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457031 No.457031 [Reply] [Original]


Blender's most anticipated development projects of 2015

We're improving, slowly but steadily.

>> No.457032
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Not really. That massive C codebase just keeps growin', and y'all still havent even made a dynamesh solution. Its like I read that list, and it says other people's things like OpenSubdiv. Yet, thats not even original work so its not development.

And ptex? Its been out for 5 years. In fact its included in the freaking opensubdiv examples if you include it in your compiled project. Very little original work by blender here.

And hdr viewport? Wow, everyone and there dog does this now. You can even get an open source free license hdr viewport in opengl and directx by nvidia themselves on their github, complete with binary examples on all platforms.

>> No.457033

You're saying we're not moving forward fast enough?

>> No.457035

There's no point to whats going on here if no original work is actually being made. Making a dynamesh solution would be an example of something "original" in the sense that it doesnt have a freaking github page that you can refer to and just plop in.

All I see here is other people's tired work being put in, and the codebase just growing and growing. But the real things like dynamesh or zremesher, dang. Since they dont have a github they must be 2difficult / might as well steal some pixar

>> No.457037

I never said it was original

You're saying there's only a point in implementing something if they've written it from the ground up? That's ridiculous and a bit egotistical, they're doing a service to the 3D modelling community even if in a trivial way.

>> No.457038

no thats not what im saying. Im saying theres absolutely no point in what they're doing now, which is shamelessly pilfering the pixar github repos. Its shame-ful that they dont ever try to do something thats not from someone else's repo or tutorial, such as a dynamesh or zremesh

>> No.457039

It's only shameful if they take undeserved credit for it

The entire idea of open-source software is that people can work together as a hivemind, it'd be shameful if they DIDN'T implement software provided by other parties because it's almost as if they're saying "We have too much of an ego to not go out of our way to pretend like we're responsible for everything associated with this software"

Maybe what you're saying is flying over my head

>> No.457041

no, its shameful now, and its been shameful. The only people who think it isn't are noobs to the scene.

Please dont define what the entire idea of something is for any other person thanks. A "hivemind" definetely isnt the point. The only point of the GPL is freedom for the user to do what they want according to the license

>> No.457043

>no, its shameful now, and its been shameful. The only people who think it isn't are noobs to the scene
That's not an argument, you didn't back that up with any objective logic. Explain why it's shameful.

>Please dont define what the entire idea of something is for any other person thanks
I'm disagreeing with you, I'm not telling you that you don't deserve to have an opinion on the grounds that I disagree with it.

>The only point of the GPL is freedom for the user to do what they want according to the license
Untrue. There's open-source software programmed by companies and open-source software programmed by the community.

>> No.457044

you're a noob to the scene, obviously. This goes over your head. Carry on like the noob you are.

>> No.457045
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That's a both a superficial and a circular argument.

Confirmed for moron with critical thinking capabilities.

>> No.457046
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>> No.457051

>There's no point in implementing something in software if someone else already did it
This is one of the most retarded things I've ever read on /3/

>> No.457055 [DELETED] 

so because pixar invented opensubdiv and ptex invented ptex, any software that uses these things is somehow bad an unoriginal?

>> No.457056

so because pixar invented opensubdiv and disney invented ptex, any software that uses these things is somehow bad an unoriginal?

>> No.457057

just no.

>> No.457058

if all those programs do is loot other peoples git repos and dont make anything of their own for decades on end, then yes. yes, absolutely.

this is pathetic behavior and somehow its actually been rewarded by the fanbois itt

>> No.457082

You're so fucking stupid it hurts to read.

>> No.457084

that sure convince me

>> No.457089

It's a little thing called standards. Open Subdiv, Ptex, Alembic, Ogawa, ect ect are all standards established by the leaders of the industry.

By not incorporating them, you're just dooming Blender to continue to be babby's first 3d package while the studios continue to use Autode$k.

>> No.457096

Isn't Autodesk doing it too? pilfering like there's no tomorrow?

Blender does a lot of things others don't, but even if all it did was copying everyone's work i still wouldn't mind, it meant i could everything others do for free, i can only applaud disney and other companies for opening their work so others like blender can make use of it and even improve it

>> No.457100

No, they actually create and set standards like FBX and new developments like BiFrost

>> No.457119


BiFrost is only Autodesk's because they bought out the company......

>> No.457124

That's how you do things in the business world

>> No.457158
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>All this proprietary shit
>Still trying to salvage that trainweck of a Game Engine
>Implying even if you got that piece of shit to work anybody would even bother touching thanks the shitty licensing restrictions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
>Content with the shitty sculpting tools taken from ZBrush 2
>Content with the fact you can't even use images without multiple layers
>Not putting in the advanced animation IK system that was a fan favorite

This is really disappointing for someone who uses Blender on a regular basis.

>> No.457161

>this poster
/3/ in a nutshell.

