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454409 No.454409 [Reply] [Original]

/3/ i need assistance...

I want to buy a good tablet with decent size under 100$ for mostly zbrush

i was borrowing this 1 from college but i had to return it, it was decent (can't really say good or bad because only tablet i ever used)


now i need to buy my own. this one has a lot of good review and i was thinking about getting this.


any suggestions?

>> No.454411

ive owned heaps of wacoms and i have to say, the intuos feel way better, in the long run its worth the money, the bamboos have this cheap scratchy kinda feeling to them, the intuos you can use all day

>> No.454413

got a link to the one u use, or one that u would recommend?

>> No.454415

I disagree with this, I've been using the same Bamboo for 4 years and it's perfectly fine. In fact, I prefer it over the Intuos surfaces because it has a slightly rough surface that gives you some feedback on your strokes, just like pens and pencils have.

The Pen & Touch series are pretty great, but I'd go for a medium size one if you can, it's really worth it more than any other feature.


or if you don't want refurbished, new is only a little bit more and come sin black too:

>> No.454422


>By intuos this anon means "Intuos Pro" , the bamboo series is now discontinued they're called "Intuos Pen" and "Intuos Pen & Touch" so choose wisely.

I own one just like the one you have in the picture and i have to say the touch features suck ass , however thats an outaded version .. 2 new models were released after the one you have on the picture.

I dont work with zbrush, i dont really know what you can and cannot do with the "brush" itself.

Intuos Pen , is a basic tablet wich probably will be enough for you. Intuos Pen and Touch is a bit more expensive , the touch features is the kind of shit you can do in a trackpad like pinch to zoom etc.

Intuos Pro is way more complex, its bigger and it has more keys for shortcuts its great for digital painters because it can recognise the rotation and tilt of the 'brush' tip

>> No.454423

> Btw Intuos Pen and Intuos Pen & Touch were -40%off at amazon two weeks ago on black friday.. I bought one for my gf

>> No.454427
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Your better off looking at Intuos as they don't grind the pen nibs down like the Bamboo Fun, Although the draw space is smaller when compared to the Bamboo so its really what you want to do with the tablet and how you use it?

>> No.454438

You're given multiple replacement nibs for the fun. And they're super cheap to buy or even 3d print them if you want.

>> No.454440

the fun has turrible pressure sensitivity plus no screen to directly draw on.

OP disregard these retards. get a cintiq.

>> No.454476

Oh jeez. It's Cintiq McNeckbeard again.

>> No.454478

I own the Intuos Small wacom tablet. Most people will tell you to get the Medium size. I got the small because it doesn't take up a lot of room and I don't use a tablet extensively. I use it primarily for fine editing in Photoshop and occasionally sculpting and drawing. The only problem is the hardware is buggy as hell, to the point the device becomes almost unusable. There are a lot of answers online though that help.

>> No.454493
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i was gonna get a tablet too and all these comments confused the hell out of me

>> No.454494

get a cintiq 24" hd and all your problems will be solved. Put it on a swivel mount.

>> No.454498

It's fine for doing some Photoshop editing, but you want a medium size if you're going to be using it frequently for drawing and sculpting. It's easier to move pixel by pixel, you can draw with your arm, like you're supposed to and the surface doesn't wear down as fast because you're use more area than you would on a smaller tablet.

>> No.454501

>cintiq 24" hd
let me just go get that $3000 from under my pillow

>> No.454503

Get a job.

>> No.454504

i have a well paying job and im still not gonna pay 3000$ on a tablet... unliss 3d was my main job

>> No.454505

Lol enjoy your shitty wacom fun then...

>> No.454508

Brah, Wacom Funs have 1024 level pressure sensitivity, that's the same sensitivity Cintiq and Intuous Pros were a few years ago and all the professional artists were doing perfectly fine with those lmao. The human hand cannot achieve anywhere close to 1024 different levels of applied pressure.

>> No.454509


stupid question, but i never used a tablet before, but does pressure sensitivity play a big role in sculpting in zbrush?

>> No.454510

Lol you're actually defending a wacom fun... Go into your local frys or microcenter and try them out the difference is as clear as night and day. lol...

>> No.454511

Yes, without it, it will take you 10x as long to sculpt the same result, as you'll need to constantly adjust brush intensity. And even then, it's going to be pretty hard to achieve the same result with a mouse.

Imagine if you had to use a different pencil each time you wanted to make a lighter or stronger line, that would be hell to shade things and your lines would look bad. But thankfully you don't have to do that, you can press lightly and shade with a pencil, or press hard and get nice strong lines. Same goes for sculpting, makes creating nice forms much easier, faster and organic looking.

>> No.454513

I've used Cintiq's and Intuos products on many occasions, the difference is very little and not worth it these days unless you have money to burn, and even then I prefer a Bamboo/Intuos over a Cintiq, no hand in the way, no screen getting greasy, and no gap between where I think I'me drawing and where I actually am.

