916721a3ed272e6-d37eect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she'd look better with fur than with human skin.
But you have a pretty unique concept for a bunny girl there. Ive never seen anything else like it.

>> No.476589

Oh my god.

And you should be thankful for that.

>> No.476656

well, her ears should be a bit rounder on the tip, true dat

I will add some more fur on certain other places of her body, eventually :^3

>> No.477109

nightmare fuel right there