>> No.457168

right on brotha

>> No.457171
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It's time you drop the zero and get with the hero

>> No.457194

As someone else that uses Blender on a regular basis, you are a gigantic faggot.

>Boohoo OpenSubDiv and Ptex and Alembic
Are you fuckers seriously complaining about IMPROVEMENTS to Blender that bring it up to speed with fucking industry standards?

They aren't trying to salvage the Game Engine, they are repurposing elements of it into an ICE-like scripting system for animation.

They aren't "content with the shitty sculpting tools taken from ZBrush 2", there just aren't any major sculpting projects going on. You want better tools? Open your fucking wallet.

I don't even know what you are talking about with the layers thing, can't comment on that.

BepuIk isn't done, as far as I can tell, and even if it was they don't just fucking plop every bit of code into Blender. It needs a maintainer before it can be approved.

I agree with your last point though. Nah, not really though. That's kinda retarded at this point.

>> No.457195

>still not abandoning cycles

Spoken like someone who has no idea what Cycles is and assumes it's bad because it's easy to use. Cycles is far better than the default renderer.

>> No.457199

Blender: The GIMP of the 3D world.

>still complete shit UI

>> No.457201

Yeah, no.

Gimp is a piece of shit and there are better free and open source alternatives. Blender is fine and there aren't any good free and open source alternatives.

>Still complaining about the UI instead of git gud or stfu or at least just use another program and stfu

>> No.457211

The relation between speed and visual clarity in Cycles is crap. It's hard to do any animation video rendering in manageable time.

>> No.457213

>are better free and open source alternatives
Actually there are no currently. Krita SHOULD BE the alternative in the future if the team gets more focused on features outside of painting or bitmap editting. For example text editor is very barebones, even Gimp has it better though the feature there also sucks.

>> No.457241

But why would you use such a simple renderer like Cycles when there are much better renderers out there like Luxrender and Mitsuba?

Hell even fucking Yafaray.

>> No.457949

Having worked a fair with bit with the blender source, I can confirm that it is, in fact, quite horrible. Especially the subdivision code. In particular, the subdivision code has horrendous 3D performance, since it enforces direct mode rendering. You can test it out yourself.
Do a couple of subdivisions until rotating the view becomes sluggish.
Then apply the modifier, and check the box in the preferences to use VBO. Now tit's super fast. Same if you are using multires for sculpting. It's really fast in sculpt mode (that uses VBO) and sluggish in object mode.

>> No.458005

All you had to say was "Blender is still years behind on features, the only new features being added are ones where the source code has already been provided"

>> No.458007

Wow so much angry and hatred in this thread.

If you hate blender so much, don't use it. If you don't use blender, shut the fuck up and leave it be.

For a free product, blender sure can produce some highly professional results.


>> No.458018

>If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all

If we actually did that, nothing would improve; the creators would just maintain the status quo.

>> No.458020


From what I believe, the blender foundation is run by a group of people in their spare time and not paid professionals so things transgress slowly. Anyone is free to contribute to the project.

I wouldn't class cycles as a simple renderer. The main advantage of cycles is the real time rendering and editing of scenes. Luxrender this is not possible so is a pain to edit, render, edit render.

And cycles as of it's unlimited node connection nature means it's up to you and your imaginations/skills to produce great and unique textures/materials.

>> No.458024

>From what I believe, the blender foundation is run by a group of people in their spare time and not paid professionals so things transgress slowly. Anyone is free to contribute to the project.

no, its run by a multi millionare 60 something guy

>I wouldn't class cycles as a simple renderer. The main advantage of cycles is the real time rendering and editing of scenes.

its not noise free so its not real time useful. Its extremely offline.

>> No.458104

>Luxrender this is not possible
Actually it is now with their 2.x API. However it is still a work in progress and it isn't really usable yet. But still my point is that it is there and is being worked on.

>> No.458107

I'm pretty sure everyone knows about this issue. For the time being, you just put a dummy deformation modifier at the bottom of your stack and problem solved. At least, I think this is the same issue.

>> No.458144

All this drama. No screenshots. Step up.

>> No.458146

Screenshots of what?

You can't mean the stuff in the OP, because that's shit you can just Google.

>> No.458793

You're retarded.

People are "angry" because Blender is a shitty piece of software and it's holding the industry back.

And no, you're off-base by saying that "anything you can make with Maya or Max you can make with Blender", in the vast majority of scenarios the polish is just not there.

>> No.458796

>People are "angry" because Blender is a shitty piece of software and it's holding the industry back.

wait wait wait wait wait. How is it shitty?

>> No.458799

Now, does anyone know a good alternative to Cycles with GPU support?

>> No.458800


>> No.458804


>Outdated or plain inaccurate documentation
>Rarely works as advertised if you do anything more complex than mesh editing, requiring community workarounds
>Special snowflake interface
>Game engine because reasons

>> No.458805

Everything you can do in other DCC's you can do in blender as well, in the same time. Just learn the program and dont be a noob. Mind if you link me to some of your finished work?