>> No.454514

Your delusional. Post folio so i can chuckle...

>> No.454515

Right back at ya, child.

>> No.454516

I asked you, mr. wacom fun lmao...

>> No.454525

You kids always troll around asking people to post their folio just because they are giving advice, but you're also giving advice, so practice what you preach and post your work, or fuck off m8.

>> No.454529

the only thing to make sure of is that it has a pressure sensative nib

tablet size doesnt matter nearly as much as you would think it should, you will get used to whatever youve got

>> No.454533

no, i asked *you*. I'm already pro. Its like you go into an interview, and he asks for your folio. You dont ask for his beforehand, unless you want to look like a complete retard.

>> No.454534

> I'm already pro.
You've not proven that. The person acting like they know more than everyone else, is the person who is most required to show their work.

>> No.454536

You're just making up something you heard. The burden of proof is on you, saying that you can do the same with a wacom fun as with a wacom cintiq 24" hd. Time for your folio in 1...2...

>> No.454537


hmm idk about the size tho, idk if i was borrowing the medium or the small one from school...

i just measured the small one on my table and seems a lil smaller than i remember but i think im gonna get Intuos Pen Small Tablet

>> No.454538

yeah thats all you can afford faggot

>> No.454541
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>> No.454542
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Like a thousand suns a hero smiles
when the gallows noose would end his life

>> No.454543

well i have a cte 440 ,
the active area is about 5 X 4 inches
it served me well for many a year

unless youre splashing out for some fancy shit like a cintiq where theres a monitor in the tablet size means jack shit

>> No.454544

ok wow r00d

>> No.454545

the small ones active area is 6 x 3.7 in

measured it with all the baboos and its a lot bigger

p.s. how long do the tips last? do they wear off quickly or what? (it comes with 3 tips)

>> No.454547

Depends if it's a smooth surface or rough surface version. And also depends on how hard you like to have your pressure settings. If you're a light stroker, then a nib can last you years, but if you're a hard stroker, you'll finish faster, maybe a year of daily use, probably less, per nib.

>> No.454548

i thought my tip was gone once but i took it out and blew the dust from in where the nib goes and thats the closest iv had to an issue with nibs

which is probably lucky since i got it secondhand so without any spares

>> No.454571
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>> No.454572

For everyone who's concerned about tip wear and tablet scratching I have a solution for you. It's dirt cheap, or at least was for me.

My printer crapped out and I was going to throw it out, but I took it apart and kept the glass. I put the glass on top of my little tablet and it works perfectly.

I used to go through a tip every few months and would leave scratches on the surface all the time. It would get to a point where the pen would skip and screw shit up. Ever since I put a piece of glass on the tablet it's been working great and haven't scratched the glass or dulled the tip for almost a year now.

I'll post pictures of my monstrosity if anybody is interested.

>> No.454575

ok, i just placed my order for Wacom Intuos Pen Small Tablet (CTL480)

60$ fair price and people spoke highly of it, lets wait and see

>> No.454577

lol dude you have some rank AMATEURS at your school talking about a $60 piece of hardware or even worse, some noobs at polycount or amazon, struggling to texture a barrell. How much does that actually cost them to make? Like $15 maximum. You're not going to get shit from it.

>> No.454580

its a tablet, i need it just for educational purposes, im not planning to create master pieces on it. i been using a mouse before i borrowed that cheep bamboo tablet from school... im am pretty sure this one will be fine

>> No.454581

that tablet is fine, the 90-100$ version of that is only different with the touch feature, and the eraser, the 170$ version is just bigger

>> No.454582

Don't worry dude, that tablet is enough for starting.
But after a while I think you might want to save up for Intuos5/intuospro medium.

>> No.454652
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Here's my setup since so many people wanted to see it.

Alternatively you can just tape an ipad screen protector to it like I did previously. But it scratches pretty easily also.

>> No.454653

looks fucking disgusting and unworthy. Hell, your disgusting keyboard doesnt even have backlit keys lmfao.

>> No.454658

It does look disgusting, I agree. But I blame the camera. The little white marks on the table are scratches and scuffs from years of being a makeshfit workbench. And the dust on the glass and tablet or there from lack of use. All that added to the fact that I have a light pointer at it makes it look disgusting.

I'm just saying, shit works really good.

>> No.454664

The Wacom Intuos series definitely leaves a lot to be desired, but it's good to start with if you're a beginner. You made a good choice.

>> No.454671
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Are you me?

>> No.454678

You need to clean that keyboard

>> No.454679

Look at all that caked on jizzm, wow

>> No.454728

I'm behind you

>> No.454751

OP here, fuck USPS so much tho. I get free 1 day shipping services from amazon because im a student, which is like a 15$ service. every time amazons mails something with USPS or FedEx it never fucking gets delivered, like never. every time they claim they came but no one was home but no one knocked or ringed the door bell and there isnt even anything on my door that they came that just shows they didn't even bother to try to deliver.

every time i pay for the delivery, than go and pick it up myself .

what if this was something really important for my job, i needed it express and payed the extra money for that 1 day delivery and it didn't show up.

It even fucking says "Guaranteed delivery: Sunday, December 14, 2014 by 8pm"

sorry, im just a little fucking butthurt

>> No.454755

If you're shipping to Canada though, definitely go with USPS when you can; with FedEx, Purolator and all the others, they charge to ridiculous fees for having to deal with customs, a fee you only see once they bring the package to you, so you never know how much it's going to be, whereas USPS doesn't charge you anything. You could end up paying $30 on $20 of items just for dealing with customs, and if you don't pay it, you don't get your items, it's extortion.

>> No.454765

Bamboo owner here.

If you can, get a bigger one for sure.
I've never used any other tablets, but this one still feels small.

Don't get Pen and touch. It's a waste of money. The touch is completely useless and actually gets very annoying if you accidentally turn it on when dragging your wrist across the surface.

>> No.454768

the Intuos is a upgraded version of the bamboo, the Intuos has 2x more pressure sensitivity and a much better pen and is actually a lot bigger than bamboo (the small version

>> No.454769

the bamboo fun has just as many levels of sensitivity as the intuous dude

>> No.454771

Nobody can tell the difference between 1024 and 2048 sensitivity levels bra, you drawing program only has 255 sensitivity levels, it's just Wacom finding a way to make you shell out more money for features that do nothing for you.

>> No.454773

>you drawing program only has 255 sensitivity levels


>> No.454780

>it's just Wacom finding a way to make you shell out more money

Intuos is upgraded version of bamboo and costs less than bomboo. i don't see your logic

>> No.454781

nope it goes bamboo << intuous <<< cintiq

>> No.454784

Intuos pen is 58$ idk how much more cheaper you want to get, thats a fair price

>> No.454785
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While you save up for an Inutos pro medium or whatever, get a Huion tablet that you can use as a backup/travel tablet in the future. I have the W58 and for its price it is pretty incredible

>> No.454791

An sRGB image (99.9999999% of the images you see on the internet) only has 255 possible brightness/intensity values on each color channel, of which the human eye can barely distinguish between. So your extra sensitivity levels on the Intuos isn't going to help make your art any better. 1024 is waaay more than enough already and is what the Intuos line used to be at 6 or so years ago.

>> No.454798

Is there something special about the glass inside a printer that allows it to work with the tablet?
Admittedly I don't really know how the tablet sensor or whatever works precisely, I assumed it was literally physical pressure, how does the piece of glass not interfere with that?

And do you think a piece of plexi-glass would work just as well?

>> No.454818

It's not physical pressure, entirely. That's why you can hover a half inch above your wacom tablet and still have your cursor move on screen. The pens have a magnetic copper coil inside, and your tablet is a giant magnetic resonance sensor, so it can tell where your pen is above the tablet, based on the magnetic strength and resonance.

When you press down on the pen, you alter the resonance of the coil inside, which your table then detects and can tell how much pressure you're applying.

It's pretty neat technology.

>> No.454831

I'm pretty sure texture painting programs like Mari can paint in 32 bit color space where those extra sensitivity levels would be helpful.

>> No.454839

You can't see the difference nor can your monitor display it. The point of working in 16 bit or even 32 bit (overkill), is so that you don't get color banding after doing lots of painting and manipulation. Photos hop can do 16 and 3d bit as well. The extra sensitivity levels will do nothing for you.

>> No.454841

lol thats not how it works

>> No.454905

Yes, it is. Your input is compressed down to a 0-255 range when you're drawing in default 8-bit per channel mode, as the canvas isn't displaying anymore intensity values than that, nor is your monitor capable of it, few people own 10-bit monitors.

>> No.454906

you not only dont understand input, but you dont understand how a hdr pipeline works

>> No.454911

I specifically said 8-bit per channel, so if anyone doesn't understand, it's you. I never stated 16-bit and 32-bit formats can't hold for information per channel, they do, and linear workflow is the way to go for 3D. But if you're fucking DRAWING, the extra sensitivity levels aren't going to do shit fucking all for you in 16 or 32bit mode. The only thing those modes will help with for drawing is to prevent color banding due to rounding inaccuracy.

>> No.454914
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>being this retarded

>> No.454917
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>can't give a counter-argument
>resorts to slander

>> No.454921

So you can't refute what he said then? So paying for additional sensitivity beyond 255 isn't currently worth it due to the present image standards?

>in after n-n-no why shuld i have 2 xplain yself!!!
Well, besides winning the argument, you'd be improving the sum total knowledge of /3/ and actually giving back instead of taking.

>> No.454931
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