>> No.458806
File: 52 KB, 500x380, 1364920273668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it's not new, it's not worth implementing!
Check it out, the master trell calling everyone "kid" is at it again!

>> No.458808

>its not noise free so its not real time useful

"What is lighting/shading/postprocessing prototyping?"

>> No.458809

if you want to do that, do it in unreal engine 4.6.1


>> No.458812

So to be clear, I prototype all that stuff in a renderer that doesn't use the same shading tech etc, just to re-adjust it after I've rendered my animation, movie, whatever offline using Cycles? Are you retarded?

>> No.458813

this is the quality you get out of the box with no effort in ue4. In realtime. This is 100x better / faster than college project cycles



>> No.458814

Looks excellent for realtime use. Not nearly good enough for movie quality.

>> No.458815

Please dont project your shitty "home movie director" thoughts onto whats good enough for actual movies please.

>> No.458816

>Better do this with software X
>doesn't look the way I'd want it to

>> No.458817

You're raging in all caps over your home movie director opinion. The special fx in those videos could very easily be on the scyfi channel as a movie, or on network tv as part of a series. You're just butthurt and jelly over your school project tier cycles.

>> No.458849


>People are "angry" because Blender is a shitty piece of software and it's holding the industry back.

Blender isn't holding the industry back as it's a standalone free software for enthusiasts to use.

Professionals whose companies have money to spend use commercial software like 3ds, maya, etc. So what blender is or does has no bearing on this.

>And no, you're off-base by saying that "anything you can make with Maya or Max you can make with Blender", in the vast majority of scenarios the polish is just not there.

I never said anything about this. I said blender can make some professional results, not that it can make anything the others can make. Learn to read idiot.

>> No.458852
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>holding the industry back.

>> No.458876

As long as every UE4 game ever has that stupid fucking motion blur it will never look realistic.

>> No.458879
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Nobody was complaining about adding Open Subdiv and Ptex , are you autistic? Are you just trying to create conflict for the sake of trolling? Blender doesn't support images with layers, and it destroys layer information on targa image files. They should really focus on fixing the basics of Blender and its codebase before continuing with Cycles (which is admittedly a waste of time) because every release is just making Blender slower and slower and Cycles rendering times just keep going up. At least introduce the ability to disable components of the Blender system like if you're the kind of user that's never going to use things like sculpting or cycles just disable those components.

>> No.458895
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I love how you guys laugh about blender getting bloated while the WHOLE THING is a 90 MB download, your precious Maya and 3dsMAX needs several DVDs to install and takes 10 times longer to start than blender

>> No.458901

And miraculously they somehow manage to run 10 times faster than something that's only a tenth their size. This only proves how shitty Bender's code base is.

>> No.458929

>dvds to install

le troll masturr

>> No.458943

>Blender runs slow
I don't even know what you're benchmarking here other than your ass

>> No.458947

The fact that a reasonably capable 3D modelling program exists period is a feat that deserves credit, but compared to proprietary software like Maya it's awful and horribly incompetent.

The interface was designed by a 2 year old, it lacks seriously critical features like a "snap-to" function, all of the physics simulations are horrible and barely work, the default renderer is dogshit (thank god for Cycles), the list goes on to a point where I can't put it into a concise bullet point.

>> No.458948

Blender is holding the industry back because of the staggering amount of people that want to learn 3D, learn Blender, make terrible work, realize it's terrible, and then switch to Maya and drag their ankles through the mud unlearning everything.

>> No.458953

people want free license, open source. They even want open source hardware. This proprietary paid for shit holds humanity back imo.

>> No.458997
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>it lacks seriously critical features like a "snap-to" function
When was the last time you used Blender 2002?

>> No.459017
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wow you must really suck at using 3d programs if you didn't know of blender's snapto functions.

Using a grid and with the snap to function I quickly made all the connecting blocks for a game just by using ALT+D and SHIFT+D to either create new copies or mimic copies then using snapto to quickly move them in their correct spots.

>> No.459089

>Nobody was complaining about adding Open Subdiv and Ptex , are you autistic?

People complained right at the fucking start of the thread, you dumb faggot. And the person I quoted included "proprietary shit" on his list of ignorant bitching. Try reading the fucking thread.

>> No.459118

fucking /3/
blender doesn't compete with proprietary, but that doesn't make it shit, it just makes it not as good
and then fanboys acting like its god their and provoking this shit
will it ever stop

>> No.459128


You need to understand some people have spent many thousands of dollars on a single piece of software and these people really hate blender because they feel threatened by fact it's free and is just as good. You know, it really eats at them, hence all the blender bagging comments on here. I just smile knowing i've saved a lot of money because of blender and still can make a good living out of it.